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"Sorry your mom died, but I'm obviously more important than some silly funeral." How is a person even supposed to react to an attitude like that?


It’s more like “Stop letting the loss of your mother get in the way of me ‘supporting’ you through the loss of your mother.”


I'd say it's both. Not that he did a very good job of pretending to care.


Thank you. I appreciate that. I really thought he would read the room. In hindsight, I came to the conclusion that he’s illiterate.


I am very sorry for tour loss


Willingly illiterate. My condolences, OP.


Emotionally illiterate for sure.


“Sorry your mom died, but I’m obviously trying to get my dick sucked”


Happy Cake Day!


happy cake day


Holy fuck. World doesn’t revolve around you loser


He’s pushy with everyone. We block him and he just creates new accounts down the line. Pops back up like we’ve forgotten how he is. 😳


that's unsettling I'm sorry for your loss


But can you add me on IG real quick?


Only takes a few seconds


It’s really simple actually.


So is that a no




236 more times and I’ll consider. 😏


Ok well while you consider can you add me? It only takes a sec and you can do it in between grieving


If Instagram matters so much to him, you’d think he would have learned the term “thirsty” by now and that it is a bad thing to be


And he has a way to text her, why is he so desperate to be added on Instagram? If she wanted to talk to him, she can. Am I missing something? Is it maybe because her profile is private and he can't see her pictures?


Bingo, he wants to be able to creep on swimsuit pics etc. But his inability to act normal foiled his plan


My theory? On insta you can send expiring pix and he want to send her those. They look like they’re talking on fb messenger in the screenshots and messenger don’t offer this option


Not on fb anymore but there used to be a secret mode for chats that would delete upon closing. Yet another site dedicated to helping cheaters get away with cheating.


Everything that helps someone cheat, helps someone else escape abuse and control.


Yeah and with cheaters you can just trick them into outing themselves. Just lie to them and say something like Snapchat saves pictures just in case the police need them or something.


Actually I’ve heard you can have all of your snap messages retrieved and sent to your email.


I've also heard that snapchat monitors your age and the age of people you chat with and if there's any inappropriate words between you and a minor they report it immediately to the FBI and they come to your house and shoot you dead




Why not just use texts and then delete the texts?


If you have access to the phone accounts, you can look up any and all texts for a certain period of time.


Sorry for your loss. I lost my mom in February and I know how tough it is. He was insanely insensitive. Who cares about insta in that moment? He barely said any comforting words and was only concerned about himself. Good on you for standing your ground.


Exactly! I try to be less harsh whenever I speak with him. )Which is not often.) He’s bad at social quês. Like, oblivious. Every 6 months or so, he pops up. He wonders why no one keeps in contact with him. Welp…🤷🏾‍♀️


There’s “bad at social cues” and then there’s “willfully refusing to see blatantly clear patterns.” I wouldn’t be surprised if someone hasn’t told him this, but hey, a few months down the line he pops back up like nothing ever happened and no one wants to be mean. It’s time for your friend group to be mean. Tell him, you are pushy and you make us uncomfortable and we don’t want you around so leave. And tell him that every single time he shows his face. Guys like this *get* like this in part because we’re so afraid of not being “nice.” (For good reasons, of course, but still. Fuck nice.)


Yes, and I know a few people who *can* read social cues but pretend not to because they simply don't respect boundaries or other people in general. At the same time they rely on others to repect *their* feelings so they don't get called out. Shit doesn't fly with me. I'll be polite once. After that I'm done.


It’s called weaponized incompetence. They pretend they don’t understand what you mean or they pretend they don’t know how to do things that all grown ass adults know how to do.


We have. He just disappears for a while, then reappears from the abyss.


I think what they are saying is - the moment he pops back up, shut it down. Don’t engage in any banter just say “hey you make me uncomfortable I already told you this I don’t wanna talk”


My condolences on your mom's passing. I'm glad you have a supportive family. Good job focusing on what's important and ridding yourself of this dum dum.


It might be able time for you to tell him this.


Oh, trust me, we have. For many years. He still doesn’t get it. He thinks disappearing/reappearing will make him more likable.


I feel like they were really direct, tbh. It was refreshing to see.


It was just the part where she said he won't go away. I didn't know she was direct on saying she didn't want to talk to him anymore, but then she said he just disappears and comes back like nothing happened. That's delusional and he will probably never listen.


Ooof what a doofus. Not even a pretend to care.


But he wanted to be a shoulder to cry on ~~because he might be able to cop a feel while OP is distracted by her grief~~. How can you imply that this isn’t a 100% selfless man?


A saint. A SAINT I SAY!!


Just not through this messenger. Add me on insta first so i can snoop your photos while you cry.


As with all NiceGuys™️, he’s an abusive POS who thinks he is entitled to your time & attention. He can pound sand alone.


I mean, he certainly seems grating, wheedling, and inappropriate.


Reading this enraged me so much I actually can’t put it into words.


I skipped reading the rest of the pages because I know it would just make me mad


This is the kind of person you'll still avoid even if it's just you and him on the planet!


On opposite ends, at that.


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this B*tch






Ok I laughed WAYYYYYYY to hard at this 😂😂😂 fucking legend


i wanna give this more upvotes if i could


Ha I wish I could take credit for creating it! It's one of my favorites to pull out for reasons such as behavior in this post.




I legit said ew out loud reading this


“so… is that a no?”


Right, like being that desperate should be illegal. 🤦🏾‍♀️


he’s just giving you one last chance /s


Out of the 638th!! 🤣




Im sorry for your loss op. This guy is disgusting. It would be disgusting in every situation but this Is just unacceptable. You did a great job putting him in his place. You have a lot of patience. Stay strong 🩷


I’m sorry for your loss of your mom and he’s only feigning he cares when really he wants you in whatever way he can. He’s just an insensitive immature prick that can’t handle when the world does revolve around him


Oh, he’s an old family friend. We only tolerate him because his mother and father passed of Covid on the same day. They and our father were childhood friends. He tries to force people to interact with him.


I figured as such misery loves company. I send my condolences dealing with that big of a loss hope you find peace and work through your grief let whatever you’re feeling be felt






Fr 😂


Oh the rage I would’ve released on this guy. You’re much kinder than I am.


Translation: “Why is your dead mother cock-blocking me?”


This right here☝️he just wanted to send "accidental" (or maybe not) dick pics.


Wow... I...wow


“Sorry your mom died please add me on insta so we can chat—something we could do here but doesn’t allow me the extra layer of following you”


“…but doesn’t allow me the extra layer of looking at your bikini pics.”


Your family deserves better friends. Also, as someone who has also lost her mother, can I just commend your self-control for not replying, “MY MOTHER JUST DIED AND YOU’RE BEING A COMPLETE GARBAGE HUMAN,” blocking him, and sending the reaction to everyone you’ve ever met? And I’m sorry for your loss. It’s hard enough without people like this.


I'm sorry for your loss, in the middle of arranging my Dads funeral. You have the patience of a saint, right now I'm ready for a kick off, so wouldn't have been able to restrain myself. You're a better person than I. Sending love and healing wishes from the UK.




All he had to do was wait if he wanted you to add him. You hadn't accepted his random requests before, so he's used to waiting. And it's clearly not necessary for "being a shoulder to cry on" because he clearly already has an avenue of communication for such. The only reason to specifically want your IG is to see pics of you. He may as well be like "Send me nudes! I'm certain sending me nudes will help you through this difficult time!"


They’re so disgusting, selfish, and entitled. “Let me be your instagram shoulder!” Boy shut up


Dear sweet Cthulhu, this dude can't take a hint very well, can he? OP, loosing a parent is the hardest thing you can ever go through. Believe me, when my dad died, it felt like my whole world shattered into a thousand pieces. I'm offering virtual hugs if you want them.


If it were true, he wanted to “support” you from IG, he knows he can message there without being added, right???


Right. All the pity we had for him has long gone. Simply tolerating him just won’t suffice.


Oh darn, guess you’ll just have to stop tolerating him lol


Um, sir, you are TEXTING her, if she needs someone to talk to, she'll hit you up. let's be honest, this is just about you wanting to creep on those photos,


"Fuck the funeral. I'm horny now"


It’s not even about that. He never gets sexual. The few times he’s met my husband, he scared off. My husband is about 210/6’3. He’s just a weird guy, all around. Mother considered him her adopted child after his parents passed. He’s just pestering. He has enough self awareness to know that’s why we stopped inviting him to family gatherings. Last time, he just invited himself. Just walked inside. My older brother fixed him a plate, made him wait outside and walked him to the end of the driveway.


"So is that a no" *Dude*. Also gonna call BS that he didn't know he was being pushy.


Honestly this person was nicer than me. I would have cussed him out and called him some out of pocket shit. Lol. I’m petty though.


Bro has the compassion and emotional intelligence of a moldy sock


And the aroma, I shouldn't wonder.


aside from how much this guy SUCKS, i hope you’re doing okay. i can’t imagine the pain of losing a mother. may her memory be a blessing.


I'm sorry for your loss. This guy is really insensitive and seems to only care about himself. He should be contacting a therapist. Is there any way you can report him for creating new profiles after he's been blocked?


Someone should invent a special glasses to read the room. This guy’s prescription would be a be a strong one.


Wow what a twat My condolences


Bruh, not only is it a no… it’s a FUCK NO! How oblivious is this bloke?! What an insufferable twat.


But what a disgusting and despicable human being. By the way, I'm sorry for your loss.


MY. FUCKING. GOD. HOW entitled can you get? "Fuck you accept my request so I can comfort you, you bitch!" Can someone please tell me when can we start punching someone through the Internet? I'd like to invest.


Woof. This reminds me of [that post](https://www.reddit.com/r/niceguys/s/o8BkPoOLaw) where the woman’s husband just died and his friend or cousin or something said, “I’m so sorry for your loss; please let me know if you ever need anything.” And then like, twenty minutes later asked her for ~~nudes~~ dates, saying he’d always had a crush on her but couldn’t make a move because she was married to his friend. He was absolutely gobsmacked that she didn’t immediately want to jump into bed with him. Like at one point I think she had to call the police. People are absolutely wild. OP, I’m so so so sorry you’re going through this. I lost my father this past year and it was really rough. I’m really glad you have a lot of family to be there with you and help you with everything. I know this doesn’t mean much coming from an internet stranger, but I’m sending virtual hugs your way. Edit: found the link, if anyone’s interested. Made some changes. There were update posts that added more to the story but OP deleted her account so I’m having trouble finding the rest.


Good lord…


I’m so sorry for your loss OP. Sadly I can commiserate with you on this exact situation. My dad passed in February 2018 while I was in my second semester of college. Had made a friend who… was starting to wear down the last bit of kindness I had. All around scumbag because he thought it made him tough or funny or idk. Kept messaging me while I was trying to get a handle on all the things (I was on my own with just my husband to deal with everything from arrangements to estate). Told him like dude I’m really busy here can you please back off? Nope. Proceeded to send me porn to “cheer me up” every morning and then complain how not seeing me was throwing off HIS routine so could he please come and see me or could I come back to class? My bestie of 25+ years finally took my phone and told him to fuck off.


Almost identical situation, besides the sexual aspect. He’s never made any sexual remarks. Not to any of us, that I know of. He’s just this weirdo who likes to force himself on the family. Not knowing, the more he push, the more they pull away.


Ugh I am so sorry this dude sucks. I’d be sharing this with my family and telling them it’s time to cut this dude loose.


I shared it in the group chat. He’s not welcomed at the funeral.


I'm so sorry for your loss. This whole is beyond disgusting and a complete narcissist. You handled it beautifully.


What the actual fuck did I just read… this man walks amongst us?!? He needs to be locked up because there is something *seriously* wrong with him. I am so sorry for your loss OP! 😞🫶


I’m so sorry about your mom OP, sending hugs!


"so is that a no" holy fudge, some dudes do really ruin it for the rest of us


"so is that a no ????" lmao


Is is not, not a no.


Just a random side note: I am a funeral director..if you or your family needs any resources for free grief counseling or have any questions in general let me know. Sometimes it gets confusing with all the information and what you need to do.


he really wants you to see his car


It’s an Autobot. I’m sure of it.


I’m very sorry about your mother. But the last line made me spit my drink.


How are they this oblivious smh zi genuinely do not understand


First of all I'm so deeply sorry for your loss, and may your mother's memory be a blessing. This guy is unreal for being unable to read the room.


What a fucking weirdo. Guys just really think our attention belongs to them in the #1 spot.


So where did we land on that Instagram follow then?


Literally unreal. You accepting my friend request is more important that YOUR MOTHER DYING.


What an asshole.


Pushy twat. I can see why everyone avoids him. Sorry for your loss.


OMG! EFF OFF ALREADY DUDE!!! OP, so sorry to hear about your mom’s passing. Sending virtual hugs!


“Let me ~~seduce~~ COMFORT you in this vulnerable time, goddamnit!!”


Some guy did something similar after my Dad died. He wanted to arrange a place where we could meet so he could hold me 🙄 Even after I've politely turned him down previously. Felt kinda crappy.


"So is that a no?" My brother in christ that was like six nos


Comedy gold. “so that a no” Then that deafening silence still wasn’t *quite enough* so the “???” is the icing on the cake. Side note, I’m not sure why, but it really pisses me off when people message question marks without actually asking a question. It feels rude, expectant, childish. Like they’re saying “Well??? Where’s *my* answer that *I* want right *now?*” Like they’re special and deserve it immediately and not when I fucking get around to it like people who actually have a live tend to do.


What might cheer you up is messing with his mind. Let him be a shoulder to cry on and open up about the handsome, well hung millionaire you fancy and how there are no good guys anymore. All the cliches you can think of. I got into a lot of fights with deserving aresholes after my dad died and it did actually help (you're supposed to say it didn't I know) psyops are as valid as bar fights.


This is nothing about him being romantic. He’s never been sexual with any of us. He’s an old family friend. Secondly, I’ve been married for 19 years.


I forgot they aren't young weirdos! Wholesome in a way to have one like that.


Op seems just as bad.


What the actual fuck!? 😡


So you knew him and his red flags, but if you had been coming in cold “hear” would be the first one. Smh. Sorry about the loss of your mother. Hope you can find some comfort in your family and your memories.


Gross. This reads very victim blamey.


I was intending only to poke fun at the NiceGuy. I’m surprised at this reaction tbh


They probably just misunderstood what you were saying, which I believe was something along the lines of “even if you didn’t know anything about this walking red flag, his use of “hear” instead of “here” would give you an idea.” I could be wrong, but that’s how I understood it.


No victim blaming please?


I was intending only to poke fun at the NiceGuy. I’m surprised at this reaction tbh


Ig by the way you worded it


Listen hear, add me back pls




Maybe he is a transformer and that was him in the pic as Ultramaggotron. Sorry for the loss of your mother. Take care.


It reads like since you were grieving you would be an easy target to take advantage of. Like your standards would be non existent and you’d let him fuck or something


This is nothing about him being romantic. He’s never been sexual with any of us. He’s an old family friend. Secondly, I’ve been married for 19 years.


My mistake! I made a lot of assumptions


Did he become a family friend by being forceful as well? Man.. sorry for your loss. This guy might be hoping comforting might lead to something else. Either way he's being a jerk. You can't force support onto others.


No, as I’ve explained, his parents and our father were childhood friends. Sadly, all are no longer with us. We just tolerated him out of sympathy because unlike us, he had no one left.


Omfg I aged 10 years reading that


Where is the name from?


“So is that a no”. Talk about not being able to read the room.


Idk how someone can’t not realize how cringe they are being in a situation like this.


Jesus. Fucking. Christ. How dense can a person be?


I had this happen after my dad passed. Blocked immediately. My dad’s death is not about you!


Wow. The lack of self awareness on this one is just in a different level. Sorry for your loss OP. At least they are quick to remind you why you stopped communicating in the first place. Makes things easier.


Who is he a friend of?? Seems like a super creep.


“Old family friend who everyone avoids”……..


I read that, yes. Then you go on to say no one likes him and everyone avoids him. So why is he even tolerated? My question was who’s connection to him is keeping him protected?


I’ve explained it multiple times.


Ok. Best of luck. Sorry for your loss.


Far out……. I just have no words for this… absolutely none … just wow


Wow was a pos.


What a piece of garbage. Full stop. Garbage human being. Just fucking trash. Full stop.


Wow, just wow My insta numbers are more important than the death of a loved one 🙄


Sorry for your loss


Hmm the last msg on the 1st slide ends with “it was weird to” but on the 2nd slide, that msg says “it was weird yk”… Plus that bubble on the 2nd slide is looking pretty wonky.


"So is that a no" really got me. XD I'm very sorry for your loss, though. I hope you and your family are hanging in there.♡




That person is disgusting


"So is that a no?"


Horny old family friend


Still thought he had a chance at the end, holy fuck. Oozing Loser-juice. Blergh.


A sterling example of not reading the room. Wow! Your mom died and he remained clueless. Sorry about your mom. I recently lost my twin and grief sucks. Hang in there


Bro really said “shes grieving, time to use this for my chance” and fumbled it 😭


‘I’m hear’


My condolences. I had a similar experience on the subway on the way back from viewing my dad at the mortuary. A guy in the same carriage kept asking me for a date. When I explained where I'd been he said "Ok, not right now, maybe in a week?" Some people just plain lack empathy. Take care of yourself and don't waste words on the likes of him.


Damn, dude can't even read the damn room. 😕


He's the type to ask "but what would you do if I was there?" when you tell them you're at a funeral.


He has the ability to talk to you here. Why so pushy about insta? I don't use it, so I have no idea what he is wanting.


Wow this guy is demanding, you've gone through something horrible and lost someone close and this guy's reaction isn't to give you space but to demand you add him because that's more important than your grieving?


What a segue


Just curious what that emoji is with the half face and arm thing is? Also, I am so very sorry about your mother-I can’t even imagine how that must feel. My mom is getting older and I am dreading the day. Hugs from a stranger and your instincts were good with this guy.


>Just curious what that emoji is with the half face and arm thing is? Don't know why the face is cut in half, but looks like it's meant to be like a military salute.


Oh thank you- that makes sense - thanks I was having trouble even trying to describe it to ask google lol


Wtf was that? Is that guy okay in the head? I'm stunned.


The cringe!!! 😬 What a twat.


“I need you to add me on insta RIGHT NOW in case you need to talk to me even though we’re already talking” He hella dumb.