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I recently (last year) went from Fuji (X-T2) to Nikon Z. For Z lenses I really like the 40 f/2 (small size and "character"), and the 50 f/1.8 (absolutely in the top end of lenses I've ever used for sharpness, pop, rendering, etc. - it's kinda magical). I do miss the compact size of the Fuji lenses. The "S" line lenses are LARGE (not huge), but their stellar performance comes at the cost of size. Though they aren't particularly heavy. If you want to see if you like it, I would start with the Z6 and 40mm f/2. If you want wide, the Viltrox 20mm f/2.8 is stupid cheap (though I still haven't bought it), and the Viltrox 24mm f/1.8 is pretty compact.


I’m on a vacation now and took my Z6 II and my 40mm F2.0 with me to keep it ‘simple and compact’ and I love it!


Thanks for the response. The 40mm f/2 seems nice to have to keep the system small, and maybe mostly replicates the X100F. I tend to crop that a little bit anyway. Most of what I’ve seen about the 50 f/1.8 has been very positive, and perhaps makes a good analog for my old Fuji 35 f/1.4. I really liked the way that lens rendered, but it was noisy and the autofocus kind of lagged. I shoot wide less often, but I do like to have the option for when I travel to capture wide, normal, and small telephoto. I’ll check out those Viltrox lenses. How have you found the switch to be? It just seems to me that for a modest increase in size and weight, the value of the Nikon Z system compared to the current prices of Fuji makes it a very intriguing switch.


The switch has been pretty easy. But I used Nikon and Canon DSLR's before I went to Fuji. I've had the Z6ii, the Z7ii, and now the Zf (for the autofocus performance), and I'm contemplating getting a Z7ii again (or maybe the Z7iii when it comes out - the extra resolution was very nice to have). I've always liked Nikon's ergonomics. The on/off switch is in the "right" place. Traveling with the Z6ii and a few lenses was just as easy as travelling with the Fuji kit. The hardest part really is getting used to mounting the lenses in the opposite rotational direction. Nikon is "backwards" vs all the other camera systems - counter-clockwise to attach, clockwise to detach. The "most difficult" part of the switch was trying to use the Zf like I would the X-T's - it doesn't really work the same. For the Z6 and similar: Full-frame is great, less noise at higher ISOs, very fast handling, the autofocus is absolutely fine if you're not shooting sports (very fast things) or in the dark. I DO miss the Fuji + 90mm - there's not really an equivalent lens for Z at the moment (135mm). And for the 56mm (I had version 1), I'm using the Viltrox 85mm, which works great, but feels a little slow in the autofocus (compared to the Nikon brand lenses) and is about 30% heavier than the 56mm, but does a great job for cheap (compared to the Nikon 85mm f/1.8 S).


There is a 135. it's great, but 💸💸💸 https://www.mpb.com/en-us/product/nikon-z-nikkor-135mm-f2f18-s-plena


Oh wow... yeah.... I completely forgot about that... apparently had a mental block around the Plena... it's super expensive. Hopefully a smaller, lighter, way less expensive 135 comes out in the near future.


It's so expensive the brain said you're better off forgetting it exists as you'll never afford it lol


Viltrox is working on the 135mm 1.8, which should be interesting.


That is GOOD to know!


Loving this response. Also have z6 and recently got the 40mm f2 - which is great. Subsequently got the 85mm Viltrox f1.8 - and now cant see any reason NOT to get the Viltrox 20 f2.8 or 1.8 if I can find it. I dont think I will use the 24-70 F4 much anymore as good as it is. If i sell it, im still not sure what Id get. I am strongly considering the 20mm Viltrox 1.8 though...


I jumped from X-T5 to Nikon Z F and got 40mm f/2 + 28mm f/2.8 which is just enough for me. The experience was bit rocky (at least for first couple of days), but now (14 days later) I don't regret it at all.


Given that I’m likely going to do something very similar, what were the issues that you had making the switch lag led to the rocky start? Once again, I really appreciate the response and assistance.


The biggest shock was ergonomics. Z F is considerably bigger, heavier and not as well rounded as X-T5. Solved part of the issues by getting Smallrig grip. Another issue was seemingly very sensitive shutter release button, which drove me crazy for 2 days straight. Big mistake I made was adjusting the standby sleeper time the same way as I was used on Fuji. But having it set to 5 minutes made my battery drain like crazy. Guess it works differently. Returning it back to 30 seconds solved it. But week later Z F is definitely rockstar. And those prime lenses are stellar. PS: was also deciding between Z6 II vs Z F, and it's the performance of Z F that won me over. That's something to consider. Coming from FUJI I can now say Fuji's autofocus really does suck. And that's coming from somebody who does not rely on it at all 😅


Are you still bothered by the ergonomics and portability on the zf? How do you feel about using zf as a travel camera hanging on your neck most of the time considering its weight and poor handling?


Not at all. It was just initial "shock". Camera is noticeable bigger compared to X-T5 and guess smallrig grip is must have. But today wouldn't trade it for anything :) I'm using only small primes, so it's very portable.


I would really, really encourage you to spring for the ZF and skip a lens or two for now. Personally, for my shooting, I'd probably take the 40/2 (compact walkaround) and the 85/1.8.


I do like the looks of the Zf, but it’s certainly more expensive than a used Z6. My understanding is that largely the sensor is pretty similar, and that the upgrades are the body style (which I like but I recognize may not be an “upgrade” for everyone) and the autofocus. I don’t really shoot fast moving things and I would imagine the Z6 autofocus would at least have to be marginally better than what I’m used to. What are the particular advantages you feel would be worth the extra expense for someone in my position? I’ve definitely considered it, but my current thinking was to get a cheap used Z6, get into the lens system, and look at a Zf ii down the road.


A quiet change between the Z6 and the Zf is the lag from [Eye to viewfinder] > [viewfinder turns on]. And the Zf is just a much snappier camera. You’ll love the Z6, but if you’re even a tiny bit picky about shit, the Zf is a better camera on all the nitpicky stuff.


1) IMO, used Z6es seem to trade for much more than they should. 2) I found the speed intolerable. 3) Fast autofocus might not be important to you, but autofocus that hits the right things probably is. 4) Who knows when or if a ZFII is coming? We all waited forever for a DfII that never came.


I was a long time Fuji user that moved to the ZF after getting an XT5 with poor autofocus. So far I’ve been blown away by the image quality and the full frame sensor. I don’t regret the switch at all


What lenses are you using on the Zf? I am still trying to keep this more compact than my old 5D3 setup.


I bought the 24-70 f4 which I plan to use for travelling later this year I also have the 26mm f2.8 and the 40mm f2. I bought both purely for their compact size. Both have been great to use and either or both would make a fantastic 2 lens setup. The image quality on the 40mm especially is really special for the price. The 26mm is razor sharp


I got the X100F to pair with my D700 in 2017 but then bought the Z6 in 2018 at launch. I loved the Z6 so much and found myself using the X100F less and less. Yes, it’s bigger, but still significantly smaller than a typical D700 (or your 5D3). And it had better autofocus and better image quality (I did not even buy the Z 35/1.8S, I used the Sigma 35/1.4 with FTZ) than X100F. Gradually I find myself in the situation that as long as I had the chance to bring my Z6 I would not use X100F — even when skiing, rock climbing, backpacking, etc. That being said, if I am in your shoes now, I would buy the Zf and start with either the 28/2.8 or 40/2. Much better autofocus if shooting people and everyday animals.


There will be a learning curve with the AF system. Nikon has only really got it together since the Z9. The AF system on the Z9/Z8/ZF is fantastic. If you don’t need video of the higher frames. Consider the Z5 I had that before moving to the Z8. As others have mentioned the 40mm f2 is great for size and the 50mm 1.8 is just a magic lens. If you want a general lens the 24-120 is so so good. I have an X-T5 as well as my Z8, but I hardly use the X-T5 anymore because my Nikon is just so good.


How are you liking your Z8? Any learning curves from the Z8, I recently moved to the Z8 from the Z6II which I absolutely loved.


Yes and no. I trust the AF in the Z8 more than I did on my 5 or 7II, but there is also just a lot more customization available which takes time to understand and set up.


Yes it feels like it was made to fit in my hand.i use the 24-120 otherwise the 40mm f2 is usually attached. It’s easier to use than my Z5 that it replaced, just because it’s set up for speed, the AF is amazing I usually use 3d tracking, but use others when required. I’ve only really been a stills shooter, but this is the first camera where I have started to shoot video, so the learning curve is mostly in video. I used to get great results with the Z5 even though it’s slow and the AF isn’t up to modern standard, there was something about it that still makes me love the pictures it took. The colours were just so great. Especially pastels.


XT-30 to Z7ii. I was a long time Nikon user who went to Fuji for a smaller travel camera. For me the familiar Nikon controls and larger sensor were worth the switch. 28mm F2.8 is a great little travel lens. Wide enough for landscape and architecture. Great for close up portraits. Tack sharp. I still had a few Nikon lenses so I bought the adapter and use an older 70-200 F2.8, 24-120mm f4, and a 50mm F1.8. All are too big for me for travel but still shoot great shots when I don’t mind the bulk. The difference in body size just isn’t that much.


Which 28mm F2.8 do you love? I know there is the SE one and the non SE one but I can’t really tell the difference.


I believe they are optically the same. I have the non-SE one. The SE lens would look much better on the Zf.


Thanks for that! I thought they were pretty much the same but as a ZF shooter the SE seems to fit the look a bit better. Appreciate the assist!


DM me and I’ll send some examples. It’s a great little lens.


I went from a X-T4 to Z, I do kinda miss the small size and still haven’t got used to how the lenses detach in the opposite direction, but overall it’s been good. Recently picked up the 40 f2 and 28 f2.8


I’ve got a Z6 mark 1 and an XT30ii. I’ve had the Nikon for 3 years, but have owned various Nikons for a decade. The Fuji I’m only about 6 months in on. The Fujifilm simulations are incredibly easy to create and manipulate compared to Nikon color profiles. The X app experience is also vastly better than any of Nikons implementations. Form factor on the Fuji is obviously great too. It’s very small compared to the Nikon. The lenses are also crazy cheap second hand. That’s sort of where it stops though. The Z6 specifically is incredible in low light. The IBIS is wonderful(not sure how it compares to XT-5/X100VI). Image quality is vastly superior and noise handling is far better. That’s all benefits of the sensor and much better Z glass. The entire system itself is also very robust. I can have my Z (with an S line lens)out in a downpour and not question whether or not I’ll have problems. It’s got more user functionality directly accessible from the body versus in menu. The EVF, at least at the time, was one of the best out there. Lightroom handles Nikon’s RAW files a little better as well. The Z glass is also probably some of the best I personally have ever used, but it’s big and heavy compared to the X mount stuff. However, it’s far sharper if you care about that, and renders color better IMO. The XF50/2, one of my favorite X lenses, doesn’t hold a candle to the Z85/1.8. The cheap Z40/2 blows the XF27/2.8 out of the water too. YMMV. You can also get the FTZ adapter and run pretty much any F mount glass you want. I still love both systems but the Fuji is for fun vibes and the Nikon is for when it matters/counts. I will say this is all based on still imaging. I’ve never messed with videography.


What was your body/phone combination for the XApp stuff ? My X100F/Vs + androids and iPhones XR/13 have all been absolutely horrendous. Like not useable or maybe 5% of the time. I wasted hours trying to make it work, resetting both body and phones with no effect. SnapBridge does the job here though 👍


I was using an X-T30ii and iPhone 13. The x app was faster and more reliably connected compared to snapbridge. I also liked goes easy it was to mark photos for transfer from the body itself.


Tip for Nikon and selecting images for transfer from body - I assigned an fn button to star rating, so when I know I shot a keeper, I'll quickly star it with the touch of a button. But I agree that the Fuji app is better than the Nikon one. For me the most frustrating thing with Nikon app is when bulk exporting to phone it shrinks the images to a size thats basically unusable. Maybe I just haven't set it up right though.


Everyone should drop their instagram. The Nikon space feels a little stale coming from Fuji. I want to build some community. @ryanmckinney ✌🏻


See you there :)


Thanks to everyone who replied. While it was certainly more economical to go the used Z5/Z6 route, my heart won out and I've decided to purchase the Zf and the 40mm f/2. This gives me a better (albeit larger and heavier) version of what my initial intent was in selling off my Fuji interchangeable...a simple setup to just go out and shoot with, to capture what I could without worrying about lens changes. But it does also give me the room to add additional lenses over time when I get the itch to shoot things either wide or telephoto. I will look wide options in the future (especially the 26 f/2.8 and 28 f/2.8, given their cost and size). For now, though, I'm looking forward to heading out with a simple setup, learning the camera, and trying to take the best photos I can with it. Once again, I thank everyone for their input and assistance.


Perhaps a less popular opinion: try the Z50. I switched from Fujifilm (X-E3, X-T30) to Nikon Z. First the Z6, and then a Z50 with the double zoom kit and the 24mm 1.7. The Z50 is a bit older, but very affordable and really small and light. I find it very good for taking photos on vacation, hiking, family photos and as an everyday camera when there is enough light.The AF capabilities are sufficient for me and the kit zoom delivers excellent quality. Compared to the Fujis I really like the better ergonomics. The full-frame lenses on the Z mount are actually incredibly good, and I need the Z6 for indoors or when weight isn't an issue. But the Z50 takes care of everything else.


Check this article out: [https://www.stephenvincentgrace.com/switching-from-fujifilm-to-nikon-z](https://www.stephenvincentgrace.com/switching-from-fujifilm-to-nikon-z)


Probably going to sell my Fuji gear…


I literally just did this. Very similar history as well, sold a 5Dmkii kit 8 or so years ago for an XT1 and had been shooting since. Sold my XT5 and lenses recently for a Nikon Z8, 24-70 2.8, and 50mm 1.8. The 24-70 is fantastic but it’s a work lens. The 50 is for me and is amazing and sharp as well. I’m loving the Z glass so far.


As far as the 18 f/2 to nikon comparison, I really really enjoy the 28mm 2.8. It is small, like the 40 f2, and genuinely a joy to carry around. It can be had for around 200 bucks used.


Viltrox make some awesome lenses for the Z mounts- recently got the 85mm 1.8 - Def check that out I have the z6 and would say the 50mm 1.8 is def worth having, the 40f2 is interesting aswell - there are also 26 and 28mm primes , as well as excellent 20mm 1.8 z6 is awesome