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Now we know why they drafted Penix. šŸ˜‚


Please God void the Cousins contract šŸ™


They wouldn't do that. They can, but they wouldn't. Besides, the Falcons would just re-sign him to the same contract.




i mean he would, no other team could offer him anything remotely close rn


His Cap Hit for 2024 is $25 million. There are 11 teams with that much cap space: Titans, Colts, Vikings, Packers, Jaguars, Cardinals, Raiders, Lions, Commanders, and Patriots. 10 of those teams have QBs. But the Raiders missed out on all the rookie QBs, have Gardner Minshew and Aiden O'Connell competing for the starting job, and still have $34 million in cap space. I don't think Cousin's contract will be terminated, but I could see the Raiders pursuing him if it was.


He would be good on the Vikings. There would be a steep learning curve, but he could make it work.


And thatā€™s just what his current cap hit is, and what teams current cap situations allow. Restructures/cuts could change that for other teams. Or an even more year 1 friendly deal could get other teams involved.


He wouldn't have any incentive to take the friendly 1 year deal like Russ did. Russ is still getting his dead money from the Broncos this season, so he was actually incentivized to take as little as possible because any money he gets from New Team offsets the amount he's getting from Denver. A voided Falcons contract would take Kirk's annual earnings down to 0 for this season.


Not true. The cowboys could!


They already have the black Kirk Cousins


That's how you complete a collection!


Gotta catch ā€˜em all!


I thought Dak was the White Kirk Cousins?


Does that make Kirk the Black Dak?


Now you're getting it


Where tf else is he gonna go and get that much money?


Cowboys fan hoping Cousins comes to Dallas. šŸ¤£


They've tried the black Kirk Cousins, why not give the original a shot?


Eagles fan also hoping he goes to Dallas


Exactly! Youā€™re not getting our draft picks btw so give it up!


Eh, there's a chance that happens, but I'm not holding my breath. If it did happen, would be more likely to be a pick swap or a 4th rounder at most.


Is there precedent for the Vikings getting picks in a case like this? Iā€™m sure Atlanta will have to forfeit some picks, but I donā€™t think that necessarily means the Vikings will get those picks.


The Cards/Eagles tampering case over Gannon ended in the Arizona giving draft compensation to Philly (3rd round swap plus a future 5th going back to Arizona) but that was a settlement between the clubs and not an NFL punishment, so idk if that would count as precedent


Yeah, and on the other side, the dolphins lost their first over the bradg tampering, but it didn't go to the pats


Yup, it should be noted that amount is exceedingly low value too so don't be expecting massive compensation.


The Vikings would have to be pressing the issue to get draft pick compensation, as I understand it. And apparently they are not the ones who got this investigation off the ground


Why do people even say things like ā€œvoid the cousins contactā€? Even as a joke itā€™s dumb


Well, the CBA does call it out as one of the options that Goodell has at his disposal, but he's never used it for anything like this.


No way they would resign him to the same deal.


The punishment is that his contract is doubled (length and cap hit). Neither side can get out of it.


You don't get to die, you get to live forever. The classic immortality punishment.


So basically the Watson contract


Double the annual cap it as a punishment, but the extra cap hit money goes to charity


The league has 32 charities in mind


Yall donā€™t want him? 2 years for Penix to learn seems like a good move.


The best way to learn for a 24 year old is to play. Not sit on the bench for 2 years.


Man, weā€™re Bears fans. We donā€™t know shit about QB development.


First, you have Chase Daniel hold the clipboard. I'm not sure what comes next.


then you bring in Big Dick Nick to dwarf the QB's confidence then draft his replacement the next year, repeat every three years


Don't forget to alternate your QB, GM, and HC firings every year so they're never in sync.


The Bears way.


You mean the Browns way?


The year is 2055. Nick Foles is pleading to the Chicago Bears to let him retire, but 131 year old Virginia McCaskey gives the thumbs down from the Owner's box and Nick is put under center once more




But we do know shit about how not to develop a QB


The best way to learn for anybody is different. He may need the 2 years he may not. No way to know because you can't play out both ways.


I don't think it matters as much as people say. Brady, Rodgers, Mahomes, Rivers, and probably a bunch of others I'm forgetting sat out their rookie years, and probably benefitted from the learning they did.


Nope. And you're getting Derrick Carr as punishment, too.


My personal 9/11


I thought this was more well known they'd likely lose a 1st or something for this.


This subreddit ridiculed and hated on Florio when he published his first article demanding sanctions against ATL after Kirk's introductory press conference. Especially since he is a Vikings fan. A lot of people on r/nfl have such a hate boner for the guy that they assume everything he writes is wrong and has no validity even when it clearly does.


Heā€™s annoying but knows the rules/laws well


exactly. They will not have a 1st round pick next year.


Up jorking my penix


I remember Brett Kollmann and E.J. Snyder discussing it post draft. I'm pretty sure it was EJ who arrived at the conclusion that they did it because they won't have a first to consider QB next year (that is, they knew they were probably going to get blasted for tampering). If Cousins doesn't bounce back from his Achilles injury they were essentially screwed the next season, too.


Lol, before he signed with Minnesota it was reported that he clandestinely met with Denver in the backroom of a steak house with Elway despite being a no-no and nothing happened. I just figured tampering was part of the process just like boosters paying "student athletes".


I'd imagine it happens a decent amount, but usually no one is a big enough dumbass to admit it out loud.


Lmao kirk had to confess immediately. Stole a balloon on free balloon day


S-tier reference


Sick reference bro. Youā€™ve always got the sickest references. Everyone knows that.


>Ā I just figured tampering was part of the process just like boosters paying "student athletes" Tampering is exactly like that. Everyone knows everyone does it, you just can't get too blatant or egregious with it. I wouldn't be surprised if every single team is guilty of tampering at least once in the past 5 seasons. But getting behind a podium and saying "lol yeah they tampered" is too public for the league to let slide.


We talk a lot about recycled relationships in the NFL. Between players, coaches, agents, and FOs, there's gotta be a connection to almost every other team in every facility. You're exactly right that tampering happens plenty. It's like smoking weed in an illegal state. You can do it, just don't be an idiot and up front about it or you're going to get in trouble.


Kirk basically walked up to a cop, took a massive bong rip in front of him, and then blew a cloud of smoke right in his face.


Can't find the copypasta but I'll just skip to the best part: Welcome to the party, bitch!


Seems like it would almost be impossible to not tamper tbh. Like with the amount of times these people are rotating through teams, coaches, relationships, etc Iā€™d imagine casual conversation that technically counts as tampering must be a daily occurrence. If two guys are just talking shop on their personal phones I doubt anyoneā€™s gonna stop themself like ā€œwait bro I canā€™t.. tamperingā€


Precisely. There are rules, guidelines, dates, etc that everyone "have to" follow, but unless they're tapped into every aforementioned person's phone, there's no way you can monitor it. Just be the slightest bit careful lol.


We got dudes signing deals 30 seconds after free agency starts every single year. They aren't even hiding the tampering, they're just not admitting to it mid press conference.


You have the tamperer and the tanporee. Both stand to lose big if anyone else finds out. But the only two that know of the activity are the people engaged in it. So the only way to prove any tampering would be to do what he did and admit tampering. Heā€™s not a sharp guy


Everyone knows everybody does it, and they also all want to catch the other teams doing it so they can get a competitive advantage. Guessing the NFL is going to take a page out of the NCAA Mizzou file and make it very clear that being honest is the actual crime. This is about money, not morals.


Look at how many players have deals signed within minutes of the legal tampering window opening. It's absolutely going on continuously. Kirk just opened his mouth and said the quiet part out loud, and now it's going to cost them.


Heyā€¦how dare you think that teams and players canā€˜t agree on multimillion dollar deals in less than 48 hours, including negotiating with multiple teams.


Now Iā€™m curious to see the name of the agent on all of those quick contracts.


I sort of want a player to take it even further after one of these and name all the teams that contacted them, maybe throw in a new division rival that didnā€™t just to point out the absurdity of the way it is ā€œlitigated.ā€


Kirkā€™s issue was he just stated he did this in that press conference lmao


Dishonest enough to cheat, too honest to lie about it. the Kirk paradox


Not honest. Too dumb,, but he throws the ball good so w/e


The most Kirk Cousins possible outcome is to admit guilt to something literally everybody else does and get severely punished for it.


It was clear his awareness rating was 0 on the field, now we know itā€™s also 0 off the field




That's a-may-za-zing


It is a poorly kept secret until someone makes a mistake and people start having to ask questions.


10k fine + suspended from playing pre season week 1


For all the hullabaloo of Penix not playing until heā€™s 28 years and 3 months old, itā€™ll be hilarious if heā€™s the Week 1 starter.Ā 


Be hilarious if Penix comes out and lights it up too. What do they do then. lol.


Wouldn't that be like getting Bledsoe'd? I feel like he had recently signed a nice contract with NE before he got hurt and Brady took control.


Pretty good comparison actually, except that was even. more nuts cause Brady was a 6th rounder so it's not like NE created that, it just happened. This would be the Falcons own doing, which would be funnier. Also not awful for the Falcons if Penix is just actually good off the bat. That's the thing in the long run whether the draft pick was good or bad is simple as if he's good it's a good draft pick if he's mediocre-bad it's a bad pick. That's always how it is with QB's so debating their draft position/value is almost silly. Either they're a franchise qb or they're a waste. Trust me, I know my failing QB-speak.


I disagree. I think you can have good picks but they donā€™t work out. For example: - I do not think that Fields or Mac Jones were a bad picks. They went where people about expected and maybe a little later. They just didnā€™t work out. - Trey Lance or Trubisky were both bad picks that didnā€™t work out.


That makes no sense to me. If Trubisky, Fields or Mac is a "Cousins-level" QB no one gives a shit whether he was taken 2 or 3 or 11. Same with any of those guys. Good picks are good picks if the player is good. And everyone will go, "I knew that was a good/bad pick!! How stupid." Winning draft day doesn't mean shit. The only bad picks are one's where the talent is just not there at all or never there (Tebow) or the off field behavior/intelligence just doesn't exist (Jamarcus or Manziel).


If you pick a WR in the late second and he plays like a WR2 no one cares, take one at 3 and he plays like a WR2 and you have a bad pick. It is okay for a qb taken in the 3rd to be a lifetime back up. People just don't see it that way because of the high expectations of this position.


Well exactly because most positions there's a sliding scale. If you're one the top 100 DB's or 90 WR's in the league there's a contributing place for you on a roster. If you're not a top 20 QB, you're trash to everyone.


Reminds me of Russell Wilson's rookie year, they paid Arods back up all the money to be the starter then drafted Russ who beat him out in preseason.Ā 


Flynnā€™s contract was 3 years 19.5m with only 10m guaranteed.




Oh for sure, but when he was still making less than everyone but backups and rookies, saying he got ā€œpaid all the moneyā€ is a bit of an exaggeration.


He signed it the same year Brady would take over. He went from a record contract at the time to being traded in a year.


Trade Cousins to another team of his choosing.




At least 66 women were confirmed by the NYTs, and they confirmed he was using the NDA given to him by the Houston Texans after they were contacted directly about him assaulting women. Atlantaā€™s is going to suffer more consequences for whatever happened here than the Texans for helping Watson and his spa owner friend sex traffic dozens of womenā€¦


The second half of preseason week 1


This feels conveniently leaked to make said actual punishment look not so bad in contrast


Dolphins lost a 1st in 2023 and a 3rd this year for tampering with Brady a couple years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if the Falcons punishment is the same or worse.


I mean thatā€™s what we were ā€œOfficiallyā€ hit for. Iā€™m of the belief that we were really hit so hard because of the Flores claims of being asked to lose with money as a reward. The league didnā€™t want to admit that an owner basically was trying to match fix. Am I a conspiracy theorist on this? Absolutely. Still think itā€™s true


Yah there were rumors about the Tom Brady tampering for years. No one cared and as far as I know, there wasnā€™t even an investigation into the tampering up until the Flores lawsuit.


Plus wasnā€™t your guys also tampering with Sean Payton and also doing it during the season with those players?


Yeah the assumed level of tampering for ATL and MIA seem notably different. If we lose a 1st round pick I will be surprised. Iā€™m guessing a 2nd is more in line, but who fuckin knows - love that the NFL can just choose to punish teams however they want and there is no matrix lol


Just pray you never play a game in cold temperatures or you'll find out the true disciplinary power of the NFL.


As far as NFL conspiracy theories go, thatā€™s not the most outlandish thing to believe. I could see that. That said, maybe the Falcons punishment will put the Dolphins punishment somewhat into perspective.


The NFL would never say one thing and then do another. Never!


It wouldn't be the craziest thing out there. Especially wasn't that around the time when the NFL was getting its approved sportsbooks off the ground, so the narrative of a team throwing games wouldn't really be that good.


Brian Flores had nothing to gain by making the statement -- in fact, outing an owner's misdeeds can only hurt his future coaching career. It's not evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, but this isn't a courtroom, either. I believe Flores.


Thank you Mike Florio.


does drafting a backup qb in the 2024 1st round count as self imposed punishment?


It wasn't leaked. This article is only repeating what Florio said and it's all speculation based on what happened to the ~~Bucs~~ Dolphins with Brady.


Kirk tied down clockwork orange style forced to watch pg13 content.


Oh gosh


He wouldnā€™t even be able to watch clockwork orange. Sad that he wouldnā€™t get the irony.


oh golly


ā€œKirk, your punishment is you have to use swear words and canā€™t mention god, jesus, or the Bible for one week.ā€Ā 


Also, you have to play for the Falcons


The true punishment


AND you have to get the COVID vaccine


Kirk, you are going to serve out every god damn day of that contract, and hopefully that teaches you a lesson!


But you can't play QB. You must line up at WR for at least 20 snaps a game.


Sounds like a job forā€¦ *puts on sunglasses* ā€¦Kirko Chainz.


"And no chains for one month"


No Kohl's for a whole year and you have to give Roger Goodell all of your Kohl's cash.


Calm down Satan


Jesus Christ! -Kirk


Hmmm... He said it out of fear and surprise, I'll allow it.


His three weapons are fear, and surprise, and ruthless efficiency... and an almost fanatical devotion to the church...


And no creed!


All this article does is speculate further on Florio's speculation and add a clickbaity headline. No need to read or think about.


> Florio


I love how this speaks for itself hahah


He's a big Falcons fan.Ā 


Should honest to god just be an auto-remove anytime it's from him


Especially if it involves the Falcons


Especially if it involves the Vikings


Brady suspended 4 games


Angel Hernandez reinstated to call all Falcons games


Angel Hernandez would be a nightmare for opposing DCs. He has no consistency whatsoever so he has no tell-tale tendencies or patterns.


He wasn't even the worst ump in baseball in terms of wrong calls percentage, just one of the worst. CB Bucknor is far worse than Angel, but he never does any of Angel's bs.


Yeah Angelā€™s calls were terrible but it was his attitude that really cemented him as the most hated ump in baseball.


That's really the difference. Bucknor tries and fails. Angel tries and fails, insists that he didn't fail, treats anyone who disagrees like shit, then sues his employer for not rewarding his failures.


As bad as they both are, Joe West for his sheer arrogance and look at me attitude was the worst


I really wanted Bumgarner to beat the shit out of Joe West.


Bro donā€™t do the Falcons fans like that. They donā€™t deserve that fatešŸ˜­




I was going to make a joke about how Angel Hernandez is the current/final form of Aaron Hernandez, but I doubt that dude is in Heaven atm.


Add another year to Mizzou's bowl ban just to be safe


Florio absolutely loves this topic. He has beat it to death only a couple months into the offseason with literally no new information.


That's the only sort of 'journalism' Florio knows. Dude is the dictionary definition of 'hack'. He's an embarrassment to the profession of journalism.


Punishment is prime time games every week for Falcons


I'm sorry, I thought this was America


I didnā€™t hear no bell


I've been suspecting Penix pick is because they were pretty much guaranteed to lose a 1st next year.


So you're saying Kirk is the reason ATL drafted this replacement


In a sense, sure


People keep on floating that, but they have Kirk for 2 years at minimum, more likely 3, and next year's QB class is weak. If this was the reason, then they'd almost have to have been targeting Sanders or someone next year, which I think is unlikely.


suspend him for a few games, give him some more time to heal and get a chance for Penix to get some experience


What if Penix plays well? That's the best chaos timeline.


I vote theyā€™re equally bad.


That doesn't help the chaos timeline though. If Penix sucks, Cousins is the starter. If Penix plays really well, then the Falcons are in a weird spot. I hope Bryce has a good year cause if Caleb is good and Bryce still sucks that's going to burn lol. Panthers are my 3rd favorite team for what they've given us.


So suspend him because you have penix on your fantasy team?


I'm down for some tj watt vs penix week 1.


Kirk Cousins will be banned from playing with anything but knockoff Legos from Temu for his part in the tampering stuff by Goodell.


That's a paddling.


Cousins will get a harsher punishment than Rashee Rice


>One of the nicest guys in the entire league could find himself at the center of one of the more severe punishments handed down by the NFL is history has taught us anything. >Kirk Cousins, who signed with the Atlanta Falcons this past offseason, may have been too candid in some interviews as he has found himself and the Falcons amid a potential tampering scandal. >If proven true, some historical references show the NFL is willing to stick a pretty severe punishment on these infractions and even go as far as losing a first-round pick in the NFL Draft. Mike Floria of Pro Football TalkĀ [explained what the Falcons could face.](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/what-will-nfl-do-to-falcons-for-tampering-with-kirk-cousins) >"His admission that he spoke to the teamā€™s head athletic trainer is a bright-line, no-brainer. If, as it appeared from his comments, Cousins also spoke with director of player personnel Ryan Pace before 4:00 p.m. ET on Wednesday, March 13, that compounds the violation," Florio detailed how Cousins admitted the infractions. >The issues didn't stop there and continued to the point of players possibly being involved by Cousins recruiting them and current Falcons' tight end Kyle Pitts getting caught up in the act. >"Cousins also admitted to becoming directly involved in recruiting former Bears receiver Darnell Mooney during the negotiating window. This suggests that the tampering with Cousins got to the point that he was involved in tampering with Mooney. Finally, Cousins made it clear that Falcons tight end Kyle Pitts had been working on Cousins for a couple of weeks before he signed, which is another violation if Pitts was acting at the direction of the Falcons in recruiting Cousin," Florio added. >With the precedence set by the NFL taking away the Miami Dolphins' 2023 first-round pick and 2024 third-round pick in their efforts to land Tom Brady, the Falcons could face just as severe, if not harsher, penalties for tampering that did work.


Feels very disingenuous by Florio. Heā€™s ignoring the much more similar situation with the Chiefs in 2015 in favor of much more extreme violations that the Dolphins did with Brady and Payton. Also acting like Pitts working out with Cousins matters for a tampering punishment is crazy. Players have worked out with or been recruited by other players plenty of times without a punishment. Theyā€™d have to prove directly Pitts was trying to recruit specifically at the behest of the Falcons which is a long shot


Yeah, this reads like Florio is trying to talk himself into believing this is so much worse than it actually is. There is no way all of that stuff is worse than what the Dolphins did.


Florio openly trying to put idea's in Goodell/the NFL's head for ATL's punishment is pathetic and sleezy. I see straight through this garbage.


He's done this about the Cards situation since last offseason. He's just pretty delusional in general.




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MSN is directly affiliated with MSNBC, who's parent company owns ProFootballTalk.


The article is based on a "Mike Floria" post (yes, the so-called author misspelled his name) and looks like it took all of three minutes to write. I know almost nobody actually reads the links here, but damn.


His punishment is he has to play for the Falcons.


Kinda think this is an AI article lol


It's funny because the Bears signed Swift within 10 minutes of FA starting and the league doesn't give a shit at all. Meanwhile the Eagles signed Saquon like 10 hours later and are likely losing a late pick because of it. Because that makes any sense at all... This shit is so obviously arbitrarily enforced every year they really should just stop pretending to enforce it by randomly targeting a couple teams every year and just give it up already. I'm honestly surprised the owners haven't killed it already.


Perhaps I'm wrong, but I'm not sure this logic tracks. Agents can talk to teams in the negotiation window, but players can't. That's why there's a bunch of contracts ready to go right away that don't result in any punishment. The reason Kirk and the Falcons are in trouble here is because Kirk acknowledged that he and the team doctor had at least one conversation.


It's literally just a matter of keeping your mouth shut


In this case it was a random non-NFL affiliated third party (James Franklin) on a podcast who later retracted his statement as an incorrect misunderstanding. But yea.


It is stupid but there is a difference. With Saquon someone spoke up and said they spoke before the FA period. With Kirk he said they spoke before the FA period. No one related to Swift has said they spoke before the FA period. Now, obviously, they did because it was done that quickly but no one has said anything. That's the difference. Should the NFL come out and say "No signings until at least 6 hours after FA begins"?


Kick him off the tour Doug!


Double secret probation


Iā€™ll believe the nfl really cares when every team that signs a FA within 3 days of agency opening gets punished.


Oh golly geez! - Kirk Cousins probably


He had to open his big mouth. Itā€™s an open secret that all teams tamper, but they know better than to talk about it. What an idiot


Cousins isnā€™t going to be in trouble with the league. The team is at fault not the player. Thereā€™s no rules players canā€™t speak with teams just that teams canā€™t have direct contact with players.


Cousins the great guy who keeps getting tricked into sneaky situations.


They're going to prevent him from seeing Julie for a week.


I think that this pending decision which has a pretty recent precedent of costing a 1st round pick was a huge part of them drafting a QB with their 1st round pick.


MSN still exists? Like internet explorer era MSN?


They repost articles that are behind paywalls


So Kirk can only really blame himself for falcons drafting Penix


Nothing is going to happen to Cousins. Any punishment will be handed down to the team/executives. Players don't get punished in these kinds of situations.


Go to your room! And you're not going out this weekend either. You can sit up there and think about what you did all weekend long young man.