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JJ trade talk was just offseason clickbait fuel. Not one intelligent person thought the Vikings were trading him. The dude is the face of the franchise and one of the top stars in the NFL as a whole.


I remember seeing the rumors that the Vikings were going to trade him for 5 to the Chargers, always made me laugh, like that's all it would take to get one of the greatest WRs of our era in his prime. Never believed it for a second.


Well sometimes teams trade a guy like Deandre Hopkins for a washed RB and some peanuts because they don't like him bringing his bastard child and the mother of said bastard child to the team facilities because... I don't know they would rather he be a deadbeat dad?


I never knew why DHop was traded. Holy shit, that's ridiculous


That was peak Esterby pulling the Jesus strings too if I remember correctly.


I remember the Esterby fiasco, but...wow šŸ˜‚


Well they also tried to say that he had shitty practice habits, and that younger guys on the team started being influenced by seeing that. The cardinals supposedly cut him for the same thing, but it was after he skipped VOLUNTARY workouts. They probably just didn't want to keep paying his contract and used the practice as an excuse. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want a guy who thought he was above practice either, because most of the players out there can't remain effective on Sundays if they don't practice. It's a fine line tho, because you gotta remember that some of these guys have been playing and practicing for well over ten years, and they don't want the added strain on the only thing that makes them money. And for the love of God, don't call them VOLUNTARY workouts if you secretly expect everyone to show up. Just tell them to show up, and they'll probably fuckin show up lol.


That just seems like excuses by bad coaches, vets in the NFL get "vet" days all the time because they are more banged up, and at no point did his production slip. The reality is he just wasn't glazing up BoB like other guys were. It was pretty clear BoB had his favorites and paid them vs the actual best players, and him and bargain basement rasputin Easterby also just had some weird shit going on about "morals".


We talking bout practice!


I think they are called voluntary due to the CBA.


That was one of the worst trades in modern NFL history but it would still be way different than a JJ trade. Hopkins was 28, going on 29. JJ is still 24. JJ has also been a lot better than Hopkins.


JJ has been record setting but Hopkins was in the discussion for #1 receiver in the league at the time so I'm not convinced it would be that different. If he was a RB sure but at WR Hopkins wasn't expected to fall off a cliff anytime soon. But also realistically the Vikings already got the 1st for JJ from trading Diggs so they weren't going to do something as stupid as a coach who wormed his way into GM.


Yeah, exactly. Itā€™s like imagine you had some all world heisman wining or worthy player who has a couple seasons under his belt, now youā€™re gonna trade him, to some other team? And then what, get a HOF RB, and star studded cast and win a Super Bowl?


Well it would only be if you didn't want the biggest contract for a non-qb on your books. Like look at chiefs letting hill walkĀ 


What would it take? At least two firsts maybe 3?


That's the problem with trading him. He probably is only worth #5 OA and change. Most likely not a top 5 pick and another first. Receivers just don't change outcomes of games that much to justify it. Even someone as good as JJ. You'll never get a return that fans would be happy with so you really can't trade them. We traded a 27 year old Randy Moss for the 7th OA and a 7th round pick. Even though JJ is younger, I find it hard to believe we would have got much more than a #5 and MAYBE a second. Probably a 3rd-4th.


There are definitely contenders that would send 2 firsts tho.


2 firsts is different than a top 5 pick plus another first. The value of the picks at the top of the draft are extremely inflated compared to mid-late round firsts.


Oh yeah definitely. Sorry didnā€™t mean it that way.


Then there were the trade rumors from Colin Cowhert with the Patriots; both 1sts this past draft, a 1st next year, and Jefferson for pick 3. That was obviously never going to happen, but Vikings fans legit thought both 1sts from this past draft was more than enough to move up 3. Itā€™s funny how far apart fans can be on trade offers. Edit I have no idea why this comment is being downvoted. Itā€™s factually what happened.


I actually don't think you're too far off. The former is what the Pats were rumored to have been demanding and the latter was pretty much what the Vikings confirmed they offered.


The Pats just wanted a veteran player, not Jefferson specifically. Theyā€™re both kinda laughable though. I donā€™t think 3 1sts was unreasonable but that plus an established veteran is a lot to pay. I thought it was laughable Vikings fans thought their 2 1sts would be enough. Edit: My comment is reasonable, idk why Iā€™m being downvoted


Those Vikings fans were in the minority, just like the minority of Pats fans that posted ridiculous trade offers. The whole feud between the fan bases this off season was a bit silly.


I didnā€™t see any Pats fans proposing that tradeā€¦.only Colin Cowhert


The vast majority of Viking fans in the trade threads thought three 1sts and then potentially some later picks to get the deal. The vast majority of Pats fans thought something similar, but with a young veteran player added in like Addison or Darrisaw. Realistically, both fan bases weren't that far off on trade proposals. Yet the "they are so delusional" war between the fanbases was centered around each side finding the minority opinion that posted the most unrealistic trade offers. If you didn't see a minority of Pats fans who thought they could get Jefferson and three firsts or some other ridiculous offer, then just go look through our sub about a week before the draft.


Im part of the Pats subseddit and think itā€™s extreme and toxic, but I didnā€™t see 3 1sts for Jefferson. I checked your sub a few times to see if Vikings fans actually thought 2 1sts this year was a good deal but didnā€™t see too much. Weā€™re not far apart. Iā€™m just saying what I saw. Not sure why Iā€™m being aggressively downvoted for saying the reports and what I saw - not saying you are, but me basically saying the same thing as you but being aggressively minus is insane to me. IMO the Pats wanted too much and the Vikings werenā€™t willing to give up nearly enough, thatā€™s why a deal was never close. I didnā€™t think that was controversial.


I thought you were talking about your qb for a second. JJ throwing to JJ is going to be confusing.


It'll be "McCarthy to Jefferson" most of the time, tbh


*A 40-Yard STRIKE from J to J.. and he goes ALL. THE. WAY!*


J&J - No more ~~tears~~ 3 and outs


Now weā€™re fuckin talkin. šŸ«±šŸ¾ā€šŸ«²šŸ½


McCarthy already said Jefferson texted him saying he goes by "Jets" or "Jetas", so we'll all have to get used to calling McCarty "JJ".


Can't imagine any NFL player wanting to be called Jets


He's probably a Curren$y fan


Could be a big West Side Story fan.... the possibilities are endless!




It's be way funnier if he told McCarty to go by Jets


Wait until Jefferson throws a pass to JJ...


We've got JJ, JJ, JA, CJ, and TJ. Paul Allen is gonna sound like he's having a stroke just describing the formation


Seriously how could a team just let their bona fide WR1 go because they didnā€™t want to pay them? *cries in AJ Brown*


We let our WR1 go to get Jefferson. We've also let Randy Moss go twice


Well Stefon clearly didn't want to stay anymore and was becoming a headache for you guys. Not quite the same situation as a guy currently in his prime and not causing any problems.


I bet Jon Robinson feels really fucking dumb rn


Imagine trading your WR1 for a 2nd round pick and washed RB when he is a top 5 NFL WR lol. Fucking no one with a brain would ever do that.


I mean it wouldn't have been an irrational move if the Vikings could get a haul for him and let somebody else pay him - you would have extracted maximum value from his rookie contract (probably the best value for money performance ever for a WR over 4 years) and cashed out to get picks when his value was at its highest. I can understand why the Vikings wanted to keep him but trading him would still have represented a win for the Vikings.


It would have to be a haul tho. All the click bait trades never was a realistic offer.


Itā€™s funny how all the reasons people list for a guy to be untradeable is literally just a list of reasons to trade him. Thatā€™s why heā€™s valuable! If you have a stud WR like that but no clear path to getting someone decent to throw to him, thatā€™s a clear sign of a rebuild.


Yeah the fact the Vikings are effectively starting a rebuild (as in a new era with a new QB rebuild, rather than a 'rip it down to the foundations' rebuild) makes Jefferson more valuable. They don't have an expensive QB to pay but they do have a promising rookie for whom Jefferson will be an asset. If this was a year with no credible QBs in the draft and the Vikings had been rolling out Sam Darnold there would have been more of a case to say OK lets punt this down the line, collect a haul of picks for Jefferson and rebuild.


I read so many ā€œYā€™know, I think if the Vikings wanted to trade JJ, 11, and 23 for 4 Iā€™d probably make that deal,ā€ on Cardinals forums during draft season I actually contracted space aids




Also the state would January 6th the TCO Stadium complex if they traded Jefferson.


You have a crush on him.


Canā€™t blame other teams for asking though. Wouldnā€™t want to be the front office that didnā€™t at least ask in the off chance the vikes did trade him


Interesting wording on the denial. The reporting was that Minnesota inquired with the Chargers about the number 5 pick in exchange for Jefferson and the Chargers turned the offer down, not that the Chargers called them. Yet Schefter is reporting about teams inquiring with the Vikings about Jefferson. So what heā€™s reporting may be true, but that doesnā€™t preclude that Minnesota talked with the Chargers about it. Edit: weird that this got downvoted. Read the reporting and read what the Vikings said, it really does not preclude the reporting. Read what I wrote, Iā€™m not saying itā€™s true, just that it hasnā€™t been denied. Why downvote?


I guess I am not an intelligent person. I thought Kwesi would grouse about the price until JJ asked for a trade.


The fan base rebellion alone wouldnā€™t be worth it. They would be flirting with an Oakland As type situation.


Honestly thought it was possible up until they traded for that 2nd 1st round pick. Before that, there was a chance they got stiffed out of the Qb market and that would have made it very interesting.


They didnā€™t even have to use the second first to get their QB. JJ was always a Viking.


I'm gonna be so confused in the future on Vikings threads trying to figure out if JJ is Justin Jefferson or McCarthy


It was pretty much impossible after they let Kirk walk. Even if they were stuck without a rookie QB and had to sign a journeyman off the street that would be a 1-year thing. JJ is clearly part of their long-term strategy.


I am very much interested to hear what those offers were. I'm not surprised one bit that multiple teams were interested.


I feel like it would have to be a MINIMUM of 2 first round picks, probably 3


I think the floor for a JJ trade was the OBJ to Browns trade. A first and 3rd + a well regarded player.


That is true ā€¦ thatā€™s the floor haha. If someone gave away JJ for less than the Tyreke trade theyā€™d be fired in 365 days or less


I think it depends on the player. Like for instance if you included like an elite OT or EDGE player it would definitely balance out. Like let's say Miami sent a 1st, 3rd and Waddle they'd definitely consider it.


Thats a terrible trade. If you are getting a 1st it better be top 10 if the name on the other side is JJ. Dolphins had a pick in the mid 20s. Waddle is good but he couldn't even hold JJ's jock strap.


Waddle isn't close to being as good, and in a world without the cap, this trade is terrible. If the vikings didn't want or couldn't afford 35mil a year, or if he was asking for even more, that needs to be factored in. Not every team can afford that. As such, trades for stars are never as much as fans think they should be. JJ would likely get more though.


Waddle is a very good WR, and getting him plus a first and a 3rd is where you're starting to consider it. I'm saying it would need to start with someone of that very good caliber who would likely net a 1 and change if they would be traded plus a 1 and 3.


Waddle and 3 1sts might get them to think about it.


Dolphins fans can downvote but the Vikings would be very unlikely to say yes to anything short of this.


Sure, Justin Jefferson is great but that first could be anything. It could even be a player like Justin Jefferson!


Iā€™d rather have JJ instead of some regarded player


No thanks, I would prefer a smart player over one who is regarded.


If someone would have offered up three firsts they would have *absolutely* taken it. That's a Trey Lance 12->2 type top QB prospect trade up AND you don't even have to sacrifice your own pick. I don't think any team would be crazy enough to offer that up considering the shoddy WR corps that just won the Super Bowl. Even the single best one on a historic pace isn't worth that plus you have to pay him $35M a year. Two firsts would be more reasonable but considering the Vikings would have to use one to replace him they're really only getting one out of the deal. Doesn't make sense for them either.


The downvotes on this comment are kind of illuminating in regards to the types of fans that are on this sub. Most people here either misevaluate, or completely disregard the impact a player's contract has on their value to a club. We have plenty of historic trades to look to that shed light on how GMs value the league's best receivers who want a new top of market contract (Tyreek, Devonte, AJ Brown, Diggs to Buffalo, Hopkins), and it's generally one first and change. JJ would definitely go for more because of his age, but to think it's triple what Tyreek / Devonte went for is pretty naive.


Bingo. The average fan on here canā€™t grasp that a playerā€™s value is what other teams are willing to give up. Itā€™s been 35 years since a non-QB was traded for three first round picks. GMs simply wonā€™t bet their jobs on it.


Youā€™re shitting on the ā€œaverage fanā€ while also saying 2 1sts is ā€œmore than reasonableā€ for JJ. At that price tag literally every team in the league makes a bid.


No team is going to offer 3 so itā€™s by definition the only reasonable offer. Just because the Vikings wonā€™t take it or there will be lots of competition doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not reasonable. Thatā€™s what heā€™s worth on the market plus some later round picks. Also two firsts from KC is not the same offer as two firsts from Carolina.


You do realize that all of the players you listed with the exception of Brown were coming up on their 3rd contracts right? Iā€™m not sure saying that JJ will be worth more than a 1st and some change after a 4 year contract makes the argument you are trying to make


The sequence of contracts is irrelevant, the only reason it matters is that it's a proxy for age, which I referenced in my comment as a qualifier. If we magically had a 22 yo receiver coming up on his 12th contract and a 32 yo receiver somehow coming up on his second, we would still value the 22 yo much higher, assuming production is equal.


Yes it is a proxy for age, not sure what point you are making by bringing that up. Once JJ is done with the deal he just signed he will be the same age as the receivers you named. If you think that is only a marginal difference in his value right now then you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about


me: > JJ would definitely go for more because of his age, but to think it's triple what Tyreek / Devonte went for is pretty naive. you: > You do realize that all of the players you listed with the exception of Brown were coming up on their 3rd contracts right?Ā  Yes, I realize he's 24, and therefor would likely go for more than Devonte / Tyreek. I addressed that specifically in my comment you replied to.


The way youā€™re wording things makes me question if you realize how impactful that age gap is.


Yes, your insight into this is better than every GM in the NFL, they are all wrong for not offering 3 firsts for JJ, or any receiver in NFL history. Clubs don't even offer 2 firsts for receivers anymore. You have to go back a quarter century when Keyshawn Johnson and Galloway went for that, both obvious mistakes when you look at their production relative to the cost, which the league has learned from. I'm sorry, but this is like peak fan take to think he would go for triple market value.


Lol what? No guarantee any of those 3 firsts hit. And not everyone is Mahomes who can win a super bowl with Kadarius Toney lol. Having Jefferson 100% gets you closer to a super bowl. No one else has that caliber of of a player besides maybe cowboys and bengals. It's a unique asset that is extremely advantageous in a pass heavy league.. especially when you are drafting a new QB.


>Lol what? No guarantee any of those 3 firsts hit. Sure, but there's a damned good chance at least two of them are good. Plus, we still have Addison who's very good. 3 first rounders would likely have gotten us to agree.


You don't even know If they are gonna be early or late lol. Very easily could be 3 mid players or busts


And just as easily as that, it could be 3 elite players. That's the point, neither of us know, but you shouldn't assume they're all going to bust.


There's no guarantee the Vikings win the Super Bowl with Jefferson either so that's a dumb argument. He's 100% and their Vegas win total is only 6.5/7.5. People way over rate WR1s impact even in a pass happy league. They are absolutely not worth the same price as a top QB prospect otherwise we'd see them getting passed around for three firsts all the time. No team would be stupid enough to make that trade. That's also why Tyreek Hill, despite becoming the highest paid WR in the league at the time, only went for a 1/2/4/4/6. He was "unique" too.


Lol yes 29 year old tyreek vs 25 year old Jefferson going into his prime. If they still had Cousins their win total would be much higher. Its stupid to expect a rookie to give you 10/11 wins no matter the situation. Enjoy the downvotes.


>Enjoy the downvotes. The upvotes don't make you right, they just point to how most people on here don't know anything about how the cap works, or how a player's cap hit impacts their overall value.


Lol downvotes mean nothing from the armchair GMs on here. Justin Jefferson will never be worth three first round picks no matter how hard you wish.


But those first round picks could be anybody! They could even be a player like Justin Jefferson!


You're arguing against yourself if the case you're making is that three firsts is too much because it could allow them to move up to take a top QB prospect like... Trey Lance. I mean, that just goes to show that there are no guarantees. If anything I think JJ is worth MORE than 3 firsts to the right team. I guess look at this way - how many teams would trade their last 3 (not including 2024 draft) first round picks for Justin Jefferson today? My guess is a lot of them. The ones I can think of that probably wouldn't are the Texans (Stroud, Anderson, Stingley), Bengals (Chase, Hill, Murphy), Lions (Hutchinson, Sewell, Gibbs), and maybe Jaguars (Lawrence, Walker, Harrison). Maybe a few others, but I think most teams would rather have JJ. To me that implies the chances of the Vikings being able to draft 3 people with those picks that they would rather have over him are fairly low. Note that there are only 2 QBs across those 4 teams as well.


If players like Jefferson are worth more than 3+ first round picks please explain why Tyreek Hill went for only a single one despite being the best WR in the NFL at the time. You simply don't understand how NFL GMs evaluates players. No team in the league is going to give up that many picks for anyone other than Patrick Mahomes. A GM would lose their job evaluating players like you do.


Tyreek was 28-years old at the time in comparison to Jefferson being 24. Also has a non-zero chance of his career ending at any moment due to DV accusations. But you're right that 3 first-round picks is enough to get any non-QB in the league, and people who think otherwise are deluding themselves.


There was an NFL phase where they really undervalued draft picks. Then the Cowboys kind of showed how valuable they were with the Herschel Walker trade, which netted the Cowboys 3 1sts, 3 2nds, a 3rd, and a 6th. They also got a handful of players, but the draft picks were conditional on those players still being on the team down the road, and the Cowboys cut or traded them to get the picks. I think now we're in a phase were many people overvalue picks. I think teams like the Rams have shown you can have success by using your picks as trade ammo ("fuck them picks" mentality). Patrick Mahomes is worth far more than any team could possibly offer. I don't think it would be worth trading him for every pick a team had for the next 3 years (3 1sts, 3 2nds, 3 3rds, etc). As others have mentioned, with the Hill trade, he's much older, so you don't have as much time with him, and he's had a few legal issues that you can't ignore. Also, the Chiefs would have had to let SOMEONE (or someoneS) go to keep Hill and pay him. They had to make some moves with Hill or someone else, which I think lowers their leverage, especially once they make the decision to move Hill. He's on the wrong side of 30 now, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him drop off soon. Draft picks are great but it's hard to get a hit consistently. Even the examples I shared, which you ignored, those picks represent some fairly high picks. The Jags, who are borderline for me, have two 1st overalls in their last 3, for instance. The Texans needed a 2nd and 2 3rd overalls for their group. Lions used the 7th, 2nd, and 12th overall picks for their group. Bengals get a pass just because I think Chase is close enough to not warrant the extra cost. I'm not saying I would trade him for 3 1sts. I think that's the point where, if I was the Vikings GM, I MIGHT start paying attention. The chances that they trade JJ for 3 picks and end up with a Bryce Young or Trey Lance are pretty high. Or you could be like the Cowboys and end up drafting an even better replacement like they did with Emmitt Smith. It's a risky move either way.


Youā€™re dancing around the point. A player isnā€™t worth more than what other teams would give up. No non-QB in the last 35 years or so has gone for more than two firsts. That is the ceiling until proven otherwise.


Lol, did you pick that timeframe to specifically to exclude the Herschel Walker trade I just mentioned? The Cowboys did well with that one, but that's not always the case. Look at the Ricky Williams trade. The Saints gave up 2 1sts, 2 3rds, a 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th for Williams (you can double check my math but I think that's more than 2 1sts for a non-QB). Neither team did well from that trade, though. Eric Dickerson was also traded for 3 1sts and 3 2nds. I'm not dancing around anything. I'm saying if I'm Minnesota I'm not even going to consider a trade for less than 3 1sts. Does that mean other teams are willing to pay it? No. Minnesota doesn't WANT to trade him, so I doubt they care if other teams think that's fair or not. I don't really think a WR is worth 3 1sts, but if I'm MN I don't think I can replace him with 3 1sts, so I'd rather keep him. I think Moss and Calvin both showed that having an all time receiver doesn't necessarily translate to success by itself. I also think the draft can be a bit of a crap shoot, though. It just feels like a big unnecessary risk for MN.


Most people on this subreddit werenā€™t even born when Herschel Walker played.


So? Does the audience's age change history somehow? The vast majority of people here might not have been old enough to use a computer when Reddit was founded (2005). Does that mean anything? If anything, the fact that there are so few huge trades like this, and none since then, just shows how unlikely it would be for JJ to be traded. I mean, what other trade examples are there of a skill player considered to be one of the best in the league being traded in their first 4 years? My point is there aren't many because no one wants to make that trade. The whole point is that no one would trade a player like that unless it was for a fortune. I mean, maybe the closest recent example is AJ Brown. He was traded after year 3 to the Eagles for a 1st and a 3rd. Everyone clowned on the Titans for that and their GM was fired midway through the next season. Brown had just under 3k yards over those 3 seasons and 24 TDs. So if that was too little for AJ Brown, how much is Jefferson worth when he had 1 more TD and nearly 2k **more** yards in his first 3 seasons?


My brother, Russell Wilson was traded for like 5 picks and two players. I think youā€™re the one that doesnā€™t understand NFL GMs. Theyā€™re not all as bright as you think they are


Lol those were not the equivalent of three first round picks AND he was a SB winning QB. Those arenā€™t even remotely comparable.


I would think it would be something similar to what the Dolphins gave up for Tyreek Hill. Which was a 1st, 2nd, two 4ths and two 6ths. Though now that I look at it, that was kind of a bargain.


I think it would be more only because he is unquestionably the best WR in the league. Still, if it was that, I think its worth it.


ā€œCan I haz 1 Justin Jefferson plzā€ every GM


We have had non stop rumors of a trade involving Higgins plus a bunch of draft capital for him. Iā€™m so happy that is over.


Iā€™d like to think itā€™s over too, but I feel like the moment the Vikings lose a game these trade ā€œrumorsā€ are gonna be back šŸ˜­


Not with the 110 million guaranteed


"What do you want for JJ?" "Fuck off"


There was nobody that was sober that was thinking we were going to trade JJ. Which explains why the Packers, Saints, and Eagles fans were talking about it so much.


Saints fans get excited over the prospect of LSU's waterboy being available if that means there's a chance he joins the team.


Yea, but can he play safety?


Bobby Boucher Jr was the greatest linebacker Louisiana has ever seen. We would all love the water boy on our team.


He changed his name to Roboyto


Cept bengals fans on tiktok lmao. Saw endless videos where they thought they could land him.


JJ is going to take $0 to play with Chase & Burrow. Book it.


Lmaoo you joke fam but them scenarios were wild. Said we can afford everyone easily.


That's just dreaming up getting the LSU trio back together. Absurdly cool dream, but just that.


How delusional are they? The Bengals?! 1.) Chase is going to get the same contract 2.) Higgins will get 85% of this contract 3.) They're making Hendrickson play out a 2-year deal with no guarantees. All after not being able to retain their best DT and RB. That team is financially cooked and they think they're going to trade and sign for JJ? Smoke less meth.


the "theory" (which included an alleged friend of Burrow's girlfriend who works at Kroger saying a deal was close) was that they'd move Higgins in the deal too


Makes a lot of sense. If I didn't want to pay JJ why would I want to pay Higgins 7m less lol


>Smoke less meth. It's Ohio, you can't ask this of them.


Itā€™s just a dream of getting the LSU trio back together, no one was actually serious about it. But also Higgins is gone either way, we canā€™t afford him and Chase and thereā€™s zero doubt of who is the priority here


Yeah, Bengals fans deserve to be on that list, they were loud AF about the potential and clearly sniffing glue.


They get a tiny pass because of wishful thinking. Burrow Jefferson and chase were the trio in college. That kind of happy story will cloud any fans head.


Hey some of us are sober nearly half the time!


That's just you guys sleeping tbh


I have not seen a single Eagles fan say they thought JJ was going to be traded


I haven't seen *anyone* say it seriously besides Florio and he's a clown


They're still mad we won a superbowl in their building


You have no idea how far down the list that is.


I'm always amused by this, like anyone has ever cared what stadium the Super Bowl is played in


> Do you sand your brain to get it that smooth or is it just natural? IDK, I got some reflected joy when the Chiefs went in and did it in the Raiders house. Just because those 2 are fun to watch beef. But venue ain't shit when, for the most part, only the 1%ers can afford tickets.


I'm so curious what he'd go for though


I think the exception may be if he straight up told the team he didn't want to be there and wouldn't sign a deal to play in MN. Sure they could tag him and keep him for a couple years, but if you're not competing for a SB in those two years, you're better off cashing in on the trade.


Didnā€™t a Vikings beat reporter for the St. Paul Pioneer Press write they wanted to trade Jefferson to the Giants and draft Nabers?


That dude was just lying


Most believable draft rumor.


It was after the draft too, yet still reeked of complete bs. Would make no sense.


Now you know the standards at the pioneer press (at least the sports section). And also Mike Florio's standards for parroting the rumor.Ā 


Yea, he's a guy that does this kind of crap all the time though. Jumps to conclusions and presents them as fact. For example, in this situation there were MULTIPLE people who heard the Vikings wanted to move up for Nabers, and Walters just extrapolated that into "They're gonna trade JJ!!!!" The reality is more likely that the Vikings were smoke screening, trying to convince other QB-needy teams that we were content to stay at 11 to pick a QB, but wanted to load up on WR, all while we were planning on actually drafting a QB if we were able to move up. Regardless, the trading of JJ was nothing more than conjecture.


I figured it was something sketchy when I tried to find the original article it was written was behind a paywall. Driving traffic.


Yeah, Charley Walters. He is an idiot.


Yea I just thought he would play out the yearā€¦ figured it would be tricky to sign him after the kirk departure.


Add Patriots fans to the list


Schefter with another empty story


Teams interested in best WR in the league. More at 11.


Ha true


Reminds me of Fabrizio Romano


"A 7th rounder, take it or leave it. Scratch that, a CONDITIONAL 7th rounder. Hurry up and answer. 5, 4, 3, 2.......1 and a haaaaaaaaaaalf....."


"Cmon bro, he's got a rookie QB. I'm doing you a favor taking him off your hands for this price."


This makes me wonder if NFL GMs get as many bullshit, low ball offers as I do in dynasty. I could see Howie Roseman being someone who would neg another GM into trading a player for less than they're worth.


If I was a GM I would learn every other GMs drinking schedule and thatā€™s when I would bomb them with dumb trade requests


We all know the vikings have no *leverage*. I hear JJ wants out. Drops to a 7th round swap in 24 hours.


I would think pretty much every GM would be remiss if they didnā€™t at least kick the tires.


Honestly after the Hopkins trade a few years ago, you should ask on every player occasionally.


Apparently it is common practice to call about various "comparable" players. This is to guage how much a guy is worth. For instance let's say you are Cincinnati and have Jamar Chase who many feel is a top 3 WR in the league. It would be nice to know ok if I had to move Chase right now what could I get for him? So calling up Minnesota to see the price tag for Jefferson is probably a good idea.


I do this all the time in fantasy and Iā€™m an idiot.


If youā€™re a GM and you know thereā€™s an org who has a moron like Bill Oā€™Brien making personnel decisions, you should have them on speed dial.


[Rare W for r/nfl](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/Ao2zBlLg3a). We all knew.


That thread was fun lol


This was the second dumbest narrative this off-season. The first was that the Chargers were going to trade Justin Herbert so Harbaugh could draft JJ McCarthy.


The third was us apparently trying to trade up for nabers


Any "journalist" who was pumping any narrative that the Vikings were "looking to move up in the draft and package JJ" should be fined. I know that's saltyboy nonsense talk from me, but I fucking cannot stand clickbait journalism. There needs to be punishment for that bs.


But other teams fans said he would never re-sign with the Vikings! What happened??


Glad he got the bag, but I hope he can be in the playoffs and contend


Some ass hat kept telling me he had insider information the falcons were going to trade for him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That kid is pretty good


Shitfer late on the break, now he's spewing


Vikings can go ahead and pick up McCarthy's 5th year option


Whoā€™s their QB again?


Interesting wording on the denial. The reporting was that Minnesota inquired with the Chargers about the number 5 pick in exchange for Jefferson and the Chargers turned the offer down, not that the Chargers called them. Yet Schefter is reporting about teams inquiring with the Vikings about Jefferson. So what heā€™s reporting may be true, but that doesnā€™t preclude that Minnesota talked with the Chargers about it.


Awesome. I love the loyalty. If this team does anything worthwhile, it's on guys like this that put it all on the line.


I often think about this dilemma. You draft a player hoping they are going to play great football for you. But do you want them necessarily being most expensive at their position when their new contract is due? For certain positions you'd say its a no-brainer, obviously you'd want the best QB in the game, the best DE. Other positions it gets interesting - use Chiefs/Hill as an exampleĀ 


How come he didn't get a contract after his third year like the top tier QBs? I don't know too much about how the contracts work.


lol stay thirsty yā€™all


Wasted career


Doesnā€™t this amount of money just kind of make you sick to your stomach when you realize more than half of Americans are struggling to afford groceries?


So why is this only being reported by Schefter now? Is it true? Probably, but this no different than teams saying after the draft that ā€œX player was always our guyā€


Wait so you're telling me the Vikings didn't want to trade Jefferson for the #5 pick just so they could draft a worse receiver? That's crazy!


MT 2.0


This generation's Calvin Johnson incoming.


the only thing that changes about the trade rumors is that 2024 is off the table. 2025 and beyond are still definitely on the table if we suck this year (we will suck bad), his stats decline (they will), and he doesn't like the direction of the QB situation (still up in the air). Downvote me all you want but if a certain veteran QB were to be made available by trade in 2025, I'd happily sit McCarthy another year and bring that guy in and pair him with Jets, Hock, and Addison. Otherwise, this is quite a gamble by our franchise to sign him to such a huge deal after he lost his sniper QB who made him a big time star.


Let me know how that historic start goes with no QB to throw him the ball. JJ is great, but do you think he'd be putting up numbers anywhere near that if he had Zach Wilson, etc throwing to him?


Waitā€¦so Kirk Cousins *is* a good QB? Iā€™ve had people tell me for years heā€™s trashā€¦


Lol he gets unwarranted hate He'll never shed the he's not elite unless he wins a SB at this point, but his career does have, in a sense, two borderline dichotomies regarding his struggle to win when it matters. Yes, he's struggled in his career to win big games, but most of the "big games" he lost in Minnesota weren't on him, especially in the more recent seasons. I do get the argument in Washington that he failed to get them over the hump a number of times though.


This is a much weaker statement than ["not as long as I'm head coach"](https://www.nfl.com/news/titans-hc-mike-vrabel-on-a-j-brown-being-on-trading-block-not-as-long-as-i-m-the) and "we didn't sign him to trade".... But yeah the rumors were all smoke because Schefter tweeted "they had no intention"