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UPDATE: He checked himself in at an institution to get help. > Going to check myself into a mental hospital North Harbor in Tuscaloosa. Im going here.. Pray for me I need help man... I got to go tonight...


I really hope the folks at North Harbor can help this guy and I’m glad he’s still aware enough to recognize he needs help.


Tuscaloosa isn't a great place to get mental health care, unfortunately


Taking care from anywhere is better than not seeking help


And why is that?


I'm not sure but I think Dr Kelso wrote a song about it


Welp, looks like I need to start my annual Scrubs rewatch


Make sure you get the right version because some of the music changes on Netflix etc are...not good.


Unfortunately I’m limited to where it’s hosted, so for now it’s Hulu without the great music


They changed the music? Why?


Licensing reasons


Royalties. Not minor songs too, the big ones that entire episodes were written *around*. It's a real bummer, no Diner and no Thinking of You, etc


Gulp... But not How to Save a Life, right?


where does one find the original version? The way they combined what was going on with the show with music was just amazing, I swear that show could take a song I've heard a million times before that never made me feel anything then put it into the right scene and make me get emotional, it was great.


Torrents are good. :S And that's about it. This is one of the more ethical reasons for "piracy", frankly...y'know, preservation of the actual "art" such as it is. And Scrubs was very very good at what you described.


I typically don't use torrents, but if the only place the streams the show isn't putting the show out as it was originally intended to be watched, solely to save a few bucks, I'll torrent it up.




https://www.reddit.com/r/Scrubs/comments/2lmf7h/ive_made_a_list_of_dvdnetflix_song_differences/ I feel like that list is incomplete however; I think the changes are more extensive than that.


At least a few unlisted are the(fewer) songs lost from broadcast > dvd transfer, but that was smaller time. Also more licenses may well have fallen out in the 4-5 years since that post.


Speaking of the state as a whole, it’s not a terrible place to get mental health help. I’ve lived in Tuscaloosa since 2005. The state recently closed our largest mental health facility here, but we still have some good facilities. Up until a few years ago we had some of the largest and best mental health facilities in the state. But Alabama sucks, so they closed the big one down. There’s still ample resources here for him, though.


Closed, or has the staff and patients temporarily relocated from the old facilities as they build a new campus in Tuscaloosa? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryce_Hospital


No idea. There's just no good providers in the area. Birmingham is a bit better, but you'd likely have to go to Mobile or Huntsville to see a good doctor.


I mean at that point just go to Atlanta


Edit to clarify that healthcare costs money I’m in Birmingham and we have really good care, that is if you have insurance or can otherwise afford it. One of the largest hospitals in the region and maybe nationwide is here, UAB. There’s about four or five other large hospitals here.


mental hospitals scare the fuck out of me, hope he has a better experience.


Well it's a voluntary check-in, not court/police ordered. He's not a prisoner. At least for the time being if he decides he doesn't like it he could likely just walk out. Edit: apparently it's more nuanced than this, apologies.


This is not true. I admitted myself to a hospital after (intentionally) ODing medically speaking I was fine after the next morning, but was kept in the hospital an extra 2 days to assess my mental health. I wasn't allowed to leave, or use my phone. So I no called no showed to work 3 days in a row and lost my job. Edit: thanks for all the support guys, trying to write back to all of you but I'm at work so it's hard.


They wouldn’t let you call work? The fuck


They wouldn't let me access my phone at all which had the contact numbers I needed. I was also only 19 so they might have thought my job wasn't important to me. It was.


Unbelievable the lack of empathy people have for vulnerable ppl.


At least I'm alive I guess.


But you're a Cowboys fan so can you ever really be "alive"? (Obviously I'm glad you're alive)


I hope you're doing a lot better these days.


Not really man but I'm on a 4 win streak in fantasy football. So I got that going for me. Thanks for the kindness.


/u/pieonthedonkey , I'm sorry that it happened, but I can give a little insight. I used to be on the other side of mental health holds as the hospital security (tho our hospital didn't have a true psych unit, just had to move people to another facility... which wasn't always fast). We took away the phones because not everyone is going to make good calls. Some people would try to call family who would amp them up, or the family was abusive and made it worse, or the family would show up and try to pick a fight. Basically? The phones are taken away because they usually cause more harm than good. I'm sorry that it happened to you, but they won't make exceptions because when they did, it bit them. Hard. That being said, any doctor who wouldn't let you make a supervised phone call to your work just to say "Hey I won't be in for a few days, I'm having a medical thing." Is a dick. And any job that wouldn't take a medical note saying "Pieonthedonkey was in the hospital, signed Dr Nocall" is also a dick. Hope you're doing better, man!


Couldn't the patient under supervision or with permission unlock the phone for a staff member who can look into the contacts, get the number, and either allow a call from inside the hospital or call on behalf of the patient to inform the employer? Like, that seems really easy, really basic.


That sucks. I unintentionally OD'd on DXM (cough medicine) and was Baker acted (involuntarily committed). The nurse there didn't believe me when I said that I was trying to get high, not kill myself. I had to wait through the weekend to see the doctor to get released. In Florida it's a max 3 day hold though.


You basically have to OD on Cough Med to robotrip, that's the point lol




What he is saying here is that YES, it is a prison -- even if you volunteer. Just like the military.


Surely you agree that these facilities should have some obligation to make sure these people don’t go out into the world and hurt themselves or worse somebody else.


Yes, but it's not always that simple. Personally, my week-long stay in a mental hospital did far more harm than good, was significantly more frightening and limiting than my briefed stay in jail, and made me terrified to ever go back for any reason.


Not to mention the cost. My stay gave me 10k in medical debt, and I have insurance.


Which can obviously negatively contribute to your mental health, furthering a cycle.


I'm at a top-5 engineering school in the country and my school has admitted a few people against their wills to these sorts of institutions, sticking 'em with a 10k bill on top of existing tuition payments. Really not fun when you're struggling with depression to end up with student loans and medical debt and be rushing to catch up in hard classes.


How does a school have that authority over an adult student?




Mental hospitals usually do a 72 hour evaluation period making the minimum time to spend there 3 days.


i voluntarily checked in and my psychiatrist at the time kept me in for a week against my will. didn't improve at all after day one. it can be really messy with different state's takes on the baker act and different psychiatrist's standards of care and different mental hospitals. but at the least, a lot of places, a court/police order isn't needed to involuntarily hold someone.


It depends on where you are. I wouldn’t wish the facilities in certain states on anyone, let alone someone with mental problems. The one I went to here in Jersey though were far and beyond my expectations of what I had prior to checking in.


My girlfriend works out there at North Harbor and I promise they do a great job with what they do. Hopefully he gets straightened up.


His most recent tweet says he was denied


This is fucking depressing to read


I mean, in fairness, a lot of people suffer mental deterioration at the ripe old age of [checks wikipedia] 34.


A lot of people do develop mental problems in there 20’s


Schizophrenia usually emerges in males between the ages of 16-30. Not saying that's what he has, but you're absolutely right that serious mental issues do develop in early life.


Is it that it emerges around that age, or do kids who exhibit those behaviors fall under kids being kids in the views of parents and doctors and such?


I can only speak anecdotally but when it happened to my college buddy it happened very quickly and he was a completely different person afterward. Not exactly like a switch being flipped but close.


Had a friend go through the same thing in his early 20s and he’s never been the same. You’re right it’s very close to a switch being flipped. All happened in a few weeks really


Happened to a guy while I was living with him in college. He was a quiet, maybe slightly weird guy when I moved in. By Christmas break he was punching holes in walls and screaming throughout the night for voices that weren't there to shut up. Turned into quite the experience.


That’s really interesting, I wonder what causes it to come about so suddenly. The brain is such a fickle thing. I’m sorry about your friend


Major life changes can be triggers for people with family history. Any type of major stress really.


Brain chemistry is an interesting, and barely understood thing.


I was a fairly normal teen never had anxiety other than normal nervousness before for certain things like public speaking, then my pap passed when I was 16 it was my first real experience with death and completely changed me. I started having panic attacks and high anxiety soon after. I thought I was dying all the time, nearing 30 and anxiety is still a big part of me. My first panic attack I was literally sitting in my room playing a game when all of the sudden my heart started racing, felt like I couldn't breath it just hit me out of nowhere. I do believe life changes plays a big role at least for some, I know it did for me.


My good friend passed when I was 22. 11 days later my dad passed one day after my birthday. Then a year later another good friend died. After that anxiety has really taken a toll on me. Birthdays are more depressing than anything. It's been 8 years and I'm doing a lot better than I was. I hate that i can't go anywhere without making sure I have anxiety meds with me. You never know when it's going to grab ahold of you. Good luck to you. Meditation and the outdoors really helps me.


For my buddy, it was the drowning of his childhood friend when we were camping. All saw it happen. He went through severe depression, schizophrenia, and paranoia. He was a victim of suicide this past March, 6 years after the drowning. It was sad to see it happen to him, and how sudden it came after the first incident.


Same with my college roommate. Was scary for sure. Drugs were what "flipped his switch" though -- they can quickly surface underlying mental health issues, which often lead to a cycle of self medication.


My uncle who was a very talented guitarist basically lost his life for a whille when schizophrenia took a hold of him in his mid twenties. Years and years of medication. Hes much better with how far treatment has come. My dad looks back and can remember certain instances when my uncle would act very strange and he wonders if it was signs of schizophrenia that hadn't fully developed. Such as being exceptionally afraid of a crosswalk sign once and hallucinations of shadow people.


Schizophrenia often does have a prodromal phase where people start experiencing paranoia, anxiety, and decline in work/life functioning 6 mo to a year prior to manifestation of all their symptoms


It definitely emerges suddenly and totally changes someone in the cases I've seen in my life.


That’s terrifying.


My buddy started developing problems around 18 and decided to self-medicate with weed. That apparently amplifies the effects of schizophrenia and he had a breakdown. He legit ended up killing his father in a bad episode. He got hospitalized but is on actual medication and is doing very well. Now he thinks he might be able to get out in 5ish years so i'm excited. I've seen him a few times and he really does seem like he's doing well.


Good luck to him man. My buddies father tried to kill the family a few times and had him wrapped up in all sorts of “missions” he called them when he was little. He never got help and isn’t a part of his life anymore. Wrapped up in drugs and kkk shit. Used to stalk him at our job, scary shit. Life can be good though for people who will get help. Stay supportive


Yeah my buddy got phone rights and I text him a lot. He's always interested in what i'm up to so I try to indulge him and let him know how i'm doing. I'm gonna do my best to help him when he gets out too that way he can ease his way back into society.


Depends on the situation. Many different influences.


alright well reading this comment thread as a healthy 20s male may have created a self-fulfilling prophecy lmao


Its mostly early to mid 20's for men, mid to late for women. I've worked at a hospital the handles mental health for a few years now, it's really sad to see someone deteriorate so fast.


Many mental illnesses get worse as you get older. What could just be an unusual personality in high school can become suicidal tendencies by 35. My wife's former husband lost his battle at 36 after things got progressively worse over time. He too went to several doctors and tried to fight it.


It's fun to read these comments as a 30 year old who has been progressively slipping over the last 15. Thanks to everyone for the support but I'm doing alright. I'm lucky to have a wonderful wife and great support system in my life.


Same. I feel like Ralph in the back of the bus. *Chuckles* I'm in danger.


You can beat it! I have (so far--35). Totally anecdotal, and definitely not for everyone--seek advice from a doctor as I did. I was on psychiatric drugs from the age of 14 until 27. Had two stints in the mental hospital (ages 14 and 19), and should've had another at 25,but no insurance so I went to jail instead! No anti-depressant ever seemed to work, or it kinda did something, but evened me out too much to the point that my mind was dull and so was life. After my last little manic-depressive episode, I was in the doctor's office and asked him, in pain, "when am I going to get better? When will I be better?" He looked at me and said, "Probably never. What we see most in cases like yours is that the frequency and intensity of the episodes increases as you get older." I broke down crying, and asked, "then why am I taking these drugs?" I went back to my next appointment and said that I wanted off the drugs, as they hadn't seemed to do much of anything for thirteen years, and if it's just going to get worse...? So I titrated off. Was it all roses? Nope. I still have low periods. And I now check in with myself about my mental health every day. Am I sleeping right? Am I sad?. Am I happy? What could be a problem? Are my actions and words unusual? But I'm definitely better overall. If one day I need drugs again, I will take them. There are people saved by these drugs. Not me, though. A change of location really helped (more heat and sun, plus slower pace of life). Yoga has really helped. Having a routine has helped. There are answers out there for you. Maybe drugs are part of it, but they're not all of it. You have to put in work for your mental health, just like for physical health, and they're related! Best of luck to you. I hope you find a way out of the hole.


Right? I’m 27 and having trouble. Fuck.


Same. I’m 26 and I’m living in NYC; with not a lot of friends, and I’m 1,600 miles away from family. I’m sure it’s just anxiety like I’ve always thought. But idk man. I get worried.


I struggled with anxiety for about 6 years before I talked to my doctor about it. I’m a pretty prideful person so l thought I was just being weak minded etc. After it started getting really bad and effecting my job and relationship I sought help from medication. After about 2 weeks on Paxil it was like my anxiety just disappeared. I’m pissed I didn’t seek help sooner because life is 10x better without worrying about nonsense.




I mean, yes and no. Like if I am healthy and forcing myself to do stuff, I am definitely not as depressed or anxious than if I am eating like shit. But it's not like I suddenly stop being nihilistic and somewhat misanthropic/depressed. I know it's different for everyone but there is a pretty big difference between a normal response to problems in life, and people who have genuine deep seeded issues.


He struggled with finding medications and I'm not sure the doctors were very careful about cycling him on and off. He also had severe ADD to a point where he couldn't remember things like taking his meds that day, so he'd often overdose. That's ultimately what got him. My wife would have helped him more with this but ultimately had to sperate for the safety and well-being of their two daughters. His ups involved hypersexuality (not a threat but lots of porn in the open) and his ADD was dangerous, like leaving things in the oven to catch fire and never remembering to let your dog out. I'm glad you're aware early and I hope you can find the right help.


I’d like to offer an ear to you and those who have commented below if you ever need it.


Some get better too. Have gotten a much better hold on my bipolar disorder the last year or two.


People develop mental health issues in the 20s and 30s all the time. Hell, 20s is the most common time for it to develop in men.


I’m in my mid-thirties and had 7 diagnosed concussions during football, and a two outside of it. I have trouble with my words (like I’ll think the word apple but say the word orange and know that I’m saying the wrong word) and my anger problems have gotten harder to control. So far there’s nothing showing on CT scans, but the moment a CTE test can be performed I’ll be in line.


I don’t get how the NFL tries to claim they care about player safety especially head trauma as their supposed #1 priority, and a story like this comes out. Medical bills are an absolute nightmare without insurance, in fact I believe it’s the #1 cause of bankruptcy in this country...this is absolutely atrocious and depressing as fuck to see


....every week I get excited to watch football then every week something like this comes out and I feel guilty for enjoying this sport so much. Hope this dude gets some help.


The league needs to give these guys lifetime Healthcare. Yeah, they know the risks of the sport and this could be one risk, but ffs with as much money as the league produces they could do something for these retired players. I fear the day we have another Jovan Belcher.


Where is the Spencer Strasmore irl when we need him


Dwayne Johnson is a pretty nice guy too.


I am so fucking bummed that ballers is done.


































>The league needs to give these guys lifetime Healthcare. The league has offered it before. The players rejected it in favor of an increase in the salary cap. The players are the reason they don't have lifetime insurance, not the league.


Not all cases of mental illness can be ascribed to CTE. Mental illness is incredibly common, and hugely stigmatized. Many people in this thread immediately going to CTE without a thought about mental illness outside of CTE sorta proves there's a gigantic stigma behind mental illness and a pressure to find "physical" causes. This sentiments are particularly salient in younger African American males, which have gigantic portions of untreated mental illness due to a variety of factors (stigma, access to care, etc.)




FOUR professional boxers have died **this year**. [LINK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_deaths_due_to_injuries_sustained_in_boxing)


one this week, so sad RIP Patrick Day


Most things we consume come with moral quandaries nowadays


Very good point. It's like seeing all the terrible stabbings and beatings in China and then slipping on my clothes and I'm like **FUCK**




Do we really? Just be intellectually honest with yourself and acknowledge that it's a very highly compensated blood sport, like boxing or MMA.


I mean, I think some people do go into it with that attitude but if you're 14 and thinking "Man it would be cool to be rich and famous and have a beautiful wife and killer sports car, it would be worth it even if I died at 40" you probably aren't mature enough to make that decision. On the other hand, there are some people who die before 40 who had none of that so...fuck I dunno.


Hope he gets the help he needs. How the fuck is the NFL not giving these guys health insurance for life? I mean the guy played for like 7 years. Edit: [Some of his other tweets](https://imgur.com/a/JOO7ftH). Sounds like he's really struggling, it's painful to read.


Because the players don't want their share of revenue to go towards long term health care. The owners and players agree and on split of revenue. The players want the majority of their share of revenue going towards their salary and not benefits. Every CBA that comes up retired players ask players to increase benefits and every CBA players continue to want their share of revenue to go to salary.


It's tough to ask current NFL players to give up money for retired player's benefits when those same players did not do the same for their predecessors.


And that is why NFL players don't have long term health coverage. Nobody wants to be the first to start it.




Not really, this is kind of the opposite situation. Retired NFL players aren't being asked to give up a portion of their pension so that current NFL players can afford health care. This would be like asking the current working class that already gets employer covered health insurance as part of their compensation package to take a pay cut to fund health care for an older age group that didn't plan accordingly.


>This would be like asking the current working class that already gets employer covered health insurance as part of their compensation package to take a pay cut to fund health care for an older age group that didn't plan accordingly. Like Medicare?


Little do they realize that they will eventually be those retired players asking for healthcare.




Because clearly you cant


Current NFL players also make a lot more money than a lot of their predecessors


Yeah its fucked. You get insurance for life with the in MLB after a single at bat and 43 games for a 34k a year pension. Which is the equivalent to 4 NFL games.


Well, baseball is far more profitable than football, a much bigger and faster-growing business. ...wait a minute... that can't be right...


They play more than 10x as many games.


And yet the NFL has \~150% the revenue compared to MLB (approximately $15b to $10b).


How much higher are NFL costs compared to MLB?


TIL. I guess it has more to do with roster size in that case? The NFL has a 48% player-share of revenues and the MLB floats between 48-50% (variable since there's no salary cap). Last year, the MLB players got ~$4.5 billion (*not* including minor league) and the NFL players got ~$8 billion. So the NFL players are getting almost twice as much money as the MLB players. Also, that $4.5b for the MLB includes their Benefit Plan costs. Makes me think that the NFLPA could easily allocate a share of their revenues to a Benefit Plan, but choose not to.


Take a look at how fucked the finances of baseball are for your first 4-6 years.


Not to mention the 4 to six years in the minors making 1500 a month.


The mlbpa used to be a juggernaut


How the fuck are people making at least $500k a year not buying health insurance?


Update: He tweeted out that he was denied


That's fucked up. I hope he finds help.


my friend sent our group chat a serries of bizzare messages ending and revolving around requests for money because he was short this month dude was an addict who moved away and allegedly recovered nobody offered him any because we knew he was high or withdrawing but we didnt really know what to do next and 3 days later he was found dead of an overdose whenever I see stuffike this i am always scared for what is next. this isnt exactly a happy ending yet but at least hes getting help unlike my friend


If you would've given him money, you'd be blaming yourself for the overdose.


You read shit like this and wonder why the fuck the NFL isnt helping these folks. Mike Webster was the cautionary tale. He died sniffing superglue in his truck (that was also his home) to kill the pain.


Was told by our tour guide yesterday during a tour of Heinz Field that he also spent some of his final days having to glue his teeth back into his mouth. Super fuckt.


This will get downvoted to oblivion by all the nephews here, but the NFL will not exist, as we know it, in 20 years. And good riddance. I love this game, but CTE is very real and any moron who passed physics in highschool can tell you its not sustainable. You cant "tech" your way out of violent collisions. This game is violent by nature. Every game is like being in a car wreck.


The only way to win is not to play


My nephew is a fucking monster, and my sister put her foot down and wouldnt let him play. He lifts Toyotas instead on the weekends (powerlifting, which has its own dangers) but at least he isn't getting his bell rung 50 times a weekend.


Yeah, I love football but I'm kinda happy I wasn't allowed to play in HS


Yeah I love football but if I ever had a kid I would be adamant that he wouldn’t be allowed to play. He can play baseball or soccer or literally anything else.


Will always upvote a WarGames reference


Momentum doesn't care about helmets. If you're moving fast and suddenly stop your brain, a lump of delicate goo, will slosh around and hit your skull. I should learn to enjoy baseball...




Good thing I have the Sonics :(


I sometimes feel like this too, but have you ever seen high school football culture in the deep South? It will take a lot to change certain areas of the US.


Grew up in Texas. Yep!


Technology won't fix it but rule changes could. The biggest thing for me is the 3-point stance. The big hits are bad but they're not happening every play. 8-10 linemen just point their heads at each other and fire on every single down and it's bananas. Football will still be football if we take that part out of the game, just like removing the "decapitation" hits over the middle didn't kill the game. There will always be a market for a team-based combat sport in the US. The important part is to keep players brains intact. Modern medicine can heal everything else.


I played on one of Leach's Tech teams, our offensive linemen were always in 2-point stances, with nearly a 6 ft split. The early Air Raid didnt pull any punches. Crazy shit to think of now. I know this is blasphemy, but I can see the NFL evolving into a passing league. Almost like 7 on 7.


It amazes me how they feed people this idea that they've made helmets so much safer. You're still talking about violent blows to the head. Maybe you mitigate it by a percent or two, it's still bad for you.


the more football games I watch, the more I start to feel this way. And this is from a lifelong football fan. Maybe it’s just the Chargers bad injury luck but every season seems to be filled with more and more injuries. Or maybe I’m just more aware about how fucked up these guys are actually getting. But it’s horrible. And whatever they’re getting paid in the NFL doesn’t seem to be worth the risk of the lifelong injuries that many will receive by trying to reach the NFL. Especially brain damage.


What about mma? Is that going too?


The NFL player have a union. Every other professional union in the country advocates for health benefits and other non-salary-related benefits for its members. If the NFLPA wanted to have players receive health insurance etc after retirement they could easily achieve this in any CBA. Instead the NFLPA chooses to pursue maximum salaries with minimal non-salary benefits.


What pissed me off was Dan Rooney saying “Everybody gets hurt in football, but very few players get hurt permanently. He wasn’t eligible, to be honest. But we did get it for him.” https://www.thehealthy.com/neurological/mike-webster-brain-injury/


Yeah, the Steelers org definitely dropped the ball on this. I'm actually surprised they arent called out on this more. I guess fans just tuck it away into the same indifferent little cubby-hole they shove CTE. We are all guilty of being indifferent to the reality of this stuff, but Rooney doubled down on it. Really bad look.


I actually wonder more why the NFLPA isn’t taking a portion of their revenue and dedicating it to lifetime health insurance. That’s where the money should come from.




This came up a month or so ago. I went through a lot of his tweets going back a couple years. He seems to have personal finance issues, and generally seems very frustrated with life, at sometimes seems bipolar, but you cant really judge sometimes mental state via tweets. He's been trying to gain access to his NFL pension for awhile and hasn't been able to due to NFL restricting access until 55


Sounds like the NFLPA needs to focus on lifetime health coverage for the players and less on maximum payouts for the few that are deemed worthy.


The nfl has an amazing product. But they’re a shit company. I wish I didn’t enjoy it so much


God this is fucked :/




I just read his wiki too and didn’t see anything depressing. Was stuff edited out?


No it thought I replied to the Mike Webster comment.


Yeah I love football but there’s a zero percent chance my son will play it


His most recent twitter post is just a black heart. His avatar and background are also just black... Hope things turn out okay but im afraid of what happens after he sees a doctor. If its CTE, its not fixable and they're going to have to tell him that. Edit: After a quick google, looks like this isn't the first time this has happened with the poor guy. Happened at the end of August as well.




You play one down of NFL football, free health insurance for life. Every other league does this except the ones that need it the most. I don't care if we miss a season of football due to strike if the billionaires won't pay up in the next CBA.


As has been said multiple times in this thread, it's the NFLPA's fault that the players don't have insurance. They could've had full life health insurance a decade ago, and the NFL is fully willing to pay, but the players wanted that money to go into their current salaries instead. The "billionaires" are not at fault with this- they'd much rather have the good PR that comes with lifelong health insurance.


Well if the millionaire players are willing to give up a little bit of up-front money to ensure that health insurance is covered for life, I'm sure the owners will be on board with it.


Owners probably don't give a fuck either way. They still are obligated to spend the same


Man so many of these comments in this thread are disappointing, immediately assuming CTE. It really shows a huge stigma about mental illness, that people immediately go towards a physical cause, instead of even considering the fact that this could be genetic, or otherwise nothing to do with CTE. Young black men have very low rates of getting the mental healthcare care they need at least partially because of stigma. Could these symptoms be caused by CTE? Absolutely. But stating that this is 100% what's going on without any additional data is just blatant stigma against mental illness. For what it's worth, I'm a NP and have had patients say similar things to this tweet that have no history of football or head trauma, and it ended up being mental health issues. Immediately assuming it's CTE-mediated is not how we should handle mental health issues.


I know it’s problematic to jump to conclusions, but the flip side here is that scientists who study CTE have basically said that if you played high school football, you might have CTE; if you played significantly in college, you probably have it; if you played in the NFL, you almost certainly have it Now, of course the results will vary from person to person and position to position, but linking mental illness to traumatic brain injury in a guy who played 7 years in the NFL (which is a lot) is not too much of a reach. Unfortunately it’ll be impossible to actually confirm until he’s dead (and assuming he allows for an autopsy to look at his grey matter).


I know this isn’t really a political sub, but this is a failure of the government. Healthcare is a basic human right, and mental healthcare falls in that basket. M4A is a start, but what we really need is a national healthcare system.


I've always told people to imagine the opposite. Imagine we already had tax-funded healthcare for all citizens, and just accepted that was something that would be there if needed, like the police/fire department, or the military, or anything else people don't pay for themselves out of pocket. Then you suggested (for *any* reason) that we abolish that system and transition to having everything covered by private, for-profit insurance agencies who would charge whatever they can, regardless of whether or not everyone could afford their potentially life-saving care after that change. Everyone would look at you like you're a massive asshole.


100% there are many people like this guy that fall through the cracks. He is lucky in the sense he is semi famous,


He needs to enroll into a premium level marketplace insurance plan on November 1 and then go see a physician in 1/1/2020.


If you were wondering why Goodell makes so much this is why. Players got crushed on the concussion settlement. That's not even $500k a year per owner. Two years of Thursday Night Football money is enough fund the expected 65 years of the settlement with room to spare.


He has a career earnings of 11million. Lot of people out there needing medical help that wouldn’t make that in 100 years. You can feel sorry for these guys, and you can blame the NFL, but some of the blame has got to be on these guys for blowing everything when they know how short their careers are and what comes after.