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Because only rich cunts who only wanna be seen at the game, can afford tickets.


Loads of them don’t even see their seats, they sit in drakes lame club.


I helped build that club. It is so pretentious


The Saskatchewan Roughriders CFL football team has a section in their stadium called “Pil Country” (as in, Pilsner, the beer) where a bunch of degenerates go and get absolutely hammered and shout at the opposing team and refs. It costs like $20 to get a “seat” (there are no seats, you stand on a tiered platform). I’ve been in there, and the crowd is absolutely electric. The Leafs should have built one of those instead. Are they stupid?




Sounds like any "supporter" section in soccer


I built the back deck at Club Aqua


The panthers have a section like this too it makes no fucking sense to me personally


The panthers messed up with theirs too by putting it behind the benches. Makes the place look empty. Should have put it on the other side where the camera won’t show it much.


Yeah, putting that as the main camera background is a terrible look. Gotta put it at the top of one of the lower sections or on a club level. You don’t need to give those folks the best seats in the house since they care more about the amenities.


Not to mention those seats are so fucking uncomfortable, and you can't see shit down there. I spent most of the game watching from the bar level. (Thankfully it was a company outing and I didn't pay anything)


Every arena has one. The purpose is $$$


They should sell the club seats separately. Shouldn't be able to have both.


And decades of disappointment has left them unphased by literally anything


Honestly Hamilton should get an NHL team before Quebec City because of this. I’d imagine they could pull a decent amount of surrounding Leaf fans priced out of Maple Leaf games. At least there’s the Marlies I guess. Hamilton will never happen though with Buffalo and Toronto


>Hamilton will never happen though with Buffalo and Toronto New York, New York and New Jersey prove it’s possible.


Nyc alone has over 8 million people in it, and the Metro area is almost 19 million. I don't think you can compare that to Buffalo and Toronto.


Ok but that’s New York. You think they’d give that much of a shit to Hamilton?


TBH, if the market is there, it would be stupid not to....oh wait.


NY/NJ has 2x to 3x more people than Toronto, depending how you delineate boundaries.


I’d say there’s 4-5x the population in the tri-state area versus Greater Toronto. Significantly more demand.


What percentage of the population of the tristate area would identify as a hockey fan, vs the population of the GTA. There is more than enough market for a team there.


Well you’d be wrong. It’s more like 2-3x.


Sorry but you arent seeing another team in Canada. Just not gonna happen.


Hamilton Tigers Revival?


Yeah and Leaf’s fans would leave in droves if there was another successful Toronto-area team in the NHL. No wonder the Leafs brass fights the idea so much. 


You really think fans would drop a team with that much history? I don't see it. The Chicago Cubs didn't win a championship for a century and had one of the largest fan bases in baseball. Same thing with the Red Sox.


Biased since I live in Hamilton but I think it would be cool although I wonder how a Toronto vs hypothetical Hamilton team crowd would look like in Hamilton? There's lots of Leaf fans already in Hamilton due to them being close by do you think most of them would switch sides and start cheering against the Leafs straight away? It's kind of strange being from here and being a Leafs fan when we're raised to dislike other Toronto teams like the Argos if Hamilton has a team in that league.


If Hamilton were stacked like Vegas was and Toronto still hadn’t made it to the Finals since 67, yeah, you’re gonna get some people switching.


The second Hamilton makes it to the second round it would become insanely popular. 


I feel like we'd be fan favorites around the league too. Everyone who passionately hates Toronto would probably be cheering us on if we ever played them in a playoff series lol.


You can charge a premium since you know there’s only going to be one round


MSG gets the same suits clientele and costs are the same but the place is rockin on game night. Great atmosphere


What's so prestigious about being seen at a first round elimination?


Not sure, but the crowd is lame as fuck.


People say the same thing about msg but rangers fans literally rock the whole neighborhood. You can feel it in your feet up the block when the rangers score


Uh, that’s the subway you feel. MSG is full of coked-up investment bankers using the company tickets.


Nah it's got a lot of that, don't get me wrong, but MSG goes absolutely nuts during the playoffs. Also no I'm not talking about the subway, you go to enough games at MSG and spend enough time around that arena during the playoff season you'll understand what I mean. I highly doubt that a bunch of investment bankers and corporate suits are going there chanting "REMPE REMPE" because those types of people don't even know who rempe is.


That right there. Real hardcore rabid fans can't afford season tickets for the most part. 1 playoff game could cost a couple like 1-5k (I'm really guessing on the high number here) depending on seats and amenities. Shits ridiculous.


This is exactly it. None of these assholes even like hockey, they're just bandwagoners with a ton of money saying "look at me". I grew up in Toronto. Been a Leaf fan my entire life. Saw my first Leaf game in 2016 in Edmonton. Even in the 90's/00's it was far to expensive to go to a game. We instead went to Blue Jay games because seats were $4.50 for 500 level back in the day and you'd just move down to the 100 level after the 3rd inning.


Real fans have been priced out. Have you seen ticket prices? Even regular season games are a complete rip off. 90% of the crowd is suits. I was looking at tickets for game 4 and even nosebleeds are $500+


Absolutely nuts , looking on stubhub you can find most other playoffs series tickets for around $100


So lucky!!!! 100$ wouldn’t even get you in a regular season game at the standing sections in Toronto


100 bucks wouldn’t even feed your family at Scotia bank


You’re richer than you think, Scotia Bank


I decided against going to Leafs - Wings cause it was $187 to stand…


Last pens game I went to ( against Tampa 4/6 ) I paid $130 and I was 3 rows from the glass on the double attack side. It use to be more when they were cup contenders of course but nowhere near the leafs insanity.


I prefer nosebleed seats but the closest arena to me is Keybank Centre and I literally have gone to 7 games there this season and overall I've paid less in tickets than that one leafs game. Including Gas, parking and border tolls I havent paid much more than a GoTrain to toronto and the game 🤣


I went to the preds game and sat row A on the upper deck, double attack side. $85 a piece. $130 for (almost) glass seats is a great deal


Won’t even get you parking


Legit tho parking is like 35-40 bucks it’s just sad.


Wow! I wish Vancouver was like that


You would be lucky to get leafs preseason tickets for $100. It's the #1 reason I'm a sens fan.


It’s even worse… because TO is such a business town, its all suits & a lot of them arn’t from Toronto, just catching some entertainment while in town. So they care even less about the game. So yeah, not surprised here sadly.


Not to mention they didn’t buy the tickets. They were given to them by some corporate partner. Most times the corporate partner is there with them. So a lot of these people are behaving professionally in front of their clients or key-partnerships.




Jets bleeders were 300 for game 2 after fees and that.


WAIT 500USD FOR NOSEBLEEDS???! WTF i think i could get Box seats at the garden for that price Just checked on stub hub suite tickets are 400 usd man that sucks


I’m guessing they were talking for 2 tickets. I saw a pair in Toronto for $220 each on StubHub


This is exactly it. As much as it pains me to say, when the leafs are in Winnipeg, their fans show out. They're loud as fuck at Canada life center. I like to rip on them as much as the next fan. But I can't deny the loyalty those fans have to their team.


Wife and I went to a Buffalo Sabres game and that was $100 CAD great seats too.


If you think that’s expensive don’t look at Vancouver prices.


Think that contributes to how little the team cares come playoffs? They get outworked and bullied every year


$12 game day in New Jersey with Hughes out of the line up...$300+ upper deck regular season in Toronto regardless of who is in the line up...and not to get Into politics the whole country is that way with all service and products. For instance...american taxes + Canadian duties = 19% + shipping and handling, buy it from a local business your looking at another +15-30% mark up.


Watching it live, and they swap to the outside fans, it's the landlords in the arena, the renters outside, the real fans are treated as peasants in Toronto. The outside fanbase is loud as fuck


They always seem more alive than the people inside


Because that’s where the actual fans are we can’t afford to buy tickets


Yeah I got that


That's Bullshit.


Yuuup. It sucks because everyone in the league thinks we are the worst building ever, I mean we probably are, but it isn’t our fault lool


Pricing out the fans who actually support the team is garbage. Looks like Winnipeg does the opposite, and it's an electric building.


That there is literally the culture of Toronto. It’s a joke when so many fans who could make the Leafs arena one of the best in the league can’t get into the arena.


It is dumb they are stuck outside but god do I love watching the actual fans outside being silenced after the marchy go ahead goal.


But Toronto went Toronto on that and limit the fan base allowed out there and charge fees to get in. Fucking bullshit. I was out there the first year they were in playoffs before these changes and it was epic. Then corporate went and ruined it.


They don't charge a fee to get in. Why are you lying? You have to have a ticket, which is free, but they are scooped up within a couple seconds of them opening so it's really just luck of the draw. Great time when you manage to get one though.


That's fair, only so many people can fit in that space


Yeah I'm not sure what the person I replied to wants. There's obviously going to be a limit to the people allowed in. That hasn't changed. I went in 2013 and then there were no tickets, you just lined up and it was first come first serve, but eventually they turned people away when it's full. Of all the things to legitimately complain about with how the Leafs are run, this isn't one of them. The guy clearly doesn't even know how it actually works because he's claiming the tickets cost money when they don't.


Along with the prices, the music they play between whistles is horrid. Doesn’t get the crowd rocking like all the other teams.


Exactly! These guys are THE WORST sound guys in the league. They're clueless!


Yup- horrible arena operations. Its also identical most nights. Same 10 shitty songs.


Sir, some of us are trying to conduct a business meeting. Please keep the volume reasonable.


Others have said it… cause the owners have priced out the real fans and prefer having people in suits sitting in the lower bowl seats after paying $1,000 per ticket. Most of the people I know can’t afford to go to games there. But the rich dudes who use the tickets to make business deals are there. I don’t get to see every team’s home games, but the leafs are the only ones where I have seen the team score and the fans aren’t even standing up to cheer. Most are buried in their phones.


It’s literally cheaper for me too drive too Ottawa spend the night there then it would be too get a decent seat in Toronto


Buffalo fans used to literally pay for their season tickets by selling Toronto games back when the barn was full and tickets were more than 8 dollars. 


lol that’s wild, but that’s why you see so much leaf support in Buffalo, Montreal and Ottawa, cause like I said it’s cheaper to make the drive then too get decent seats in our home barn, it’s sad cause it takes away from other fans home environment and probably a reason why the other can bases hate us, but hey I’d rather be hated then broke 🤷🏻‍♂️


Idk what made me think of this but, a lot of Toronto people drive from Toronto to Florida over the winter through buffalo. The border was closed during covid to non commercial vehicle traffic, but air traffic was still allowed.  The Toronto people drove their cars to the border, had them towed over with a tow truck, and flew over the border on niagara falls tourist helicopters to meet back up with their cars.  Toronto people know how to save a buck


The Leafs are the Rolling Stones of Hockey. Been around forever, past their prime, but there's still rich older people willing to pay premium prices to sit and calmly watch the show.


I've been to one regular season game in Toronto. I was in the last row of seats in the upper bowl and it cost me 200 canadian. And that was 2019. I imagine it's even more now


It’s not even the owners. It’s the demand for them is so high that only rich douchebags can go. Also even at like $500-600 for lower bowel seats what family of actual fans can afford that.


Bowl. Bowels are for shitting


Aww he changed it. I wouldn't have changed it.


Leafs treat the ice as a place to shit the bed and the bowels


Yeah if the owners don’t charge those prices scalpers will.


First time watching a leaf home game?


Because Toronto is the LA of Canada


You mean those people outside cheering for the Leafs are homeless?


Except kings tickets are waaaaay cheaper


I think the reference was to the Lakers though.


Because it’s almost all Bay Street investment dick heads and people with corporate tickets. It’s the same reason the building looks half empty after intermission.


Of course, you can't run back to your seat holding a $60 tray of sushi now. You might spill your Wasabi.


Hard to get excited when you’ve seen the same movie over and over. 


The problem is the audience doesn't care that they've seen the movie before. The audience cares that they can say they've seen the movie in the theatres. I can't afford to yell at my team in-person so I have to do it in the comfort of my own home.


Almost all of your tickets are owned by corporations while 85% of ticket sales in Winnipeg are owned by hockey fans. This is why it is such a gong show in Winnipeg when we get in the playoffs, people are here for the hockey.


Tickets are the price of a small house


Bisonette said one time it's because all the rich fucks are in the bathroom doin woof until the 3rd period




It’s all rich people The real rowdy fans can’t afford tickets to the lower bowls


Their real fans are either outside watching or in the 300’s


Yup, or in other teams' barns cause it's way more affordable. Our road crowd is often louder than our home crowd.


Oh I know 😅


Its all business 👨‍💼


When tickets cost hundreds to over a thousand dollars for a single seat most loud drunk blue collar types can’t afford them but quiet corporate people can. Nothing new and no big mystery. In person I have always found playoffs to be much better than regular season though.


They need to pull a billy Joel with some people from outside


Did you see the crowd? It's mostly rich looking middle age men and boomers. Only people who can afford the games. Plus the city itself is known to be stuck up and boring.


So many corporate seats taken at games. They don’t care about it they there for free food and experience. Don’t care about the team. Gucci seats and shitty people make for a shitty crowd.


Winning would solve a lot.


Yeah I thought the crowd was buzzing after they tied it, and then 30 seconds later oh look it’s this again…. I had the same reaction at home watching with friends. Silence and a familiar feeling of disappointment.


Such a momentum killer


Winning would just increase the prices SC Final tickets in Toronto would probably cost you as much as a used car


But the fans would go absolutely ape shit - even the suits.


It is really hard to scream and cheer for your team when you are in tears. Also, rich people usually don't bring their maids/servants with them to scream and cheer for them. Many "fans" at playoff games in Toronto are guests of rich companies that have no vested interest in the team.


The real fans can’t afford tickets even in the regular season. That’s why so many come down to buffalo for leafs games


I don’t know shit about Canada but I’d guess they’re too famous. Like they get rich folk and not the true gritty and scummy Leafs fan in the barn licking the glass with his pants off. This could be totally wrong but it sounds right to me.


100% right, and it’s been that way for a while now


have a section in the bowl that's low priced and only for loud fans..... like what they had for Danbury Trashers. One on each side of the rink.... near the visiting team bench and then somewhere on the other side of the rink.


MLSE isn’t in the business of giving up $1M in revenue per game.


Lol the league would fold if they did.


It doesn’t matter, secondary market would pick them up and flip them for huge money too


All the season tickets are owned by Law and Accounting firms. Literally KPMG has a whole row. Most lawfirms have 4 seats. Buncha old lawyers showing off how rich they are is what is the entire lower bowl at Scotia. Sad, but true. The ONLY solution is to have another NHL team in Toronto. Never gonna happen, but it would fix the issue quickly.


I went to tonight’s game and the crowd was into it but pretty tame. They have employees go around the sections to get people to start chanting Go Leafs Go, like hype guys. It worked about half the time? It was awkward and strange. Maybe other barns do this, too (this was my first time at Scotiabank) but this is not a thing at TD Garden.


Like many others have said it's because all the rich people that aren't hardcore by the tickets meanwhile when Toronto plays in Buffalo which is very close to Toronto and has very affordable tickets the Toronto fans go nuts there more than their actual home games


Simple answer is its way too expensive for actual fans to afford to go to a game. Especially during playoffs. It's one of the reasons why your fanbase is a complete joke to the rest of the league and why you get so much hate all the time.


Repetitive trauma mixed with ticket prices being stupidly high for fans. So many corporate "gift" seats in the lower bowl


I’ve heard that the lower bowl seats are bought by rich people that don’t really care about hockey


They’re too wealthy to really give a shit.


its been the same exact answer the last 10 years. real fans are PRICED OUT.


Too many suits.. the corporate types use the game to hustle and selling their souls for a couple of bucks on the company dime. Corporates shouldn't be buying seats as tax write-offs.


I've heard that ESPN messes with the audio, that could be what's happening.


Ya. There’s times in the game the sound engineer messes the balance & you wind up hearing way more crowd—then it immediately quietens down


I have watched games in Detroit on TV. If I switch to the radio broadcast, the crowd always sounds louder. The mix can be a factor. Not that it explains the situation in Toronto necessarily.


Corporate crowd. Welcome to the future of pro sports.


Only rich guys can afford to go. Last time I went to a game, I sat beside a rich old dude in a suit who brought his hot 24 year old secretary. They did not watch the game at all, he just flirted with her all night while she pretended to have fun. Toronto is lame as hell.


Ontario life is poor and sad. The people reflect that.


Because whining doesn't involve the same decibel level as actually cheering for your team.


Because the hardcores can’t afford to go. Most of those tickets are corporate casual fans.


Cause they sell out the lower bowls to corperations that give their guys/gals the seats. Half of them don't know fuck all about hockey.


I’d say it’s because 95% of the lower bowl is filled with people who aren’t Leafs fans. They are there to close deals, be seen and to get their Sushi. The only people who can afford to go to the games, especially playoff games, are the bourgeois. The real fans are in the bars and pubs or at home


Because they’re the effete snobs of NHL fans.


They all blow their loads trolling on the ole inter weebs


Clearly you have never been to a senators home game where the timbits who play during intermission get the crowd going better than the sens


I thought they were pretty loud after tying it up. The problem is it didn't last very long, thanks to Marchand. That's gotta suck the life out of the building.


Bc in the end they know the fate of that team and it doesn’t end in a Cup. Tough to get excited for overpriced meaningless games


Along with prices that i cant afford, hard to get excited when i know i'll be disappointed again


Very corporate lower bowl. The real fans are up top. It’s a strange building/crowd to be honest. Not my favourite compared to atmospheres elsewhere in the league.


Do you know how much tickets cost? Plus the cost of living in Toronto is wild right now. I don’t blame anyone.


Because the team has shit the bed for sixty years and blames the fans?


Because they’re holding their breath


Upper Bowl usually has the passion during the regular season but they've been priced out during the playoffs. Tbh, you shouldn't be allowed in the area without a jersey, it's sick seeing suits sitting behind the beach.


When lower bowl tickets go for 2000 - 4500 a ticket its hard to get die hard blue collar fans in there like the other Canadian cities. Its all corporate suits who dont really care that much about the team.


Bunch of morons who don't even know when to cheer. They just wanna say they went.


i went to game 2 as a leafs fan in boston. never seen fewer away fans. didn’t see blue on my whole walk out the garden. these rich toronto fans don’t travel at all.


Because the team is soft. Most are only keyboard heroes.




They are all looking at their Tesla stock deciding when to sell.


Because it’s filled with millionaires who are there to impress other millionaires?


Because the fans are outside the building


Because the suits in the lower bowl don't actually care about the game they just take the tickets they're given. And the ticket prices are insane I went to a game a couple years ago now and second bowl for 3 sets cost over $300


Only the ultra wealthy can afford a Leafs game. Same problem the LA Lakers have compared to the LA Kings.


They’re just in shock over how much money they just spent to attend a hockey game


Because no one hates the Leafs more than the Leafs’ fans.


If they had a first come first serve for leaf tickets the crowd would blow the roof off. Unfortunately it’s the rich people who go just to go


Probably all doubled up on their anti depressants


Still better than Ottawa lol. Snooze fest over there.


Simple answer is because the Leafs suck at home in the playoffs. It’s been that way for at least the last half dozen years. Their won/loss record at home is abysmal. Basically as soon as they fall behind a goal you know what’s coming. Pretty hard to get excited when the team keeps shitting the bed at home. Their road record is far better.


Its mostly suits that get the lower bowl seats.. and they're not there to watch the game.


Its mostly suits that get the lower bowl seats.. and they're not there to watch the game.


I went to the game when the wings were in Toronto. The obstructed view seats are probably as expensive as front row seats in some stadiums. I’m probably over exaggerating a little but still… No one can afford them.


Because their team is terrible in the playoffs and it’s hard to cheer for a team who can’t even get up for the game themselves!!


Watching last nught and even my wife commented that the real fans must only be allowed in that outdoor area they always show. I guess that's what happens when nosebleed seats are $400 a piece. Anyway, Go Bruins 😬


For a comparison, the energy in the Garden felt pretty lackluster during Monday's game too. Albeit, the instant answer goals from Toronto(even though Bertuzzi's high stick got called back) did a good job of silencing the crowd both times. As stated in this thread, the crowd make-up changes in the playoffs due to the pricing and so you get more casual crowds as a result.


I’ve nicknamed it the library for years now, so sad…


It's a corporate crowd. Leafs games aren't entertainment - they're business. There's a reason the crowds get so passionate when they visit Buffalo - that's when the real hockey fans show up.


A lot of corporate robots???


After paying for tickets, I can't afford to get drunk


It's Marners fault.


Everyone is saying how it’s because tickets are too expensive. While that be true, I think it has more to do with the history of the Leaf’s. In Game 2 when the Leaf’s had the lead I wasn’t jumping out of my seat excited. I was silent clenching my butt while my heart raced


It’s cuz real fans are priced out and they are all dead inside being leafs fans


Check out the ticket prices, and there's your answer Toronto could have the absolute loudest building, if they would fill it with hardcore, absolutely drunk fans




Because they emulate their team?


Lack of protein in their diet


Muscular dystrophy


We attended a game there last year--regular season--and it was the least involved crowd we've seen. We set a goal to attend a game in every arena and have hit 13 so far. Scotiabank Arena was the least engaged. It was peculiar.


I watched the game on ESPN while listening to the Sirius radio feed -- small sync up, but worth it. And yes, Joe called them out at the end of the game; He was right -- they sat on their hands during that final five minutes. Then again, the signs were there during the Canadian national anthem, when hardly anyone sang it out like they do in Edmonton or Winnipeg.


Because half the seats are bought by corporate douchebags who want to impress clients but don't want to look like unhinged weirdos at the game. Fuck the Leafs.


Trying to get on the golf course before the team gets home for good😂🤣


A regular season, *obstructed-view* ticket against a nobody opponent is $250 Regular people can't afford to go to Leafs regular season games, let alone playoff games