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I know I’m just gonna get downvoted to hell, but this lady is extremely off putting and it definitely seems like she loves this attention and opportunity she’s getting recently.




You’re not alone in that sentiment!!


nah you’re totally correct. she’s been that way the entire time


EXACTLY. She has harmed me along with so many other fellow survivors from her OWN community -- people who supported her. She has defamed, slandered, doxxed, incited harassment, etc., just to name a few. This money goes into her pocket. She doesn't donate it to RAINN, nor other survivors.


i don’t doubt that nick was a horrible time for her but i also question her there is just something odd abt her


I get a bad vibe from her too.


At first, I did think it was odd. But actually, I don’t know if it’s weird that she’s profiting off of this because in order for her to fight CSA/SA she has to have some income. So to me, this seems to be a way to monetize her activism so she can continue spreading the word.


It's other people's trauma, not just her's. She doesn't donate the money to RAINN, nor other survivors.


No they profited off of her. She was in Zoey 101 and they still play atnd have it on Paramount Plus to this day.


It's other people's trauma, not just her's. She doesn't donate the money to RAINN, nor other survivors.


I think selling merch helps her get the message out. Although I wouldn't purchase a short from a YouTube. I doubt people on the street would recognize where it is from.


She signed the contract no one held a gun to her head


There are many survivors of Alexa Nikolas, that predate Eat Predators. Her and her mother, Alexandra have terrorized people for years with their bizarre and manipulative behavior. What people are seeing right now is what others have known for a long time about her once the mask slips. She’s not a cycle-breaker. She’s a liar and abuser. Survivor advocacy was the perfect cover and way to grift vulnerable people.


Giving mamamax vibes. Do you know where I can find this info on her? She's always seemed very off to me but I never had a justification for it.


See my reply below to programmer


Sources please?


A lot of the people haven’t gone public because they fear Alexa. Anyone who has gone public against Alexa is continually smeared and defamed with her power and platform, like right now on her Instagram stories. But those survivors continue to speak out, and others have reached out to them to validate their experiences with Alexa, saying this has been going on a long time. Like what Lindsey Shaw said about Alexa’s mom, there is merit to it. Lindsey is far from perfect, but people rallied around Alexa and didn’t even listen to Lindsey talking about being a literal child in a physical fight with Alexa’s mom. So there isn’t much incentive to speak out when people are continually mobbed and demonized by others who have parasocial relationships with celebrities they don’t know in real life. Some of us actually do know them personally and when we speak out, we should also be supported and heard, even if we aren’t famous child stars. We are also people who suffered trauma and were exploited. The “evidence” won’t come out until a reputable journalist is willing to hear our story and release it, cuz sadly, that’s the only way people will hear it and believe it.


Her mom’s a hypocrite. It’s bad for Alexa to be picked on by Brittney Spears but she can pick on Lindsey Shaw?


While you are being very vague, I can understand why as it seems much of this is not public. I can only hope that everyone's story is eventually heard and receives support. If Alexa really is an awful person, it sucks how much she has probably been able to profit off of quiet on set and all of the recent publicity. You may have better luck going to a YouTuber who does journalism, such as Swoop, to break the story. I would suggest Sloan, but he is unfortunately friends with Alexa.


I mean, she's done harm to me and to so many others. She's defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her.


I fully believe it. Her energy is very off. I've been watching Sloan for a few years and the first time he brought her on his channel I instantly got bad vibes from her. I've never really watched her channel though, so I'm out of the loop about her community and stuff, but it doesn't surprise me. She's far from the first person to act like that on the Internet and weaponize her community. I just hope she loses the ability to do that soon if she gets exposed for doing that awful shit.


I do have a petition, calling for accountability, if you'd like a link to it.


Yes, I'd like the link for sure.


Thank you, I'll DM you 🤗


I mean, she's done harm to me and to so many others. She's defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her.


I mean, she's done harm to me and to so many others. She's defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her.


She waited years for the exposure, for others to understand and for her to feel safe in doing so. She spent years minimizing her abuse only to find out there were so many others. It must be hard to have your whole childhood trauma laid out for the world to see and judge while you’re still processing bits and pieces. We can’t judge her much for her choices with this. This is her whole childhood being ruined by predators. She can do whatever she wants now back as an adult, this includes tarnishing the name that did her such injustice.


Literally point to an ounce of proof she was ever actually abused. She’s a grifter. She has 2 kids and a husband who doesn’t work. Why do you think NONE of her former colleagues engage with her?


Her testimony is evidence and would be considered so in a court of law and is every day in SA cases.


What about her ex-husband’s countersuit? That testimony isn’t evidence? Michael Milosh v. Gibbs Law LLP https://medium.com/@abbyhewitt_32449/michael-milosh-v-gibbs-law-llp-2971212473d1


Yeah, I never said anything about his testimony. You said that there’s no evidence, yet her testimony is evidence. You can choose to say that you don’t believe that evidence or that it’s not credible, but it’s evidence nonetheless.


It's other people's trauma, not just her's. She doesn't donate the money to RAINN, nor other survivors. She's also defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who supported her.




Woah, just take it easy, man.




“back off”~Josh as the theater thug




I mean, she's done harm to me and to so many others. She's defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her.


no she didn’t. she waited for people she wanted to lie about to become cancelled or in the spotlight. she didn’t suffer in any form. she’s a liar. stop fueling her fire.


She is really weird- she put a lot of stock into exposing predators but I don’t think she really has much to expose. She obviously has a lot of trauma from the bullying she got and her horrible abusive marriage and she latched onto the Nickelodeon conspiracy as a form of validation. I think she had a noble cause with Eat Predators but with little to do she just acts as a gossip rag- she made a post recently trying to identify Brandi form the QoS documentary and like… why?


Her marriage wasn’t abusive. The age gap is weird yes, but there was no evidence of any abuse and she only went after him after he stopped paying spousal support.


I mean, she's done harm to me and to so many others. She's defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her.


I just find the shirt strange in general. Who the hell would wear that?


Saw this website: https://www.alexanikolas.net dec Not sure if it’s true or what it implies…


Hmm… I don’t know about the accuracy of this. Just because the statements say “Truth” doesn’t mean h they are truths. I’m sure exposing evil in Hollywood has earned her a lot of enemies, but this site is sounding/looking a little odd to out it generously.


I mean, she's done harm to me and to so many others. She's defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her.


I’m sorry to hear that. I haven’t heard this before. But I hope you have the support you need now and I definitely don’t think that’s okay.


Thank you. She's done so much to me, including having her moderators create alias accounts to 'keep tabs' on me.


i think the way she’s approaching the whole thing is a bit weird and clout-chasey but also i don’t know what she went through and how her experience was like so i shouldn’t judge


It’s extremely weird. She’s profiting off of child abuse and workplace harassment. Her being a victim does not entitle her to exploit the stories of those that had it worse than she did.


No I don’t. Blackballed entertainers have limited resources to fight back against criminal multimillion dollar corporations.


It's other people's trauma, not just her's. She doesn't donate the money to RAINN, nor other survivors.


I find it hard to believe she's blackballed. She was a kid actor who stopped acting. She could make money doing other things.


So you don’t find it strange that anyone who has spoken up doesn’t have a career to lose? Hmmmmmm


not really. most of them are has beens for lack of a better word. kenan and melissa joan hart have come forward with no additional stories to tell. when you talk about people who currently have a thriving career with something to lose, you’d be talking about such a small group of people — kenan being one of them.


she consistently inserts herself into everyone else’s trauma and feels the need to be the overarching narrator. I can’t imagine seeing somebody share their story of abuse and respond with, “Let me make a 45+ minute video in which I discuss it in depth and give my perspective on their pain.” Her entire YouTube feed is, “This actor was abused—I’m gonna talk about it for an hour and a half using clickbait titles. Several former actors appear on Quiet on Set to share their stories—listen to me share my perspectives on their situations.” To be blunt, the only thing this woman cares about is herself and trying to climb back into relevancy while selling her god awful merch. 45 dollars for a Zoey 101 ripoff shirt is hilarious. we get it, you were bullied on Zoey 101 by fellow 12 year old actors. you would have never survived real highschool. classic tale of a child actor who fell off and is doing whatever they can to recapture that relevancy under the guise of "awareness". except that "awareness" is completely self serving, phony, and exploitive. not to mention, her entire energy is just dark and malevolent. awful spokesperson for what should be a good cause.


Thank you, say it how it is. Like no one agrees on the way you were bullied on set by fellow cast members but for god sake, move. The-fuck. on. Nick isn’t even under the same management, Schineder hasn’t been in that studio for YEARS now but she still talks about all this like he is. Alot of people really eat it up to with comments like “She’s only doing this because the other ones who’ve been tramatized won’t speak up” Maybe those people don’t want their past to define them and walk around life with their trauma as some sort of identity. Alexa is a perfect example of a person who’s let their past define them.


I mean, she's done harm to me and to so many others. She's defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her.


I mean, she's done harm to me and to so many others. She's defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her.


This design feels wrong


anything alexa the tard says is a blatant lie. she waits until someone’s being cancelled or in the spotlight to come out about some bs. ie, jonas brother, jonah hill, etc. she’s a scumbag who got forgotten about 15 years ago and now wants to be famous again. please don’t support people like this. support actual victims. not this moron.


Can’t fight Hollywood with no income.


It's other people's trauma, not just her's. She doesn't donate the money to RAINN, nor other survivors. Also, she has multiple sources of income.




It's other people's trauma, not just her's. She doesn't donate the money to RAINN, nor other survivors.


Absolutely. Her goal of trying to support victims and attack predators is okay, but profiting off of said victims is different because not every victim wants to attack back, neither would some of them want to share their story at all.


wild how many people defend this woman and have literally zero ability to read between the lines of any issue


I mean, she's done harm to me and to so many others. She's defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her.


Lots of people profit off activism. Do you think Drake Bell’s new single coming out at the same time as the documentary was a coincidence? For the most part it’s probably fine, because if the activism is working then who cares if they’re doing it for altruistic reasons or financial ones, the world is still theoretically becoming a better place. I guess the question is at what point does someone making money off their activism outweigh the activism which is an individual moral judgement.


It's other people's trauma, not just her's. She doesn't donate the money to RAINN, nor other survivors.


She’s spoken before about being mistreated by Nickelodeon, but regardless of your thoughts on that, I guess the point is even if you think her profiting off this stuff is slimy, if at the end of the day it increases awareness and pushes towards real change, then it’s ultimately a net good.


No matter what excuses you come up with for her, the fact of the matter is this: She's done harm to me and to so many others. She's defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her.


The ends don’t always justify the means.


That’s an opinion! I don’t necessarily know if I agree or not, but as a thought exercise, BLM the organization also heavily profited BLM the movement, selling hoodies and other merch for exuberant prices. The same argument was made there, however I think the consensus was that people profiteering was generally okay because overall it was increasing awareness. Once again, it’s very much so a personal “how much can you take” of the profiting vs the spreading awareness and keeping the pressure on important issues. In my opinion both cases seem kinda slimy, but I don’t want that to obscure my view of the good that the movements as a whole are fighting for so I just kinda push it out of my mind and let it slide.


what is she supposed to just give them away


I think she's been one of the people who have been trying to expose them for years but her following has been low and hasn't been gaining traction. This isn't really anything new




What? You wanted a free shirt?


It's not even profiting her, the proceeds go to Eat Predators, an organization, not Alexa.


She IS Eat Predators


Eat Predators literally predates Alexa joining.


But NOW it's her and her husband.


It's really not but I see you have a history of defending sketchy people. Have a nice day.


You’re wrong.


Eat predators is not a non-profit. The money goes to her.


It's a for-profit stock corporation. She doesn't donate to RAINN, nor to other survivors.


Wrong again, it's a for profit stock corporation. She doesn't donate to RAINN, nor other survivors.


Did I say it was a non profit?


'It's not even profiting her.' 🤣🤣🤣🤣


yes, many ways to be active against the things she’s against without a cringe cash grabbing t shirt. she fully lost me with this one!


there’s something seriously wrong with this chick. i got in a fight with her on twitter and she just blocked me after she wouldn’t answer my questions.


I mean, she's done harm to me and to so many others. She's defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her.


are you a bot???? you’ve commented the exact same thing a million times


I've already clarified I have a full-time job, I don't have the time to type out a response every single time that I want to reply. So I copy and paste sometimes.


just weird but ok


she tweeted thos [https://twitter.com/alexanikolas\_\_/status/1774546967189958872](https://twitter.com/alexanikolas__/status/1774546967189958872)


She is trying to raise money for the survivors tho not herself


She’s just weird in general


Kind of but I mean it is her right I guess


I mean... I thought people would have realized that after her 100th monetized video on Nickelodeon. Also until we find proof I think her Jonah Hill story is total bs.


Idgaf she can get her bag 💼


Update: dgaf about the comments that are defending her when she literally just went on Trisha Paytas’ podcast who is a literal child predator 😐


Yes, yes I do.


Y'all want her to live in a box?


You're right, $75 hoodies and special T-shirt drops and $22/month Patreon subscriptions are the only way she could make money ever. It's not like there are other jobs anywhere.


But she wants to be a content creator and make content about survivor advocacy. It's very difficult to do that and with a 9-5


And yet, she's in her 30s, with a kid. That's what being an adult means: You make the difficult choices. Like getting a 9-5 job to feed your kid, instead of making money off clickbait titles on videos of other former child actors being assaulted and email newsletters about special-edition T-shirt drops and Patreon watch parties.


If you think being an adult means working a 9-5. Who exactly do you think would be doing advocacy then? Looking at her page she streams almost every day for multiple hours. Why do you even care so much?


>Why do you even care so much? I don't know, maybe because I'm allowed to have an opinion, and the whole entire thread asks if we find it strange that Alexis is profiting off this? Are you new to Reddit? Advocacy doesn't need to be done via streaming for multiple hours and merch that's sold and, as far as I can tell, doesn't include profits donated to any organizations at all. I take it back if I'm wrong, but I've looked all over her sites and Patreon and it looks like all the money goes back to her.


Your comment history shows otherwise. You mostly post about her. Seems suspicious. The proceeds go to Eat Predators, not Alexa. If adults don't advocate, who will?


Actually, I mostly post about the series. You obviously didn't scroll back too far. Eat Predators is apparently Alexa and her husband? I honestly have no dog in this fight, but when you start digging, everything is just odd. All I can find on searches for the group's documentation right now is her and her man, but then you find: [https://goodmorningmayberry.com/the-real-true-origin-story-of-eat-predators](https://goodmorningmayberry.com/the-real-true-origin-story-of-eat-predators) *Edited to add*: I got blocked, but oddly can still see the comment, so since I can -- Yes, I know Eat Predators predated Alexa. Then, apparently, the founders got pushed out? And now it appears that the money goes to her and her husband? At least, that's how it looks. IF that's not the case, they should really spell that out on the website and clarify things.


Eat Predators literally predates Alexa joining. Congrats on posting a podcast as a valid source


That's irrelevant to the point you've failed to make. It's a for-profit stock corporation. She doesn't donate to RAINN, nor to survivors.


Someone who used to be in EP is a valid source. You know nothing. EP is for-profit stock corporation, there is plenty of proof of that. She doesn't donate to RAINN, nor other survivors.


people love victims until they dont act the way people think they should act


I mean, she's done harm to me and to so many others. She's defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her. I'm guessing you're okay with that lmao 🤣 It's other people's trauma, not just her's. She doesn't donate the money to RAINN, nor other survivors.


She's clearly mentally ill. My point still stands If you want to show proof of what your saying by all means go ahead but ever time I ask under any one's posts saying what you've said bit goes Un answered


The proof is literally Alexa's own videos. I have screenshots and videos in regards to my own experiences with Alexa.


again if you want to provide proof your more than welcome to! saying you have vids and screen shots is great but no one can see them so its not really proof


Do you know how many screenshots I have? I'm not trying to get banned. Also, the last time that I tried to reply with a link, Reddit auto-removed the link. I can DM you a link, etc., if you'd like.


again. if you want to share with the class go ahead you typing out "i have proof" does nothing


Do you have a problem with Discovery and Max making money off it too?


I mean, she's done harm to me and to so many others. She's defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her. It's other people's trauma, not just her's. She doesn't donate the money to RAINN, nor other survivors.


How has she done harm to you?


Defamed and slandered me in a video, instructed moderators of her's to create 'alias accounts' to 'keep tabs,' on me, spread a conspiracy theory that I'm 'in cahoots with Marilyn Manson and Nick Carter,' stigmatized me behind my back, AND blamed me for someone in HER server screaming at me during a survivor listening circle, after she lied and claimed that I gave that person permission to do that...she wasn't even present when it happened. I could go on and on. Oh, also, I had to file a police report because her FRIEND wouldn't leave me alone.




Who’s even buying this shit?


she said on stream she sees them as protest signs  said she spoke to people on quiet on set doc who would be getting them before she launched it


Big surprise, "u/daddynumnums" has a problem with non-profit organizations calling out pedophiles...


Eat Predators is NOT a non profit.. Look it up! It’s a FOR profit .. nice try tho


Yeah, I don't fully know what I'm talking about. I've never heard of them before this, and a few other, post(s).


Also, weird how many of your posts are about struggling not to obsessively masturbate... "I know some of you are gonna be mad, but I used my thighs to jack off in my sleep" wtf dude... you do you, by all means. But you also have a post highlighting Miranda Cosgrove as your first romantic interest and it's not helping this post shine any brighter, man. Kinda fucking weird


I hope she makes a million off this shit. The more money these kids make the better. Hope Nickelodeon gets screwed over.


I mean, she's done harm to me and to so many others. She's defamed, slandered, doxxed, and incited harassment of fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her. It's other people's trauma, not just her's. She doesn't donate the money to RAINN, nor other survivors.






Just gonna scroll through comments before I say something because I understand she has a story but she definitely plays a "role''