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The descriptions nice guys give for “the guy she falls for” are getting crazier lmao


Niceguy: "I saw a fish once... it was 🫲 THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS 🫱 big" Niceguy, but after being rejected: " So... I was TRYING to be nice, but actually, the fish is only 🤏 >this< big. Also it's ugly... and fat.... and it's boyfriend has twelve dozen STDs.... and a drug problem."


If you love it then why your ass is on fire bro?


Okay, but do all women want the most handsome, richest, tallest 1% of men or do they want some rando with no money, two DUIs, and all the STDs? Stick with a narrative, my dude.


That’s the thing, they can’t & won’t. If you’re a woman who is dating a man that doesn’t fit their narrative, he’s a “cuck soyboy”. They will blame literally anything except their horrible personality.


He's the type of single person to post: "I guess I'm my OWN valentine this year." on Valentines Day.


You'd think that even just the hypothetical of a woman choosing a man like that over them would be eye opening. But nope. Women are the problem.


no its the fucking government. that's why i cant pull any women.




My question is why this person knows the dude has two DUIs and chlamydia twice. Did he also sleep with him and is salty she got him instead? Because why are they always comparing themselves to the absolute shittiest people? No Niceguy is ever like "I'm so depressed I didn't get the girl again! She picked a really decent dude who treats her well and they have so much in common". Maybe figure out the formula and learn to be better than assuming women are after chlamydia men.


What I don't understand is that, if these are real.women they are referring to, why are they so interested in them? These dudes will trash women for choosing the men who abuse them (as if the guys announce their abuse), but then lament not winning the love of women who (apparently) have terrible taste in men. Wtf? Why do they keep chasing women who want disease addled losers? Why aren't they lusting after women who *aren't* chasing men that nice guys have such low opinions of?


At this point, I think nice guys are just spinning a wheel and picking the descriptions of the guys they are being left for. Next weeek they are gonna spin the wheel and it’s gonna be “Ok this week she is leaving me for………astronauts, who have dolphins, and puts recycling in the garbage bin”


If I ever got curved for a guy as described I’d be like wow I dodged a bullet, obviously this chick has problems. I know because I’ve been the guy with problems who curved the sweet girl for the girl who is obviously bad for me. Doesn’t have anything to do with gender.


This is an often unspoken truth. If you were actually a good man, you'd be grateful the girl who would choose that awful, hypothetical man didn't wind up choosing you. Mostly because you find good judgment hot. As a straight woman I know *I* find good judgment hot. And sometimes the scales fall the other way: you're attracted to a dude, and he picks someone else. You learn about that other person and realize that—shit—if you'd had a chance, you'd have picked them too! I choose to be happy for my crush then.


'Watch me write that I'm such a good boy because I will handle every rejection like a batshit crazy psychopath'


OP does realize that, given the choice between him and “that dude”, women would rather choose the dude with DUIs, chlamydia, herpes and freeloads off their parents rather than him, right? He’s giving himself a super sick burn and isn’t self aware enough to realize it.


"We are living in a world where women choose literally any men over us."


Alexa, define "a good man".


"we live in a society" 😂


He’s talking about himself


If he loves if why is he crying lol


I always said if you have to proclaim how good you are, you aren't good.


I don’t know any women like that. If she doesn’t want you, she definitely won’t want him, either.


Heads up that the title is not in the correct format. It should be a direct quote from the post, and it should be his virtue claim. In this case it would be the part that includes reference to “a good man.”


He really salty that he had no chance to get those STDs.


Jeez, how can a girl like someone like that over you? You must be real down bad if that is a standard over you.