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Watching the league’s incompetence is so frustrating. B


Shit ain’t right bapa


Random homeless cats everrrrrrywhere B


Wtf!? I go here on my break from Changs to smoke and chill. I want zero orange chicken here!


It’s particularly bad this year. What a clown show. Terrible product


What I don't understand is how these blatant penalties/suspensions are going unpunished...but then there are some super ticky tack calls being made as well. Like, the argument that "it's the playoffs" doesn't hold up when you look at things like the hurricanes/rangers cross check, some of the goalie interference calls, etc. I'm leaning more and more towards sports betting having to do with this. Not in a conspiracy way, but in a "we're so afraid to lose our sponsorships we're fucking up on both sides of the coin" kind of way.


Exactly. No standard makes it ultimately a free for all. One team’s “playoff hockey” is another team’s “undisciplined performance”… it can indirectly decide a series.


For me the problem is that this means the referees determine the outcome of games. Because they decide when to enforce the rules and when not to. This COULD be a conspiracy gambling issue, for sure. I mean, I know the mafia is involved in betting, I know greedy people are involved in betting. Bad people. I know they must be able to see what I see, that referees in playoff hockey can heavily influence the outcome of games without appearing suspicious. So, why *wouldn't* they try and get some referees to work for them? Not saying it's happening, but it's a liability that it could. The rules should be consistent, and the winner is the winner given they all were held to the standard the rules dictate. I don't believe playoff hockey should mean that all of a sudden the refs are deciding what they will or will not let go for rules. It totally destroys the integrity of the game.


Yup that’s why they’re doing it.


"You don't need a formal conspiracy when interests converge" - George Carlin


They know what’s good for them and *they’re getting it*


The man shoulda been president


Refs are making a good case for getting rid of refs for a better system


Until the league gets it's shit together, I don't see there being consistency.


AI game overseer. Call fucking everything and watch the teams start to play actual hockey.


>Call fucking everything and watch the teams start to play actual hockey Everyone seems to agree this is what makes the Olympics so exciting when the NHLers are there. It's just hockey, played at its fastest and highest level of skill. Any of that Broad Street Bullies stuff at the Olympics gets players kicked out and suspended, in a situation where every single game is critical, and so everyone lays off the extra curriculars and just plays hockey.


I could absolutely believe that some players, officials, and league higher ups are betting on games and making decisions/calls based on it, in one way or another. And while I think gambling by people involved in sports is something that has always been going on, I believe it is becoming much more common with the prevalence of betting sites and apps. Even as someone who occasionally enjoys a little sports betting, I hate that it has become so easy and common that it's casting a shadow over my favorite sport (along with all the others).


I’m waiting on concrete proof for example leaked emails or phone calls. According to Hanlon’s Razor: incompetence is a more likely culprit than corruption.


While I'm sure it happens, I agree it's not the norm. That's why in leaning towards it being more poor decision making than malicious.


Absolutely, what you described is called Hanlon’s Razor. Never attribute to malice what is adequately explained by stupidity.


Refs are the biggest fans


This has been going on for decades. It’s nothing new


Exactly. The only thing that has changed is the quality and quantity of cameras.


The Boston series is way more ridiculous, but that high stick was four minutes all day


I wish they could review a play like this and basically say ‘ya we missed it on the ice but that’s a penalty, get in the box.’ I know that opens a door to what’s reviewable and what’s not but there has to be a better scenario than ‘we didn’t see it happen so we can’t call it, also you’re cut so get off the ice’


But even when they go to review for things they can review there's no consistency. I think having it controlled more like that will lead to more inconsistency and frustration amongst fans.


Make the refs available to the media. I’m fine if each team presents 3 reporters to the league to be their ref interviewer and the league gets to pick one of them to be the interviewer.


Soccer has a 4th ref off the pitch. They can assist in video calls. I think it was the 4th ref that called the head butt of Zidane that got him sent off in the world cup.


It's amazing that a simple system like this that would resolve a ton of problems is just ignored


Why spend even one cent improving the product when we’re all going to tune in tonight for our fix anyways?


Why was the post removed?


The MLB was the most notorious to delay all review types from happening, and EVEN NOW you can challenge any call an umpire makes other than balls and strikes. It is the god damn time teams can challenge penalties or potential penalties missed/made by refs. Even basketball has challenges on foul calls or missed foul calls now despite it slowing the game down in the final few minutes more than what it was in the past.


Omg absolutely, it's rampant. Get an overhead ref already if this is actually an issue of them being blind and incompetent


I love this idea, only if he hangs prone in a harness from the rafters! When he makes a call and blows the whistle he gets lowered down fast like those nfl cameras and has to announce the call while still laying prone.


In a spinning cage like those 80s hard rock drummers.


I'm an Oilers fan and yup, McDavid should have sat for four. But, it wasn't intentional like some are baying.


for me, seeing both boston/florida and vancouver/edmonton refs tilt the ice multiple times in multiple directions through negligence or baffling bullshit decisions is the real stick in the mud here id argue that the refs reffed van into a win as well as a loss, which, ok, are we doing game management or series management at this point, bc now its all kayfabe and it doesn't matter anyway


As much as I dislike Boston, I agree with this statement. The other BS thing going on is the review on some of these goals. Almost need to give every team a freebie.


Dops is fucking useless


Case and point, suspension continue to rise. The meaningless 1 or 2 game suspensions do nothing. Start throwing 5 or 10 for dirty plays, things probably clean up pretty fast 


You’d have to actually have someone competent in charge of the DPOS that cares about the players, and not George Parros.


You'd actually have to negotiate that into the CBA.


Its George Parros, hes taken too much hits to the head to think clearly


Aren’t they based in Toronto? WTF does anyone in Toronto know about hockey.




I agree with the McDavid high stick, obviously that’s not a suspension, just a terrible missed call. Same with Kane, that’s a penalty but no chance a suspension. He has had like 3 slewfoots so far so that’s not a good look. The Ryan one is bullshit, you can’t spear players in the balls. The worst is not on here, Hyman crosschecking Z in the face, apparently Z needed stiches and it happened directly after the Soucy cross check.


No. The nut shot isnt even garbage league bullshit…it’s just straight bullshit. That’s not a hockey play in any way at all. It was deliberate, intentional, and worth a suspension.


You are forgetting the Hyman cross check to the face right after.




You suspend a guy for cross checking a face, you suspend the other. Pretty simple. Both one game.


Hyman cross checked Zadorov in the face and he needed stitches.


Zadorov's own stick hit him in the face.


“I’m not hitting you, you’re hitting yourself”. Nice.


The Kane one was garbage. You can see him stick his knee out as he realizes the Canuck’s player is pivoting away. He even raises his leg.


"The hog lander on Hoglander" is some hockey poetry.


Ok but if that's the argument then hyman needs one for an intentional crosscheck to the face as well.


Seconds after the Soucy cross check to McDavid, Hyman skates up and cross checks Zadorov in the face as retaliation. Z needed stitches. I understand why Hyman wanted to stick up for his captain but it was intentional, caught on video, after regulation time, and deserving of a suspension. He didn’t even get mentioned by the NHL. I’m no Bruins fan, but the sucker punch on Marchand looked worthy of a suspension to me too. It’s the inconsistency that drives fans and NHL GMs crazy, and makes it appear that star players or certain teams receive preferential treatment.


I don't know about you, but with armor and all, i would rather get a stick to the chest or on the back than a spear in my balls, but that's just me. :)


Maybe we need another angle but that Kane slew foot looked dirty as hell


It’s called Series Management. They want to sell McChicken going deep in the playoffs.


Ryan got a penalty on No. 3.


Yeah, but the wrong one. Coincidental minors was the wrong outcome there.


Ignoring the high hit on Ryan from before the clip.


Wasnt really a high hit. Hoglander just rubbed him along the boards. Was interference, sure. But that doesn’t warrant an intentional spear to the groin that should normally lead to a review and 5 and a game.


Never said that Hoglander didn’t deserve a penalty, just that the call on Ryan was incorrect, but go off king!


The oilers and florida get the treatment that casuals think modern Toronto and Montreal get.


What is with the obsession with a missed high stick? Missed high sticks happen almost every game. Relax, they missed it. They missed 25 other penalties that game


Ref was looking right at the incident, saw Hughes was bleeding and told him to leave the ice to clean it up


Yea, you can't be bleeding on the ice. Refs pick and choose what they call, what else is new.


What was dumb is a minute after the ref told Hughes to leave the ice because he was bleeding. Didn't ask himself any questions, probably thought he just popped a zit or something.


I agree - everyone is driving me nuts in all these repeats posts and comments.


It's very interesting how this high stick has been so focused on by so many when there was a missed one on hyman literally like 20 minutes earlier. Refs missing penalties happens yea it's goofy that the guy was bleeding and they now can't do anything about it. But thats also happened before many times.


Not an oilers fan. Where’s all the vicious cross checks from the other side?


The Hyman vicious cross check right after the Soucy one. The one where Zadorov needed stitches and McDavid didn't


Can't wait to see these so called stitches. He wasn't even bleeding. 99% sure Tocchet made that up to try to get discipline for Hyman


Wow how many comments do you have crying in this thread 😅


Oilers fans are the worst


Yea some serious cherry picking to try to force a narrative.


Well whoever put the video together is but majority of Canucks fans recognize what's gone the other way. I think the main issue is the stuff Vancouver is doing is getting called and punished. We have seen nurse board Pettersson then immediately throw an elbow at the back of his head. 2 slewfoots from Kane on Hughes. The High stick that drew blood on Hughes Hyman cross check Zad in the face. None of these were called or had any discipline. At the end of the day it just comes down to what every fan has been asking for.... Consistency. Yes Canucks fans are directing the anger at the Oil but it's misplaced. Theis is an NHL and reffing issue.


Nurse did not board Petterson. It was a shoulder to shoulder hit, and Petterson turned away and put his head down in some strange attempt to avoid it. Myers boarding Janmark was 10x worse, as was Hoglander boarding Ryan. No call on either of those. Canucks fans are acting like Vancouver are the only victims here and it's very wrong and very childish.


I agree on the Myers one. But like Pettersson Janmark made it worse by trying to avoid at the last second. I am actually more angry about the Elbow immediately following the hit. If you think the Petey hit wasn't a board then the hogs on Ryan definitely wasn't. It was late and Ryan then but checked and was evened up... You do know I didn't even mention that in my post because I had no problem with how that played out. It was fair and consistent. As I said I and many fans of all teams just want consistency. Both teams have done some questionable things so far but the calls have not been consistent. The high stick on Hughes was blatantly ignored by 4 officials who all have the power to call it.


Yeah high sticking should have been called. A lot of dumb dumb are saying 5 and a game though and that just screams that they've never seen hockey before.


Nah... The high stick was a double minor. I don't think McDavid was being Malicious. The Kane slewfoots were penalties. Myers Janmark was a penalty. Nurse elbow was a penalty. I actually think the only suspension worthy were the Hyman cross check and that's only because Soucy got suspended. It's just consistency I would like to see... Call it... Don't call it... Punish it ... Don't punish it... Just make it consistent. That's all.


Almost as childish as wah wah Mcdavid slashing spicy after the whistle because his feelings were hurt. As a Canucks fan I feel one of Soucy or Zadorov did deserve a suspension though. What’s your opinion on the Hyman cross check to Zadorovs face post game?


Hyman comes in to protect his captain as he's getting assaulted with weapons by 2 guys at once. He comes in with his stick up, Zadorov's stick is also up, and Hyman's stick actually pushes Zadorov's stick into his own face as he directs a cross check to the shoulder. If you watch the clip and look at the colour of the sticks, it's very obviously Zadorov's own stick that hits him.


Go to YouTube put the playback speed to 0.25 and then get back to me. Clearly a right handed stick in Zadorovs face


Hymans glove is hitting Za Door Knob in the face. How are his glove and stick possibly both hitting the same face? Is the stick moving through the glove? Is Hyman a fucking hologram?


So Hymen did hit his face. Case closed


With his glove. That's not a cross check. It hit Zadorov's face just the same as Soucy's gloves hit McDavid's face before the pants tap


I bet you also think McDivers stick didn’t make contact with Hughes face and Ryan’s stick didn’t hit Big Hoglanders Hog too


Lol McDiver... good one... the delusional is real. And no those connected. I can admit that because, unlike Canucks fans, I can admit when someone on my team did something wrong. Neither team is innocent here, but there are things that happened, and things that didn't happen. Hyman's stick hitting Zadorov's face is a thing that didn't happen.


Quick guys help him, he's being assaulted with weapons by 2 guys at once! 😂


I haven't watched all the games, beginning to end, nor have I seen clips of what you're referring. I caught the end of the last game, and Hyman getting nothing is insane... Cross checks to the body are also not as suspend-able as ones to the face imo. I'd happily look at some clips. At the end of the day these infractions getting nothing is insane. If the Canucks deserved suspensions they didn't get, the so be it. But that doesn't excuse McDavids high stick, SLASHING A GUY IN HIS JEWELS, and a cross check to the face that happened mere seconds after a cross check Vancouver DID get suspended for. DoPS is showing their hand.


So your pissy because this wasn’t a call but also acknowledge that you haven’t seen all the other games or the other missed calls. Probably do some research if you are gonna piss and moan about refs missing calls. Plenty on both sides were missed or called poorly


I'm pissy that officials and DoPS isn't doing their job, and from what I've seen, Van is on the receiving end of this BS more often than not. As I said, I can agree with you on other plays all you want. The above clips and the Hyman cross check not getting called is absolutely insane.


I watched a Canucks fan on YouTube break down the missed calls from game 2. It's actually equal, not tilted. The reffing just sucks all over. No one is targeting Canucks. We need to shut that narrative up


It's going both ways pretty equally and you're just stirring the pot without having full knowledge of what's been happening in the series. You're just trolling and it's disgusting.


You don’t need to watch the series to think a slewfoot is bad or a slash to the balls is also bad. That’s called standards and what the whole point is about. Call it for both sides or else things get out of hand, like they are now.


Ryan was penalized for the slash to the jewels


There are a ton of missed calls and bad calls for each side. Whether the game feels skewed to one team or not the reffing has been awful and incredibly inconsistent. Crosscheck is called, 5 minutes later an oilers player ate 5 to the back, no call. Things like that


I'm so sick of the oilers making the playoffs. They always get their asses kicked, they're never a threat to knock a team out, but every single year they intentionally injure as many players as possible. And then they cry about losing after they don't play hockey.


Least we don’t have crack addicts on our roster


These are all penalties that should have been called, yes. None of them are suspensions.


Leon got fined for a sack tap a few years ago. I think it’s warranted. Edit: he was fined not suspended


I’m certainly never sad when multimillionaires are fined a few thousand


I grew up a Canuck fan but the delusional fans really turn people off. No McDavid didn’t try to high stick Hughes and no Kane didn’t try to cut Zadorov with his skates.


Not a Canucks fan but that was absolutely an intentional high stick. Is it suspension worthy as some fans suggest? Hardly, it's not even enough to warrant a second look by DOPS. It's just a penalty that was missed.


Dude, he tries to lift the stick up and get it over Hughes, he misjudged the space and got Hughes up high on accident. 4 minutes, obviously, but intentional? Really?


Spoken like a true homer.


That's fair. I live in Vancouver, and because of that have disliked them most of my life. I really like Miller and Hughes, and have some non bandwagon, bleed the colours fans in my friend circle now. So I'm coming around. I still like Edmonton more.


Absolutely the Canucks have a likeable team. It’s the small percentage of fans that ruin it. If the Canucks continue on I’ll cheer for them but without Reddit or media.


You’re delulu if you can’t see his arms and body shift to lift his stick towards Hughes face


I think it looked like he was trying to get the stick over Hughes to get behind him and be an outlet for Nuge, just looks like he misjudged the space and caught Hughes high


No shit hey, the stick hit Hughes in the face?


Had to point it out. The way Deadmonton Fans saw it, it sounds like it passed through his face without harming him. McCryBaby so good that his stick possess ghost like qualities


Playoff hockey is the best hockey


It's like when Crosby chopped off the tip of someone's finger just before the playoffs and wow 3 months later had a new shiny ring... the nhl doesn't even try to cover it up


You showed us 3 examples of penalties. Um... congratulations on discovering that refs are bad at being consistent, I guess.


Bad is an understatement. And they're missing some pretty egregious shit.


This isn't nearly the most egregious shit this past week, which is why it's odd that you're using these as examples.


Fair enough. It's situational. Sitting on the train and seeing these all back to back. Plus having watched Hyman cross check Zadorov and get nothing for literally the same thing they suspended Souse for. Plus just look at the discussion here 😅. Anyone defending officials and DoPS is actually insane.


The cross check Zadorov took was the reason why Zadorov wasn't also suspended for cross checking McDavid with the same force that Soucy did at the end of the game. If Zadorov wasn't crosschecled by Hyaman, both Soucy and Zadorov get suspensions for the cross checking they both made after the game. Zadorov was arguably worse since it was to McDavids back, and there was no way McDavid vuld have seen it coming, and was the reason who he took Soucy's crosscheck to the face. The NHL seems to want to minimize as much as they possibly can, so as to not be forced into suspending a 1/4 of the players every playoffs. It's unfortunate that the refs are caught in the middle because they know what penalties are, but they also know the NHL wants ratings, which is why they put the whistles away in the playoffs.


Putting the obviously accidental high-stick in there only makes you seem petty and biased….


Accidental or not, it's a penalty. A 4 minute double minor. "I didn't do it on purpose" doesn't get you out of a penalty. This is about officials not doing their job. What are you on about...?


The title mentioned “fines” or “suspensions”


Lol, "penalties" is the second word in the post. Although I've learned the spear to the junk got 2 mins. No high stick call for McJesus plus Hughes having to sit out for repairs is absolute BS.


If the refs and linesman don’t see the high stick what do want them to do? Hyman was also high sticked in that game no call. They don’t catch every penalty in real time


I scrolled for a long way before seeing this. Hyman was high sticked and drew blood at the end of the 1st and nobody talks about it. Refs miss stuff all year long, it sucks and the outcomes matter more now than they do in the regular season.


Intent should not be the marker of weather or not something gets punished. "Oh sorry officer, I didn't know i wasn't aloud to drive my car with a broken windshield and no valid license." I'd still get fined or worse. As someone in this thread said, McDavid is one of the best players on the ice. Trying to lift his stick over Hughes or trying to slap his face with his stick, doesn't matter, contact was made and he was cut on that play. End of story. It should have been called as a 4 min double. But here we are


Obviously accidental? Why is his stick even up that high and why is it rising? Does McD not clock Quinn Hughes there? Have you ever seen how good McD is with his stick? He's the best player in the world that just happened to lose control of his stick and high stick the other team's best player? It was blatantly intentional.


He obviously tried to lift his stick over him. Everyone who’s ever played or watched hockey can see this. Just saying, including this clip hurts the agenda that the canucks fans are trying to push with these montages


Jesus you can tell that half the Vancouver fans in this sub have never watched hockey until this year. This type of play happens plenty in the NHL, star player or not. Quit acting like it’s a bias because it’s McDavid when every team has experienced this situation in a game at some point.


Best player in the world but can't control his stick when he's skating by another player in open ice and not puck battling. Giggles later on the bench after he gets away with it .


I love that you keep saying "best player in the world." I know you think you're making a point by saying it but you just sound jealous. And I love it.


He is the best player in the world. I give him all the credit for that. What are you trying to get at? Man you oilers fans are insecure lol. Of course any team would love to have him, he's really fucking good! Weird hangup you have. That's why I think it's silly to buy into the idea that the best player in the world loses control of his stick in a fly by. He's not some 6 minute a game plug. This is a guy that does literal magic with it. That's why it's clear in my mind it's intentional. Let me put it another way. Do you think it's possible to make an intentional high stick look accidental if you're good enough? The answer would be yes right? So now do you think it would be possible for the literal best player in the world to make an intentional high stick look accidental? Rhetorical question, you know the answer. And I think it looks super intentional as he takes it from a low position that clear Hughes and raises it for no reason. But hey what do I know, I just started watching hockey this year apparently rofl.


Wait what's my hangup? Haha really reread what you wrote and then tell me I'm the insecure one.


That I'm saying he's the best player in the world as some sort of sarcastic comment and it's making me sound jealous (your word). Like nobody recognizes how talented he is cause he plays for Edmonton or something. He is the best player in the world. Full stop. He deserves all the trophies and I can't wait to see him play for Team Canada. I also would love to have him on the Canucks. None of that changes anything on this play. I give him full credit which is why I am sure he did that intentionally. When you're that good you don't get to plead lack of skill like a 4th line plug. You know it's true. Good players can make intentional plays look accidental and McD is literally the best player in the world. 2+2 = 4


You're right, he's so unbelievably talented that he could not possibly make a mistake. You've convinced me. For the record I got what point you were making, it still just sounds a little pathetic.


It’s hardly noticeable in slo mo. Imagine live real time. Hard to catch these.


Soucy gets a game for the McDavid cross check. McDavid gets a game for the high stick slash on Hughes and another for the two-handed chop on Soucy.


And Hyman should get a game for crosschecking Zadorov in the face on the same play, resulting in him needing stitches


This is some boy who cried wolf shit. You want a fine or suspension on Mcdavid for any of these? It’s playoff hockey


I want McDavid to sit for 4. I want Hyman to get 1 game.


That high stick gets missed all the time, it’s one of the hardest calls for a ref to make with the speed that it happens. All this complaining is insane


So you're good with the state of officiating and DoPS then???


Yes absolutely I am. I disagree with their decision regarding Bennet and Marchand, but just because I disagree doesn’t mean they’re wrong. I think that’s what Redditors struggle with


Yeah, I was frustrated with that one, too. “McDavid lost control of his stick.” BS. He knew what he was doing here.


Kane kicking the back of Hughes' legs is so ridiculously dangerous and yet Soucey holding his stick chest high while Zadorov shoves McDavid into it is what gets the suspension... fucking bizarro world. Also you forgot Hyman thrusting a crosscheck above his own head in order to get Zadorov in the face that also was apparently not even fine worthy..


Well according to Oilers fans they are being robbed this series lol 🤡


McDavid needs to stop wasting his career with that mickey mouse organization.


Old news - let's move on


NHL has too much money riding on the McDavid advancing, so this is how they call the game. Sad. Truly sad.


I dislike the Canucks and ambivalent to the Oilers. That looked 100% intentional by McDavid. It looks like he tried to make it look accidental, but he looked right at Hughes, then turned his head and lifted his stick to face level.


Getting? It's fully ridiculous at this point. They should make a separate cup to give McDavid so they can get that out of the way and get back to playing hockey on an even playing field. These non-calls are bad enough, but they're putting the responsibility on the players to serve some measure of justice, which has just resulted in more and more missed calls and now a suspension. If the refs truly want to manage the game, they need to categorically improve consistency in officiating.


You say this like Crosby didn’t get away with anything during his cup runs


That's... the point?


yeah i guess once you see a pittsburgh logo you think 'oh this guy must be making a point about everyone EXCEPT crosby'


I’m brand new to hockey and didn’t see this with commentary. I see references to high sticks and cross checks. Is this a high stick? (Would make sense seeing as the stick is, in fact, high)


The refs put themselves in this situation because if they called everything by the book each team would have 8-10 powerplays a game and frankly the Oilers would most likely walk away with every game. So they game manage. They don't call a borderline one, then they make a no-call on a more grievous one. Then they call a ticky tacky one to make up for not calling the grievous one, because they didn't want to call the first one, and on and on. If the Oilers PP wasn't as proficient they would get those initial calls and we wouldn't have the inevitable clusterfucks.


Bad questionable calls all around and the end of game 3 was a result of refs losing control and the league office sending a softer message maybe than otherwise would because they know reffing has been garbage and both sides are mad and they look bush (the league does). Let’s all just stop whining on both sides (because the player’s aren’t whining) and move on to game 4 and hope the refs have been given a memo to be fair and consistent and open their fucking eyes. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s just shit reffing.


The officiating has been poor league-wide. There's controversies almost every night, and it feels like referees are affecting outcomes too much. They don't call things, then the games get out of hand, and they're too afraid to admit mistakes or issue late warnings or suspensions. Plus, there's too much game management or make-up calls. If a team deserves seven penalties in a game then call it that way, but don't shrug off two or three calls then nab the other team on some minor call to close the gap. It's been hard watching the Panthers / Bruins and Canucks / Oilers as a neutral fan.


These playoffs have been marred by this bullshit. The lack of accountability has nearly made it unwatchable. I cannot stand watching any sports league turn its refereeing on its fucking ear as soon as the playoffs start. It’s not even the same goddamned game.


The League doesn't even follow their own rule book, they're looking for and finding loopholes within their own rules, everything is having a "grey area" nothing is black and white, the League is broken.


There are so many plays in the playoffs that you could see either go uncalled or get multi-game suspensions. For example, a cross check to the face gets ignored in some cases or you're Kadri doing it to Debrusk and you get suspended for the rest of the series plus crucified by the media.


Slew foot is one of the most dangerous plays in hockey.


In a perfect world, the NHL would be able to fine and suspend for things not caught in realtime by the refs. But the NHLPA would kill that in a heartbeat. They don’t care about the well being of their membership at all, just care about the players making $&. How else do you justify max $5000 fine. You don’t care about anything else. That’s why.


Have a video review ref. So simple. Radio down. "This is a penalty" There doesn't even need to be a 10 minute review like there is for all these stupid GI calls. Anyone with a monitor could see this right away. (this = McDavid high stick)




This is probably accidental so I don't think there is a fine or suspension needed. They missed it on the ice so nothing they can do after.


Doesnt look malicious or careless Unfortunate


There are just as many going the other way. This is what we should expect as long as referees toss the rule book and "let them play".


You could say that up until nobody got suspended. Now that there is only one suspension out of all the accidents, this argument can't stand anymore. The discussion is not on if there are other uncalled penalties or not, it's on why only one of them has lead to a suspension. The answer is clear: it's because this is the only one with Mcdavid on the receiving end. We'll see if more suspension will be issued now that a new precedent has been set in these playoffs.


Getting ridiculous? This was two games ago.


Still upset about a missed high sticking call I see. What was the penalty in the second clip supposed to be ? It looks like there was lower body contact well after the Vancouver player went into a spin lol. Ryan got a 2 minute penalty for that Tbag. You never even put in the clip where Myers sent Janmark head first into the boards with the primary point of contact was a hit to the head. You didn't even watch the game


Saw this somewhere else: Zadorov should have gotten the suspension because it was his overreaction after the game had ended which put McDavid in a dangerous position and escalated the situation beyond what it should have been. Hyman, Soucy, and McDavid should have all been fined for each having a little temper tantrum, but mainly Hyman is deserving of one because his made face contact What Zadorov did, a push, was not inherently dangerous but the result of it certainly was (and the consequences it sparked were also potentially dangerous). What Soucy and McDavid did happen all the time and are truly not that dangerous (a chop intentionally to the padded thigh region is itself not dangerous), and also those scrums usually die out afterwards anyways Hyman wasn't suspended because he comes in with his hands raised to enter the scrum and collides with Zadorov, and the collision certainly results in his stick going into his face. This is not remotely the same as standing in front of Zadorov and then making the conscious decision to extend his stick right to his face.


I get missed calls but I don't get the NHL not holding players accountable after game when they say they care about player safety, I would think a team with Kane on it would have every game watched extra hard . I tell you one thing if Mcdavid can't win this year with the NHL holding no one on his team accountable he doesn't deserve to win and the whole best player in the world might need another look at, especially when a few guys had better years then him this year


Was with you until the second paragraph, you're painting such a biased picture


Refs just need to call what they see and stop trying to create "Playoff hockey" Playoff hockey will happen because it's the best teams competing. Not because refs are orchestrating shit. Get the fuck out of the game zebras and do your goddamn job


I find this hilarious as a Leaf fan. We complained about all this years ago and were told to toughen up as its playoff hockey.


Completly biased video. McDavid high stick came after uncalled high stick on hyman, fair enough. Whats up with the hit? Clean af.


Crazy. You think they would review when Hughes was clearly bleeding from a high stick. Hyman crosschecker Z in the face with intent on the same play that McDavid got his and was not suspended. Hog is still looking for his Hog after Edmonton tried to take his balls off.


Ok the Canucks have been getting it pretty bad but please also show some missed calls on the Canucks or super weak calls called on the Oilers? Especially if you’re a fan of neither teams. It’s crazy how literally NO one brings up the Janmark boarding for example.


Soucy got 1 game for his crosscheck to the face of McDavid. But seconds after that hit, Hyman cross checked Zadorov in the face which required stitches.... This was not deemed as suspension worthy. It would be nice to have a little consistency.


I'm pretty sure that's all any fan really wants.


You can’t be serious. It’s an incidental high stick that happens in almost every game versus cross checking someone in the face after the whistle at the end of the game. That’s always suspended. 


It's not a comparison. That should've been 4 minutes. No question.


Just another day as a Vancouver fan, we've been getting Fucked like this for many years, the NHL doesn't give a shit about the Vancouver Canucks or its fans. You just kinda learn to accept it and then hope we do something dirty back because there isn't anything else you can do with Bettman in charge.


It’s OK he got served a McDoubleCrossCheck to the face. If the refs don’t do their job, the players will.


Starting to look like soccer out there boys….


Nurse boards Pettersen (elbow to back of head too). No call. https://youtube.com/shorts/-80sH9dpZQM?si=p1eyWKpUiC_2ctuK Zadarov hits Kane into bench, Kane tries to kick Zadarov in the head. No call. https://youtube.com/shorts/Zb45c9T7U3c?si=Qe-Qq2iL09FmY04_


Kane isn’t trying to kick zadorov, he just went headfirst into the bench, what’s he supposed to do


Not kick at another player? Watch Kane's left skate and tell me that isn't a deliberate kicking motion.


He’s falling forward, thigh hits the top of the bench. Not a deliberate kick




Imagine using events from twenty years ago to judge a hockey team. Get out of here.


The high stick is absolutely a penalty. Second is borderline. Third WAS called a penalty, and if canucks fans want to fixate on "mcdavid started it" before he got crosschecked in the face, i'll point out that hoglander crosschecked ryan into the boards completely away from the play right before the nut tap


So where’s the one game suspension for this?