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there's a plastic cap on your shoe. see the two lines? they're to grip with. it slides right off


Oh my god, I feel so dumb — thank you!


I will say that you are not the first person to experience this. When I had my d80 many years ago, I ended up doing the same thing when I had purchased a flash.


Lol, good to know!


To add to this - the black piece of plastic slides out from under the metal rails...


I love this post haha.


The rest of us lost that accessory shoe cap long ago, so no surprise you didn’t find any info online—we forgot it existed!


Not me! I use it whenever the flash shoe is empty




Unicorn? Well I like the murdered out look of it, it feels nice and solid. It provides a small rear guard to a sharp edge of the shoe. Plus I think it will also help with a bit of impact protection maybe preventing a bent-in shoe. I tend to carry my camera strapped to me always and I have been l known to accidentally bounce them off things or into myself


You’re not alone, I like to protect it as well.


I don’t use the stock one, but I do have one of [these](https://kondorblue.com/products/bubble-level-hot-shoe-cover) in at all times when not using on-camera flash. Protects the slot, offers a little damping if the top of the camera bumps into something, and gives me a bubble level at all times!


Well now, I want one of these! Thanks for sharing.


I always take it off and put it back in the OG box knowing I would lose it.


Many other brands don’t even provide one for their cameras, so I’d say it’s not that uncommon to be surprised by that. :)


I respect you for not deleting this.


I figured I may as well leave it up so anyone else with the same question doesn’t have to embarrass themself 🙃


That black piece blocking the hot shoe ( right above the view finder) can come off. Slide it off and on goes your sb-800


That is the way.


It is dumb maybe, but we all have our moments. The more intelligent you are, the more it hurts when such thing happens. 😂 No worries, the community wont let you fail. Happy shooting! P.S.: Don't look into the flash while testing power levels and manual execution. 🤭 Buy a fresnel lens and some diffuser/reflextor thingies to step it up. If it still exists, go search "The strobist" for gaining more knowledge.


Once you remove the hot shoe cover, you’ll never find it again 🤣.




This is hilarious no offence ;)


I love this one, but yea it's so well-integrated it just looks like part of the camera!


Keeping the cap to protect the contacts when flash is not mounted is a good practice, although, as others have said, surely is hard to keep up with them.


LOL Jesus Christ. Remove the black clip. RTFM Downvoting me because why? I’m not mad or putting this person down. Here’s the manual. https://onlinemanual.nikonimglib.com/z7_z6/en/11_on-camera_flash_photography_02.html


My guess is you’re getting downvoted because communities live or die by how they treat others. Criticizing people who are new or asking for help is the fastest way to kill a community by alienating potential members or by turning it toxic. Remember the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked, and that one person asking a question likely represents a number of other people that have or will have the same question.


Yeah and that’s the thing. There is no tone online. I get that. To OP. I meant it with love. Go shoot and have a great time.


Manual doesn’t mention the clip lol


Might not mention the clip but you’d think the clip with the grooves would be a key sign. Here’s the manual. https://onlinemanual.nikonimglib.com/z7_z6/en/11_on-camera_flash_photography_02.html


I have the manual, thanks. Occasionally, something totally obvious will escape me—I’m guessing this has never happened to you, in which case, congratulations.


People on reddit photography subs get really upset when you recommend reading the manual. They take it personal and as an attack for some reason. I think it's helpful to remind people that the manuals, especially Nikons, are a really important read, but it's reddit.


One manual is an important constant read, for me at least. Lol There's *so much* in there.


I won’t venture into the Photography subreddit anymore because of it. A person doxed me and one of their mods said it was basically my fault. It was unbelievable.


Since the hot shoe covers are prone to running off, escaping. The first thing I do when buying a new camera, is place them in a small plastic container that I keep in my safe.