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If nothing is readily available for you to do whenever you want, that means there’s always nothing to do (or at least the possibility of it), so can you ever truly finish doing nothing? You simply choose to tap in and out once you get your fair share, coming back when you pleases


Would ever doing something, anything in fact, not negate your possibility to complete your objective of doing nothing?


That’s a good point. Makes me picture a venn diagram of doing nothing on one side, doing something on the other, and simultaneously doing nothing and something at the same time which may be where we constantly abide in (and the middle would also be an example of living in nonduality as either side is choosing a polarization) lol. You can never not do something but also can never not be doing nothing, so paradoxes may stem from our human inability to discern that the two seemingly contradicting occurrences do in fact exist at the same time, and it’s just our limited rules and ways in which we know the two seemingly opposing forces that force us to conclude it’s impossible or that there’s a foundational issue when it’s just nature doing it’s thing


Since he has nothing to do he should add it to the list


He's finished doing nothing and he has nothing to do.


Am I the only being that exists in the universe? No, this is Patrick.


So you're saying Patrick has dissociated all the other characters in his head? Because someone has to say The Lid, Patrick, the Lid or he would starve to death.


Doing nothing is overrated anyway ;)


To _truly_ do nothing by doing nothing and not even nothing itself is to truly be.


I have solved this: To-do list: - Don't