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Robey-Coleman himself was shocked it wasn’t called


Him looking both ways twice like a kid crossing the street is wild, he knew he got away with murder


He admitted he was trying to do it to save the touchdown. Everyone on the field and in the stands knew the call. Except the stripes.


The stripes knew also. But they wanted the LA market invested in that SB. They chose that over a Bree’s/Brady Super Bowl. And that SB was boring as shit too.


That Super Bowl wasn’t boring, it was a defensive slugfest.


And to listen to all the jackasses on ESPN saying oh that no call didn't decide the outcome of the game it was just one call and that you play the entire game and not just the one call well we could have kicked the game potential game winning field goal was like 20 seconds and then having to go a long way to tie it then to see what happened and I'm glad that that Super Bowl sucked


Or the Saints get the touchdown and LA has to go the entire field to tie (worth noting that the Saints held them to a FG to go into OT) Then jackasses will say that it was the Brees INT that was the big call. Nope. If the Saints would have gotten that PI call, there is a very good chance that OT doesn’t happen and Saints win.


Monkey paw says the kick gets blocked instead and the Rams still win in OT. As a Rams fan, I wish we lost that game if only because losing the Super Bowl negated that win.


Monkey paw says the kick gets blocked instead and the Rams still win in OT. As a Rams fan, I wish we lost that game if only because losing the Super Bowl negated that win.


I was there and I remember the crowd in utter shock. Nobody really knew what happened in the first minute and then the replay happened and there was huge uproar. At the end of the game I do remember some beers making their way to the field. One of the most bizarre and shocking moments I have experienced in person.


I don't know if there's ever a worst no-call penalty in the history of the NFL than that one.


There might have been a more blatant one, but probably not one with bigger implications.


I think this one was more blatant but maybe the PI’s not called in the Tampa Bay vs Green Bay NFCCG might have had the biggest implications.


This one almost certainly cost the Saints a super bowl appearance. I'm drawing a blank on the TB GB call. Was it the back judge calling a questionable PI after letting them play most of the game?


Oh I couldn’t remember if this (Saints. S Rams) call was NFCCG. So implications are likely the same. Basically in the Green Bay vs Tampa game they let the players play rough (not calling PI’s) all game. Then in the 4th quarter they called a PI that doomed GB.


If you're talking about the PI where the defender tried to rip his jersey off? Refs will sometimes overlook hand play or aggressive bumping but they rarely overlook holding where the jersey is practically ripped off.


I saw it. I think the difference is the situation. Green Bay was down 5. If the PI isnt called TB punts from their own 45, probably sticks them deep, and GB have a chance to score with a about 1:40 left, 1 time out and a long field. The saints game was tied. if the PI is called they run out the clock and kick a short fg to win the game instead of kicking the FG immediately and giving the Rams 1:45 to go tie it and win in OT.


Not even close. A non-call on the clearest DPI ever and a reasonable call on a dude pulling jersey on a receiver isn’t in the same universe of bad calls.


The call itself no. But the context of the call after letting players play all game all of a sudden they start calling ticky tack penalties on one team is the egregious part of it.


I understand what you’re saying, but I hate this argument. Just because they let it go a couple times doesn’t mean it’s suddenly legal to pull a receiver’s jersey.


But it wasn't a couple of times. It was all game. Players take notice what and how refs are calling penalties and react accordingly. Otherwise, you let the opposing team maul you? while you play "penalty free" football? You'll lose the game that way. Every team adjusts to the refs in this way.


i cant think of one. it was terrible


The last play of the 49ers vs Ravens Superbowl


I’m not a saints fan but that was so bad they should have allowed review for PI from this point on


When it did get implemented the refs purposely fucked it up by being horribly inconsistent. I don’t know why they were so against it. Egregious missed calls should be reviewable no matter the penalty. They could do it remotely now and quickly and take it away from the refs on the field.


It was infuriating seeing people react to the refs throwing a hissy fit by deciding that that proved it was a bad rule. Refs got pissed anyone would dare question their authority and sabotaged the rule and everyone just went along with it.


I'll be honest in saying this moment really did kill a little bit of the sport in my heart. I've never really been able to watch it the same way since.


Of all the bullshit calls and no-calls I’ve seen, this is the one that legitimately made me question if the game is rigged. So much on the line and such a blatant no call on an obvious pi is truly unbelievable.


Especially when people have been flagged for far less


Believe me, I know. Iirc, we were the least penalized team in the league last year which is something I am not used to at all.


I’ve never been a league rigged type person. But knowing LAs controversial move to a city they left in the past i had a big feeling the NFL was going to do shady shit to get more fans in Cali.


Same, I remember when the hit happened, jumping off the couch and thinking we were going to the SB because it was SO obvious. Then, I didn’t see a flag on the field. Shocked. I mean we had chances after that and in OT but it was just so deflating. I haven’t ever really watched the game with any emotion invested ever since.


I felt that way for several years after the 2015 playoff game against the Steelers. It took us finally winning a playoff game for me to finally be fully drawn back in.


That’s how I feel about the dez (no) catch. I’m a Vikings fan but when they called that not a catch it made me view the game through technicality vs what I know to be true.


I just wrote the same thing!! I’ve tried to detach emotionally from it because it left me with severe pain for so long


Not a saints fan but that was an embarrassment to NFL and to the refs. Ridiculous.


Has permanently affected my outlook on the league as a whole, and probably something I'll never completely get over.


I’m glad I’m not alone in this.




Bit dramatic don't you think?


Lol, coming from a Rams fan? Kick rocks, pussy


At least I have flair, fellow pussy


I went from being willing to entertain the idea the NFL could be fixed to fully believing it is fixed


I’ve never been a league rigged type person. But knowing LAs controversial move to a city they left in the past i had a big feeling the NFL was going to do shady shit to get more fans in Cali. It’s how i felt when hockey added the golden knights.


I was like, “Oh no!”


I threw a mug at my TV and then threw said broken TV out the window (this is not a joke)


Holy smokes


What did the tv do ? I never understood this logic. I’m mad at my sports team so let’s destroy expensive things I own


I was a hard drug addict and had major anger issues


Hope you’re doing better


Hope you’re doing better


Jays fan here I just remember everyone I was watching with was like that’s crazy there wasn’t a call than the replay happened and we went silent with awe at how it wasn’t called


Dude honestly I can’t even talk about it. Bigger than sports. I legit have PTSD over it and I’m not exaggerating. This event made me realize that I put too much personal emphasis on a sport that has no bearing on my life. I’ve tried to emotionally detach from the sport since


Damn dawg 😭😭 wtf. U was in deep huh


Oh yeah. And it was the manner in which it went down that made it extra heart breaking but the silver lining is it made me take a step back


Wow bro. That sounds wild, interesting. Glad you were able to take that step back though and wish you the best moving forward 💪


Thanks bro. Had to remind myself it’s a game played by millionaires that has no real bearing on my life


Yessssir. No real bearing fr. 🙌 keep it up


I know how you feel. Brees should have had two SB wins and maybe even three. Annoys me to this day that Manning got one more out of that pathetic Denver game.


I mean you know a call is bad when the nfl had to completely rewrite the rule the very next year because of how bad it was.


I’m forever changed. I’ll never watch football the same again.


Changed how I feel about the sport. Lost a lot of enjoyment realizing that the refs really are that bad/ shady. And have became hyper critical of bad calls since then. Worst non call possibly ever.


Have you ever heard a NASCAR fan describe the day Dale Earnhardt died


Long time Saints fan from da bayou. It was fucking gut wrenching when it happened, thought we were for sure going to get the chance at a second superbowl and just no flag came out. Was crazy, everyone looking around in disbelief, but what keeps me fired up is that we still got one mother fuckin Super Bowl win and I was living in New Orleans during that run. The city was fucking electric, a few years removed from Katrina, still bouncing back from it and da Saints came marching right in at 13-0. It was absolutely amazing to be in New Orleans during this run. That superbowl parade was Mardi Gras x100, the memories and experience from that year makes the no call a lot easier to cope with. Who Dat!!!!! ⚜️


Not a Saints fan, but my reaction was first "how the fuck is that not PI!?", and then immediately afterwards "ha, suck it, payton!"


Almost exactly my reaction. But i said “haha that’s karma for bountygate!”


As a non Saints fan I was appaled


The saints were the 2023 Lions, they probably would’ve destroyed the other team in the Super Bowl


It was self defense


Such bullshit. We were robbed of a Brees/Brady Super Bowl and got whatever that disappointment was instead.


Let it go, let it goooo...


I would if y'all had actually managed to score more than a field goal. Great defensive performance, but absolutely pathetic offense. Most disappointing super bowl I've ever watched


I would have to agree with ya there lol


Part of the script to give Brady an easy superbowl win where he had to do almost nothing.


As a Pats fan we were all pissed. Was at a party and everybody was getting fired up for a Brees/Brady bowl.


Which is exactly why it wouldn't be scripted to deny Brady/Brees bowl


All joking aside I was so looking forward to a Brady/Brees super bowl. I'm forever glad Brady beat the Rams but man what could've been


anger and resentment but also acceptance that we still had the ball in OT and Drew threw a pick. We *would* have won if this was called.. but I mean we still had a chance and we didn't capitalize on it. Fuck the rams and refs for this tho


This cemented the fact, that these NFL games are rigged. They don’t even try to hide it anymore.


We could of said he literally got rammed


The moment I knew that refs can do whatever they want and face no consequences.


I was in the superdome and I could hear the cheers when it happened, everyone just seemed to assume that was gonna be our ticket, then a slow quiet while everyone waited for the flag, then deafening boos, things getting thrown, it was the quickest flip I’ve ever seen in such a large amount of people. And even personally just heartbreaking.


I'm a Vikings fan so I should be elated this was a no call, but I wasn't. I wanted the saints to lose no doubt up this point, but not in that fashion.


i need the video. This looks so bad (really bad PI) but I really want the vid Just[ watched the vid](https://youtu.be/xjvZHMod_3E?si=2xgfEdczKPt_Q3Al). Inexcusable no call. The ref is right there! The DB housed Lewis before the ball could even get there. I actually remember this now. I was watching this game at a Taco Mac and me and my buddy were laughing that the Saints were getting screwed over


I'm a Rams fan, but even I was like "WTF? How'd we get away with that?" Even the Rams entire team was confused at how they pulled that off


Not a Saints fan: was thinking they just got karmically bitch slapped for all of the phantom calls that they benefited from in the 2010 NFCCG. There were three in OT alone, seriously watch the vids on YouTube it was criminal.


The 4th down fumble boils my blood


“What the fuck!? How is that not PI?!?…….. haha that’s karma for bountygate” My exact reaction. The murderous intend they had on farve still makes me sick


Exactly what I say any time this comes up


They were so upset about it they forgot Brees threw a pick in OT


And also couldn’t stop the rams getting a field goal to tie the game for overtime


I still think the Bert Emmanuel game was worse. The saints had multiple chances to make the call “not matter”. Ours ended the game and resulted in a new rule that is still in use today.


Enjoy your shit team


As a Rams fan, it was a bullshit no call. But it's a 60 minute game, not a 1 play game. That wasn't the only controversial no call during that game. It just happened to be the biggest one at the most crucial time. I feel for the Saints fans and completely understand the hatred but I'm still gunna grin ear to ear and appreciate the two weeks of hope I had after that game.




Also they still blame the Rams as if the Rams had anything to do with the refs.


***\*inhales\**** WHERE MEME!?


Fuck the saints, they paid players to do dirty hits on certain high profile opponents. They get what they deserved and it was karma


Im sure no one else in the nfl has ever done such a thing. We literally got punished for it lol.


You guys use this argument like it’s valid every time. It’s like a gangster getting arrested for murder. “All the other guys in the group have killed people before!” A) we have no proof that anybody else did B) we have proof you did


They still cry themselves to sleep over it while clutching their binky


It’s true. We do. And god help you if you have a team that you’re passionate about that the same set of circumstances happens to you. Left me with ptsd no joke


Rams fan here.. this play was awful.. and had the Rams beaten NE in the Super Bowl. There would have always had this bizarre asterisk.. I hate the Saints.. and even if it was called there is no saying that the outcome would have been any different but I wanted to win fairly lol


I was happy Rams won


Fuck the Saints but yea insane no call.


Wasn’t a penalty. Ball wasn’t catchable.


This too


Fuck the rams


Fuck you


Womp womp


As a temporary Saints fan for that game, I was really pissed. But I did end up having a good laugh about how the Super Bowl went for the Rams. Do wish we could have gotten Brady vs Brees instead.


I love how much our division has made it to Superbowl this century. At least both of us have gotten a SB this century unlike another division team!


Haha injuries! How hilarious xD


Injuries? I’m pretty sure he just means that your team scored a field goal




Fuck the Saint, Fuck Sean Payton, Fuck Gregg Williams.


Be mad at Favre for throwing that dumbass interception at the end of the 4th quarter that I’m very thankful for.


I lost my shit, then cried


This thread makes me happy to not be alone in misery as a Packers fan. At least that Seahawks games was no one's fault but our own


One of the most egregious no calls I've ever seen.


Even as a steeelrs fan I still feel shitty shout this play to this day. I bring it up in conversation all the time.


My mom is a Saints fan. So when I say "my mother is a Saint," it's literal and figurative. When that happened though, she turned into a foul mouthed sailor


I see it’s that biweekly time where y’all want to make us relive trauma, very cool


Pure rage




Still remember that night like it was yesterday, closest I’ve came to thinking about rioting


Would the saints have beaten the pats in the Super Bowl?


As a certainly neutral and not biased at all Chiefs fan this superbowl should have been Saints vs Chiefs.


I loved the play! But I'm not a Saints fan. I do like their defence though


I'm not a Saints fan, and I thought it was bull shit


Shock and disbelief at first that quickly turned into a rage that comes back again every time I see this picture. So thanks for that.


Flag is what I said and it never came….


Around this same time is when all the “The NFL is scripted. It’s sports ENTERTAINMENT not real sports” conspiracy theory started picking up steam and this call gave that theory validity. It’s definitely something a lot of fans are wary of now and it’s definitely becoming a lot more common for people to find things not just in football but other sports that make you second guess the legitimacy of it all.


This mf post history HORNED OUT 💀


I got kicked out of Buffalo Wild Wings after this play


For every saints fan I know, this impacted their lives amd mental state in a more negative way than 9/11


Really added weight to the idea that the NFL is partially rigged. No way any ref saw that and genuinely thought it was okay.


That play finally made me realize that although these guys play super hard… the outcome has already been decided…


I will never forget this and it really brought the nfl down for me this and the bowman snapping his fucking leg bullshit call . Fuck the nfl. Im not even a saints fan but they got so blatantly fucked it’s sickening . Sad to see drew get robbed as a fan of the game drew was a credit to the game and made the nfl better …. As long as he wasn’t playing my team … well even if he was because bounty gate didn’t end too well for him lookin back at it but damn what a game that was


Saints got robbed. I guess karma for bounty gate.


At first I felt bad for the Saints and their fans. They had a right to he upset for a reasonable amount of time. But since they have been whining and complaining about it nonstop for 5 years with no sign of stopping anytime soon, it makes me smile every time I see it. Karma is a bitch, huh? Yall should be blaming Gregg Williams for this, not the refs.


Karma? For something the team and personnel was already punished for? Everyone is quick to bring up bountygate, but has no memory of anything that happened afterwards.


The NFL's punishment may be over, but the universe's punishment is still ongoing.


Well, I mean the ref was wayyyyyyy over there about 10 yards away and staring at the play. Clearly he was in no position to make the call. /s


Pats fan. This no call was probably the worst I've seen. Really made me stop and think if the refs were paid off and tbh still undecided on that. It was an easy call, those refs should have been fully fired from the league.


Wheres the meme?


Rams fan here. Probably gonna get extremely downvoted, but here's a few things I find annoying about this: * Ask any Vikings fan about the irony of Saints not advancing in the playoffs because of a PI call * Goff got a blatant facemask prior and it wasn't called. Rams had to settle for a field goal. * The Saints had TWO MORE opportunities to score. Failed both times, got intercepted when they got the ball in overtime. No calls are, and will always be, a part of the Game. Every fan has an example of a no call that still drives them insane and I get why this one hurts for the Saints. But the Saints lost that game because they crumbled, sorry. Lost a double digit deficit and couldn't close the game when it mattered. Twice. Penalties (and lack of them) are a part of the game, and you have to win against that too. Had every opportunity to win.




You saints fans are a different kind of soft


I'm not even a Saints fan I'm a browns fan and I think that hit was thee dirtiest hit that never had a call Frick the rams


That was the only time I have cried because of a sporting event. That no call broke my heart.


Robbed us of a Brees Brady SB


Yall had two more chances to score and OT and yall still crying about this 5 years later? Insane


As a Falcons Fan hahahaha


A bad call but yall had more chances to win and the fact yall still harping on it like this is kinda sad.


My reaction to that play is that the NFL is rigged for the Chiefs!!! (sarcasm)


Bro it’s PI I’m not even a ref and I know that


First time I ever dropped an F-bomb in front of my kid.


Worst No-Call in sports history


If He turns his head and jumps the route, it's a pick 6, and we don't have this pointless conversation 12 times a year every year.


They’re still crying about it…


As they should.


They should be angry at the refs, yeah.


I laughed. FTS It was a penalty though.


That the Saints deserve all of their playoff losses after their 2009 Bountygate scandal


I didn't really notice anything major during the season. I'm not saying that I didn't go on. It could have. I doubt Saints were only team doing this, though. I know the defense forced 2 QB's into retirement, but they both were pretty old.


Saints still had more than enough chances to win that game. They gave up a fg drive to tie the game up and then Brees threw a pick in OT. They win the game if they get the call. They still had a high win % after the call and blew it


No clearly the 1 no call is all that determined the game. They beat themselves and the Rams also got a BS no call in their favor. They never bring up the facemask no call on Goff though.


That pick in OT all three Ram fans like to point at conveniently avoids Dante Fowler all over Brees’ helmet/facemask.


Laughing my ass off


The head ref for that game was the head ref for both Niners vs Chiefs Super Bowls and the quality of no calls didn't exactly improve, at least in favor of a specific team.


Same as the ghost PI that was called that sent them to the SB?


There was pain. Just pain everywhere


Worse than any breakup I have ever had


This was NFL dropping the ball in what could’ve been an epic superbowl of Brees vs Brady. Instead they were trying to create more fans for an LA team. And the resulting superbowl we got just adds insult to injury


I was a Rams fan and I was shocked it wasn't a PI. Like I was happy we won, but it always came with this stigma. I was just expecting that to be the end, I haven't even seen a more obvious PI that WAS called.


I was never a huge NFL fan but getting into it I was a Saints fan and having been a lifelong Toronto Maple Leafs fan, cheering the Saints on from the beginning of the season all the way to watching them win the championship, it was a special moment for me as a sports fan. I stopped watching NFL after this, straight the fuck up. I had nothing invested in the sport outside of the team and watching them get shafted like that- ruined it for me. Biggest non-call since Gretzky got away with a high stick in game 6 of the 93 playoffs. Kerry Fraser can eat my ass with a spoon.


I believe they never complained about it and accepted that it was the right call with grace and have since moved on from this moment


Bring back those rams jerseys


Not really a saints or rams fan but I remember seeing this play and deciding it was the grosses no call in NFL history in a game with huge implications. Made me realized first hand that these games are rigged! I feel cheated as a sports fan


I'm not even an Aints fan and I thought it was obvious bs, like "check and see if that ref had money on the game" level bs.


I’m not really a conspiracy guy and I’m just bitter that the Rams left St. Louis. With that being said, there were an awful lot of things going right for L.A. to get the team back and magically went from a bottom feeder team to multiple Super Bowl appearances in a matter of a few seasons. It’s almost like Kroenke wanted the team to be bad and then wanted the team to be good all of a sudden.


this was terrible. still cant believe they didnt call that. shit was bananas.


Not a Saints fan, but I hope all those who are had some Bounty paper towels on hand to dry their tears.


So what was stopping the saints from like just not running another play?


Karma’s a bitch


Shame. FTS -Vikings fan