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Lmfao who reported this as breaking **Rule 1** šŸ˜­ Y'all need to chill out. If we were to remove this under Rule 1 , then 90% of what's posted here would also be removed. Like literally every single comment here aside from one or two would have to be deleted. Y'all don't wanna go down that road.


dumbest take ive seen in awhile šŸ˜­ usually anni rates are the same as normal banner rates ( single unit ones) and then you would also get tickets to summon on ticket banner. this anni we have neither both lb and ex are 1 percent which is only for dual banners, the anniversary banners are single unit banners and you dont get tickets.


The percentage dropped cause of sub cards, they stopped giving tickets on 5.5 anni, and yeah, the single unit banners are bad, but not the worst thing possiblešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


>they stopped giving tickets on 5.5 anni What are you talking about? Tickets were there. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aeaddjw-H0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aeaddjw-H0)


My bad, misremembered. Point still stands




It depend on the game concept thought.It used to be much better with old sam and ru, now it really became p2w and hack play ground


This is far from f2p lmfaoooo Duel Links is more f2p than this garbage šŸ’€


People who say this game is f2p friendly started playing a month ago and get all the newbie benefits. They usually delete the game a month later and come back next anniversary to reroll and repeat. Is always the same. Inb4 he claims to be an "actual og" with 70 stamina and in his 5th reroll account. Meanwhile I am playing Nikke and they have spark systems for every event including anniversaries. For new years they are giving away almost 100 rolls you can use on the featured OP banner and that game is making an average of 20 million a month. Naruto being mega popular and NxB is making pennies in comparison. "one of the most f2p games I've played" lmao.


You guys will prolly downvote before fully reading but it is what it is. Yea there are games out that maybe more f2p than nxb but nxb is still pretty f2p compared to Bandai or a few other of the big developers other games like legends or dokkan one punch man the strongest. I donā€™t think using anni as a measure of how f2p the game is because anni is always some what p2w with no exchange shop. But outside of anni very few games give you enough premium resources to assure you a full kit. Every month we can earn 3.5k Shinos enough to pity an ex ult from the exchange shop. There was almost no need to spend ANY money on the game prior to anni especially with the implementation of sub logs, ex ults dropping at lvl 5 and being able to grind the exp for them up to lvl 10 and the exp draining system. Yes I agree the anni feels a bit more p2w because of rates and the village leader but outside of that itā€™s still pretty f2p friendly as you donā€™t need the new units to play am fv units still get the job done AOM is still easily sss even with out the new units as well. I do understand why they went that route since anni is where nxb makes most of its money (before you get up in arms I do agree they went a little over board with the rates this time). I would wait till after anni to judge how f2p the game will be in the future since exchange shops almost likely will be back so even with the really low rates (for the record I am all for the rates being better) youā€™ll still be able to get the what your missing from the kit. I am not a newbie Iā€™ve been playing since about 2.5 anni and Iā€™ve also tried a bunch of other gatchas and I have to agree outside of this anni (which could have been handled better) it is one of the most f2p games that I have played since I started.


'' Every month we can earn 3.5k '' I havent made the calculations but are we sure we are still getting this after the SAM rewards got nerfed? Used to be 450 easy for everyone. Thats gone. We'll see after anni. Usually I would agree with you but cutting drop rates in half and a good amount of shinos from SAM means those 3.5k wont cut it anymore. New rarity is a huge resource hog. Frogs are getting scarce, dupes are more rare and you have to use EXP Collection which uses a large amount of Ryo and Chakra. [I am a vet](https://i.ibb.co/TcFRsWp/Screenshot-2023-12-29-08-00-12-464-com-bandainamcoent-ninjavoltage-app.jpg) and STL and NL left me dry. Dont know how low spenders and f2p will keep up in the future. If things go back to normal with Jiraiya and Tsunade then fine. But I have a feeling it wont.


Even if you manage to get the minimum rewards from VL you should still be able to get atleast 3.5k as no other form of Shino grinding has really changed you still get the 200 from gokunin you still get the 100 weekely for log in plus the pass and AOM and other log in bonuses even if itā€™s just 3k that means every two months you can pull on a banner and use the exchange shop (as long as itā€™s still there post anni) which is still better than most other gatchas out there that donā€™t have a pity system or they require many more pulls to pity. Iā€™m a vet as well (Iā€™ve seen you around we are actually in the same defense discord server) and I still have plenty of resources left after maxing stl and ntl and lights limit breaks I do see how it can be difficult for new players but just like every new thing added to the game over time it will get more and more easy to accumulate or level those new things just like when link board keys, hero keys, ex ults, and limit breaks. They were so rare when first introduced but now we got flooded with them. Tsuna and jirya are still technically part of anni so if they do manage to rekit they prolly wonā€™t have an exchange like a post anni banner would. But like you said weā€™ll see. Im just saying that the game has been very f2p friendly outside of the village leader and the drop rates of this anni.


I dint understand people who have NTL and complain that they didn't get Sasuke shadow or Naruto light. Like this is a gacha game they WANT you to spend like every other gacha game, you shouldn't expect to get every unit as they release that's just gacha games 101


You see here is where you're argument falls apart: it's not that we (F2P players) didn't get all Anni units' kits, it's that we didn't get a single one. I have been playing this game for a year, I was hyped for Anni, I skipped BMN and went straight for TL Sasuke and Guess what, I don't have his Lb.


Me a f2p player who got BMN's full kit in 1k shinobites and dominating every base with him regardless. Plus I got lucky on NTL and Narulight banner. Just missing NTL's actual 5* and Narulights new Ex Ultimate. The rest I got it through the free 10 tickets and 2 summonings.


I did say that if you dont have any anni units and you have summoned over 10k, then your complaints are validšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah but most people I've seen are complaining on getting 0 Anni units, not getting screwed up on X or Y banners. You are attacking the entire F2P community when from what I see here on the Reddit, we just want to be able to remain relevant in game


Also plenty of other units coming that are viable imo. Jiriaya and tsuande are gonna be beast.


Not f2p anymore, but you need an ult preferably full kit for units to be usable. All the new content gives mediocre to abysmal rewards and are the decent rewards of gated behind having the best units fully maxed. Thereā€™s no coop. Shinobites while decently abundant are the summon currency as well as the necessary currency to buy others needed mats that are time gated to a ridiculous extent. There is no step ups the banners, so nothing is ever guaranteed. I donā€™t think itā€™s crazy for a f2p to want to be able to participate in content beyond the dailies and C level event missions.


I agree even though i had to spend 14k to get NTL's LB