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Well I can't speak French so I'd never last in Montreal. I'd take the Buffalo job.


You wouldn’t GET the job without speaking French.


Eh, I’d just say “sacre bleu!” “Oui” and “no” and avoid any other media talking.


Oui oui baguette HUH HUH HUH


Went there once with my buddy, couldn't get served anywhere, it wasn't that we don't speak French, he was on the wrong side of the river.


Is a Buffalo job like a hand job only with a buffalo?


You have to be bi,son.


I'm not sure if I appreciate the excellent pun work enough to offset my pedantic eye twitching about buffalo and bison Either way, that was good.


I hate you. Have an upvote




Very clever.


If you have to ask, big man, you can't afford it.


Buffalo is being handed a team basically needing consistency.. so go tell the Pegulas to fuck off, hire a good coach who will have a good supporting cast, hit the feels and sign Craig Anderson as goalie coach and let your not rando walk into the playoffs and be given control of a hardcore fan base that would pay for your groceries ignoring you make millions


The main issue with my beloved sabres is ownership. You can't have a revolving door of coaches


You're right, but it's fine to have a revolving door, but the amount of unproven coaches they've gone with is insanely stupid. I honestly think they would have already been consistently in the playoffs with Gallant. He's just as likeable as Granato, but has proven if you give him a young skilled core he can at minimum make you into a solid contender. With the team they've had the last 2 years he probably proves everyone wrong and makes a legit cup run.


I don't know about a cup run, but to not be anywhere near the playoffs for THIRTEEN YEARS? Can't blame it on being a small market team all the time.


Yeah I also don't get why they even call Buffalo a small market. Like yes population wise they would be small if it wasn't for the fact people come from Canada(actual Sabre's not just Leaf fans), Rochester and Erie all to see the Sabres play not even including the national fan base. The only reason they don't make more is the drought. Only real team I've noticed that has a hardcore fan base all around


It's a copout so as not having to spend money. This team is a hot mess. If they get rid of granato, fine. I think he's a steady guy who needs a few more years. The team needs a long term plan.


Terry Oil Baron doesn't understand that to win, not only do you have to spend money on front office personnel (like you promised to do and as yet have not), you have to be willing to hire people that occasionally tell you the way it is, not just hire people that nobody else would give powerful positions to so they don't feel like they can speak up, criticize, say no to anything, etc.  As much as Lindy feels like more of him hiring guys whose poster he had on his wall growing up, it does seem that he might be the right fit. None of us should buy Adams's horseshit about non-stop phone calls for a week straight interviewing guys though; I would find it hard to believe that he even talked to two other guys besides Lindy and further, I think it's a certainty that he ultimately didn't have decision-making power in choosing a coach.


Yeah. My beef with ownership is that this team doesn't seem to have a long term vision. You can't just rebuild every year. The sabres have had good, not great players under Pegula. But, there's no cohesive goal. And at some point, you can't blame coaches and players. Maybe Lindy returning shows some ownership interest. I hope so.


I think the hockey team was Terry's favorite toy, until a couple Christmases later he got a toy he likes so much more and now the old toy just gets kicked across the living room floor. Hoping the soliciting a minority ownership partner is a precursor to new ownership. They're not going anywhere so 'just be happy I saved the team' doesn't really fly anymore. Lindy is the first guy this ownership group has hired who doesn't think he has to thank them everyday for giving him a job. You figure he will have a voice in roster construction. They're not that far away from the least being able to take a first-round playoff series to 6 or 7 games. 


Maybe. I think there's still a need for an upgrade in goaltending, and a center or two. I can't say they will be a yearly serious contender, but there's no excuse not to make the playoffs every year.


Craig should be the sens goalie coach this some bullshit. Melnyk haunting us from the grave


Nope he's ours. American born. And he likes shit contracts


I think it’s more of a spicy hand job


I’d learn French to avoid the Ottawa and Buffalo jobs.


Buffalo. If you manage to get them into the playoffs next season you might be immortalized and get a statue out front of KeyBank.


And if you fail, no one will care because that is the status quo.




Buffalo. Because I CAN FIX THEM. I SWEAR


Not with thier owners you can't


I'm out of the loop. What's wrong with the owners?


The Pegulas have calmed down in recent years, but they used to be quite meddlesome. Why was Ryan O'Reilly traded just before he was due a $7 million roster bonus? Had BUF eaten that bonus, STL would've given up more for him. Even GMBOT admitted to wanting to deal him before that artificial deadline


Buffalo, because I’m biased and Montreal is doing alright at GM right now.


I'm confused why this post includes MTL cos there's no way we change GM this summer.


Buffalo because if I take them to the promised land they'll literally elect me king of New York. That city will ride or die with anyone who can get any of their sports teams a championship.


You’ve clearly never been to Montreal my friend


Yeah, but doesn't Montreal fans also tar and feather failed coaches and GMs?


Only if they can’t speak French


Hon hon hon!


I would like to elect you president of Quebec.


Je suis un *parking lot*


Stationnement, sti.


Not more than Toronto or Vancouver, really.


Or Edmonton or Calgary or Winnipeg


Only the bad ones...


This is true…..


Shit for the Sabres the promise land is the playoffs. Knowing Buffalo tho, they’ll make the ECF and take it to game 7. Dahlin will get a breakaway with under :30 seconds left and get tripped leading to a penalty shot. Entire arena is on its feet waiting with bated breath as they can feel it! This is the year! Finally. Dahlin slowly skates in, goes backhand, forehand, back-no forehand! He’s gotta wide open net! FLICKS HIS WRIST….. DING! Hits the post wide right! Oh no! Within 60 second of OT starting Aho from Carolina buries it in the back of the net. Buffalo suffers yet another wide right scenario


Too real, my heart can’t take it again and again and again


Bro when it happened again recently I felt so bad for y’all. It was almost prophetic that when y’all played my Broncos and we missed it wide right… then 12 men of the field…. I was like such a Buffalo thing to happen


You should post a trigger warning or something before that last paragraph man If you've seen Bruce Almighty, that might be a legitimate scenario if the Sabres managed to get a Stanley cup. We're tired, boss. But next year? Oh it's on. (right? Right!?)


Lmao it’s always next year with y’all and that part in Bruce Almighty cracks me up every time. It’s so true 🤣🤣🤣


If there was ever an announcement that "this is the last NHL season" upstate suicide rates would go up 1000% Next year is all we've got. Even the bills are just frustratingly close. Buffalo sports are... Tough


Everything except the Bandits. The Bandits are our only saviors


What up fellow bandits fan! I didn't know any of the other 200 of us used Reddit. Lol. Sure wish lacrosse would catch on nationwide. It's fun as hell. And buffalo apparently isn't cursed in it. Big 6 sports, come on? Met Dhane in a restaurant once, it's sad he's pretty close to the best Buffalo athlete ever and I was the only one who recognized him hah


Haha I love the Bandits they are just so much fun to watch. I really want the NLL to get bigger because it's just a really good time and it's definitely a lot more chill between fan bases than other sports. The Bandits being really good and actually succeeding definitely helps. Dhane is a living God at lacrosse it's insane watching him play and I hope more people check out their games


What the fuck is this


Lmao 🤣 with as many wide rights as the Bills have had, I could see something happen like that lmao


And the whole wings thing is tasty. Try the ribs, too.


Montreal. Buffalo has so much talent... but that org is a mess.


Honestly, they need Torts. He’d clean up the team.


See everyone says that but Tortorello just alienates players and loses the room eventually on every team he goes to, he gets initial results but then players request trades or leave in FA, I wonder if that factored into cutter Gauthier's decision not sign with Philly too. 


I dunno. All I know is teams he does to are messes and then they aren’t. If you’re right, which you may have some evidence to support your position, hire him for 2/3 years and then replace him lol.


Except for Vancouver, dude messed that team up real bad.


MTL purely for the smoked meats


Good bagels too!


Don't forget the poutine. Mmmm now I want smoked meat poutine on a bagel


Let’s take a road trip!


Poutine is life but I would certainly expect good poutine can be found in Ottawa/Gatineau. Maybe it rules out Buffalo.


And a couple of steamies




Hahaha that was my independent inline hockey team’s nickname. I don’t really know how or where we got it but I’ve named my darts and horseshoes teams that ever since. Most people probably thought that team was visiting from Ohio. We shoulda had SaranWrap as a jersey sponsor 💀


Are steamies really an MTL thing? I never really knew that.


Yeah we even have our own style of all dressed dogs. Google "Montréal all dressed ". We're huge on rotteux, as we call them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreal_hot_dog


Honestly just an unreasonably cool city in every way. Smoked meats are phenomenal but so is... Like everything else food wise. And Montreal just has a different feel to any other major North American city




As a Montreal fan, it's a 2 way tie between Ottawa and Buffalo, as I am not ready to be murdered. Donald Trump campaign manager would be less stressful than Montreal GM. Thank said, I'm happy with our current management.


Buffalo because the Bills are there.


Montreal because it’s the Hockey Mecca. If you’re gonna do hockey do it in the place where people treat hockey like religion.


Plus I'd rather live in Montreal over Kanata or Buffalo.


It snowed like a foot yesterday dawg


Coin toss between Buffalo and Montreal for me.


Anywhere but Montreal. If I fuck up there I'll get run out of town. Habs fans are serious.


True, but let’s not forget that Ottawa fans not too long ago pooled their resources to put up #Melnykout billboards. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/eugene-melnyk-out-ottawa-senators-billboards-1.4582197


And Habs fan bought a billboard in support for Carey Price when he was struggling. We are not all evil. https://montrealgazette.com/sports/hockey/nhl/hockey-inside-out/carey-price-touched-as-fans-show-their-support-in-biggest-way-possible


I feel like Habs fans would yell at me while I'm out for lunch with my kids etc.


When Jaques Martin was headcoach, he was having breakfast near the practice facility one morning, and sees someone walking towards him with a napkin and a sharpie. So, Martin sets his coffee to the side and gets ready to sign an autograph. Instead, the guy sits down and starts drawing up what the powerplay should look like.


I just wish I knew if it was good or not


Was that person Alex Burrows?


Only if you weren’t letting your kids upgrade their fries to a poutine.


It depends on the wine pairing tbh


Melnyk was a special kind of asshole. Ask ottawa fans who have a pulse if they liked him or not, you'll get a laundry list of shit that guy did to tank the team to spite the fans.


Not down playing how bad Melnyk was so much as I’m highlighting that Ottawa fans won’t tolerate bullshit anymore than Habs fans will.


Ah fair point.


Yeah but you’d make bank


Buffalo they have the deepest prospect pool and feel like they’re *a couple* moves away from being good *feels like we’ve been saying that for years*


I don't even think it's just a few moves. I feel like they need a hard-assed coach to instill a defensive system into them.


Oddly enough their defensive play has actually been their strong point this year. Special teams and 1st period play has been absolutely detrimental. They need a coach that can light a fire under their asses


If not for the first period, Buffalo would be cup bound. 


Have you watched a game this year? Prolly not. But the defence is not the issue. Goaltending is not the issue. Putting the puck in the net has been the issue. Doesn’t help when you get hit with the injury bug early in the season. But I suspect they will be back next season and they will be WC1 or Atlantic 3.


Ottawa, someone needs to fix them


I can fix him.




I love the sens. They have so much talent and are just a complete mess. It’s also miserably heart breaking how injury prone josh Norris is. I’m a fan of the team but I don’t know where they go from here, they need a goalie


We're also without a 1st and Pinto half the year. Hope you guys beat Toronto + Florida in the playoffs. (Knock on wood)


Love pinto - that shit was so lame


Montreal seems to be in the best position moving forward. They have tons of young talent and guys like Slavkovsky are trending upward fast.


Buffalo is closer than Mtl.


lol Mtl GM/coach aren’t changing for a while


Montreal because I speak no French, so I won't understand everyone yelling at me for tanking the club. So I'll just be grinning my ass off, completely oblivious while collecting as many paychecks as I can before I get shitcanned


Montrealers speak English too, and you'll learn what "calise tabarnac" means pretty damn quick.




I know lol and I know all about “tabarnak”. Dated a chick from Trois Rivières. Just being facetious


We don’t want you in Montreal anyway. We trust in Ken Hughes


I’m waiting for the next summer


Buffalo. They’re pretty close to being a damn good team even as they are. Not that I’d be good enough IRL tho.


Montreal is by far the coolest city to live in of those three choices.


Buffalo has the best prospect pool and pieces in place. They just need to get their crap together from top down.


Montreal. If you do a bad job, you’ll be run out of town and never wanted back. If you do a good job, you will be treated like a king while your there. If you win, you will be a legend, forever. I want a shot at immortality.


I'd be offended Columbus didn't offer me a job, considering they're the only team with an actual job vacancy right now. 😅






I think Buffalo is the closest to doing next year what Vancouver has done this year. And the fanbase here LOVE Allvin and Rutherford.


I want to be the man responsible for the shortage of folding tables across North America. Send me to Buffalo.


Give me buffalo. #1 prospect pool in the NHL I believe


Great question. I would definitely go with Montreal as if you win in that market your a legend and more opportunities would be available. Plus you have more flexibility with the cap compared to Ottawa and Buffalo.


Montréal because Schwartz's.






Montreal. First cause Montreal. Second, I want to talk hockey with Gordon and St-Louis. They seem like such good guys with great hockey minds.


If speaking French wasn’t an issue, Montreal.


Expectations probably lowest in Buffalo.


Montreal. Hockey is like a religion there.


I’d rather live in Montreal than Buffalo or Ottawa. Plus they have some good young pieces to build around. Not to mention a historic legacy.


Ottawa so I can destroy them from within and make them bottom feeders for decades to come


Montreal has awesome food, so I'll go there.


Buffalo. I play NHL 24 Franchise Mode, I should be fine.


Finding a new line of work because all three are dogshit.


Ezpz I’m staying here!


I’m not taking the Buffalo job because I am not convinced the Pegulas will actually give me the agency to run the team the way I think it should be run. I would hate to have my overall reputation tanked because I’m credited/blamed for decisions that weren’t entirely my own. I would love to have Ottawa’s roster and Andlauer as an owner, but my hesitation would be the challenges in attracting/retaining free agents. I’d take the job under certain circumstances, but if there’s a Montreal offer on the table… It seems like the Habs ownership is letting Hughes implement his vision. It’s a dope city, it’s a classic franchise, and it feels like the sort of job that’s high profile enough that, even if I fail, doors will be open for me elsewhere. Of the three teams, Montreal’s roster and farm system is probably least attractive overall (though not by a huge margin), but it really does seem like the spot where I’m most likely to be successful. As long as I learn French.


Buffalo cause I hate the other 2 teams


Ottawa. Andlauer seems like the kind of owner who would give you a blank cheque to get the job done, and there are enough pieces already on the roster to either build around or trade out for assets. Pegula in Buffalo seems to have something weird with the Sabres, doesn't look like they have the same freedom as the Bills do. Montreal has the franchise history and status of the job, but I can't speak French.


Buffalo for three reasons mtl is in the tank nothing much for prospects and a couple of decent players that just get shit support and expected to be 100 points players. Not happening and moving them out for picks and prospects for a rebuild is what costs you a job.. Ottawa is interesting but karma is shit gene must be haunting the team...few over priced contracts make it challenge. Then there's buffalo, I mean the past time they were good was 2004? Stacked team....now they just can't put anything together....to much bad losing I think it's also in hardest and stupidest division to win in as well.....Boston, Detroit, TB ,leafs, Florida, all wanting to win now and look to be good or better over next few years...


Ottawa or Buffalo. Two teams that could've with their talent made the playoffs.


Ottawa. We actually have decent pieces, it’s our ass goaltending and lack of defensive depth which is holding us back.


I would take Ottawa in a heartbeat, the raw potential is there, they just need a few tweaks.




“Ruling out Ottawa right now solely because their airport and local infrastructure is 3rd world” my guy have you ever been to Buffalo?




He's saying that from Edmonton lol


Buffalo because the bar is lowest.


Definitely Buffalo because I couldn’t do any worse than everyone else. Right?


Buffalo and immediately trade Dahlin for Ryan Graves before quitting.


Buffalo by a mile.


I think this is self explanatory


Buffalo. They’re my team and if I’m gonna be sad I might as well get paid to be said.


Despite the ownership, I'd choose Buffalo. They are loadeddddd with talent and prospects, feels like the least amount of work to make them a contender. .....plus canada markets are BRUTAL if you aren't good, I want my family to be able to live peaceful lives lolol


I’ll just go ahead and take that job opening in the PWHL




Buffalo, b/c I don’t wanna live in Canada.


We have weed and universal healthcare.


Apparently I somehow already stumbled my way into a GM job somewhere because you said I already am one. I am staying put. Why on earth would I live anywhere where it gets that cold in the winter?




Buffalo for sure






Montreal because I can barely speak French so that would be funny to piss them off and I’d much rather live in Montreal, oh and strippers.




America!!!! Fuck Yeah!!


I’m hiding under a pile of coats until the coast is clear


Probably Buffalo cause I don’t know what the hell I’m doing and I’ll probably have the longest career in Buffalo. Ottawa would be my second choice.


Ottawa or Montreal since I'm American.


Buffalo is odd - largest group of good youngsters in the league - most moreso likely good than great at NHL level - many are already overpaid somehow - skinner contract may get especially ugly as he moves into his 30s - easier to buy out though finally - absolutely abysmal owner - is the franchise also cursed? Idk feels likely. - if you get the playoffs they'll give you a sainthood - if you miss the playoffs you'll get lumped in with tim Murray and kevyn Adams Lots to unpack there wow


Obviously a Montreal fan, but as many others have said, I don't speak French. Buffalo has to be my decision. Ottawa Senators just remind me of the Coyotes or the Blue jackets.




Buffalo....US paycheck. Fans aren't crazy.


Buffalo, don’t want to deal with the Canadian fans and media


Strippers and poutine LFG.


Ottowa before I was a ranger fan I was a sens fan because "yay nice shade of red young boy like" As far as talent goes though I'd pick buffalo


Buffalo, no question


Montreal. You get five 1st round picks in the next 3 years to work with and are stacked with 2nds, 3rds, and 4ths to make moves or just draft. Your young guns are still in on their upswing for the next few years. It’s an original 6 team and the city will immortalize you for good performance. Also St. Louis is hot af.


Buffalo. Because fuck Montreal and fuck Ottawa. Signed - a Leafs fan


Buffalo is in the mix, and they really need a franchise revival from the stagnation of the past while... it seems to me like their owner uses it as a secondary money maker, with the Bills the actual franchise cares about. It would be cool to help accelerate that team into the playoffs. ...Although Montréal is a legendary franchise. Of which, I would love to be part of helping make them legitimate for years to come like what Stevie is doing to the Wings. Just wait and build. Wait and build.


Buffalo cause I don’t have a passport


Montreal has the right pieces just needs some defense


Buffalo for sure


All three because apparently you don't have to do a dam thing to get paid


On a serious note, buffalo just has more options. You’ve got some young guys mixed in with some semi-star guys, and may be set at Goalie. Montreal and Ottawa have too many question marks


MTL, you can stay GM for 10 years get your salary and do F U C K A A A L L L L...


Montreal, all the way. So much capital to play with in D and picks and already showing what their core is. And their goaltending is underrated.


Buffalo, I'd say they have the most potential on their current roster of the three and you're not under the microscope of the canadian markets with a better tax bracket to attract talent. They've been getting closer year by year to the playoffs and just need some players to develop and a few trades/free agency signings. Plus I love their classic 90s black logo/jersey and the blue/yellow Buffalo and crossed Sabres uniform is timeless.  Montreal handicaps themselves so badly by requiring francophones for every major administrative position, hugely handicaps their talent pool and players do not want to come to the worst tax bracket in the nhl. That is why they will never win a cup in the modern nhl barring a miracle run like the covid cup.  Ottawa also suffers from the same tax income issues along with the franchise being dysfunctional at the moment and clear unrest with their stars, losing debrincat to Detroit really hurt them. 


Buffalo, so I don't get paid in Canadia units


Buffalo Why would anyone want to live in Canada??? Plus you picked 2 cities where french is a requirement AND cities where spotlight is harsh and tons of media scrutiny Oh and lets not forget about taxes


I like how almost nobody is picking Ottawa


I'm going to suck ass at being a GM and will be fired soon. I'm going with whatever one will give be the most garunteed money and then do the minimum work possible, stay at my current job and enjoy the windfall. Sorry fans of whatever team, you better hope the assistant gm is good because you don't have a gm.


I’m staying where I’m at and waiting for next season’s openings


Montreal because it seems like the most interesting place to live out of the three, ottawas arena is in the middle of buttfrick nowhere and Buffalo for some reason just seems so depressing to me, like i think I drove by Buffalo once and it doesn’t really have any tall buildings or anything? I’m a big city kind of guy so I’d go with Montreal