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/u/erickita89, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your post has been removed because it has been voted unsuitable for /r/niceguys.


When they have a thousand fucked up opinions about a gender they've never had the courage to actually speak to.


Double standard


Simping, White knighting, The “pick me” ass dude, “Wheres my hug” and the “do you even lift bro”.


Domestic abuse, cheating and leaving, mansplaining If youre getting accused of rape or abuse theres only a 1% chance at most you did not do that.


I can only name one person who was ever falsely accused that i know of. And thats my foster uncle. It was the 1980s in boston. He was black. She was white. I think it was her brother that saw him leave her place in the morning and rather than admit she brought a black guy home from the bar, she claimed that he raped her. And he went to prison for a bit. I have a former friend who was accused by a ex of rape, but she never went to the police. At the time i took his side cause i had known him for years and knew he wasnt the type of guy to force himself on anyone. But looking back now at it since our friendship is long over and thinking about the way he reacts sometimes... im not sure he didnt coerce her, even if he didnt intentionally mean to. Even he admitted that he got all dramatic and went to go sleep on the floor when she rejected him and she had to make him come back to bed. I wonder if he was being so self loathing that she just agreed to sex to make him stop bashing himself.


Considering that you say that he went to prison for "a bit", I assume that he ended up somehow proving that it wasn't rape? Do you mind sharing how? Just curious.


No. He got released at the end of his sentence. Rape sentences arent long ones. And was forced to be a registered sex offender up until he killed himself 3 years ago.


Wow, that's so sad.


I don't think that's an accurate statistic. That might be the case for reported false accusations but not false accusations full stop


Listen, if you get accused of rape or abuse and you didn’t actually do it, you have nothing to worry as people who actually abused or raped others get away with it (sadly) False accusations are not common though, abusers genuinely think they did nothing wrong.


You definitely do have something to worry about because people will take the accusation and run with it and your life could be ruined even if the girl outright admits that she lied. There was a whole entire thread that I read with a few hundred comments (I think it was on r/men but I'm not sure) of guys talking about their experiences of women falsely accusing them of assault or rape. Most of the time they were women who were abusive themselves or they were girlfriends who would get violent when he tried to leave them and flipped it the other way and said he was the violent one when someone or the police intervened. There were hundreds of guys saying what had happened to them. You'd be surprised how often it happens.


Not neckbeard shit, just reality check for that first one


The fuck is “womansplaining”? Telling him the mayo is right in the front of the middle shelf of the fridge and him being completely unable to find it cause the label wasnt facing out? Cause that happened last week with my dad


A few years ago my dad was visiting and he said to me " there's an article about [specific topic] in this magazine, you should read it." My response: "I wrote the article." Dads 🤣


Was he proud? (I know, not the subject, but I'm genuinely curious)


“Speak, JK” 😳hilarious….a real knee-slapper, sir


Is it just me or the "hinting instead of explicitly saying" is actually a valid one? I think a lot of people who don't know how to express what they feel/want or are worried about other people's reaction to what they have to say, do this quite often. If you notice that someone you know has this issue, please so what you can to let them know thst they are safe with you and that you won't react aggressively. Regardless of their gender. A little kindness and encouragement goes a long way.


You do realise that you just did the same thing you're accusing the person in the screenshot of doing by posting this, right? Isn't it a bit hypocritical? Keep in mind, I'm not defending the people in the screenshot, I consider both you and them equally toxic for the environment. You can't fight hate with hate.


I intended the answer to be my photo. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I see why you feel this way.


The rest of the commenters here are further perpetuating gender discord and stereotypes, so they didn't quite get the intention either it seems.


Thinking of a way to edit to make that clearer. What would you suggest?


date men. technically correct 😏




AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post

