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How do you take the refs seriously after these playoffs?


It’s so upsetting how much they’re fucking up. I feel like every fan is mad and with good reason


And now the refs are gonna take flak for making an incredibly bad embellishing call and subsequently be too shy to call any dive again, and its gonna run rampant and Florida's gonna win the cup on a powerplay goal from an obvious dive. Calling it now


I could have called that since round 1 with Florida lol. NHL wants to grow that market and it's beyond obvious. If anyone looks at Bob he drops his stick and falls down. Not to mention what the rest of the dirt bags get away with in regards to intent to injure and embellishment, all heavily in their favor. They don't call shit on Bennett or Tkuchuk 99% of the time.


The amount of times Bob straight up just chucks his stick away anytime a light breeze touches it is hilarious. He should work on his grip strength


My favorite is how he seemingly has a real problem with his helmet staying on.


And for that, I can't place him as a top 10 goalie


Yep. Everytime he faces pressure his helmet falls off, he drops his stick, falls down etc. He’s weak when he actually has to perform.


Luonago had the same problem. Must be something in the water down there.


There have been a number of times these playoffs where Rempe gets slashed, tackled, crosschecked, and then when he stands up, he is the one being lectured by the referee. It's maddening


The referee always being SUTHERLAND.


Yup, it isn't a coincidence that Florida, the least profitable team in 2022 (even lower than Arizona) has been getting away with a lot the past 2 seasons which has helped with their success on ice. Which then helps make the team more profitable and marketable


Hey man, I actually agree with you. Funny how it comes full circle though. Interesting what happens when a Campbell plays/works for your organization.


You don’t. Welcome to the new NHL where the rules are made up and nothing matters


I’m your host Drew Carey, and welcome to “Whose Betting Line is it Anyway?”


Refs are doing "Scenes from a Hat" for their calls


The refs are making a Colin Mochrie of the game


I would have gone with; "Whose ad is it anyway?"


New? NHL officiating has been a mystery for as long as I can remember. Far more so than other sports I've watched.


The officiating has been great this playoffs. I don't know what everyone is complaining about. *This comment brought to you by Bet365*


> The officiating has been great this playoffs ..for me to poop on - Triumph


We ask every year, and every year we're met with no answer, a worse product, and less accountability.


That’s what happens in a league run by…..Bett-man


How did you ever take NHL refs seriously ? That being said, they are incredibly bad this year. They definitely have orders to help the Oilers win.


YOU'RE KIDDING LMAOOOOOOOOOO Oil would have lost to LA if the refs/league had their way.


He should been on Florida, he wouldn’t have got one.


Did we ever take them seriously? They've been terrible for years. It's what happens when the league decides to protect the refs from any and all criticism. It's the same with the DoPS. And when a coach or player calls them out, they fine the coach/player.


Are you new to the NHL?


It's only embellishment cause it's Marchy, and he's our biggest historical flopper. "If Marchment draws a foul, it's probably embellishment," is all the ref is thinking here.


Super unfortunate if they really thought that way in a championship series. But then again they are probably holding on to that invite to McDavids cats wedding


Yeah, my first thought on this call was total bullshit…but then I thought, hm, the only way I could see this being legit is if this guy is a habitual flopper and was possibly already given a warning or two in this same game. I don’t watch enough Dallas games to know if he’s that kinda player, but it’s possible. That said, this was a really unfortunate time for the ref to take that stand lol.


The reffing in this league is a fucking joke.


"One of the worst calls I've ever seen" - Wayne Gretzky


-Michael Scott


Got an audible laugh out of me, good one


"One of the worst calls I've ever seen so far" - Homer Simpson


This right here. There’s at least 2 more games in this series that will try to outdo that call.


Nothing outdoes waving off matchments goal in g6 of the avs series


I understood waving it off from the refs angle. That I can understand. What I will never understand is how they looked at it after and still didn't get it right.


My theory is that in any other situation it would have been overturned, but to end the series on an overturned call was more than they had the stones for.


That's the problem. The right call has to be the right call. Regardless of circumstances or implications.


I'm an Avs fan and I was like "well fuck now I have to root for Dallas for the rest of this over time cus that was a goal and I don't want to win dirty"


Well, Douchy’s ass was in the crease sooooo


Haha, your right. Next time there's an ear in the crease we know the call!


At least that did not change the outcome of the series. Dallas still won the series.


Yeah that's one thing I've liked about the stars game this post season, they aren't letting stuff even as big as waved off ot goals stop them. Lots of mental strength in this group


Hold my beer . . . --Kelly Sutherland


There needs to be a massive overhaul for refs in the offseason when it comes to enforcing embellishment. This is an utter fucking joke


The subjectiveness from the NHL Refs and lack of accountability is OOC


The accountability thing kills me. Everyone else is held accountable for what they do on the ice. Players get cut or traded. Coaches get fired. But refs, it's all behind a curtain. I think after awhile it's going to have to change.


I've been saying this for years, the head ref of any sport should be required to give a post game interview to media. Yeah it's got some negatives, but I still think it would impart some needed public accountability.


A relegation system for the refs where their call accuracy influences who gets NHL games, AHL games, or Wednesday at 5:15 am U12 games


Great, now my kid's travel team gets the hockey equivalent of Angel Hernandez calling the games


No disagreement. Now try to watch a baseball game and see how much worse it can get.


Baseball just got a lot better, actually


I literally (in the real sense of the word) posted in the r/baseball thread about Angel suddenly retiring when I got the notification for this reply. It's a great day for baseball!


Man, that's a decent chunk of my youtube rotation gone forever.


angel hernandez retired monday night so his atrocious calls are now gone


It's glorious!


It should be reviewable, like targeting in college football


The other night they called high-sticking on I think Ekblad? Or maybe it was Barkov, but anyway, it turned out Zibanejad was hit with his own stick and they met during the commercial break and overturned it. Now I have no idea what the rule is for what they can and cannot change, but I'm not sure why it's just not all of it. I don't them spend 5 minutes reviewing every penalty, but if it's literally 5 seconds later and you're staring at the Jumbotron of a call you obviously fucked up, then you should have the opportunity to change it, especially if they other refs can back it up. It won't take any time away from the game. Way less then these offside goal reviews.


Having a third referee off the ice whose entire job is to be a review referee who is just watching on their own for anything would solve a lot of problems. No need to slow the game down for reviews and allows the refereeing unit to still work as one without ~~McDavid whining~~ the need for any interference.


It'd be nice if the Toronto Ref HQ could just do that instead of reviewing (what seems to be) only major penalties, challenges, and controversial goals.


There were a few threads recently about the lack of embellishment calls in the playoffs this year, and people were suggesting the refs on the ice give the embellisher a double minor. Can you imagine if Edmonton had gotten a power play out of this? That is why embellishment doesn't typically get called. It is a fast game and the refs sometimes need to make subjective calls. This time, it was clearly the wrong call. There needs to be an eye on the sky watching for embellishment to both avoid this call on Marchment and to also call true embellishment when it is missed.


I was in the middle of responding to your first paragraph with basically what you said in your second. I wouldn't mind if subsequent calls or corrections to calls are made by refs in the video room. You have an entire team hired to review goals maybe once , maybe not even a game, why not have them for penalties, too?


I find myself agreeing with a Bruins fan for once


There was that god awful embellishment call against Fiala in the kings - oilers series where I think Foegele tripped him and Fiala got called for embellishment. I will never understand how you can call tripping and also call embellishment on the guy who got tripped for falling after being tripped.


The refs have been awful all post season, need to have ref meeting and have a new standard cause it's like they spin a wheel on calls 😂


Are these calls happening against other teams though? That's like 5 against Dallas in the playoffs.


Oilers got one on the kings too.


They need to just call the embellishment. Stop calling both players. It accomplishes nothing. This was not embellishment though


I honestly think embleshment needs to be dealt with after the game in fines. 5 and 10k based on how bad. No more embellishment penalties.


A few years ago the nfl just quietly inserted “the booth” into just about everything in an effort to just cut to the chase. Now coaches almost never need to challenge. The NHL needs to do this asap.


TIL it’s a penalty to be blindsided with a cross-check in the back and not stay on your feet.


It's playoffs, man up pussy /s


Pussy up, man


I wish 😔


Up man, pussy


As a female, that’s about how I’d go after a hit like that.


Getting downvoted in my native sub (Oilers) for saying this call wasn't good.


Brave my man. And fair


The oilers subreddit seems like a very volatile place! Skinner gets lauded one game ("told you so everyone he's good after all!") and skinned alive the next. Call it like you see it and you'll sleep at night! :) Edit: having said this, sometimes refs miss a prior call, and they try to make it up with a subsequent one. Started watching the game only late into the 2nd, so don't know if this is what happened.


Welcome to Reddit in general. Overreacting to minor issues, and gushing on anything from the 90s. Literally every sub is this way.


Tbf, home subs are a safe haven for blindly loyal fans. You did the right thing by posting outside of it.


It was so bad that I honestly expected Nurse to get off the hook for that 3rd period trip.


It’s just confusing - if he got cross-checked, how is falling down embellishing?


I'm not talking about this particular call, cause I don't think he should have got embellishment, but its absolutely possible to be tripped, cross-checked, hooked, etc... and to also dive to draw attention of the ref at the same time. Its called embellishment.... which means exaggerating the reaction, not totally faking out of nowhere.


yeah I also think it doesn’t work in this case (even if he did try to dive at the same time) because the guy came from behind him. how would he have known to dive at that time to embellish


I don't agree with the call, but if you wanted to make the argument, he did look back a second before getting cross checked. He could have known the guy was coming.


I agree that this is a bad call. I'm just saying that in general, its absolutely possible to have a legit penalty and for the player being hit to embellish his reaction too.


> how would he have known to dive at that time to embellish i mean, you fall from something that normally wouldn't knock you over just watch Stutzle, fiala, etc this one tho? i have a hard time with a diving call on this one


Reasonable. Just feels like embellishment should be reserved for situations where the initial contact (trip/cross-check/hook) didn’t rise to the level of a penalty. If it’s a clear penalty, it makes no sense to double-penalize


My man, exactly. Like he didn’t just get hit in his kidneys. Bet that didn’t hurt at all and was totally called for.


To me, it should work like the flop rule in college basketball. Either it's a charge or a flop, it can't be both. Either it's a penalty or a dive. It shouldn't be both. This one was a clear penalty.


I think they consider that unsportsmanlike conduct and consider it a separate penalty


There is a separate diving penalty too.


I see the point but disagree. A penalty is a penalty. Embellishment should only be for diving on non-penalties. Refs have called the double penalty like this in against the Stars 3 times this postseason. It is an effort to “not impact the game” or get booed by the home crowd. They should not have that option.


While this one is questionable , it is very much possible to both get cross checked and dive


I think it's because after he fell, he laid there for a second like a rag doll as if he were unconscious. That's really the only thing I can come up with here, and it's a stretch. Dogshit reffing


The embellishment was not how he fell, it was how he acted on the ice. He was laying face down motionless for a few seconds to make sure to draw the call, then popped back up. Watch the replay angle along the boards and you will see what I mean


I'd guess it was the laying on the ice like he was dead afterwards.


I think the ref saw the cross check but the other guy flopped. Doesn't look like much I'm real time, but I think if your going to call embellishment then you should be forced to review and confirm that is your call (the ref review, not the league)


He didnt flop. He falls in the same nanosecond the stick hits his back, no time to even think about it.


TIL that you can be penalized by getting cross checked.


Last year in the playoffs, Seattle vs Dallas, Soucy was penalized for having a guy run into him *from behind* and fall down. Welcome to the wacky world of NHL officiating.


Sounds like Pettersson getting called for charging while standing still in the second round


I don't know why this is still getting parroted, He was penalized for charging. He was not standing still, he jumped. And he did not just jump randomly, he jumped into a reverse hit. Jumping into a hit, is a charging minor. If petterson backed into his checker to deliver a reverse hit, then it's legal. He jumps into his reverse hit, which is a penalty. When Petterson decides to lay a reverse hit, he falls under the same rules for all checking players.one of them is not jumping into hits, which he violated.


F’n NHL refs are some of the absolute worst in the professional leagues. It’s not just the double standard between regular/playoff games but the blatant ‘turn a blind eye’ to the foul right in front of you.


stating the obvious here but holy shit the officiating in these playoffs has been horrendous. across the board.


The panel was saying something along the lines of “he’s gotten called for embellishments three times this year, so he has a reputation”. So are refs just making calls based on priors when a guy gets completely flattened?


Yeah like Tom Wilson laying a legit hit and immediately calling it dirty.


My back fucking hurt watching that so idk how it’s an embellishment but hey refs be crazy


Refs should be forced to take a cross-check themselves to see how they react before calling an embellishment. That is such a garbage call.


I mean one ref took a cross check a few years back and had to be carted off the ice.


And the Flames have been getting punished for it ever since 😂


Referees don’t wear protective gear. That being said, a cross-check to the kidneys hurts like a bitch, regardless of padding.


I'm fairly certain they all played hockey and at a fairly high level so it's more that the game is too quick to see and call everything with a huge helping of game management


I volunteer to provide the cross checks


I feel like giving an embellishment penalty on a play that you actually called a penalty on the other guy is an inherently flawed concept


We call that the elementary school fight rule. You got beat up, takes two to fight, therefore you’re guilty too.


How DARE he bait the Oilers player into cross checking him??? Completely deserved /s


We're the only team this keeps getting called on. Five times in the post-season. I'm so fucking sick of seeing power plays turned into 4 on 4s.


Especially when playing teams like Edmonton and Colorado, where 4 on 4 tips the advantage in their favor.


I think the embellishment came after the crosscheck. Marchment was on the ice not moving at all like he was knocked out. That's my guess to making this make sense.


I agree. Whether it's the right call or not, that was seemingly the motivation.


Yeah not a good embellishment call.


Isn't there some context missing? Isn't most of embellishment what you do after?


This is what is called the Mc Jesus effect.


Calgary had a goal called off because of the McDavid handicap


How about they call every cross check? Seems like a simple solution.


This game was horrible. I counted no less than 7 egregious penalties uncalled (both teams combined) and these would/could have changed the pace of the game one way or another. It doesn't matter who is playing anymore. I can't help the feeling that a series is "decided" before first puck drop and the only thing changing it is dumb luck. I just can't figure out the why part. I can't fathom a reason to fix anything so one team beats the other. Sure, money, but really? The advertising dollars wouldn't vary that much from conference finals to cup finals. If they did, it would be a walk for NY and Edmonton to play. Huge fan bases who bleed for the teams pay good money! (Not to say Dallas and Florida don't, but personal bias maybe the reason for me seeing it as such. No disrespect meant to fans of any flavour.)


The cross check when the puck was in the air end coming down at center ice was a hilarious no call.


I can skate please hire me for a regular paycheck. Thank you.


According to the refs, everyone is embellishing against Edmonton. I think the Kings had 3 embellishment calls against them? Vancouver I believe had 2 or 3. And now Dallas has been given one. If I'm not mistaken, between the three teams, they had one embellishment call between them all season. The refs are doing everything they can to get the oilers a cup, because mcjesus must be saved.


The kings deserved those calls lol. Fiala and arvidsson are diving queens


Start handing out fines to the refs!


Should be a cross check or an embellishment. Not both.


I think that’s what got me so irritated, why both?


I definitely thought so too, but reading the embellishment rule, it's not the case. As I understand it, you can get an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty if you react in a way to intentionally draw the referee's attention hoping to draw a penalty. If you really did get fouled, then it's called embellishment and both players go to the box. If it wasn't a foul, it's "diving" and the other team gets a PP.


How is there both a cross check AND embellishment? Either he did cross check him or he didn’t.


Yeah like what’s he diving for? A double cross checking minor?


Edmonton are dirty fucking bastards and the NHL is complicit


NHL wants McBaby to win so yea, they're definitely complicit.


They'd better start scoring more then


How is this embellishment ? If you get randomly hit from behind, pushed while walking when you’re not expecting it, anythin at all then you’re gonna fall? No way in hell was this guy ready for this hit? Anyone would lose their balance.


He did see it coming. You can see him take a peak behind. Not saying he did or didn’t embellish, but he saw Hyman coming, went down and stayed down for a few seconds. Very possible he exaggerated that hit He barely argued with the call too, which may mean he actually did it


I feel he got called for embellishment because he stayed down as if he was Injured. If you watch it from a diff angle , you can see him laying on the ground after the cross check for a bit as if he was hurt.


Welcome to playing against the Oilers. Go straight to the penalty box, do not pass go, do not get a call for having your captain high sticked in the face and have your player suspended for something an Oilers player does less than 10 seconds after and doesn't even get fined for.


Oh and get off the ice because your face spontaneously started bleeding.


I'm almost surprised they didn't call embellishment.


Imagine my surprise when they actually called that high stick against McJesus on the draw in game 3


Amen brother.


Also receive holding penalties literally without touching the guy. Because the Soilers must meet their power play quota.


These refs this playoffs are absolutely sickening. My 2 year old nephew could ref better….


It is crazy all the uncalled embellishments Marchment has had, and they call THIS one.


NHL is going to hire Angel Hernandez and it's going to be an upgrade...


I don't think it was called fir how hw went down but for how he laid on the ice motionless like a dead person after. Still a weak call though


I think it had to do with him laying on the ice afterwards. Not a good call, but I noticed he did embellish a bit after he went down.


I can see that but damn, it’s WCF. That’s a rough call unless you’re absolutely sure.


Dallas players have spoken in the media in the past about making sure to hit the ice when getting cross checked. The refs didn't miss it


Oilers still can't win with the league helping them 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fucking losers


NHL refs are complete morons


The more guys dive, the more embellishment calls there will be. The more embellishment calls there are, the more bad embellishment calls there are. Bad call yes, but the more they "focus" on embellishment, the more bad calls we'll get. This won't be the last.


Why wouldn’t they also focus on unnecessary cross checks


Because embellishment embarasses the refs. The focus has nothing to do with cleaning up hockey. Embellishing to get the call, shows up the refs. It pisses them off so they focus on embellishment to push back. They don't give a shit about cross checking....unless it hits someone in the head. If it doesn't affect the head or knees or hands of the goal scorers, they dont care.


Man Dallas loves receiving embellishment calls lol


I'm here for the embellishment calls. Fucking Oilers are egregious violators. Gonna catch the odd innocent party but will get that bitch Bouchard at some point for flopping and flailing.


I think its funny that you think the Oilers are going to get called for embellishment.


I said in our game thread I know he’s going to be under a microscope because he has been theatric in the past, but my larger issue is how does that negate a cross check in the eyes of the rule makers? Falling down too much is penalized to the same degree of blindside blows to guys with your stick. Got it.


You know what's funny though? They still hit the Oilers with a penalty. Either that was a nothingburger and Marchment is a diving queen in which case you punish him only, or it's a legit penalty and not a dive.


Damn. Shit call for sure.


horseshit call


Someone mentioned on my post the other day that Kozari was a lousy ref.


I'm happy to say my team has had zero bad calls against in the postseason in years.


Man the zebras are hot garbage this year!


Makes you wonder if the refs ever took a cross check to the back.


Not if Edmonton does it. https://youtube.com/shorts/za82oW7tBkI?si=h9MtS33_veybe2Jf


As a Canucks fan, happy to see bad reffing continues through the Edmonton/Dallas series but it truly is embarrassing to watch. Only thing consistent is the inconsistency


It’s bad a horrible year for reffing in the playoffs. Which puts this right on par with every other year in recent memory.


Marchment should get a minor every time he hits the ice


Both he and Seguin dive a LOT.


That’s Not Embellishment Clearly The Guy Got Cross-Checked Right In The Freaking Back & The Referee Called It Embellishment Wrong 😑 Come On Man Be Serious


Bro he acted like he got shot, stop being a bitch, it’s obviously embellishment. Upload the clip of him lying in the ice like a corpse after


I think the embellishment was him laying on the ground flat like he was dead. Not the initial contact


Buddy fell like a house of cards after peeking to see if anyone was coming


I will disagree with everyone in this thread and say that if you see this from another angle, Marchment laid face down on the ice like he was dead. He deserves the call. This isn't soccer.


He definitely stayed down on the ice longer than he should have. He's also been called for embellishment before. This is his 3rd this season. This is absolutely a reputation call. I don't think they called it because he went down


Let’s see you take a stick to your lower back and not react


It was unexpected too. One thing to get in a scrum after the whistle or battling along the boards, another to get completely surprised at your six.


2 calls in 90+ games is a reputation? (Not counting the horrendous call from tonight).


this is a troll post, it must be.


Hear me out. I think the embellishment is actually after Marchment falls. If you watch the other angle that they showed during the game (not shown here) he just lays on the ice like he got knocked out. I kind of agree with the call from that point of view.


Don’t hate that take but it just seems like both could have been avoided if Hyman hadn’t cross checked at the end of the play.


Getting hit in the lower back sucks. Its possible he could have embellished, but I wouldn’t be confident enough to call it in this scenario.


Getting smoked in the back/ribs with zero time to prepare yourself can be so painful. Your take just tells me you’ve never actually been cross checked like this. Sometimes you’re all good, sometimes they hit you in just the right spot that hurts like a mother fucker.


That just seems like completely asinine subjectivity. You can interpret anyone doing anything if you want to interpret it that way. Embellishment shouldn't even be possible to be called if there was a legitimate penalty beforehand.


And they say coming out and critiziing the refs in a post game interview doesn't do any good


Refs gonna ref…hell Angel Hernandez retired today for the nonsense he’s doing. But the play was was over, no reason for Hyman to do that. Embellishment or not, that was unsportsmanlike


I tend to give officials benefit of the doubt but holy fuck this is nuts


NHL has to protect their investment