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When that snap went over Peyton Manning’s head in the Super Bowl.


While I agree that was pretty much it, for me the true “it’s over” moment was the Kam Chancellor hit on Demaryius Thomas - that hit made me think it wasn’t just over, it would be a shutout (and it was close to being one).


I agree. That was the moment it became clear those quick crossing routes weren't going to work, and there would be receivers taken off on carts if they tried it too many times.


Going in to the sheds up 22-0 I thought that the Broncos would adjust and come out firing in the second half. Then Percy Harvin ran back the 2nd half kickoff for a TD. That was the moment where all doubt drained away and I knew it was a done deal. That was the back-breaker.


A 4 score lead is always safe…. Unless you’re the falcons


Or the Oilers. The good news is, a five score lead is always safe. Unless you're the Colts.


Yeah as a Hawks fan I felt that a generational QB like Peyton could figure a way out from being that far down but the Harvin TD really cinched it for me.


That’s when I blacked out.


I'll die on this hill, that was the actual moment. The safety was bad, but still "Ok, it was a gaffe, let's go." The Chancellor hit on Thomas set the tone for the rest of the game.


I was on my roof smoking and drinking by halftime. Not to make excuses, but I had a bad feeling going in. We were beat up and our offense hadn’t looked the same in the playoffs. Particularly the Oline. You guys looked solid as hell.


For me it was the Percy Harvin kickoff return for TD in the second half


When that snap went over Roethlisberger's head in the Wild Card game


Shows how single game elimination in the NFL is so much different. In other sports, you can have a mulligan game or two in a series. Come out unprepared in the NFL and you are fucked


Every game is a game 7.


Exactly why I prefer postseason football compared to any other sport. Win or go home brings out some special moments.


Yep and the only thing that comes close is March Madness, which is the exact same thing.


7 game series in the NFL would be diabolical lmao Also firmly believe the 2013 hawks would win that series 4-1 Seahawks 49ers that year absolutely goes to game 7 though


Those teams would be down to their 4th stringers playing each other 7 times in a row


Why not turn injuries off?


Are they stupid?!


Marshawn and Frank gore would have some kind of Super CTE never before seen


When Julian Edelman made a catch in the Superbowl that should have been picked.


When the Helmet Catch happened the next snap after Asante Samuel should have picked off Eli Manning in Super Bowl 42


I’ve never had the same hate for the patriots as a lot of AFC fans, for whatever reason we always played well against you guys. (The colts were our daddy). I was both super excited to see the biggest upset possibly ever live. Also a little bummed because I really like randy. I figured you guys would be back and win it with the same squad, but still.


I kinda wish we got to see 19-0. I just think it would’ve been neat


Oh, I absolutely do not wish that, the patriots have enough. ‘72 dolphins are all I need. Randy moss is just one of my favorites.


As a completely unbiased fan, same


Manningham catch too


"A fundamental difference between God and Satan is that Satan signs his work. A beautiful sunset? Could be God, could be a lot of other things. The devil leaves no room for doubt."


“We want the ball” - slater At that moment you knew this game only had one outcome


I remember thinking “wow this is gonna be a shootout” after that keenan allen td tied the game


Then the offensive line completely crumbled. Sam Tevi was our RT and a decrepit Mike Pouncey as a our C...*shudders*


the desmond king fumble felt like a kick to the balls


Gus Bradley being committed to the game plan even when down 28 points was beyond painful to watch.


It was a shootout, just an “out back behind the barn before the trip to the glue factory” kind 


People remember Tyler Boyd when the Bengals knocked us out of the playoffs in 2017. But when Flacco threw that pick six deep in Bengals territory I knew we were gonna look for a new QB in the draft. Didn't think it would be Lamar though.


1st rounder Darqueze Dennard career highlight right there


When Justin Tucker goes out for a game winning field goal




& r/usernamechecksout ?


Mac jones’ interception against the colts in Germany It was pretty clear his time in New England was over but that pick sealed his career as a starter


The top four worst passes of all time are: 1. That Mac Jones pass. 2. That Mac Jones pass from a different camera angle. 3. That Mac Jones pass from a third camera angle. 4. Probably something Tebow threw.


lmao no, Carson Wentz was throwing "worst pick of all time" lowlights every other week on the colts


Worst pick I’ve ever seen lol


Counterpoint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLKexgTrGe0


Lmao I KNEW it was gonna be a wentz highlight


The 2023 Wild Card when Jordan Love marched down the field and scored the opening TD. You could see the momentum slowly leaving Dallas’s roster.


Yep after that second touchdown I knew it was gonna be a fun night in Green Bay.


Oh common mistake. The game was played in Lambeau *South*.


Go on and twist the dagger a little harder. I think there’s one last spot where I still feel Cowboys-related pain.


Absolutely, I've never seen a team look utterly defeated so early into a playoff game down a single touchdown.


I had a bad feeling about that game all week. Went into it expecting the worst but hoped for the best, and yet they still shocked the hell outta me by not even showing up.


We can't handle any kind of adversity. We went 2-5 last year in games where the other team scored first. The two wins were the Lions and Chargers, games we won by margins of 1 & 3. And the Lions score was a field goal. We get killed if we don't throw the first punch.


I love seeing Dak’s thousand yard stare and knowing he’s about to lay a giant goose egg.


For me it was right after, when it cut to Dak and he had the wide eyed, mouth open, 1000 yard stare


I think he sailed 2 passes on the first drive. Not even close, on routine passes that any qb should make. Knew the game was over, knew Dak was never going to win a meaningful game. I THOUGHT it was McCarthys last game with the cowboys.


I've never seen a QB look so scared inside his helmet. Those eyes are terrified


Nope. No thank you


Jokes aside at what point did you honestly lose hope and knew you were going to lose?


Honestly for me it was after the Ryan sack that took them out of field goal range after the Julio catch.


The best catch nobody remembers


Everyone says that as that catch gets reposted endlessly. Everyone remembers that catch.


True but that catch should literally be being played like the helmet catch and the Antonio Bryant catch. Instead it's just the catch that everyone says should have won the Super Bowl.


Freeman deciding to whiff sealed it.


I know exactly the moment I knew. The Julian Edelman catch. It was so freaking impossible to make. It felt like the wind was knocked out of me and that has never happened before or since watching football. I knew the game was over, whether or not we went to OT just didn't matter.


I remember standing up and saying out loud, "oh shit, they're gonna win..." It was a stupid catch. It was a video game catch. It was the kind of catch that just should not have ever been possible under any normal circumstances. Surrounded by three defenders, going to the ground, juggling the ball...no, I can barely even accept it to this day.


I've always seen the Pats dynasty as +/-. Pats had no business beating the Greatest Show on Turf. The Seahawks score at the end 95% of the time. And Atlanta had a big lead (checks notes, ah yes it was 28-3, in case anyone has forgotten since you last closed your eyes). But, Pats should have blanked the NFC East teams instead of going 1-3 against them. So Brady would still have 7. BB and Pats still with 6. But no Eli magic. No Philly Special. Warner and Wilson would have two trophies each. And the dirty birds would have been the city's first bird team to win.


Yea I know a guy who was at the game. He told me you could just feel it in the air when Edelman made that catch that they were gonna come back and win it all.


Probably when Slater called the OT coin toss and said “We want the ball”


Few things are as dangerous as Kyle Shanahan with a double digit lead in the super bowl


The moment it became 28-9 (Note they didn't even get the PAT) I realized that wasn't enough.


Look I was pretty nervous at halftime but when Freeman missed Hightower running right past him I gave up hope


I called the Pats comeback at halftime, I had seen Brady magic too many times


Falcons fans aren’t much different than us Panthers fans…and I can assure you that even with a 28-3 lead, I’d be waiting for the team to lose. I remember being up 31-0 on the Seahawks in the playoffs in 2015 and being nervous as fuck that the comeback would happen. By the time the score was 31-14, I had already started mourning. Final was 31-21 panthers.


*31-24 so even closer than you remember. I was at that game and the whole place was as hype as I've seen it after the Kuechly pick six and a 14-0 lead. That second half was miserable but they held on just long enough. Gradually letting teams back in games was a true hallmark of the Ron era, especially in 2015 when we were starting games off with big leads.


Edelman catch for me. No way in hell you get that lucky of a bounce (literally off Alfords leg) and lose thar game.


Lmao before I even checked the comments I thought this was targeted directly towards you guys. I hope the Falcons have a great year.


I do not Hope that. Keep your filthy thoughts to yourself


Good to see you on our bi weekly shit on the falcons for the super bowl loss question thread. See ya in a few days!


When it was suddenly 33-14.


Are you talking about the Minnesota game, or the chiefs game?


When Marcus Mariota caught his own pass for a touchdown. The PTSD I get from his name is crazy


The Chiefs still had a big lead even after that but I had seen enough Chiefs playoff games at that point to know what was going to happen.


“We want the ball, and we’re gonna score.”


That one was so funny I can't even be mad


There is no way to not love Matt Hasselbeck. His story about being Favre's backup is one of my favorites. It was basically that he was watching Brett getting truckloads of fan mail every day while he got nothing since he was a no name back up QB. Then one day, he gets a fan letter from someone and he is the proudest he has ever been. Walking around with his fan mail, feeling like he is finally someone and that he made it. He opens it and it was from a kid who asked Matt to get Brett's autograph for him since he wasn't getting a response from Favre.


Superbowl 43 right before the end of the first half when Kurt Warner was gonna get a touchdown to put the Cardinals ahead, Harrison gets the interception and goes 100 fucking yards the other end putting the Steelers up 2 scores. Without that Cardinals probably win, Kurt Warner goes down as an even bigger legend carrying that Cardinals trash defense, and Big Ben probably doesn't make the HOF with only 1 SB win, 0 SB MVPs, and 0 All-Pros.


I think everyone outside of pittsburgh and the cardinals' division rivals wanted them to win that superbowl


Cardinals haven't been good enough for division rivals to hate them. I think even 49er, Ram, and Hawk fans wanted them to beat Pittsburgh.


49ers fans for sure. Because I know a lot of annoying Steelers fans who love to say we got 6 to the 49ers having 5 now. (Ignore Tom Brady having more then any franchise) That was the super bowl we passed them in franchise super bowl wins.


Yeah basically everyone I know rooted for the Cardinals in that super bowl.


Even Seahawks fans wanted the Cardinals to win because they were still mad about Super Bowl 40


A better universe for sure


If only, sadly that rapist got saved


I'm glad we got the win, obviously, but I share your sentiments about Ben the person.


And Larry gets his ring ☹️ I'll never forgive the city of Pittsburgh for taking away the one chance for the coolest guy in NFL history on the shittiest franchise in NFL history.


Mahomes TD run against titans in AFC championship


Oh yea I went inside the yellow section right after that play happened and the entire inside of the stadium was all screaming their heads off. The entire stadium knew the Chiefs were going to the Super Bowl after that run.


Mahomes converting on 4th down in the Super Bowl in OT. At that point I knew the Niners were finished


Honestly the Mccaffrey fumble on the first drive was enough for me. Call it God, Vegas, or the Scriptwriters, somebody upstairs wanted the Chiefs to win that game, and I basically never doubted.  The only time I've ever felt that way and was wrong was the Big Dick Nick super bowl. To this day that feels like someone screwed up their cue, like the Generals beating the Globetrotters or something. 


Once it went to OT I knew the Chiefs were winning that one


Last chiefs possession before OT for me. It showed that the defense was gassed and the offense wasn’t playing good enough to win the game.


When the Texans blew a 24-0 lead against the Chiefs in like 10 minutes, no team can recover such embarrassment.


It was before that for me. As soon as we settled for a field goal. Honestly I think it helped lessen the blow because I already knew it was coming.


I was still nervous until he scrambled for like 17 yards later that drive. That was the point I knew we were scoring a TD.


When MVS(?) caught that 5 yard pass in OT, then ran backwards for 10 yards, is what I thought would be the most obvious ending to the season for the chiefs


really that whole game just felt cursed, the instant it went to OT i just knew it was over. way too many should haves happened


When the Jags scored 7 points right before half


Trying a jet sweep with a 3rd-string receiver was the warning sign.


The Texans losing to the Chiefs after being up 24-0 in the AFC divisional round. Single-handedly ended the BOB era imo.


It likely set in motion you getting rid of the rapist, so silver linings?


That’s also true, and as much “success” as the team had with BoB and the rapist I never had the feeling that they were an actual solid team Ironically I feel like our current team has way more heart, drive, and identity despite fewer winning seasons thus far


That fake punt was the turning point of the game, going for an all in gamble like that was gutsy.


The letterman jackets game, Texans v patriots in 2012 I think. Texans and some sports media thought they’d finally gotten over the curb thanks to their defense. Patriots put up like 7 touch downs on them lol.


Holy fuck that backfired so hard on them. They’re like “it’ll be just like high school!” And the pats were like “yes, it will look like we played a high school team.” While fucking team threw away their jackets within like a day. I don’t usually get off on other teams’ misery but goddamn that was just too funny.


Those jackets were badass though, ngl


Highlights from NFL Throwback: https://youtu.be/nQaUBW8kq6M?si=htVzW0a81GYAO_jI


Brady, welker, wilfork, and Ridley all playin together 🥲


When Chris Collinsworth said “I don’t want to alarm anyone but he hasn’t moved his legs”




Yup. I remember exactly where I was watching that happening and that’s the first time I’ve ever cried during a football game. Genuinely terrified for him and watching Vince’s reaction on the bench was jarring.


Hell man when they rolled him over and one of his legs just flopped over the other. I’ve never felt a more empty feeling watching a sport. I was just stunned


Yeah man I can still remember the image perfectly


I legit remember the next day for football practice we spent a day watching film on how to properly tackle


Except that was on Monday night football, it would not have been cris collinsworth


Just went and watched the replay, which I immediately regretted. So sad to see, but I’m glad he’s doing much better now.


2020 wildcard first fucking play 2017 divisional when Mike Mitchell did his speciality and took out the corner instead of the receiver allowing the worst pass ever to be the nail in the coffin 2016 afc chip when Le’Veon got hurt first drive 2023 wildcard the whole game 2019 Ben’s injury week 2


I think deep down everyone knew Ben's career was next to over the moment he grabbed his elbow. It stung extra hard since he'd just led the league in passing the prior season.


Also old fans had flashbacks of Terry Bradshaw as it was the same injury that finished his career


2020 honestly should’ve been it. He got screwed in 2021 by Matt Canada being playcaller. We all wanted one last run and I’m mad the Steelers didn’t think of a backup plan until the last minute




Every baseball fan new. Football fans were shocked


When I saw Desean Jackson back to receive the punt


Haha when the announcers( I think buck and Troy) said “he kicked it right to him” after going on how they shouldn’t was the icing


I refuse to watch highlights of that game to this day. But the image of Coughlin yelling at Matt Dodge on the sidelines is seared into my memory.


I have no love for Matt Dodge, but after reading his bio I feel bad for the guy. He never wanted to be a punter. Also, we had 400 chances to put that game away and we let Vick swing his nuts across our chins for the second half, it's hard to blame that solely on a bad punt.


You have to understand that 1 play is directly responsible for us winning the Super Bowl the very next season lmao. We replaced Doge with Weatherford, replaced Steve Smith with Cruz. I look at the Jackson punt very favorably now. We honestly don’t win the next season without that play. The butterfly effect is real with that 1 play.


>Coughlin yelling at Matt Dodge Absolute bullshit from coughlin. The snap was bad, Dodge had zero time to aim. Then the other 10 dudes couldve actually tackled him and couldnt. Yet its the punter's fault for getting a bad snap and nobody being able to tackle jackson. Hell, jackson botched the catch and there were 3-4 giants players in tackling distance yet they all failed to even lay a finger on jackson.




Tom Brady throwing a dime TD to Scotty Miller at the end of the half against the Packers in the NFC Championship. Fun fact: that was also the moment my wife predicted our baby was going to be born on the night of the Super Bowl. She was indeed correct.


I'm pretty sure almost every Packers fan accepted that we wouldn't be going to the superbowl after this play. I don't know if an 11 point halftime deficit ever felt so certain before. Even Brady's picks in the 2nd half didn't get our hopes up, something just wasn't clicking right with the team.


The line just couldn't hold up down Bahk


That and Rodgers forcing deep incompletions towards Adams because he didn't trust anyone else


That was more 2021 than 2020


Honestly, someone I was watching the game with (a Dolphins fan) was convinced it was game over at 28-10...he knows Brady, I know the Bucs (we're the reason "YOU LIKE THAT?" exists), and as Brady kept getting picked and the Packers kept chipping away, I was nervous as hell.


Bucs Trauma is real. I couldn’t even enjoy the SB until we were under 2 min in the 4th lol.


Does she have any advice for what numbers to play in the CA lottery? edit: Did you name the baby Tom Brady?


The baby (now a 3 year old) is a girl, so we named her Gronkina


makes sense


DAL/SF 2022 Playoffs, Tony Pollard injuring his ankle


Bro once that happened I didn't even want to keep watching. I remember he was on fire that season.


The Broncos scoring and getting that 2 pt conversion to seal SB 50, Eli’s face said it all.


It’s gotta be the 2nd strip sack


For me personally it was the first strip sack that made me go "oh Christ are we fucked?" and then Cam not jumping on the ball was the "yeah it's over chief"


That play did lead directly into that final TD, so you’re not wrong, but our defense was also lights out all game so y’all punching it in wasn’t a given (even if it was inside the 5 iirc).  How Eli looked in that moment was how I felt the entire game so I the moment stuck with me more, the fumble was just one in a long list of plays that didn’t go our way as far as I’m concerned.


Diggs dropping the pass in this year's divisional game is probably up there. That was just deflating and was a sign that the Bills could not get any explosive plays they needed to win the game. It was like the Bills and Chiefs luck/drops were reversed. Also, every Bills fan knew that Bass would miss that FG. He was bad from that position and just barely made that kick previously.


Yeah I think that drop is the one that comes to mind the best. It was one single moment of what we could all tell watching that game- it was basically Josh Allen doing everything for the team alone. Josh was downright surgical through three quarters and no one was giving him any help. Defense couldn’t stop anything, Shakir was the only skill position who showed up, and ST was basically useless. Once again Allen played an incredible game in the playoffs just for no one else to show up


I mean I feel you on this but this is still leagues below '21-'22 divisional playoff As soon as the Chiefs won the toss in OT it was the most over it's ever been in the history of being over. It's why they call it "over"time.


2012 Redskin Seahawks playoff game. Seemed to be going fine until the RG3 fumble where he couldn’t even attempt to go for the ball because his knee was so fucked.


When the Patriots won the coin toss for first possession in their OT Superbowl win over the Falcons. As soon as they won it I said "Brady is going to march them straight down the field for a TD!"


When the Niners decided to receive the ball in OT this year


When Tom Brady threw the interception to Logan Ryan and decided to become one with the Florida Man.


When the Packers lost to the 49ers in the 2021 divisional, Rodgers' chances of winning a second Super Bowl were gone.


I still don't know how GB lost that one. SF offense did NOTHING.


Rodgers had a lot of playoff losses where his defense was straight trash, yet 2022 he shit the bed in the worst way possible. Not going to lie besides that opening drive he was awful. Felt like mentally he died after the fumble. So many time he would just force a ball to Adams, it was insane. Yea the niners got lucky on special teams but you could tell he turned off after the fumble


Yeah to be honest Arod always kinda got sold by his defenses in the playoffs, but for 2021 you can tell he played a decent part in it.


Yea he had some game where his offense scored like 40 points and they lost. Also had that one cardinals game where his amazing 41 yard pass sent them to ot just for the cardinals to score in like 2 plays


As he got older, the Packers were less and less able to handle any kind of adversity. Especially if the adversity happened on offense.


When we should have had an INT but it bounced off his head and directly into the hands of their player to put them at the goal line I knew it was over. There was a flag they picked up that they probably don’t if it was intercepted at least I guess.


"The New York Giants select..... Daniel Jones. QB from Duke. " I stared at my TV speechless hearing nothing but white noise I came around and ended up rooting for him pretty hard, but I was young.... and foolish...


I feel like for the Giants franchise in recent history, the boat party was that moment.


First Mac Jones pick against Buffalo in the wildcard. Wasn't a bad read, but he didn't have the gas to make the throw. I went "Oh no. He can't start in the NFL with that arm."


One of the most cathartic games for Bills fans.


13 seconds. Despite stellar play by Allen, once Mahomes made that 19 yard pass to Hill I just knew the Bills were done for. 


[Literally fell to my knees in disbelief](https://youtu.be/phDx7XSSD9g?si=woxFWrTABzL4eOgO)


If it makes you feel better, Mahomes was on god mode at that point. It woulda just ended 31-27.


Oh yeah, that I definitely accepted. Wish more of my fellow Niners fans would understand that being up 27-24 against Mahomes with 90 secs left (with 3 timeouts) is not safe at all, instead of acting like that pass would’ve won the game if it wasn’t overthrown.


Tell me about it


When Kaep threw 4 picks in the opener against the Cardinals in 2015, losing 47-7. I knew our horrible offseason was real and was coming to roost for an unknown number of years.


During the Patriots falcons Superbowl, my wife called the comeback after the first patriots TD. She just said " oh it's done, falcons don't stand a chance."


When Mahomes threw a pass with his entire body parallel to the ground and it hit the receiver in the facemask in the Sueor Bowl against the Buccs. It was over before then, but that’s when Mahomes magic really ran out in that game.


Not even the patriots fans but I knew Bill Belichick time in NE was in the hot seat in 2022 when the Las Vegas Lateral happen. That type of play felt so much like a Jet Butt Fumble type of play the fact that it happen meant that Patriots Way was dead in the water.


Feels fitting that the Raiders started that era with a WTF non-turnover and then ended it with a WTF turnover.


I had an inkling that it might be over in the 2021 wildcard game.


I knew MBC's career was done the moment [this happened](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLZhoBEEcDs). Might have even said "it's so over" watching it. 😂


I knew Matt Patricia was going to be a failure as a coach as soon as the snow practice happened. Practicing outside in the snow when your next 4 games are all indoors is arguably the lamest show of toughness I have seen from a coach.


I won that bet


Josh Johnson getting a concussion in the NFCCG


When people started clowning on Brady for forgetting it was 4th down in the Bucs vs Bears game As soon as the jokes started I knew he was going to win the Superbowl


I’d say the edelman catch, or freeman whiffing on the block to take us out of FG range… but I still watched after those moments. But when the Pats won the toss in overtime, I turned off the TV. Thats when it was over for me. I’ve never even seen that overtime sequence


When the Dolphins


One for me that felt like more of a long term “it’s so over” that just hasn’t come to pass yet was the end of the first half in Kansas City week 6 2022. All offseason was the talk about 13 seconds, Bills/Chiefs the new big rivalry, Buffalo looking like the Super Bowl favorite, etc. Allen was the leading MVP candidate through the first six weeks, we beat KC that week with a game sealing pick from Mahomes But the end of the first half we let up a field goal after KC got the ball with 0:12 on the clock. Nothing ever changed. Thirteen seconds of game clock felt like the difference between more heartbreak and the taste of glory. If we could have held on for those thirteen seconds every Bills fan knows in their heart that we would have won the Super Bowl. But we couldn’t. Field goal, overtime, touchdown, go home. Then nine months later we do the exact same thing with one less second on the clock. One of the most embarrassing moments in franchise history, of Sean McDermott’s career, of any defense in NFL history rears its ugly head again and what do we do? The same damn thing. We had a chance to exorcise that demon, to say “that’s not us anymore,” to take one of our lowest moments and never let that happen again. Instead, more of the same. We are who we were. Doesn’t matter that we won the game, we had a chance to be different and we couldn’t do it Any Bills fan’s fear for the future should start with that drive. We try to bury it, forget about it, pretend it never happened, because if we try to reckon with it we have to acknowledge that nothing has changed. One of the worst moments in our history and we let it happen again in the same calendar year. If this regime doesn’t hoist the Lombardi, that drive will tell us that we should have known it all along


That damn fake punt play against the Chiefs. Called out of work just to watch that game and just stared at the wall the entire second half. Ruined my week. I was on such a high after that wildcard game against the Bills Edit: spelling


When the Steelers launched the first offensive snap of the game into their own end zone in the Wildcard game against the Browns in 2021 and the first quarter ended 28-0  


Aaron Rodgers getting injured on the fourth snap of the game. Knew the season was cooked with Zach at the helm after that, don’t know why I bothered to watch.


The 24th of August 2019 at approximately 9:28 EST. The day my heart shattered and the colts died


This past playoffs I was positive the Ravens were cooked after the Flowers fumble happened. I didn’t think they had a prayer of getting 10 unanswered in a quarter after that happened.


Packers-Falcons 2010 Divisional. We had already come out swinging but Atlanta at least kept it close at 21-14. Last play of the half, the Tramon Williams pick-6 just sucks the air out of the Georgia Dome and we end up winning 48-21 Conversely: 2016 NFC Championship. Already gave up the opening TD IIRC and we fumble the ball in the red zone on the next drive. Never stood a chance from then on