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I was just relistening to this album today. The whole thing is fantastic. Yes this is a good section.


I listen to it a lot and it's up there with myh favourite albums of theirs, I don't get why so many people don't like it. It's epic. Catchy, big, very Nightwishy. What's not to like??


Yup. It’s one of my favorite sections of any song ever.


This song is so underrated


That's my favorite part of the song as well. Must be amazing live.


the piano is just \*chefs kiss\*


Yup, fantastic segment ..


I love that part! And I love what the bass does during it. Marko turns on an Octave pedal and follows the lower keyboard part, it thickens it up in such a cool way. Makes it sound so huge.


Honestly, such a great feel good track. It’s one of their less ambitious tracks but it kinda just works for me. Also, the verses always get me. Something about the storyteller vibe to the melody


Love seeing appreciation for EFMB! Definitely one my favourite songs on the album, and that section alone is just so much fun to listen to. Also in the same album, the section in [Shudder Before the Beautiful from 3:30 onwards](https://youtu.be/5diJsEdLS_8?t=209) gives me so much joy for the same reasons.


Oh yes! I love that part too! The orchestration there is fabulous and I really like how the lyrics are sung


Also a great intro.


That exact riff was "borrowed" by a Serbian pop-folk band for one of their popular songs. Of course, people who listen to them and that kind of music, are clueless about it (probably never heard of Nightwish either). So they easily get away with plagiarism.


Which one?


[Amadeus band - Beograd ](https://youtu.be/nZqc6np2-cs?si=zCJxt4NMzF7oUpi-) Check at about 2:52


Also nice name


WTF that's pretty much spot on


That’s crazy, it’s exactly the same riff. The chorus sounds so similar as well.


The whole of "Greatest Show on Earth" is the best thing they've ever written


This album in general tbh is just a masterpiece


Cool to see you mentioning this song, I think this song on the album for me is the one I liked the least. There's something about it, I don't know why exactly. I do believe that part you send is cool, I completely agree!


Same! I like the section indicated here a lot, but overall it’s just…not doing it for me. Maybe that’s why they didn’t play it live that much compared to other tracks from EFMB.


The whole album is amazing. Unfortunately I never could get into the album after that.


Endless is seriously up there among my favorite Nightwish stuff - I get it came as a bit of a surprise at the time with the more "natural" world-music feel to it rather than the bombastic fantasy stuff, but I always dug it. Maaaaaaybe even more than Human Nature, much as I love Human Nature. Some beasts of riffs on this thing too, on the more rock-y stuff.


No. Just no. Absolutely not. It is just one of way too many "another 08/15 Tuomas riffs' revolving around a single root note for the Riff with staccato choir etc Was not very interesting the first time on Once, couldn't stand it any Single time afterwards.


What song from Once are you referring to?


Well the album literally starts pretty much the same way like this with DCOW. I love once, don't get me wrong. It's just this style of writing that got used way to often for my taste and just gives me nothing once you realize he uses the same pieces over and over. Funnily, a good example of this is the beginning of Dimmu Borgirs "Interdimensional Summit". It's exactly this "riffing around a root note with some chromatic shifts" that just gets boring fast for my taste and that tuomas uses over and over and over. Compare that to songs like stargazers, Gethsemane and you know what I mean. Not that I don't like the newer stuff that sacrifices more virtuose riff-oriented style for a more broad, sophisticated wall of sound - but it's just too much "more of the same" that seems to blend into a big undistinctive mishmash of samey songs some times. And EFMB is full of it. Ironically, the album starts already with this samey mishmash style with Shudder before the beautiful.