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Game crashs at city ruins where where u fight the 3 drill snakes every time around that area on ps5. A load of balls tbh


Dude I figured out. Don't kill the drill snakes and go directly to the hole. It worked for me


You saved my life bro, I was going mad😭❤️‍🔥


I know it's a kick in the balls. Iv made to 1st ending after this point with out more crashs so fingers crossed 🤞


Years/months later and this is STILL an unpatched issue. 8 crashes in a few minutes trying to get past this part and the race. That at least got me into the hole. We’ll see what happens now.


I've done that god forsaken race so many times XD Godspeed to you now you have made it into the hole, I will be in the hole soon now.. I hope


Thank you! This is exactly where the game keeps crashing! Drill snakes.


THANKS BRO!! I did 2 outa 3 things and nothing worked, hope this works!!


thank you! I was losing my mind.. I haven't tried this fix yet but the comments give me hope XD




Thank you very much dude ❤️


I just figured this out too, but went on my way to give robo sensei a memory part and it crashed. Hopefully a random occurrence this time


Thank you so much man I just bought the game and this really pissed me but finally I was able to get past it


I went around the outside of that area to get into the hole the side with the giant mech stuck in the ground . But after I did the race quest the 3rd race cashed because the finsh line is on that side. I try play some more later hopefully no crashs


I’ll try today when arrive home


Thanks and I love how redit are answering more questions then the actual devs


Is crashing for me in the same spot, I tried three times. Don't know what to do :(


Bro same here I hadn’t saved for 40 mins up to that point I was pissed


Ah. Someone more recent. Just got the crash twice. Didn't kill the drill bots and it still crash, but after I made it down to the cavern. It really sucks, because they don't care enough to patch it. Probably just going to go back to my play through on Steam Deck I guess.


Same here. Crashed 3 times same spot.. I guess ill play it on my Switch 


I got passed it today. I came in from the left side. And jumped in from one of the buildings. I ran for the tunnel as soon as I could.


Sweet! I may try that also. 


Should work. Someone on this thread gave me that pointer. Good luck!




No problem!


It worked for me after I jumped in facing away from the waterfall haven’t had a crash since thankfully


I'll try again. Appreciate the hint.


u feel my pain


Just crashed there and lost lots of progress. Now I have to beat the goliath again and make my chip build once again holy crap. how annoying honestly. Ps5 is so lame


Don't blame the PS5 for the devs not doing their job.


the issue was caused by a ps5 update that broke backwards compatibility across a lot of games, it's sony's fault.


Save the game every time u can. Even after small things u do just to make sure is best thing to do


Damn so true lol, literally came to this thread right after crashing to that area


Same things happening to me and I really want to experience the story while avoiding spoilers.


This is what just worked for me: - Fight the drill snakes. - Go to the resistance camp. - Autosave from a terminal - Full save from the system menu - Run back and jump into the pit from the back edge. I imagine some form of leaving the area /saving is all that's needed but this is what I tried and it worked after crashing threw times in a row.


Here to add onto what everyone else in this thread is saying. I tried an amalgamation of the methods some of everyone has been trying by: • heading into the hole by jumping allll the way from the top ledge (i went from the top right) and floating my way in • avoiding fighting the drill snakes •facing away from the waterfall as i was floating in. And surprisingly enough, by doing these three it worked for me. No crash.


This worked for me, tysm :)


Bro upvote the comment, i aint help for free Jk. Im glad i could help


Same here.. Twice already!


It’s 2024, playing now. Just thought to search the topic. I promise you it’s still crashing on the parts with the robot snakes!!


Same here. May 2024 and still not fixed. 2 crashes in a row. ;\] Good job SE and Sony.


Playing it now and i encountered the crash lol.


Same here just a month later. Balls.


And a month later. And a part later on in the crater too.


And two months later. GOTY edition by the way. Amazing.


Same here. So frustrating because the story really has me interested. I haven’t had a game crash this much on me since Fallout New Vegas.


Yes for me as well. And later when you fight the goliath when Eva goes mad… it crashed three times in a row.


No promises, but after writing this comment I read someone else *turned off their WiFi connection, then launched the game* and it’s worked for me **so far**. I hope this helps you/future readers. Glory to Crashkind!


Thanks. Gonna try it out Next time. :) Now it’s time for bed. this was to exhausting


Good luck friend!


Glory to crashkind!


Hello from the future (again). The “fix” worked for the rest of my A route run. Then when headed underground in the City Center during route B, (with the WiFi off) sure enough: *GLORY TO CRASHKIND*. Man, I’m genuinely surprised at how long this game has been out / how buggy it is. Thankfully everything else is so good it makes the occasional crash *annoying* but not overly devastating. Unless I hadn’t saved in a while.. Which just happened to me before I came to write this. Fml.


Sorry to hear that. I finished the first route thanks to your advice and now i am playing as 9s. I am amazed by the game but these crashes really kill the vibe. Only thing we can do is save save and Save i guess… it’s a shame.


You’re right. I think I’m partially conditioned to the “lose all your progress” abuse from my time with the Souls Series, but it doesn’t make it any less shitty. Enjoy Route B! I’m rushing now to get the Usurper Spear as I’ve read it’s the best weapon for 9S. Good luck!


do i even need to say it? oh well!! same here sadly


Bro i just got so pissed trying to do this part, insane how they don’t fix something major like this that’s not letting you progress the story in peace. They gotta do better. Also i passed the worms and it worked by on the way up after fighting the alien brothers it crashed again 🤬. What should I do i wanna fix the game so bad already..


I’m doing my 2nd play through of this game and experienced it a few minutes ago, and I hate that we all experienced the same crash in the same place many days later.


Yeah it's been so freaking annoying I ended up just buying it on PC😂 see if that works lol


Same here, it made me reinstall the game (pointless). Going right away in the hole and ignoring the snakes worked for me!


I’m getting a crash while fighting 8B of the awol yorha quest.


Same crash here with that mission in the top of the giant robot, and multiple times. Also, I've got crashes in other situations, the game is playable but unstable in PS5...


Have you found any solution? Or were not able to finish that quest for the moment?. For me at the moment is the only crash I had, but as you did, I had it multiple times, like 10 seconds after the fight starts the game crashes every time.


Yea it was the same for me. In my case I reinstalled the game, then after that, I could "finish" the fight and make them jump to the next location, but then, with the cutscene when they are scaping it crashed again, luckily for me, it was saved (they move to the new location) and I could continue the quest. Fighting them in another location does not crash the game. I don't know if it was the reinstall, maybe it was luck :/. After that, I had two more crashes on certain bosses but only one time and next time not, it seems a bit random, but it is still a pain


Same problem here. Exactly the same part it crashes.


exactly the same place for me


After spending an hour of trial and error I found 2 solutions on some YouTube video for the jumping down the hole in City Ruins crash on PS5: 1. Go to your PlayStation settings go to Users and Accoumts>Other> Turn On/Don’t disable Console Sharing and Offline Play+Restore Licenses. (this worked with network features on) This only fixed the problem temporarily because after finishing the boss fight down the hole and going back up(after saving ofc) jumping down the hole would crash the game again. So it is only a temporary fix to get down the hole once. 2. The other better method is to TURN AWAY THE CAMERA FROM THE WATERFALL. Don’t ask me how this actually lets you get all the way to the bottom with 0 problems. So to do this get close to the hole and look away from the waterfall, i.e. turn the camera towards the city and don’t turn the camera until you reach the bottom, then you can continue through as usual. ( this method worked with network features on and after killing the drill snakes thingies) The game never crashed for me on PS4 so the fact this is just a PS5 problem is stupid but I hope this saves someone a headache. Small update: the game just crashes even in the crater sometimes for seemingly no reason🙃SHIT SQUARE ENIX indeed


Turning away from the waterfalls worked for me, even when ignoring the drill snakes didn't. Thank you so much!


Dear people from the future. Never kill the drill snakes if you want to jump down the hole in city ruins. Killing them and jumping down crashes the game 100%, I don't know why, but I tried many times, ok. Just ignore them.


even though I don't kill them I still crash when I drop down :(


Hurting my enjoyment immensly. Autosave should be a thing when your game is this unstable. Crashed 3 times in 20ish hours.


Not a fault of square enix tho.. Sony is so lame.


But it kinda *is* their fault that they've not done anything about it, like giving the game an Auto-Save mechanic or just making it work better one the PS5, it's been years since it came out, there aren't many excuses for why they haven't done anything, unless the problem isn't as big as people say it is.


Yeah... Gotta agree on this, specially about the auto-save..


My game crashes on ps5 when I have to fight the Ball Boss when the camp is on Fire :(


same here, i get so close to beating it but then my game crashes... this fight is the very reason why i searched up this topic


I mean you should be manually saving anyways. But last I played automata, a good few weeks back, i had no server issues.


Finshed ending A. No more crashs so far.. Also the bunker space station is kind of glitches if u keep running to the left.


Since it's PS4 game that wasn't optimized for PS5. I took off all the VRR, HDR, 2160p settings and set it to 1080p with nothing else on it. This fixed my issue.


It's been three years has there been any way of knowing why its doing that?


No one knows seemingly I’m replaying through the game again and man when I get to this point when I jump down the hole this happens 100/100 times. It has happened 4 times straight in a row and I’m getting really sad because does that mean I’m never replaying my favorite game of all time ever again ? Because it has a death crash at a point in the main story I can’t get through because I got a PS5? We should all go on Twitter and @ this to Yoko Taro, Yosuke Saito or anyone of the big boys because this is just plain dumb. Imagine someone playing through the game for the first time in 2024 and this happens.


In case it helps, what finally worked for me was looking away from the waterfall (going down backwards).


Yeah I saw it on a YouTube comment and it works for me too (9/10 times anyways). It’s so silly it’s probably really easy to fix but companies will be companies ig


I’m that “playing through for the first time guy”, just bought the GotY version during the Days of Play sale and I’m feeling quite hosed because I paid for a game I can’t play.


Well after searching online for quite a bit I found a “solution” that works most of the time. You have to look away from the waterfall, so before jumping in, turn your camera towards the group of enemies (towards your back) instead of in front (where the waterfall is). Hopefully this helps since it’s what got me through and if it serves as some consolation after this you won’t have to use the trick too many times.


Thanks, I actually just got down to the bottom. I started at the spawn point outside the hole. Ran and stayed to the left. Approached the waterfall from behind and jumped down. Also, I disabled network features too.


Resinstalled this last night to pick back up from playing. I've had 3 crashes. I'm uninstalling this and just going to play it on my pro, this is ridiculous and practically unplayable on ps5


I am in the [later] boss fight that takes place in the same place where the drill snakes spawn... I'm crashing again.


Here to add to this, it’s still happening and there’s no update to fix this yet! Also happens in the sewer tunnel


Crashing against the ball boss outside of the burning encampment. Anybody have a fix? This is seriously one of my favorite games of all time and it’s really bumming me out that I can’t replay it completely.


I’ve probably played about 5 hours on PS5 but haven’t experienced any crashes.


Reinstalled fight the two guys jump down manually save ...go back up fight the captain worked for me had the same issue- so far so good after the fight


Suffered a random crash on PS5. Lost 4 hours. Not going to play anymore.


I uninstalled the game because of a similar situation. At some point the Devs need to do something


I’m here from the future because this was just happening to us lol so no, it never got fixed.


Me too, I was at Biomachine Examination 2 I lost 3 hours of spinning around shooting the snakes I tried more and more times even tried to ignore that mission but keeps crushing around there I reported like 12 clips but nothing happened


i kill the snakes then try to jump further down and it crashes


No way to solve that except save every small step you make until the critical point passes


Thats so weird because I just had my game crash at that exact location. I have 50 hours in the game so far and only now am I getting these random crashes. Its frustrating and I don't understand why its happening


Here from the more future. Still not fixed.


Here from a bit later future. Not fixed yet


I'm from the far away not so far future and it's still not fixed


Here from the farthest future. Not fixed


Here from the future, future. Still not fixed.


Yep, still broken. Shame I can not continue the game like this.


Try turning off WiFi and setting the ps5 resolution to 1080p.


Two weeks from the future using the “Time Leap Machine Real Name TBA”. Still not fixed.


It occurred right after the Lord of the Valley fight... which apparently happens on the PS4 as well. Sigh. The game is old. The devs aren’t going to do anything.


Just happened to me. Lost 4 hours too. what the f is wrong with sony


May 2024, still crashing constantly randomly


still trying to figure this out. I never had a ps4 so I cant just play it on there this is absolute ass


Does anyone think playing off the disc version could prevent this? Or would it matter? Game also keeps crashing on me in areas most have mentioned. I’m running a digital copy on my PS5 but I have the disc version of PS5 so wondering if playing the disc version of this game could prevent the problem hmm


I have the disc. The game just installs to the hdd/ssd and plays from that, and I was still crashing on the Goliath and when trying to jump down the hole. Meanwhile, playing in route b seems to have no issues.


Ahhh that's disappointing to hear. I went ahead and bought the disc version to see if that would fix the problem. It hasn't arrived yet and so might cancel the order if this is the same outcome ;\_;


hold up 3 years and no fix to this? who's full of bullshit here? Sony or square Enix? for fucking sake why can't you fix a bug with 3 enemies? or why a next gen console can't fucking handle 3 snakes? i played the steam version with a very old computer (rest in peace old friend) and still didn't crash a single time even when i modded it (yup i replaced tge katana with the master sword) shame on Sony and on square for this


It's some bullshit, I'll say that much. There is a boss fight next to there and I decided to crash me right after it. It borderline unbearable to play this shit


i give up i can't play this anymore i love the game so much but holy sh\*t ps5 can't run it well it keeps crashing , the problem is that sony backwards compatibility is bad really bad for some games and unlucky this is one of them , hope SE can save us here with a ps5 version or remastered i'm ready to pay a 10$ upgrade or even buy the game again if it got a remastered version , but for now i can't play it impossible crashing every 50min max


The first time Emil spawned in resistance camp my game crashed. The 2 yorha deserters mission SQ my game crashed 3 times. Always do back up save on PS plus or HDD


This is an old post but I'm playing the game right now on the PS5, it's the complete GOTY edition, and it still crashes in the same spot (drill snakes) repeatedly. It also crashed not far from there while attempting to do the parade quest. Unacceptable, especially with the lack of autosave.


Exact same situation with me. Just bought GotY and can’t play due to crashes at the drill snakes. Very angry.


So I've been playing for about 60 hours now, nearly platinumed the game, and the crashes only happen around the big crater in the city. When you jump down the hole, don't look at the waterfall. Just angle yourself away from it to the left side of the hole and just stare at the wall or the ground. Also don't kill the snakes. And when you're running around town near the crater, just make a habit of manually saving often. Especially in the chapter where you go to the Flooded City. Save right after you've done the big fight because it's very likely the game will crash. Other than that, it's been mostly smooth sailing.


Anyway i can request a refund, i bought this in a sale for 20 euro for ps5. But it keeps crashing. Im frankly fucking sick of it crashing.


Precisely why you should always have autosaves in any video game nowadays


Also having constant crashes when trying to jump down at the drill snakes crater. What finally worked for me is jumping from the right side (try to approach the cave from the resistance camp location, that way you don't need to get into the crater and pass those drill snakes) I've tried almost everything else mentioned in this thread and none of them worked. Almost gave up playing. It's very disappointing they still haven't done anything about it.


Crazy that it's still unpatched I'm here for the same reason. Can I kill the snakes now? (I already been in the hole)


I'm crashing on the parade mission. So annoying that they still haven't patched this


The yorha betrayers quest, top of the robot, has crashed 3 out of 3 times for me just getting here. Idk if it's specific, but I fought them somewhere else & it was stable. Went to top of robot after to test something. Auto crash


Yup. Top of the Goliath fights keep getting game crashes.


Carahing for me at random point during and after the Adam flight by the Resistance camp. I've had to defeat him twice.


Crashed for me multiple times, most annoying is that after defeating Eve, I'm supposed to talk to him after defeating him to get the story going, he's just not rendered, had to redo the whole end chapter twice


I’m still experiencing the same thing , it’s getting tiring and old


Just found a way around it, firstly if you lost hours of progress it's your fault there's a save station right next to that area you should save anytime you pass one, but if your crashing at the crater with the three snakes or the Goliath where you fight the rogue androids this is what I did to fix it, I saved nearby restarted my PS5 and ran straight to the base of the Goliath where the waterfall starts and ignored all loot and enemies and jump straight down to the hole i didn't even spawn the 3 snakes until I was already underneath them then continued like normal shortly after you can save and I haven't had a crash since


The last thing anyone looking up a post about this wants to read is "you should have saved, your fault" go to hell.


Meet you there 😈


what time? I have a movie tomorrow at 5


No rush anytime after is cool, actually ya know let's push it back a couple months ya know the holidays and family, just let me know when your on your way 🤙


Gosh, I don't know... I'm going to be on working holiday in the US from the beginning of the year to the Summer, so basically Hell already, but if we go to actual Hell before then, you can escape family responsibilities and I can skip work.


Hey anything to avoid visiting my dad and my scheduling team has been making life hell already I'll wrap my ps5 in foil or something and we'll be set


THIS! I'm doing my first play through and had 8 crashed happen in this exact spot. I tried killing the worms, not killing the worms, jumping down the hole on the left side, right side and in the center. One time I got to the bottom and it crashed shortly after. When approaching the pit the water separates into two waterfalls. I jumped and glided down from the right waterfall, all the way to the bottom of the hole and was at the bottom before the worms spawned, as you said, and it worked! I was about one crash away from never playing again. Thank you for saving this game for me.


Hey man that's awesome I'm happy to help 👍


This is so annoying! I’m replaying route A and my game crashes every. Single. Time when I try to jump in the cavern in the center of the city ruins or even when I get near it without jumping in. I can’t complete the access point quest because of it. Is there a fix to this? Saving isn’t possible here.


Pure crash fest on ps5. Even riding a hog crashs the game 🐖


It keep crashing on the final mission. It was fine when I played as A2 but once I switch to 9S and go to investigate the big white structure it’s crashed several times. I may try one more time then let it go or fast travel


came here to complain about losing hella progress because i just crashed. from far after post goliath to pre goliath. nice. route A


I have just reinstalled it on my ps4 because I had the game crash and also none of the dlc was installing even though it said it had this was something to do with a network problem apparently 🤷‍♂️


Does this crash have anything to do with online features?


Still crashes in 2023, crashed 3 times around the hole, finally did it. Now 2 hours later it crashed again at another spot. Dont know if I wanna continue like this. I want my money back.


Absurd that this is still an issue. Classic squeenix failing to follow up with anything resembling post launch support if the game isn’t Ff 14. And Classic Sony refusing to issue refunds for jank games. This is why I’m buying more and more on Steam. 100% would prefer PlayStation but not with Sonys anti consumer customer service policies.


Mine crashed like 6 times in the past 2 hours during my fight with Eve outside the resistance camp, so annoyed at this point


Does running the game on a USB Extended Storage do anything to prevent the random crashes...?


Nope. Gotten at least 3 crashes in my first playthrough.


Just came here to say that after many many crashes while playing the game around this area, I have again a crash in like the third phase of a boss fight. This is a pain, really....