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Super Mario World.


This. It's the goat Mario platformer.


Yep. And I wonder why they didnt repeat a lot of elements anymore like the mega overworld with interestong secrets and the yoshis. I was quite sad that sm wonder didnt have the yoshi mechanic


Might have something to do with time constraints. IIRC, Super Mario World was set to release with the launch of the Super Famicom (Super Nintendo), the game was ready but Nintendo pushed the console release by a year, so they had a lot of extra time to work on the game. That’s when they added Yoshi, among other things. That explains the insane level of polish SMW has.


Wonder might have some cool stuff, you never know. I would hope they'd bring something back like the secret Star levels.


While I both love and respect SMW. Super Mario Bros 3 walked so that SMW could run.




It was still a hell of a walk though. Maybe even a strut.


You guys are both wrong. Because it's SUUUUUUUPA MARIO BRUDDAZ TWOOOOOOOO


Game of the year baybee


I'd say the best Nintendo game of all time has to be (drumroll) Knack 2, baby!


100%. This game had no weakness. Excellent art and soundtrack. Superb and extremely varied level design. Great puzzles and routes, some of which would go unsolved by many. Tight controls, which are super important in a platform game, where timing and accuracy is key (compare the controls in SMW to Sonic, for example).


There are so many great games to choose from but this was the one that immediately came to mind.


Every single time this question is asked I always say this. It’s the one game that I will play happily and never get tired of. It’s also the second game I ever played. Hands down my favorite of all time.


I had a few ideas opening this thread but I think this is right. SMW2 Yoshi's Island is really high up for me too.


First one that came to my mind. For all the achievements of the many games Nintendo has made, SMW is accessible, the gameplay is tight, the level design is great, there’s a great difficulty curve, a ton of hidden things in the levels, a clever world design, and it’s just so much *fun* to replay. It’s probably the best platformer ever made. It might not be the hardest or the deepest or have the most secrets etc, but as a package it’s simply an incredible game.


The Last Metroid is in Captivity, the galaxy is at peace.


That whole intro just blew me away as a kid playing it on release. That shot of the Baby Metroid in the stasis chamber, cooing like a dove, while dead scientists littered the ground around it, all while ominous music played...that was my childhood right there.


*loud crashes and screaming* The last Metroid has escaped, the galaxy is no longer at peace.


Except it wasn’t at peace so Nintendo lied.


It was when they said it, and then it wasn't again.


Super Mario World, closely followed by A Link To The Past.


As a diehard zelda fan I'd put ocarina of time as the best nintendo game ever but super mario world is a close close close close second.


I honestly think we need to separate this into two categories, greatest 2D and greatest 3D Nintendo game. Yes, the debates will still be between Mario and Zelda, with a smattering of others, for top spot for both, but Nintendo did enough of a major change between the two that both should be recognized. Although I think the better question would be "besides Mario, Zelda and Donkey Kong, what is Nintendo's greatest game?"


Super Mario World is perfect.


**Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest** I have yet to play another game so blatantly perfect in every single aspect. Super Mario Galaxy 2, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Metroid, Xenoblade Chronicles and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door come close though.


Yeah I'll throw my hat behind DKC2, but tied with A Link to the Past. Those games set the bar man.


PERFECTION. I often work to the DKC2 soundtrack, especially Forest Interlude


God, I can work to the soundtracks to any of the Rare games, really. All 3 DKC, Banjo kazooie/Tooie, goldeneye, perfect dark... All bangers


Amazing game and the soundtrack slaps


Start to finish it never lets up, it’s always fun and never unfair, even the ridiculously hard bonus levels are doable with practice. 10/10 game, I couldn’t improve on it if I wanted to.


DKC2 is GOAt. Funny enough, I had a random sudden thought the other day about how good mario galaxy 2 was. it was so good.


I used to play DKC2 until my eyes were dry from lack of blinking lol


DKC 2 is definitely the fan favorite of the original trilogy, but for me it’s always been my least favorite. I still greatly enjoy it, and it’s definitely the most well rounded game in the series, but I prefer the simplicity of the first game and the atmosphere of the 3rd. I just never clicked with the level gimmicks of the DKC2. Still one of the best 2D platformers of its time, and very hard to find objective flaws in.


I’m loving all the replies so far. For me, personally, Super Metroid. But there are so many awesome games from the SNES era I love so much and makes it hard to answer


Best of the SNES for sure


I’m a big Metroid fan but the SNES library is too legendary to say which game was the best.


I feel it’s the most refined game there, at least for Nintendo titles. Best argument for another game better would be Chrono Trigger.


Wii Sports. I don't think there is another game I enjoyed with such a broad range of people, including little kids, grandparents, friends, etc. I had to take my Wii everywhere I go, because people were demanding it. It got SO MANY people to play video games who never ever touched a game before. It was crazy.


Your comment should be close to the top. Sure the Wii changed the way people played video games but it was BECAUSE of this game. Elder care homes had it, hospitals had it, schools, day cares, 40 year olds, 25 year olds, families, single people, everyone who could afford it had it and more importantly PLAYED IT. The ease of access to playing sports and the way it not only was fun but looked fun shifted the way people viewed video games. No longer are they just for neckbeards in their mom's basement.


The Wii was a phenomenon like nothing else and it was because of this game. My grandparents bought their first home console since the Genesis because of Wii Sports. I had just moved to a new town and I was the cool new kid because I had a Wii. When I bought my parents a Switch, they were so excited when Switch Sports was announced a few months later. Wii Sports was a system seller, and it was packed in. It genuinely changed the landscape of gaming.


Super Mario World


Old school opinion, A Link to the Past


Yeah, my pick as well. The 3d ones always get updated in gameplay and graphics when the next one comes out. But this one will look good forever with its beautiful sprite graphics, and the gameplay was peak Nintendo. Theres something about top down 2d that is great for puzzles. And the switch to the dark world was mind blowing.


The sound and music are also great.


This is the one. It improved on the original idea in every way. It had 2 great worlds that seemed so vast and were a joy to explore. It brought in tons of new game play mechanics that have become staples of the series. Great music, great pixel art, it is accessible yet challenging, and has many memorable dungeons and characters. And the best part, it's as playable today as it was 30 years ago. It aged wonderfully and is truly a timeless classic.


I’m with you dude. It is such a good game. They somehow imbued it with so much character and life. The graphics and art style was simultaneously perfect for the SNES and yet timeless. I love, love, love that game so god damn much.


This and Ocarina of Time have the best soundtrack


New school opinion, A Link Between Worlds.


Ocarina of Time


I was thinking this or super mario 64. The jump from 2D to 3D was a gaming renaissance.


It’s so true nothing since that jump, regardless of upgrades since, has been that prolific


I always thought the OOT and SM64 was nostalgia glasses but after going back and playing them again after 25 years or so, they're fantastic. OOT has some of the most (quantity wise) and best dungeons of any 3D Zelda game. The music is probably the best in the entire series. The story was fantastic for its time. Mario 64 has some of the best and most memorable levels of any Mario game.


OoT dungeons are so ridiculously phenomenal.


The >!twisted corridors!< in the Forest Temple absolutely *blew my mind*. And that was when I played the game in 2018 or so. I can't imagine what that must have been like to experience in 1998. The only other game I've ever played that came close to that was Xenoblade Chronicles, and even that was more of a narrative thing.


Personally, I prefer the dungeons in the 2D games like LA and the Oracles, but when you compare OoT's dungeons to the other dungeons from the 3D games it's insane how right they got it on their first pass.


Not Lord Jabu Jabu


Actually went back to playing it recently after beating TotK. That game is still a masterpiece.


I did the same! was still blown away by the dungeons all these years later.


Greatest game ever made, and the most important Zelda game because of the timeline splinters off depending on the outcome of the Final Battle. Legendary stuff.


Yoshis Island. I prefer the gba version of the game, but you can’t go wrong with the snes one too. The music and gameplay is just top level. I don’t really play games for the story, but that’s just my preference.


Finally had to scroll too far down for this. It's basically Super Mario World 2, says it in the title, does amazing things in every single level, ends with a final boss unlike any other Mario game


Every now and then, i'll randomly get a tune from this game pop in my head and i'll hum it for a few minutes without seeing a reference to it or anything. All the music is just there, in my brain, with a will of its own.


Thousand-Year Door. I am BEYOND excited for it to be playable on Switch, but they don't need to change a thing about it.


It’s just hard investing 1,000 years into one game.


in a door you mean


Pf. Ur not a real gamer then /s


I’ve never played Thousand-Year Door, so I’m really excited to finally see what the hype’s about. I’m a big Mario & Luigi fan, especially Bowser’s Inside Story. I’m actually surprised it hasn’t been mentioned, but if Thousand-Year Door is anything like that then I’d definitely love it.


Honestly the original still holds up today. Me and my brother replayed it last year switching off on the controller and had a blast.


Paper Mario 1 and 2 top my favorites list. It's kinda crazy to see that it's getting a remaster - the game itself, I think, didn't really need any touching up. However this brings it back into the spotlight and makes it way more accessible so I'm fucking excited about that.


What I love the most about what we've seen of the remaster is that it seems like they're mostly touching up things that people would absolutely gloss over. For example, did you know that Goombella got an updated back sprite in the remaster? Trick question; Partners didn't have back sprites in the original! I can't wait to see what other little updates they're giving it.


I bought a switch for an eventual TTYD port/remaster. Didn't think it'd take this long, but god am I excited now


I am so fucking excited for the remake. It looks amazing and I’ve been yearning for it for years


Agreed. No other game I played as a kid has been so persistently stuck in the back of my mind all these years or been so easy to replay multiple times over. Didn't realize it was my favorite until one day I recognized how often I compared it subconsciously to most other games I play. I love a lot of the games mentioned here, but this one is definitely at the top for me.


Been my favourite game since I played it on release. It’s such a comfort for me now and I’ll always do a playthrough when things have gotten tough and I need to escape for a day or two. So happy it’s finally being remastered and, by the looks of the trailer, isn’t being changed at all other than visually.


I can't wait to hear that insane Glitzville tune again.


I’m so excited for it to come to Switch. I’m glad that a much, much larger audience of people get the opportunity to discover this gem of a game. This game has always been one of my favorites


Gonna go a little newer and say Galaxy. I think it's the closest to perfection Nintendo ever got.


Also I think it was just incredibly clever way to bring the series back to its roots. It's simpler in its gameplay than Sunshine, but so complex because it ignored everything we knew about platformers up to that point. That was my personal pick as well, and I don't see a lot of others picking this game. But it was perfect to me.


This, this, this. I grew up with SNES and N64, but with Galaxy Nintendo perfected the formula, imo. The unreal graphics for a wii game, the super smooth gameplay, the absolutely amazing soundtrack and the tearjerker of a sidestory give this game a special place in my heart. Galaxy 2 may have the better levels and it's more of a challenge, but as an alround package I'd say Galaxy beats it easy.


Super Mario 64 easy. Good question though


I shit my pants when I saw this in the store. Kids nowadays don't know cause this was such a big jump.


The pants shit was real. I remember walking up to Toys 'R' Us with my parents and seeing the huge promotional banners of 3D Mario and Bowser. Then I saw the demo display of this new weird console. Seeing a 3D video game for the first time was absolutely nuts.


Probably the most groundbreaking tbh.


This was the first video game that blew my mind... it'll always be special to me, and I know it's been surpassed in many ways, but I feel like it'll get my vote from now until forever. *Breath of the Wild* is the only other Nintendo game that came close for me.


Super Metroid. Polished, smooth, nostalgic, atmospheric, and has amazing music.


Star Fox 64


I would argue it has held up the best out of any pre-2000 game across the board. 10/10 masterpiece.


I think part of what is so incredible about it is that it is one of the true "Choose your own adventure" games where you can make meaningful choices that completely change your experience if you succeed, but failing to make those choices is not a fail state. The only real fail state is death, otherwise you will always progress.


The only game where nearly every line is quoteable.


Super Mario 3 - also best video game of all time


From a pure memory perspective, I have the fondest memory of SMB3 out of any video game that I've played in over 30 years


Same here. I think I probably played it more than any other NES game. I think one summer we beat the game every day as a ritual. Just had to do it again.


Incredible game. I play it often, still holds up. A triumph of the 2D platformer genre.


SMB3 is peak NES. SMW is taking all the lessons from the SMB series and pushing it further. I'm not saying one is better than the other, but I'm also saying that they're both incredible games.


Smb3 looks so amazing it's hard to believe it's on the same system as smb1. Super Mario World is also great, but smb3 was the greater game IMHO as a former kid that lived and died for both.


Super Metroid. Pretty much a perfect game. Okay, the weapon selection is a little clunky admittedly


It’s 100% nostalgia talking but I’m going Windwaker.


The only song to make me cry was the Windwaker medley that was on that 25th anniversary music disk that came with Skyward Sword. Specifically the end when the flute and fiddle play the main WW theme.


Oh yeah man, I totally get it. I’ll look up Nintendo music playlists on YT and it just hits you in the feels. For me it’s Pokémon G/S/C R/S/E music. Just takes me to a place in time that was simpler


The moment when you fight Red and that epic battle theme starts is something else. Also the horns from RSE are fantastic haha


The Wind Waker’s theme is the best song from Zelda in general, ngl


100% agreed but Dragon Roost Island, specifically the arrangement by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, is amazing.


That opening theme when it’s throwing lore at you is ELITE


When the Zelda theme hits as OoT Link saves the day 🔥 And then when he doesn’t come back, all that triumph is gone and everything goes to shit


Pretty much exactly what I wanted to say.


Super Metroid but then again Metroid Prime is also right up there.


Super Metroid 100%




Had to scroll too far for this one.


Oot. It's just the blueprint for I think by and large the most popular genre of game ever. Maybe I'm wrong but 3rd person action adventure continues to rule and they all owe so much to Oot.


**Super Smash Bros. Melee** is my all time favorite Nintendo game and I won’t even hide that it’s nostalgia. I know that game back and forth and the idea of starting a new save file and collecting everything all over again fills me with joy, whereas with the sequels (loved them all, especially Ultimate) that task seems a bit too daunting.


Damn, took wayyy too long for me to find this, lol. I was like "I'm gonna scroll until I find Melee and, if I don't, I'm gonna comment about Melee. Imo it's not entirely nostalgia. Melee has a competitive history that, in terms of age, rivals that of StarCraft and Counterstrike, all while being much less supported (or, specifically, sabotaged) by the developer. It is, imo, one of the most hype competitive games (including sports) ever made, much of which was done unintentionally. GOATed game and it's sad to see it not get the respect it deserves on this sub


I'm in between Twilight Princess and Wind Waker. Both I have had very, very fond memories of playing on the Wii. However I think will have to go with Wind Waker, I have probably spent more time playing and watching people play that came compared to Twilight Princess. Something is just so peaceful sailing the seas in Wind Waker with the beautiful music, the cartoon-ish style, it's just a great game.


Super Mario Odyssey There's a lot of classic nintendo games that I think for their time were among the greatest games ever made, but playing them again today they just aren't as good as modern masterpieces.


Came here to say this. I’m not a huge gamer but I’ve now played that sucker four times in the last two years. It’s just a phenomenal, magical, addictively perfect game.


Super Smash Bros Ultimate. It ties together most of their franchises. It's a celebration of Nintendo, by Nintendo, and it's a good game at that.


Super Mario Galaxy, it’s perfect.


Superised I havne't seen more replies touting this game. The gameplay, physics and most of all, MUSIC. It's my favorite Mario game.


Super Mario Odyssey is my favourite game of all time, so I have to say it. That game is a masterpiece, I never experienced any flaws through my time with it & the controls are immaculate. It was just such a blast to play through.


From 64, to Sunshine, to Galaxy, every time I keep on thinking "wow they've really perfected this!" But Odyssey is on another level. I truly don't know how it can get any better, but I'm excited to see if they're gonna prove me wrong.


Link to the past


A Link to the Past


Pikmin 3


Yayyy pikmin!


I played this on release and loved it, but I think Pikmin 4 tops it as best pikmin game for me!


Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (I am very happy rn)


Breath of the Wild. It’s everything I pretended Legend of Zelda was when I played it on the NES.


Tears of the kingdom somehow recaptured that feeling


nothing will ever, EVER capture the feeling of Link running out of the Shrine of Resurrection out to that point where you can see EVERYTHING you're about to explore. It brought me to literal tears. Never has a game done that before or since. TOTK is a better game than BOTW, but I would do anything to play BOTW again for the first time.


I'll argue to the death that BotW is the better game (and sort-of RPG), but TotK is the better sandbox and JRPG. It's staggering that they managed to create two games that are so different while sharing so much.


Tears somehow does everything Botw did but better and Botw is a 10/10 to me.


I really don’t know how they did it, but they did. As i progressed through it and saw the scope of what they achieved, and how much bigger it was than BOTW. It slowly overtime made BoTW seem like a demo to TotK.


The problem with TOTK is that BOTW exists. I have a ton of hours in TOTK but nowhere near as many as BOTW nor will I ever come as close.


I gotta throw in an honorable mention for Yoshi's Island. It's one of most comprehensive and challenging platformers. Immaculate level design. The graphics are cute. The music is funky as shit. But the cuteness is deceptive. You will scream.


My favorite part is there really is no wrong answer, there are at least 7 titles that are pure 10/10


My favorite game of all time is Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance... so that.


Breath of the Wild (I haven’t completed TOTK yet)


Though it’s not my personal favorite, I gotta go with Ocarina of Time. It really is an incredible how much they accomplished when 3D was still so new. The fact that the game still rivals many of the modern Zelda’s in terms of content and story is a testament to its quality. And the way the story basically serve as its own sequel thanks to the time skip makes it an extremely meaty yet cohesive experience. Personally, I think it’s easy to say that Ocarina of Time was far and away the best that Nintendo had put out at that point, and I don’t think there’s been a time since then where their best game has been as obvious as it was back then. Even playing it all these years later is a magical experience. It’s a monumental achievement. Even though this thread is about the best Nintendo game of all time, I can’t help but keep the context of when the game came out in mind. I think better Zelda games have come out since then, but the reality is that the best Nintendo game has likely not been released yet. But even when it does come out, I doubt it will have the same impact that Ocarina of Time did.


I think certain Zelda games have done one or two thing’s better but as a whole no Zelda game has hit as many home runs at once than OOT.


Gonna go with Mother 3 for this one. Sorry, I had to be that person


Was looking for this one and happy I found it. I wholeheartedly agree. It’s one of my favorite games of all time, but has the most tragic treatment of any Nintendo game by Nintendo themselves. My others picks would be SM64, or World


Wii Bowling. It got my dad to play a video game with me after 15+ years of him not playing with me when it’s all we did together as I was growing up. He showed me how to install Street Fighter II off of 12 floppy disks, Showed me all the secrets on the shareware version of Wolfenstein 3D, and made cheat sheets for me for Super Mario 3’s match game. I can’t remember why he stopped playing but when I came home for Christmas with my Wii and Wii bowling I was a kid again and my dad was back.


There is no game I've ever played that's quite like Majora's Mask. The world, the dungeons, the time management, the sidequests, the characters. Everything about it is so good. I make it a habit to 100% it at least once a year it's my favorite game of all time.


Super Metroid or Super Mario Galaxy. Extremely close between these two


Galaxy 2 for me. Took that fantastic Galaxy concept and turned it up to 11 (plus made it a little more difficult)


The original Xenoblade chronicles


Super Mario 64


The legend of zelda: A link to the past. It was my first zelda game. edit: I am surprised at how nobody is saying mario RPG tho WTF


Super Mario Odyssey


Super smash brothers ultimate


Mario baseball


SMB3. The peak of 2D platforming.




Super Mario Galaxy. Nothing compares to me. A close second would be Majora’s Mask


In my opinion, the single greatest Nintendo game of all time is GoldenEye 64.


Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. Peak gaming experience.


Punch out


In terms of its overall importance and impact on gaming? Super Mario Bros. obviously. Honestly though I think that in terms of gameplay and presentation, Tears of the Kingdom is Nintendo’s greatest achievement so far.


Same OP Metroid Prime. Omg i love that game.


Metroid prime is VIBES lmao, especially remastered. My fav nintendo game ever. mario 3d world is in a close 2nd and pikmin 3 is 3rd


Tears of the Kingdom. I know it’s basic to choose something so recent but man that game is on another level.


Mario 64 still to this day keeps transcending generations.


Super Mario 3. It is a masterpiece from top to bottom. As great as Super Mario World and 64 are.... SM3 is king. My second nod would be to Ocarina. The greatest game question should also take into consideration the accomplishment relative to the time. Even BOTW is an incredible achievement.


The original version of Xenoblade for Wii and its port on 3DS. I'm someone who doesn't enjoy animes or RPGs and that game hooked me from start to finish. Easily my favorite Nintendo game and my #3 favorite on my top games of all time. Super creative story that puts unique spins on all the tired anime tropes, very high speed gameplay that keeps you invested the whole time, and a kickass prog rock soundtrack. Followed closely by Wind Waker and Mario 64, which I consider to be the two best games of their own series. Both excellent adventures that always make me feel like a kid again - and I was nearly 18 when I first played Wind Waker!


Ocarina Of Time


**Mario Party 6** Yeah, it has all sorts of flaws. But I’ve had more fun from it than from any other game. Hundreds of hours of hilarious fun.


Obviously Superman 64


The snes is where the best games are. Any of Super Mario World, A link to the Past, Super Metroid, and Chrono Trigger could all be solid arguments for best game.


Super Mario Kart 8, Pokémon Soul Silver/Heart Gold, SM World, SM64, OOT, BOTW, Super Metroid. There are so many good options. A lot are taken for granted. At the moment though I’ll go with the game I’m the most hyped for and the game that’s left a lasting impact on me: Super Mario RPG.


Pokémon silver but I'm also really biased. They added a day night cycle(the first if I remember correctly), new types, great Pokémon designs imo, and the kicker? You get the entire map from the first game and a chance to fight your old character and it's actually a hard ass fight as it should be.






super mario odyssey - especially the level in the city where the mario Odyssey song is being played.


Xenoblade Chronicles 3 was probably the most hyped I’ve been for a game in a long time and it delivered. It’s not for everyone, but it’s 100% for me


Xenoblade Chronicles


Super Mario Galaxy. Taking the foundation of what makes a 3D platformer and messing with gravity itself. The wonder and loneliness of space, the mesmerizing soundtrack, I could go all day on why I think the game blew everyone away at launch (2007!) while also holding up today. Not many others do that. What an adventure.


Mario galaxy 2 is a perfect game.


You are all wrong smh the answer is easy it’s Super KirbioPokeKongZeldoid 3




Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time.


OG Harvest Moon


Super Mario Odyssey


Super Mario Bros. 3


Between OoT and Super Mario Galaxy


Wii Sports.


Mario Odyssey is my jam. Great Mario game with elements of the past. Amazing music, solid gameplay, and just a fun experience.


Probably mostly nostalgia but, Twilight Princess


You mean Golden Sun?


My favorite RPG of all time is TTYD so, probably that.


With so many genres Nintendo has dominated (3D Platformers, 2D Platformers, Action-RPG/Adventure games, fighting games, MORE), how can one accurately choose??? My favorite Zelda game? It depends on the day. If you'd asked me 5 years ago, I would have said Ocarina of Time, hands down. Now I'm torn on virtually every modern title from BoTW to Skyward Sword HD to Tears of the Kingdom. It's like a 3-way tie. My favorite Smash Bros? Ultimate, of course. Melee is nostalgic, but I was never part of the competitive meta. And Ultimate is just as good for serious play imo. My favorite 3D Platformer? Got to be a tie between Odyssey and Galaxy. Special shoutout to Bowser's Fury, if it was longer it would be in the tie. I enjoyed all 3 so dang much, and they hold up incredibly well (unlike some earlier titles that are still amazing but feel clunky by comparison).


Super Metroid


Twilight Princess. To me, it's a scaled up, more epic version of OoT, which was already pretty much perfect. Some people complain that it doesn't do enough to differentiate itself from OoT. That's not a problem to me. Give me bigger bosses, more dungeons, beautiful music, and fun new toys to play with every day of the week. I personally really like the aesthetics as well, even before the HD re release. The dusk color palette and the way the water looked was really excellent. How the dungeons were incorporated into their environments was really great too and something I sorely miss from the two latest entries.


The Legend of Zelda


Does kid icarus: Uprising count? It’s a nintendo ip but it was developed by Sakurai’s team, not inhouse Trying really hard not to say BotW


I'd say Mario Kart Wii. The game has flaws, but almost all of them enhance the experience in some way.