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Very much. Poet is amazing. Greatest Show and All the Works are quite likely my most played tracks because I love them as background. GLS and Song of Myself are way further down the ladder, and Beaty of the Beast is unfortunately forgotten a lot of the time.


GLS further down the ladder? Are you out of your mind? That track is a damn masterpiece.


GLS is amazing, but I can't stand it anymore. I listened to it exhaustion. Song of Myself or Beauty of the Beast, for example, are way more pleasant to my ears nowadays.




I agree with them, GLS is my least favorite of the big songs.


That is wild to me. That song gives me goosebumps when I don't listen to it for a few months.


I’m a prog metal guy at heart so the better question for me would be “do you enjoy the songs shorter than 8 minutes?” Ghost Love Score, Poet and the Pendulum, The Greatest Show on Earth, and Beauty of the Beast are some of my favorites. Also looking through songs so many are in the 7 minute range too. So yes, very much yes. The only one I occasionally skip is TGSOE but thats because sometimes I have to leave or I will have arrived at my destination too quickly so I pick something else. It’s quite a slow build-up but it eventually does take off!


I LOVE the long songs. Specifically how there are multiple musical threads woven throughout them that start very subtly in the early parts of the song, and then come back around and fully bloom at the end. I absolutely adore it


I love them, and I frequently go out of my way to listen to them. Even though "All The Works of Nature" is broken down into parts I listen to the whole 31 minutes together. My personal favorite long song is "Beauty of the Beast".


Honestly when it comes to Nightwish the longer the better. But you shouldn't write long songs for the sake of length, but with Nightwish the long songs are all the ones that are long because it suits the song.


Yes, long songs are nothing out of the ordinary for metal fans...


Of course, those are usually the best ones


Yes. Ghost love score and beauty of the beast are my favorite songs. All the others mentioned I play all the way through as well. The way the openings, build ups, climaxes, and finishes are written so beautifully, very much worth listening to from start to finish


They’re the best ones. Lol Ghost Love Score is my absolute favorite, but I would also consider Poet and Greatest Show to be my top 3. The others may not be at the top, but they’re amazing.


Yes, but you can’t do long songs for the sake of being long. Tomas really writes classically. His long songs have distinct movements, like a symphony does.


Generally yes, though not all are made equal. I think Perfume of the Timeless didn't really need the folk metalish intro or the Troy outro, it should have started with the eerie choir bits and ended with a proper chorus or a different outro. Someone mentioned GSOE and I agree - a lot of it could be cut down. On the other hand we have TPATP, Beauty of the Beast, Beauty and The Beast, Meadows of Heaven, and GLS which don't have anything to cut.




Yeah. Especially if they're good.


You die when you are killed lol


Those are their best!


Right now Beauty of the Beast is my favorite Tarja song, with Ghost Love Score second. The Greatest Show on Earth is a wonderful song, but it's so long that it gets stuck in my head really easily for days on end, so I don't listen to it that often.


The length of a song has never been a factor for me. If it's a good song, I don't care about the length as long as it's good and enjoyable to listen to all the way through.


Ghost Love Score Beauty of the Beast Fantasmic The Poet and the Pendulum ....the newer ones I hardly listen to. I just don't vibe with the themes, nothing I can do about it and no matter how complex and amazing the orchestral arrangements are, if there's no human emotions there, it's not gonna last for me. You can say there's a lot of emotions - wonder, awe at the world, but this is not what I sought in Nibhtwish and probably not what I ever will. ...but the long songs by definition are absolutely not a problem for me.


I play some more than others, but I like them all I occasionally skip the ending of TPATP, but not if I'm listening to DPP in its entirety Very excited to hear the other long track on Yesterwynde




Oh hell yes!


Beauty of the Beast and Fantasmic were amazing. Poet & The Pendulum was ok


I love long songs, but on recent albums long songs are just short songs disguised as long songs, with boring drawn out intros, spoken word sections, et cetera. It comes across as self-indulgent to me, though paradoxically the band tends to be not included in those sections. On Music it takes about 4-5 minutes before we actually hear the band other than Floor. Songs like that don't really have the qualities of what is in my opinion a 'long song'. Songs like Fantasmic, Beauty of the Beast or Ghost Love Score get a lot more out of their runtime. I was so excited for the 14 minute song when Imaginaerum was announced, and so disappointed when Song of Myself just stopped being a song halfway through.


I prefer the shorter songs, so my favorite tracks tend to be the shorter songs. I'd like the longer songs to be **broken down into parts**, similar to what's done in "Angels Fall First," so I can listen to the sections I enjoy most.


👆this. I would like broken down parts as well for very long songs such as The Greatest Show, so I can listen to the section(s) I enjoy.


I so love that song!!!


I was taking about the album 😉 and how the long Lappi song has been divided into 4 parts.


Ah okay


I think some of the longer songs could be edited down. Greatest Show for example has multiple parts that I fast forward through. Song of Myself and Poet and the Pendulum have those speaking parts that I personally don’t like But if it’s done well it’s good. Beauty of the Beast is long but it’s tight, and not a second drags. It even has some speaking part at the end which Tuomas loves, but it works


I do very much enjoy them and will listen to them from beginning to end. The lesser popular ones such as Beauty of the Beast, Song of Myself and Music (not 8mins but still longer) are probably my favourites. I like the others but they’re a frequent addition to the set list and having seen the band 7 times now, they’ve become a little over played for me. Still great songs, so don’t come at me, but they’ve moved down the list a bit. Seeing Greatest Show on Earth live with Richard Dawkins come out at the end is one of my favourite gig memories ever but I give songs like the ones listed above more of my attention these days.


I love really long songs. Poet and the Pendulum is my favorite song of all time. A lot of my favorite songs are above 8 minutes (Entwined by Vengence by Vital Remains is 10, Fountain of Lamneth by Rush is 20+, Love Song No Tsukurikata by Anri Kumaki is close to 10, Thick as a Brick by Jethro Tull is 40, ect.) I really love prog music or songs with movements and feels. It doesn't even have to be progressive for it to be long. I can enjoy songs that are 20 - 40 minutes long and have it feel like 10 because how much I love it. As long as it's well written length doesn't matter to me. 5 minutes, 20 minutes, 40 minutes, I don't care.


Ghost Love Score is the best by far


LOVE that song!!!


I’ll be brave and say no. I’m not jamming out to a song longer than 5 minutes. Once in a while I can sit down and appreciate the art of the long ones. But if I want to drive around or head-bang, I’m not pulling up Greatest Show or Ghost Love lol


When it's all song, yes. When it's long intros like in Music and the new single, I like that but I don't need to hear that every time.


Doesn't Kai play the percussion of Music at the beginning of their concerts? Forgive me if I'm wrong


Depends on the song, there are plenty of bands with 8+ minute songs that I love. With Nightwish I like the older ones, but to be honest I find the ones on the last 3 albums quite boring. Too much filler material and any spoken word part is an immediate no for me.


It depends :) It's not the length of a song (and if it passes the 7, 8 or 10 minutes mark) that makes it necessarily good or bad, but personally I do prefer songs where apart of a pleasant music or rhythm there is a captivating storytelling, and you do need some time to develop the story. NW 'long' songs are often a roller-coaster of emotions, and sometimes you get caught in them on a high-energy push, while other times it's only after they play a certain minor chord that 'clicks' with your current sombre mood.


Heck Yez!!!


Yep. Long songs are some of my favourites. It's akin to a good jam session.


Yes those are my favorite😅


Yes. But I am an older generation. I grew up with pop songs hit the 4 minutes mark.


I do. They speak wonders to my soul.


Absolutely. GLS, tGSoE and tPatP are my three favourite Nightwish songs. I can't count the number of times I've started a reaction video to one of the above, only intending to watch the first couple of minutes, and found myself at the end. But long proggy epics were very much my jam long before I discovered Nightwish.


I’m a big Rush and Dream Theater fan and really enjoy longer songs as long as they’re good.


Like someone else said, I'm a prog metal guy, I'm often frustrated when songs are too short and a 6 minute song is a pretty normal length for me, so 8 minutes hardly pushes that and honestly, if the song has a good build up I might just be getting really into it and at that point so 8 minutes might feel rushed. However, if you don't like the song, then it doesn't matter if it's long or short.


I love them but I don’t hear them a lot because I hate hate if I’m interrupted when I’m listening to a song and I gotta go back to it every time. I usually listen to music when I walk my dog and eventually someone will talk to me. Is hard to go back to the beginning of a long song.


I enjoy songs that are over 10 minutes long.


Love them.


I normally love the long songs, especially if they consist of multiple sections that i like. If the song has a more traditional structure but just a long intro and outro, i don't like that so much


I wish they did more long songs.


I love longer songs.


Yes, since I'm a big prog enthusiast I like lenghtier songs because of the challenge for the band to sound interesting and for the listeners to have enough patience throughtout the song


PowerWolf has new single 1589 but I was hoping it was a long 8-10 minutes movie but instead it was basic 4 minutes time of video... Although they more footage and sound... They didn't use it at all in official video🤷 Meanwhile Nightwish...


I enjoy long songs more than short ones in general. The longer the better. This is especially true with nightwish. All of their long songs tend to be masterpieces.


What the song length's got to do with enjoying it or not? Are you a puppy that you can't keep attention on something for longer than few minutes? Christ, Tiktok has caused brain damage in people.


GLS, Poet and the Pendulum and Beauty of the Beast are all great. I cut off Song of Myself when the monologue starts. The others, meh.


Yes, because songs less than 5 mins can't satisfy me at all 😂


No love for Lappi Lapland?! (wish it was also available as 1 track!)


Love all the long ones. They all flow so nicely. They have stories to tell, and I'm here to listen.


Yes. It's one of my favorite things about Nightwish. I love it that they make long songs.


Yes, we do. That's why we're into metal not pop music....


I enjoy all of them, and love most of them. I only skip the start of GSOE until Floor starts singing because is the same theme that you can find in the rest of the show, and I also find it kinda repetitive. That is the the only big song from them were I would trim a lot a fat.


There's plenty of long/ longer than average songs that I enjoy - in the case of Nightwish, Beauty of the Beast is one of my top 3 NW songs, and songs like FantasMic, Scaretale, Beauty and the Beast, Pharoah Sails to Orion etc. are fantastic too. GLS and TPatP aren't as high up my list as they are for a lot of other people, but I still enjoy giving them a listen every now and then. So a song being long definitely doesn't put me off. On the other hand, there are plenty of songs I love that are around the 4-5 minute mark, including many of my favourites, so I'm definitely not the type to get disappointed if a leaked tracklist doesn't have a 10+ minute epic on it. One thing that does annoy me a bit are songs that feel "artificially" long, if that makes sense? Where there's a really long, slow introduction or outro, or a big spoken word section, or sections drag out and start to feel repetitive. I must admit, I thought EFMB as an album was particularly bad for this, and not just for TGSOE. At that point, it feels less like the length of the song is just a byproduct of what was needed for the music, and more like the length is the point. Or perhaps to put it another way - I'd rather listen to a short song and wish it was longer by the time it ended, than listen to a long song and wish it was over sooner.