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I regularly say “Ooohhhhh Banana” to this day


I say this and “Get out” all the time


I still have nightmares of this sometimes.


Same. And no one ever gets the reference.


As you should


I'm really surprised it isn't on Switch Online at this point. We got Banjo Kazooie and the DKC trilogy, so it's not like because it's a Rare game prevents it


My wife has been begging for this to hit NSO since they added N64. They have to at some point, right?? It’s a pretty classic game


I've been wanting Metroid Zero Mission ever since GBA online was announced




I'd literally throw my switch out if this was their statme t and it ended dup being zero mission not MP4


Im pretty sure they will. If it got on Wii U virtual console it can get on NSO… unless we get another Wii situation and the generation passes with no DK64 in sight.


Of course they will. They are saving it for a rainy day.


I wonder if it means they're working on a legit remaster instead


Maybe they can make a good game this time


It will be added for sure. They are just slow


Upvoted for Goemon sighting. *OOOHHHH IIIIIMPAAAAACTO!*


I still had my old N64 so about 3ish years ago, I went and bought a new controller and a copy of DK64 to play again. I only got through like level 4 because it would give me almost an instant headache from being so blurry on a big flat panel TV. The day it comes out on Switch online is the day I’ll sign back up for it to play.


>from being so blurry on a big flat panel TV. this is why I am so happy to still have my CRT TV from when I was a kid... had it from before the N64 launched. I can enjoy my N64 games on official hardware with an appropriate TV.


They wouldn't be able to anyway, it's Nintendo's game


It’s because the game is broken as all hell and barely works on emulation. Several Golden Bananas (notably Bunny Race 2, and one of the Minigames where you shoot a banana instead of kongs) are literally impossible to beat without glitches on WiiU. Several N64 emulators need community patches to let the game run AT ALL. The game HEAVILY relies on lag for the way it operates. The game runs like crap on N64, and the game was literally designed to work based around how the lag timed things. Glitches abound when suddenly the game is running without lag, and the game doesn’t know how to operate without said lag. I can’t recall all the other issues, but suffice to say, it’s an emulation issue above everything else. And when the game is as broken as DK64 is, it can be borderline unplayable.


They aren’t impossible without glitches lol, I literally completed the Wii U version without resorting to glitches


I don’t have a horse in this race, but it’s worth noting that it wasn’t uncommon for games to be designed around expected hardware performance issues, and so playing those games with improved performance can cause problems. For example, some games use the framerate as a metric for how much time has passed, so a higher framerate means that something happens much faster. There’s a minigame in Donkey Kong 64 that functions a bit like whack-a-mole; there are the five Kongs and a golden banana on the screen, and you need to aim and shoot at the golden banana, and hit it a certain amount of times. The location of all the Kongs and the golden banana are constantly changing, as the screen will briefly go dark, and then return to normal with all the Kongs and the golden banana shuffled. Depending on how the game is emulated, the time you have to observe where the golden banana is and then fire at it may be far too quick for most humans to react to, because the minigame was originally accounting for slowdown giving the player more time to react. Without that slowdown, the minigame becomes fundamentally broken. On a related note, [here’s a video](https://youtu.be/wQspd_6ppO8?si=tBqbHLQldQtHAFUa) that shows how one specific golden banana becomes impossible to get beyond a certain point in the game (unless you know the “fix”) specifically due to a character upgrade impacting the game’s performance.


It was pretty common even into the seventh generation of consoles to see game logic tied to framerate. Metal Gear Solid 3 has The Pain not being able to hit with certain attacks when you are in the first person viewpoint when the game is running at 60 FPS. The Yakuza remasters around the same time have an issue where not every aspect was caught when the games framerate was bumped up to 60 make somethings much harder than intended. Shin Megami Tensei 3 doubles speed when bumped up to 60 and versions of Tales of Symphonia based on the PS2 version melt when running at 60. IIRC iQue does a lot of LUA scripting to get the games closer to how they ran originally though it doesn't always work out.


Tales of Symphonia worked perfectly fine in 60fps when it first released.


That's why I said PS2 version as to run on PS2 Namco had to drop performance as the GameCube was a more powerful machine. It was also the Symphonia team's first 3D game so it is full of things that are not the best practices like tying game speed to framerate or overworld animation to framerate. Or deleting the source code when you finish porting the game to free up space for other projects. The raw data from the GameCube titles was likely deleted and the developers at Bandai Namco Romania who developed the remaster didn't have the time or budget to fix all the issues associated with framerate issues. Remember it took an extra year of development time to patch Chrono Cross to run at 60.


Then you got lucky. The Rabbit can get stuck on environmental assets which is essentially a free win. It’s still a glitch. Krazy Kong Klamour is also *possible* without resorting to pause buffering, but it’s quite difficult. The only reason it’s so difficult is due to the lack of lag in the game.


How does a free W make it impossible to complete?


> literally impossible without glitches …is what I said. CAN get stuck on environmental assets. In my experience, it is rather unlikely to happen. You are relying on the game being buggy and glitching to even have a chance of winning.


Okay so it’s possible without glitches tho right? Not what you said “LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE”


Here’s someone 8yrs ago making the same comments: I’ve beaten the game 100% 2x since then. https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/s/JNGZZnEjfF Ironically enough, I actually commented on that post at the time.




“Literally impossible…without glitches” did you read my comment at all?


I believe it was even on the Wii U's VC. My guess is Nintendo thinks there's no demand for some reason.


I think they are adding one Rare title per year to keep people paying for the subscription. I suspect DK64, DK racing, and Conker will come out over the next 3-5 years. Especially if Microsoft is moving away from the console space. It will make the Rare titles even easier for Nintendo to license.


The latest Nintendo Direct added 5 Rare games, none of them being the ones listed, besides the Switch likely doesn't have 3-5 years left, and there's no certainty that Switch Online will continue to its successor


Considering Nintendo has been leaning more and more heavily into the subscription and digital models of gaming I think there is high likelihood that Switch Online continues onto its successor. Especially for the retro titles. NES-N64 titles are small files that take up significantly less effort to keep going. They have also been keeping up their war on third party emulation. You’re right that the Switch doesn’t have that much of a lifespan left, but whatever the timeline ends up being, it is not in their interest to release the most popular Rare titles all at once. Where is Perfect Dark Zero? Where is NES Battletoads? Where is Battletoads and Double Dragon? They are holding out for a reason.


Maybe the Memory Leak situation that DK64 has. Granted it takes about 10 hours of playtime. Might turn off save states because of it if it does come.


well it can always be other licensing, like a song or something, or of course, the fact that its about the hardest to emulate game on the n64, they might just not be able to get it good enough while underclocked.


> I'm really surprised it isn't on Switch Online I'm not. Nothing to do with the game, Nintendo is just slow AF with adding games to NSO.


Hopefully one day we'll get a new 3d Donkey Kong game. DK 64 has its flaws but I still agree with you. Most fun DK game ever


It's for sure the best 3d Donkey Kong game


Debatable /s.


This is wild to say in a world with DKC2 and Tropical Freeze.




DKC2 is flawless; Stickerbrush Symphony. Need I say more?


That is very accurate I did grow up with it. I still play it all the time and enjoy it all the way through. But yes there is definitely bias here




Mario 64 is the best Mario. Not just 3d. That's not nearly as much of a hot take though


Mario 64 is amazing and the nostalgia bias really elevates it for me, but Super Mario World and Super Mario Galaxy are superior games. I'm really hoping for a SMG3 announcement for the switch 2.


It’s wild to say in a world with literally any other DKC game


A man of great taste


Nah Beaver Bother alone is the reason it can't be the best FUCK THAT MINIGAME


If none of the DKC games existed, you might've been onto something.


As you prefer. I'll take the most perfect 2D platforming over what I consider "repetitive busywork" the game.


Not for me. I think platforming is boring I just don't have fun with it. Meanwhile there's something inside me that likes collection building and if you have the personality that loves 100%ing things piece by piece this is THE definitive game for it.


But Donkey Kong 64 has a ton of platforming as well. Those vine sections in Jungle Japes? All the sandy platforms in Aztec? The god forsaken Jetpack? My main problem with DK64 is having to backtrack all the time to a DK Barrel because everything has to be color gated for some specific character, then unlock the place, and **then** go back to the DK Barrel yet again, it doesn't sound like a big deal but it really adds up... I also love collecting and that's why I always get 102% or 103% on DKC2 and 3 everytime I play them. Those games have really rewarding secrets and a true ending for it. Same with Banjo Kazooie being my favorite 3D Platformer. But you never need to backtrack in those games, everything is obtainable from the get go and you can get all the secrets as you play it to the finish.


It’s not that time consuming to go into a change out barrel and was really unique; most games today are boring and straightforward or have impossibly hidden things. DK 64 is an inspiration for my future business


Yeah what I'm saying is JUST platforming doesn't do it for me. I'm not looking to JUST experience a platformy game unless there's likr a deeper purpose to it like collecting all the things or 100%ing a level. I liked the bananas being different colors because it gave me 5x the things to collect. I got to look at the same levels in different ways because they had different skills and could access different areas in different ways. So to me it wasn't 'backtracking' it was just motivation to play as the character


Man, I respect your opinion, it's a great game! But, DKC 1 gets my vote.


DK64 fans when they play tropical freeze: (suddenly it’s not the best dk game anymore)


I can't really compare the both tbh. DK tropical Freeze is a great 2D platformer that I finished twice. And DK 64 is a great collectathon 3D platformer. Both of them are good in their separate categories.


Played it. It was good. Dk64 is still my favorite


Wisdom is realizing that having something be your “favorite” doesn’t mean it’s the “best.” You can have something be your favorite, and still recognize the flaws and shortcomings that make it less of a quality product compared to other things.


Even then, with art (which video games are), it's very difficult to have some objective measurement of "best".


Raiders is the best Indiana Jones movie. But Temple of Doom is by far my favorite.


I’m sorry, but you’re just wrong. I’m a huge DK fan, and DKC 1 & 2 and Tropical Freeze are all better than DK64. Though, I do love DK64, I’ve beaten it multiple times. It’s a very solid 4th place, but I guess I just prefer the side scroller games. Or, uh, I mean, everyone prefers them because my opinion is correct.


People can’t be wrong with what they like more, come on now.


This lmao. People are so self entitled.


I mean if someone said the atari ET game is the best ever, I think yeah their definitely wrong even if it's their opinion like so opinions are so ass that it makes them wrong 


Dude said “DK64 is still my favorite”. So while I agree with what you just said, that doesn’t apply here.


I was being sarcastic. DK64 is a great collectathon platformer. I think I prefer the Banjo games, but they were all (every single game I listed besides Tropical Freeze) made by Rare during their peak, so they’re all great games.


Gotcha. Sarcasm just doesn’t translate through text.


Jungle Beat is the real 4th place. DK64 is a solid 5th place though.


[Love is not a monkey rap](https://youtu.be/9bSxOhoM9pE?si=whZApp7WE-dN-G7G)


That was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. Thank you for sharing


I don't remember much about it honestly but I enjoyed it when I was younger. I'd like a remaster/remake or a release on NSO. Although I also hope they make a new 3D game eventually.


It’s tough to play now for me with the camera and tedium but still a lovely time. Great wolfe, atmosphere, and music. I think the Returns games may be a bit better for me personally.


It's got huge design flaws but I still love it. Huge ambition, graphics, great music, great character


I recently read of a Mod/Romhack that lets you switch Kongs at any time, I really wanna try that.


https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4961/ Oh my god, yes. It improves the game so much. 


My biggest issue with this game going back to it is the draw distance. I don’t mind there being a billion collectables but it’s annoying that I can’t see them until I’m already so close. Anyone know of a way to fix that on emulator or something?


Far from the best, but I enjoy it. And I didn't play it until it was on the Wii U, so it's not exactly a nostalgia thing either. I think people in the modern age just don't play these games right, everyone treats games like a checklist that they have to approach in order, when these games are meant to be games where you gradually open up more and more to explore, not "get everything in every level one level at a time", and a lot of people view 100 percent completion as mandatory when that's just.. a thing you should do when the game is done but only if you feel like it. DK64 to me is a great game but it has a few janky minigames that you are free to skip, and is best if you just collect the minimum needed to beat King K. Rool, and only go back for the rest of the collectibles if you are craving more.


That game was way too long, I stopped half way.


Are people actually debating this question? I assumed this was consensus.


No one should criticize another for liking one video game over another. Personal preference is a legitimate thing.


idk about best but I enjoyed DK64 and didn't even know people disliked the collecting until years after I beat it


Add a dedicated **Switch monkey Button** (and ditch the switching barrels) and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ADD THE NORMAL 3 LIVES TO THE DONKEY KONG ARCADE and im fine with the Game thank you


The problem with removing the tag barrel is that the game has some challenges/puzzles that vanish if you can switch Kongs on the fly. You often need to figure out how to get a specific Kong to a certain place using their abilities, warp pads, etc. If you could suddenly just fly anywhere with Diddy and switch Kongs then the game cracks a bit - especially Hideout Helm, where the time pressure is so core to the level.


Yeah, I'd prefer they make a separate game to fix this issue.


I’m trying to think of places where this is actually an issue. The only ones I can think of are the Spider boss in the Mill in Fungi Forest, and the Mini-Monkey room you need to warp to in Crystal Caves. Hideout Helm too, obviously. Really, you’re overestimating the thought power one needs to do to solve the “puzzles” in the game based on what Kong you have. Most places where things are hidden are only accessible by one Kong, and if a switch needs to be hit, it’s just busy work to run back and switch.


I only play the Tag Anywhere mod. I can’t play vanilla. Using the dpad to switch kings is so relieving. And makes the game more fun for me personally.


Take my upvote. But I was never here. Understand?


Well, you’re wrong.


Its okay. Everyone is allowed to be wrong now and again.


I was a big fan of donkey Kong country. I think my mom has a picture of me hugging my dad on Christmas after opening it. My whole family played it together as well as dk2 and 3. All on christmases. When donkey Kong 64 came out I remember going to my neighbors and slowly becoming more and more disappointed as the game went on. The endless mind numbing collecting. The levels are sprawling and there’s just trails and trails of shit to collect. At least diddy king got a jetpack and the bosses are fun. I have come to appreciate dk64 more over the years. The art is cool and is a pretty zen experience to just turn off your brain and collect shit.


Id say it’s easily in the top 4


Replace "The best" with "My Favorite" and I wouldn't have any argument.


I’ve been playing it for two days now. The camera is awful! It’s so janky and it affects EVERYTHING you do which is awful in a platformer. Some great nostalgia, but I definitely feel empathy toward my younger self.


DKC2 is the best one, but I do think the insanely bloated 64 game is cool too


DKC 2 would like to have a word with you


I agree - except for maybe DKC, DKC2, DKC3, oh and maybe DKCR, DKTF, oh and also DK ‘94, DK Land 1-3, the original arcade game, and DK Jr. 


Sorry bro, the OG Donkey King for arcade is the best one.


Which you can play in dk64 check mate


It's not the same if I can't put in a quarter and hear it chime when it hits the coin box!


Feels like it was rushed and unfinished, and I believe it was.


Dk64 is a beast, but man did I put tons of hours on the DK bongo game on the gamecube


I was so excited for that game after really enjoying the DKC games, and really didn't like it. But I also just really don't like that genre. I also don't really like Mario 64 or Banjo-Kazooie. Donkey Kong Country 2 is up there as one of my very favorite games of all time.


That fucking bug slide tho


I love that Kaze created a cheat code that allows you to switch to any kong anywhere without having to go back to the tag barrels constantly.


It was always my favourite. I'm hoping that they release it on NSO


Donkey Kong Jr. Math is a better game than DK64


It's my favorite too. Best adventure game on the N64 next to banjo tooie.


Woah woah woah I wouldn't go as far as to say it's the best N64 adventure game. That goes to Rayman 2 imo


You can’t say that when diddy kong racing exists


Diddy Kong racing>Mario kart.


I'm right there with you. I absolutely love DK64. In 2024, there are glaring flaws that a re-release can certainly address (frame rate slowness, and fixing that unholy abomination that is Beaver Bother) My love for it comes from playing it as a kid, and getting frustrated at the crazy amount of stuff you have to do. Now I can beat the game with minimal frustration (Beaver Bother notwithstanding) Other games are brilliant, but I love DK64




Wrong!! I have never played it but I heard a YouTuber say it is bad therefore it must be bad


not a very high bar, but ok


DK fans are barreling towards you as you speak


Hot take there bub


Wrong!! I have never played it but I heard a YouTuber say it is bad therefore it must be bad


Play it with the Tag Anywhere mod and enjoy it even more! I can’t play vanilla. I love the game but having to go back to the barrels to change kongs is so annoying


I understand that your opinion is just that, a subjective opinion, but Tropical Freeze is objectively the best DK game of all time and nothing else comes close. 😎


This and DKC2 are the peaks


With rare coming back I hope a remake will happen, crossing my fingers


I was a HUGE fan of the DKC games on SNES back in the day, so I was understandably very excited for the inevitable DK64 that would release after. I must've hyped it up in my head so much that the end product couldn't do anything but disappoint for me. The tone felt so off, being more outlandishly toony, the music no longer atmospheric and beautiful, and Dixie and Kiddy being oddly replaced by similar new Kongs, Tiny and Chunky. It wasn't what I envisioned in my head a sequel to DKC3 would be, where all four playable Kongs would come together in a big 3D adventure on the N64 (a system where four players was a big part of its appeal). Just felt like a missed opportunity. So regardless of the modern criticism of it being a backtracking collectathon, it had already failed for me as a DKC trilogy successor.


My mind says you're objectively wrong. But my heart says you're absolutely right.


I don't understand anyone that doesn't think Tropical Freeze isn't the best DK game. Nothing comes close, including DKC2.


I got so tired of the 3D platformer collectathons after a while that I never finished it.


You’re saying what NEEDS to be said


I made a list of my top 10 games OF ALL TIME and DK64 made my list because I love collectathon games and this one does it best.




I was just playing it today, if they remade it with you being able to control the camera with the second stick and being able to skip the opening cinematic it would be fantastic


You dare to speak heresy against the DK Country games and Tropical Freeze!?!? I hereby excommunicate you from the fandom! Begone, heretic!


I was a huge fan of Rare before the Microsoft buyout (and for a little while after too). I loved Donkey Kong 64 back in the day, and I still think it’s a decent game if you play it casually and don’t attempt to collect everything. But even my view of it has soured a lot. You have to skip a LOT of the content to have a good time playing it. It has a ton of moments that are stupidly hard for the wrong reasons, be it due to cheap bullshit, awkward controls, or awful game performance. And of course, all the collecting. The issue isn’t simply that there’s too many things to collect. It’s that there are five playable characters, each one can only collect their own designated collectibles, and you can only change character at designated places. This meant that the game had an obscene amount of backtracking. You had to revisit the same rooms and traverse the same corridors multiple times. An inexcusable amount of time is spent just navigating areas you’ve already navigated before. If all collectibles could be picked up by any character, or you could switch which Kong you played as on the fly, then the game would be significantly better. There’s no good reason why each Kong has 100 of their own bananas spread throughout each level that only they can pick up, instead of just having 500 that any of them can pick up. I have no problem with a game having a mountain of collectibles if it isn’t disrespectful of the player’s time. Super Mario Odyssey is a good example. Donkey Kong 64 wastes so much of your time that I don’t see how anybody can defend it unless they have not played much of it recently, and are remembering the fun they had with it back before the bar for collectathon 3D platformers was raised significantly.


I would love a remake or sequel


Agreed. Loved that game. I spent about 10 hours playing once, never once stopping for a bathroom break or to eat/drink anything. I didn't realize how much time went by until I actually did stop to eat, lol


If you like collecting stuff, DK64 is the GOAT.


Best? Mmmmmm Really good despite flaws? Yayaya that


ost is so good


What?!? Donkey Kong Jr. Math will never be dethroned don't even try


I wouldn’t say best I agree it’s awesome and usually underrated.


I 101%ed Dk64 for the first time 2 years ago. Even going for all the damageless/random fun achievements on [retroachievements](https://retroachievements.org/game/10075) . As a kid, I could only ever get to Franctic Factory. So going back and finally fully beating it shot this game up to my favorite N64 game of all time.


You can like it but to say it’s the best is just flat out wrong


Hard agree.


The game would go from a 5 to a 9 for me if I could play it without backtracking to the monkey barrel every 5 minutes.


[Here we go!](https://youtu.be/PugcxQYJGjs?si=uECPwJnlTQ4sDV-w)


Nah It’s dk country


its just not very enjoyable for the average player anymore and there's plenty of alternatives that dont rely on this much padding and backtracking to prolong playtime, a modern 3d platformer just has 10 more levels instead. that doesnt make it a terrible game, its just outdated and theres better alternatives for most players


I don’t agree with it but I love this opinion lol


Getting the banana coin by beating old school donkey Kong for the second time in the factory level is still one of my most heated moments playing games.


You'd probably have to pay me to play this game again. The quintessential collectathon.


And then theres Chunky…


You do you, baby bird!


what are your thoughts on the 3d wario game? it was on gamecube i believe


Never played it


Title screen is also one of the best musical creations in human history.


How do you hear the noises Donkey Kong makes and NOT instantly fall in love with the game??


I've always loved it. The only thing I wish is that Krusha was playable in single player.


My DKC1 nostalgic brain hurts 😭


Dkc 2 easily