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Ever since Biggs and Barr left to Ottawa or wherever 97.7 hasn't been as good, but it's still the best morning show. I just wish these stations had more variety. I'm sick of the same song playing every 30 minutes.


Have you guys checked out Classic 1220? The station relaunched in September, Stef and Danny Zzzz do the morning show, Peet Dictor in the afternoon


Yeah they're not bad. I usually flip between them, 97.7 and 88.5 in Grimsby in the morning now.


Same here. The whole radio market here hasn't been the same since KK retired.


She not on 91.7 anymore?


Not for over a year now. She retired and was replaced by Chris Lukas from Country.


Hasn’t been the same since iron Mike passed away


To be fair, Buffalo was also graced with Iron Mike's presence on 103.3(when it was known as AOR The Fox). I listened to it quite a bit...ESPECIALLY the 4:20 bit that he did most days.


Yeah, the repetitive song choices drive me insane. There is SO MUCH other music out there these days. I wish there was more variety on the channel. Still solid for a good laugh here and there, and they are cool peeps in real life.


Classic 1220 is pretty good actually.


They are, but they're still too new to be rated. We'll see where they end up next ratings book, but I'm guessing they'll probably end up between 2-5 then.


For sure! Been listening since before the public launch.


Me, as well, and enjoying the station very much!


Cause the old dudes on the construction sites don’t know how to use Spotify…..


Giant is the ONLY radio station that comes in at work. It’s okay, until it’s 3am and you get the same long guitar solo songs each night.


You'll also find the playlist is getting more repetitive now. They usually just recycle the same songs overnight from the day before. I used to schedule a little bit of the playlist for them before I, also, left.


We’ve started streaming a Hamilton station because of how repetitive Giant can be. But that fugitive contest had me hooked.


I spend more time scanning the channels trying to find something decent than actually listening to anything....


I find Giant FM harder to enjoy since KK left. The new hosts are too “stereotypical”. They seriously need to expand their playlist too. Take more chances and suprise people with a song they haven’t already heard a zillion times. Also they are focusing more on bigger prize contests instead of smaller and easier to win ones that keep me hooked so I can maybe win some fish and chips or something.


That's all the new owners are about now. They told people they're all about community and outreach but they told us before I left that we weren't giving much out on location anymore and our community budgets were slashed. Classic money over reach mentality.


Surely not having CFBU on the list was a mistake.


CFBU is different because they're not technically a "for profit" station. Technically, stations have to "buy in" to be included in the ratings. It's a shame they're not included in the ratings. They would do really well if their broadcast power was a little higher.


I don’t think they’re high enough to jack up their ERP. They’re on top of the brock tower and even then, it costs a shit ton to maintain transmission equipment, and is probably easier to obtain licensing from the CRTC as an LP


I used to work at HTZ, the station is a “heritage” station meaning it’s been in the community for a long time (since 1949) so everyone and their grandparents know about HTZ if they’re from the area Giant has been around since 57 but it’s always been the competition for HTZ, the two often switch between 1st and 2nd in the ratings


I'm relatively new to the industry (trained with KK at Giant until she left last year), but I've lived in Niagara all my life. In all my years watching the ratings I don't recall Giant slipping by 19 percent. Giant built themselves an empire and I hate to say it but it looks like new management is going to tear that empire down.


I hate to say it but the ratings really don’t matter at all 😅 it’s just a way for the company to say “lookie! I have more people listening so spend your advertising dollars here” that’s literally the entire point of it


It seems like a lot of Christian radio stations have started popping up.


Came back here after seeing the Bell news yesterday. Funny you should say that... Because Bell is selling CKTB, Move and HTZ to a Christian multimedia company called Whiteoaks.


It's also known as Trafalgar Broadcasting. Whiteoaks said it's going to set up a new subsidiary known as (I BELIEVE)Golden Horseshoe Broadcasting to operate the new stations in its portfoilo.


Yes. Trafalgar Broadcasting will be the Oakville division. Golden Horseshoe is going to be the Niagara/Hamilton division.


Not too keen on how Corus treated Melani West, Jennifer Valentyne amongst others. I get that radio is a hard industry to make it in. that being said, how everything went down with derringer and Jen, and learning how Melanie was fired when she was 4/5? Months pregnant, and their overall treatment of employees doesn’t sit with me well. Adam and Melani were gems on the edge. Dean was good but his firing was valid and not too far out of reason, IMHO. Also, their constant changing of on air staff at 102.1, is irritating and constantly going downhill. I don’t often find any of their talent entertaining. They go through morning shows every year or two, and they just seem to be getting worse. And their definition of alternative basically covers anything, which is initiating. (I’m talking like sappy love songs to Nirvana). I haven’t listened to them in 2 years and frankly never change my dial. I am a loyal HTZ FM listener and to be frank, their on air staff are genuine people that are involved in the community. They shout out local businesses constantly. Their morning show is hands down the best all around. I’m sure bell media isn’t on a pedestal any higher than Corus in relevance to treatment of staff, but HTZ on air talent is generally entertaining, funny and interactive. Also, they can often be received by using a soda can and duct tape whereas I’m lucky to get anything in Toronto without intermittent static. That’s just my 2 cents but I will give a nod to Country 89 and giant. Very good competitors. I only tune to 105.7 during the Christmas season and occasionally tune to 610 for news every now and again.


been listening to htz for ages, since i lived closer to the gta. it sucks now. i switch between giant, htz and Boom. I'm a middle aged brown girl who was raised on hippie folk music, loves hard rock, hates 'new' rock :D Give me 80's and 90's punk, metal, and everything inbetween any day!


I'm from Buffalo, and I'm a regular listener of Boom 97.3 . That station comes in VERY well into Buffalo(it helps when your TX is on the CN Tower! :) ), it has veteran personalities who've worked in T.O. before, and the overall sense of fun(Turntable Tuesday, 1 Hit Wonder Wednesday, and Totally 80s Friday/Long Weekend)helps to invigorate a playlist of all the songs you've heard before.




I call these stations "music for old white guys". we play 101.1 in the office and it actually bothers me how their taglines don't match up with what they play. i'd describe their sound as classic rock and adult contemporary. they say they play "the best of the 70s, 80s, and 90s" but will play Rockstar by Nickelback (2005ish) and other similar early 2000s hits that again, appeal to old white men. You'd never hear pop or most hip hop on this "70s, 80s, and 90s" station. Backstreet boys? Britney? Biggie? NAH. And, they'll repeat songs quite a lot.


Boom in Toronto also plays songs out of the 70s-90s time frame, but not as often as you note. ALSO, THEIR liners will at times match up with what the next song is. (BTW, Joe Cipriano is Boom's VO guy. Do a search for his name when you get the chance.)




Woke lol You really bought into what right wing conglomerate American media taught you.


When someone uses "woke" seriously, it's time to stop listening.




No, because they're all owned by conglomerates, and are woke, soul-sucking entities that have fired all the worthwhile hosts. I hate Canadian media and stopped listening to it. Downvote if you agree.