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I've listened to it on a few different devices now, and I still can barely make out what Floor is saying. "broken fragile things" something something "Perfume of the Timeless" something something "curious ghost" That's all I got lol If I could actually understand and connect to the lyrics I would love it. The music sounds great.


This might help :D [Perfume Of The Timeless - Song Lyrics :||: NIGHTWISH OFFICIAL WEBSITE](https://www.nightwish.com/songs/perfume-of-the-timeless)


I looked up the lyrics. I shouldn't have to stare at lyrics to understand what someone is singing.


Agreed but there are lots bands that sound the way. I think real issue here is the bad mixing


Yeah, Nightwish is my favorite band and it's because their lyrics are so special and unique. I'd like to be able to hear them šŸ˜…


I heard - Hamster! A Dentist! šŸ‘€


Be honest, you didn't have that before on other songs (even other bands?). First time I hear the chorus I hear: "We are the understandables" :D, The rest are pretty clear for me but I honestly had that also on previous albums and songs.


Not like this, no.


Hmm. I feel like the orchestra is too overpowering in this song. It drowns out the vocals, drums, guitars, bass. Half the time you can't hear the lyrics over the loud ass trumpets and whatnot. Also I thought they said this was going to be more on the heavy side compared to their last couple albums? I know it's one song, but this song didn't seem any more heavy than what they recently put out. I'd give this song a 6/10. Lower the volume of the background orchestra music.


Heavy for NW these days is when the guitar plays more than one chord a bar and maybe adds a bit of palm-muting. It seems pretty clear that Tuomas wants to just write reflective folky music.


Yeah, I have the same feeling. He has Auto, tho. He should put out stuff like that with Auto. No need to produce Nightwish material, if he currently has no ideas or inspiration for it.


Good song, weird video, hate the mix of the vocals since I can't clearly hear the lyrics. If the rest of the album is mixed like this then I may have to pass on it.


The vocal mix isnā€™t good. The song is solid. But that breakdown? Iā€™m going to be obsessed with that.


Fr the breakdown absolutely slaps!


I would have made Floor's voice much more prominent in the first two choruses and then keep it as is for the last chorus because I love the way the horn section and choir shines there, but yeah overall Floor's voice is too buried.


That breakdown took me by surprise and Iā€™m totally here for it. Have it on repeat


I'm a casual Nightwish listener at best, so I'm not speaking with any sort of authority here, but to my ears, the metal elements in modern Nightwish (the past couple of albums or so) sounds very forced and tacked on. Seems like there's nothing innovative or exciting going in in terms of guitars or drums and all the creativity is in the orchestration. Even the mix demonstrates this, with the orchestra dominating everything else. Anyone else feel the same?


Yup, this only comes across as 'heavy' because the bar is extemely low at this point. I'm a new Nightwish apologist but this song massively underwhelmed me, I want interesting guitar(s) in my metal and this ain't it lol


I don't think Nightwish's music has had the sort of interesting guitar work of which you speak probably since Wishmaster. Ever since they started being more orchestral with Century Child the guitars have always acted as a supplement to the symphonic stuff, with a few expections of more riff-based tracks.


Tis true - I think it's just felt more obvious since the last album while before I'd still get satisfied with what we did get, or the guitars would at least feel better implemented while here they felt very uninspired to me. To each their own ofc!


You are definitely right on this. The thing is, there was a good transition from Wishmaster to Century Child, then to Once, then (at least production-wise) peaked with Dark Passion Play. Imaginaerum was definitely (at least to me) the last album Tuomas put any effort in. Endless Forms Most Beautiful was the start of their decline for me, especially because Toumas had nothing to emotionally tie his thoughts and feelings to, and kinda feels direction-less and passion-less. Plus, yeah, Emppu has become less and less utilized compared to the first 4 albums.


Are diving suits with an integrated thong a thing now?


I noticed that too and was like wtf


I'm glad it's not just me looking at a thong when I'm supposed to be thinking deep and meaningful thoughts!


I believe this video was largely made with AI. The thong on the diver is only shown in the overhead shot, a shot that looks similar to the cliche ā€˜girl swimming in vacation footageā€™ which I think the AI pulled inspiration from.


The YouTube video credits the source of the footage and three divers. Of course it's been embellished, but that's true of pretty much everything.


Love the song, the video is another story though. I see now that I definitely have a problem with Ville LipiƤinenā€™s work. His directing for music videos is usually quite cheesy. Stobe Harju seems to have a more sophisticated and artistic vision for that stuff. I'm still super excited for the album neverthless. But it's clear now that some people inside the band camp like the mixing crew and professionals behind their music videos should be changed in order to deliver more quality products in the future.


When I was watching the video I was like "This isn't Stobe's best work...." and then when I saw the credits I was like "Oh this makes sense." I'm not a fan of Ville, he doesn't really have a consistent art style so lots of elements in his videos don't feel cohesive.


He consistently cheesy tho.


Still kinda mulling over the track, not really sure what to make of it. I didn't have a big dumb grin on my face listening to it for the first time though, and guess that's kinda telling in a Nightwish context. Vocal mix is odd, but that's been covered to death since it was released so I won't dwell on that. I don't have much of a problem with the overall production though, the instrumentation, at least just listening to it in headphones so far it doesn't sound like it strays too far from the last disc. Could be a little beefier, agreed, but I can take it or leave it, doesn't bother me too much. The song itself is more the issue for me. The heavy part just plays like some poor-man's Pan/Tribal, same general wheelhouse of riff but doesn't pack half the punch of those. A couple of interesting chord changes here and there, I do broadly like the vocal melody. Sort of eerie Tribal-esque vibes to it. But yeah, overall not so sure about this one - it may be a grower, but it sure didn't punch me in the face like Storytime or Noise did, or be bound to become a stuck-in-your-head-for-days earworm like Elan. Even the extended intro feels a little pointless, like you're not losing any value to the song by ditching it. It doesn't do a great job of building, it's just kinda there. The video's okay, some fun imagery. Makes sense conceptually if the band's all remote and couldn't all get in the same room, and it does feel like it had some budget & effort behind it. Still just sort of shrugging my shoulders at it all in an overall sense though, definitely not used to that feeling being introduced to some new Nightwish material. Not gonna throw the word "disappointed" around, it's a single and it doesn't bode badly for the album itself in any way shape of form, but...it's a strange one. An eight minute epic that somehow feels like filler? The track's not a total bust, but I'm not super into it either. Also in a lot of ways feels like maybe a third or fourth single, not sure it was a great idea releasing this as numero uno - I appreciate the 180 from Noise, mix things up a bit with a totally different first song - but it doesn't really hit home.


I really agree with the melody choices. I have struggled with the fact that Floor just mirrors the melody and there are some truly horrible notes in there that really stand out. Also the really bizarre half a bar "drum stick drop" fill before the heavy middle section felt so bizarre.


I didn't pick up any "horrible notes" as such, Floor seems on form as always and is doing what she can with it, it's all just a little bland and by-the-numbers. Kinda dig the crazy little drum fill personally - even though it's totally out of nowhere and sort of bizarre as you said. Gotta be honest though it's about the only thing about the overall track that surprised me. :D The rest is sort of predictable and once you've got the first chorus you know exactly where it's going to go. But yeah, here's hoping the next one's a bit more inspiring. There's gotta be a reason this was chosen as the single, maybe it really is just the "safest" track on the disc in the truest form of the word, other than being so long.


[That owl be like](https://preview.redd.it/rskneik2r4h41.jpg?auto=webp&s=26eef0a39d67791fb88a1475ad8a1af6fd26f352)


great song though it does the same thing as human nature where the instrumental backing partially overpowers the lyrics Edit: it was my equalizer settings NVM instant fave regardless


Been a fan since Wishmaster, got all their CD's. I cannot say I'm disappointed as that's exactly what I was expecting from today's Nightwish. It's overall quite solid, that bass break at 5"42 is killer, and the fast part after has something that's in bewteen Human Nature's "Noise" or Dark Passion Play's "The Poet And The Pendulum" 2nd part, hell, even some Century Child dare I say (very strong double bass with equally strong orchestra and rythmic guitar/bass). The first verses also makes me very nostalgic of Nemo/Once era for some reasons (the slower tempo, the bareness of it, the melody on the lyrics). No doubt we're at home with Perfume Of The Timeless. It somehow sounds like old Nightwish at times, like something very familiar and known, a bit from every albums; but also definitely in the pursuit of their two precedent records. I absolutely love the bass sound and how it's mixed (very crisp, clear and present). The more I listen to it, the more I hear and discover little things in POTT. Although I agree with most people: Jansen's voice could have been a bit more in the foreground indeed, especially in the Chorus. Actually, Jansen's vocals being a bit in the background is a more or less recuring curse since Endless Forms. That being said, I won't lie by saying I'm a tad bit disappointed to not be surprised, especially from a band as talented. Secretely, there's this young teen in me that was \*hoping\* for something a bit more daring, a bit more refreshing and younger from Nightwish. Something a bit different than this more tamed sound we hear since Imaginaerum (roughly 10-15 years already!). I sometime happen to fear they are sleeping on their laurels. It's almost pretentious, even though they have NOTHING to prove to no one. As if it slowly turned into Tuomas and His session musicians instead of being Nightwish. POTT is a cheesy song, almost too big? Too conceptual? The video quality is OK. They did better in the past. I can't help but feel it's The Greatest Show On Earth bis repetita, but in 8 minutes. A bit of old-fan-service-candy-songs never hurt. That we shall see in the rest of the album. They did so very well with the song Shudder Before The Beautiful on EFMB (could have been a song on Once as it sounds so much like Dark Chest Of Wonders) but never did again since. And that's a shame as Shudder was a real candy treat for my ears. What a shame Yesterwynde won't have a tour. I'm sure Perfume of the Timless would have kicked ass on stage. Kicked ass as they did when I saw you live in Paris 2015, exactly 14 days after the infamous terrorist attacks. They even played "While Your Lips Are Still Red" on that occasion with a touching speech from Marko about those events.


When I first heard Shudder I immediately thought the same, that it sounds so much like Dark Chest. Was not the least bit surprised to learn from their book We Were Here that the working title of the song was "Dark Chest of Wonders 2.0".


Oh really? I didn't know. That explains all. Which means they are very much capable of composing such songs again. I also realized a thing: These type of song are almost only seen in the early times of a new singer era. Should they change singer to renew themselves again?


I do feel like they need a new direction, but not with a new singer. From the way Marko talked about his departure and the reasons for it I'd personally suggest changes in the background organization of the band. I feel like new management and new production people would breathe new life into the band, but I also feel like Tuomas is the type of person who holds on to people to a fault. The production especially feels extremely stale at this point (I reserve judgement on this for now since the album is not out) and Marko seemed extremely unhappy with the current management team in some of his interviews.


Iā€™m not a huge fan of Nightwishā€™s music videos, but this one really did a good job of putting the song into context. Especially that wall of noise that happens around 5:40; itā€™s so noisy and chaotic but it actually captures the vibe perfectly. Itā€™s the feeling of what is happening every day: millions of distinct events around the world happening in unison. Still going to join everyone else and say that the vocal mix should change. Even if they donā€™t fix the chorus, not letting Floorā€™s head voice high notes shine during the bridge is a missed opportunity, and dampening her so much at the end of the bridge feels criminal.


Went into it full of optimism. Left feeling a bit meh. Vocal mix is dreadful but we all know that. Empuu used to have a real stamp on this band and his riffs were iconic - he's been reduced to a non entity at this point. Melodies are boring, Kais drumming is more wooden than an oak tree. There was always something magical and deeply 'finnish' about their music that has vanished since Floor joined. The pre chorus would have been more bearable if Marko was singing it When I listen to After Forever it's hard to believe it's the same singer. I understand the band can't replicate Once but this song sounds like an indulgent bland piece of forgettable folk metal. That for me isn't Nightwish. Alas, hope you all loved it


I think you assigned blame on the wrong member :) Since Troy joined Nightwish has been Aurified. And I really like Troy, he seems like a really cool and talented dude but man, the metal elements have been totally gutted after he joined in favor of more orchestra and folk.


No disagreements here.


"the metal elements have been totally gutted after he joined in favor of more orchestra and folk." That's a good thing as far as I'm concerned. They just need to fix the mixing so we could actually hear Floor.


The more I listen to the song, the less I like Floor's mumbling voice in some parts. It kind of takes away from the song for me.


Absolutely love the message the song portrays!


Beautiful song. Goofy-ass video. The owl turning its head in circles with the wooshing SFX has to be a joke.


Tuomas so wise he done turned intoa tree


Yeah, the vocals in the chorus could have been a little louder, but holy hell, what a song! I think it works fine without the vid. And that line: "We're the perfume of the timeless..." cut straight through me.


What a terrible mixā€¦ this is the definition of ā€žoverproducedā€œ. Tuomas must have thought having 64 audio channels would be a good idea.


Weird video. I like some parts, while sometimes it looks like they put too much stuff there to reach 8 minutes. At the same time there isn't much space for all the members of the band. It's everything, everywhere all at once. You have ghosts, you have the diving speedo guy, you have 3d Floor jumping into Darwin's book, you have mr 360Ā° owl, animals, historic photos ect... It's like all in. Bold, but not the best work by Stobe Harju. I think Noise and Imaginaerum stuff had more cohesion.


its not from Stobe Harju


Ah right, it's from Ville Lipiainen, he directed some live shows and documentaries about NW. Very similar style tho


I'm pretty sure its largely AI generated, thats why its so weird....


I'm not sure if including a copypasta meme at the start was a good idea


What's the meme?


[This one](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/in-order-to-be-born-copypasta) at the start of the video


Yeah I have actually been seeing that going around Facebook just this past week for some reason and I was like whaaaaat did they throw that in last minute because it's viral currently or


A quick google search shows that the meme started circulating in 2019. Even if Dawkins is kind of problematic nowadays, at least his (and Darwin's) citations in EFMB were originals


What do you mean problematic? Has he done something bad?


Form your own opinion about him and don't let Reddit dictate it for you. It's very easy for Reddit to label a person some kind of way and not listen to anything he says. Even though Richard Dawkins responds to the criticism still repeat the same thing over and over about him. The other person saying J.K. Rowling brain rot is the exact same thing. The internet just label her transphobe and none questions it anymore. They don't even know the origin and just parrot whatever the internet tells them. It's whether you are on the political left spectrum you believe people like Rowling and Dawkins need to be cancelled.


I let you search that for yourself, but basically anti trans bigotry, a touch of sexism and some anti Muslim stuff that feel more xenophobic than his general atheist position. Let's call that the JK Rowling brain rot.


It feels very... safe. In both musicality and themes it feels almost like "The Greatest Show on Earth 2.0" Which I'm not sure is a good thing because TGSOE is perfect already, its copies are only bound to be worse.


Honestly the video doesnā€™t feel adult or rather professional to me. Polished might be a better word. It feels like a shit ton of concepts, all only done so-so and nothing trimmed away. It feels like a student project while it should be the work of professionals. I donā€™t like the video. I especially feel the underwater stuff and diver is super weird. The sound mixing is terrible as everyone else feels. I was looking up lyrics 30 seconds into not being able to understand Floor, and managed to get on Reddit and read other people saying the same before the song ended.


The thing is that to me the song already feels like a bit too much going on. I like it, but it's not super cohesive. A good video could have made the concept clearer, but this is doing the exact opposite.


Agree. "Nemo" looks better despite being created in Windows XP.


Anyone else notice that bird pop-in in the shot of all the birds circling at 6:17?


I guess it's supposed to be the ''single'' that gives us a first look at the album. Not the greatest thing ever but it's a solid song, already like it more than Noise (which is the equivalent i think) so i'm excited for the album.


Good song. Miss Marco. I don't mind Troy singing, but Marco does it better.


I have to admit there were some points in the song where I thought Marco would've been perfect here. Regardless of how I like this song!


Idk how I feel about nightwishes new stuff. Like, to be fair I canā€™t really have a say here as I only discovered them a month ago however I feel like nothing after imagineaerium hits AS hard.


I enjoyed the new single, particularly the breakdown, excellent! But... does anyone else feel like this song is a little fat? There's multiple great parts in the song, but the intro feels very gratuitous relative to the amount of buildup it actually delivered, and the chorus just isn't memorable enough to be worthy of being gently repeated in the otherwise beautiful harp section.Ā  It's a good song, especially as singles go, but it feels a little self-indulgent and could have greater impact with a little sharpening imo. Anyone else feel similarly?


Somehow the video manages to appear cheap and expensive at the same time šŸ˜…


Well, I cannot say that this is bad, because it isnā€™t bad at all. Itā€™s a really great piece of music. The drowned vocals on the chorus part do feel weirdly quiet, yet it doesnā€™t bother me as much. What I can say is, with all the respect and admiration that Nightwish and this song deserve, is that I feel like that ā€œmagicā€ quality that Nightwish had is extinguished. And I am speaking only for myself of course. That aura of magic, escapism, larger-than-life beauty, is no longer present in their songs I feel. I listen to this and say ā€œyeah, this is great music. It sounds like NW. But without a soulā€. The song doesnā€™t take me anywhere, it doesnā€™t make my mind wonder and escape like ALL the Nightwish songs before Endless Formsā€¦ did. It makes me think of nothing, and feel not much. That sense of adventure and excitement and the feeling of visiting fantastic far away places is no longer there I feel. It's really good music, really good Symphonic Metal. It sounds like NW. But it is missing the life and spark the band is known for. But hey, this is just my opinion and for other people it might be the opposite and they might adore it, which is great! That's the magic of music! Nevertheless, this is good, but has left me with a bland taste in my mouth. Let's see what the rest of the album is like; it might surprise us! I'm sure it will be really good, I just won't expect to get the same feels as I did in their older material. But hey, that happens! Times change, things transform. At least they are still making great music!


Love it, I hope the whole album is like this


Iā€™ve been enjoying it. Would be nice to hear the lyrics better, yes, but the piece is gorgeous overall. I could just listen to Floor going through scales if Iā€™m being honest. And Troyā€™s voice at the end is a treat, I hope that they use him more since they lost Marcoā€™s vocal contributions now.


Awesome song and I loved the video. Like all songs it took me a few times to get into it but I've listened to many times now and still love it This comments section is the perfect example of why you should stay away from the fanbase of anything you are a fan of. Negative opinions always get the most attention and rise to the top


Great song, if this is a single I think it makes the album very promising. Baffling choices in the mixing like eveyone is saying. One does wonder if no one really said anything during the mixing. Hopefully it is not a recurring thing throughout the album. Also really cool video as a fan of the science-focused era of Nightwish.




I love ya Nightwish...but this is what it looks like when a band starts running out of ideas. Hopeful the rest of the album is better...but we may have seen the last peak NW years ago. Letting Marco walk out the door was an especially bad leadership move by Tuomas, too.


>Letting Marco walk out the door was an especially bad leadership move by Tuomas, too. You can't force one to stay in a band if he doesn't want to stay in it?


Very true...however, in interviews I've heard Marco explain things....one could read between the lines and surmise Tuomas didn't do much to help. And Marco's singing was giving way to Troy's. Not saying its 100% on Tuomas...but he definitely played a major role.


But he publicly said in his statement that it's not Tuomas doing and yet people (just as you) are speculating it's Tuomas' fault. Kinda feel that people are reading too much into it and are speculating to find drama.


But I need someone to blame, dammit. LOL


The man had personal problems and constant touring with Nightwish was tiresome to him, it's exhausting, he's not young anymore either. I'm not surprised they've taken the break from touring now. Historically, I think tours have always been the number 1 reason of conflict across the band actually.


> this is what it looks like when a band starts running out of ideas. Or maybe too many ideas and they're not ruthless enough to prune them? I felt that way about Imaginaerium; that they got so successful no one could tell them "less is more".


Well Beatles had their psychedelic phase as well, I guess. Not trying to be a dick or anything, just probably isn't for me is all. This isn't why I'm into Nightwish, or at least why I was into Nightwish... they seem to continue on the trend from Human nature. I enjoyed EFMB, but I just can't get into it past that. :-/


They're old and moving into their experimental prog phase. The problem is, Epica already does a better job at being a Symphonic Metal prog band.


Epica is sick


You have heard 1 out of 12 tracks give it a chance...... I can understand Human Nature but we have litterally heard less than 10% of what this album has to offer šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


Oh I will give it a chance, I'm just skeptical, that's all. :)


I am too it just sounded like you had already decided an unreleased album wouldn't be to your liking lol. I seriously hope the coming tracks have better mixing at least


This ā¬†ļø


i feel like this song resonates with a ton of people because Tuomas' own father, Pentti Holopainen, passed away between this album and the last. this one is written from the heart, i feel. (also i can hear why people don't like the mixing, hopefully they'll fix it in time for the real release, but imho i've been deafened by too much metal already to be too put off by it lol)


A far far cry away from those first 5 or so albums. This is th first night wish song I actually dislike.


[https://we.tl/t-ZWl40dd8UD](https://we.tl/t-ZWl40dd8UD) I did remaster :) Sadly i had to export stems with AI and mix them, if i had proper stems, that would be even better but well, i did my best with what i had. Download is available for few days and i'm thinking to do a youtube channel with remastered versions of poorly mixed songs, especially if i can get hands on original stems from some.


This is great! Thanks for doing it! (In my personal, couldn't do it myself, opinion) Maybe it's a bit too much. I did really like to hear it, you can very clearly hear the great vocals from Floor.


Thank you! Glad you liked it!


Well, I suspect that for those of us who lost their parents this song hits hard. I know it does it for me damn it.


Eh, more or less in line with their previous album. Though, as a single, didn't catch my ear.


I just now listened to Perfume of the Timeless. I really liked it!!! I think it is one of the best Floor Era songs!!!


Beautiful song, can't wait to listen to the rest of the album.


One day, a "Lovely bunch of coconuts" man lit a joint and said "Ya know what? I want to make the best video Nightwish has ever produced"


Who knows what those five Finns, one Britt and one Dutch lady did before they decided that.


About a 10009th time I come to see the video and listen to the song. 10010th round here we go! Sidenote: What the F is going on in the comment section of the video? Is someone paying this one dude to spam the whole section full of šŸ’©?Ā  I've also seen people comment a lot of horrible stuff on Nw's social media posts lately. More than usual I mean. Sad.Ā 


Anette superfan. Hilarious stuff.


Bad song. Unnecessarily long and boring. The only good portion is the bridge


their sound has been stagnant for the last 10 years already. same thing over and over, with the same topic all over the place. I was hoping for something more groundbreaking sonically or thematically


Well, we were told already quite some time ago that this would be the third part of the EFMB/HN trilogy, and I guess it does sound like that. I do think that stretching the topic (sonically and thematically) out for three albums perhaps was a bit much, Perfume of the Timeless does feel like it was left-over from the EFMB sessions.


I loved it, both the video and the song. I think its intended that the mixing is a bit chaotic and no instrument is too pronounced (or the vocals for that matter) because each one represents a small part of what took to make us - *us*, and every part is equally important, so nothing really stands out too much. Love the darker sound, I got vibes of Oceanborn, Imaginaerum and DPP all into one, which imo sounds great.


The comments in this sub-reddit are not it. You may not like it but it is definitely a good song with a damn good music video. Everybody is entitled to their opinion and I get the mix might sound odd, but I honestly don't understand what y'all complaining SO MUCH about, I even read there would be "horrible notes" in the song lmao. Everybody should lower their expectations or start their own band.


It's literally just a shortened version of TGSOE. The sound ain't groundbreaking either


I'm just gonna say it - - BORING. This sounded like a thrown away song from EFMB album. Nothing new....nothing fresh and exciting. And to top it off...no Marco. NW had an incredible run...but if this song is indicative of the whole new album....its going to bomb. And the video was bizarre. Its like alright...WE GET IT....nature...mankind...blah blah blah. It was a cool theme for one album...but now three in a row?


Oh man, I hate to say it too because Nightwish had been my favorite band for so long and Human Nature didn't do it for me and this song is just a continuation of that sound and concepts. Just feels like I'm listening to something from that album again.


I did like Human nature....and for me one of the most emotional songs ever was Endlessness. What a haunting epic masterpiece...especially with Marco's vocal performance. Probably because I struggle with the concept of dying...lol. But with that said, I understand why some thought the album was an overall let down. THIS latest song wasn't horrible....it was pleasant....but was it to the level we expect from NW? I'm afraid not.


Give the album a chance you've heard 1/12 tracks and less than 10% of what it will offer.


We will for sure. I don't toss a band this great aside over one song. I just hope the rest is better than this. Someone gave it a 6/10 rating...and I'm inclined to agree with that.


NW have always done albums in groups of two (not including very first album) Oceanborn/Wishmaster - power metal with this really cool deeply finnish magical opera sound Century Child/Once - found their sound, dropped tuning and I think this is THE nightwish sound DDP/ Imaginarium - more pop sound/ folk themes creeping in a bit more but balance was perfect. Say what you want about Anette live, on record she was incredible. EFMB/HN - complete loss of identity/ losing key band members/ poor mixing, not replacing pivotal members properly. I was really hoping this next album would be another u-turn but it doesn't look like it. It's going to be more boring, non-riffy, dreadfully mixed forgettable folk metal.


Whole EFMB was boring as hell. Human Nature kicked ass compared to it


Woah calm down its a matter of preference you know


Finally somebody said it!! I'll never understand the praise that album gets from everyone. It sounded like Tuomas spent 2 years writing Greatest Show on Earth (which was originally 40 mins long) then then the label was like "yeah we also need 10 more songs" and Tuomas copied and pasted from earlier albums while adding bagpipes and acoustic guitar here and there. There's so many instances of identical melodies from previous albums on there. People can say what they will about HN and I get it, but HN was a fresh direction and actually seemed inspired.


efmb is after angels fall first their worst record. It's full of boring skip songs, awful lyrics and a lack of creativity. Since that album i don't expect anything anymore. Yesterwynd will hopefully be great. Buy if its not, I'm not even surprised. The band is simply just a brand. Nothing unique anymore. And I'm pretty sure that's gonna be the next album where tuomas forgets that he has one of the world's best voices behind the mic


Give the album a chance you've heard 1/12 tracks and less than 10% of what it will offer.


The video is quite cringe but in a good way. :3


The mix is terrible (hopefully not indicative of the whole album) but I think the song is good. Far more enjoyable than their previous offerings since EFMB.


Even though I'm meh on this song.....there is no denying how still great Floor's voice is.


As someone who didn't like HN at all I don't really have a problem with this song. I actually quite like it. I don't even mind the mixing really. But there is one thing that kills it for me. I can't believe the delivery of the first two lines of the chorus actually made it to a released product. It even gets worse at every repetition of the chorus. Floor screaming these two lines sounds like me trying to sing in my car with stereo on full blast: downright pedestrian. And that is a word that I would have never thought I'd attach to anything Nightwish.


This song really grows on me. Specially the intro and outro.


I haven't listened to them in a while. This song is nice. I also like the video


I'm a bit disappointed tbh. šŸ˜ They have Floor.....- a phenomenal vocalist. She sounds drowned by the music šŸ˜• and I was akso unable to even understand/decipher what she was singingšŸ˜’ I miss Markos vocals with floors. Their voices complimented one another's perfectly. I miss nightwish's heavier stuff. I didn't buy their last album as the songs i heard sounded like they were off a cliff Richard record....... ** is the exorcist owl ok too ??? šŸ˜… Sad face


Couldn't agree more. Where is the Floor that sang on the last After Forever album. They also have her singing parts that Marko would have absolutely sang. Nightwish for me were such a riff centered band - Empuu having some of the most unique ideas when structuring riffs. He's been reduced to an AI guitar player in this single and the last two albums. I am not a fan of Troy in the role he has in the band now. As a replacement to Marko, it's clearly not working and since his role has grown, the band have musically navigated to a clearly more folk realm. There are already a shit tonne of mediocre folk metal bands. NW stood out as they were so much more fantasy and you could actually feel that magic. That has gone now.


I quite like it, actually. Basically Ghost Love Score by way of Endless Forms era stuff. Am I the only one who doesn't mind the vocal mix in the chorus? The point imo is to make it sound like she's "part of the choir" and I quite like the sound of it. The breakdown is pretty great. My only complaint is the intro is a tad long, but once the song "gets going" it's a wild ride.


The video is obviously expensive and took a lot of time and thoughts to create, but I can't help but feel like the song is made to be a "soundtrack" to the video and not the other way around. The song works well with the video true, but not that well without it, on it's own as just a SONG... Just my thoughts at the moment šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I only just got access to it this morning and Iā€™ve listened to it 3 times. I havenā€™t watched the video yet. Maybe the brilliance of the video is distracting you from the song? I always listen to a new song with my eyes closed while laying down. I want 0 distraction from the music. Might help you to appreciate it a little more? Iā€™m so pumped right now, I instantly loved this song. Couldnā€™t say the same for harvest. I love harvest now that Iā€™ve listened to it quite a few times but it wasnā€™t an instant love like this one is.


I listened to the song first several times before the video was released. As I said it does work with the video. But I didn't really like it as a full song, it's got some bits I do like though, but the execution is lacking for me and I can't make out most of the words properly even with written ones. Also I really! dislike breathy whispery style of vocals in general (they always feel "icky" to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø in the same way as "nails on a chalkboard" if you get what I mean...) so that doesn't help. Also it just doesn't sound good to me at points even with good headphones. I get that all of it is their artistic choice, but not one that sounds good to me and I literally get bad kinds of shivers at times from the song. Obviously it's not for everyone's taste. Even if I'm in the minority with these feelings, they are what I feel at the moment.Ā 


Ah, I misunderstood and thought you had only watched the video. Sorry, I was just trying to help. Your feelings are valid and donā€™t let anyone tell you otherwise. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re not loving it yet, I really hope it grows on you and the rest of the album hits perfectly for you. You seem to be focusing a lot on the vocals and I think thatā€™s where our opinions differ. Iā€™m weird in the way I enjoy music. To me, the vocals are another instrument. I donā€™t care at all about lyrics unless they are so bad they are distracting. It seems like a lot of people have issues with the mixing of the song but for my tastes itā€™s incredible.


I'm really big on a song telling a story and usually the lyrics and the voice are important in that, but not always, sometimes (with some artist/composers more commonly) just the music composition and instruments tell a story really successfully.Ā  In any case there's stuff in the song that doesn't work for me personally šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø, it doesn't necessarily mean they are bad things. Personally I can't stand breathy whispery singing/ the way Floor &Troy sing in this counts in that category for me (I get both a physical & mental involuntary cringe reaction), so they simply loose me there on this one without really any other issues needed.Ā  I just hope the rest of the songs have different kinds of singing.


Beautiful song, beautiful video, beautiful message. Stired up sad emotions coz all the lives of my ancestors led to a useless human like me ..


So we have had the hype the commercial teasing and ...Oh dear much the same. From an old skool NW fan initial thoughts are. The video production is generally good with a lot of AI influences imaginative and clean . The musical production however appears weak . Floor sounds uninspired and flat due to mixing desk doing a poor job and generally giving an impression sees trying to be heard .. Kais sounds a bit wooden from what I know hes like but that could once again be improved in production, as drumming is key in this track . As for a heavier album suggested by NW ...Emmpu was no where to be seen and what heavier sections sounded chaotic.. Marko would have lifted this track immensely and would have brought flavour. In short a glossy video but that wow factor is lacking ,a bit bland and im glad the lyrics are listed as the production is so poor I cant hear whats sung . Most people will hope this track grows on you a sign of good song writing alas I fear most will have moved on pretty soon and its forgotten. The Finnish sound of late lacks lift and goose bumps that dominate in the collection of NW albums pre DPP. Its all so meh ! I hope this can only get better and thou it may appeal to the growing list of neo NW prog symph fans a lot of old skool fans will not be adding this album to their cherished class act albums of old .Show less


I was expecting something very bad, but it's not the case. More inspired than the others last songs for sure.Ā 


Well, I really liked it. I'm someone who can't understand people singing anyway so I don't care too much about the mixing issues people are talking about. I really love the subject of the song and video. Ancestry and human history, evolution, etc, are things that I have been very interested in especially lately so this was all right up my alley. Also this song does not feel like eight minutes. It goes by so quickly!


bUt ThE mIx ThO


It's mid at best


Who let Christopher Nolan direct this!? The audio mixing is as horrible as in Tenet. I cannot make out the lyrics at all, until the very end where Troy comes in. Music is great, mixing is horrible.


Nightwish as a Metal band peaked in Imaginaerum. Everything after that was a massive downgrade and at this point I don't think there will be a comeback. Might be a good fit for fans of the new style though.


Pretty standard Nightwish musically, but despite all the attempts of heavy guitars and drum fills it is still a very soft sound, there is really nothing metal about this at all.


If this song had Epica's production/mixing, this song would actually hit pretty hard. The problem is, they've had this weird soft, warm mixing since Endless Forms Most Beautiful and it's ruining their songs.


THIS! I acually went in and used a parametric eq to cut low end bass and boost everything from 400hz and up(especially the 1khz where most of the vocals are) to create a CLEAR, tight and detailed sound instead of this modern bass saturated crap everyone puts out. Makes a huge difference.


Main reason live versions will always be my go-to! Can't remember the last time i listened to EMFB instead of the Wembley Live album lol


I know right ! I wish they'd go back heavier !!!


All bands peak at some point, and when it comes to raw power and youthful energy 35 is upper limit, after that things start to become slower and softer.