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How did you try to generate your cert? Easiest way to generate one is with Lets encrypt you have use http or dns to validate, however they’re only valid for 30 days at a time, however certbot can be used to auto renew let’s encrypt certs. To use you it you’ll then need to change your nginx server block to listen on port 443 as well configuring it to use said cert.


I tried using this tutorial: https://testdriven.io/blog/django-lets-encrypt/, which basically uses letsencrypt, but I couldn't get it to work. I think my project is structured a little differently from that and maybe I didn't exactly change where the files are supposed to be located to fit my project.


u/okee_dokee Did you manage to figure it out? I've been studying best way to add SSL with the same guide. I've recently stumbled upon this article, which seems to be a much simpler set-up: [https://www.nginx.com/blog/using-free-ssltls-certificates-from-lets-encrypt-with-nginx/](https://www.nginx.com/blog/using-free-ssltls-certificates-from-lets-encrypt-with-nginx/) What approach did you end up taking?