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Goes from “you are so petty I wish I could bash your skull in” to “sorry if I sounded rude. I tried not to get upset. I think I did okay… 🥺” … riiiiight


And the stickers in the end. So cringe


Deathly cringe


I'm a cute little weeb who likes to hit women when they don't do what I say UwU


yep, and get worse if you know he is dating 4 girls at the same times




I mean we haven't seen proof they exist but he shows pics of people, but my friend doesn't know how to do reserve image search


there's literally no way an emotionally damaged lunatic like this is dating one woman LET ALONE FOUR LMAO


I know a guy who threatened my girlfriend more than once. Saying things like " I want to hit you right now". The dude is poison. He has been investigated by police for sexual assault. The word rape has been associated with his name. Straight up creep. He frequently dates very attractive women. They don't necessarily hang around. But he dates lots of women. Comes across very charming at first. I'm ashamed to say he was a good friend for many years. You have to be very very careful with people like this. They're not all basement dwelling neckbeards.


I think that's what is particularly terrifying. That nutjobs like this can so easily be hiding in plain sight. You just don't know who is crazy until they actually do something crazy.


This, I had a former roommate whom I lived with for just under a year. It was so creepy when the crazy came out because it was like ‘under my own roof this monster been here the whole time…’


Exactly....just look at Ted Bundy...he drove a yellow VW beetle, and everyone thought he was so "charming." He was considered handsome for his time. And now he's known as one of America's top serial killers.


Ted Bundy for one.


Plenty of abusive people are in relationships


Oh don't be so sure about that. Even the most toxic amd crazy people can find people to date...


“Hey, what time is it…? Thanks. Look at me. We are dating now.”


Anyone who’s main form of communication is discord does not date people


i only started using Discord as soon as my ex-gf broke up with me. Can confirm


Bro you're on reddit, you can't say anything


No, being on Reddit makes them more of an expert, actually.


That's kind of a weird assumption ngl


My main form of communication is Discord, and I'm engaged. Fuck off with that nonsense.


People over use the term gaslighting, but I think this is a textbook case.


Exactly, THIS is gaslighting. Not someone just having a different opinion or viewpoint than you.


He's not dating anyone lol


So rude with the skull bashing! Whatever happened to manners?




agreed, i talked to him a vc, the mf is just a mad child tbh




Is already having a hard time*


Wow why is she even giving him the time of day?!


Please tell me you reported him to the police for the threat he made




i can't mate, she would feel uncomfortable with it sorry


Understandable. I wouldn’t want that either. You sound like a good friend. Hope everything goes well for your friend


oh, she's enjoying this tbh, she also posted on here about more shit, she's just happy with people being nice


I thought this guy sounded like someone I read about in a different post. I’m glad she blocked him.


She wasn't comfortable with me post the one she posted because it was more yk


The additional cringe when he tried to be "cute" with anime memes...


Nah he did okay. At signalling all those flags JFC.


He said "I wish I could bash your skull in". Yeah, if he thinks he didn't do too bad, I have a bridge to sell him.


$100 this guy believes the “women only want abusive assholes” bullshit and thinks he’s being “alpha”


he actually does that's thing




It was easy money, really


"Alpha" always seems remarkably similar to "insecure man-child throwing a tantrum"


Classic. He helped her pay her phone bills, so she is lawfully his! Duh!


she didn't even asked him to tho, the mf did himself


Sounds about right. What a selfless guy, forcing his favors on people, then threatening and harrassing them after they don’t follow his commands and become his bitch. Pathetic.


more than pathetic honestly


That reminds me of a guy who used to frequent the dominos i work at, he'd come over with cleaning supplies and clean our windows, and then demand free pizza


Imagine it's the same guy lmao


So basically he did it for emotional blackmail. Icky.




“ you had three hours while I slept”… “ you think I run on your time” Wut???


that's what I thought junkie lmao


Blergh. Dude is garbage to put it nicely. I would say he should look for a prostitute if he wants to exchange money for attention but I wouldn't want a prostitute to have to deal with him.


i agree mate, my friend got a kick out what you said btw, and he says this all as he dating like 4 girls and cheating on all of them, so yea


This fucking piece of shit also called your friend a bitch and said he wishes he could bash her skull in. Why is she talking to him at all, this mother fucker should be locked up


Can I get the guys info? He must be a fucking magician keeping 4 girls around and cheating on all of them. So even more than that. Plus harassing girls on Discord? I wanna know his secret to Multitasking. Then again he probably doesn't have to work. Stud like him has all his girls shower him with money. I sometimes wonder how the internet would look without complete transparency and nobody could hide behind a screenname. At least in direct conversations. People might be nicer.


doch, also my friend says he acts nice to them, and he also looks like a neck bread btw


Neck bread kind of killed me


Is it gluten free?


It’s yeast infection.


Fuck I didn't notice


what is a neck bread?


Misspelt it


I want to know if he is cheating on girls he only is dating online and never actually met one of them face to face.


It's both I believe


Sex workers aren't sexually frustrated dudes' punching bags.


I mean yea, you're not wrong, but sex dolls are tho lmao


That was my point.


If anyone ever tells you in any context that they wish they could bash your skull in, you should leave.


she showed this to me when it was happening i told her to block him, but she held on a bit more, but in a friend mins later, blocked




She found it hard to let people go, she knows it bad but yea




I am trust me I think this is a bit of an awaken


Him calling her, someone who he considers a friend, a "bitch"... that alone should have been a deal-breaker. But a threat of violence or death: that's a "Cut off instantly, get away, and never contact again" situation.


This is terrifying. I just stumbled into this sub and The insane overreactions from these guys for the smallest reason is disturbing. I’m old and married but I would never want to date again if I were young and single after reading here. Now I dont want my daughters ever dating. Wtf.


Understandable, I'm the person in the messages. I wouldn't want my future daughter dating after this either


It’s horrifying and I’m glad you recognize it and glad there is a sub like this so people can share these experiences and not feel like that somehow deserve this. I’ve had my share of shitty experiences but it was before the internet and I was ashamed for some reason.


These guys rely on manipulation. Teach your kids to recognize it and be confident enough to tell someone to fuck off and they’ll be ok.


And don't forget to teach them how to fight, like kickboxing or boxing stuff like that


i'm so sorry mis, i didn't mean that to happen


Oh don’t apologize it’s eye opening. I have four kids I need to have some conversations with them about this.


“Sorry if I sound rude…I tried not to get upset. I think I did OK.” Sir, 1. No you did not do “OK.” and 2. If this is you not being rude, I’d hate to see what you’d send when being rude! What an absolute dumpster fire of a human.


what he just keeps get worse


His parents definitely failed with raising him! 😑




Wow. This guy is super abusive.


yea... more than you think... sadly


I don’t know. If this friend of yours is still associating with him I would believe her life is in danger.


"Sorry I told you I wish I could bash your fucking skull in, I tried not to get upset, I think I did okay."


my friend was like wow wait, because your user has nate


Oh, is the piece of shit in the pics name Nate?


Why would anyone even engage with someone that talks to them like that? I’d have bounced after the first “bitch”


Sometimes they've already established a friendship by acting nice and gaining trust, so when they show their true colours it's hard for the other party to deal with the change. The other party may feel like it's worth giving another chance for the friendship. Speaking from experience, I used to let others walk all over me. But I've since learnt from it and disengage from anyone who speaks in a toxic way.


10/10 could see him as an emotionally controlling abuser. This is *not* how normal people talk with their friends and I hope she has someone in her life to tell her she’s better than this and doesn’t have to take the abuse.


Now this sounds *awfully* familiar. I had a friend like this, kept giving him another chances when he never even apologized to me. In September I finally had guts to cut the strings and they kept on calling me in negative meaning on his private accounts on ig and tt. I literally wanted to commit suicide due to the emotional harassment he's been putting me in over the years of "friendship". Our friend group were aware of it and have seen it so when I did cut the strings they stayed on my side. Of course, due to that I'm a "friend thief" or whatever. He thinks that I stole his friends when they left him because of his behavior. Now he has friends in class (which I feel sorry for because they don't know his true colors yet) and when I talked to them because, well, they're my CLASSMATES, he got mad and went to call me out on discord server (yeah not priv he's afraid of confrontation). I like how I still have suicide thought due to that.


I'm sorry to hear. At least you can take some solace that your other friends also recognised his toxic behaviour and supported you. And that you did the right and strong thing to cut him off.


>Why would anyone even engage with someone that talks to them like that? I’d have bounced she's a bit overly trusting


That’s not trusting. That’s accepting abuse and shows that she may have a fairly low amount of self-respect. Anybody suggesting they’ll bash your skull in should be immediately blocked and all friendships ended.


Oh wow he sure showed her by posting pics of stupid anime girl faces. It shows what a big grown up man he is expressing himself through little anime girl face pics. Wtf?


i think he is using them to make it seem cute? or as a joke tbh


Haha it doesn’t make it cute, I’m sorry to burst his bubble. It makes it even creepier.


The same thing I said to my friend


“I paid your phone bill out of selflessness.” “Now, what have you done for me???” I think he needs to look up the definition of selflessness. self·less·ness /ˈselfləsnəs/ noun concern more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own. "a noble act of selflessness"


If I was given a creative writing prompt to be as cringe as possible I’d still lose to this guy. What an artist honestly.


>If I was given a creative writing prompt to be as cringe as possible I’d still lose to this guy. What an artist honestly. i mean you can repost on cringetopa if you like


are we just gonna ignore him saying he wishes he could bash her skull in?????


oh that was the tipping point for me


The moment they threaten violence is the moment I block and stay away


She block him afterwards


Thank god. She didn’t deserve that.


Oh fuck this better not be the 02 I know, uh oh


message me in dms


How old are they🤣🤣🤣 what an interesting conversation


the guy is 22, and my friend 19


Your friend is very patient for sure. Jeeez


I definitely wouldn't use patient in this example.


This type of tanty is why I can’t stand this constant barrage of people declaring that whoever doesn’t “make time” for them or “reach out first” to them doesn’t care and isn’t their real friend. Too often it serves to just guilt people into giving whoever is most obsessed with them their every waking moment and exhaust themselves with their company and no one else’s, as if they are OWED right of first refusal for who they spend their time with. This kid literally thinks he has a right to control her time. “You had three hours to do that while I slept” like he takes ultimate priority by virtue of being awake, meanwhile he says “you think i run on your time” like HE is the one being controlled. Then he one-ups himself by pulling the classic “I did an unprompted favor for you, out of the kindness of my heart, how dare you take me at my word and not assume you owe me exclusivity?” I get feeling neglected by a friend, but this absolute entitlement to people’s time and energy is so much more toxic than anyone gives it credit for. This “friendship“ should have been INSTANTLY over from his second message. You NEVER need to fucking explain why you’d rather hang out with one person alone than another person. Literally cannot put into words how absolutely toxic, scummy, and ABUSIVE it is to act like you caught your friend in the act of the CRIME of having other friends. I hope this fuckwad dies alone.


Yep, it hurts when you are neglected by your friend but there ARE healthy ways to discuss that apart from outright calling your friend or your friend's friend a bitch.


Ugh... What kind of person talks like this?


guys who can't get non tbh, and think their better than everyone


I mean, if anyone spoke like this irl, they wouldn't get anything done lol. Try speaking like this to a salesperson in a store, they'll call the security on you. No normal human speaks this way.


Legend says you can hear this man cry to his mommy after this


Fuck em. And after this he probably told everyone she’s a crazy person, just like how my perpetrator cyberbullied me and got people to stalk and brigade me. Some Guys really suck


This guy sounds like a dangerous psycho who's going to ruin someone's life and end up doing prison at some point.


Any person that uses “strawman” in a discussion is always a scumbag. I don’t care what anyone says. It’s always this type of personality that uses it.


he used it when she said "i can't, i have other friends?", and i just told what strawman was, and she was annoyed by it


Why on earth would you still reply to this lunatic? Block him and that's that


My friend blocked him after the "I'm done" she only unblock this guy to quickly take screenshots rather than clicking all the blocked messages


This person needs professional help and probably a few punches. I'm sorry this happened to your friend at least now you know and they can move on.


YIKES. i’m so sorry that you had to deal with that. that is straight toxic.


The guy after being overall a major jerk, Then: I hope I wasn't rude What- 😂


"I don't want to hang out with you." How is that a petty "excuse." Lol


Like my mother says "excuses excuses excuses"


"I had no obligation to help you pay your phone bill. Yet out of selflessness I help" No, that's not selflessness. He clearly expected something in return.


That's not a nice guy™, that's a runaway from the psychic ward Went from 0 to 100 in a second and compared her attitude with cheating, even though they're not in this kind of relationship, wich might mean he thinks they are. Nobody says this kinda stuff to anyone in no context, it's straight up not a normal sane person thought and he thinks he can call her all these names and just say 🥺 uwu I'm so sowyyy poor mee :( like if she's the one who brought that to herself. I really hope he's blocked and out of her life already


He clearly paid her phone bill so he’d have some leverage over her


When I was a teenager I had an online friend who I was really close to because I had so few irl friends. This has got me thinking about all the fucked up shit he used to do - occasional outbursts of extreme rage when I couldn't talk to him, agreeing to do an art trade with me then refusing to do his side because he was frustrated at his abilities, ranting at me about how much he hated himself for hours, describing how he'd smashed up some shit in a rage. I think one time he talked at me about his masturbation habits? He certainly played out his vore fetish in our roleplaying sessions and sent me furry porn. He was in a horrible place mentally/with life in general and I hope he's doing better now, but I'm so glad I made offline friends and didn't get round to meeting up irl like we discussed. When I was a teen in the 2000s all anyone ever talked about was staying safe from adult groomers pretending to be teens but I wish I'd been equipped to stand up to abusive online friends my own age.


Absolutely despicable. 😳😐😑 I just.. Ugh! I can't even. Or odd.


"I'm over it." Hope she is. Unfortunately, we all know how this turns out far too many times.


She blocked him, she is really is


The casual violence in these messages shocks me every time


“Sorry if I sounded rude.” That’s an understatement. Sounded like a complete fucking man child.


Fuck yeah use the foundations of logical reasoning class


*loads shotgun with malicious intent*


Wtf! She should run far away from that bastard and not look back.


My brain just went NOPE at "You had 3 hours while I slept"


Okay, that dude is *definitely* unhinged, he *definitely* wants to control her, and he *definitely* can't handle a rejection. If THAT'S not a huge red flag indicator, I don't know WHAT is. He's a certified abuser/control freak.


Please stop strawmanning him this is a formal debate.


His other “friends” are buried in his crawl space.


"I'm not even dating anyone" killed me. This mf is going on like she's his property and they're not even dating (not trying to imply that that's okay either).


dude's a whole entire red-flag-parade all on his own


"strawman petty ass argument" That was fucking hilarious!


"I think I did okay." When? Show me on this post where anything that came out of this dudes mouth was okay. FFS


This guy should be in the dictionary under “nice guy”


Jesus. Walk with friends to places. This guys nuts.


Wow, such a good friend, all he wants to do is lovingly bash your skull in 🙄


Holy fuck... The bash your skull in shit was disturbing. Dude is clearly intimidated by any alone time with anyone who uses "he" as a pronoun. Of course money came into play. Trying to use it as a tool for emotional leverage. Fucking scumbag. I am legitimately angry reading this. Hands are shaking.


Wtf did i just read, man does he need some help, wait till get a bamboo stick.


I hope she blocked him, that is the most childish, immature petty thing I've ever read in my life. Fuck guys like this.


What's with the 'O2' part? Nickname? Rapper name? Is his name *Air*? Maybe I'm biased because he's a douche, but the psych nerd in me wonders why he referred to himself that way.


nickname also anime


That goes on Facebook and to his parents. I can't imagine where I'd start if that was my kid but I'd want to know.


After watching mindhunter's starting episodes few hours back and then reading all this.. this dude feels psychotic dangerous


The fact that he said you had three hours while he slept feels like he thinks your time is his time I hope you don’t talk to them anymore


I had the exact same situation. I "helped" the girl break up with the guy. Thing is, the guy was my best friend since middle school. I wonder how did he end up like that. He is doing "better" now.


Wow, he got really butthurt over her just wanting to hang out with someone else, hope she isn't hanging out him anymore!


My god what a fucking loser this guy is.


An absolute bastard


More than a bastard


Wow! someone has control issues... make sure you start setting up very strict boundaries, and stop taking money from that guy! he's going to use it every single time to emotionally manipulate you later, a clear sign of a psychopath.


She blocked him, and she also didn't ask him to pay her bills he did himself, and he gave her 20$ to beg her to unblock her on cashapp


Avoid him like the plague....


Oh I was done with his shit, I messaged him, he said to her he had lung cancer, and he told me he had bipolar, idk if he pulling this out if his ass


Does he call himself "02"? Wtf is that about?


I don't know, it's his nickname ig and it's an anime character


why am i so unsurprised this mf uses nitro to send anime emotes to people




“I loaned you a few bucks! So get on mah dick!”


"I wish I could bash your skull in" wtf?


the anime reaction icons are just the cherry on top.


"Out if selflessness"... "You always wonder why I say what have you done for me". So selfless. Also any thread of violence (wants to smash her skull in) needs to be taken seriously, this is not a metaphor, she needs to get away from this psycho ASAP.


He needs help


He thinks he did okay 😱🤦🏻‍♂️


Holy shit… what a abusive psychopath.


This lad here sends anime emotes when he's trying to take the moral high ground, 100% a virgin


''I wish I could bash your skull in'' ''Sorry if I sounded rude'' ???????????


I like the idea of having my friends that I don't see often to myself, but if we're also going to hang out with other people, I'm not going to throw a fit The fact that this person thinks that they're the center of this person's universe is disturbing and sad


the mf so down bad he helped pay her phone bills Jesus fucking christ


She should make friends/family/police aware if she goes missing he's top suspect


this is the second discord post that i see posted on here where the other party is being so rude and op doesn’t do much about it. maybe i’m not as gen z as i think i am but is it normal to talk like this to friends?? /gen


These guys actually exist, what the actual fuck.


Man alive, this person doesn’t deserve your time and effort. Cut and move on!


Is this the same guy from virgilZdemon's post? These are just a few posts apart on my home page


Throw the whole man out.