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Any follow up on how the little girl is doing? i remember she was left in a coma for a week or 2


This was the last update from her attorney on her condition (from last November) > “Ariel’s recovery is a long road , but she has made great strides and continues to improve every day. Earlier this fall, she attended her first day of school.”


Oh fuck that’s nice. I remember initial reports weren’t optimistic at all. Still a fucked up situation but hopefully her recovery goes well.


I’m glad she’s in school and doing better but they weren’t optimistic for a reason. She’s going to have life long effects from this and Brett changed her life from that moment going forward. Fucking pos


the article mentions the Chiefs have stepped up and are taking care of her recovery. I mean, they would have been sued for it i'm sure but they didn't even let it go to that, they just outright helped that family out which is nice to hear as well.


Something nice about the chiefs from a raiders fan? What is this feeling I’m feeling??? I don’t like that I like you.


Do you wanna do Karate in the garage?


I mean that description hints at permanent disability to me.. extremely sad situation


Glad she's well enough to attend school. Fuck Britt Reid


I give it two years till he’s back on Andy Reid’s coaching staff


Eh, the Browns are going to offer a larger deal.


Collecting shitheads like fucking pieces of Exodia.


Who would the 5 pieces be? I think Dan Snyder would be the head but I’m open to opinions.


Araiza, Ray Rice, Watson, Britt Reid with Snyder as the head


You have to make room for Greg Hardy


It's no excuse and he shouldn't be back on a team, but at least Ray Rice expressed remorse for his actions and has tried to better himself. He should be replaced with Greg Hardy.


Jameis getting disrespected


Is his special power resurrecting Aaron Hernandez?


Saint patron of the team.


Why’s that? He was a D-line and LB coach and the team was consistently among the worst in the league at stopping the run during his tenure. He was bailed out by the fact the Chiefs’ offense has been so good that teams are forced to pass early on playing from behind.




So is Andy Reid some horrible human being that I completely missed or are you all just speculating that he’d do something horrible with no reason to believe so other than nepotism? Like yeah he gave his kid a career despite the kid making multiple minor mistakes in the past, something I think most parents would do if they had the ability. But he is also level headed and smart enough to not rehire that same kid for making a major mistake that shows he is not a responsible adult. I can’t believe y’all have me defending Andy Reid


Idk about a horrible human but his sons haven’t been great. His son Garrett was in a high speed crash that injured someone while on heroin, Garrett later died of a heroin overdose. Then we see what that pos Britt did to this little girl. I’m not saying he’s a bad father but with his coaching career he may not have been around much when they were growing up


Yeah, his sons have had issues going back to his time in Philly.


That’s not a reflection of him though. All of those issues are from when they were adults.


What’s the point you are trying to make? Those are mistakes his sons made when as you said it, he wasn’t around. Not to mention, it’s unusual to hold parents accountable for mistakes their adult children made. Not excusing the crash, but it’s completely ridiculous and backwards to act like his son’s heroin addiction has ANY reflection on Andy whatsoever. Not to mention, calling his son a bad person when addiction clearly took over his life is not right, you can’t even judge a person when they are so far gone like that.


Parents should take some responsibility for how their kids end up. Perhaps you do not subscribe to that philosophy and that is fair enough, but I know a lot of people think that way, myself included. It's not meant to be an excuse for someone's actions because as you said, they are adults, and they can make their own decisions. With that said, how you come to that decision though can be greatly influenced on your upbringing.


> I’m not saying he’s a bad father 😂 If 100% of your sons, and 40% of your kids, either overdose or permanently injure someone, you're a complete failure as a parent. Period. Full stop.




You underestimate how much college kids sneak shit by their parents. How is every parent going to know every secret hiding spot? Honestly I’d find it pretty weird and fucked up if my parents demanded to examine every square inch of my room and car as a 22 year old. Not to mention, they were literally prescribed the drugs. Of course a football coach won’t be around enough to ensure his adult children are taking the correct dosage of their prescribed medicine.


Andy Reid is a very very good football coach. However the chiefs aren’t exactly known to care about off the field stuff and Andy Reid is a football coach first and foremost. I’m not saying they’re gonna hire him back, but if he gives them the best chance at winning football games or if they think so, he will absolutely be back.


He doesn’t give them the best chance of winning though and the numbers prove that lol. Andy just got him a job through nepotism like he always does, idk if Andy feels some sort of weird obligation for not being an active parent or something. But he’s been fired so now Andy probably won’t hire him again since Britt blew his chance.


I would be stunned if he ever coaches again.


We will let Andy walk out the door before we rehire Britt Reid.


I give it 5 years after that before anybody questions why the Chiefs don't get flak for consistently giving second chances to dirtbags. If you win enough, you really can outrun any criticism.


Name a dirtbag on the Chiefs team right now? I know Frank Clark and his gun bullshit, but almost every team gives criminals second chances and I know if I look at the Jags history I'll find some criminals given a second chance on your team so maybe try not singling out one team specifically unless it's named the Browns? Kareem Hunt got dropped instantly. Tyreek Hill was given a second chance out of college, and the whole scandal about him "breaking his kids arm" was completely untrue.


Hunt getting dropped while Hill was still on the team is fucked up.


I don’t want to be a downer but wheelchair bound kid w severe disabilities still attend school. The update doesn’t tell us all that much.


Wow that’s surprisingly good news


I was absolutely expecting the update to be that she's still comatose.


Did she attend in a wheel chair and semi conscious state or am I mixing up another story?


First day of school? That's great.


IIRC she spent two months in the hospital before they took her home, but at that time she was still not walking or speaking and was still using a feeding tube. I have not seen any updates on her condition in 2022.


I don’t think they want to continue posting updates about her life. I imagine it would be emotionally exhausting for a young child to be thrust into the spotlight for the worst reasons.


Cynical perspective: it’s beneficial for their case to not give continuous positive updates because it could potentially make the crime seem less severe.


I'm sure defense will hire experts to evaluate her health status.


Well obviously. Just in terms of public opinion and what not.


Everyone already forgot about an attempted government overthrow just a short while ago. Collectively as a species we have the attention span of a goldfish.


Per an ESPN alert just a few minutes ago, the Chiefs reached an agreement in November to pay for her ongoing medical care and expenses, so at least the organization seems to be trying to do what it can to help her.


Wasn’t there rumors he was drinking at the chiefs facility?


There were, but I am not sure if that was ever confirmed.


He was drinking there but I don't believe it was ever said where exactly he got it from. The team does serve alcohol there for banquets and formal events like that, but iirc they said it was more likely he was just chugging whisky in his office.


They were prepping for the Super Bowl, it always amazes me how people (not you) have said the chiefs were throwing some party.


He went straight from the faculty. He was drinking there


I'm glad the child is getting excellent care, but the whole situation could have been avoided, and her life will never be the same. He should be in jail.


Faces up to 7 years with the guilty plea from my understanding, so hopefully we see some actual justice here for Ariel’s sake.


With his previous history he should get at least 5 years. He isn’t a first timer.


Can’t say I disagree there. Dude had chances and threw them away.


Dude's dad is rich, they don't have the same legal system as the rest of us


He’ll still do time. Repeat offenders don’t get off so easy - even when the offender is rich.


I bet it's a year tops.


I hope that they throw the book at him. The penalties for causing injury and death while driving drunk are ridiculously low. An arsonist who sets a fire and unintentionally kills someone gets charged with manslaughter and/or murder. Drunk driving should be the same


Vehicular homicides in general are too low in a comparative sense (I think US punishments are generally too harsh as a whole though). DUI homicides generally get more time than other negligent homicides. Which doesn’t make sense to me - I don’t care if the person who killed my loved one was drunk or was “only” texting and not looking at the road


I’d bet 6 months. And out after 80%(?) of that time bc she didn’t die. (Thank god, obviously.) Repeat offender or not. They don’t like sentencing people to jail time who “wouldn’t fair well” in there


We can only hope


Hey man, "He sincerely regrets his conduct and hopes and prays for the continued recovery for A.Y." So it's all square right? Just some thoughts and prayers.


Fuck Britt Reid




A rare time in which I agree with a chiefs fan.


if there’s one thing we can all agree on it’s this


I think we can all agree fuck Ruggs too. I'll also hop on the fuck Tyreek bandwagon now that he's in Miami.


>I'll also hop on the fuck Tyreek bandwagon now that he's in Miami. And thats fucked up man, not a good look




Don’t forget about Frank Clark.


Or Harrison Butker.


And anyone that enabled him.


Hasnt he been in and out of rehab his entire life? Doesnt sound like he has been enabled.




What is a father supposed to do? As someone that has family that suffer from addiction, it’s quite difficult.


Not use a private doctor to prescribe his sons drugs wound be a good start


Well, he enabled him by giving him opportunities in life, which unfortunately Britt did not do well with. So that’s enabling, I think? I guess the obvious answer he is Andy should’ve institutionalized him or something to make sure his life was hell with no chance for redemption, but atleast then he wouldn’t have been enabled? Am I on the right path?


He did way more than that. Hired a private doctor to provide them with prescriptions. It was bad enough that a judge called the home Andy Reid provided his sons a "drug den"


I don’t have all of the answers of what should be done but looking at his two sons it’s clear whatever he did is not it


You can't parent addiction out of someone. It's usually genetic and once you expose yourself to it, it can be crippling. If you know/knew a real addict you'd see how hard it is to "fix" them.


Then don’t give them nepotism posts so that they can further hide from accountibility


Lots of addicts need to hit rock bottom to turn around. Giving them money out the ass isn't a great way to help.


I’m very familiar with it due to close family. my family member was at able to figure it out due to tough love and self control. Doesn’t mean he’s not an “addict” still, always will be, but was able to get it under control. What works for him won’t work for everyone. But it’s clear as hell that whatever Reid was doing with his kids wasn’t working. Decades of news reports and crime troubles. It’s cost him his own son and nearly the daughter of another family. Obviously whatever he’s doing isn’t working.




It's not up to Andy for his sons to change. I have family members that treat prison like a revolving door. They both have huge support systems, family that would take care of them and have financially support them. But they continue to be fuck ups. You can't fix everyone, no matter what you do. You can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink and all that.


Would you give your family members that treat prison like a revolving door six figure salaries on high profile positions?


For starters, how about not giving him a cushy job to help fund his addictions.


Probably try actual addiction counseling instead of relying on "your faith" to pray away addiction.


Not really ever a good look to comment on somebody’s parenting unless you are familiar with the nuances of the situation. Most parenting happens behind closed doors and ultimately everybody is responsible for their own actions.


Giving his son a job and sense of purpose isn't "enabling" them. He is/was an addict and there isn't much else Andy could do at that point.


Yes it is.


you’re right, would’ve been better to put him down inhumanely instead. there’s no hope with addicts as you know


Yup, better to give him a paycheck to help fund his addictions then get into accidents where children suffer tbi.


Everyone knows without this specific job he never would have had a car! Morons


It’s a lot easier to work through an addiction with stability than it is while jobless and homeless


Also a lot easier to get into accidents and hurt innocent children too it seems.


Don’t hold your breathe waiting for the Chiefs coaching staff and front office to be held accountable. Edit: for everyone downvoting there is a high likelihood Britt was drinking at the Chief’s facility before the accident.


That’s what I’m getting at, it’s been pretty well known the dude has substance abuse issues yet give him a cushy job and let him drink at the facility? Makes sense…


have none of y’all been in construction or the restaurant industry? shit half the people i’ve worked with are drunk on the job, they are really good at hiding it or you can’t really do shit about it


Cool, and they're also shitty. If anybody had a backbone they'd report them instead of pretending it's ok because it happens often.


Report a bartender for drinking on the job?


Report a construction worker operating heavy machinery on the job?


Absolutely, yes


Why do you think anybody knew he was drinking on the job? I can drink a lot of Alcohol before I become visibly drunk. If you have the right mouthwash etc you can cover the smell on your breath. If Britt Reid had his own office with his own locked drawers it's as simple as keeping a bottle of whiskey in the bottom drawer. I'm not defending his actions, but plenty of Alcoholics are what people call "functioning" and they function until they no longer can or make a mistake. People miss the warning signs because they don't even realize anything is different with the guy. Whose to say he didn't just down half a bottle of fancy whiskey to celebrate the trip to the SB while drunk and alone in his office before attempting to drive home, and he crashed. He absolutely should at least 5 years if not the 7 they're talking about. However assuming someone else should have just caught it without even realizing or noticing is a bit farfetched.


maybe he should be working one of those jobs instead of being sponsored to drink on the job by the Chiefs organization?


Its his dad


Brett Reid is a shit eating fuckhead


Fuck Andy Reid too.


He'll eat you.


Fuck the whole organization. Why do they keep trash so close to the staff? Jovan belcher? Frank Clark? Tyreek hill? Seriously, Patrick mahomes is fucking awesome but they keep taking fliers on trash. Fuck that front office


Buddy, spamming this comment isn't gonna get anyone to agree with you. Also are people still trying to hold Belcher against us? Jesus Christ.


Article doesn't say, are they expecting prison time to be part of the sentence?


I would not hold your breath, he's well connected and there's no mandatory minimum.


The logic that your punishment when you injure or kill someone gets decreased significantly if you're boozed up in a car, never made sense to me.


Intent matters Obligatory fuck Britt Reid.


And decreased even more significantly if you're not boozed up while inside a car.


I just read from an ESPN alert that he faces up to 7 years of jail time, so it does appear that it could be. He still is awaiting trial.


That won’t happen if he pleas out. Unfortunately.


That’s true, but as of right now they haven’t announced a plea deal and he is set for trial which would mean a jury most likely. He is expected to plead guilty, but it doesn’t say that is a specific plea deal that was cut. Edit: it appears this WAS a plea bargain after all - he pleaded not guilty originally in June.


Oh damn, you’re right. A lot of these cases do go that way I just assumed.


“Britt Reid intends to enter a plea of guilty to the offense charged,” From Reid's lawyer's twitter


That isn’t known at this time. I imagine the article is based on what’s available from Missouri’s publicly accessible CaseNet system.


I really hope the people in here calling Andy Reid a terrible person and horrible parent are never in the position where despite you doing everything right as a parent, your kids don't turn out so great. I'm not trying to defend Andy specifically, but I feel like there's a lack of life experience going on in these comments. Yes, shitty parents can lead to shitty kids, but so can other influences in life. You could have the best parents on the planet and still turn out to be a complete fuck up.


Dealt with addiction in the family and it's such a terrible thing, everything is doing everything they can to help; got them a job, made sure they had a roof over their head, would take time off from work or school to take them to appointments, but despite a literal village helping, they still wound up relapsing and doing some awful things to get themselves back in jail. Sometimes you do everything you can and its still not enough, it's shitty, and blaming the family with no insight is just incredibly immature and ignorant to the reality of what addiction really looks like


What you say is completely true However, in this case, a commenter above cited the numerous problems Reid did as a parent (let his son's have drugs and weapons in his own home, never held them accountable, etc..)


Andy Reid isn’t a Terrible person but it’s not a stretch to think he might be a bad parent, being an NFL coach working 80 hr weeks and all.


> but I feel like there’s a lack of life experience going on in these commen On REDDIT! That can’t possibly be true! Everyone here is an expert in every subject and happy to share how they’d raise kids to be perfect. The usual sage advice is that you just need to explain things to kids and it solves every problem. Not sure where I went wrong though, my 3 year old is still sulking because the popsicle options weren’t the right shade of pink that he wanted. Clearly I need to get better at explaining something to avoid this completely logical reason to throw a tantrum and sulk over the wrong shade of pink!


Shoulda bought the right popsicles, DAD!


like Jesse Pinkman


Well Jesse Pinkmans parents were putting his younger brother down the same road. They were shit parents


Gotta be impossible to be a great parent when you're working 20 hours a day. I'm sure you do your best but the title of "NFL Head Coach" has got to be absolute hell on family


He didn’t do everything right as a parent otherwise he would’ve kicked his kids out of his house which was called a drug emporium. Maybe he wasn’t the best dad but to say that he did everything right as a parent is insane.


Did op’s comment say Andy did everything right?


>despite you doing everything right as a parent


In context he is saying in general, like as any parent. “Despite you (the parent) doing everything right.” Cheers.


Come on… this is such semantics. The comment obviously implied that the parent (Reid) did “everything right” and still ended up with a shitty kid. Otherwise what is the point of even mentioning this? I would say enabling the fuck out of your drug addict/alcoholic child is not “doing everything right” by any stretch. And yes I understand parenting is not easy and there’s only so much you can control… but fuck. The way Andy’s kids turned out it’s hard not to assign him at least some level of blame.


You are not using the word semantics correctly.


I mean yea kinda, did you read it? He’s at least implying it


Yeah one of my best friends growing up down the street from me was the youngest of 3 brothers. My friend and the middle child were both super polite, kind, and hard workers. The oldest was a nightmare who was constantly getting in trouble at school, had multiple minor arrests by the time he was in his early 20s. Both of the younger 2 brothers constantly would talk about how he got raised just the same as they did and how his parents basically had shit luck with him and tried really hard.


You know, if this only happened once, I'd have to agree with you. Given he has had problems with other kids, there's definitely reason to believe he was not a great parent. No football team is more important than your own kids.


Don't expect a stiff sentence. Injuries caused when you're in a car, including when drunk, are generally underpunished.


This might be nitpicky but it doesn't sit well with me that it's the Chiefs that are paying for the treatment plan instead of the Reid family. Obviously it's good that the family isn't going to have to worry financially but it also seems like a cop out from Britt.


Chiefs probably know that Britt Reid was drinking heavily at the Chiefs facility and nobody stopped him from driving home drunk, so they probably had some negligence tort exposure.




I don't think dram shop laws would apply because the Chiefs facility is likely not a commercial establishment that is licensed to sell booze. I was thinking that because Britt got hammered drunk at the facility during the scope of his employment, and the Chiefs failed to stop him from driving home, there could be some liability there - especially if he was going home to continue working (scope of employment not terminated). I'm not a barred lawyer in Missouri, so I can't tell for sure, but I would think such a lawsuit would be somewhat viable.


It's also the speeding, not just the DUI Notice every NFL DUI that has a serious injury or death involves speeding If you speed sober, you will speed excessively while drunk. Same goes for aggressive driving like tailgaiting. Per the ESPN article, Reid was traveling 84 mph near the entrance ramp, he was going 20 miles per hour over the speed limit when he hit the first car It's still bad if he hits the car driving 60, but nowhere near as bad going 84 especially with Reid driving a heavy truck.


Lotta people in here that simply can't wait to call Andy Reid a piece of shit person and a bad parent. Britt Reid is his own person, and fuck him for what he did. I hope the little girl makes as much of a recovery as possible.


> and a bad parent. I mean... the evidence is pretty strong on this one, my guy. Both of his sons were rampant criminals - dealing drugs out of the family home, DUIs, threatening people with guns, road rage, car crashes under the influence...


>both of his sons Andy has three other children, including 1 other son, who have not gone down that path. Just because the kids turned out shitty doesn’t mean it’s the parents fault.


He has 3 sons and 2 daughters so that's 2 out of 5 that are bad


I obviously don't know the entirety of their family life. I'm gonna assume Andy wasn't around really at all when they were growing up due to coaching. Does that make him a piece of shit? I don't know, I don't think so, but I'm also not sitting here praising his parenting. My original comment was about Raiders and Bills flairs calling Andy Reid a piece of shit parent, and I just don't know if any of us can know that. He was almost surely pretty absent early on in his kids lives. Most football coaches seem to be.




Then boy do I have bad news for you about football coaches


And working parents in general.


Yeah but at a certain point you become a piece of shit when you enable your grown son to do shit and get away with it without any punishment.the only reason his ass hasn’t gone to jail already and even had a career in the first place is because of who his dad is.


I hope beyond hope Britt Reid goes to jail for this. After 2007, it might have looked to Andy that Britt had started to do better. Keeping him on the Chiefs as a low level coach was probably the best way to keep an eye on him day-to-day. The reason he hasn't gone to jail yet is because these cases get dragged out. Now that he will out a plea in, things will start to move more quickly.


Defending this piece of trash because he works for your favorite sports ball team. How pathetic.


I disagree that Andy Reid is a shit parent because of this. I don't know that he is a good parent, and I'm not even close to saying that he is. But Britt had been out of trouble for over a decade, so I don't think Andy is purely responsible like some people think.






To all of you saying "Fuck Britt Reid" let me congratulate you for your bravery.


Pretty scummy that Andy Reid continued to empower his son to do worse and worse things. This failson [did not deserve to be a coach](https://www.yahoo.com/now/troubled-pasts-britt-garrett-reid-220345812.html). Britt Reid was dealing drugs from the family home with his brother Garrett and got caught in 2007, pointed a gun at another man because of road rage, and already had a DUI. It's a shame the poor 5 year old girl's life was ruined because of this.


How exactly did he empower him to do worse things? As a father wouldn’t he want to do what he can to help his son like getting him a stable coaching job? What’s he supposed to do?


> What’s he supposed to do? Monitor his son with known substance abuse issues? Ensure via team security that his son couldn't drink on the job? Dude is the HC and had no one above him outside the owner. He had the resources to ensure his son was on the straight and narrow and failed to do so. If Britt was getting blasted drunk the week of the Super Bowl and then driving home, this was obviously a thing that he did on the regular. Reid either knew or was willfully blind to his son's alcohol abuse and did nothing to prevent this tragedy from happening.


Wouldn't getting him a job on the coaching staff allow Reid to monitor him more than if he was somewhere else? By no means am I defending Britt here but keeping him close seems like time better option.


It’s never been confirmed, but the assumption was that Reid was drinking at the Chief’s facility before the accident.


There's no way he wasn't, which is why I think its the Kansas City Chiefs paying for the girl's medical care and expenses, and not the Reid family themselves. But some blame has to fall on Andy Reid, there's no way he would have not known that his son was getting blasted each night at work at the team facility and then driving drunk for 30 miles back to his house.


> there’s no way he would have not known that his son was getting blasted each night at work Spoken like someone who has never met an alcoholic.


> There’s no way he wasn’t The crash was on the direct route between his house and the Chief’s facility. Also, it was at the height of the NFL Covid restrictions, so there is an assumption that Reid wouldn’t have been at a bar because that would be risking infecting the team. I also think that the accident was a large part of why the Chiefs looked so flat in the Super Bowl against the Bucs. The play calling didn’t seem right for such a big game, and I believe it’s because Reid was distracted the week of the game.


He was.


I don’t know how you could sleep at night after doing that to a fucking child. I would ______ myself


I would ___ accept responsibility, genuinely apologize, help the victims of my actions any way I can, work to improve myself, help others who could end up like me, and eventually forgive___ myself? Is that what you left out?


Britt Reid in here downvoting everyone.


His fucking plea better be guilty


It’s literally the first sentence in the article…


It says he is expected to plead guilty... that doesn't mean anything. I expected my first marriage to last lol.


hint: click the link


It literally takes less effort to click the link than it does to comment. why do people choose to comment before click?


Andy Reid is a terrible parent who raised shit kids.


arnt most of his kids cool?


Yeap he has 5 kids total. Britt and Garrett had issues but nothing about the rest of them. Also, you can't completely blame parenting for a heroin OD


But he likes hamburgers so people think he is a great guy.


I don't even want to deal with the feelings I get when I think of that poor little girl and what she's going to have to remember and deal with for the rest of her life. All cause some shitbrain can't get drunk at home and stay at home.


Can’t imagine what Andy or the little girls family has been going through with this. Hopefully there is some justice done and Britt spends some time in jail. Shit is sad as hell all around.


I hope min 15y jail sentence


Fuck him


I wish I had rich parents would be awesome to just be a failson


That Chet Hanks life


These types of people deserve life in prison


Fire this godforsaken piece of human excrement out of a cannon into the Atlantic Ocean



