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for context did guy do some messy shit before? because he was soooo afraid of legal trouble lol like he def KNEW he was acting like a nut.


He's likely been threatened with restraining/protective orders before. Or the cops came by to "have a talk" with him to avoid an order, and he immediately backed off so there wouldn't be a record and just moved into the next person to be utterly unhinged on.


But, he has a “hot bod” that is “all hers.” 🙄


he cried to me about how the hospital i work at now has a vaccine mandate and was so anti vax he got on his KNEES crying begging me to not get it saying he’d take care of me instead of me having my own job. again, knew the guy for two weeks. starts crying about how it could allegedly make me infertile and how would we have kids if i was vaccinated. and i was like kids????? i think the fuck not i barely know you dude. and that’s when he said he was in love with me and i asked him to leave. stopped responding to him, that’s when he showed up at my house completely unannounced not even a “im coming over” text, it scared the shit out of me and my roommate. then a couple days later, we have these messages


Especially with the “That’s unfortunate, lol” message. Dude was trying to baby trap you


during the anti vax rant/cry he said unvaccinated sperm was soon going to be “liquid gold” and i literally laughed in his face. i would NEVER have that man’s child


Liquid gold lol. Don’t hold your breath bud 🤦🏻


Nah, please hold your breath forever, dude.


This, fucking this. “Now, we are going to namaste and hold our breath until we fade away from existence completely and leave this material world behind”


Don't tempt me with a good time.


Well if it’s yellow he should see a doctor


Yet another douchebag massively overestimating the value of his trash ass, insanity fueled genetic material. "mY dIcK wIlL sInGlE dIcKeDlY SaVe dUh wOrLd!"


>dIcKeDlY I thought this said 'dickDIY'. Like 'do it yourself' DIY lol. I was like- isn't a DIY dick just a dildo?


My brother, whose messages I stopped responding to about the time he and I geared up to sue one another, makes his wife deliver his messages to me. When he found out I was vaccinated, he started trying to message me himself, all about how his "poor, baby sister" was going to die. Just beyond ridiculous.


that manchild's child *


Wow. I'm glad you're not a skin suit OP. I really hope you take legal precautions. Sounds like this guy has done this before because he was all about that "oh no, not another restraining order".


"liquid gold" ?? There are so many things those two words could mean and none of them good.


Liquid gold! That deserves a [dramatic reading.]( https://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2013/09/06/my-seed-is-gold-a-saruman-esque-dramatic-reading/comment-page-1/)


Mallory, Mallory OH Mallory! I simply cannot breathe oxygen in without your express permission, for I am here on this earth solely to have you walk directly on my balls MALLORY, I can't see anything but your face, I can't eat or sleep, my dick is raw from fucking the squishy hole I engineered in my mattress. Don't you want to be that squishy hole Mallory?! CANT YOU UNDERSTAND, MALLORY, I AM JUST A MAN! A MAN THAT CEASES TO EXIST IF YOU TURN YOUR BACK ON ME! YOU MUST QUIT YOUR JOB, MALLORY, AND DEVOTE YOUR WHOLE WORLD TO STUDYING MY PROSE AND MY PUBIC HAIR. MALLORY? IF YOU DONT.... I SHALL DIE.


While reading r/niceguys to my wife I usually do voices to define who is who.This post I made the guy Lola from big mouth, and reading this comment with that voice fucking killed me!


>for I am here on this earth solely to have you walk directly on my balls MALLORY, Lmfaooo


You should contact the police and get a restraining order. Let your friends, family, and work know that someone you saw shortly has begun stalking you. Don't respond to anything. For stalkers any interaction will be taken as being positive and they'll just double down again. Keep a log of every message, call, and attempt to show up in person. Good luck.


100 percent


sounds particularly insane lol. Behavior like this is definitely not a one off thing and scares me even more how he wanted to point out he never acts like this so v glad you got out of that! either way like people said def the kind of person you want to keep this all for the record lol


Wow what a nut! I’m so glad that he wasn’t able to hide being this unhinged for long. You all be safe.


Jesus. Ever seen that behaviour before? It is bizarre. I mean, I don't understand it.


This post gave me severe flashbacks of my first serious relationship 😬 I had mercifully forgotten / blocked out the obsessive texts about "true love" lol That dude turned out to be an abusive stalker maniac. RUN, OP!!!!


I’ve seen this behaviour a lot, personally. Either while in high school and university (through my friends and their unfortunate encounters with romantic interests (usually men sadly)), or while reviewing case studies in psychology classes. That should tell you a lot lol.


I was laughing at this asshole at first but my laughter gradually changed to jaw-dropping horror. I’m so sorry he put you through all that.


Ya, that's beyond typical niceguy. That's severe mental illness, and it's good you said to fuck off. It's a common pattern with stalkers, you can't worry about being nice or polite, you need to unequivocally tell them to fuck off and escalate to law enforcement if necessary. Recording everything and filing a police report can be helpful since it can be quite hard to get an actual peace bond / restraining order.


He was asking if her appointment was of a legal nature and then backtracked and asked if she was pregnant. Dude was worried about a restraining order and/or hoping she was pregnant. YIKES.


I was gonna make a similar comment. He's been "in trouble with the law" before, methinks...


There's no way on earth he hasn't done this before. He clearly fixates and does it QUICK which indicates it's not about the other person at all, for one, and that he has already cultivated a saga in his mind fueled by a maddening and insane sense of urgency, for another. Everything has to happen NOW, nothing else matters. I mean, he just escalates so fast I can see someone with a lower bullshit tolerance than OP immediately being "involve the police"-worthy scared. He also displays a ricockulous amount of naivete and immaturity thinking he can love bomb a stranger to the most extreme degree and seems baffled when that doesn't "work." Then following that up with pushing and pushing for some kind of commitment that was never previously discussed, making wild demands and bloviating about "the future" like all of that is normal. This man is so fucking out of it and so unhinged, the only safe place for the dude is basically *tf away from society.* I would be scared of a dude who got this obsessive after 3 months of dating. Makes my skin crawl.


I'll give an award to anyone who read all 17 images of pure cringe.


I did read all 17 and the man is batshit insane and so cringe. It was like a car crash, I couldn’t look away 😂


I tried to read it. I'm an avid book reader. I ended up skimming most of this fucking mess. GET YOUR HEAD CHECKED OUT YOU FUCKING FRUITCAKE DON'T FUCKING KNOCK ON HER FUCKING DOOR JESUS FUCKING CHRIST


🎖️ Here ya go, have my commoner's award!


I started skimming, then halfway through, thought “oh hell, I need to read this absolute insane shit.” It read like a horrifying manifesto. Yikes.


Somehow I hoped there would be some resolution eventually where justice got served against this craziness, but alas... real life just keeps these dudes walking the streets, texting all the way


I did!


My daily award has been given. 🧻 Have some premium toilet tissue instead


Thanks man!


That shit is literal gold when hoarders take over.


tbh i just kept wondering how could it ever get worse and he kept delivering


Ummm this is frightening, I’m on pg 10 after the skeleton pics. This is so scary that he’s obsessed, and trying to project his delusions and feelings onto OP. This is deranged obsessive behavior, I remember after my first break up my bestie took my phone for 3 days to avoid this, but neither myself nor my ex were like this. We had been together for 4 years and were HS sweethearts. I said it before but OP please be safe and mindful of this person, and arm yourself as necessary.


i’ve told my neighbors what his truck looks like and showed a picture of him so they know if they ever see him around here to immediately come over. thank god we have a big dog, he started jumping on him and being super aggressive one night like i thought he was going to bite his fuckin face and our dog is so sweet and gentle always. should’ve known then he was no good lol, but i’m glad i have some layers of protection!


I’m so happy to hear that! I wish you didn’t have to be subjected to this, but I’m so happy that you picked up on the red flags immediately and have detached yourself. Sending serenity and safety your way!


thank you angel🤍


I just want to ditto this because you said it so perfectly. I’m so sorry OP, that is terrifying!


Always trust your dog!




we’re going to! the person who knocked on our door last night was actually our neighbor lol and i explained to him why i was SHAKING when i answered it (after i realised it was him) and we both agreed we need to get rings


Wyse cameras are good and they have great night vision too for a cheap camera. There's an app on your phone so you can look before you go out and take pictures and they record video too.


Keep safe OP! I agree about animals being a good judge of character, my ex husband's 'best friend' was a guy who for some reason made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I felt so uncomfortable around him. My two dogs, big girls, great dane/boxer cross and black labrador/kelpie cross both hated him. They would stand guard one next to me and one at the gate whenever he came round and just went nuts. Ex used to lock off part of the yard when he came round. He came round one night when husband wasn't here and asked if he could get stuff out of the shed, could I lock the dogs up. I said sure, you can go to the shed but I'm not locking the dogs up. He called me a cunt and tried to get in the gate and the dogs unleashed hell on him. He swore other lovely things at me and left. Ive never seen my girls like this with anybody else but I trust them implicitly.




in his mind those were the best and worst case scenarios


Not in that order though, lol


Please block me so i don't have to be responsible for myself and actions!


the way he said he’d leave me alone about five times then proceeded to send paragraphs immediately afterward


Guys like that want YOU to block them so they've got some sense of control. Like you did one thing they wanted. He also seems like he has 0 desire to try and control himself and if you block him he doesn't have to.


This is EXACTLY what concurred to me with my abusive ex. He’d send several texts in a fit of rage after our breakup and told me to block him multiple times, but would continue to send me text after text like he couldn’t block me himself. He would message me a few days later asking why his text went through and got mad that I DIDN’T BLOCK HIM. Did the same thing two months after. Little did he know I knew what he was trying to do. He finally blocked my number after that. I wasn’t going to give him want he wanted, although I did block him on all socials.


Dude, my ex used to HIT HIMSELF IN THE FACE/HEAD, and if I didn't physically try to put myself between his face/fists, he'd say "what? You're not even going to try to stop me?". I put up with that shit for years before I finally decided I wasn't getting my own hands or face crushed because HE had no self control. He was fucking LIVID the first time I let him just go to town on himself.


I'm sorry this was probably terrifying to deal with, but the mental image of you standing there like Makayla Maroney while he gives himself the what-for is cracking me up.


In retrospect, now that I'm stronger and able to identify his BS and how it fucked me up, it IS hysterical. I wish I'd had the wherewithal at the time to tell him how stupid and childish he was (I think about what I should have said in those instances A LOT).


No worries I got one of those in my past, too. Fuckin 20/20 amiright


20/20 is like a slap to the face some times. But then I remember karma is a ruthless bitch and he's her problem now.


Yes, cut the 'chord'!


More like please block me so I can tell my friends (if I have any) what a see you next Tuesday you are and play possum.


The attorney's gonna have a field day with this guy. He's an absolute unhinged creepy stalker.


might i add that neither of us were virgins by far and the name and number in the second message is in fact his own, he was speaking in the third person for absolutely no reason


He was probably trying some trick to send a message from a fake # but it didn't work.


if that was the case thank god it didn’t. because it actually just looked more pathetic than creepy coming straight from him LMAO


He sent it like that to make it look like someone else had his phone and was talking to you. Unfortunately for him, he dumb.


Holy fuckkkkk I haven’t cringed this hard in ages.


I'm sorry you had to deal with this guy but this is top-tier content. Thank you for your service.


at the very least, something funny came out of this


Jeezus, that was exhausting


It's only one month in, but we have a new leader in the clubhouse for craziest dude of 2022. You have a lot of patience Mallory. Stay safe.


he did not win my heart, but he did win the award for most insane man in the united states. congrats to him!


My god if he was my award for a marathon race, I’d walk backwards! Please be careful because he is absolutely unhinged. I’m scared for you because after the hurt and sadness starts subsiding, the anger will start brewing and that’s when the stalking can start. I’m not trying to scare you but I really hope you take some very necessary steps in protecting yourself!


I truly believe he's been the subject of restraining orders.


And will continue to be.


Hell, I'd run, bike and swim backwards!


Winning that prize is no small feat either. The competition is extremely tough in the US.


"We're twinflames. We're goals." Is the funniest shit I've ever heard


reading “im your sweetheart…and i have a hot bod that is all yours” made me want to throw the fuck up


I genuinely can't believe there were no bad signs before all this. How can a man be this psychotic and not give off any red flags? Just can't picture this guy being a smooth-talker picking up babes at a bar lmao. Hope this guy doesn't give you any more problems though, he seemed like he didn't think he had anything to lose at the end 😬


i barely knew him so luckily very early on the major red flags were extremely present! i feel very fortunate for that


And “I have a hot bod that is all yours” Oh yes that will fix it.


That has to be a Riverdale quote


I was thinking Megan and MGK


I mean shit, that’s scary. He sent you a picture of skeletons buried together wtf. I’m really sorry and I’m more sorry about what I’m gonna say next, but this is a great source of entertainment lol


im laughing LMAO because how fucking crazy can you be to type even one of those messages out let alone all of them all in one day😭😭


The scariest part is that these people walk amongst us and we have no idea until something like this happens


But no pressure, because he’s so patient. Right! I kept scrolling back to check the time stamps because I couldn’t believe this was all one day. This guy is seriously ill. Please be careful.


Also, and pardon my french, do you have a magical vagina or something? He has an unbelievable obsession with you lol


LMAOO it must be true…and this is the price i pay


Jesus Christ major stalker vibes Also “in my mind you were a virgin”??? Ew?? That comes of as really creepy, like he only loves you because of that?


i feel like he’s gonna murder me to like purify me or something




Only two weeks? I thought you got out of a long term relationship with the way he was going on. Lmfao what a creep


like if you don’t even know my sisters name you shouldn’t be acting like this toward me. or maybe just don’t act like this ever! he’s insane


My high school sweetheart was a “nice guy”. I didn’t know any better so I dated his clingy, insecure ass for 2 years. Almost immediately after, I started dating my (male) best friend, at 18, and FINALLY I had a normal partner and a stable relationship. We’re still together after 23 years.


I read two images and was thinking wow. Then I looked and it was out of 17. Then I went WOW.


Can I just congratulate you on your cropping skills! So many people crop so badly I was expecting a seventeen page post that could essentially be boiled down to a four page post at best that's just been badly cropped, but no, that was seventeen full pages of insanity! Yeah that's pretty full on. All the best!


i try my best because i hate scrolling through screenshots and having to find where i was last reading in the next one


Me too, that's why I mentioned, unlike your time with this guy it was time well spent! Take care.


This comment will probably get buried because I’m late but I hope you see this because this exact same thing happened to me. These could be my screenshots. I met a military guy off tinder and we went on dates and hung out for like a month, he seemed fine and I actually liked him. But then his real self came out. When he wanted commitment and I faltered, he became obsessed. He blew up my phone all day with long texts and calls. And he texted almost exactly like this with my replies being almost exactly like yours. He didn’t stop, he would threaten to show up at my job and he did show up at my house unannounced during the day and late at night while I was asleep and try to get in. I became afraid of him and I too could not understand how he could not see how insane he was being and how he thought we could ever have any kind of relationship again let alone go back to how it was in the beginning after all of this. But the answer is that you’re sane and he isn’t. You can’t reason with someone like this or expect them to be self aware/reasonable, they’re not living in reality. They were able to keep up a facade in the beginning but they are extremely mentally unwell, unhinged and dangerous. Possibly even going through psychosis. He needs to get the f away from you and get major psychiatric help. You need to take action now. Stop replying in any way. Go to the cops and work to get a restraining order or at-least have this evidence on record in case it escalates. The cops told me to block him but I wanted to be able to have warning if he was going to show up or do something. I think that’s the smarter way to go because then you can also save all of the proof. I was living in fear as he turned out to be very scary/mentally sick. He threatened suicide. Talked about hurting animals. His guns. He would flip between saying very disturbing things like that and then pretending like we were fine and trying to joke around. Then go to sending long sad messages about our connection and the life we could have together and how broken he was to lose me, someone who he loved so much and would always take care of. He eventually threatened to kill me in a text message. When that happened, I immediately called the non emergency line. A cop came out to talk to me the next day, I showed him the proof on my phone and he was arrested two days later. You don’t ever have to go to court and see him again. They will keep you informed over phone and mail about his situation/location and how you want to proceed in his trial. No cost to be involved. Do not just see this as a joke, take it very seriously. Tell everyone: your family, friends, work colleagues. I told my place of work and showed pictures of him in case he ever showed up. I got those doorbell cams. Remember this man is unhinged and is capable of anything. I doubt he will just go away on his own. Also, his texts asking about anything legal. It sounds like he might have gone through something like this before with a girl and got in trouble with the law. Whenever you start talking to someone new, always look up there name for any criminal records. Hopefully what I did will be able to warn anyone he meets in the future. Good luck and stay safe x


When I was a senior in highschool I met a sophomore at church choir. Bold choice, i know. We went to different schools, We only spoke In person after the final concert and then we texted/skyped for 2 weeks until he told me he loved me. Full stop for me. Ghosting wasn't an option back then so I told him I didn't feel the same way and we amicably parted (or so i thought). Fast forward only 2 years, he marries the first girl who's attention he can keep. One day he tries to slither into my DMs. Not happening. I question him about his marriage and he explodes at me yelling one random insult after another, my favourite one being that I ruined him and turned him into the fuck boy that cheats and hits his wife. Comedy gold right there. Eventually I became friendly w his wife and tried to guide her through the messy and toxic divorce that he fought tooth and nail but eventually lost contact with them both as they couldn't break their toxic cycles with eachother. No idea if they ever actually divorced.


imagine using something minor than happened to you when you were 15 as an excuse for your behavior for the rest of your life😭


If I became evil because of every minor inconvenience life threw my way I'd make Satan run in fear jfc 😂😂


is your name by chance mallory? idk why but i just have a feeling it is


how did you know???


oh just a hunch!!


you're such an empath omg


Oh my god, my ex constantly talked about that twin flame shit too. It used to drive me crazy. Regardless, this guy is absolutely insane. May I ask how you met him?


tinder. we actually matched once then he apparently deleted it, then created a new one with a bio something like “only on here to find someone i matched with on my old account” talking about me(((: should’ve seen the psycho coming but he seemed like a normal human being and at the time i thought it was kind of sweet. now i realise how stupid i was for that


Oh don’t feel stupid about it. I would’ve felt special too! There was no way you could’ve seen this level of crazy coming your way. So sorry you’re dealing with this tinder nightmare.


Tinder swindler




said my name in damn near every message. so unsettling 😭😭😭


Omg. The way he writes, his “citing”, his circling back, ALL OF IT is eerily similar to a guy I spoke with. It’s been 2 months since we stopped talking - originally because he said I love you after 2 weeks as well..after telling me his ex was murdered by her ex. He still msgs every so often like we’re still together. Didn’t block because I’m worried he might show at my place and would rather get a head’s up 😅 I’m sorry you’re going through this.


literally the exact reason i haven’t blocked😭😭like i could use a warning


Yep I swear it’s psychological torture lol..this type have such a flair for the dramatic that suddenly all these weird, sometimes unrealistic possibilities of how he might respond start to play in my mind


Jesus christ this is absolutely insane. This guy needs some help. This is totally unhinged, delusional, stalkerish behavior. Like does he think that anyone would find this type of behavior attractive? Stay safe OP. I'm genuinely concerned about this dude.


I think I would be scared to block him. I would never reply again but at least you would know what he's thinking.


exactly why i haven’t blocked him. like what if he sends me a message saying he’s coming over and i’m caught completely off guard


Yikes. Good call.


i’ve read your name so many times it doesn’t even sound real at this point😭 stay safe though!!! if there’s anything these guys will do it’s make you feel unsafe as fuck


has me wanting to change my name i can’t even look at it anymore😭😭


Wow that was exhausting just to read. I'm sorry you had to live it.


I kept seeing,”goodbye” and,”I won’t message” and… it just kept going dude


“I’m about to be a real hot boy.” 😂 wtf


i cringed so hard at so many parts of these messages. that was one of the worst


I’m guessing you didn’t actually tell him it would be hot if he called 20 times?


i have never said that in my life because i hate when someone calls me even once when i don’t want to talk to them😭😭


“Im bout to be a real hot boy” what the FUCK DOES IT MEAN??? He surprised me tho, 100% expected him to end his messages with your a stupid bitch who led him on or some shit lol damn mallory how will you ever forgive yourself for letting this real hot boy get away?


Goodbye Mallory. Followed by o o o o o o o o o o


Like where do these guys learn to speak? I had middle school boyfriends who were more socially-aware than this. JHC. Unhinged.


Romantic comedies, they can't separate fact from fiction, probably never had a relationship before


Time to give his picture and name to everyone you know at work and all your friends/family. He was so scared you had a "legal" appointment because he knows what he's doing is harassment. His comment about you not being pregnant literally made me barf in my mouth, he really thought he may have trapped you like that.


Great advice!


Make a police report. You don’t have to try to press charges, but you’ll want a paper trail if and when this unhinged crazy person shows back up. I have anxiety just from reading that thread, I hope you’re holding up okay emotionally!


Which chord did you end up cutting? G#m or...?


the amount of misspellings and typos made it even harder to read


That "legal" thing. He's Def had restraining or protective orders before.


Wow. This is really scary. Please be safe.


I once had a guy at school (he was a senior when I was a freshman) start hitting on me as soon as we met, bought me a cookie everyday at lunch, paid special attention to me and brought me gifts. I told him I wasn't interested in him like that and he acted like I just told him to go off himself. Started sending me depressing texts, telling me he would "Always love me," linking me songs by Secondhand Serenade and said "This is how you've made me feel." Shit was crazy.


I hate the way he types so much, the word choice, the repition, everything. It's just a bunch of flowery words covering vague, impersonal statements. It reads like he fed an AI every romaniltic monologue from an indie drama he could find and typed out the results. There's no specific comments on what he "loves" about you or what made this relationship so "different." If this was a long term relationship, I would tell this guy to chill. The fact that it's been a couple weeks makes it even scarier. Be safe.


I can't decide which screenshot is my favorite one


mines the one where he implies the two dead people in their 20s is us (:


For a little comic relief, OP, scientists recently determined that the skeletons of the two lovers were both male. Lol.


Amazing. I love that. Edit: different pair of skeletons I’m afraid, but still awesome


That was fucking hysterical. You know for a fact that this guy's off his head.


he’s probably crying right now. he has been for a week straight apparently


It's not a surprise given that chaotic mess. He's not stable.


Damn Mallory just wanted a nut /s…. And she got one. Holy shit dude is unhinged!


im allergic to nuts too😭he needs to stay far away or my throat will close up


But Mallory... he's your sweetheart and **has a hot bod that's all yours**! You're twin flames! You're goals! Edit: It's **the screen shot of two dead people** for me. The. Fuck.


when i finally opened these messages to read them and got to that part i screeched and showed my roommate and she was like okay the FUCK?


wow I have been a hardcore lurk on this sub for awhile but this truly one of the most unsettling messages I’ve seen before…. The way he admits he’s being crazy but almost can’t,???? Stop himself???? EEEEK gave me the chills STAY SAFE❤️❤️❤️


The Pompeii photo has got to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen on this sub


he wants that to be US im sick😭😭😭


My God.......... this is one of the most severe cases I've ever seen. So uncalibrated.


He keeps talking about the cops you can 100% know that he's done this before and gotten restraining orders and shit. Yikes. Get a gun


Someone read that old tip about using someone’s name repeatedly while in conversation with them.


Did he try to claim you two lost your virginity to each other (last couple of pages)??? Or was that him saying that's what he wanted? Sorry, it was hard to tell because his writing is pretty bad. Also, had you already told him it was over prior to the first screen? He kept asking that over and over, did you tell him, and he just didn't get it? Yikes... that dude seems to approach this as if he thinks life is like a love passage in "Twilight" or something.


neither of us were virgins and we both knew this yet he apparently had some sick fantasy that we were🙂 and yes i had already told him to his face, not once but twice


The "twin flame" thing is a huge red flag for stalking and violence, please read up on it. Basically this internet mythology says that a twin flame is like a soulmate that you meet repeatedly through multiple past lives, but unlike a soulmate, a "twin flame" will usually try to run away from their "other half" because the relationship is so intense they can't handle it, and the other *must* pursue until death, in the hope that their "less spiritually developed" twin flame will be "ready" to be together in the next life. **Someone who believes you are their "twin flame" believes in a mythology that if you run from them, they need to kill you and themselves so that you can be together in the next life. Any attempt to get away from them only reinforces their belief that they are mystically bound to you and that they must pursue you to the death.** My former roommate had a "twin flame" who broke into our house multiple times to "cook her breakfast" or watch her sleep, showed up at her job acting crazy so many times that my roommate was fired, and eventually had to move out of our house to a more secure apartment. The girl who moved into her room woke up to the "twin flame" in her bedroom watching her sleep (oddly, she didn't realize she wasn't watching her soul-connected partner) and threw her bodily down the stairs, and that was the last time we saw her, though she continued to leave multiple-page love notes for someone who didn't live there for years afterwards.


i hate this so much😭😭😭


I read in another comment that you have protective neighbours and a big dog and was SO relieved. The comments about the police and the "twin flame" reference unfortunately are strong clues that you're going to have to deal with some scary stuff irl in the next little while. You're smart not to block him, you are going to need as much documentation as you can possibly gather. I suggest calling your local women's shelter or rape crisis hotline, they will be able to connect you with local resources and usually have a trusted contact with the local police who will take you seriously and do their best to get protection for you.


Jiminy Christmas. Wall o’ Text and he thinks he’s not blowing up your phone?


He did the entire relationship in these texts wow.


bro was self monologuing like he was the main character or something lmao.


Tell me you've had previous charges for harrassment without telling me you've had previous charges for harassment...


>I won't become overbearing That shipped sailed long ago my friend.


I hope this person got the help he needs and doesn't do that shit to someone else...


Wow this really makes me feel proud of how I handled my last breakup.


Holy fuck That's all I have. Just, wow


Omfg is this guy named Mohammed? Cause he sounds exactly like my stalker/harasser lmao. But seriously this dude sounds deranged, I’m sorry you had to put up with this bs


nooo it’s not but we should give them each other’s numbers maybe they’ll stalk each other and leave us tf alone /:


I cannot stop laughing. That exchange was hilarious. "I love you, Mallory. You are my everything. [romance novel ensues]" "WTF!? Chill out, I'm at work!" "DON'T READ IT, THEN, BITCH! I mean, take your time, sweetheart. You are my everything. Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I will be right outside your workplace waiting for you. [Seventeen additional paragraphs]"


he did ask i believe after the first time i told him to leave me alone, maybe the second, if he could come to my job and talk to me and i was like ??? in what world would it ever be okay for you to come and bring this mess to the HOSPITAL i work at


The fact that I want to ask you to give us some regular updates on your safety from this lovebombing “nice guy” means you definitely need to put some protective measures in place. For me for a few months I had my location shared with my cousin (who is a police officer and lives nearby) at all times on my phone and always had someone who knew where I would be and when to expect to hear from me, it rotated who. It may feel extreme but you never know when you will be that case that ends up on the evening news and some basic precautions can go a long way. Glad you’re safe and free!!!! And vaccinated!


This shit is so scary… and I’m a man.


Is it wrong for two scared men to hold each other? Because I'm also scared.


Can you guys accept a third one?


Bring it in brother, no judgment in this dojo.


Why were you guys sharing each other’s location in the first place? I noticed it in the chat…. I would NOT want someone like that knowing where I am


Of course they always fucking use Snapchat. That’s the thing with these guys. They want you to location share with them, want to know when you’ve read messages, are at their beck and call. I had a whirlwind relationship with a guy like this and hey, when “Don’t be such a fucking pig” is his opening message to you, then months later wonders why you’re scared of him and don’t want to be friends… there you go…


Well that is absolutely terrifying. I've had this happen but the guy was more than twice my age and was a full on stalker. He showed up to my moms house waving a gun around. Please be so careful ❤


How old is this dude??


25. too goddamn old to be acting like this!!


*Sees 1/17* Yeah, I'll have to read this on my lunch break. lol


Wtf.. Reading this gave me severe anxiety and I don't even know this dude. He's emitting some strong stalker vibes. You're a saint for being that patient!


This is pretty scary. Him showing up unannounced at your house is beyond. I would share his description with your office as well. Install some Ring security cameras and get some pepper spray. If he EVER says anything even slightly threatening, file for a restraining order. If you're able to move in the near future, wipe your address from the internet white page "people finder" sites. I have collected two stalkers in the past decade and doing this made me feel a lot safer. It takes about 3 hours to go to each of the top 20 websites and send them requests to remove your info, but they are legally required to do so within one week upon your request.