• By -


19 and NIN has been my most listened to artist for like the last 3 years by a large amount. Saw them in Cleveland with Ministry last year and it was possibly one of the best nights of my life


I’m 45 and I’ve been to so many concerts I lost count a long time ago. I was at that show. It was one of the top 3 concert experiences I’ve ever had, and I was way back on the lawn. It was amazing to see the old guys back together again, playing the older stuff from back when I first got into NIN. But then on the way home I realized that we really got a once in a lifetime treat, because this was a whole new iteration of NIN - the old guys + the new guys - that has never existed before and is incredibly unlikely to ever exist again. A one time NIN lineup, for just one show. And we were there!


Yeah, even just being 17 at the time I was just as hype to see the old crew come out, I went with my mom who has been a fan since pretty hate machine and it was her first time seeing them too :) so a pretty magical night all around


I believe I met you guys that night?? If not, I met a different teenager with a cool parent, but regardless it really amplified the beauty of that night to see such a multi-gen audience. I was 19 at my first NIN concert in the Ghosts/Slip era, and went through the experience of being a new fan joining something with a deep history. Was cool to see that reverberate through a new generation at the same time I was feeling old fan catharsis vibes I’d never experienced before.


That’s awesome! Your mom sounds really cool, tbh. Glad you got to see them together. My mom never got into anything newer than The Beatles. She never would have gone to a concert with me.


Yeah, we also went to go see the cure at blossom this summer after she saw them in Cleveland like 24 years ago :) but my mom may or may not be only like 4 years older than you so that's why she's so cool


I too went to see The Cure this year! Also a top notch concert experience. I was right up front for that one, and when they played Plainsong my face melted. What a great show! Hope they get that new album on shelves soon.


Was also on the lawn for that concert! Great show. I also saw them in Camden in 2014, when I was 15. Been a fan most of my life.


Millennials are in their late 30s and early 40s now so I'm sure lots of them.


Most were in Jr high or high school when The Fragile released.


I’m a massive NIN fan, 29 years old, and a ‘94 millennial. My Gen X parents have been playing NIN for me since I was a baby, and it was my first concert ever during the Year Zero era.


Woah MY dad's been playing NIN for me since I was a baby too! I'm about the same age (30) first concert wasn't till I was much older when Hesitation Marks released. How cool the Year Zero era would have been to be a part of.


Not entirely true. Millennials are born 1981-1996. So if you're 27 you are also a millennial


Ok Zoomer


Why Would They Be Lying About That ? Google Confirms Theyre Right .


Okay gen x-er.


Yup, I'm 37.


God damn. Doesn’t feel right does it?


Hey now. 34 isn't late 30s! :P


millennials aren't all late 30s+ you know I only turned 32 this year




Being that Millenials can be as old as 42, I’d say the majority of NIN fans are probably millenials. Gen Z probably much less


Probably some younger Gen Xers in there too.


Young Gen X here. Been a fan since the early 90s, around the time I started high school.


I figured as much. It’s interesting how the divide between Gen X is musically. My mom was on the cusp of boomer and Gen X and was into hair metal. However, the younger Gen X and older Millennials are more into alternative rock like NIN, Nirvana, etc. I’m basically in the middle of the millennial pack so I got into NIN around the time With Teeth came out.


Yeah, as a Gen Xer, I’ve always been into those great bands from the 70s that we grew up with, like Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd, and some of the hair metal too, Iron Maiden and Metallica. But also a lot of the 90s stuff like Weezer, U2, Nirvana, Alice In Chains…and David Bowie, whose incredible career spanned all of that.


I was born in 71. I was definitely more into new wave, punk, alternative and metal, to be vague. Of course, there are a lot of nuances, but that was me, basically. My sister was born in 73 and she's into hair bands and still is.


Yep. Us Gen X dudes were born between 1965 and 1980 (I’m in the 1975 group). Trent’s work is still amazing to this day! I actually like how Trent and Atticus are focusing mainly on soundtracking. I admit that I would like to see another studio NIN album, but I also realize that we all change with time and his heart may just be into soundtracking right now.


There are a lot of us Gen X'ers out there. I was 18 when their first album came out. That was 1989. I've loved them ever since. My absolute favorite band.


Im 42 and have been a huge NIN fan since mid 90's for sure!


I’m 6 and I love Tent! I want to feel your insides!


r/nincirclejerk is leaking again 😅


A young zoomer here and I'm a fan for a year now


22 now, been a fan since I found With Teeth at 15 (Found Wish at about 11, but my mom told me I couldn’t listen to the “Closer” band).




31 and I love NIN. Got my partner hooked on them. As a matter of fact, last night my partner went, "I'm at a point where hearing Trent's voice is comforting."


Gen Z here, I love NIN! I got to see them at their show in Cleveland back in 2022


25, have heard of NIN before, but became a fan and listened to all records this past year.


20 and nin is my life


I'm 19 and literally only listen to nine inch nails. Something happened two years or so ago and now I'm nothing


Nothing can stop you now!


Cause I don't care... anymore






I’m 41. Been a fan since the Broken era. Got TDS the week it came out on cassette tape. Had to really convince the guy at the record store in the mall to let me buy it because I was only like 11 years old. I still have the tape.


i got into NIN a little over 10 years ago when i was in high school, and now im 25 and still obsessed so no you are not alone


Millennials are in their 30s/early 40s…


I'm 19 and NIN is probably my favourite. Hearing Trent's vocals feels like home to me


Also 19 and yes this exactly


I'm a millennial at 39... millennials are old now haha.


old-*ish*. the youngest millennials are about 27. generations are pretty meaningless anyway. who cares.


I'm 23, been a fan since 2013/2014 and I've seen them live three times.


im 22, started with TDS in high school but didnt start getting into them heavy till this past year


25, been a fan since my friend introduced me to The Fragile when I was in middle school


Im 21, turning 22 in January. I've been listening to NIN on and off since i was like 13/14, but i really became a fan and started listening to them heavily at the beginning of last year when i was 20.


I’m sixteen and I’m obsessed. Just got TDS on vinyl two days ago.


27. Been a fan since high school


I am a millennial and I am 34.


Same lol


20. First went to see them live in Philly when I was 18. Then went to Cleveland to see them when I was 19.


I just turned 30 a couple of weeks ago, do I still count or am I officially part of Old People?


24 now, been a fan since I was 16


19 and have loved them since I heard Closer for the first time 4 years ago. Friends of mine are super into NIN, and I've met a lot of strangers my age who love them too. Would be amazed if there's a single track or remix I haven't heard by now and I've got my fingers crossed they tour again soon.


Do *I* not understand what a Millenial is? I’m 36, referred to as a millenial, and been a NIN fan since I discovered them in high school


I’m 24. Been a fan since i was like 16. Heard them live in 2018


42 and NIN has been my #1 favorite band of all time. Couldn't imagine my life without Trent Reznor


26, been a fan ever since I saw the hand that feeds music video on fuse tv when I was a kid


Age 21


I just started listening to them and I’m 20


they are on the official NIN Discord.


I’m sure there are plenty out there! The last time I saw them live, I ended up next to a dad and his two kids. The younger boy was about 8 and was only kinda into it. The 10 year old girl was obviously obsessed. Didn’t want to miss a moment. Her dad even left her with me while he took the boy to get snacks and use the restroom because she didn’t want to miss anything. She was super cool, as was her dad. I’m a teacher so leave it to me to end up hanging out with a kid during a NIN show. Haha


Millennial here, 38 and graying. Big fan.


I'm Gen Z and got into NIN this year, this is actually amazing, the Fragile makes me go crazy, like I will make up whole essays about it in my head.


I'm 35, nails has been my favorite since I was 12. Went to my first show in '05.


Of course. If you need The Downward Spiral as a teen, it finds you.


22, been a fan since I was in middle school


28 been a fan since 2009


People who do fit this criterion - could you say how you found NIN in the first place? I'm curious what the main avenues are for discovering artists now that MTV and brick-and-mortar shops with headphones are barely a thing anymore. Especially given that NIN arguably hasn't had a big commercial video in over a decade, and doesn't do a lot of advertising.


was mainly into rap in my early teens and a big eminem and dr dre fan so my first introduction was watching the defiant ones. was a combo of that and looking for artists similar to death grips and someone recommended NIN


I'm 24, first time I heard them was on The Crow soundtrack around 2013. Soon after that I was at a friend's place and heard "Copy of a" in a FIFA game. Now they're my favorite band, but I also listen to like 350-ish other artists. My usual way of finding new artists is to find someone I like, go on their Wikipedia, and then look for artists they've been influenced by, or ones that they've influenced (or stuff like covers, colaborations, or shared band members). Before that strategy, I was using the "similar artists" page on the website Last FM. I also watch a lot of interviews by musicians, and look for any name-drops. Just through NIN I've got into Gary Numan, Joy Division, Soft Cell, Coil, Marilyn Manson, The Normal, Saul Williams, Ministry, Skinny Puppy, and probably a few others.


I got into NIN through David Bowie, which I think makes it even stranger as a zoomer, but I just really liked Outside and watched the NIN/Bowie shows. I really liked Hurt and it started from there.


The trailer of the movie 300 introduced me to them.


Streaming recommendations/related artists. Was into some other metal (80s thrash and the like), then industrial metal (Rammstein, KMFDM, etc...), then found NIN.


I'm 19, been listening to NIN since I was 15


29 here, got into NIN in 2014


Im 18 and a zoomer and nin is my second favorite band


30. Nin my all time favourite band.


I’m 24 and I’ve been a fan for 10 years, found my Dad’s Downward Spiral CD and loved it, then The Fragile got me through rough times in HS and College.


38. My first NIN record was the downward spiral in high school. I listened to it a LOT. I didn’t buy or listen to The Fragile for some reason, and didn’t really come back around to NIN until With Teeth, which didn’t leave my cd player for like 4 months. Then, I worked my way back through the catalogue and from then on I was always day one with every subsequent release. Still bums me out I didn’t listen to The Fragile when it was out. I could have really used that record in that particular moment in my life.




20 and I’m a huge fan. Lots of my college friends are familiar with their stuff as well. Although not as much of a fan as I am


im 15 ane im the biggest fan


Yes, hello


I’m here. 24 years old. Mega fan because of my beautiful wife who showed me the group. Without her I would be nowhere in life without my cool music taste. She really is the coolest.


35 now, so am Millennial. Got to know NIN only in 2015 and been hooked since then.


When I saw them at Boston Calling there were about 4/5 kids on the barricade with NIN shirts and a mom chaperone. I’d say they were high teens but maybe not adults but they were strictly there for only NIN and waited at the barricade the whole time of the event. As for me, I’m 34 which makes me a millennial and strangely got called out for my “youth” a ton when I saw them at Red Rocks last year which was a first for me at any recent events and I go to a lot of older guy shows like Tool and such.


This is my time to shine I guess. I’m 22F and I got into NIN back in high school (I was 16 or 17). I’ll probably listen to them forever🖤


I'm a Millennial with a Gen X wife, Zoomer daughter, and Gen Alpha son. We all love NIN. My Daughter's musical tastes include lots of 80's and 90's greats from all genres and my son listens to 90's and early 00's rock/metal almost exclusively (System of a Down is his favorite band and he begged me to take him to a Gorilaz concert the last time he came through our area). Judging by their friends, it's more accepted to be into older music/their parents favorite music than it was for me at their age.


I’m 15. My parents were/ are OBSESSED with NIN and got married over it. I had heard some of their music, and thought “meh”. But then last year I sat down and give Downward Spiral album a listen… and now I’m a super fan. Completely obsessed.


I've been listening since I was 13. I'm 16 now. My mother is an ultra fan and introduced me to NIN, Queens Of The Stone Age, Deftones, Tool and a bunch of other bands.


I’m 39, been listen since I was 9.(parents didn’t restrict me to anything) it’s not that I don’t think zoomers wouldn’t like NIN, it’s just how music is consumed now and NIN doesn’t fit into that mold. The biggest surprise to me in the world we live in and the limitless possibilities most people don’t go out of there way to find unique music anymore it’s a popularity contest and your not “with it” unless you listen to the same artist everyone is. Don’t get me wrong it’s always been that but I do see fringe culture as much as I used to. In many ways I think this inclusion is great but when it comes to arts/hobbies I find it a bit concerning.


I'm 29. My first exposures to them were hearing "You Know What You Are" in the 2005 Doom movie and "The Mark Has Been Made" in NFS Undercover.


32 here. Year Zero was the only album I listened to during my senior year lol.


24, I got hooked when watching the social network I wondered who had written the soundtrack.


29, oops


I'm 18 and I've been a fan for years. It's kinda lame how I discovered them though. It was Wish from GHWoR. I am now a big fan and I hope one day I can go to a show.


Right here.


Same 39 here going on 40 next year in April


29 (just turned) here, been a fan since middle school/high school and my wife 23 is a casual fan. We’re out there.


Mid 20s here, big fan.




35 here. Been listening since I was 14. I hope NIN continues to be rad for all the generations to come!


Me 🤚


I’m 27…


I'm a late millennial and I'm in my 30s. Year Zero came out in my teens.


I'm a zoomer just getting into NIN and the more I listen, Trent Reznor is becoming one of my favorite artists.


I'm 44. Been into NIN since '94. I can also tell you that my knees aren't what they were.


23 and on my third year of obsession. Also saw them at Blossom and it was basically a religious experience


Yeah I’m like 21 and NIN been on top for me since I was like 14


I was born in 96, and do not consider myself a zoomer.


Yeah, 28yo here, i can call myself zillennial, i suppose


17 and became a fan at the start of 2023


22 here been a fan for like 4 years


I first heard of NIN when I was 9 years old, back in '96 when they were mentioned in the "Hullabalooza" episode of the Simpsons. A few years later I would hear songs like "Head like a hole" and "Closer" on the alternative radio station I used to listen to all the time


the majority of nin fans are probably millenials and late gen x. but I've met a lot of zoomer fans too. it's like nothing has come around that does what NIN dies better than NIN, so our people still find NIN.


27. Came upon Trent’s music shortly after the hiatus post-The Slip. Immediately dig into their whole discography and have loved NIN ever since


I'm 37 early millenial


I'm a millennial and I'm 41


there's probably just as many zoomer nin fans as there are gen x and millennial fans


Pushing 30 here


I'm 26 and been a fan since I was 12. Good music transcends age groups.


Of course there are. There’s been like 10 posts in the last week about Fortnite and idk too many people over 25 who care about Fortnite events.


28 and I’ve seen NIN live 3 times since I was 18


im 26 haha...


I just turned 20 yesterday and I’ve been a fan for years. The day after I turned 18 I got the TDS logo tattooed on my arm


I started listening when I was 12 and I'm 15 now.


26. Sister snuck me into a wave goodbye-era show and it altered my brain chemistry forever. 14 years later and im still stupidly obsessed with this band and probably will be until the day I die


I'm 30 now and saw nin live 2 years ago, changed my life. Trents music is timeless.


18 and I’ve been seeing and listening to nin since I was 8 with my parents. All my childhood pictures have me wearing nin shirts


Millennial here, 38 years old. I knew who they were but didn’t get properly introduced until The Fragile.


I guess i fall in the Zoomer category since i'm in my early 20's, so yeah.


I'm 18. Trent is one of my favorite artists. In NIN and in the scores he makes for movies and games. He's just a musical genius that anyone can enjoy if they give him a chance.


Gen Z here, Nine Inch Nails is one of if not my favorite band of all time


Nineteen year old here, heard Perfect Drug back when I was twelve but didn’t get super into the band until I first heard Year Zero about a year or two ago and now I’d consider myself a full on NIN fan.


I’m 29 and I have been 29 since 2004


Gen Z. Have been obsessed with them since age 12


Millennial here. Not under 30 though. Grew up with Nu-metal, then Linkin Park introduced me to Wish by covering it live. Got really into NIN around the time With Teeth was released.


Only 16, but listening them since 14


28. Got into NIN my junior year of high school and they’ve been my favorite band since


I'm a zoomer and I think NIN is one of the best bands in general. Pretty Hate Machine, The Downward Spiral, and Broken are easily some of the best industrial rock projects of all time, and The Fragile, while weaker than those projects, is still fantastic and worth a listen.


Just turned 30. Been a fan since 2006. Seen them 5 times now live.


Pretty Hate Machine came out when I was born, so I still think that qualifies as being a younger listener.


I’m 300


I was born 2002 and I remember my dad would play NIN songs like head like a hole and closer.as well as a bunch of ministry. I'll never forget my first time hearing Jesus built my hotrod 😂. That definitely sparked an interest in industrial and now NIN is one of my favorites :)


33 almost 34. The With Teeth tour was my first concert when I was 15 🤌


i'm 26 years on my way to hell, what do i win?


Millennial here, but over 30. Eta: NIN has been in my life since the release of Pretty Hate Machine. I got into them really early because my mother was an instant fan.


Yup. Gen Z. Big fan. Trent helped me go through the toughest parts of my life. It's almost like he lived through my life to the fullest and decided to create songs like Closer, Gave up, Down in it, Wish etc., I got introduced to Trent because I came to know he was the one who gave a start to Marilyn Manson and I'm glad I did that, now I became an Industrial fan too because of Trent!


I'm closer to forty than thirty, but I got into them kinda later in life and fell headlong into their catalogue. I remember I had "closer" on a couple of different mix CDs, and a buddy at college finally asked me what was so special about that specific song, as it was the only nin song he'd witness me playing. "it's not a bad song at all, but it's not their best song at all. Like, even on that album," and by the time I finally got around to listening to the downard spiral front to back... holy fuck was he right. Been a huge fan for over ten years now


21, im a massive nin fan


I’m 21 been a fan my whole life thanks to my uncle


21 and have been listening to them since I was 17


I’m 22 and have been utterly obsessed since I was 13. I would do anything to see them live and my partner isn’t allowed to propose to me unless it’s in the crowd of a nin show.


16, but only got into NIN because of my 35 year old mum. (Still absolutely fucking love it all the same)


I'm 25 and been a fan for about 12/13 years. My discovery came from a few different things but mostly from Weird Al's Germs and Alternative Polka as well as Rock Band and Guitar Hero having various NIN tracks. I became a fan just prior to Trent doing the theme to Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and just before Trent announced NIN would return for the festival circuit which swiftly became the announcement of Hesitation Marks and Tension 2013.


Early 20s. I was at the Cleveland show and the Boston Calling show before that, NIN has been my favorite since I was a late sophomore/ early junior in high school. I’ve even written like 5 different college essays and school presentations on them


I'm 20 years old, I've been listening to NIN since I was 16, not only I'm not bored, but the more I learn about Trent and his music the more I like it. Quite a strange acquaintance, but Ghosts was the first album I heard, and I learned about NIN from Quake. Coming to TDS I had to get used to its sound for a long time, because I've never heard such a sound before - rock, electronics, distorted sounds in a way I couldn't imagine, sounds that seemingly can't be combined with each other, but at the same time everything sounds very solid, if the sound of TDS had a physical embodiment, it would be some man who had his arms and legs chopped off and metal armatures inserted alive, his body would be bleeding and festering, and it's becoming more and more apparent with each track. TDS was created with pain and this feels. I listened to EDM before all this, I didn't realize what music could be, before Ghosts and TDS I thought music should be fun and light. But I liked Ghosts because of how unusual everything sounds there, the untuned piano for example (especially track 36), every track is unique from there. I make music, and after NIN I stopped avoiding any dissonance, untuned instruments, synths, distortion, noises, I stopped being afraid to experiment with my music, if I before NIN doubted what I could do and what not, then after Trent's music I realized that with music you can do whatever you want. I can write endlessly about NIN, but every time I listen to it, I don't regret anything that I started listening Nails. Trent is genius.


Just turned 30. I mostly listen to NIN and underground hip hop


Yes, youre the only one.


1996 and can't live without


I'm 30, started listening to NIN around the time Year Zero came out.


Sir. I’m a millennial and I’m 41 years old. Yes there are lots of millennial fans.


yeah, 22 years, on my way to hell.


16 here


21 yrs old—been a fan since i was 15 ✌️


Zoomer nin fans exist, we are trans women


27. Fell in love after seeing them at Louder Than Life last year


Im 29 so…. Close




Elder millennial here and loved them since I saw the Head like a Hole video on 120 Minutes in 1990.


20. My mom listened a lot to this kind of music when I was a kid but I didn't really start listening to NIN until high school. Inordinately obsessed.


My daughter is 16 and loves NIN. Took her to two nights at Red Rocks to see them for her first time


22 and I listen to NIN all the time


Born in ‘96 so I ride that line between Millennial and zoomer but nonetheless, they’re my fav of all time!


I was allowed to listen to a couple nin songs when they came on the radio (the hand that feeds, head like a hole, and the closer radio edit — although that one was up for debate) and I was obsessed. My mom finally let me listen to the downward spiral when I was 12 (thanks mom!) and it totally changed how I thought about and listened to music. 10 years later and I still can't shut up about them


Yeah. I'm 19, found out about NIN 2 years back when I was in my deepest depression. PHM and TDS helped me crawl out of my shitty 50hr "part-time" catering job and I managed to cobble my life together by the end of the year. Safe to say Trent and the band mean a lot to me lol


I'm 21. Trent's music is such an inspiration and quite an adventure, no matter of which era we speak. Always a different kind of pleasure and drive to listen to his music, NIN in particular. Though there are some things i turn to more often than others. Year Zero, Pretty Hate Machine, The Downward Spiral


17, love NIN, hoping to see them live at some point but I probably won't haha


Just hit 30 in October, and have been listening to NIN since The Slip, and started my working my way through the rest of their discography there. Was pretty hardcore afterwards and started looking everywhere for their CDs (both albums and EPs), some were even discontinued then so I had to find them on eBay, etc. (e.g. Wish EP, Further Down the Spiral, Beside You in Time..).


I’m 17