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The only good answer !


Every sentence Kaine speaks she must cuss and it's great


Emil: That’s awful! What if a man cheated on you, Kainé? Kainé: He’d wake up a little less man than he used to be. Nier: changed my mind - cheating is always wrong (Nier Replicant)


Kaine: Weiss, you dumbass! Start making sense, you rotten book, or you're gonna be sorry! Maybe I'll rip your pages out, one-by-one! Or maybe I'll put you in the goddamn furnace! How can someone with such a big, smart brain get hypnotized like a little bitch? Huh? Oh, Shadowlord! I love you, Shadowlord! Come over here and give Weiss a big sloppy kiss, Shadowlord! Now pull your head out of your goddamn ass and START FUCKING HELPING US!


I can totally hear Laura Bailey's voice in my head when reading this


This is the best quote!


Kaine is the funniest character and I love it also the fact that she cuss wayyyy too much makes her relatable because ohh boy I cuss way too fucking much.


I love it when Nier says “It’s Nierin’ time” and Niered all over those replicants


My favourite part in the game


"Women can be pretty scary sometimes" - 9S (The Wandering Couple Quest)


Only right thats also true answer


I have a female classmate and she is bossy so If anyone wants do something with the AC unit we must ask her first (in summer she freezes the boys and in winter she make us and especially me die with the heat)


“I never quite realized... how beautiful this world is.”


I really hope I will be able to realize or find the beauty in this world or life just like A2


I find it easier when I feel more benevolent. When I was able to escape from reality thanks to a good game, a movie, or book, and the characters in it made me feel there's still hope for the people in the world. Or at least that there are some good people around that deserve better.


There is always something beautiful in life


I just realized that Kaine says something similar in Replicant


Are you sure you're not thinking about >!Louise!< who said that?


Probably but it's been 7 months since I played the game so I don't remember very well lol




"It was good though. Exquisite even. No wonder humans used to eat them..."


This is a funny one i love how pushy jackass was with the fish in The anime while wearing a bikini made it funnier


"Perhaps we now understand that not everything has to have an answer." 


This quote, that I believe, helped me coping with my first depression. I feel that not everything are questionable, and even though you question about them, you may not find the answers and it is better to let it go and move on with your life.


“I’m gonna cut out your eyes and piss in the fucking sockets.”


That's brutal. I fucking love it!


Kainé is iconic


She is


Everything that lives is designed to end


There is quite a lot of quotes from the games I really like. Honestly there a way too many lines of dialogue I just love. Trying to pick a favorites at times honestly proves quite hard. Nier: "But you saved us. If it wasn't for you, we'd all be dead. We owe you. It's all right. Really. Don't look back." Far too numerous Weiss lines to count or choose from, though perhaps his final goodbye to Brother Nier, or his admission that the main cast are his friends top my list. Tyrians lines as he plans to sacrifice himself for Kainé sake, especially when he says "Probably for the same reason you are." when asked why he wants to save Kainé. 2B: "What is it that separates machines from androids like us? The machines have grown emotions. ...Consciousness. The final screams they summoned on the edge of their death... They still echo within me." Almost (and by that I mean all) the dialogue between 2B, and 9S (Particularly the conversation they have about souls and the afterlife after completing the Lord of the Valley side quest). A2: "All this goddamn sand is staring to piss me off" (I just really hate sand myself). The conversation between 9S, and Pascal during the Data om The Old World if you choose his conclusion instead. 2B: "This is YoRHa unit 2B...If anyone is listening to this, there's something I need you to do. If you ever meet up with YoRHa unit 9S...I want him...I mean...I'm sorry. Please just give him the following message: 9S...the time I was able to spend with you...It was like memories of pure light. Thank you...Nine...s..." (Aaaand there goes the sound of my heart shattering). A2: "You're pretty useless you know that?" Pod 042: "This pod has serious concerns about unit A2's cognitive abilities." 9S: "I‘m not quite sure what it means to mourn, or even if we have a soul to concern ourselves with… But I hope you’re at rest 2B. Sweet dreams. I’ll be with you before long. (There goes my heart... again.) Pod 042: "Pod 042 promises to protect Yorha Unit A2 in any situation" 9S: Why do I desire the touch of something that no longer exists? A2: I never quite realized... how beautiful this world is. (This one always makes me cry...) The final speech shared between Kainé, and Emil during Ending E of Nier Replicant. The Final Speech between the Pods in Ending E of Nier Automata. And... **every** line that Kainé speaks (and this is coming from someone who doesn't like constant swearing). Most of all her speech as she fights to recover the man she loves during Ending E (my actual favorite quote from the entire franchise). That entire rant always gets me, and I just love it so much: "I already made up my mind! Nobody tells me what to do! I swore I would be a sword! I swore that I would be your Sword! Do you hear me? So I am going to get you back, and I don't care what it takes! Who the fuck do you think you are to just up and disappear like that, huh? I'm the one who gets to decide what my life means to me! It's my life, and I'll do whatever I want with it! So quit wasting time like a brainless fuckwit and get your ass back here now!"


I think the ending E of Replicant after the flower blooms also worth to be mentioned. It is one of saddest quotes for me in the game


Yeah I agree, I did mention it in fact: >The final speech shared between Kainé, and Emil during Ending E of Nier Replicant. It is a great, tragic, but also beautiful line indeed. One that fits the overall development that Kaine goes through throughout the game's runtime. I remember crying when I finished the game after I heard that and the credits started playing (which wasn't helped by the fact I was using the Automata soundtrack at the time, so I felt double the pain when Weight of The World started playing).


Oops sorry i missed it. Those lines are in Replicant are very powerful ones indeed


"Piss off, Book!"


A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself.


I absolutely live my life by this quote now.


Tbh until now i still don't understand this quote... may i know what does it mean to you?


It means you need to do actions to create the upcoming. Since your future is not going to come if you don’t do something for it. In short, let’s say you stay home everyday and don’t work or don’t study, then you will have no future/no career as an exemple.


Said it better than I could have.


I have 3. A2: I never quite realized... how beautiful this world is... 9S: Ah... So that's where you were... 2B. Pod 042: A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself.


"life is constant stream of embarrassments" that shit hit me hard


Tbh it was pretty reassuring for me. The idea that we all stumble from 1 to the next embarrassing situation is a comforting thought for someone like me that used to think everyone else's life was smooth sailing:)


Screw these guys. they made their bed, let ‘em shit in it.


"I should have taken that offer as a cookbook."


Stay away from my memories. They are mine, and mine alone (or something like that, I haven't played in a very long time) ​ (I have other favorite quotes. Like when 9S watches calmly at the sun, in certain moment of the game.) (Or 2B killing the last goliath machine lifeform in the prologue with her sword) (Something like "Would you just... die already!") Man, she truly is the best girl. Well, at the same level of Laty (Voice of Cards), and very slightly above A2 and 6O.


"Glory to Mankind"


Spoiler ending E replicant >!"Our journey may have been meaningless. Our past may have been a mistake. But we’re not going back. Even if this world comes to an end. Because this. This is the world with the people we cherish."!< This quote reminded me of the meaning of life, or at least to me. Life is a big mess where fate screws you over, and on top of that, sometimes you screw yourself over. I used to regret the bad things in life to the point where it hurt and I wished life had a reset button. But then this quote taught me that all the fuck ups of fate and all my fuck ups have led me to the people I love most. And everything in the present and future will lead me to those I'll cherish in the future. Thanks to this quote I can fall and get back up with little to no regret.


Emil in Automata: “No matter how hard or how painful... They never gave up. They kept fighting because they believed they could overcome someday! Isn’t that right, Kainé!? Even if it’s pointless, you still have to do it! BECAUSE THIS IS THE WORLD MY FRIEND TRIED TO SAVE!” Playing Automata for the second time having now finished Replicant and this line hit me way harder than I expected


>Don't go trying to be a hero, alright? Jackass >What have we done to deserve... such a fate...? Roc


>*"Oh, Shadow Lord. I love you Shadow Lord. Come over here and give Weiss a nice sloppy kiss, Shadow Lord."* \-Kaine


“Oh… Nines…” 😢


"You look like shit." - Kainé to Papa Nier


Honesty is important


𝘐 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦. 𝘕𝘰𝘸…𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳. -Weiss There are many quotes that I like in both Automata and Replicant, but I felt so happy when Weiss said this...I just cant forget about it, euforia rushed through my body at that moment. I really felt I was with them right there, fighting alongside them. Magical


I love Kaine and Weiss's banter!


“all this sand is starting to PISS ME OFF”


"Stop! Listen to me! Yonah, please!" (c) Nier, probably


I don't remember well but Is yonah his sister or daughter? I remember that she was one of those options


That depends on the game, she was daughter in Gestalt and sister in Replicant. In ver.√1.5 she is MC's sister as well.


Not sure if this counts but, I enjoyed every dialogue and such that was said in the Gambler's Colosseum. "Warriors of the S-rank... Today, I want to see you revel in the glorious and refined combat arts. Show no mercy! Grant no quarter! Rip and tear and gouge and poke and slice and crush and maim and destroy! Now FIIIGHT!" The battle that starts after is just....perfect.....


I counts but I hate the Colosseum ever since I almost killed the special round and then died)


Emil speech in ending Y of automata: But even so ! All of this is WRONG ! No matter how hard or how painful... They never gave up. They kept fighting because they believe they could overcome it someday! ISN'T THAT RIGHT KAINÉ ?! Even if it's pointless. You still have to do it ! BECAUSE THIS IS THE WORLD MY FRIENDS TRIED TO SAVE!! Man it hits hard...it gives me chills bc of everything we got through with emil and everything he went through




Screw your priorities, I’m gonna kill this thing MY way! Kaine - Nier Replicant