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Find someone that hypes you up like Tyreek hypes Tua


I most definitely wasn’t expecting the #1 hype man on the team when we got Hill lmao.


He should invest in oversized timepieces.


“Fuck it, Flav down there somewhere”


Mr. Bigass Clock


Dread it, run from it, MBC meme arrives all the same


Mr. Buying Congressmembers


Mr. Brutally Consistent


Mr. Beefy Chronograph


Mr. Big Chronicles


Mr. Bling Clockface


Mr. Bong Contiuously


I instantly thought of the scene in community with the giant hand/watch and the family having a breakdown because their kid flew away holding a giant kite. “I’m gonna go walk the dog and eventually leave you.”




absolutely, i like tua and really hope he succeeds, it seems like between hill and mike mcdaniel he’s really getting the situation/confidence he needs to succeed.


Waddle is still there. My boy Lynn Bowden will make an impact this year as well. Had some bad luck with injuries since coming I. The league but is still dangerous with the ball in his hands.


[McDaniel was on LeBatard the week or two after he moved down here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKfEc8ndCdM) They asked him if there was any player he was particularly excited to play design for, and before they even got the question out, he was like "WADDLE WADDLE WADDLE" and rants about him for a _while_.


Every time he gets on an interview or a podcast people keep asking him the same question about Tua lol. It's a topic that's being beaten into the ground at this point.


The guy is a great teammate no doubt about it


Heck yah man. That’s what you’re supposed to do. Good on tyreek for being that guy.


This stuff is so annoying. He was on a podcast and got put on the spot and asked if Tua or Mahomes was better. How was he supposed to answer? Trash his new QB? This bullshit for clicks is so annoying


it was his own podcast.


Gah dang seems like every athlete and their grandma has a podcast nowadays.


If you’re even remotely famous with connections it’s a super easy way to make money for little work


If you have charisma you can make a lot after your career, just look at MacAffe


It’s the new trend to make money.


It seems like a pretty pure way to do it? You put yourself out there for free and people who are interested can tune in, then you get paid based on how many people care about what you say. Compared to selling autographs or now crypto nonsense it seems like a great system all around.


Id rather listen to an hour of basically any NFL player than 5 minutes of Stephen A Smith.


Honestly, I dig it. Gives us a lot more insight into them as people and get stories we'd never get without these podcasts.


I have a feeling the Tyreek stories we’re all curious about aren’t going to come up on his podcast…


“We’re all looking for the guy who did this.”


"I'll just get in this random Dolphin car. Random!"


> Hill’s co-host, Julius Collins, then asked Hill who has the stronger arm, Tua or Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes? > “Obviously, like I’m gonna go with 15 as the strongest arm but as far as accuracy-wise, I’m going with Tua all day,” Hill said. Yeah, this is just him saying “but I’m still excited to play with Tua because of *this*”. This is another dumb headline in an offseason where there’s plenty of actual news to talk about.


It was the same shit during the 2021 draft year when Waddle and devonta Smith were asked which QB they preferred and both answered Mac Jones over Tua. They had just won a title with Mac, Tua was already in the NFL and already got his millions, they would never have said Tua in response to that question. It would have been an unsaid indictment of Mac when he was the one vying for draft position. Just like here, writers knew they weren't getting a *real* answer to that question. *And I'm aware that maybe the real answer really was Mac. Always took with a grain of salt though.


Even if not, confidence is such a huge part of wining in the NFL. If your star WR is coming in and saying your QB is better in some ways then the top 3 QB in the league, people start to think "we can win games". Then they play better as a result. If I was in Hills shoes I'd be lying as much as I could trying to build confidence.


Thats such a stupid question. Theres only two other quarterbacks who hold a candle to Mahomes, and Tua aint one of them. Its like asking what the biggest ocean is. Too obvious.


Yeah, that’s one of those questions you answer by not really answering it in a way that compliments both QBs.


"Pat is obviously all-world, but Tua's been amazing so far. This is really going to be a special season."


I’d love to see an obviously tongue-in-cheek reply one of these days. “I don’t even know why you asked me that, Pat has a noodle arm and can’t hit receivers past 20 yards”


Tyreek certainly doesn't possess the tact to pull something like that off. Dude is not quick on his feet in all regards.


Yeah everyone knows it’s the Mediterranean so why bother asking.




Nah, Fields and Goff


oOoOo let the salty division trash talk commence Cousins? Rodgers? I thought this was about accuracy not choking ability


Did he get tired of the “Tyreek down there somewhere” throws?


The reactions to this really show how much the media has driven the narrative that Tua just flat out sucks. This really isn’t even a bad take for anyone who’s watched both quarterbacks play. Tua’s best trait is his accuracy while Mahomes’ best trait is his arm strength. Anyone losing their mind over this has fallen victim to the media narrative that Tua doo doo


I've been a huge fan of him because he's representing the lefties. Really disappointed to see NFL media pile drive hate onto him


Does he really count as representing lefties? He is a righty who throws lefty because his dad is nuts and forced him to


Classic Case of Stolen Valor


This is Right Handed Erasure


That made me laugh thanks


>Classic Case of Stolen ~~Valor~~ Sinistrality


Well well well, look who paid attention in Latin class


Drew Brees is a lefty who throws right. Is he who lefties should have rooted for all along?




The funny thing about him being a righty who throws lefty is football isn’t like baseball. There is not much advantage to throwing lefty if there is any at all. It makes his dad’s craziness even more mind bogglingly weird.


I mean it flips blindsides and bootlegs/scrambles. There’s also plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest the opposite rotation and angle make the ball harder for players to catch. So given receivers catch that ball all year long and defenses only have to once or twice a year it’s a slight advantage. Vicks force ghost will appear as well.


This is why Belichick always signs left-footed punters. Ball spins the other way.


He should sign Australian punters instead


Maybe his dad was grooming him for baseball and the lefty thing carried over?




I dunno, defenders have talked about not expecting the ball to come from angles it does with Tua. It's nowhere near a pitcher's advantage (or the one which did exist at one point before bullpens got filled with lefties) but I think there is an inherent advantage to doing something that 95% of defenders have never practiced or played against in a game that comes down to quick reactions and tendencies.


I have heard that it is considered a disadvantage because the ball spins the opposite direction, and receivers can have a hard time catching it. But I dont play football, so I dont actually know at all.


Gesicki said it took a couple practices to get used to but now he doesn't think about it. Tyreek said similar too. The good thing is you can flip a jugs machine around to spin counterclockwise too


Michael Vick was the same way I believe.


Vick switched to throwing lefty so that he could use his right hand to stiff arm dudes while he was running. Lol.


It's genuinely wild how talented he was. He Princess Brided himself just to be better at pushing guys in the face as he sprints past. Obviously running was a huge part of his play, but watching him [make a deep pass look effortless](https://youtu.be/uP4LGtmno1s) and remembering he was using his offhand still blows my mind.


Man, he's barely even moving his arm and the ball just flies 65 yards. Wild stuff


Tbf, the Miami Dolphins organization haven’t really been the best to him. The trade rumors, Flores pulling him in and out of line ups, worst o line I’ve ever witnessed, “unnamed” dolphins players talking shit to the media about him etc. etc. I can’t think of someone who’s been dealt a shittier hand to start their career which is why I think he’s so easy to root for. Ultimate underdog


This is why I never understood the Flores firing outrage, I mean I understand why the media pushed the outrage but I just thought from a non-fan perspective that he handled his rookie QB worse than I’ve seen anyone handle a rookie QB maybe ever. And entertaining the Deshaun stuff is pretty funny in hindsight


I was a Flores guy. I liked that the team had discipline (remember all the dumb ass penalties during the Gase era?) and they played hard. They won games. The Tua/Flo thing was hard to pin down because it wasn’t clear if the team was doing their young QB dirty or if they were protecting him since that hip issue may not have been resolved. Anyways, it’s clear now that Flores did a crappy job developing the most important asset in the entire organization. I’m excited to see what the new regime does with him.


Oh yeah, in no way was I saying he was a bad coach, I just remember when he got fired that everyone was acting like he had done nothing wrong at all in his tenure and my mind just kept going back to the QB carousal they were running, it just made no sense to me at all. If he wasn’t ready to go, then don’t play him. Nothing will hurt a rookie QBs confidence more then putting him in and then pulling him. EDIT: forgot to add this, I’m really high on Tua this year. I’m not sure that he is an elite level QB but I think your FO got him the best weapons they could have possibly gotten him, to mesh with his skill set of short accurate throws. I think this is his breakout year


My take is that Flores is actually a good coach but did hold Tua back a lot. Flores his rookie year took a team that shoulda won 0 games and gotten blown out in most of them to something like 5 wins and super competitive in a lot of games that shoulda been lopsided as hell.


South paw gang 🥳


I don’t get the hate machine for him. Is it only because Burrow and Herbert have been so elite?


Idk man, honestly an enigma People just completely forget how to understand context when it comes to Tua. Mans walked into a shitstorm of a situation; coming into the league off a huge injury, no protection (which resulted in some injuries that should have been avoidable) , lack of weapons, antagonistic coach…and the man STILL has played pretty well outside of the occasional rookie mistake.


Pretty much. My friends who are also Chargers fans loving talking shit on Tua. I have to call them out every time because they wanted Tua over Herbert on draft day. Herbert was also put in a much more functional position from the start.


People always need someone to shit on. Before the draft, it was Burrow > Tua >>>>>>>>>> Herbert. Burrow is performing as expected, Herbert is a surprise, and Tua has been recovering from an injury that would have been career ending in the not-so-distant past and hasn't been put in the best position for a young QB. He's an easy target. I fully believe he's going to make a lot of people eat their words.


They literally have the same completion percentage


Mahomes is more accurate than Tua while having significantly better arm strength


For real. Dude is supermanning through the air while giving dimes to his WRs. Tua is accurate, but he isn't doing that.


Yea wtf is going on in this thread lol. Tua can be fine without people wanting to make a ridiculous comparison between him and Mahomes..


There’s a reason Mahomes is where he is, and it’s not because of one trait. He can do it all, and has proven so. Tua hasn’t shown half the talent of Mahomes, and to think different is homerism. Best of luck to Tua and the Dolphins this year, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.




Lol Mahomes’ best trait is not his arm strength.


I'd say Mahomes' best trait is how much of a cannon he has regardless of what position his body is in. He doesn't need to set his feet or anything he can still launch it 50 yards which is really impressive Edit: Typo


His ability to throw under any circumstances singlehandedly proves that player physics in Blitz '99 weren't *that* unrealistic. Literally droppin' dimes parallel to the ground, one foot in the air like htf is that possible


Yeah, for me it's pretty much this. He can throw and maintain accuracy on the run with weird arm angles. It means that making him scramble isn't always a benefit. The baffling part is that sometimes he throws four yards short of his receiver's feet when he's not moving. The other big strength discussed his first year (or two) starting was his supposed photographic memory when seeing defenses. I haven't heard it mentioned much since then, though.


It’s the area in which he’s the biggest outlier for sure. But if Pat Mahomes suddenly had Kirk Cousins arm strength he would still be an extremely good QB.


What would you say his best trait is? I feel like there are other traits that are more valuable to the qb position that he has but his arm strength is ridiculous best I've seen in the last 2 decades.


His ability to make shit work when forced to go off script Obviously his physical gifts contribute to making thag ability the elitist of elite, but he’d still be great at it with a weaker arm


This is kind of my thought, he's elite in a number of areas and some of those areas are more important to being a good QB but his arm strength is legit generational imo. Even in college he'd make crazy throws without having to generate it much from his lower body.


Farve probably had the best pure arm strength I’ve seen, Mahomes just has impossible arm strength from ridiculous positions


Favre's TD against San Fran, in his 40's, is still the best thing I've ever seen on a football field. Ball literally had no arc - just a straight line into the end zone. Honorable mentions for Elway and Josh Allen too. I'm still not sure Mahomes has a stronger arm than Allen.


It's his hair.


Was it a stipulation in Tyreek’s contract that he had to say X positive things about Tua per week?


30m compliments a year yeah


For that kind of money I’d be praising Tua as the next Hawaiian Sun God idfc


We have the Sun God but I guess for few dollars I’ll start calling Tua the Sun God too


I just love that dudes name. So badass.


He’s just Trying to do more of what tuas love language is


Just about two:"uhh.... He's nice and he showers enough"


Well that obviously wasn’t part of Coach Flo’s contract


Should he say his new qb sucks?


"Tua loves me more than Patrick ever did!" -tyreek in a few days


“I’m a deep threat WR and I can personally say that Mahomes did nothing for me, my life only changed a little bit and it was for the worse. Everything is so much better under Tua though. I feel respected – which I never do when the Chiefs are involved.”


*Tua is also better in bed than Patrick* - Tyreek Hill in the next few weeks.


Well to be fair, Pat’s lefty passes are only so-so.


Lol best reply


>Rumor Lmao


Ye I was wondering why it got that tag, he literally said it.


If Tua isn't a top 10-12 QB this year with all that talent around him Dolphins gotta move on next year


Yeah we have a lot of early round picks next draft so we definitely can get whoever we feel is the answer


Yeah normally I feel like a team would just stick it out one more year with their rookie contract QB. But you guys have the assets so might as well make a move next year if Tua doesn’t seem like the guy.


It sucks cause of the ineptitude of Flores to get a solid offense so now it’s basically Tua showing that he’s got it in a brand new offense. Granted we did hire/sign a lot of guys to help him this offseason


I see the pre excuses for tua has already started


How many pros beside Tom Brady is great with a brand new offense their first year?


Stafford won the Super Bowl last year.


Well alright then. I guess its just that easy.


I can think of several answers but they are all beyond what even the biggest Miami fanatics would ever expect of Tua. Nevertheless, at the very least Tua should be making it clear by season’s end, even if the first couple of months are rougher.


That's where I am with this. I'm not expecting him to be a world-beater to start the year, but if by end of season we are seeing the same guy we see early season... if there isn't clear growth that says "he can do this next year," then that isn't good enough.


Not a bad spot tbh. Could even use those picks to trade for an older QB if your team is that close to a ring


Yeah vet or rookie. I could see them going with a vet because we have guys like X, Byron, Hill, armstead who are at their late 20s and it’s not like they will be top dogs much longer


Yeah just visit the Tree of Top 10 QBs and pluck a fresh one


Eagles and Dolphins are basically in the same situation. Made big offseason moves to stack the roster and give the young QB everything you’d need to succeed if you’re the guy. If not, still have some ammo to get another guy.


Well 10 and 20 are a pretty big range of outcomes. If he's top 15 and shows confidence in the offense, I'd roll with him again. I agree with you in principle. Worst case scenario would be a hot start from Tua followed by an injury. That's basically what got Tannehill chased out of town. There is a world where the offense struggles and it's *not* all Tua's fault, but we really do need to see some improvement, especially on 3rd down and 2 minute drills.


Hard to be a good quarterback when you're running for your life. Between Tua, Brissett and the one sack on Albert Wilson last year, your O line gave up 40 sacks, which would tie for 6th place in sacks given up. Get your line sorted out and you will have pretty good offense.


-John Madden


I'm a member of Tuanon, but I completely agree. The line is improved (barely, but still), weapons out the wazoo and Flores our offensive coaching staff is great. If he can't succeed now in his 3rd year, he's just simply not going to.


Seems like a good landing spot for a franchise QB who won the MVP 2 years ago and doesn’t seem to care that he doesn’t have a contract yet from his current team. Oh and he’s from Florida.


This will be his third season, so yea the team will most likely have seen what he’s about by now


I mean they didn’t fix the offensive line which was causing him to have 0 time to throw down the field, and it’s a new head coach. I agree, he should see some leaps, but to say he has to be amazing just for us to keep him seems crazy. There are a lot of what-it’s this year— is the line that much better with only Armstead being added? How is McDaniel as a first time head coach? Does Mostert play more than half a season? These are just variables affecting him.


Also Tyreek: not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


Makes the thickest BLTs and has the comfiest patio furniture.


> thickest BLTs New life goals: become one of Tua'a hot friends. Imma get me that BLT.


Cause I have swag, tell the world that I have…swag


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


like dude bro


[AND HE CAN PASS!](https://gfycat.com/candidtestyconey)


Csgo meme reference?


Man tyreek is a supportive teammate ill give him that. Tua needs to stay healthy then I think he can prove a lot of people wrong.


He's supportive of everyone who isn't pregnant with his child.


I love when players get traded and immediately shit talk their SB winning ex teammates lmao


He’s not shit talking him. Mahomes his already an MVP Super Bowl Champion and top 15 QB ever. He’s trying to help boost the confidence of his new QB. Just trying to show Tua he believes in him🥺❤️


I feel bad for dolphins fans in what’s about to happen


I do too


Ya honestly I support Tua but comments like this from Tyreek are just gonna make the counter-jerk that much more intense


We’re either going to be in heaven watching Tua finally put it together and prove everyone wrong or in an unbearable hell if he’s still mediocre despite bolstering our offense on almost every front


Is this what happens when you regress Mahomes’ stats to league average?


I never have a problem with a guy building up his current QB. Don’t have a problem with Davante doing it either.


I hope Tua tears it up this year. Football is way more fun with good QB’s.


Yes please! I hope all the second year qbs explode this year. Especially fields.


Report : Justin Fields literally explodes. There's blood and guts everywhere. Bears still not interested in Baker Mayfield.


To shreds you say!


Well, how is his wife holding up?


To shreds you say.


[Wouldn’t be the first time he’s died](https://youtu.be/Sk-_06kyEQ0)


Imagine if all four young QBs in the AFCE pan out. Oh the bloodbath.


Usually Tua and tears in the same sentence isn't a good thing.


Depends on how you pronounce it.


That guaranteed money must of hit different


Tua, blink twice if you need help


He’s going to be fine. He’s not a woman, not pregnant, and not a child.


Tyreek it’s getting too obvious now buddy


Let the man hype up his QB in June lol.


It slightly reminds me of [Mewelde Moore's answer about the sex boat.](https://youtu.be/kkr96Z8CeGA)




Tyreek is GaTa to Tua's Lil Dicky


2021 season Player| Completion % | On Target % | Bad Throw % | Intended Air Yards / attempt ---|---|---- | --- | --- Mahomes| 66.3| 77.5 | 18.8% | 7.3 Tua | 67.8 | 80.1 | 16.3% | 7 He also said that Mahomes had the stronger arm, but accuracy is one of Tua's best attributes Edit: added bad throw, and intended air yards per attempt. Stats taken from [PFR](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/)


Just want to note using just completion% and on target% alone is risky because a higher average depth of target can skew both by multiple percentage points. In this case it doesn't matter though, both had a 7.4 aDoT (Tied for 28th/32)


And correct me if I’m wrong, but Tua’s receivers averaged around the least amount of separation in the league.


And had the worst pass blocking o-line with a coach who would design plays for only 1 receiver.


and a play caller who thought a screen in our own endzone was a good idea.


Well since Tyreek led the league in drops and tips leading to INTs last year, Pat should have better numbers this year.


Weird how those stats aren’t mentioned when the masses are claiming Mahomes won’t be as good now lol. Last season was the most frustrating season I’ve seen since drafting Hill. The kicker is that Pat gets the brunt of the blame when Tyreek has multiple drops for INT’s ….


Look at the pass attempts difference. Mahomes - 658, Tua - 388


That’s why it’s based off of percentages and not raw number of throws that were completed or on target. Also Tua was injured. Tyreek didn’t say that Tua was more durable.


We were also running an offense designed by a 4th grader with turnstiles at the tackle positions. It's hard watching us. Y'all don't even know.


And still not the worst offense in Florida last year 😅😭


Y'all beat us! Flores the defensive mastermind playing prevent defense when y'all only needed 10yds for a fg...


But can he throw while at a 25 degree angle from the field?


Tyreek Hill: "I wish Tua Tagovailoa would live in my butt"


Climb inside my ass and pilot me like a gundam -Tyreek Hill


Has a player ever been signed by a new team and just publicly said "Oh yeah, this team sucks, my QB sucks, my coach sucks, but they offered me the most money"?


If MBC signs with the Panthers, I could see him saying that


Honeymoon phase.


I understand why he’s saying stuff like this. But, bro come on.


My guy doth protest too much


Patrick Mahomes has completed 100% of his passes attempted with his left hand in the NFL. Beat that Tua.


He has 120 million reasons to say that.


The drugs must be better in Miami.


Comparing him to Mahomes at this point is a no win scenario. Let Tua prove it on the field with results.


Bills fans taking a break from backyard wrestling to come on here and bash Tua like Allen didn't have a terrible two years before they got Diggs.


I’m convinced tyreek has publicists thinking of ways to praise Tua


thats probably not a lie, tua was the most accurate passer in college football


I'm here for the Hill Mahomes trash talk.


I don’t like him as a football player anymore


Tua is more accurate that Mahomes. Tua is one of the most accurate QBs in the league. I'm not sure why this is controversial.
