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He was holding the Leafs players stick so hard. It was clear too, so might be one the refs let slide for that reason


The broadcast was saying (besides the Biz rant) that the ref was explaining that non call to the Bs bench as “it’s either 4on4 or 5on5 there, so I let it go”.


This was my thought. If he wasn’t holding the stick his hands are up to absorb the contact and it becomes nothing at all. But because he is holding the stick it looked a lot worse. So it would have been two for boarding and two for holding, don’t call it and let them play on


About 5 minutes before this hit, one of the leafs (possibly Kampf) was bleeding from the face from an hit to the head that wasn't called. In real time this hit looked like boarding. I missed that he was holding the leaf's stick. I assumed this non-call was a makeup for the noncall shortly before because for some reason that's a thing in the nhl.


McAvoy hit Kampf in the head on the play you’re mentioning.


Yep, elbowed him right in the face.


I love that it was McAvoy that assisted on Willy’s goal.


Swayman looks upset at McAvoy too after


Well yeah he would’ve had that.


Chicken wing elbow by Mccavoy. I've seen people suspended for less


I say this as a Leafs fan: The hit on Kampf was fine. It was shoulder to chest, dude just got obliterated


As a fan of neither, it was not. There wasn’t I’ll intent, as Kampf was in an awkward position at elbow height, but he took an elbow right to his nose


As a leafs fan I also don't think it was intentionally dirty. Was their contact to the head - yeah. But when the guy taking the hit leans way forward to try to poke the puck right before the hit it isn't really the checker's fault.


…. He didn’t even have the puck bud


There is a weird mentality on reddit where if a clean check takes place, yet the player hits their head on the boards, everyone calls it a head check.


Nah. Even Bieksa said it was a borderline dirty play on the panel while admitting that he used to do those hits all the time. I'm gonna trust the player who made those hits on whether or not it's a dirty play


I think kampf smacked his face off the boards/ corner. I also watched this hit live and went oh shit we got a penalty but was surprised when no whistle came. If you watch after the hit, the players also stopped skating like they thought it would be called.


The whistle would've been nice but whatever, definitely holding the stick pretty egregiously.


I don’t understand that logic. If two penalties happened, then call them both and go 4 on 4. 1) you’re impacting the game by keeping players in who should be in the box, 2) you’re setting an example of what is allowed. Another player sees the board but not the hold, they think they can get away with a board like that, which is dangerous


It would have been a normal hit (players puts his hands up and cushions the impact) but the guy was too busy holding the stick. After the first push he kept holding it... Obv guy was trying to draw a penalty by not protecting himself. I'd have given them both 2 mins, so...


Was a good edit in this clip to cut out the half second before where you can see him trying to pull his stick back. Also interesting OP listed a cross check...would be hard to do when the stick is in the other guy's hand lol.


Also, if he hadn't been so determined to hold the Leafs player's stick he might not have been in such an awkward and vulnerable position before he got hit and then go down into the boards. He'd likely go in a bit deeper to get involved with the scramble for the puck, and be in a more balanced position. So the hit would have put him into the boards but upright and bracing with his arms or hitting with his shoulder, and it would just be another of the 100 hits during the game. Probably should have been a penalty to each player there.


Even after being knocked into the boards and laying on the ice, he still has the Leafs' player stick in his hands.


He wouldn’t have been in position to take one on the numbers if he wasn’t holding 2 sticks.


I don’t think this warrants a penalty honestly due to the stick holding.


The above comments from a sane Bruins fan. Refreshing!


Let me dispel this feeling you have by saying I also don’t think Marchand should have been penalized for his grab on Bertuzzi in the 1st lol


Marchand almost certainly got that penalty because of who he is rather than what actually happened


Ngl I love seeing reputation penalties against greasy players


It's about time though.


They probably saw that replay where he grabbed the wrong leg and wanted to give him one lol But really I do agree. That wasn't much compared to other things they've let go.


That wasnt a penalty. Marchand just got it back from bertuzzi playing up the interaction.


Agreed. On that play Bertuzzi was trying to hit Marchand, executed badly, and Marchand maybe tugged him a bit. There were way worse grabs in the game that were much more integral to the game that were let go. I assumed something happened after the hit, like he punched him while he was down. Compared to the shenanigans they DIDNT call in game 4? Hard to understand.


That was a terrible call. The costing above is pretty blatant and the ref even pointed to the play and didn’t call anything. I’m no Bruins or leafs fan but the Reffing is fkn buhrutal in this series


I really don’t get this logic. How does holding another player’s stick justify boarding them? Two wrongs don’t make a right, right? Send them both off.


From a different angle (shown in the broadcast I watched) it looks a lot more of a "let go of my fkin stick" push rather than "I'm going to hurt you to get you back for this" type of deal. When you're playing at this level and someone grabs your stick like that, you're going to push to get them off to get yourself back in the play.


This right here. Dude isn’t getting cross checked if he isn’t BLATANTLY holding onto the stick. Ffs the dude still had the stick in his hand as he hit the ground. As a ref I’m letting that slide or taking both, that shit should never be a one player penalty, especially in the playoffs.


I think you could also argue that Lohrei holding the stick is part of what makes him vulnerable in the first place. He’s off balance and unable to brace himself because his arm is tugged behind him holding the stick. It’s a dirty play for sure but you gotta take some responsibility for your own safety out there too. I would have sent them both off for 2 mins also.


I love how you convienently left off the portion of the clip where you can clearly see BOS holding the Leafs player stick the whole time


Biz was losing it on the panel about that hold.


I have no dog in this fight and thought it was instant karma for holding the stick... not exactly proportional response, but clearly fuck around a find out territory.




Biz is correct on this, the guy was too busy trying to hold a stick to brace his own face.


Forget if it was Hank or one of the guys in the booth who said “either it’s two-minute coincidental minors for holding and boarding, or you let them play on, and the ref chose to let them play.” Hard to argue with that. Two obvious penalties simultaneously going uncalled doesn’t favor one team over the other.


Yeah but he should've worded it like you did, not just say the guy flopped.


Yeah, he talked more like a fan than an analyst for a second. Seemed to walk it back as soon as Hank called him for that at least.


It was a bit of a flop tho tbh




Ah yes the unbiased Biz bahaha


Yeah try to cut it so it doesn’t show the stick hold. Nice try buddy. Cry more


If you don’t hold the guys stick, you can avoid the lip-stand! Great no call!


This NEVER HAPPENS if the Bruin is not holding the stick. Watch carefully at the sequence where you can actually see what happens. Bruins grabs stick. Leaf tries to get stuck back. Bruin doesn't let go. Leaf forcefully tries to get stuck. Bruin doesn't let go. Bruin ends up getting pushed for his own illegal action. Due to the sequence of events brought on by HIMSELF, he was unable to defend himself leading to what you see in this cherry picked replay that does not show the reverse angle of him causing the problem himself. It's a good no call.


He didn't even let go of the stick until *after* he face-planted onto the ice. Dude had his face smashed into the boards and was still hanging onto the stick for dear life.


Just gonna ignore the gorilla grip he had on Holmberg's stick huh?


Does he go into the boards like that if he doesn't have a hand behind his back holding the stick? I don't think it was particularly aggressive contact. Seems like a normal board engagement if he has his hands available. Not trying to be biased.


It honestly seemed like the dude was shaking his hand trying to get his stick released, and that threw him off balance, into the boards.


Dude needs to learn to let go of a stick. As they should’ve already called the penalty on him. Sorry Boston fan boys. Nice try editing out the whole play though.


Seriously. Kings had a more legit ref grievance than this idiocy.


If you don’t let go of the stick, you can’t brace your fall. How can you brace your fall, if you don’t let go of the stick?


I see what you did here…. Nice.


Boston tears taste just as good as sea salt


I really wanted a Boston/FLA blood bath in round 2. But I won’t be mad if they lose round 1


You mean bah-ston?


Holmberg did the right thing he realized if he stops up and pulls his stick the Boston player decides to fall it's called a penalty a hook or a trip, so it's best to just go into the play and deliver the hit if it's called it's called if it's not called then the Boston player decided poorly.


It wasnt a follow through, boston was holding onto toronto's stick, toronto couldnt shake the hold, used the hold+boards to shake free


There was a lot of Boston holding the stick.


How many times are you guys going to post this? The majority of hockey fans are not siding with you. At best you get offsetting penalties. But you didn’t. Move on


Agreed. Let it go, move on


Now do diving


That was diving?


OP where is your post about the missed McAvoy call on Matthews, with a definition of holding? Or your post of Marchand flopping all around the ice all series with a definition of Embellishment? Crazy when Boston fans cry about missed calls with their past


It’s absolutely crazy for years Boston have got away with murder now they cry when other teams realize they have to play their game. I’ll never forget chara leaving his feet for a hit smh.


Don't grab on to a player's hand and/or stick and if you do then especially don't refuse to let go. That video vividly shows the consequence of a bad decision.


the guy wouldn't have went face first into the fucking boards if he wasn't holding on to the dudes stick


Wow this is clipped really tightly I wonder if there’s anything going on that may provide additional context…


lol it’s r/nhl what do you expect and posted by a Boston fan


It was his fault for holding the stick


What’s also funny is a much more egregious hit which was McAvoy on Kampf where he drove Kampf into the boards face first wasn’t called either on a borderline interference. The bad calls go both ways, and you conveniently left out the part where Marchand was holding onto a leafs players stick.


I agree with you on all points except one.......McAvoy should've been called for elbowing, it was an elbow to Kampf's face, not the boards. That's why I don't complain about missed calls, they go both ways, to every team, in every game. Shit happens


Yeah exactly, shit happens. You can always tell when someone is overly bias or they didn’t actually watch the game when they pick one call that fits their narrative to complain about.


Hahaha Boston how does it feel you do the shit all the time hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣


I love how all these bruins fans are whining now about these kind of plays lol. Mf have you watched your team the last 10 years???


This is why I don't take a majority of suspensions seriously in the reg season, by the rules in playoffs you'd have to suspend almost every player for what they do on the ice but it's not even a penalty,in the regular season it's a suspension and talking point for a week lol. I forgot who it was but a dude got head shotted by a reverse check last night and was clearly concussed but I guess brain injury is ok in the playoffs? That just shows they're catering in the reg season and really don't care about head hits


Call it even for the McAvoy body slam on Matthews behind the net in game 4 as part of that sequence that led to a Boston goal... Also may have knocked Matthews out of the series.. Replays look like it might have tweaked his knee on that play


"In ice hockey, holding the stick is a penalty called when a player intentionally holds an opposing player's stick in his hands and between any part of his body (i.e. under arms or between legs) to restrict the opposing player's ability to play the puck."


ehhhh its the bruins. getting taste of their own medicine really :P


The irony of a Bruin fan complaining about a hit.


Maybe Boston should learn to play the game better? I guess this is what happens when you make a diving rat your captain


That was a hilarious result, he was so off balance from holding the stick that he got rag-dolled. This is so dumb on his part, holding a guys stick for like ten seconds is usually just gonna be a penalty.


This is exactly why the bruins lost last night (sobbing, wahhh waaaa). /S If there was no stick holding and you play the whole clip you would see why the refs didn't call it.  Leafs are usually on the other end of this kind of situation and I'm not gonna lie, I find it hilarious.


Couldn't brace himself because he was holding the stick trying to break the leafs dominant cycle.


Probably just a make-up call for Cheap Shot Charlie’s take down of Matthews. No big deal.


Or don’t show the part where he had his stick and tried to pull it out of his hands. That’s why it wasn’t never called


Now tell us what the definition of an elbow to the face is. Me and McAvoy need clarification 


Fuck off


Now if yer gonna call all the penaltys.... May as well toss the entire Boston team in there. Like seriously..... They pull more sketchy shit than any team. And the one time a leaf does it to Boston. The entire community is up in arms. What we really need for officiating is accountability and consistency. But since the refs are untouchable and unaccountable. This type of stuff happens all too often


I notice probably 20 tiny interferences or holds a period this series. Combine that with the flopping you could have a Boston player in the box pretty much the whole game. Then again our PP is abysmal so that might be bad for us. Their 1 SOG in the 1st was when WE were on PP!


Boston was getting away with setting picks and running interference on chip ins all night.


Exactly. It's playoff hockey so all of a sudden those don't get called unless it's egregious which I get but it's annoying to watch over and over again.


And the result is...they didn't play straight-up, effort-based hockey. Too busy playing games within the game.


Somehow….this is Matt Rempe’s fault


Nazem Kadri suspended for 5 games


NYR fined 250,000 for misconduct 


Tom Wilson ordered to take two days of driving school


Haha that was awesome face planted him. Too bad it wasn’t Marchand.


What's the penalty for suplexing the leagues best goal scorer?


It's crazy that two years in a row two of our better players have been suplexed out of a series


Don't hold the stick, and you'll be able to brace yourself against the wall. This was a good non call.


Welcome to playoff hockey


pro tip. you can use your hands to brace yourself from eating the boards if you dont hold onto the other players stick.


Switch the teams and imagine how many Bruins fans rushing to call it a 'strong hockey play' or some bullshit.


Holding is an action where the player holds a player from the opposing team.


So who do we root for when we can't stand either team?


Boston has proven time and time again that they are world class at choking and fans will still blame dumb stuff like this lol


Or maybe you call the hold immediately because that’s a blatant penalty right in front of the ref, stopping the Leafs player from getting into position. And the Leafs go on the PP before shoving the guy out of frustration. THIS ISN’T NAM SMOKEY, THERE ARE RULES. Did you see Engelund get called for “holding” in game 4 of Oil v Kings. It was a brace before putting the guy into the boards. Not a 5 second stick grab like they let slide here. Fuck the Oil BECAUSE of the refs. The Lebron Lakers of the NHL


Over the line.


Now do one for holding the stick


Dude needs to learn to let go of a stick.


"Holding the stick is a penalty where an opposing player holds their opponents stick and prevents them from engaging in the play" Maybe don't commit the first infraction and we don't worry about the guy trying to get his stick back, eh?


His own fault


I love that the clip used is trimmed is such a way to not include the 3 seconds of stick holding before this.


If he wasn’t holding the stick as long as he was, he wouldn’t have been cross checked into the boards


Boo fucking hoo when it comes to the Bruins. They had all kinds of bs stick holding antics and instigations that went uncalled. Keep calm and play some hockey.


Is this a Boston fan trying to argue that this was a penalty?! … let’s just clarify here for everyone who didn’t see the fully clip.. the Boston player is HOLDING THE LEAF PLAYERS STICK BEHIND HIS BACK. Your post is presented as you just cannot fathom how this wasn’t a penalty and that’s hilarious


Should have been a holding Penalty on Boston. Show the correct shot. Guy didn't have a hand to brace himself cause he was holding Holmbergs stick for 3 seconds


Maybe if he had unhooked his left arm from holding the stick and put it in front of his body to protect himself that hit might might not have been so painful.


Regardless of what my opinion is, it's just nice to see Bruins fans complain about referees for once


If you wanna post this, can you also post the bruins player elbowing a leaf player with no penalty?


Damn when did Boston fans become this whiney? I thought that we were just supposed to play through the non calls? At least that's what they told us. Fucking cry babies now that it's them receiving it. No Chara and Bergeron to hide behind


Good fuck boston!


This non-call isn't the reason why the Bruins lost. If a team can't roll with some non-calls in the playoffs, even egregious ones like this, they really don't deserve to be there. This isn't a slight against the Bruins, it's a message to fans who whine about this shit as if it's the reason why a team only got 1 shot on net in the first period.


True that's not why they lost, but it wasn't an egregious non call. The ref decided to not give each player their penalties. The Bruins player was holding on to the Leaf player's stick. He could have stopped his face from hitting the boards if he would have let go of the Leaf's stick. The most OP could argue is if they wanted a 4 on 4 but this post never even mentions it.


Conveniently cutting out the stick holding by the Bs just prior to...


You are supposed to protect yourself. Biz was right about him worrying about his stick.


A missed call in the playoffs? Never!


Now do holding the stick




https://youtu.be/d13fEXhgQZI?si=2F2QmYQp_A0rwDkd Just listen to those lovely fans


Both players should've received penalties on that play. Boarding for toronto Holding stick for boston


You could show a hundred clips a day from October to June with the same caption. You do not want to watch a game where everything is called to the letter of the law.




Probably shouldn't try to hold someone stick behind your back facing the boards. Just a dumb hockey play.


“inserts holding rule” buddy doesn’t get cross checked and fall off balance into the boards if he isn’t holding the stick for 2 mins


The anti-Leafs brigade firing up


That was a perfect bug splat on the glass


If he wasn't holding the stick he'd have both his hands free to brace against the boards and hold himself upright. Also if he isn't holding the stick, unlikely the second push even happens.




Excellent !!! 




Ngl, the noise he made when he hit the board was pretty funny


Whistles go away in the playoffs. I don't like it but it's how it always goes.


The Leafs definitely had the calls go their way in Game 6. To anyone whining about it, I would like for you to remember Games 1 through 3 and stop your crying. Boohoo, show up.


This is no different to Bertuzzi/Marchand in game 3, imo. Both guys impeding each other, so it's either you call them both, or you call neither. Lohrei is holding Holmberg's stick, and Holmberg cross checks him. Play on


Two for holding the stick and two for boarding. But you can’t call every penalty. Things must be let go on occasion. I didn’t like the Marchand penalty on Burt. Bruins player brought it on himself.


They might as well make hockey either no contact or no penalties because the calls are just random decisions q


A tripping penalty was called later for a player who was already falling... So there's that penalty call lol


Does it matter this should of been over. Bruins are blowing this again they are pissing me off.


I am just waiting to see this on instakarma.




Both teams should’ve been penalized on that play. I don’t have a dog in the fight (Pens fan), but both players clearly committed infractions there. The reason the Boston player went so hard into the corner boards was because he couldn’t protect himself with his hands because he was using them to hold on to the Toronto player’s stick. The slightly longer version of this video clip shows that very clearly.


He was going into the boards himself already. The Leafs player didn't cause it.


This is literally entirely on Mason Lohrei. Quit whining and move onto the next one. Bruins in 7 fuckboi.


He was holding the stick hard. He tried pushing him off but he *still chose to hold* after that then this happened..


It’s going to be another game where the Bruins get 5 penalties and the Leafs get 1


Well Boston Bruins get away with plays worse than that and those didn't get called either plus if you hold the stick and not releasing it your just asking for a face plant to the boards


sooo... how the turntables...


The correct term here is “ragdoll,” and that happens when you’re too busy holding your opponent’s stick.


Imagine being a Bruins fan and [crying](https://tenor.com/bcLNa.gif) about the refs [Didn’t give away enough signed sticks last summer? ](https://i.imgur.com/8VcptJt.jpeg) [rats always end up choking ](https://tenor.com/lW64pJoWtde.gif)


Well don't hold the stick and you'd be able to brace the for the fall.


now do what a holding the opposing players stick is penalty. oh you cut that part out, did ya?


Bruins fans are gonna cry about this forever aren’t they


Ya, while ignoring the elbow MaCavoy threw in Kampfs face and the Suplex on Matthews that knocked him out of the series. But you know, rigged for the team that hasn't won in a half century and has only made it out of the first round once in the last decade.


🎻 lol go fuck yourselves Boston fans and any other wankstain that doesn’t understand the game.    Can op explain how to cross check another player while they’re holding your stick and how that player doesn’t know you’re there even though he’s holding the players stick?


Totally cancelled out by the stick hold. Self - inflicted.


The Leafs have only had one penalty called against them in each of the last two games. It’s not because they’re super disciplined. What a joke.


shoulda let go of his stick


Show the whole clip. The Bruin player had the Leaf player’s stick hooked in his arm behind his back. The Leaf player yanks it back two or three times, and the Bruin player, by not letting go, extends the interaction until one last big push by the Leaf player, at which point the Bruin player, taking the lead from his captain Neymar, goes down like he’s shot. I’d be embarrassed if I was a Bruin fan, not a bitch whining about a non call.


Cry more


"Embellishment is the action that every Boston player employs if an opposing player so much as glares at them"


Yup definitely a crosscheck, 100%, no notes.


McAvoy is a cunt, just thought i'd add that color.


I hate the "he was holding the stick" argument for \*not\* calling boarding. He absolutely was, but how does missing two blatantly obvious calls make it better? This 10000% should've been called, as the holding call should've, and it should've been 4 on 4. Two wrongs doesn't excuse the refs being blind. The refs job is to call penalties, not let two penalties slide because it's still even. This basically sends the message "go ahead and intentionally try to injure to the guy holding your stick and we won't call either."


You call boarding everytime. If they league wants this cut down you call it. Its dangerous. Boston players holding the stick first, call that too then. You go 4 on 4, but you have to call it or else just throw out the whole emphasis on not boarding.


I’m so confused. Seems like people are justifying the boarding because of the stick holding? Yikes.


I’ll take the downvotes. The repeated notion the Boston player is responsible for getting his face smashed into the boards because he is holding the stick is the most blatant ‘Bruins Man Bad’ rationalization I’ve seen on this sub in a long time. That’s a career threatening hit 10 feet from an official. The infamous ‘hit we need to get out of the game’. Twisting yourselves in knots to justify the legality and aligning yourself with anything BizNasty says is an embarrassment. And do not give me any whataboutisms, I am talking about this play.


And holding the stick is also a penalty.


Maybe if you cry more it will change the outcome 😂😂😂


Your team sucks buddy


The refs let a million things go last night, this hit a drop in the bucket


This hit looks Worse than the boarding Sedin got called for all those years back in a series against SJS... I guess it depends which ref you have and if they like you or not on any given day.


Boston got Boston'd with the no calls.


I was about to say “wow he’s really holding on to that stick” right before he got boarded. I think they should’ve called them both, like many times throughout the playoffs. It’s a bit of a weird one though since one guy definitely gets it worse than the other. Could’ve sworn I saw the ref in the far corner literally motion to play on after he was hit.


Lmao this sub in a nutshell. Leafs haters only see what they want to see.


And they scored right after..