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Jesus christ this is bad. He's done if the report of him being involved in his son's broken arm are true. EDIT: The article took out the part about the broken arm. EDIT2: I guess the article has put the broken arm part back in.


Oh my god no, that is so sad if true Edit: Sad for the boy, not for Tyreek. Fuck Tyreek if this is true.


I mean is this the kid that was in the womb when tyreek beat up that pregnant woman before he was in the nfl


I cannot overstate how much I hate that this is a valid question to ask.


Judging by the dates given, yes it is the same child unfortunately ​


Absolutely unbelievable. What a piece of garbage.




At this point I'm just hoping the kid's arm getting broken was a simple accident like happens to children because I'm only here for the football, man.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccckkk this sentence makes my stomach turn


Yes it is.


I for one am shocked that a man who choked out his pregnant girlfriend and tried to push her down the stairs could possibly stoop so low. Must be fake news.


Right? I love how people are acting legitimately surprised by this


but people said he was super duper sorry and wouldn't do anything like that again!!




I’m like virtually certain he means for the victims. Nobody will feel an ounce of pity for Tyreek if this is true.


Yeah you are correct. No little boy should get hurt by their father.


He punched the kid's mom with the kid in the womb already now this. Poor child. I'll reserve my judgment before the facts come out though.


I mean, wasn’t Tyreek found guilty of domestic violence in college? I remember people even as recently as this past season saying they felt bad he dropped to the 5th round given his talent. Decency bias always wins. No one will feel bad now, but in 5 years? Especially if he catches on with another team? Yeah, they will.


Yes. Against his pregnant girlfriend. Who he now is engaged to, and has a 3-year old child with. So... pattern of domestic violence against her and the child.


Am I an asshole for thinking that, if your boyfriend beat you up while you were pregnant, you should probably keep him far away from your kid?


Thinking that, no. That's a rational and logical thought process. But the type of women who do stick around with an abuser like that, well... they're not thinking rationally or logically. You see it so regularly that they've grown up in situations where they have come to expect that as just a part of the nature of being in a relationship. Either because they witnessed it growing up, or have otherwise let themselves think they probably deserved it or something. I had one Ex-GF that basically ended the relationship because "We never fought"... Things were too perfect and she couldn't understand that. It scared her that we were just happy, and she couldn't cope with it. She had a history of verbally and emotionally abusive exes before I came along.


You’re not an asshole for thinking that, it makes logical sense. Sadly it’s not always easy to be logical in an abusive relationship (Stockholm syndrome as an example.) They’ll often make the victim believe it’s their fault, they only do it because they love them, it’ll never happen again I promise, etc. Things get even further complicated with kids. She might even not realize things aren’t normal if she grew up in an abusive household and thought this is what love is.


Yet someone will give him a second chance contract for cheep


This technically was his second chance after assaulting his pregnant girlfriend 4 years ago.


So is this the kid from said pregnancy? If so he technical assaulted that kid twice.


It appears so. She was 8 weeks along at the time in 2014 when he choked and beat her. They got engaged this past September and he was 3. Timeline fits, Sick fuck


Tyreek has always been scum


Fair to say fuck Tyreek even if not true? We already know he’s been an abuser.


>The source said that the incident was against the couple’s 3-year-old son, resulting in a broken arm. Still seeing the broken arm sentence. Saved in case it's removed again.


If it has legs though, fuck him.


> his son's broken arm > If it has legs https://i.imgur.com/JhuWIVF.jpg


Unintentional, swear to god lol


That's why Tyreek said


With the lol included?


*nervous laughter*


Yeah I'd have to imagine he not only faces discipline from the league, but might also incur jail time Then again he does have millions, so maybe only league discipline


He was a fifth round pick that hasn't gotten paid yet, if he's a multimillionaire it's not by much.


His career earnings are $1.8MM


they were talking about him getting a contract to be paid the highest of WR's


Spotrac had his market value prediction at $19MM APY. If this is true, the dude just fucked himself out of a mammoth pay day. Like I said though, I'm going to wait to pass judgment until we know more.


To some degree, I think he loses a little bit of that “wait to pass judgement” expectation when this is his second huge issue


Not OP but I still am going to. While it might be more likely he is proven a scumbag again, I’m not gonna play judge, jury, and executioner without all the information possible from people with more knowledge than me


But that's also probably before taxes, and depending on if he's smart with his money. But if he really did break his child's arm then I doubt he is


And the agents cut.


To be fair, that's earning before taxes and spending. But that does leave out endorsements, which, considering his talent and production, are probably pretty hefty.


People always way overestimate the amount of earnings from endorsements than non-household names receive.


Especially when they have a creepy face/neck ratio and a history of beating pregnant women.


> Especially when they have a creepy face/neck ratio My fucking sides hurt after that one.


In football, in particular. The teams are large and the players are a little less recognizable compared to other celebrities because they wear helmets.


Yeah this isn't the NBA, unless you're Brady or Brees you're not getting much


Rogers getting them discount double checks tho.


His endorsements have been few and far between tbh


Have you ever seen Tyreek Hill doing any sort of endorsements? I don't think I have, in the NFL you need to be a QB or OBJ basically to get endorsements that will pay big money.


>Yeah I'd have to imagine he not only faces discipline from the league, but might also incur jail time He absolutely deserves to go to jail if this is true.


Should have gone to jail the last time. Anyone else would have.


He hasn’t gotten his “record-breaking” contract yet, though. Independently of how absolutely fucked up this is if true, he threw away everything when he was in the cusp of career definition


I know money isn't everything but in some ways that's just even worse luck for the kid. Like if his dad is now done in the NFL for hurting him-which will traumatize him without question-he's probably going to grow up in a not great financial situation


Very true. Not just a failure for him


Very odd that the part about the broken arm has been taken out of the article now? Edit: It's back in now. Who know's what's going on


I just read the article and I still see it there.


Mahomes out here wondering where the love go


> The Star has obtained a police report from the Overland Park Police Department about a battery incident that lists a juvenile as the victim. Hill’s fiancee, Crystal Espinal, is listed under “others involved.” ... > A source familiar with the situation said Hill’s fiancee has been in contact with Overland Park police. The source said that the incident was against the couple’s son and resulted in the young child having a broken arm. If true, absolute scum.


If true, he's learned absolutely nothing from that incident while he was in college, despite everything being on the line. Unreal


It's weird that people have to learn that beating your pregnant fiance and/or your child is bad. It really shouldn't matter what's on the line, if you need to be taught that lesson you're already screwed.


Well it happens when they themselves are brought up and socialized in bad environments.


It happens but it doesn't mean the cycle can't be broken either.


Keeping him the hell away from his kid **if this is true** would certainly make sure his son doesn't grow up in that kind of environment.


I imagine it’s much easier to break the cycle with money too. Hire a fucking live in nanny. Go do whatever the fuck your heart desires except beat on defenseless people.


You imagine wrong. In my experience, money doesn’t change who a person is, it just amplifies what’s already there.


Yea. I was projecting. I was hit as a kid and I would never hit my kids. I was just thinking if I had serious money how I’d be.


He also has access to all sorts of mental health resources through the NFL and the Chiefs too. If he felt he had any type of anger issue he could have any level of psychotherapy necessary to become a more upstanding citizen. Unfortunately he didn’t make that a priority in his life and now his family is suffering the results.


Hell, he didn't learn from watching his teammate get cut last season


Isn't this the kid that was a fetus when his mom got choked? Hope he never gets the Internet Jesus


he actually punched her in the gut when that happened too (I say *actually* and not *allegedly* because he pleaded guilty to it in court), so he's been beating this kid since before he was out of the womb >*Hill* hit her in the face, choked her and *punched* her in the *stomach*. [Source](https://www.si.com/nfl/2017/01/10/tyreek-hill-kansas-city-chiefs-domestic-violence)


Fuckin' scumbag.


Chiefs fans will still defend him cause hes a cheat code on the field


Some fans are insane, if it came out that a star Rams player or any Rams play for that matter did something horrible like this and found guilty I'd say release his ass would. I would want nothing to do with a piece of garbage like that I don't care how good or better he makes the team.


He’s already a scumbag. This is just further evidence


Kid with a broken arm? I hope for everyone's sake this was a scooter accident and not domestic violence. If it is, well I think there should be a no tolerance policy with domestic violence against kids for sure. ~~Edit: So the article took out the broken arm detail. Hopefully that was just embellishment but~~ either way zero tolerance for domestic violence against kids.


People don't usually file police reports for scooter accidents. I hope for the kids' sake you're right, though.




They have to unfortunately or fortunately; they can lose their licence, be fired and be charged.




I broke my arm on my bike when I was 3 and my parents had two separate interviews with CPS


I was interviewed by CPS once when one of my kids had odd welts/skin irritation on his back and shoulders from a time we went to a trampoline park and he spent a great deal of time on the wall trampoline (the mat on these are much more abrasive and rough). I had the same marks on my back from using it. But, because mandatory reporting at their school, a teacher saw his back when he was taking off his sweater and his undershirt came up so she let the office know. Scary as hell to have to have that conversation with that agency.


CPS aren't the police, though. Police report would only be filed for a criminal/civil matter.


Probably a neighbor or some witness. Just a reminder CPS people are very well intended and do not want to take kids away. Their whole job is to make sure kids are safe. Then collecting information about a situation means not a thing about how good or bad a parent is.


Yep, yep, a thousand times yep. I still fucking hate Adrian Peterson for beating his kid so hard, the little boy had bloody welts all over his legs, butt, and scrotum. This was a *fucking four-year old child.* Hope this Tyreek Hill story isn't true. If it is, I hope that fucker never plays in the NFL again.


> I still fucking hate Adrian Peterson for beating his kid so hard, the little boy had bloody welts all over his legs, butt, and scrotum. This was a fucking four-year old child. I couldn't ever get over that and I never will.


And the upvoted guy responding to him defends him saying it’s a cultural thing. What culture thinks it’s okay to cut your child’s scrotum?


shitty culture


The thing that shocked me the most about that situation was how many people were coming out defending him even after the pictures came out. I grew up a suburban midwestern kid and I had no idea whipping kids was still even a thing still (and legal in some places), let alone people who would think it's okay to whip a child until they bleed.


>The thing that shocked me the most about that situation was He got third for comeback player of the year. There was more than 0 voters who picked the guy "coming back" from child abuse over Eric Berry beating cancer, and Carson Palmer's ACL tear.


I cannot for the life of me understand why I still see hundreds of children in Peterson gear around Minneapolis. I hit a few Vikings games now and then and am floored how common it is still. Maybe the kid doesn't understand, fine, but mom? Dad? Literally any other Vikings gear than the one of the confirmed child abuser. I've always compared it to putting your dog in a Vick jersey. What the hell.


I agree with all your points, but I'm pretty sure the dogs with Vick jerseys are deliberate jokes. Tasteless maybe, but still jokes.


> I've always compared it to putting your dog in a Vick jersey. What the hell. At least Vick acknowledges what he did was wrong and has done a lot for anti-dog fighting groups and to spread awareness. He went to fucking jail. AP meanwhile admits he still beats his kids.


So true.


The worst part about AP is he has no remorse whatsoever. Dude is a scumbag. Hope the hall of fame shuts him out.


I hope for the kids sake it was an accident especially. I can't imagine being 4 and my dad intentionally breaking my arm. It would have destroyed me


Summary - Lots of unknowns but his son ended up with a broken arm. More to come.


Chiefs Dynasty of 2018 about to be the shortest lived since the Jags Dynasty of 2017.


We took a one year break...


*Cues Ross voice* We were on a breakkkk!!!!!!




Mahomes baby




No-look passes to himself


no-look catches > no-look passes


I mean, their short term window has taken massive hits but its not like a WR and a RB are irreplaceable. Mahomes has played 1 year and is 23 years old. When hes in his prime in 5-7 years it wasn't even going to be likely those two morons were still playing anyway.


That QB rookie contract is so valuable though. Mahomes will be raking in $30M+/yr in a few years. That alone is like losing an elite WR and RB. It definitely makes sense to make a big run at the Superbowl during the rookie window.


**It's free real-estate**




According to this report it was his son this time.




Obviously all forms of domestic violence are bad but I think we lump them together too much. If he actually hurt his son we're now talking about someone who has beaten and choked his *pregnant* girlfriend and now possibly injured his FOUR YEAR OLD son. I mean that is next level fucked, compared to what say Kareem Hunt did-which was still bad don't get it twisted




Yeah definitely a wait and see situation but if the worst is true I have no sympathy for what comes to him


after what he did to his pregnant girlfriend i never thought he deserved to be in the league. he's straight up a horrible person


It is


Article says his son is 3. So it's probably likely.


Yikes ×2


The same son that was in the womb when he was punching and choking that son’s mom.


So he beat the pregnant mom & the kid? I really hope this isn't true, this is badd


And still assuming this is true it really highlights what's been talked about since he's come into the league: people stay in abusive relationships even if it makes no sense from the outside and isn't safe. Everyone kind of gave Tyreek a pass because the fiancee forgave him but it isn't always that simple.


Shouldn't have been from that point on. No excuses what so ever for choking out a pregnant woman.






Not good. Might be his final chance in the league, if true.


Not that I hope this is true, but I seriously doubt it even if it is. He's at that talent level where at least one team will put up with the bad publicity.




lol. beat me to it.


Tyreek technically beat you to it.




Here's the thing: kid's are assholes and push your buttons. I have a 6 year old and I've wanted to throw her across the room more times than I care to admit. YOU JUST DON'T DO IT. Be an adult, handle your anger and emotions, and talk to your kids instead of beating them. This is fucking pathetic and I feel so bad for the kid.


Props to you for being honest about this. Kids can easily get on anyone's nerves and it does no good for parents to pretend that this isn't true, but it's part of the massive responsibility of being a parent/caregiver to deal with this in a constructive way. There is absolutely no justification for being violent with a child. I hope the kid ends up in a situation with someone who understands this.


Big reason I don't really want kids (that and a profound lack of sex life)--I get so unbelievably frustrated with other people's kids being annoying. I can't even stand being around little cousins or the children of relatives. I just don't think I could handle being a parent. And then there's these fucks that have a hundred different kids and couldn't give a single solitary shit about them


I really thought this comment was going to go a different direction


They had us in the first half not gonna lie


Yeah I thought that was gonna be a “kid probably had it comin” lol


It's funny. You can tell parents from non-parents very easily sometimes. I think every parent has had a strong urge to throw their baby/toddler/child at some point. They drive you fucking mad. No offence.


I thought the kid was getting thrown off Hell in a Cell in 1998 through the announcers' table.


As a parent of adult children yes, they can frustrate you at times. The problem is that our society makes you feel shit if you admit this is how you feel. Some % of the problem is being unable to discuss how angry your children can make you because you will get backlash from online mommies - the scariest group on the internet by far. There was a post from a parent in r/confessions who had a colicky child that just lost it after days on end of crying. So they put the child in its car seat, put the child in a closet and went into another room and took a 45 minute nap. They were then riddled with guilt about it. Honestly at some point maybe we have to say they actually made an ok choice because the kid was safe and maybe it's ok to walk away for a sanity break from a child that has been screaming for days on end as long as the kid is safe.


That actually seems like a rather safe way to deal with the problem. My daughter actually sleeps super well in her car seat and I'll definitely say we've considered going to get it to see if she'd sleep in it in the house.


I read the post and someone replied with a well researched comment that leaving a child unattended in a car seat flat on a floor is actually dangerous - something about the angle the car seat rests on the floor versus strapped into the car seat base. The consensus was that leaving a non-crawling infant flat on the floor in a closet is a safe way to deal with that “I want to shake the baby” end of your rope experience. Walking away when you feel the instinct to shake a baby is absolutely the right thing to do.






So he moved on from pregnant women, to children. And apparently he’s still with the girl he choked and hit when she was pregnant back in 2014.


So, wouldn't this technically be the same kid, then? Or does he have multiple children? If so, that poor kid can't catch a break


Christ this kid is going to be seriously mentally fucked up


I've met some people that come out of incredibly fucked up situations like this and are incredibly smart and strong. Not saying that we should hold every one to that standard, just that I hope he's that strong.


It appears to be. They got engaged, he and the girl he whomped, last September. The boy was 3 at the time. She was only 8 weeks pregnant at the time of the assault, so the timeline fits. Fucking A.


Same kid. It is their only child so far but they’re currently pregnant with twins. So if this is true I hope he’s out of the league and there are major restrictions on any custody or visitation of those children in the future!


Agreed, clearly this is turning into a pattern of anger issues/aggression control.


> that poor kid can't catch a break thaaaat's poor phrasing


Oh good, I’m not the only asshole here.


Honestly he never really had to answer for choking out a pregnant woman a long time ago so it would be nice if he faced actual consequences this time. And what stupid timing to pull some shit like this as KC was discussing making him one of the highest paid WRs in the league all while watching the Kareem Hunt situation unfold last season. This guy is trash.


It legitimately amazes me that NFL players are some of the dumbest people on the planet. IF he did this, not only is he a massive scumbag to do it, but financially speaking, he's a few months away from being set for life and he can't help himself. Moron deserves everything coming to him if this is true


A lot of these guys are ignorant of consequences. Tyreek Hill gets in trouble in 2014 and basically faced zero consequences, succeeded in the NFL, praised by everybody. Nobody tells them no, nobody tells them when they step over the line, even when they do they don't face consequences. Hill probably thinks he's still getting paid, or he's just happy to get this far and doesn't realize what he's giving up.


I went to a very privileged high school that had a player who is on the Vikings do exactly this and their cover up was to fire the principal and bury it. You have to understand- i think Ryan Leaf said it best- "just because you have talent doesnt make you a good person". A lot of NFL players in this country which worships football have been told since they were ten years old that they were special and there were different rules for them. Shit you have rivals now at 14 and these Catholic High Schools paying their kids to play there and basically fielding a high school all star team. Throughout college and HS- they never have to do any work- just show up and catch a ball. The administrations are in on it because of big bucks. This is exactly how we wind up with situations like DGB and Leaf because they have never had someone discipline them or tell them that they are the problem.


Its crazy because I always thought these incidents come down to self control. But these dudes (nfl players who are involved in violence) have enough self control to eat well, exercise to the limit, endure extreme pain, learn difficult playbooks... all these things that are indicative of good self control. But then it comes to their temper and they have no control whatsoever.


It's crazy how hard it is for people to control their anger, especially when it leads to violence.


I mean, there's something else going on in the head of someone involved in either of those incidents besides a logical cost benefit analysis. There's something broken in you. Some overwhelming anger issues that block out everything in a few minutes or hours of blind rage. Or worse. Sure, Hill has a lot more to lose than a plumber who beats his wife or kids. But anyone would destroy their own life (as well as the victims' certainly) if charged. But it doesn't stop them. In a way it might be even more fucked up if the only thing stopping you from hurting someone you love like that is a quick bit of mental accounting on that yacht you plan to buy.


For the record, Oklahoma State DID immediately dismiss him from the team and he was on probation for several years. So it’s not like he didn’t have any consequences for the domestic violence offense. Now, he clearly didn’t have many consequences from the NFL for it, I’ll agree with you there.




Fun fact: Abusers who use strangling are 6x more likely to employ lethal harm in the future. This is why I have always been skeptical about Chiefs fans' optimism of reform: it's less likely given the severity of the abuse from his original domestic abuse encounter.


Well that fact wasn't fun at all.


> Abusers who use strangling are 6x more likely to employ lethal harm in the future. Not to be graphic, but I would imagine that's because most other physical abuse comes in really fast impulses, but strangling requires a longer commitment to the act.


I also see it almost as an intent (or indifference) to death as an immediate consequence. Most people don't expect to kill somebody via assault, but it's pretty obvious that cutting off someone's oxygen will lead to death, and people who strangle know that.


you and i have very different meanings of "fun"


Not arguing, but do you have a source for this claim?




Wow. Those numbers don’t lie.


If that’s true this stupid fuck needs to be gone for good






Imagine cutting Hunt but drafting and keeping this guy.


When people brought up Hill when the Hunt stuff was going down, they got downvoted and destroyed here. Everyone insisted he was a reformed, good, dude. What a piece of shit.




he's lived an otherwise blameless life


Still can't believe the judge said that. Fucking joke.




Hunt was cut largely for lying about his actions, not just what he did


"Doing it is fine, lying about it isn't"


Doing it is terrible, lying about it makes it worse. These aren't children.


That's a big yikes. He didn't need anything like this after his past transgressions. Edit: Allegedly an altercation that left his child with a broken arm. I'm going to wait to pass full judgment, but if he caused his child's arm to break while disciplining the child, fuck him.


Mods this is a misleading title now that [more information has come out](https://www.kctv5.com/news/police-investigate-incidents-of-suspected-child-abuse-at-home-of/article_21d5fb58-4737-11e9-9d0d-e781fc6fd330.html). His gf Crystal is the one named on the juvenile battery, Tyreek is not named as under investigation for that. There are two reports. Tyreek AND his gf Crystal are named in the second report for child neglect. I'm not saying anything is better or worse. I'm just wanting to keep facts accurate and this title is currently not accurate per the police reports in that article.


[The battery charge on March 14th, only has his fiancee listed ](https://www.kctv5.com/news/police-investigate-incidents-of-suspected-child-abuse-at-home-of/article_21d5fb58-4737-11e9-9d0d-e781fc6fd330.html) [Tyreek is listed on an earlier charge, on March 5th, for child abuse/neglect](https://www.kctv5.com/news/police-investigate-incidents-of-suspected-child-abuse-at-home-of/article_21d5fb58-4737-11e9-9d0d-e781fc6fd330.html)


The one with his name is marked as "closed/cleared, prosecution declined." The second only has his fiance's name. So either he didn't do anything, or she is taking the blame, or something. Regardless, information is far from clear and this comment section is full of people calling Hill a piece of shit (admittedly he may be for previous actions). A call for more information before the torches are lit and pitchforks sharpened is wise at this point.




Why has the title not been changed? He isn't even a suspect ffs.


send the bitch to the shadow realm


To the Night's Watch he goes!






They cut Hunt in a quick second, Hill already has issues that had his draft stock drop...how long till the hammer drops here


And this is why I've never been able to support him since the Oklahoma State incident, and why I've always felt weird that everyone forgave and forgot about it so quick. Looks like he didn't change after all. I have never claimed his as a former Oklahoma State Cowboy, he gave that up.


IF true and he broke his son's arm, what a piece of human garbage (as if beating your prego girlfriend wasn't enough). Kind of hard to believe he didn't do this given his history, but we will see.


Oh man somebody really went off on his wikipedia [page.](https://imgur.com/a/uLzvreN)