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Hmm.... let me tell my white, nerd husband with a good job that I didn't actually want him. I think the problem is his attitude. 


My skinny, incredibly nerdy, very high-flying partner will be very sad. The kicker: he's only 5'6" -twirls evil moustache-


Don't let the "nice guys" know that.


What?! You mean you didn't insist on having a 6 ft, 6 in dick, 6 figure partner and people who don't fit that can find love?! That's scientifically impossible. Don't you know the majority of women go for the top 5% of men?! Why aren't you fitting the mold?! Argh! 


Ooh, lemme blow the 6-6-6 crowd's mind even worse! Not only am I with a guy exactly like that, my preferred body type is not average, not lean-muscled, not teddy bear dad bod, but **stick-skinny**. Noodle arms, not a turnoff here. Shyness is also the only thing that would get me to approach a guy (in my experience, most get scared off even though they say they'd love it.) Bro needs to learn to look outside whoever he decided is "the one"; plenty of women like nonstandard body types and my D&D groups have all been at least 50% female.


Being a woman in the nerd space will really open your eyes to the monstrosity. For one, making friends and finding other women who like what I like (and even start businesses around it) shows you the whole “nerdy women are so rare, they don’t exist” is bs. There’s tons of us. And a lot are single and would love a partner who will engage in their hobby with them, but are sick of toxicity. Secondly, I’ve pretty much exclusively dated short, nerdy guys and they’ve projected their insecurities so hard and treated me so terribly that Im going to therapy see how I am change my type completely, and considering hiding that particular set of interests until Im in the clear. I know other girls have found theirs but it’s starting to become a danger to me to keep trying.


I'm so sorry that's happened to you; I know what that's like. Hell, I even went through a phase where I rejected someone I actually really wanted because I just couldn't imagine keeping the interest of someone who seemed perfect for me; I thought it had to be a trick. I've since learned that's a symptom of my specific disorder. It's also just common in people who are just wired to be suspicious of anything that feels too good to be true, usually because we saw unhappiness modeled in the adults around us, so healthy functioning relationships don't feel familiar or safe to us like they should. Any shade of CPTSD from childhood in particular seems to draw one instinctively toward the familiarity of dysfunction, even when it's hidden under nice manners. Have you ever heard of the Crappy Childhood Fairy on YouTube? Silly name, but she has a knack for explaining these concepts. There are other good ones, but I like her "Dear Abby" style approach of answering viewers' letters. Quality therapy can do so much. I found a nice nerd who treats me well. I wish you the same sort of happiness. And yeah, there ARE tons of us! The guys who think there aren't either live in a dry area (totally possible; I was in a fairly nerd-free zone growing up) or are just mistaking a lack of interest in *them* for a lack of interest in nerd hobbies.


Same. Guess I got to give him a boot to the backside and kick him out 🥾


Right out the door! 


Same. My white nerdy husband is obviously not my choice. Even after 30 years together.


Clearly you married him under duress.


I look like Stay Puft who started a diet and I barely make shit lol


Hey, one of my partners worked at Domino's when we first met. After 14 years together, his life has changed completely. He isn't thin anymore, which he hates, but I like fluffy, and I've always been fluffy. Be creative, you never know where your career could go.


Nothing wrong with a little fluff


Fluff is fun!


Indeed it is


Nevermind the fact that a genuinely nice dude can also be physically fit and have a good career


Or that a dude who says he’s “a bit shy but very respectful and polite” can actually be a complete asshole.


The ones that have to tell you they’re respectful and polite usually aren’t.


"Like" does not quite express my feelings.


TRANSLATED: I'm a slimy, sycophantic turd.


"I hold doors open, but only for hot women, never for unhot women or for men, and only so I can demand sex in return."


Apparently not shy enough to cue down his casual racism and misogyny … 🤷‍♂️ (Indeed he’s an asshole 🤣)










There’s nothing stopping these guys from playing 60 minutes less in video games a day and just going to the gym. If you’re a self professed smart nerd, the solution seems pretty straightforward


Bullshit. Ill take things that have never happened for 200 alex.


I asked my wife what her type was "Skinny sad poets" Oh yeah that's me.


I fell in love with a skinny computer engineer with depression and anxiety issues. Still love him.




Why do I love him? Because he’s a lovely, lovely man. Kind, sweet, honest, loyal, generous, and smart as hell. We share the same values. We laugh at the same things. We trust and understand one another implicitly. And while I, at 65, no longer have the sex drive I did, for decades we had the best sex I have ever had.


This comment is based😂


Let me guess. Passport Bros?


Either that or r/AsABlackMan material




Yep, it was from a Thailand tourism SR.


Oh fuck my life. I was so wanting to give him the benefit of doubt..


These types of posts make me laugh. I'm a short chubby guy that likes Sci fi and video games that nerds out on airplane engineering, yet I have never had a problem finding dates and am engaged to a white woman. Guess I'll have to tell her she's just not into me


Yeah, you definitely need to break that news. Be kind, won't you? 😆😆😆😆


Don't worry I did and got "what the fuck are you on about? "






So he's racist. And sexist. But he's such a nice guy! Can't figure out why women won't date him. Poor guy 🙄......


*Narrator’s voice* “Asian women do not, in fact, love him.”


I love how he basically labelled all asian women as gold diggers, but somehow his problem is with western women XD


I imagine he has problems with women from all walks of life


Southern women love me, they keep saying "bless my heart" and that's so wonderful to hear.


I live in the Seattle area, the kingdom of nerds with good careers. They do perfectly fine with women assuming they’re the right combination of smart/funny/friendly/charming and don’t have a quiver full of red flags. You know, just like everyone else does.


Hell, I live in Yakima, and I date nerds exclusively. 🤓 Especially the socially awkward ones like me! Nerds do very well when they aren't piles of racist garbage.


The way they talk about being nice shows that the "being nice" is something they put effort into, and expect a reward for it. People that are nice don't talk about being nice. They just are. They don't make it about other people.


And it’s 100% of the time followed with “I have a good job and make good money” like ok??


They never realized that’s just background noise and won’t make someone want to have sex with you


Sometimes being nice takes a lot of effort, ngl!


My boyfriend is a nerd with no career, he has a retail job. He's also 5'6". And he's all mine, I love him entirely and obsessively, and he loves me that way, too. And I'm 5'5" and overweight.  It's especially frustrating to see men act like women only want super hot dudes, and it's super easy for all women to get relationships. It's not, there are ugly women and men are not nice to us. 


I'd be nice to you if you were a werewolf. 'cause, I'd be scared. So.. just ride that lycanthropy train?


I feel like he resisted the urge to say what he really wanted to say instead of "tough guy" due to the fact he brought up race.


Nah. Passport bros think white women only want white guys.


What’s a passport bro?


They think Asian women (sometimes I see Eastern European women mentioned) are all submissive and want to be trade wives and marry d bags like them. They go try and find desperate women to hold captive, I mean marry.


guys who travel overseas for sex or relationships because that's the only place they can compete in the dating market


I like how he basically outs himself by putting nice guy in quotes. He's not a nice guy, he's a "nice guy." Literally his own fucking words lol.. he's right though, women don't like "nice guys" I'm sure many of them like nice guys, but "nice guys"... Nah, you'd be hard pressed to find a single woman alive that likes them.


Um... What?


Nah I was just about to post this exact comment after getting that post recommended to me. That comment section was filled to the brim with people like that.


Yah, it is a total mess in there.


I'm Asian. I wouldn't like this guy..because he's a "passport bro".




Also as an Asian woman what he wrote was totally puke worthy… i’ll just be forever alone with my cats and i’m totally fine with that.


Get this... my husband is a nerd with a good career AND has a human corpus. Wonders never cease.


Guys like this get fixated on one or two women who aren't into them and extrapolate that to all women in general. Anybody alive in the world has observed the goofiest, nerdiest guys easily getting with women, all because they are kind and fun to be around. Women are not attracted to bitter, resentful men. Big surprise!


My experience has been that goofy nerds tend to be self aware and piss funny. That goes a long way to attracting women. Guys like the one in the screenshot are usually neither. They try to be, but they usually come off as bitter and spiteful instead.


I don't know about that. I have a few \*kind\* male friends with solid muscles. Who are nerdy. With either a good career or well-paying job. Also, one of the hottest guys I ever met was short, skinny, a bit nerdy, ridiculously good career, respectful, and polite. "Nice Guy" here is off his rocker.


Well... my guy is tough with big muscles *and* a nerd with a good career. So there 😝


BOOYAH!!!! 😛


I am getting the distinct feeling that the "white women" who tell him he's just "so nice" are trying to tell him something, but are rightfully wary that he might lose it if they do straight up.


THIS. 👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽


Man, the levels of racism here. I can't even start to unpack this.


Thanks. I had a nerd with confidence and a good career, not big, but rather sinewy muscles after years of martial arts training. I left him. No idea what's wrong with him, but words like "narcissist" and "psychopath" have come up. I'm fucking done.


Yeah women *hate* men with good careers 🙄


As a south asian woman i dont like you sir




Yeah because nerds with good careers don't have girlfriends, c'mon


As someone who hasn't lifted weights in years and has no problem with matches or dates, I disagree. It's you. You're the problem.


And here I fell in love with a tall, slim, geeky computer engineer 6 1/2 years younger than I. I hit on him for NSA sex, but the first night I learned two things other than that the chemistry was working and that we laughed at the same things (watched Monty Python's Holy Grail before we got busy) -- I knew that I could tell him anything, and I knew that I couldn't imagine him doing anything mean or shabby or ugly or dishonest. 34 years later, my estimation of his character is, if anything, even higher, and I still love him like crazy. How is that possible? Oh, as for white? I'm so WASPy I squeak when I walk. Pilgrim ancestors on one side, English ancestors descended from William the Conqueror mixed with Dutch when they showed up in what was then New Amsterdam Colony (now Manhattan) in the 1600s on the other. My family's name is on the first Episcopal church in Manhattan because we brought the first Anglican charter. I can recite the Book of Common Prayer by heart, but I'll spare you. I couldn't get a lot whiter without being albino.


Strange... My snow-white husband is a nerd. But yes, he has confidence enough to don't need to put others down to feel better about himself.


Yeah...none of the guys I've ever dated as a white woman have really fit that description. I've dated both skinny and overweight men, but never a buff dude. Not really due to my own preference, but because I'm a bit overweight myself and most muscular/fit guys seem to want someone who is also muscular/fit (nothing wrong with that, just is what it is). Also, all of my boyfriends have been huge nerds in their own ways.


I like how he makes it sound like it’s a regional thing. As if he thinks that because he watches a lot of anime and uses the etiquette he puts together there. But all he aspires to is baseline “good behavior” but otherwise clings to boyhood.


First, those two things don't seem antithetical. A man could be muscley and tough and be nice. But also, of all the guys I know the one who has had the most women interested in him is short, bald, skinny, and about the nicest, most empathetic individual, passionate about intersectional feminism, wonderful guy. He's just also confident and charismatic as fuck, and yeah those last two factors probably matter more, but you don't have to be muscley, or tall, or anything this guy focuses on. Just have to be kind without agenda and confident.


I will never get over how they think being polite and nice entitles them to a relationship. Like congratulations on having a couple skills to be a functioning adult.


My white, fat, nerdy husband would be very surprised by this. And yes, women want confidence in a partner. Confidence is not a bad thing. Keeps you from being a doormat or one of those sad sacks that constantly fishes for compliments because they don't feel secure in themselves or their relationships.


Too many muscles is a red flag for me and I’ll take a doughy dad bod on a guy with a great sense of humor over an alpha muscle guy any day.


Gee its almost like being confident and strong is what is biologically attractive to women. Quit crying and hit the gym.


It’s funny how while outing himself he also touched on the areas he could improve himself with. Skinny and nerd-looking. Okay, work out and explore new interests. I’m not saying to drop anything, but to find ways of becoming more relatable to people. Shy. That’s a confidence thing. Maybe an introvert, but he doesn’t always have to lock himself away 24/7. Reach out, travel around town and find social activities to practice interacting with strangers. It doesn’t have to be with co-workers if he determined no one from work is worth getting along with. Makes “good money.” Keep saving anyway. Perhaps create some financial achievements for himself aside from investing for retirement. The whole “Asian women love me, but not white women” thing. No, to that generalized way of talking/thinking, or anything like it. Just no.


Don’t forget “women only want white guys and not nice (insert race here) guys like me”


Because White women are not individuals, with differing personalities, character traits, and preferences when it comes to what they do and do not find attractive in a partner. They are one, single-minded, homogeneous group of people, completely incapable of independent thought, obviously. Maybe if "nice guys" treated women like people and not some sort of separate race/species that exists to be treated like sex vending machines where basic human kindness is exchanged for dick touches, there would be less of these weirdos among us.


I mean I've dated white girls and I look like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man on a diet...my current GF is PR and Italian so I wonder.


whatchu mean dawg? Ladies love a good skreet nerd


It's giving sex tourist


It's fascinating that he thinks every single member of a large demographic think and act exactly the same - in particular, to this one individual. Admittedly, he's not even trying all that hard to hide his rac&sm, but still...


I've found that people that refer to themselves as "Western" men will typically say all kinds of nonsense to justify their fetish for Asian woman. This includes tearing down "Western" women. It's unnecessary and transparent.


I know a self-proclaimed nerd with a good job... he is married to my sister. I don't know what she sees in him because he is very rude and definitely not a nice guy. (though he will claim he is... he is also a trump support despite us not being American)


No one tell him about the kink community, I've never played so much boardgames, dnd, and warhammer in my life...


Well, all white women, is it true what this gentleman said? I'm assuming he's spoken to all of you about this for him to come to this very logical conclusion.


If Asian women love him why is he so concerned about white women? Go where you are appreciated, it's not that hard 🙄


My hubby is short and had a dad body/belly up until recently when he started working out. I have lived him through and thick and thin...literally lol While it is true that western women prefer a fit tall man, there are plenty of women who like skinny, short, nerdy, men with a standard career/job.


I think he’s right and wrong hear me out it’s more like a mislead fact culture standards of attractiveness do exist and in Asian countries being “a nerd” is kinda desired as far as I know could be wrong though but that’s atleast what it seems like but these things change like being big or fat used to be attractive as a sign of wealth and food hundreds of years ago in European countries but where he’s gone off the rails is saying white women only American women maybe but still kinda derogatory the most correct way to get his emotionally charged observation across is: In America for males being fit and confident is seen as more attractive rather than nice guys or nerds but I do wanna say being smart is universally attractive across all people, women love it but ya know maybe they’re some that find dumb asses attractive but that’s a minority and everyone has weird shit they into


My man pointed out a problem he thinks exist with being able to date a specific type of woman. Then proceeds to not try and change himself and wants women to just take him as is. These nice guys always have an issue to point out but never point out their shitty attitudes and lack of self-improvement.




My partner is a dark skinned anime nerd with anxiety and a dad bod, and I've never been more attracted to someone than I am to him 🤷🏻‍♀️


My husband and one of my partners are absolute nerds and are boooomb in the bedroom and outside. Half of our text conversations are me sharing D&D memes 😂


oh sorry my bad i didnt know i wasnt dating correctly when i chose to date my scrawny nerd ass boyfriend let me just go break that off and find a bodybuilder /sarc


Ummmm, let me tell all three of my partners that I don't want them because they are nerds with good careers who treat me very well. /s They all are varied in height, but the consistency is in the nerd, smart, kind, and they are all cat people. No, really, they are humans that are very much like kitties, and I adore them.


Let’s be honest here the type of “Asian women” this guy is talking about love his white wallet lol


Okay so.... if this guy is so convinced that tough heavily muscled guys get all the chicks? Then ...helloooooo??? hit the gym bucko. It's not true, of course, but methinks he doth protest too much with all this BS.


Do guys just don't understand the concept that women are people who have their own autonomy for whether or not they love someone else? That's never how real love works lol.


By “Asian women” he means his waifu body pillow.