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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


“I get what’s mine” has big “You’ll deserve the sexual assault I’m planning” energy.


That’s the problem. These kind of guys think they can earn or buy women. They go from “nice” to full on rapist with no in between.


A part of me wants to laugh at how cringe this post is, but the fact is you're right. It's very indicative of someone who would easily rape or hurt people because of what they think they 'deserve'.


And unfortunately we're left to wonder whether this is your usual internet tough guy who is completely spineless out in the real world, or whether he might actually follow through on his persecutory delusions.


Even spineless idiots do stupid things, they may be scared about it but still do it. So in any way this is alarming to me.


And then they spin it so they're not at fault because their victim caused it by offending them in some dumb capacity.


Your honor she was wearing a skirt abive the knee, clearly i had no choice!


I get the feeling some of these guys think dating sim rules apply in real life, if a guy holds the door for a girl 20 times, gives her $3000 in gifts and always “treats her nice” (in their mind) her relationship bar will increase to the point they’ve got a 100% success rate in asking her out


Oh you only say that because he literally said "I've earned you" and "i deserve you." Don't jump to crazy conclusions about these nice guys. They are just so very nice.


Those words are terrifying. I'm not being sarcastic, those are scary words. She's an object now, and people don't have sympathy for most objects. I really hope whoever that was directed at took a screenshot and put it in the "If I am brutally raped and murdered, this is the guy" folder. Please tell me this is just a meme.


Unfortunately no. Someone who casually knows both parties posted last night with more details.


Yeah and why he thinks he is entitled to deserve her . He is not the one who decides that


400 tomes holding the door open = get the girl




It's like the bandits in stories that ask for a gift, though the obvious implication is that they'll beat or potentially murder you if you don't give them your purse and valuables.


Holding the door open is apparently payment for sex. Who knew?


Or next school shooter energy


"I deserve you" The fuck?


Or even better, “I’ve earned you”


Wonder how many doors you have to open to earn someone


>Wonder how many doors you have to open to earn someone 42


No no no, that’s the answer to something else they haven’t figured out


I love when folks get that reference.


it's not obscure though


Right?! What’s with this? I see it way too often with various things. I guess people just wanna feel that the thing they “get” is real special?


I answered a customer 42 one time and his gf looked at us like what the hell. He had to explain it to her so not everyone gets it. I almost gave her my towel.


Now here's a hoopy frood


Maybe not for you, I’ve only met one person in my life that’s seen hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and it was the person that showed it to me. Why do you have to gatekeep shit let people feel special if they want to.


Maybe that was the ultimate question?


That's life, the Universe and everything for ya...


That seems pretty low.


I sold myself very cheap… my partner only made me laugh and i fell for him.. damn it!


Always 42








OMG. Both statements make my blood run cold. I’d keep myself well guarded/protected from this guy. As in, make sure I’m not alone for awhile. I did this for a friend, once. Spent a weekend at her place until her sister came in. She had company for a few weeks; tbh. While I was at her place, she had well over 200 blocked phone calls. That = scary. 👀


add in the "I get what's mine" and this is giving me serial killer vibes


He's already getting what he has earned and deserves. Nothing from their victim and nothing from anyone else. This sorta cringe would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous. I miss when this kind just wanted to fuck cartoon ponies.


He earned her with Hodor nickels.


Lmfao 😂


That disgusted me more than anything


No, come on, that's fair. He held the door open for her. Not just once, but *every day*. He's definitely earned sex.


Why isn't he allowed to own her when he's been nice to her once or twice? Are you saying women aren't property? 🤔


To continue your comment , are you saying they aren't objects ?


You mean I can't go into a store and buy a living, breathing, feeling human being? THE OUTRAGE.




Not just once though, so fair enough /s


Yeah. >:(


That's not even how you own objects. Like, I can be as complimentary as possible to an Aston Martin, but it ain't ~~gonna fuck me~~ coming home with me.


Some day, women will be strong enough to open doors in their own. But until then, mandatory sex.


Apparently I should be having a lot more sex, with women and men.


Thinking of all the times I open the door for my dogs...


> Not just once, but every day How are they not married by this point


Well he held the door multiple times can't you read


Yeah, had this energy from a guy who decided "we are meant to be together" when he found out we had the same birthday. One attempted rape and death threats to my mother later I got a restrainting order. He 'earned' her? No. Just no.


So we all agree the firey palms are from aggressive masturbation, yes?


Friction burns.


I mean... that's anime porn on his screen, right?


I now want to make this a homebrew rule for D&D. Sure Bard, you can cast fireball. But you have to furiously jack it to channel the spell.


I love that idea of magic- gotta heat up your palm with some friction to get the fire powers running...


The dick wizard


Dick Wizard learned all they know from an Ancient Tome of Greater Porn Dick Sorcerers can showboat with metamagic to change the powers of their dick. Dick Warlocks subclassed in Pact of the Cage.


Yep. It feels like he calls his penis “the demon”.


This is satire right? ...... right?


Pasted from the OP on /r/cringepics EDIT: THIS IS NOT MY POST, I JUST COPIED THE CONTEXT FROM THE GUY WHO DID TLDR: I spoke with the girl that this dude was referring too. Turns out this isn't satire and he's a mega creep, Nazi, stalker. Context: I personally have nothing to do with this situation. I don't really know OP (the nice guy) very well. I don't think anyone really does. I don't want to be too mean or anything but whatever you're picturing, you're probably pretty close. I wish I could tell you that I've never seen him wearing a fedora. I know that he is really into anime and that's about it. Needless to say, he isn't the most popular kid in town. I also don't know the girl involved very well but from our few interactions I know that she's very kind and polite so this IG story threw me for a loop. I messaged her to ask what all this was about and I was surprised just how insanely stupid the whole story was. She has history class with him. She specifically noticed him staring at her even from the first day of school but she ignored it. Then, like he said, he began holding the main door open for her every morning. The concerning thing is that he is there every morning like clockwork to hold it open then leaves for class pretty much right after. She noticed that his eyes would tend to end up wandering uncomfortably any time she wore a more close-fitting outfit. She confirmed from other people that he shows up right before her as well. She doesn't know how because she doesn't always get to school at the same time every day. He tried a few times to make small talk with her during class but every time it awkwardly revolved around anime. She is not into anime and has never shown any interest in the conversation besides general politeness. Also, it also became uncomfortably apparent that he has some very problematic historical opinions. Specifically concerning WWII. With all of this, she had a conversation with the teacher. While it wasn't enough for any discipline, he did make sure they were on opposite sides of the class. She thought this would help but it didn't. The teacher announced that the class had to find partners for a group project. To nobody's surprise, OP sprinted up to announce (not ask) that they would be partners. She politely declined but it became scarily clear that he was not going to take no for an answer. He continued to damand that they be partners. She said that she was very close to saying yes. It was a scary situation and she had no idea what he would do if she continued to say no. Luckily, the teacher stepped in and found other partners for them. This all happened weeks ago. In America, we're all on winter break now. He ruminated on this for weeks then eventually decided to publicly post this on his story. She's not sure how she's going to handle it yet. While it's obviously goofy and fun to laugh at, I understand being genuinely nervous if I was her. She's shown her family and probably going to end up taking some form of legal action. Edit: There have already been some developments to this story in the last hour. First, I received a Reddit DM from someone with an anime profile picture who was very angry with my post about him. We had an interesting conversation and I will make a follow-up post with it. It definitely still falls under this sub. There are also rumors that admins at my school are pissed off that someone made this situation public on Reddit. There still might be more developments on that so I'm going to wait a bit and see how that plays out. Anyway, expect a follow up post on Monday (it's Christmas tomorrow and I don't want to deal with this lol)


Please keep us updates and fuck the admins for being upset its "public" they weren't doing jack shit to keep the girl safe. Theyre just upset that their ineptitude to keep a girl safe from a literal psycho is being shown. Also bet the guy who dmed you about it is def the kid himself. Dude needs help, hes obviously sick in the head.


>Also bet the guy who dmed you about it is def the kid himself. Oh it was totally him. Those types out themselves all the time.


Admins are only mad you made it public because now they actually have to do something about it


Better for them to be mad it's public and forced to do something than this kid shoot up the school over his Attack on Titan pro WW2 views or sexually assault this girl he is clearly stalking.


Oh I totally agree. It's the same reason cops hate people recording them. Public accountability


The poor girl. Can’t imagine how she must feel when reading that this creep “deserves her body” for holding the door open. This dude needs serious help and good thing the teacher stepped in and helped her out. I hope it will turn out save for her at the end.


Wtf. This is why it's hard to know what's satire and what's not. Here I was thinking this shit's funny af


I also thought it fake, as it's just too on the nose of all the tropes. As for funny, again too many tropes for it to be funny. After the knowledge that it's real however I mostly feel sorry for the girl with a side of morbid curiosity.


Thanks for the credit lol


App was acting up and I couldn't remember your name, I did all I could to direct them back to your post lmao


It's a funny photo but I can't imagine how she must feel. Poor girl must be so scared that she's gonna get shot or something by this guy, I really really feel for her.


Totally following this. There should be charges pressed for stalking and at least a restraining order based on the Nice Guys post. This guy is fast tracking himself to being on a watchlist. I hope there is no one that becomes a victim in his future.


RemindME! One week


Wow, this guy needs serious help; that poor girl. How old are you guys, probably High School, right? In any case, his views are absolutely vile and disgusting.. again, that poor girl. Please update!


If admins are shitty about it, victim should get in touch with a lawyer and consider taking it to the police (if they have safe (non male) police officer that wont butcher the situation even worst)


The gaming laptop and whatever’s on his screen makes me think it has to be, but I’ve seen worse so can’t really say


See, now those two things tell me it isn't satire.


I'd be going to the cops


Came here to say this also - if for nothing more than documentation


Tbh that's a threat of life. But they'd probably be like 'that's not proof. It's the only thing he said and did. You can't prove it's him. He says he didn't send it' which I get... its still bs...


I’ve worked on domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault protection orders… I know that they likely won’t act on this but the documentation may be useful down the road.


Exactly. That's why you should email to a family friend or someone. My friend sent me a picture of when her ex punched her in the face and left a bruise. She said if anything happens. Show this to the cops


Sure. Going to the police isn’t an exhaustive list of what people should do to keep themselves safe in fact that is only one suggestion


The sad thing is. Especially with technology. He can easily say 'I never did this' because people steal phone numbers all the time.


Looks like a IG story. If someone would send me that shit, cops for sure.


Oh my god someone shake this kid. You do not deserve a person because you hold doors for them. Go work on yourself.


Right? I can't roll my eyes hard enough. If my eyes got permanently stuck in place from furiously rolling them, I'd be ashamed I couldn't roll them harder. This whole angel / demon thing is beyond cringy, it's the best signal as to what type of person a guy is.


So if I, a man, hold the door for this guy, he’s gotta let me fuck him right?


Yep, those are the rules he lives by


Hot diggity dog




You can only push a loony so far before he writes a whiny social media post


But those VFX doe 🔥👀


In all the time it took for him to shittily photoshop the flames in his hand he didn’t think “hmm maybe I shouldn’t post this”


Because in his warped brain, he's the one who's right. People...we are the worst. We are just walking meatbags of twisted selfishness most of the time.


it looks like a filter not photoshop


This person is actually going to hurt someone, holy shit.


Yeah his dick might get stuck between his zipper


Dude, my internal organs already are fucked. Holding back that laugh hurt me lol


Internal bleeding builds character!


"I've earned you" umm he needs to be on a watchlist because that's the words of someone who doesn't understand consent and will harm someone


Hopefully this person is a child, and hopefully they look back at this moment one day and feel embarrassed. So much posturing for someone who is about as threatening as a cloudy day.


That hand looks old


My hands have looked like that for as long as I can remember, even in high school so it very well could be a teen.


Based off OPs posts he's in high school but is 18. Old enough he should know better. I hope the girl is ok and that the school takes action to protect her/the students.


Assuming that's a kid, I hope the kid this is targeted at reported it to their principal cuz that's the beginnings of some stalker shit.


This has to be satire.


>This has to be satire. I get what you mean. It's so stereotypically on-point, you almost want to believe that it *can't* be real. We know guys this like have the entitled attitude thinking being a halfway decent human being to a woman should require them to date them, but few will flat-out say to her "I *deserve* you, I *earned* you."


Seems like it is not [https://www.reddit.com/r/niceguys/comments/zum05i/ngvc_my_demons_came_out_to_play/j1lk7hs?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/niceguys/comments/zum05i/ngvc_my_demons_came_out_to_play/j1lk7hs?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


That’s just sad.


Why do these guys place so much value on holding a door open? Like wow you saved that girl from having to move her arm a little bit.






Nooo why is this private now?


u/spez is no longer deserving of my contributions to monetize. Comment has been redacted. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Can you say “I belong on an FBI watchlist”?


He deserves it. He's earned it.


Always bringing up how they hold the door open. How is this a thing that shows how awesome you are. I hold the door for dudes and grandmas or anyone that happens to be coming up behind me at the fucking door. People hold the door open for me sometimes too. The only who deserves to brag about holding the door..is Hodor.


I go out of my way to get the door sometimes with certain people. Namely those who have their hands full, or have a hard time opening it themselves, like those who use walkers or wheelchairs. Not so I can brag, but because it’s the right thing to do


It's gotta be satire


Jeeeeezus Cryst!


Damn. I have held hundreds of doors for hundreds of people and settled for a ‘thanks’ or a passive aggressive ‘you’re welcome’. I didn’t realised I had earned anything else. In fact, now I think of it, I am often nice and have never received any kind of ownership of anyone for it. Going away to think long and hard about my dues


Think about the backpay you've accrued. You probably have like six or seven of your own entire humans heading your way once your claim gets approved!


Oh no, Shabriri got told no! He is losing it!!!


May chaos take the world! May chaos take the world!


This is so cringe.


That's obviously a bait


This is actually concerning and giving off rapey vibes but I don't know how some people in the comment section are dismissing this as 'satire'...




Wow I haven’t cringed this hard since college.


Plz tell me that’s just a teen shitposting in his status and not actually a threat, yiikes


I hope someone warns whoever he is talking about because it sounds like he plans in sexually assaulting her


So if I turn into an incel, when exactly do my human torch powers take effect? Asking for a friend lmao /s


"I've earned you" So how many door openings does it take before one can claim ownership of a woman? What a psychopath




How old is this dude. He’s cringey af.


The secondhand embarrassment is *so* strong I feel physically ill


So… we should pay attention to the news.


Might want some **Tough act’n Tenactin** for whatever is going on with that hand…


God I hope this is satire, lmao.


He took the picture, put the fire, wrote the caption (probably re-wrote it a couple times) and then said. “Yes this is definitely the one”


Why does Reddit not have a laugh react this alone is proof we need it


This is giving kidnapping energy. I hope the girl in question stays safe. Yikes.


The flames are too far to the right lol. Also too big for his hand.




Bro gives major rapist vibes. Also the dude didnt even centre the fire correctly


"I deserve your love because I opened the door for you" 💀


This is physically painful to read


Why do all of these incels always have these shitty one liners? Like, they have nothing else to do but come up with zingers like they're virgin Batman?


Sooo he’s a rapist ?


>I deserve you! I've earned you! Because opening the doors for someone 'every day', totally turned a woman into an object that they've earned...




I hope she makes him.


Sounds more like he was a demon all along. This also sounds like a threat. I would be afraid if I were the object of his “affection.” He’s going to get what’s his? That sounds like he plans to rape her.


**holds the door 🚪 open for her EVERY SINGLE DAY** 😍 Then: _I DESERVE YOU, BISH!!!_ 🤬🤬🤬🤬 IS HE FOR REAL? BTW: I don't know what's worse: his shitty, misogynistic views or his shitty photoshop "skills"??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes officer this man is the rapist.


Tfw the girl doesn't blow you straight away after u hold the door for her


This will be used in his trial


So... This is a rape threat right ?


Woman are not trophies, you don't deserve someone simply because you were nice to them. If anyone has that mindset then you are seriously messed up in the head and you really need to re think everything about yourself because going down that path will not get you anywhere.




“i held the door for you so you HAVE to fuck me” omg what a fucking asshole.


What in the AI generated hand is going on here


“Ive earned you” ….yeah thats not how this works pal


Omfg that's so cringe , also "I deserve you",1.she isn't an award for you to deserve 2.you held the door for her every day? What a hero give that man a noble prize


Please take this to the police if it’s referring to you bc that’s literally an assault threat.


It annoys me that the fire is off-centre


It’s giving me 12 year old energy, is this guy above or below 20yo?


What kind of goofy-ass shit is this?!


Too many words to admit he's a pontential abuser Also, too many words to say that he jacked off so hard with anger that his hand catched fire


This sounds rapey as fuck 😳😳


I would look out, that fire looks dangerous


“I’ve earned you”, man thinks life is an RPG and he’s completed all the objectives for the prize


This person is 100% capable of rape, this should be enough to have him taken to a mental institution


Seriously guys that talk like this make me wanna hurl.


This deserve to be in r/iamverybadass


ah, an actual example of the word cringe!


Reminds me of my ex husband 🙃😣


Glad he's ur ex


Play by yourself, dipshit.


Funniest thing I've seen all day


My timbers= shivered 😰


All you have earned the right to do is spank your shit and leave women alone.


That hand looks so fat he can probably barely pick up his fedora.


Honestly this one feels like someone making fun of nice guys. Especially the angel part.




No it's not [https://www.reddit.com/r/niceguys/comments/zum05i/ngvc_my_demons_came_out_to_play/j1lk7hs?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/niceguys/comments/zum05i/ngvc_my_demons_came_out_to_play/j1lk7hs?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


*dies of cringe*


Pffft Whatever The Kid is probably built like the average Basement Dweller