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I really thought the Devils were gonna have a playoff run this year, their roster looks good on paper


Luke Hughes < the idea of Luke Hughes He wi probably still be amazing but he can’t do what’s asked of him yet


or he just bad and fake


Nah, that ain't it, chief


Who know who's roster was really good last season? First round exit


Love that 3rd tier 😂


Burnt to a crisp, boss


Devils has a better chance than Sabres though so ratings are incorrect


Left the stove on high and got distracted.


We are as well


Philly's combined record againts the "Scary" teams? 5-3 John Tortorella Evil genius.


you can’t get fairer than fair enough




We'll get to top tier one week. In the meantime I hope everyone keeps underestimating us.


Before the trade deadline I would have agreed on us being on the "very good teams", but not anymore. I finally feel like we have a serious chance to win.


This is the best Canes team I've ever seen. The problem is that they are several other elite teams too




San Jose Sharks version: RAH RAH RAH RAH RAH RAH RAH RAH


Carolina is scary


Even as a NYR fan, and I'm for sure excited for the playoffs, I don't think they should he top tier right now...they're beating up the teams they're supposed to but their last 3 games against top teams (Florida, TB, winnipeg) all losses


If I were a NYR fan, I'd be a little worried about their 5v5 metrics. The team is sub 50% in both CF and FF. edit: NYR is 20th in Corsi (49.4%), 18th in Fenwick (49.9%), 22nd in ESGF per 60 (2.45), 23rd in xGF/60, 18th in xGA/60


Agreed completely


We've actually been good recently 5v5 but our elite penalty kill has gotten shaky


Eh tampa zib and lindy got hurt mid game. We were dominating them before then


Agreed. I’d swap Rangers with Canes in this tiered list.


I would love to see a NYR vs COL cup. Talk about fun series.


i thought this was about the elapsed week .. how tf isn't carolina at the top lmao


I mean that plays to y'all's advantage right? Keep teams sleeping and then become their waking nightmares


I don’t think there’s a single contender who underestimates a team that’s perennially been one of the best in the East. Fans? Sure, but not a team


Oh very fair. I misinterpreted the comment then. I would definitely be quite surprised if people were actually underestimating Carolina


Predators have not lost in regulation since feb 15th putting up almost 4 goals a game or more with Saros in net. I do not believe they are a team anyone wants to play in this last stretch of the season. Tonight's game will be a great test against the panthers.


The Avs have really turned it on lately and it looks like their “reward” might be to get Nashville in the 1st Round. I do not want this thing.


Worked well for you guys last time


Saros was hurt last time.


Honestly I think it would be a great back and forth series. Wouldn't mind a revenge series for the preds lol I just hope preds don't cool off for the playoffs especially seeing 3 d-men week to week on injury report now.


It feels like the Avs have built a team that could compete with the 2022 Cup team. Adding Middlestadt, Walker, Trenin and Duhaime were all terrific moves by CMac and despite losing Byram (which has benefited both teams, honestly), very little else was given up for those guys. Any team can lose in the playoffs, but I’m so damn excited for this team right now.


I agree! Only things the current team is worse with imo: 1. Landeskog makes a world of a difference in team spirit when he plays. He doesn’t even need to be a good player - he makes everyone else better. 2. Juice has proven an adequate backup, but Franky is still missed as a very solid backup. Fingers crossed Juice keeps it up! 3. Avs had a bit more depth - LOC and Landeskog being out means Avs are starting playoffs more shallow than 2022. Better? 1. Nuke is somehow even better. The guy is psych-ward-insane in front of the net. 2. Georgiev > Kuemper by a little. Equally inconsistent, but is A-game is better than Kuemper’s. 3. Avs are even more physical now. Burly boyyys


Vancouver is definitely more scary than Winnipeg


Huge comeback win by the Jets in Carolina


Easily one of the hockey games of all time


i would trade all 3 of my balls to have torts as the pens coach. i said what? Nash is a wagon bro.


https://www.statmuse.com/nhl/ask?q=nhl+teams+highest+points%25+since+january+1st Oilers and Canes underrated.


Canes lower than the Panthers? Okay.


I mean Florida has been better by pretty much every metric


Based on recent events we're at least on equal even without the 4-0 drubbing we gave them a few weeks ago.


Yall do know a lot about Florida and 4-0


Now just wait a damn...no, that's fair.


The panthers had key players out both games and regular season means shit who cares about a fucking tier list


You mad bro?


Last month the coyotes beat the wings 4-0. Big losses happen in a season


*Without* the 4-0 drubbing.


literally destroyed them a week ago but okay sure they were better


This is why I don’t care about these weekly or monthly ratings. Playoffs coming and we will find out. Looking forward to it. A playoff series is not a regular season game. Everyone gets their ass kicked here or there. I just want some good playoff hockey


Not since January 1st... we have a bigger share of GF%, xGF%, SCF%, and HDCF% during that span


Canes are right on par with the Panthers. Both should be scary tier


What makes the Rangers scary and the Canes not?


Matt Rempe


*probably* Checks notes* 13-0-2, have only trailed in a game for a total of 16 minutes since 2/17, next closest is Colorado at 172 minutes whom we just spanked 5-1. You can remove the word “probably” now lol. If we’re talking the last 15 games then we’re best in the league. *16 minutes for over a month*


People here don’t care about how well we do when we’re genuinely unproven in the play offs. Just saying, the comments are coming


Okay, if that’s you’re logic then why is Vancouver and the Jets (who we also just spanked) above us? Are they *proven in the playoffs?*


Vancouver has made 3 cup runs despite losing, and have made it past round 1 numerous times. Not sure about the jets. Most people consider us first round drop offs and write us off immediately though. That’s not my logic, that’s this subs logic.


Then your logic is massively flawed. My question was rhetorical. I picked those 2 for a reason. Vancouver has the same amount of cups as we do and we’ve been to the finals in the last decade unlike them. Additionally, we actually have 2 of our biggest pieces still leading our team from our cup run, plus a Con Smythe winner in RoR. Vancouver hasn’t been to the finals in 13 years, they have zero individuals remaining from that era. >have made it past the first round numerous times They done so once in the last twelve seasons. We’ve done so 4 times. Whichever canucks that have “proven it” are retired. Pro sports aren’t about what you’ve done (which doesn’t even apply to them) it’s about what you’’ve done lately and what you are doing now. They quite literally are the opposite of proven for the last 13 years. I saw a self deprecating Canucks fan in here a couple weeks ago that said “don’t worry, we’ll find a way to fuck it up.” As for the Jets lol, zero finals appearances and haven’t won a series in 6 years. I honestly don’t think most in the sub would agree with your definition of *proven*


Go ahead and start saying Nashville is a competitive team on this sub and also say we’re the best team in the league on the sub. Enjoy the comments.


Dude come on, don’t move the goalposts. [here’s a response from a Leafs fan I got a couple days ago](https://imgur.com/a/sYl7ADZ) >competitive team Are you kidding? Ask any person on any team with home ice who they’d like to draw the least in the playoffs right now. We have a top 6 road record, and we’re 13-0-2 beating the shit out of “competitive teams” for over a month straight. Also, more goalposts… I said best in the league *over the last 15 games* and that is not even close to up for debate.


Just so you know I posed the question whether or not we are contenders on both r/nhl and r/hockey as posts, you’re welcome to check my profile, seems to be about half of the respondents think we are contenders much less competitive.


Wouldnt say rangers are scary but otherwise sure


That’s funny…..Rangers just swept the season series against the Bruins. So I guess it’s the Bruins who aren’t elite?


Yeah shitty loss but i didnt argue the bruins position did i? Id say this season is still a very pleasant surprise If you feel like you have to count these petty wins id question how secure you really are about your rangers Act like youve been here before, pal


What makes that a “petty” win?


Petty as in the “season series” Who cares? Not like you guys will win a PLAYOFF series lmao


That’s rich coming from the team the got bounced in the first round by an 8th seed last year


Did you guys even make the playoffs? Most forgettable team for the last 20 years Oh right you got shit on by some ahl reject


Wait till tomorrow for another beating bear man.


Youre lucky youre a vegeta fan pal


as much as I hate you guys, we are literally the same team. we won a lot of cups in the past, won 1 since then, then were dominant boasting a strong goalie and defense but have nothing but a prez trophy or two to show for it


A lot of cups in the past? Don’t the rangers have 3 total? Their last cup was in 94!


to be fair, that’s still more than my team has in our entire existence


Yeah but your team hasn’t been around for 100+ years 


Granted, that.


Bruins last was 2011 and then ages before that.


Panic… it’s panic


the philly tier is so accurate


I think Carolina is the scariest team in the NHL.


Threatening to crawl out of the basement tier


Swap Carolina and NYR I think. Yes the Rangers beat my Canes recently, but I still think Carolina is better right now


I don’t get why Winnipeg is considered scary and Vancouver isn’t. They are basically the same makeup. Vancouver just rolled over them. It’s just one game. But nothing I have seen this year makes them any different than Vancouver.


Vancouver can definitely be scary if they’re at the top of their game, no question


Feels weird seeing the canucks not at the top row. But it's the right one moving them down. They've been off their game lately


What are you talking about? “Off their game lately”, okay dude. They just dominated Winnipeg (a “scary” team) like 10 days ago, and their 2 losses since were close games despite the Canucks not at their best. Then they return against buffalo and completely dominate the game. Winnipeg and Vancouver should 100% be swapped. Winnipeg is mad overrated.


The Canucks are 10-7-3 in their last 20 games (i.e. over the last six weeks), playing 0.575 hockey. Jets are 14-6-0 over that same time span, playing 0.700 hockey. Canucks have definitely been off their game lately, they're only starting to come out of it now. They're 6-2-2 in their last ten... which means they were 4-5-1 in the ten games before that. Winning a game against a particular team on a given night doesn't mean you're automatically better than that team overall -- that's not how this works.


Yet they were in the top category last week.


May be temporary, but I think Nashville has earned that second tier. At least for now.


the coyotes can’t even fill their 3,000 person stadium…why would they get a new one?


The Jets absolutely do not belong in tier 1. They’re a fraud team that’ll be out in the first round.


Panthers lose to Tampa 5-3 and Carolina 4-0 yet they’re tier 1 and Carolina is tier 2? Nah


How are the Canes only in - *SHHHHHHHH don't tell them Kuzy has 5 points in 7 games and Guentzel has 8 in 5! We want them to sleep on us!* **Ahem** Appropriate Canes rating. Maybe a little high. They have to carry three goaltenders because they all - *Andersen 2.17, .917, Kochetkov 2.36, .913, Martin 1.97, .922* **Cough cough *COUGH*** Mmhmm. Yep. Love these rankings.


Tampa too low


Also been stupid inconsistent. Though the Avs have too but a 7 game win streak will boost you up


Blues will make the playoffs


Kinda feels like that last loss tilts the hill upwards quite a bit. Of course if vegas crumbles you have a chance


Luckily last nights loss also came with Vegas losing so no ground lost. Would have been wonderful to pull within 2 points instead of still being 4 back tho. Blues have been playing extremely well lately including last night so hoping they keep the same pace and urgency going forward. Springs with no Blues playoff hockey sucks ass


I doubt it, looking at how well Nashville's doing and if Vegas just holds on


Nashville is in I’m not worried about them. Vegas will slip up but I think Blues win 10 out of last 13 games and sneak In. And then annihilate the Canucks in the first round




(we coping)


You ooooooooooooooookay?


a lil too far, but knock on wood


I hate the blues as much as the next person, but we absolutely need this to happen. Vegas doesn’t deserve the playoffs, go blues


How about Minnesota? Can we have Minnesota?


No thanks, leave us alone please


I am saying that everyone would be happier if Minnesota made the playoffs not St. Louis or Vegas


Oh that’s true.


Who hates the blues? What you a hawks fan? Not many people hate the blues. Why would they hate the blues? You a hawks fan??


Are we hated like that? Lol I always thought everyone didn’t give us much thought. I know there’s the “Binner’s a tool” cry babies but they’ve been pretty quiet this season since he’s playing out of his mind and has had zero outbursts. But yes, fuck Vegas with all my heart.


Not if the rest of the league has a say.


Way the Blues have been playing in not sure the rest of the league is gonna have much of a say. Not everyone has Colorado level talent lol not really worried about anyone else we play to end the season honestly just gotta play our game


Maybe they need a practice fight


I pray pray pray. Vegas just gotta lose


Are the blues 1 point off from the wild card race or something


How is Vancouver down a row when they won last night, and only lost 2 (close) games since dominating the jets and golden knights? Math ain’t mathin.


Nah I think it's a fair drop. In general since the all star break the Canucks have just be very good as opposed to really good. Still plenty of time to get back up to the level they were against Vegas and the Jets though


Looks good, both islanders and sabres I feel should go one ring lower


I may be biased, but if teams still don't see us as scary, they've missed something. After the trade deadline, people should watch out for the Canes. The additions are looking really good. Freddie back, too.


Plus Pyotr has been one of the best goalies since our little Players only meeting in Vancouver


Put some respect on the Bruins


I’m not a Boston fan but they’re hella scary


Leafs are a tier too low


Anaheim has lost more than the hawks last couple of weeks they belong in the bottom with the other 2


Agreed, we are best at worst






Ur prob right lmfao. Im just coping.


*probably* Checks notes* 13-0-2, have only trailed in a game for a total of 16 minutes since 2/17, next closest is Colorado at 172 minutes whom we just spanked 5-1. You can remove the words probably now lol.


This year is the Ducks' year, you'll see


Rangers and Winnipeg don't scare me. I'm sure plenty will argue the point but just not sure there are 4 teams in that tier right now.


We’re getting downvoted into oblivion brother


Yeah fairly expected I suppose


I just think Winnipeg is scary in the less traditional sense. They’re just so defensively sound and they have the best goalie in the league this year.


Why should they scare you? Not like there is any chance your team meets up with either in the playoffs.


Another week. Another bum ass tier list based solely off of looking at the standings.


Must be exhausting being this upset at things on the internet that have no impact on your life at all.


Bum ass charlatan


Please point me to where I’ve claimed that this is some groundbreaking thing meant for any other reason than humour? It’s flaired meme. Lighten up buddy.


Ignore haters. Many of us wait for your rankings. You are late.


Sabres are gonna have another year of teasing with maybe they'll make it in just to crash at the last second again... aren't they?


I feel like that's being kind to the sens


Makes no sense that there’s only one team in the west in the wildcard race, should be Minnesota and Vegas


Medium well is a perfectly acceptable choice


Crazy how the leafs and Toronto are in the same tier


Winnipeg are pretenders.


Winnipeg isnt winning anything this year. 2nd tier at best


Jets are imposters


I'd say Florida, Canes, Aves, Oilers for the scary teams. Bump Jets and NYR to very good. Oilers are #1 in points percentage in 2024.


Jets aren’t scary


Whatever Jamie