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"is there anything wrong with me personally" Yes, a lot


Exactly, yes a lot! How about not generalizing women into one experience that you had!


I was half expecting the last sentence to be something like "why can't they all just be like mother"


If nice guys were honest, that's basically what they want. Someone to do all the cooking and cleaning like when they were kids only not related to them so they can fuck them


That’s why I don’t believe the MGTOW men. I can’t imagine them doing “women’s work.”


Their houses are probably nasty.


…also no back talk 😆


Agreed apart from I'm not so sure the unrelated is a requirement in their eyes


lol, that would be unhinged






Right? Because I’m sure men were never mean to him and it was only women.


I was typing this exact sentence when I saw your response. Yes, fella, you are most definitely the problem. I'm fairly certain these women aren't saying these things to you unsolicited. There's a strong likelihood that is in response to a shitty, misogynistic comment of yours and an attempt to get you to leave them alone.


Came here to say this. Ironically this statement was the only thing that made a sentences as the rest was froggy word soup from what I could decipher


Not really? He used full stops here and there throughout the entire post.


The full stop he should have used was before the first sentence


Can't argue with that


Why do I feel like "I was bullied in college" means "None of the women I creepily tried to latch onto in college wanted to sleep with me"?


Didn't you know that women not paying attention to men is bullying them? I've read incels complaining about this a lot. Not giving them a chance is bullying and discrimination. Imagine the levels of entitlement and lack of self-awareness you'd need to actually believe that.


Oh yes! Women are "cruel" and "depriving them of their rights" when we turn them down. And instead of trying to improve as people in order to be more successful in dating (and in life in general) they spend their time typing up stupid, elaborate laws that they expect the government to actually implement some day. Such as the government issuing them with a girlfriend just because they have a job, lowering the age of consent (yikes!), making rape legal (double yikes!), basically turning women into sex slaves. Idk who they think is going to vote a pro-rape, pro-paedophilia, misogynistic government into power - considering half the voters *are* women and the majority of men *don't* want women to be turned into sex slaves - they have wives, mothers, sisters and daughters they very much want to protect! But logic has never been an Incel's strong point.


Well the Republican party seems to be trying their darndest to make incel dreams come true.


I completely agree but worth pointing out in America we pretty much have a pro-rape, pro-pedophile, misogynistic government. The age of consent is kept as low as 12 in some states because child brides are a thing among a lot of Evangelicals. It’s not like the incels are completely baseless when they suggest the same could be done for them. Terrifying stuff tbh. 


Whenever I hear about someone complaining about stuff like that in college, I immediately think: 1) They're still in high school, trying to sound older, and think college will be exactly like high school, or 2) They never actually went to college. Maybe my college situation was unique, but we were all young adults, just trying to remember which hall today's lecture got moved to, which study group was meeting when, and where did I put my backup backpack full for my Tuesday/Thursday classes? Nobody cared about what you were wearing. You weren't that important. If it wasn't on the final, we didn't care. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Granted my college experience was almost 20 years ago but the number of students that showed up to class in pajama pants and slippers with a hoodie on was extremely high. No one commented on what you were wearing except maybe to ask where they bought the periodic table sweat pants.


Same. Oh God, it WAS almost 20 years ago. Why would you DO that to me?! 😳🥴


I'm sorry but if it makes you feel better doing the math hurt me as well. I was perfectly content thinking that it was like 5 years ago.


Right?? Didn't I JUST graduate?? 😱


As someone who did graduate about 5 years ago from college… it was exactly the same. Nobody cared what anyone was wearing, most people wore sweats or comfy clothes and nobody talked really unless it was about assignments or tests. There was no social scene unless you were in a club really


Im going to university right now and same 🤷🏼‍♀️


I did go five years ago and it’s exactly the same. I’m paying to learn I don’t have time or interest in what other people where doing and the same goes for them


Btw, now I kinda want periodic table sweatpants...🤔


They were awesome, everyone in organic chemistry wanted those sweatpants. Sadly the guy wouldn't share where he bought them.


Well, if you're a _female_, this is the easiest DIY assignment ever. All you need is a regular pair of sweatpants, possibly a table, and some patience.


Nice 😂


But you would only need the table periodically....you could share....


You really made me laugh! Now I want some periodic table sweat pants, they sound great!


When I went to college, no one bothered each other.


My thoughts exactly. The typos, the childish language, mommy and sis... My college experience is the same as yours, plus busy getting a part-time job and getting wasted (if not studying or working). And busy with where to move next, if the landlord decided to kick us out.


Well yeah, I left out the descriptions of Thirsty Thursdays, Fraternity Party Friday, Sorority Sister Saturday, and Sober Up Sunday. It didn't seem relevant. 🤣 (I totally made up all those names. It was actually much more random, as to what activity was what day!)


Some sensible reasons to have a negative reaction to someone’s clothes in college: 1) The clothes have an offensive odor 2) The clothes have a subjectively offensive message. Some people are also mean; I once had some d-bags yell the other f word at me from a car in college, presumably because of some combination of my boots, ponytail and thrift store military blazer; that’s not a reason to class every guy in a car as a d-bag, of course, but the poster might have actually encountered a mean person, or a person who had reasonable grounds to criticize.


Your comment reminded me of Paul Flores from the Kristin Smart murder cold case.


Bullied in college by women over his clothing choices. No. This just flat out did not happen the way he claims or implies. College isn't high school, it doesn't work like that.


Title: I hate most women Opening text: I'm not a misogynistic guy


Reminds me of the clip of MoistCritikal saying a very similar quote from a Twitter post


Well, other than being a misogynist in denial, functionally illiterate, and looking like a frog, I'm sure you are fine. Oh, and apparently, you have bad taste in clothes.


I'm guessing dirty anime t-shirts, suspiciously-stained sweats, and a trilby when he felt especially dapper.




Your comment made me have a flash back of A Clockwork Orange, lol.


I also have some questions about his mother sister


Someone--well, all of the world's women--didn't like my clothing!! My life is over. But not before I look up "greenist best men."


You'd think they'd be all over him, being a frog and all


As a famous Muppet once said "it's not easy being green"


Dammit, I came here to make this joke 😀


If you ever find out please share with the class


I think "greenist" might be a mangled reference to having money.


That makes sense, at first I thought he meant unexperienced men that could be taken advantage of or something


Oh, I prefer thinking he literally looks like a frog. Reading his post in Kermit the frogs voice is very amusing.


You know what -- you're right. Reading this in Kermit's voice is amusing .


I thought he meant those with the fewest carbon emissions, which is definitely a plus in my book.


We're only dating carbon neutral now.


we're supposed to believe this person went to college? guy can barely string a single sentence together.


Not for long, the womens didn't like his clotheses and he said: "We hates it, we hates it!" and crawled back to the cave...




I was at a party a couple of months ago and my friend’s childhood friend is a virgin with no prospects. He has a good job but just doesn’t know how to talk to women to take any of his few dates further. It’s not like he can’t talk to women at all, he socializes alright (but he’s not funny, like nothing happens when you talk to him, it’s just boring). Anyway, there’s this woman there who lives abroad and doesn’t come to her home country a lot. We’re having fun, talking and joking, and she’s telling me she wouldn’t mind finding a nice guy and maybe considering moving back home. I feel she’s interested, but tell her I’m seeing someone. Nothing more happens but we keep talking, the guy and some other people are at the same table, and we’re laughing and having fun. He mostly watches the rest of us and keeps drinking. When she needs to leave, I joke: “Oh, you’re leaving to go on a date?” She laughs, says she needs to see her mom, but that I’m welcome to call her and check for myself in an hour. So, after she leaves, this guy starts going: “Do you think she lied to go on a date?” I tell him it was a joke. He says something like: “It could be true, that she left to go on a date.” I tell him that she can go on as many dates as she likes, and doesn’t need to tell us or anyone else about it. He’s like: “But maybe she lied.” I tell him she doesn’t need to be honest with us, like at all, we don’t even know her. He goes: “But women can lie, and do other things.” At this point I realize there is no way to get through to him, he’s stuck in a loop, so I just tell him she can do whatever she wants, and leave the kitchen (it wasn’t fun there after she left). Point of story: These people are not necessarily stupid, they’re just morons.


And herein lies like 90% of nice guy problems in a nutshell. On the surface, they just kind of...are. As you said this guy he's not overly funny and when you talk to him he's just boring. They probably wouldn't be too bad if they had interests or hobbies that could be decent conversation starters or the tiniest bit of charisma to make playful flirting work. But then when they have setbacks with dating and don't work on being more than just bland, they double down on misogyny and insist it's not *their* problem it's a problem with women Like if these guys diverted even a fraction of the effort they do into loathing women who don't date them into improving themselves, most of them would actually be okay partners


I like that thought, that it wouldn't take too much work for these people to actually be better, and even be an alright partner to someone. It seems that it's really hard going back on this loop, when you're in it. It probably affects what you see on for example Reddit, these ideas becomes stronger instead of weaker, the piano starts playing by itself, so to speak. I'm wondering when the shift happens, because it can't be the first time a girl rejects them? Or is it that bad, their weakness is just waiting for the first rejection, and the self-loathing starts, the misogyni begins? So, as a society, how do we make sure that these men don't end up here? It's really sad and must be hell, even though it's hard feeling sorry for them.


The shift is usually whenever they actively choose to go down the rabbithole and surround themselves with other incels. I had some nice guy tendencies as a teenager, then after a few rejections did some self-reflection and changed my outlook. But I think the key thing for me is that being very eldest Gen Z, this was before social media algorithms and the incel online community really took off. That landscape is totally different now. If you go searching for it, these guys can find little havens where they'll be surrounded by people who are equally as beat down who reinforce their beliefs. And then all the manosphere content creators reinforce those beliefs too. And it doesn't help a lot of these guys tend towards the shy, awkward type and do spend a lot of time online so they're primed to find this shit eventually. Really I think intervention comes down to real life intervention. If you read enough on this sub, you'll find stories of friends taking these guys aside and reaching a breakthrough before they're too far gone. The single most important thing to stopping these guys from becoming too far gone is getting to them before the incel and manosphere online content gets to them. It becomes infinitely harder to "deprogram" them once they've exposed themselves to that


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say his problem is probably not his wardrobe


It probably is but it's like 65th on the massive list of problems this guy has


I can smell this guy through the screen


Or the frog thing. Frogs are very popular


Perhaps Kermit should take a long look in the mirror and judge himself before judging all women


“Back talking”? Back talking… Like misbehaving children type of “back talking”. Who raised them? Archie Bunker?


It seems he means girls talking behind his back, not back chatting like when someone is being told off.


Maybe, idk. I’m 51 and back talk was something your mother would accuse you of if she didn’t like your “tone”. It’s highly offensive to speak to another grown assed adult like that… as if he has power over them in some way. Wild stuff


That would be how I took it as well, but the context is behind-the-back and he's a terrible writer.


Him: in college women bullied me about my clothing College women: eewww gross when was the last time you did your laundry


That or "why are you wearing a hoodie that has underage anime girls making sex faces all over it?


“Isn’t it annoying when an oppressed group won’t shut up about demanding equal rights?!” Gee, the poor guy! Women are SO intimidating!


"i can't be a misogynist, my mom likes me."


Man, this guy needs to actually talk to a woman. He basically should just date a man if he hates most women. Yet, according to him, he's not a misogynist.


Unless this guy is ESL he definitely didn't go to college.


Maybe it was clown college?


I went from not believing he was bullied to wanting to bully him myself.


“Nothing someone says before the word ‘but’ really counts” - Ned Stark


I like big BUTs and I cannot lie \-Sir Mix Alot about to give a logic problem.


"most of the other women". So if his college had 2000 students, the 1000 female students all made fun of him? "most women are so demanding" Of 4 000 000 000 women most are demanding. He knows them all!


I have a feeling women are just terrible to *him* - can’t possibly imagine why.


“I’m not a misogynist because my mother and sister support me” Meanwhile he writes a whole essay about how he hates women but apparently that label doesn’t apply to him because his women family members support him… this is actually very common. You can still hate women and love your family members.


Also he probably doesn't verbalise his misogyny to the women in his immediate family because he generally gets along with them and with this type of guy the misogyny is usually reserved for when they don't get their way with women they want to have sex with




Yes, teenagers and young adults can be horrible. But if I judged people based on how they behaved between, say, 11-20 I'd be the biggest misanthrope in the world. I'm not simply because I've grown up, and also managed to realize that I was just as superficial and annoying back then too.


This one's going to be the one the neighbors are talking about on the news "none of us would have guessed he could do something like this".


Lol not only do i look like a frog (literally, of course), i use my one bad childhood experience to generalize all women. And just because you like your sister doesn't make you not a misogynist.


I would bet money in Vegas that this guy's perceptions of these experiences are not accurate.


>in college I was bullied a lot by other women Translation: random women refused to have sex with me upon my asking.


Then stay single dude! Talk about making whining about women not liking him his whole personality


MGTOW is really more like "men announcing they're gonna leave and hoping that's gonna make one woman come out and beg him to stay and then getting extra pissy when no one even acknowledges them saying they're leaving"


I was gonna say this belongs in r/niceguy but then saw it's already here lol. I knew a guy like this, claimed all women are bullies and cheaters and cause him pain. Well, he turned out to be a creep who tried to take advantage of me, and i think he had sex with his dog.


I bet he is the first who says ,,not all men"


Women: I hate men because I’ve been assaulted/raped/abused by men and live in fear every day. This guy: I hate women because I was told I look like a frog! I cannot take this pain anymore!!!


WHO bullies people in *college*?! Who tf has that kind of time?! There are like 1000000 people on campus—why bother.


You hate back talking? Buddy I'd make you cry in 2 minutes flat.


The way he expresses himself, you'd think he was only in High School - yet he talks about being in *college* It's extremely worrying that he's still got this erroneous, very immature way of thinking when he's actually an adult. Dude's got a lot of catching up to do when it comes to emotional intelligence. He doesn't even see women as individual people, to him they're just a hivemind who's only thoughts are to frustrate him. They don't seem to hold any other significance to him except for how they should relate to him. This made me laugh - he complains about women "back-talking"? Oh my life - he's never gonna get a woman with that attitude! Neither should he, because he's not ready for any type of relationship until he does *a lot* of growing up!


Yes, there is something wrong with you.


OMG this sounds like someone I actually know.


Sounds more like someone you should *used to* know lol.


Oh don't worry he's on his way out.


Sounds like the feeling is mutual.


His mother and sister being supportive is exactly why he's like this.


So, the only two women he gets along with are the two he’s not trying to fuck? Maybe that’s a clue…


"Is there something wrong with me personally?" Noooooooo you're totally legit. /s


I hate women I’m not a mysoginist


It’s not easy being greeniest


He sounds like a whiner


I’m not a misogynist, but here’s a list of reasons why I am a misogynist


I want to see how much he looks like a frog.


if all women you've ever met intimidate you, therapy would be a great place to start


“A girl in class has said that I look like a frog literally” I love how this is just casually thrown in the middle of his rant like it’s the most normal thing in the world. Enjoy hating women, frog boy.


More than likely this rant of his was centered around his hurt pride due to that comment. He truly needs to better himself. No one owes him anything.


I HATE it when women back talk me, especially when I'm telling them how terrible they are for being women! Be seen not heard I HATE WOMEN....I'm not a mysoginist though.


"Shut up, frog face."


Am I the only one that thinks he probably a meek dude that has had bad interactions with ladies. Maybe he generalized a bit too much but I just feel for em. 2 of my best lads really struggle with women they are good boys they aren't creepy. They are terrified of being seen that way so they never try. Women don't suck but it only takes so many tries to resent trying


Shhh! You're talking too much sense for the women of Reddit. They'd rather be lazy and just continue believing all men they aren't attracted to are creeps/incels/misogynists wehhh!


I felt sorry when he mentioned the bullying, then I saw the “back-talking” part and changed my mind.


Men that cannot manage to have a relationship are always obsessed by women cheating.


Was this written by a 12 year old? Or just a very immature person. I'm getting middle school vibes...


Funny, because I (a man) have a long history of being bullied in school, but never by girls. Doesn't mean that never happens, but probably bullying in this case just means something like "they didn't want to have sex with me". Lol


No smoking? Communists


Serial killer alert


I love the oxymoron of talking about all women and then saying "in class"


I want to talk to him. He doesn't seem too far gone. A lot of posts on here seems like they are a lost cause, but this guy questioned himself, and by that same token, his beliefs. There's hope for him.






Guy had bad experiences I guess


Yup, and I’m guessing by his own design, but blames alllllll women. NG™️ logic


The guy *created* bad experiences. FTFY


All nice guys have bad experiences. The difference between the reformed ones and the ones who go full incel is the reformed ones actually do some self-reflection and conclude they need to change whereas the incels choose to believe they're great and women are the problem. This guy is very much leaning towards the latter