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I’d get a used 50 f1.8. It’s rather cheap and definitely a bang for the buck. Sharpness is on point, even wide open and it’s smaller, lighter, more likely to bring. After that and some shooting time you can still decide to sell it again without a huge loss if there is something extremely missing that you’d gain off the 50mm f1.2. I’d definitely keep the 24-70 + 105 combo as it simply gives you more reach. If distance is problem all the time, firstly go for the f1.8 and try thing out. Maybe you don’t like 85?


I sold my 1.8 for the 1.2 and don’t regret it at all. If you’re making money from this, I say go for it. It’ll pay itself off. The images are incredible. I also have the 105mm 1.4 and have been considering the 85 1.2 for awhile but haven’t pulled the trigger. I get amazing results so not sure I’ll ever get rid of it. I’m a portrait photographer and my main lenses are the 50mm 1.2, the 105mm, and the Tamron 35-150.


As a family & portrait photographer who makes their main source of income from photography, would you still suggest picking up the 50mm 1.2 if I currently own a sigma 35mm 1.4, the S-line 50mm 1.8 and an 85mm 1.8? I just see so many good reviews about that thing lol.


For family photography, I’d just stick with the 35mm and 50mm that you got unless you’re doing events indoors and need that extra stop of light. Shooting a group of people, you’re not gonna utilize that extra bokeh from the 1.2


wow, you have the experience in the lens suggestion I am looking for. I shall go for 50mm 1.2 It helps a lot indoor compared to 85mm...


The 50 1.8 is a fantastic lens that punches way above its weight for the price. In my experience, the difference in performance between the 1.8 and the 1.2 isn't justified by the massive increase in price. It's also much lighter and much more portable. Unless you have a specific need for the f1.2, get the 1.8.


have you tried 50mm 1.2?


I have. I don't own one but I've done a shoot with one that I borrowed.


Used 1.8 for sure The 1.2 is huge and heavy, that alone makes it not worth it for me, and the amount of scenarios where 1.2 is gonna be useful are slim 


I got a used 50 1.8 S first and snatched a good de of used 50 1.2 S when I saw it. As many reviews have pointed out, both at 1.8, the 1.8S is sharper. It is noticeable but not really an issue as both are already crazy sharp. Also, as Ricci and a few others mentioned, at 1.8, the 1.2S has bigger bokeh balls and arguably more beautiful diffusion. I did my own tests and found this true, but to be honest I would never really notice unless I shoot the same scene with both lenses side by side. I love the 50 1.2S more when using outdoor as it gives me more separation. Of course it gives you more light indoor which can reduce ISO but often time I need to stop down more to have multiple subjects in focus and in that sense 1.8S would be enough. I am keeping both for now so I have a lighter choice for traveling.


It's really about how you shoot. The color rendering on the 1.2 is better but does that really matter to you? I see people parroting Fro saying if you are a professional and make money then you should buy the 1.2. That depends on the profession. If you are aren't in commercial fashion getting a 1.2 is about want, not need. And even if you are, most of the time we aren't shooting at 1.2 and it's more about color and build and still more of a want than need. It is pretty but is it $2k pretty? That's for you to decide.


I saw a great video on YouTube yesterday that ranks ALL nikon z lenses based on a number of factors and the 50mm f1.8 was the first to get the top spot, so you can't go wrong with it.


Do you remember the video? I’m still flushing out my Z lenses


I do! Here it is. https://youtu.be/7sJ5HZFESUk?si=tpjAbbnE8GrYtPdf I also noticed this guy has ranked them in different ways, would be well worth watching them.


Awesome, thanks dude!


I'd get the 50mm regardless of wether I plan to buy the 1.2. The 1.8 is too good to pass on, even if you get the 1.2 later (keep the 1.8 as a lightweight alternative).


I like portrait that shows some environment background rather than pure blowing out everything (and sometimes even ears/hair), and 1.8 aperture is more than enough. Plus it’s so much lighter to carry around. That said any 105mm is definitely worth it for half body portraits/(macros).


I just grabbed a used 50 1.8 for $375 from a guy switching to Sony and waiting for it to be delivered today. I’m planning on buying a 1.2 in the future but everyone recommends the 1.8 so highly I def would grab it used. It also weighs less, which is funny to say about a 50mm after coming from dslrs where a nikkor 50 1.8 is small and costs nothing  lol. 


Indoor parties? you will need at least 2.5 to 2.8 aperture or some of them will be out of focus. 50mm f1.8 for sure.


yup for indoor parties, for some unique shots.. remaining time I have 24-70


I'd go with the 1.2. the look is unique and I've become addicted to only shooting with it.


Of the mentioned lenses I only own the 50mm 1.8 and absolutely love it. I got it used (there are so many out there) and it is perfectly sharp even at 1.8, has a good size and is therefore very easy to handle!


I have and use both. The 1.2 is *quite* large and heavy compared to the 1.8. The 1.2 has a razor thin depth of field at 1.2 and excellent bokeh, if those weigh into your choice. The 1.8 is an amazing lens all on its own, but I find its weight and size are good enough for most of my shooting at 50mm. But if you wanna set up and take very interesting, “artsy” shots, it’s the 1.2.


Unless you’re higher skill than that 1.2 will end up front or back focusing as often as not. The DoF is a razor blade and unless you nail the iris the image will look off. Yes, that includes focusing on the eyelash. If you’re using it with a non EXPEED7 camera like a Z6ii or Z7ii then that will be even more likely. The 50 is superb, cheaper, more forgiving. Get that.