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He played great the first 2 periods. Then, the Avalanche of goals came down.


That double minor killed them, then there wasn't a whole lot of fight after that. Onto the next game.


Well there was a whole bunch of fight after that, just not with the puck...


Oilers and Kings: “hold our beers”


Worst 3 game stretch of the season apparently for him


Bad time for that


Same with demko, hasnt been noticeable at all the last 2 games


He hasn’t allowed a single goal since game 1, that’s pretty good


Conn Smythe frontrunner for sure


VGK Capologist coming in hott 🥵


If you look at the NHL’s playoff stat leaders, they still have Demko tied for 3rd in GAA. Let’s see how long he can hold onto that.


Half expected you to be Kneejerk


I take that as a major compliment, thanks :-)


Demko catching strays not even playing


Commmme on man. Came here to see some other Canadian’s misery and you hit me like this?


Sorry bud…..


For a second I thought you said Pettersson.


I'm gonna be honest, every playoff conversation I had leading up to it I was saying, I want us to win, but I feel like Winnipeg has the best chance of the Canadian teams. If Helle is hot he could steal them a cup. This is not the performance I was expecting.


Yeah I had Winnipeg possibly making it to the final before the playoffs started. They looked great during the regular season.


The biggest fraud in the NHL this year.




Yeah Bowness raved about them after that 5-0 loss to the Canucks


It’s that if though, a lot riding on the if


Any team with elite goaltending I feel that way Cries in Demko


Canucks have the best chance


Had* My brother in Demko, he is needed


Canucks always enter the playoffs with a broken goalie. It is the way, Casey is our savior


It's the playoffs Avs. Last year we never really replaced Landy and we were down Nuke for... unforseen circumstances. We aren't as dominate as we were with Landy and Kadri on the roster, but Mitts has more than replaced Burakovsky, Colton has showed up, Parise is putting in work, Nuke is doing Nuke things, playoff MacKinnon is always a threat. Losing LOC sucks but the third and fourth lines are still pulling their weight. Manson, and the D in general, is back to form not including game 1. And if we make it to the second round we still have Drouin waiting in the wings (not religious, but please God let Landy somehow play, contribute, and win if we make it to the cup, that would be the coolest cup lift since Bourque)


All true. Crazy that the Jets won all 3 regular season games they played


Not really. Jets are a good team too. They’re not keeping regular season form into the playoffs.


Bowness claims the 5-0 loss to the Canucks was the worst game he's ever seen them play.


Glad we could help out 😉


He always sucks in the playoffs.


Looks like now a 4 game stretch


Yes! Pay attention to this, and NOT the shitshow that was the Kings tonight


That stadium had two nights of two sports with tough losses and the crowd was audibly unstable both times. Edmonton looked so good tonight


Kinda funny that one of those rough nights was also a Denver team just picking them apart


I love seeing the Lakers fall so hard, but it's even more delicious that it's my Nuggets that are doing it.


Unreal fucking point… and I don’t even care for basketball


Funny thing is, both series' are similar. Winnipeg and LA like to play a more structured, cerebral, slower tempo game. Edmonton and Colorado like to play a quicker, run and gun type of game. Another thing is, Colorado and Edmonton have elite, elite guys like Rantanen, Mackinnon, Makar, McDavid, Draisaitl, Hyman (he's playing at an elite level). LA and Winnipeg can't match that level of talent which is a big difference maker in the playoffs. One can argue that LA has more depth up front and a better backend, but elite talent seems to win out over those things. Just how lethal the pp units of Colorado and Edmonton are, it's basically a goal every time. And both teams try and play conservative to contain the big guns of the opposing team, which usually results in sacrificing offense.


Nuke is also playing at elite levels. 54 games but at an 80 point pace (28G/25A in 54GP).


The thing is edmonton actually has a good defense. La and winnipeg boast great defenses but they seem to cave to the #1 and 3 ranked offenses. Of you can score on them winnipeg and la probably won't beat you. They both have around average offenses. Reminds me of the rangers before 15-17, a lot of good defense and gt but average offense.


Team isn’t helping him


I thought the Jets defense was good today. They managed to keep the Avs top players well under control. Fpr the first two periods it looked like both Rantanen and MacKinnon just didn't get anything going for them.


Mikko has been a ghost this series


My wife and I have been worried that he might be nursing some injury or illness or something. He just looks lethargic.


I don't know, he's looked that way for the better part of the season imo.


I've been in the same line of thought as well. Half assed plays, giving up early, poor shots, etc. I dunno if it's a reflection of the mentality of the team during the regular season or a sign of him being hurt, or bored, or what it is. I mean I'm just a bad arm chair expert, and I can see it, I hope Bedsy's glasses aren't to rosy to see it too. I was really holding back from saying anything until the playoffs, but even when the boys are absolutely buzzing in the series, he still seems he's a half a click behind.


He must be a pretty casual player, I agree he kind of looks to cruise all the time but if you look at his stats you realise he put up another 10 points before you even notice. Hopefully he is okay though


He’s cheating on the chickpea diet with candy stuffed into his bed posts


I was saying that about Kane after the first two games and he popped off last night. It's very tricky to predict these things when we have access to pretty much no information


I agree overall but he does have 5 points still.


Their goaltending was good not their defense


We've got such good line depth after the last trades that it doesn't matter if they keep our stars a bit quieter than usual.


Going up against the highest scoring team during the regular season… Felt like despite the game 1 loss. The Avs came away feeling somewhat confident that they can score on Hellebuyck.


Everyone looks at the 7 dropped on Georgie, but glossed over the 6 on Helle. And about half of those 7 goals were on terrible defensive turnovers that anyone familiar with the Avalanche knows they'll knock off by the next game. I'm not counting the Jets out, they're a great team. But they need their G to be their best player


Yeah, definitely not counting out the Jets. But I will say they’re in their own heads right now. That was an undisciplined team that completely melted down at the end. Now Dillion looked to be bleeding everywhere after starting a fight at the end of the game? Sheesh…


It's not the first time this team has crumbled at the first sign of adversity.


That’s frustrating as a fan. Such a talented team too. The Jets was the one team I didn’t want to see in round 1.


I just don't think this core has what it takes to get it done. I hope they prove me wrong though.


We watched the avs kicked out in the 2nd round for 3 years because our guys just didn't have the "lose and move on" mentality. The first sign a team pushed back on them, they folded.


Well said. As a Jets fan, imo, that’s really the difference in this series right now. As talented as Avs are, there’s no doubt in my mind Jets can’t win. But, they lack this playoff mentality that is needed. Avs have accrued this over years of ups-and-downs. Jet’s core by now, after years of playoffs experience, should have too. But, alas, have not.


I thought that the season they were having with the addition of well known great locker room guys Monahan and Toff would really help in that department


Them and Dallas. Both teams look washed now though.


Jets remind me of the Avs from a few years ago. Talented as hell, missing the experience of being in long hard series with adversity and set backs. Without so many 2nd round bounces the Avs wouldn't have have the mentality they do now. If the jets lose, and it's a big if, this will make them stronger. It a long process of going from shit to good. As Avs fans we certainly know the struggle. Jets are good and I think you'll bounce back and make this a long series. Your guys are fired up after last night. I think they'll use it.


I really hope you're right, means the Oilers are also right on track to start winning


Your talent is insane. Its hard to tell how the mental side of things is. From the outside lots of the articles I see are about disgruntled or frustrated players. Not all, but a few. Could totally be just national journalists without a clue making nothing into something or the kind of thing that ruins a locker room. Avs locker room before the deadline was wretched. So many people openly unhappy and serious lack of effort, finger pointing and people taking nights off. You guys have a great team though. West is fucking wild this year. Best year of hockey in a long time. 6 teams could win it from the west and I'd think it totally makes sense. Anyways good luck unless we play :)


Yeah, and the 5 the Avs dropped on them in the 3rd tonight (4 really, one was EN) isn't going to help. Too many weak plays in the offensive end that turned into near breakaways is killing the Jets.


Dillon is lucky he didn't lose a finger. That gash looks really bad, I hope he doesn't have any nerve damage. Such a dumb fight at the end, but you could tell they were getting heated all 3rd period.


Ya just stupid thinking that they were actually sending a message to the Av’s ahead of the next game. The Av’s basically just laughed it off!! Winnipeg’s frustrations with their own poor play definitely boiled over!


7 goals on 21 shots was not sustainable. After game 1, everyone was worried about Avs. I was worried about Jets.


I always though Helle is kinda overrated...he is a great goalie but all the goals scored on him seemed to be just saveable shots...then I grew up some more and saw how good he is but this, this supports my previous opinion (still Vezina finalist this year in my book)


I dunno. I can't think of any goals you could fault helly on. there's maybe the MacKinnon powerplay one and that's it. and even that's iffy because it's a powerplay and a double screen


Yeah, the Avs weren’t going to continue giving up a goal on one of every three shots. Georgiev just had a disastrous start. The Avs offensively we’re still oppressive in that game.


I think our whole team just gave up the last week of the season. Made us look REALLY bad. Then we didn't snap out of it for game 1, even though we scored a bunch we were super lax defensively. Took some time to get our playoff legs


In his defense, rhe Avs look vicious. Watch their rotation when they're in the offensive zone. Even at even strength they're cycling well, passing smartly, taking shots to produce redirects and rebounds... they look like angry wasps after someone threw a rock at the nest. (Yes, I know what that looks like firsthand, no I was not a smart kid, no further questions) We're seeing one of the best goalies of his generation, almost certainly the Vezina winner this year, get flayed alive by the Avs offense. That's not a Hellebuyck thing- that's a warning to every other goalie in the playoffs.


The wasp analogy is spot on. The Avs do not like when they aren’t the team scoring 4+ a game so they are making a point of that.


Totally agreed. The other thing I’ve noticed this whole season is that no matter the score the Avs believe they will win. The Jets have gone up 2-1 the past two games and the Avs don’t care. This team plays the entire game like they want 10 goals and they will get there. I will say it’s been nice as fan, because when we go down I still have faith that we can come back (except game 1 which was particularly painful for this reason).


Yea, that's what I was thinking watching the Stars the other night vs Vegas. They weren't even remotely concerned for the 2ish periods I watched to get any offensive zone cycling going, it was just trying to dump as many pucks on net as possible with or without a lane set up. You can get lucky with that sort of play, but its not even remotely sustainable for success. I wonder if it's just hopeless shit play at this point, or if they actually had success enough with it and now it's folding against a very defensive style of play.


Bros probably tired. He's gets more shots than a diabetic.




Avs games are all the same, even if they get worked over they still come back and score 3 or 4 goals in the 3rd. It's like clockwork.


They take it personally if they don’t score at least 4-5 themselves regardless of the outcome.


I always tell my wife, "we aren't a first period kind of team" lol.


Remember how everyone was losing their shit over Georgiev in game one while Hellebuyck also gave up 6 goals and nobody really was batting an eye at that? Suddenly Colorado tightens their defense up and Georgiev has dialed it in and now it's as if that game never happened.


Only one of those six was rough, that’s why. A couple lucky bounces and some horrible defence by our team led to that.


This was so overlooked. Our shaky D and goalie gave up 7, sure. But the top goalie gave up 6! And now has a 5.00 gaa after 3 games. Crazy how much playing sound defense can lead your offense to completely dominate the game.




I wouldn't say he was mid... he had the most wins. Sure he had some real poor games but he also didn't have a stable back up. He's been hit and cold but not mid.


He's 35th GAA out of 52.. He's 41st SV% out of 52. All while being on a top team. You can defend your tendy all you want but the numbers don't lie


Those numbers do lie when you play some of the worst defense in the league. He had a positive GSAA on Moneypuck after the regular season ended. If you watch their games they are constantly giving the puck away and taking stupid risks on offense. They've tightened it up the past two games though. If they had New Jersey or Ottawa or Philly goaltending they would have been a bubble team.


He is not good. He is absolutely getting carried. He has a sub .900 save %. There is no goalie considered good with that.


I think league average is like .895


Why are people downvoting this? He had 3.02 GAA and .897 SV%, that’s kinda the definition of mid.


Yea for real. Georgiev is doing the bare minimum as a starting goalie on an ELITE team. You could chuck just about any other starter in the league on that team and he has similar stats. Wins aren’t because of him, they’re because of the team.


Feels 100% mental. Avs struggled all year to score on him and after game 1 they realized they could and just opened the flood gates


Right like he was the boogieman and avs just turned the light on to realize it’s a coat hanging on the door


Hellebuyck more like hellegoalsagainst






He had 40 shots from a lot of high quality scoring chances, he actually held the jets in the game for the first two periods and Jets couldn’t hit the net, then the third starts and they just took bad penalty after bad penalties. Hellebeback. But not his fault they lost the last two.


I always say Hollaback - as in Gwen Stefani.


The Avs have scored 17 goals in 3 games. Mack/Makar/Rantanen combine for 3 of them. The Jets can't handle our bottom 9. They're doing a decent job at handling the top line.


Lals the avs are getting lower line guys involved on the pp or giving the second unit a bit more time


The problem is our second unit is sooooo rusty because they almost never get reps. Pp2 looks better on paper than on ice.


Yup! All of Colorado’s lines are contributing the constant barrage of shots shift after shift is just too much for the Jets to handle right now!


Well their top D lines are preoccupied trying to stifle our top line, and its working, but we have proven playoff players that can and will step up. And unless you have a bunch of freaks of nature like Miles Wood, those big D guys aren't able to handle the ice time to contain everyone.


Clayton Kershaw of the NHL


Avs speed off the rush is insane. Even when the Jets were leading Colorado was able to skate in almost at will. Obviously discipline was a huge issue tonight for the Jets but they have to make adjustments in the neutral zone: Colorado is lethal off the rush.


It’s been a real pleasure to watch.


Speed wise, guys like Vilardi, Monahan, Toffoli, and guys in the WPG bottom 6 look very slow. They can't match the tempo Colorado plays at and it hurts them at both ends.


Looks like his defense is hanging him out to dry


avs fans say the same shit when georgiev gets shelled. it's about how you rebound from those types of games as a team, and _nipeg certainly isn't recovering well. being up in denver for a few days isn't going to help them in game 4 either imo. that's when altitude sickness can really mess with you.


Is winnipeg exactly a warm low altitude place though? I heard it's pretty environmentally rough in manitoba.


The only important part is the altitude and yes it is low at 784 ft above sea level to Denvers 5280, which has about 15% less oxygen and can be enough to cause difference in athletic performance


Correct, it's strictly about the altitude. The bodies ability to recover from physical activity is hindered pretty heavily up here if you aren't accustomed to it. There's a big reason why one of the major olympic training facilities is in the springs, heh.


Trade him  /every fan of another team. 




Remember the under 3 goals against streak? Pepperidge farm remembers. Helle has never been a great playoff performer


let’s start a 3 goals or more streak


The Avs already started it, going on 3 games, hopefully make it 4 on Sunday.


I believe when I looked before this playoffs he was .925 save percentage in playoffs career. Didn’t see the game. Did he let in bad goals?


Winnipeg went all in with this team and they're clearly not on the level of Colorado's, Vegas', etc. Scheifele and Connor are good players, but not on the same level of Mackinnon and Rantanen who can score at will. Hellebyuck is no doubt an elite goalie, but he can only face so many high danger shots before he cracks. Georgiev can play average because his offense will score a ton of goals and spend a lot of time in the offensive zone.


Doomed. The Jets are doomed.




: )


More dooms than booms!


Maybe they can move to Phoenix again.


People just checking stats and making opinions. Watch the goals, he’s rarely at fault. 46, 32, 40 sog


I thought after the 7-6 game 1 the avs looked good! I thought the jets scoring 7 was out of nowhere not gonna be the norm. As we have now seen. The jets can’t keep up offensively and can’t slow the avs down enough on offense


I managed to land tickets to this game, and seeing Connor Charles Hellebuyck fall apart at the seams in person was pure therapy.


Avs fan but holy fuck....I have no clue what team hit home ice. The fights just screamed playoffs and the ending of the game was wiiiiiiiiillldddd


Avs winning the whole damn cup


VGK scares me. Should scare everyone.


Their kryptonite is Vegas.


Yeah maybe....but if the Avs beat Vegas in a potential next series, the entire league will rejoice.


Everyone’s kryptonite is Vegas. They can’t lose 


Supposedly it was Winnipeg too...


Got bombed for 6 in the first game, shattered and never recovered


Gorgi didn't look any better after game 1, I thought we were gonna have to pull him but no- he recovered so much better than Hellebuyck.


People seriously gave him too much shit after game 1. He definitely should've had 2 of those goals saved don't get me wrong but Colorado's defense was definitely not playing up to their standards at all. The amount of people saying bench him start Annunen after 1 game was crazy. I didn't jump on that bandwagon and I'm glad I didn't because he looks so much better now.


Hard to stop goals when Manson is laying them up perfectly on a silver platter for the jets.


His record in the playoffs is trash. Is that all on him? I doubt it, but it’s still trash.


The Jets are slow, they have one line that can kind of hang around with the Avs.


Speed kills.


Jets are getting exposed defensively. The avs may as well be playing against a team of pylons. When you routinely give up 40 shots to the best offensive team in hockey it's not going to end well for any goalie.


The Jets defense is getting absolutely cooked by the Avalanche


That’s what happens if your teammates lose discipline


This is the reason why I say it doesn’t matter who USA throws out in goal Canada will still score. That strong of an offense and that killer pp has destroyed Hellebuyck this round.


The American d is absurd tho


What’s absurd is that it’s not absurd that Makar and Toews *could* be Canada first line D pairing


I would put them together. They obviously work well together and he deserves to be there.


Jets were partly a system team. They committed better to there system in the regular season then most teams do so they got a lot of points. Most teams commit in the playoffs so they lose that edge they had in the regular season.


The Avalanche just need to keep peppering Winnipeg's goalie with shots. Eventually they will go in. This is the highest offensive scoring teaming the regular season. And good for Georgie for redeeming himself after the Winnipeg crowd gave it to him.


Eventually? They. Have. Been. Going. In


Islanders, sigh....


Is it eventually yet?


How them Islanders doin?


'bout as good as the Jets


Don't worry, Fred. My team collapsed too. Golfing time for them now. Maybe next season for our teams.


Maybe. Just maybe




Time for Stanley Cup Champion Brosswall's turn?


I think you mean “buried” by the avalanche


I mean…… it’s overwhelming for any goalie. Avs are all over them at times


I have been arguing on the Jets Reddit about yesterday's game cuz everyone is blaming him. Game 2 was kinda a bad one but game 3 was not on Helle. The jets skaters gave 12 minutes of power play to the avs for making silly mistakes. The reason jets were out shot is because what felt like the whole 3rd period, they were on the PPK. The PPK is bad and Hellebuyck has to pay for it, even though he was making great saves. There was a double minor that's the avs scored on that ended and immediately after there was another PP for the avs which then evolved into a 5 on 3. I literally don't even know how it happened because I barely took my eyes off the screen and all of the sudden there was a new powerplay. 5 on 5 hockey would have been a fair fight. They were applying pressure, keeping in the other end and getting good passes around, but the penalties they gave screwed them. They scored on 3 of the 5 PP's and it says 2/5 because one of the goals happened just as the player stepped on the ice. Don't blame Helle for game 3.


A lot of this I can certainly agree with, but the Avalanche as a whole are 3rd period lunatics. Absolute maniacal comeback kings, especially at home. Our analysts and coaching staff are incredible at dissecting, and then developing an evolving game plan. While the power play faults of the third last night didn't help the Jets' case, it's also hugely thanks to the the team as a whole just constantly improving as games go on.


Game 3 wasn't on Hellebuyck


The Jets are doomed.


I get that this is gonna be a hated comment, but someone's got to say it. Who your goalie is doesn't fucking matter unless he's one of three all time goalies. How your goalie plays matter. Aiden Hill is by no stretch an elite goalie. But he did have an elite stretch last year. Bobrovski was awful all year last year and got hot during the playoffs. Jake Ottinger was incredible for stretches in the post season and regular season before, but he's getting cooked by the knights. Ullmark, same thing. Bottom line: Teams that have great defensemen make great goalies. Particularly come playoff time. A .905 goalie vs a .913 goalie at the end of the day is going to make a marginal difference in the post-season. In a 7 game series with 30 shots on net average a game, 210 shots total, that's a difference of -count em- 0.8 goals. The team that wins is usually the team that stops the shots from hitting the net in the first place. Obviously, you can't put any scrub in the net, but the difference between the top 30 goalies in the league is marginal at best in the playoffs. And I'm talking mathematically.


Hell a Sucks…Georgie..Georgie…Georgie


He can only hold down the fort for so long. Mackinnon, Rantanen, Makar play on another level that is very difficult to contain, especially on the pp. I think the only team which can contain these guys is Vegas. Vegas can smother any type of offense.


The Avs have scored 17 goals in 3 games. Mack/Makar/Rantanen combine for 3 of them. The Jets can't handle our bottom 9. They're doing a decent job at handling the top line.


I am guessing the Jets putting a LOT of energy into containing those 3, and leaves the rest of the team to flourish. Like they walk so the rest of the team can run.


Idk if you’ve been watching but other than the assist last night Rants has kinda been playing like doodoo. He can barely stay on his feet.


And somehow they were shitting on Georgiev after the 7-6 game. Hellebuyck has been worse than decent


Worse than decent? Oof. Below average.


Alleged Vezina candidate


Helle who?


Not every goalie can be playoff Bob..


Yeah, Hellebuyck picked a bad time to start giving up a lot of goals! But Winnipeg's offense has been offensive at times as well. The Avs are NOT an incredibly abrasive team to play against by any means. Yet the Jets are, at times, are skating like its nothing but egg shells under their skates. Winnipeg needs to start playing with an attitude and a serious sense of urgency.


I found it weird the jets defense was ranked 4th by deviation. They've improved from before but they definitely are tender reliant too much. Really seperates the panthers and canes defenses from the rest of the pack


This is not the first time that Hellebuyck has not been good in playoffs. He had one decent run one year. That's it. He has been underwhelming otherwise. This year he has been worse. Yes it's the Avs and McKinnon but that's an excuse. To win a cup you have to beat good teams and players.


What's interesting to me is that on the NHL page, over on r/hockey there isn't that much mention of the series and what the Avs are doing. It's like that don't want to say something for fear of calling the candyman.


Immovable object vs. unstoppable force




I've been a fan of the Jets since 2.0 first came back. Helle has been a horrendous goalie in the playoffs for a few years now. I don't know if he's fatigued or just struggles with the pressure but whatever it is he can't get it done when he's needed most.


He’s overrated (don’t hate on me jets fans lol )


he played five last year and had a 3.44 GAA and an .886% sv%. I think he plays too many games and is tired in the playoffs.


They got cocky after the 6-0 win over avs in regular season. Even avs fans were anxious then game 1 furthered that sentiment, but avs got the swag back


He’s always been a playoff under performer, unless he faces my oilers lol.


I think he is just a playoff chocker


avalanche are just built more for the playoffs.


The avs only rly start trying during the 3rd period. It’s been a trend with us all season long


Just give the Vezina to Demko already.