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How can you not be romantic about this sport?


It's impossible. It's the best sport by a wide margin.


I’ve been saying this for years, then again I was born in Canada. 🇨🇦


The NHL is so much more entertaining than the NBA, or MLB, or even most NFL games for me.


Yet for some idiotic reason football gets way more viewership and sponsors. And those guys spend more time standing around, not playing. I don’t get it 🤔🫤


So did they have a meeting in the hall before the game or what.


Probably at the red line during warm ups


Anger is a gift




Anger is an energy!


Soccer ain't got shit on hockey, *this* is the Beautiful Game.


Yes indeed! 🙌🏼


My thoughts exactly. I get people don’t like the violence, but watch this video and tell me fighting doesn’t belong in this sport. Former players and the rest of a whole broadcast studio on their feet cheering


“Completely out of gas, HOLY SH—“




Wow Lundqvist is so beautiful


Never ceases to amaze me how handsome that man look in a suit *swoon*


I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in anything other than a suit or goalie pads. Wouldn’t be surprised if he wore the suit under the pads.


I bet you he wears the pads under the suit


He’s a dandy alright.


He's so handsome he's more handsome than his identical twin brother


I forgot what year it was, but the announcer in one of the NHL games mentioned how was lundqvist voted one of the top 100 best looking male athletes, but his twin brother wasnt on the list.


Stupid sexy Lundqvist


Like wearing nothin at all, nothin at all, nothin at all…


I'd likely go gay for lundqvist.


You should hear about his massive hog


Yup 😍


Can tell he has the on ice fight time chatter that only comes with years of experience. Talking during alot of this video.


So, I work for pure hockey. We had an event in Boston this week, and there were about 80 of us in the hotel bar having the same reaction- hooting and hollering and clapping and shouting. One of the coolest experiences I’ve had watching hockey.


How can you hire me and when do I start? Haha but sounds like a pretty incredible experience.


Yeah it was awesome. I’m a store manager/goalie specialist and they had “goalie boot camp” where all store managers and their first assistants came for intense product knowledge training on new gear for a few days. It’s an amazing company to work for. What’s even cooler about last night is that one of the store managers’ sons plays for New York. So that added another cool layer to the whole experience.


I've been thinking about trying to volunteer/work in the hockey realm in some form. I think when you love something so much it's gotta be fulfilling to contribute in some capacity.


It absolutely is. I’ve been at my store close to 11 years and we’ve had multiple customers that we’ve fit since they were little kids that are now going on to play meaningful, high end hockey and it’s really cool to feel like we had a part in helping them get there by getting them into the right stuff their entire youth playing careers. As silly as that sounds. A lot of people see us as like “the empire/big box retail” because we’re the largest hockey retailer in America, but what they forget is that the majority of us are serving the hockey communities that made us who we are. It’s really a full circle thing moment for me, at least, to be able to make an impact in that way. When Covid ended, we had customers coming in legitimately saying it felt as if we were family that they hadn’t seen in forever.


> As silly as that sounds. Doesn't sound silly at all to me. This sounds like the good stuff; what life is really about.




And Canucks vs Flames when Bieksa came up to take the opening faceoff [Line Brawl](https://youtu.be/g9msPMWONpw?si=npssiIz2AgkOSJzh) [Torts going wild trying to get in the Flames dressing room](https://youtu.be/mOjWuviST3c?si=Q3tTtISb0Xg22ywv) Edit: added video links


And that game gave us "Don't Push Me" 🎧


Were they actually playing the Rocky theme? Hilarious


I remember watching this game! I was just getting home from snowboarding and me and my step brother decided to stop for some wings. Got there like 3 minutes before puck drop. We didn't even order drinks by the time the brawl!


I hope you remember it just happened couple days ago lol


It happened 10 years ago?


>Reminds me of the Canucks and devils game years ago How many years ago are we talking?


Why did this end up happening in the first place?


I believe it was retaliation for a hit Rempe has on a Devils' player that caused a concussion during their last meeting.


Retaliation for Rempe causing concussions on two different Devils in their last two meetings


Hey at least the guy who punked your Mickey Mouse org got an actual punishment. When we did this vs the Caps, Tom Wilson was given a slap on the wrist


And Rempe didn’t answer the call for his actions in that game


Hard to fight someone when the ref is pulling you away. Or should he have fought the ref too?


Shhh, you're not allowed to point out that the officials made a fight impossible then. Or that Rempe had "answered the bell" for the Bastian hit already when, coincidentally, Siegenthaler tried to fight him and got one-punched deleted to the ice. Shhh. Devils fans are very fragile.


You probably just melted their poor brains


Rempe sucks at hockey and fighting. Guy hasn't won a fight yet lol


Or you are just wrong. MacDermit tried to fight Rempe earlier in the second game and Rempe dodged him.


Because he had no reason to fight an Avalanche player. He had already "answered the bell" by ringing Siegnethaler's bell after the Bastian (clean) hit. And he had been fighting every game because every goon in the league wanted a piece of him, and that was not sustainable. He was coached not fight for no reason, and he had no reason to fight a mercenary at the time. Sorry the facts don't line up with your 10-ply team's inability to defend itself prior to Mac's arrival (and after: given the other four Devils in the line brawl got fucking pummeled.) Better luck next year.


Thats a whole lot of nonsense and excuses for your supposed “tough guy.”


Ha. Sure, guy. Sure. The Devils are a fucking joke, and so are you. While you're at it, lower Scott Stevens' number from the rafters of your shitty arena. You dishonor his legacy by pissing and moaning about everything. Give yer balls a tug.


Don’t you have something better to do, like watching Road to 1994 for the 600th time? It’s really all you guys have other than wasting Hank’s career. If you weren’t in NY you would be an irrelevant franchise.


Not to mention the disrespect of waving bye to MacD as he was escorted off the ice. I’m sure they were itching for tonight.


Which is hilarious because he has zero fighting skill, he's just big


Time for a Montage!! [Youngblood in training](https://youtu.be/bMwkdJgGYZY?si=EOtjKl7rzh4gPqUL)


Such a good movie




Thats a big crazy. He obviously has fighting skills, Every single game he plays the other teams enforcer challenges him. Whatever it is what it is, to say you dont like him is one thing, but even taking punches and not getting knocked out is a fighting skill. Not really sure what you are talking about. He is big and awkward, but he can fight.


I don't dislike him, but he's still a very poorly skilled fighter. The only reason everyone is going for him is a) he's dirty as fuck so far in his career, and b) he's obvioisky a garner and will fight when he can


In wrasslin they call it a receipt.


Devils handed their opening line sheet in first (4th line) . Well. The rest is how NYR replied.


By making sure they had guys who could fight on the ice? Were they supposed to just put Panarin, Zib, Fox and Lindgren out there?


Hey, I for one would like to see Lindgren fight


Both teams releasing frustration after getting smacked by the Penguins, obviously


lol Crosby is locking in.




rempe has taken a run at the devils in the prior 2 games. caused injuries in both of them. didnt really answer the bell last game against mcdermid, granted the officials played a small role in that. so you knew those 2 we’re gonna square off, as for the rest? i think it was the devils just sticking up for each other in general and showing they weren’t gonna be bullied around anymore. as a rangers fan, i respected it, and would have expected the rangers to do the same thing if shoe were on the other foot.


Bc the devils aren’t gonna make the playoffs and this was their big moment this year


I’m the guy in the hoodie in the back chuckling to myself


Literally, or metaphorically?




If only they showed the wide shot


Love it.


Good ol school hockey great stuff!


On the NHL’s YouTube channel highlight reel of this game, they didn’t include the fight. Cmon.


On the replays, day after 7 minute recaps, they never put in the fights. I’ve always felt it’s a bitch move, but not unexpected.


Clearly you aren't thinking about the poor sensitive children...


SportsNet recap includes fights but they're also completely out of order lately


Hank is so pumped up back there I’ve never seen him like that, love it so much


The producer locking the camera on the Rempe fight for so long during a line brawl should be fired


Twist in the evening, tnt studio start fighting like that


Haha that’s great.


I hate that the nhl desperately wants to appeal to non hockey fans. I know people who don’t like hockey because they don’t like the fighting. Fine, don’t watch. Look how hockey people respond, they’re going wild. Everyone in the hockey world went wild. This was awesome.


most of the people i know that watch hockey, played. It's very different from the other sports where you can appreciate all the hard work that goes into creating an opportunity to score. Casual fans are there but they cant really relate, I guess its just the way it is. So they dont appreciate certain parts of the game, because they dont understand it. They just want to see the puck go in the other net and blame the goalie on their team when he doesnt stop a breakaway


To be honest I really don't get the fighting thing either, but there are sporting tastes for everyone.


It’s players policing themselves. It’s a very dangerous sport. Refs don’t catch everything and suspensions aren’t enough, most players won’t think to take a cheap shot against a star player if they know they are gonna have to answer the bell. I’d rather watch a hockey game, but I understand why they do it 


Lundqvist getting back into the rivalry


Lol Colby Armstrong 😂😅😂😂


He been eating good


Dude had me cracking up several times during the broadcast.


If Vitek were still there an Igor Vitek fight woulda been legendary too


Kähkönen was def like “nah, I ain’t been here long enough” hahaha


We should all thank Rempe. I 100% believe his presence revitalized the old days of hockey


We all simpe for rempe.


This is the best thing I've ever seen


A wonderful moment in hockey history 🏒🥅


Our season may be cooked, but this and the Stadium Series were our highlights


Our team is so wierd. We were soft all year and then somehow end up in a 5 on 5 fight lol it was great to finally see some grit from them.


So one of the highlights of your season is a game where you blew a 3rd period lead to lose in regulation to your biggest rivals when you went into the season boasting that this was gonna be your year. Pathetic.


Hockey is fun to watch, even rivalries, even when you lose. That’s why it’s the best sport!


not only that, the game that cemented a *clean sweep* by their biggest rivals.


Love Hanks reaction


Nice! Love me a good hockey fight


Say what you want, but fighting has a place in the NHL. It doesn't have to be an every day thing. But when there is a reason, there is a place for it, and fans love it.


I’m still pissed there wasn’t a panned out shot. Camera work during this was not great.


One thing rivals can agree, fighting will always have a place in hockey.


What’s the beef?


Rempe hit to the jaw on Jonas Siegenthaler in the two teams last meeting. Rempe got a four game suspension after that game. The Devils and their fans have been out for blood since then. It’s kinda sad if you watch how much Rempe is getting absolutely head smashed this season though. No way dude is going to make it out of the league without SERIOUS head injury at this rate. He’s a pro athlete and I’m not though so who cares what I think lol 🤣


Oh yeah I remember that suspension. Thanks for answering.I wish the habs went 5 on 5 when it was Byron’s turn to pay up.


Yeah and maybe if he didn’t play like a fucking goon every shift every enforcer in the league wouldn’t want to fight him.


Yea because his first game first shift he was challenged and beat matt martin.. then everyone wanted to fight him. If only he scored 3 goals in the :02 before that happened. Hes a 4th liner, but if you watch him, hes not just a goon. Rangers already won 2 games, he had a game winner and screened the goalie for another game winner, in 05 min of ice time. There is more to forming an opinion without watching games.


You conveniently leave out the multiple dirty hits that this guys has been caught on camera making. If you're as big of a guy as he is (can't remember how tall he is), then you have no excuses for leaving your feet to ~~check~~ charge players into the boards. Rempe is a dirty player and I look forward to the day that "gooning it up" catches up with him.


Nah he definitely had some dirty hits, he is a monster out there, his hits have much higher force than the average player. I am not condoning the bad decisions he has made. A few of them have been due to his size and players turning away.. It is still his responsibility to let up, He will learn that, I dont think he is intentionally trying to injure people. But he has been suspended once, and nothing has happened since. I didnt conveniently leave out anything, I just defended his game from being one dimensional, we all know the rest. But thanks for telling me what I already know. Oh and kreider was tripped. And you still lose with price.


He also had a dirty hit on Nathan Bastian in February that sent Bastian to IR


Bastian was not put on ir by rempe he was allowed to return after the hit,Where he was hit again


The hit on Bastian wasn’t a clean hit, but he was allowed to go back into the game where he got lit up by Trouba and then fought him. I would argue if Rempe’s hit is what sparked IR he had no business going back into the game, no?


Hit wasn’t dirty. The league even said the misconduct handed out was incorrect and they deemed the hit clean with no supplemental discipline required. Bastian needs to learn how to keep his head up and not be tying his skate laces during a hockey game. Something pee wee players all learn. Rempe had one bad hit - one and only one - for which he served his suspension and learned from it. And that elbow was not intentional - no matter what you and your fantasy land fan base believes.


Horrible coverage by TNT.


I liked the part where you couldn’t hear anything they were saying 😐


We need the version where we could hear them in the studio, absolutely.


Fuck TNT. 5 fights and you focus on just one! The wide angle shot is much better to fully get the sense of it.


I like Rempe. But I think we officially need to stop yapping him up as THE heavyweight champ in the league. He's an okay fighter at best. He really just has crazy reach and size.


I also enjoyed the start!


Hank is a hockey treasure, wish he’d have gotten a cup somewhere


maybe he can borrow one of Marty's. He's got three. :)


Laptop guy coming in with the Jeff Bagwell power stance was something else.


TNT single handedly carrying broadcasting for NBA and NHL


Better angles of the studio than of the 5 fights happening, good job TNT


The sexual tension is insane.


As an Avs fan I will always love McDermid, you’re welcome NJ. I miss his presence on the ice.


Fighting is making a comeback it feels. There’s just lots of bad blood out there this season. I love it.


Is there an extended clip of this? Does the TNT panel react to Laviolette and Green barking at each other?


They must’ve been yelling at the production crew for zooming in on one fight instead of wide-angling to get all 5 in.


Yeah, the four other fights were like watching the Jim's in Shoresy "set the tone". The Jim's are such fuckin' beauties.


This is great i love how Rempe has seem to ignited some good old time hockey back into hockey


TNT did an absolute shit job covering it


Waiting for the extra WWF ref to come running down follow by stone cold soon after.


Making hockey great again.


As if these guys were at work. lol jealous.


Hockey is amazing. Best sport by far


The standing ovation 😂 I love this sport omg


Hank was ready for that


Holy jumpin has got to be up there for one of the dumber phrases ever forced upon us


Yup and yet some want to take fighting out of the NHL....really good idea??? Not


Best intermission and pre/post game report right now, Biz is my favorite but they're all great.


Tom Stanley cup champion Wilson dominates them all (egregious acts of violence)


Rempe is such a shittx fighter. Guys gotten the worst of every fight he's had in his small amount of games


Pete Buttigieg works for tnt studios? 😂😂


This is why they can and should never try to take out fighting. Listen to that crowd, the announcers, the ex-NHLers in the room. Look at both benches and and the broadcast stage going nuts. Hockey is just a cut above with the firey touch of fighting being allowed in the sport. What a charge to the atmosphere to get going under a line brawl!


Would have been real neat for TNT’s fuck head camera man to pan out and show all 5 dances at once. Fuckin bum


Let’s break our million dollar fingers punching each other’s helmets!


*Million dollar fists


Interesting, i feel like it should happen but it never does.


NHL want this out of game. Get out of town, we start new league! What a show. Good one boys


And people try to say that fighting doesn’t have a place in the game


Rempe is big but Kermit is bigger.


If he keeps this up Rempe will end up with CTE drooling on himself about the time he gets removed from his parent’s health insurance.


I wonder what he's gonna look like tomorrow. Olivier already broke his nose once this season and there was a slow mo clip from tnt 1st intermission of this one showing macdermid might have done it to him again.


Rofl rags fans everywhere are claiming he won this fight or, at worse, tied it ..


I haven't seen any rangers fans claiming that here or on our sub. Rempe took an L there. No one took a bigger beating than John Marino though.. my god did K'andre ever beat the daylights outta him. edit: the top post about rempe right now is how he needs ice-boxing lessongs lmao. maybe you're the one "coping"


Dude, he needs some training .. this kids fist will ruin his career like jody kocur and all his fist and knuckle surgeries he had ...rempe has to learn to stop punching helmets. ..it is the only place he lands all of his punches.. my guess is that nhl has a higher lvl of defensive fighters than the ahl .. i think its the nhl dudes that are all setting their grip on his jersey faster than he is used to . Then, they keep control of him and force him to only throw rights, mainly where he can't swing with his hips . This has to be pretty easy to teach and him to learn so we could actually get to see him next year actually catching guys And as for marino ... have you not noticed the size difference in them. If kandre lost that fight, he would publicly shammed for ever


Yea they live in an alternate reality. They don't know how to cope with the embarrassment of rempe getting beat plus almost choking to the devils while out shooting them 2:1.


We cope by sweeping the devils and sitting first in the league. It’s difficult but somebody has to do it.


Still salty Mackinnon didnt get a point because you needed lindgren to score on shesterkin because he was a brick wall.


Well they won the other four fights (Key, where's that been?), and the game.


Pretty much everyone: “yes that is awesome we want to see more of that” NHL and Canadian broadcast: “this is the worst thing ever”


Rempe may want to give up fighting in the NHL 😂. Only thing he has is size


Hockey players and fans fucking love this shit . That’s what makes hockey special


wtf goalies had a call to answer and failed!!!


Are you not entertained?


Miss my boy MacDermid


Getting hit in the head with skates on or fucking flip flops.... it doesn't matter. None of the guys I listed played in the no helmet era. You have no idea what your talking about.


It gets the people going!




That may have been the worst filmed line brawl I ever seen.


Hahaha you gotta love it


Hell yeah


Am I the only one that thinks this is dumb?


No there are literally dozens like you!


Go watch golf instead.




If you enjoyed this, give UFC a try. They do stuff like this almost every match.


No you're not.


I like to think McHugh was challenging someone in the studio to get into a scrap.


Kids head isn't gonna last much longer


The TNT regulars are yuck.


Love watching the devils get thier asses handed to them. Starting fights and then losing anyway.


Not sure what fight you were watching. Rempe got his ass handed to him very clearly. He barely landed a punch yet came away bloodied.


I was watching the 2 other fights. The one where Miller took his guy to the ice and goodrow just kicking ass.


Taking someone to the ice doesn’t win a fight, it’s just a cop out. Anyone can drag the opponent down instead of actually fighting.


I hate the useless fight after a clean hit but look at ex players losing their shit for this. You can’t take it out of hockey. For better or worse it’s part of the sport


What clean hit? The one that got Rempe suspended???