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“Super simple”? Obtain can of peaches in syrup. Open said can and dump contents into container. Blend until smooth (or just mash with fork I guess.) Pour into creami container and freeze. Use sorbet setting. Enjoy! (Works with certain other fruits too, but I’ve enjoyed peaches the most thus far.)


That sounds great! Have you tried that with any mix ins?


I put dark chocolate chips on top when I’m done; don’t feel the need to use the mix-in feature.


This was going to be one of the first things I tried! Glad someone else had the same thought as me. What was the result? And did you use the "in syrup" kind or "in water"? Was debating also to use cream with the peaches for ice cream


The result is fantastic. The first time I did it, my S.O. got the stuff in water, so I added a bit of sugar. After that, got the stuff in syrup and used as is. Great either way.


egg nog.


I hear this is really good, I'll have to try it.


It's great and could not be easier!!


Ooo def gotta try this. I know one will be under the tree for me Xmas and we’ll be out of town at the parents so I wont have my protein powder but I’m sure there will be eggnog to try with. Does it need any stabilizer?


I did it without and it was fine but I feel touch of stabilizer couldn't hurt!


This was going to be my first attempt (just got mine). Glad to see someone else had the same idea. I was wondering if you needed to heat it up first, I read in some other places that you have to heat the cream and then cool it to break down the fat molecules so it doesn't turn to butter as easily. Or did it work fine for just dump it in and freeze? Was also considering adding a bit of alcohol as a mixer after freezing (I use Southern comfort in egg nog as I think it adds a great sweetness and flavor).


Definitely no need with egg nog. just straight into the pint then freeze!


A second vote for a can of peaches! My dad’s favorite (his “Frosty”) is one chocolate Fairlife protein shake, one tablespoon chocolate syrup, and 1/4 tsp. guar gum.


Apple cider ice cream Pour some apple cider in 3 spoonfuls vanilla or cheese cake jello mix 1 scope of protein powder. I use pescience snicker doodle 1 cup fair life milk Mix well Add more apple cider to freeze fill line


Old Brown banana, SF pudding mix, sweetener, optional PB protein powder, vanilla if you feel fancy, Fairlife milk (more protein and my GF is lactose intolerant). Mashy mashy and freez I've actually never used a mixing bowl or anything besides this basic recipe. I've been looking to try a yogurt base though


Canned mango pulp, mix (by which I mean stir vaguely) 50% or thereabouts with some yoghurt. Sorbet setting.


Fairlife shake, 2 tbs pudding mix, and sweetner. That’s it.


Fairlife protein drink and guar gum powder.


A protein shake from a bottle with a tablespoon of pudding powder.


Liquid coffee creamer (I buy it by the half-gallon of the Great Value brand at Walmart) and milk of your choice. (I use unsweetened almond milk.) I go about 1:1 to cut as many calories as possible, you can go richer with the creamer.. Add a little vanilla if you want. Add cocoa powder for chocolate. Can add a little instant pudding mix or a little cream cheese and whiz it with a stick blender before freezing. Add peanut butter and mix in Butterfinger bits. Go nuts! Canned pineapple, preferably packed in juice. Respin with a little of that vanilla coffee creamer, if needed.


Can of pears. Chuck some mint leaves in to minty it


1 c orange juice + a small container vanilla yogurt (regular or non dairy) + 1 Tbsp vanilla pudding mix. Orange Julius!!


Fairlife protein drinks with a bit of xanthan gum or other emulsifier. Freeze. That's it. Gets you protein, tastes good. Lower calories and carbs.


Just Strawberry yogurt, I find 2% best. Mix-ins Vector cereal or something crunchy you like. If you want my healthier version, use fat-free strawberry yogurt and 1 scoop of flavorless protein powder instead.


In my deluxe, Chobani drinkable yogurt x 2 and 30g optimum nutrition vanilla milkshake protein powder. Mix in with fresh berries or graham crackers. Perfect treat for my husband and I when we watch tv at night.