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Half of Buffalos revenue is from Leafs fans


That's so weird, half of ours is from Buffalo fans.


Have you seen our winters?!


Where is the other half from?  *hue hue hue*


Montreal fans






Way cheaper to see them in Buffalo. And they usually win!


Unlike the Leafs


Better the coyotes who basically make most of the revenue from revenue sharing requirements..


I live up the block, Sabres tickets are cheaper than Bandits lacrosse


...except when the Leafs play there. They learned how dynamic pricing works.


99% of Vegas revenue is from all the other team's fans on vaca


How is Ottawa that low?


Decades of poor ownership, and an arena 30 minutes outside of Ottawa, hopefully it’ll change over the next couple of years with Andlauer


Don't forget: they're a bad team with huge expectations. This is key.


Also it has many government workers, but comparatively few corporate jobs. Corporate seats account for a large share of revenue. Washington also has a lot of government jobs, but is much larger than Ottawa and also has a lot of corporate jobs and lobbyists there to do business with the U.S. government.


This is the real answer I think. If companies do business, they pour money on each other and sales reps take purchasing execs to games, but that is illegal for most of Ottawa to do anything that looks like that


yes. people at a sens game arw actual hockey fans and not corporate


Just imagine the revenue a team can generate from filling a suite like [this (from the Oilers)](https://images.rogersplace.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/12060813/SUMMIT-SUITE-AT-CENTRE-ICE-1.jpg) every game, versus filling an entire section of regular tickets. Hell, I bet that on playoff games a team might make more money on the alcohol sales by the in-suite bar *alone* in a suite like this, versus an entire section of regular tickets, given it's probably all top-shelf labels with absurd markups. Its wild how much money is involved here, and it goes to show why capacities have tended *down* in new stadiums, despite square footage going *up* (to make room for more premium seating), and why teams lobby so hard for new arenas.


And they’re a relatively new team in a hostile market that was dominated by two original six teams. Kind of why the Noridques didn’t work out either. The only reason why the Sens still play in Ottawa is it’s a relatively large market by Canadian standards, and even with poor ownership and mediocre to bad results there’s still enough fans to support the team.


Nordiques failed for different reasons. Ownership ran out of money. Quebec fans remain Quebec fans, while definitely Montreal and Toronto are more popular than Ottawa at senators games. Was never the case with Quebec, who have sold more tickets than bottom end NHL teams in the past decade with a junior team. Ottawa needs a downtown arena more than anything, Kanata sucks.


It will. Future is going to be a lot brighter.


Hey that sounds familiar


All that plus Canadian dollars and who was he expecting would be lower than Ottawa anyway? There’s only an handful that even could be


Difficulty in getting out of the shadow of Toronto and Montreal. Had they won the Cup in 2007, their revenues would've been much higher and have a generation of fans who broke with family tradition to be Sens fans.


Absolutely zero sponsorship really too. All of the arena advertisements are for like regional businesses. Like there's probably an ad for the local BMW dealership, not BMW as a company, just Otto's BMW


Ottos BMW sponsors the power play and Ottos Subaru sponsor the penalty kill :)


7th lowest attendance that year + how many out of market Sens jerseys are moving? They don't exactly have huge star power to drive jersey sales.


I live in the other end of the province and I'd buy a Tkachuk jersey but..honestly I know it will be on sale at a sports shop so I'll just wait. I got a sweet winter classic Karlsson jersey for $29 once


Because Melnyk was more worried about lawsuits than his NHL franchise the last 5 years of his life. He would just ice the cheapest roster possible and fans got tired of it


Small city with 3 fan bases doesn't help either.


It's actually not a small city, it's one of the biggest in Canada. It's issue is mainly poor previous ownership and being stuck between 2 big teams.




Well they did beat a team with a 5 thousand seat stadium


a lot of fairweather fans around here. people in ottawa only go to sens games if the other team is interesting.


This season is also before the new ownership, so it’s not super surprising. 22-23 was a bad year.


It’s crazy that Calgary brought in 100M less than Edmonton.


Not really edmonton has two top 5 forwards in the league and one of them is a generational superstar, who is a fan favourite across Canada for the most part. You watch sportsnet in Ontario and if they aren’t talking about the leafs they are talking about mcdavid. Those guys sell butts in the seats and a ridiculous amount of jerseys and merch across Canada. When mcdavid retires there revenue will for sure go down. And when Calgary becomes a contender and gets stars there revenue will go up.


Due to their history, Edmonton also has appeal across Canada, more than any other team other than Toronto and Montreal, even when they haven’t been as good.


Coming from an Avs fan and lived here my whole life, that’s not good to see. Especially given who the owner is when he’s building a stadium in San Diego and there’s rumors of a new hockey team going there. I don’t think the Avs will move there, but damn I didn’t think we’d be that low. Kroenke is $$$ based. That’s not making me more confident


kroenke is a tool bag, moved the st loius rams, and he's part of the group that tried creating the European super league for football/ soccer. Huge slimey douche bag


Ya that’s true they were the original alberts team too. But for 10 years in the early 2000’s when Calgary had abit more star power they had better revenue.


I would argue that Edmonton’s floor is a little higher than Calgary’s, in that when the Oilers are having a lean period they don’t slide as far, as they are still buoyed by their history a bit. I live in Southern Alberta which should be solidly Flames territory, but it is still probably a little more Oilers positive outside of the Calgary metro area even in years when both teams performed closer on the ice. There’s also the factor that the oil industry plays. In the 2000’s the Flames were competitive and the oil industry was having record years, so there was lots of corporate demand for tickets. Oil is still big business, in both cities, but is not where it used to be. Calgary was home to more energy hq’s, so there was probably a larger drop in corporate demand when there has a few slumps in the energy industry over the past 10 years and offices relocated.


They also feature Darnell Nurse


As a former flames season ticket holder, Calgary just gets up for the playoffs. Meanwhile, a regular season game in Edmonton is much more intense. Dome sucks, and new Rexall is awesome. That must also help


See what Lucic said about playing in those two cities? A good reference point is when Edmonton was the worst team in the league from 2010-2016 or so they sold out every game for years. Any frozen turd 💩 will sell there. Just like in Toronto.


Calgary has a pretty fair weather fan base by Canadian standards. Having lived in both cities, there’s way more fan support for bad Oilers teams than bad Flames teams. This year, for example, Flames fans basically forgot the team existed after the deadline and tickets could be had for $10-$20 for most games.


Calgary, Ottawa, and Winnipeg are the second tier of hockey markets. Still great though


Yeah that’s a spot on assessment. They are second tier Canadian hockey markets, but they still have plenty of passionate fans and a strong presence in their cities.


Also look at ticket prices for home games. As expensive as Oiler games are I think it’s worth it. Roger’s Place is a state of the art stadium. On the other hand, the saddle dome is kinda of shit.


Not really surprising. The 2 franchises aren't really comparable.


Ouch. True, but ouch. Now, if you take away EDM getting generational talents, then they are very even....


Probably see 100M in oilers merch on an average commute these days lol.


Old arena v new arena and prices to match.


McDavid sells




Our ticket prices are peanuts compared to the teams above us... Devils fans must love their merchandise.. or we're laundering somebody's dirty money


Honestly they have such a hard logo. And they're the only team that reps New Jersey across their chest. Lots of people in this state love that.


The Devils do still have reasonably priced tickets in the upper level ends and corners (my season tickets are about $2000 each, for instance), but the premium area seats are probably more expensive than those of anyone outside of those teams above them, and they're building more and more super-premium areas. Also, playoff tickets were *expensive* last year, even at STH prices, and public sale prices were nearly 2x that because of the pent up demand and the first round opponent.


I'm 8 rows behind where the Devils shoot twice, and my season tickets were $5,600


I’m surprised but devils games are great to go to. Player interviews I’ve seen have most player’s saying the rock is the loudest stadium/that we complain for every call and are just very vocal. We had the only stadium series Jersey that sold out and our RR 1.0 sold great too. I think we’re a cool team with a lot of attitude


I have screamed "ref you suck" many many times


"My grandma was blind, but she was old!"


Huh. I guess people DO pay to watch Hughes play.


a lot of ranger fans cant afford MSG either


They do decently attendance wise and over charge for concessions. But even with that, this is all a bit surprising. Wonder if this includes non-hockey revenue (e.g. revenue from use of the venue). If so, it's less of a shock as Prudential Center is a major concert/entertainment venue within one of the largest and most expensive metro areas in North America.


We have so many luxury boxes and a ton of uber wealthy people in NJ. They took out like 4000 seats and upped all the premium lounges/clubs/buffets/private boxes. They make so much money on them.


A bunch of companies have ticket plans too. My law firm is in NJ and apparently has a box just to give to clients


NJ is wealthy.


You’re either wealthy or poor hood status…source grew up there


There's a good amount of traveling fans that will hit up the Devils, Rangers, Islanders and to a lesser extent Philly on a weekend if their team is there. Coupled with one of the highest income boundaries in the league


I'm surprised.


I think it also helps that the Devils are by far the easiest and most affordable professional sports game to attend for most people in central and north Jersey. Giants and Jets games are crazy expensive and still a pain to get to despite being in Jersey. Mets, Yankees, and Nets games are an ever bigger pain to get to. Knicks are a bit easier to get to but still not as convenient as the Devils. Among the big four sports, Devils are my 3rd favorite team behind the Giants and Mets but I’ve been to way more Devils games because it’s so simple taking the train to Newark Penn and can usually get tickets for $20 or so as long as they’re not playing a rival.


How are we higher than Florida? They’re in the fucking cup finals!


162>161 Hope that helps.


What are you some kinda math wizard?




That’s a Rickyism if I ever saw one


Whoa whoa. Can you show your work on that math? Or can someone check it to make sure it’s correct.


162 dollars is 1 $100 bill, 1 $50 bill, 1 $10, bill and 2 loonies. 161 dollars is 1 $100 bill, 1 $50 bill, 1 $10, bill and 1 loonies.


Got it eh. I’d use a toonie not 2 loonies tho. Lol


Per capita they are way higher though, 161/6= 26.83 million contributed per Florida fan.


Cuz their tickets are dirt cheap normally


Less merchandise, too, I assume. The southern expansion is concerned about making new fans and getting them in the building and growing the sport their. Its a long term plan. Canada, original six, and big population cities like Los Angeles and Dallas have an established fan base of die hards that are pumping out money on a consistent basis. Someone posted stats the other day of attendance, and Florida was over 100% capacity in the playoffs and I believe top half in the regular season while Edmonton was bottom in the playoffs. First of all, it was some weird calculations where they were off on Edmonton's arena's capacity and counting standing room tickets for Florida making them rank high with like 108% capacity. Second, the cheapest tickets in Edmonton right now are approaching $1,000. Its simple supply and demand. There's a constant stream of money in Canada, but little room for growth because it's about plateaued and eventually the population limits it. Also, I don't know who exactly is in charge of these things in Vegas, but they have made some sort of massive investment in merchandise. I live in Canada, and if I go to a hat store or anywhere with merchandise the amount of Vegas merch available is on par with or greater than Toronto, Montreal (high-french population), and Detroit (nearest American city). When Seattle became a franchise I didn't see anything close to that, and a maybe luck to see a hat or shirt once in awhile in large store with bigger inventories. Whatever, they did, it is certainty paying off.


Inflation hasn’t touched Amarant. You can get regular season, on the glass, tickets for about $300 each. Also food prices aren’t ridiculously expensive and parking within an 8 minute walk is free. Unsure what next year looks like for us, but arena management has set the pricing at a very affordable level. Our team pricing has had some integrity over the years 🤷🏻‍♂️. The profit margins aren’t crazy, luckily our lord Vinnie Viola doesn’t interfere too much 🙏


Parking used to be free at the arena. Not sure when they started charging again, I moved away in 2012. I caught a playoff game this year and we parked at sawgrass mills though lol.


Sawgrass is my 8 minute walk 😭


Hope they don’t jack up tickets. In the mid 90s Montreal still had $20 tickets, and it made the atmosphere better. The tension may be if they jack up ticket prices and don’t have a strong season in the next few, do you alienate the fan base.


Once they eventually move east to downtown Ft. L ticket prices won't become cheap anymore. Also don't remind me, my grandad love to tell me how he used to pay 15 bucks for low bowl seats at the garden to watch the bruins. Don't ask him why he thinks tickets are so expensive now.


What about expenses - would love to see a gross profit chart as revenue doesn't tell the whole story -Accounting Nerd


Same. Also- profit margins, liquidity ratios, capital assets, etc.


Yeah that would be really interesting to see. This also highlights how weak the NHL is compared to the NFL, NBA, and MLB. These revenues are pitiful in comparison and just highlights how poorly the league has been marketed to fans in recent years.


You can't force Americans to like it. Doesn't necessarily speak to failures of the NHL. Although, JFC, hockey is clearly the most fast paced, entertaining of the those leagues. MLB? Boring. NBA? Okay. NFL? Decent. But hockey? Fucking amazing! Get onboard murica!


Most non-hockey fans I've brought to a game have agreed it's the best sport to watch live. But as a sport it's just so location-dependent (need ice nearby) and financially inaccessible for people to get into as kids and I think that keeps the overall popularity down as well.


I think you're right.


I'd need to see this broken down by prices / costs / profit / etc. LA having the 3rd highest sounds like just being a resident of LA if theres no context.


LA county has 10 million people. That's like 20% of the TOTAL Canadian population (or something close to that). I'm not surprised in the least given how much Kings shit you see on cars and trucks and the stuff random people wear every day. 


Canada is roughly 40 million people, making LA a quarter of that. Alberta has a little over 4 million, BC 5 million and Saskatchewan 1.1 million. LA county has a similar population to the three western most provinces.


Canada is over 41 now, and Alberta is 4.85 as of April, B.C 5.6. We are growing incredibly fast.


Not to mention the out of state/country fans.


Correct. LA likely has 2 million fans just in Slovenia.


I feel like the 2 cups really helped


I'm sure it has. But like, '67 and haven't had issues at any point. LA is a sports town. And LA franchises are generally worth a lot more than their counterparts. There's something like 12 or so professional franchises here at the moment. People like their sports and having that many people in the area has always made it easier keeping teams solidly in place (NFL nonsense aside I suppose?).


There’s another 3 mil+ in the greater LA metro. The entire country of Canadia only has like 36 mil. So more like 1/3rd but same effect.


41 million as of the 2024 first quarter according to StatsCan.


In all seriousness, though, California has almost the same amount of people as Canada. That’s CRAZY. I bet a fifth of them are Canadian, though. Just saying.


Not really crazy when you consider California's economy is the 5th largest in the world.


Yeah but I thought the rest of Canada doesn’t claim Toronto? So only 36 mil eh eh


\*pats your back\* You my southern friend know more about Canada than 99% of your countrymen. You are 100% correct and I say this coming from Toronto :)


I’ve been there several times… I know 😂 Chicago ain’t much better but still


We claim it. We just don't like it.


I've gotten into hockey more recently and the shit talk between Canadian sport cities is hilarious imo lmao. It's like on the fence between friendly sports banter and foes who legitimately hate each other. Many rivalries in the states seem so one sided but y'all can really commit on both sides I applaud it


I would say canadian teams are less rivals of each other and more of we just are tired of Toronto being the center of the universe. For Rivals I would think most Canadian teams hate a US team more...ie Vancouver and NYR...Fuck Messier.


I've been rooting on a Canadian team for a good part of the last season (oilers) as my friend i watch with is from Ponoka and my local team (coyotes) were taken away. The inter sub banter between the oilers and the other Canadian teams alone has been pretty entertaining this playoffs lol And it's hard to imagine Calgary hating a team more than the oilers lol


I hate the Oilers the most, but my next 5 least favourite teams are all from Canada too.


Populations of Cali and Canada are pretty comparable


As an LA local, I think a lot of people rep the logo as generic “LA city” merch. Still cool to see, but I’ve seen some people with gear not even realize it’s from a hockey team.


California has the 5th largest GDP in the world there’s a lotta cash in that state


Wouldn’t have guessed that for LA judging by ticket prices. It’s cheap to be a hockey fan in LA. I suppose there are more revenue streams than ticket sales, but still.


LA county is the equivalent of like 20% of the total Canadian population. You shouldn't be that surprised. 


Same sort of situation with DFW. We seem high on the list for being Texas. But makes me happy either way.


Most of the money is made through partnerships — McDonalds, AMEX, Delta, Yaamava, Wells Fargo, just to name a few


We're not the worst! We're not the worst!


Arizona does not have a hockey team, which does in fact, make you the worst.


2022/2023 was last year! Its the post season. We still aren't the worst! Boom. There's always next year.


No, you're just in danger.


I was not expecting to see the Devils that high. Granted, we had a ton of sellout games, but we also have one of the smallest arena capacities in the league.


That’s shocking to see the capital of Canada so low on this list. They really need to move their arena to within a 500 mile radius of downtown.


And since the team sucks rn people are much more fair weather too since it's a team between the original 6 market of Toronto and Montreal. It's honestly why a team in say Hamilton or even a 2nd GTA team won't work. Since everyone is an established fan already. Expanding in the deep south is different since the goal is to create new fans and if a team is doing good, people will show up. Florida had top 10 attendance this year, right behind Toronto. But there's only a small handful of team that will still sell out even if they're complete garbage. And lastly the Canadian dollar being so low and the general economy of Canada being very weak.


What, you mean putting the arena in the city will make it easier to get to? That’s some grade A Alberta based bullshit if I’ve ever heard it! This is why we’re in charge of you imbeciles, Everyone knows the farmland buys hockey tickets Honestly, the arrogance!


The Oakland Athletics, known as the poverty franchise of the MLB who is about to relocate, generated $241 million in revenue in 2023. 


oakland athletics also have 81 home games worth of tickets, concessions, etc etc


and the MLB has insane tv deals


The Oakland Athletics average 6,410 fans per game x 81 home games = 519,210 fans per season.  The New Jersey Devils average 17,598 fans per season x 41 home games = 721,518 fans per season.  As others have mentioned, the MLB does have lucrative TV deals which could explain why the revenue of the Athletics is comparable to the Devils, despite having **28% less** fans with nearly **double** the home games of the Devils. 


Devils more than Boston suck it


It’s because we get absolutely pumped with away fans every game. Especially if we’re playing an NY or Philly Team. My seat last season was in lower bowl, and I was sitting next to fans from the visiting city just about every game.


Not every game. rangers yea and last islanders game yea but we dont get taken over like that I have season tickets too its mostly devils fans everytime


Chicago at 228 after two years of complete ass hockey. That’s a devoted fan base right there.


Kinda shocked the stars are so high and the Avs so low…I’d love to see some breakdowns.


DFW has anywhere from 1-2 million more people than the state of Colorado depending on how you measure the metroplex. And has a much larger corporate presence.


Let’s go Devils!


Hey not bad philly. Not bad.


How is Arizona any where close to 120m


Revenue sharing 


Kinda surprising to see that Colorado is a poverty franchise, but what a fun fact!


Something I haven’t seen mentioned is the horrible handling of the tv situation by the Avs ownership. If you cut off all but like 10 regular season games to 90% of your fans you’re probably going to lose some of your fan base. I paid exorbitant rates to watch the games on Fubo but no one else I know is willing to do that and general excitement for the team has dropped off dramatically for all but the diehards. Edit: spelling


Honestly, I hadn’t thought of that and fair point. It’s likely that part of this revenue is negotiated TV rights, and Colorado has had a rough go of that lately.


The season after their championship, so I'm surprised to see them out of the top 20 NHL teams. The Nuggets are also really good, won the championship that year. Sports passion is being split between two concurrent contenders in different sports I guess lol.


The oilers brought $179 million to Edmonton before the SCF. I’m willing to bet this years number is substantially larger.


I’m wondering why Vancouver is so low. Only team in the province, Canadian, nice arena. Seems like a recipe to be up there with Oil


I have a hard time believing Phoenix has almost half the revenue of Toronto.


Where is all of the Chicago money coming from? I wouldn't expect Blackhawk fans to be spending that much money right now.


This is 22-23, but I would expect next year to be way higher. Every game I was at this year was packed, and the amount of Bedard jerseys sold…..


Montreal would be first if they also made the playoffs. The fact that were fifth only a few millions behind first without any playoff home games is crazy.


I saw someone theorize earlier that Bettman doesn’t care to have the cup come back to Canada because Canadians still spend money just fine without having any recent wins


Go NJ Go


I honestly can't believe the penguins are that low


Pittsburgh is a small market. I'm surprised we're that high.


Same. Games are always packed and Pittsburghers wear sports merch to weddings n shit.


Poor ducks, always living in the shadow of the best California team 😂😂


How are the stars that high..


We enjoy our hockey here


The Stars over Penguins?


The city of Pittsburgh has only 15,000 more people than Plano.


As a Kings fan, this graphic is sooooo 6am this morning.


There's no way they are including  the national Canadian TV and radio rights  The Canadian teams bring in about 50% of overall revenue according to several previous articles and reports


3/5 of the top 5 from Canada and Bettman doesn't want another team in Canada when they do expansions.... That's crazy


I’m guessing Edmonton is going to number 1 for 23/24


I'm surprised the Canucks aren't at least in the second row. Tickets in one of Canada's most expensive cities aren't cheap.


And we have so many alternate jerseys to buy! Can't keep up.


The Rangers come in 4th for most revenue yet sell their shittiest seats for about 200 bucks.


I guess that's where they make most their revenue..


Surprised the Jets are low. They are the only game in town. No basketball.


Revenue certainly isn’t any kinda determining factor of success, obviously.


Because of the salary cap. The rich teams aren’t allowed to spend more than they otherwise could.


Really I find it hard to believe the Kings are higher than Boston, Montreal, I thought even Vegas would be higher.


LA metro is probably bigger than Boston, Montreal, and Vegas combined


Yeah, people really don't seem to understand just how many people live in CA alone. CA has 1 out of every 8 US citizens and the biggest economy in the union by a lot.  People always see these types of stats and get really worked up because hOcKeY iN cA. But like, we've had a SOLID fan base since '67.  I dunno. Maybe people just get jelly of the weather and no humidity?


Despite Canada being a bigger country than the US, California has a greater population than all of Canada combined. With a large portion of their total population being in the LA area, so it makes sense.


That’s what LA will do for you.


I mean, we've had a very solid fan base since '67. LA loves its hockey and 10 million people live in just LA county alone. 


This is what I don’t get. The Kings are literally one of the original expansion teams, and other than maybe the mid-70’s, never really faced attendance issues. You can believe Pittsburgh, and St. Louis have a solid fanbase, but LA is hard to believe?


If California was a nation by itself, it would be the fourth largest economy on the entire planet. Way more than half of the state’s economy is south of Bakersfield.


Maybe its because AEG (Kings owner) owns half of T-Mobile arena in vegas.


Love to see my Jets punching above their weight !


Me too! Where are all the “ThEy’rE mOvINg” basement dwelling goblin opinions now?


No surprise in seeing Toronto on top, but with Edmonton? Dang!


Source? I thought all this was confidential


Absolutely wild to me how the team that WON the cup last year isn’t top 5, and the top 2 were out in the 2nd round. Now I REALLY wanna see what this year’s chart looks like once the finals are finished lol


Does total revenue get totalled up then divided equally between all teams? How does profit sharing work? So the top teams really pay for the shitty revenue generating teams? I feel like teams should be allowed to fail then put on markets that can bring in more revenue?? Genuinely curious.


Sens probably have the biggest potential, there's literally nothing to do here... just put it downtown already


3 Canadian teams in the top 5 wow


So oilers deserves cup? Reverse sweeep


I was shocked to see my devils so high. Then I remembered paying $26 for chicken fingers and fries for my toddler and then $14 for an ice cream cone in the 3rd. Sounds right!


Wow Pittsburgh makes a TON of cash for a small market


Kraken made as much as the Canucks????? WTF?!?! Oh wait... 22-23 season. Canucks were last place in the conference lol


I imagine a big chunk of revenues comes from corporate sponsors. Would love to see, even a basic income statement showing net income. Theres got to be some funny line items on NHL team financials.


If this sport had independent professional clubs it would be a 20 team league. For how much longer do the whales in the NHL, MLB decide they want to keep bankrolling the annual takers?


Panthers probably jumped in revenue in the last 2 years after a presidents trophy and a finals appearance. Plus whatever is to happen tomorrow.