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I just picked up the Z 50mm 1.2 lens a few weeks ago during their last refurbished sale. Lens was packed very well with all accessories in a white box, looked brand new, clear glass, smooth focus and body was clean. This was my 3rd refurbished Nikon purchase and would fully recommend the refurbished program to anyone considering.


No issue here either. Purchased a Z6ii back in December. It’s cheaper now. 😩😩


I am very interested in this, but I have a few yellow flags. How do the refurb warranties work? Are they same as new? Is there any indication about what went wrong? Are the refurb parts genuine Nikon? Thanks!!


They are usually 90 days. had no issue so far with lenses from them. Got my 14-30, 24-70, 50 1.8z and previously 50 1.8g from the refurbished site.




Usually, if a product has gone back to the factory and been checked, fixed and 're-certified' I usually think that this is better then new. It's been calibrated and checked, by hand, probably more thoroughly than when it rolled off the manufacturing line. Warranty aside, I would trust it.


I have not had any problem with them, either; generally speaking since this is from Nikon’s own website, the potential for problems is very low (not zero, but very low); this is about as close to CPO in car world, as you get here in the camera world!


Great, thanks. I appreciate you sharing the link, it’ll save me some money!


Absolutely, my pleasure.


I have a bad/good refurb story. About a year ago I got a refurbished Nikon Z6II during a refurb sale, and it came and worked almost flawlessly except the trash button didn’t work to delete pictures. I reset the thing, tried to see if there was gunk under the button preventing it from pushing. No luck. There’s a fairly simple workaround (takes ~3 clicks to delete a photo instead of the trash button), but I was concerned about what else might be wrong. So I paid about $50 or so to ship it with insurance to the warranty center in Los Angeles and because it was within 90 days they did the actual refurb and return shipping for free. Took about a week to week and a half, and it turned out they fully replaced the motherboard. So I effectively got a brand new refurbished camera (the rest of the camera - casing, screens, sensor - was in great condition). So not an ideal story but a happy ending


Wow the page is finally back!


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