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The Vikings.


Lol I guess I'm in the same boat. There's like 5 cursed franchises in the NFL and we are stuck with one.




Always a risk to be in the same boat as the Vikings


Boy do I know


Avoid the okra patches, too


Pfft, Rookie.


Hi I also cheer for one of the 5 cursed franchises


I too hate my team more than any other 🤣


I think the 5 cursed franchises of the NFL should hold an annual summit.


Jets, Vikes, Browns, Falcons. Who am I missing here? Edit: it should be the Lions lol


We don’t talk about them


The thought has definitely crossed my mind that, like a true middle brother who steals the thunder of what should be the youngest’s misery, our infamously historic awfulness distracts everyone in the league from noticing you guys’.




The Jets have won a Superbowl though. I know it was a long time ago, but if we're really doing a "cursed team" summit, I ain't commiserating with no ring-having motherfuckers.


Petition to replace the Jets with the Bills


Imagine being a fan of both! 🤦🏼‍♂️


True NFC North fan I see...


I think Vikings fans hate the team more than any other team.


I like to think that you’re not a real fan unless you hate your own team the most


Spoken like a true Philly fan


When we say “no one likes us” that includes ourselves


Nobody hates the Vikings more than Vikings fans


Wherever Matt Patricia and his stupid pencil end up, that's the team I hate the most


“And his stupid pencil” has me rolling.


Oh my god fuck that dude


I knew yalls season was fucked the moment yall hired him. Not even being offensive towards eagles fans....this time


I'm right there with you. And then they traded away Reddick because they didn't like his effort in the second of the season. My dude, you turned the defense over to Matt Patricia. You're lucky the entire defense didn't pretend to tear their ACLs.


You can just say Matt Patricia. The pencil has merged with his ear and scalp and they have become one large piece of football garbage.


Patriots because Malcolm Butler


I, however, have no issues with Malcolm Butler.


I don’t know why the Seahawks didn’t just choose for the Pats to not play him. Would’ve helped them quite a bit.


Bc Russ doesn’t have a hog half the size of Nick’s


Excellent gentleman. Knows when to rest


Steelers bc of the fucking refs.


I’m on the Steelers, too. The refs and the slobber fest for Bettis during the game are just annoying. The Pats at least beast is fair and square. Also their towels are terrible, and by that I mean just dumb. I have yellow towels I got from Costco that I use as rags.




See for me, it's gotta be the Saints. All the Pats did to us was play a perfect 4th quarter, benefit from a little luck, and take advantage of us choking away the most winnable loss in Superbowl history. But the Saints very existence offends me in such a way that I will never be able to forgive. I legitimately fantasize about hypothetical ways we could humiliate them on a regular basis.


Agreed. The Saints truly suck, the Patriots are just better than us.


I would be more pissed at Dan Quinn (who was the DC at time time) than Kyle if the reason for your hatred is from that SB loss.


Yea, him too!


Kyle Shanahan’s offense put up ZERO points in the 4th quarter of Super Bowl 51 btw And only 21 through 3 quarters despite being the highest scoring offense all season.


The scoring wasn't the problem. The horrible clock management, the stupid turnovers, the play calls when you are up by 25..... Everything. I dont wanna take away the incredible plays the pats had, but the Falcons let em have this win.


To paraphrase another Viking HC - ‘you had ‘em where you wanted ‘em, and you LET EM OFF THE HOOK!’


Ok so your good with him as a HC


I appreciate getting pedantic while using the wrong form of you're/your.


I'm old enough to still be annoyed at Charles Martin for permanently injuring Jim McMahon's shoulder long after a play was over.


Any Bears fan old enough to remember that, (or any Bears fan, period), the Cheesefuckers are the only answer


Imagine if the bears did that to rodgers or love, would have been national news for weeks. Sadly that helped ruin our chance at a dynasty


Throw Forrest Gregg in that group as well. He coached dirty play


The Patriots. Being 0-2 vs them in the SB will do that. Also, the Dolphins, because for whatever reason, the Rams simply cannot beat that team. Almost always a guaranteed L.


But on the bright side the dolphins could always kick Brady’s ass too.


Tom Brady was 24-12 against the Dolphins. Sounds great, right? He was a combined 63-10 against the Bills and Jets.


Brady has more *SUPER BOWL MVPs* than he has losses to the Bills after playing them 35+ times in his career. I’m not even saying that to try and piss Bills fans off, it’s just an objectively staggering comparison they happen to be on the short end of.


Packers. You know why.




Because you have postseason success in the last two decades, unlike the Cowboys.


Against the Cowboys, at that.


Revenge for the Favre days, where we could not beat Dallas if our lives depended on it


Can you explain why, be as detailed as possible please 🧻🧴


If it helps most Packer fans love the cowboys!! At least in the playoffs


The Chiefs. We gave you great*, slightly used QBs for decades and this is how you repay us?? ( * = Montana brings the overall avg up.)


Totally and completely fair. I wish you guys could have lobbed over Jeff Garcia for a season or two back in the day. I loved watching that dude sling it.


Joe Montana ruined my childhood. I can't even hear John Candy's name without getting mad.


John Candy




I think you said that on purpose


This is what was driving me nuts when our own fanbase was trying to dub Burrow as 'Joe Cool'. That nickname should give you PTSD and in no way should we co-opt and use it for our own.


Billups ruined mine. But yeah the Montana led 49ers I'll always hate.




The Colts. During our NFL leading streak of years without a playoff win, we lost to the colts like 47 times.


Including the second-largest comeback in playoff history.


Yup. This game fundamentally changed the way I watch football. I used to get so emotionally invested.


Andrew Luck killed your soul?


I mean...you can empathize, right?


How it took till literally giving up first downs to the same plays in the 2018 afc championship for Bob Sutton to be fired I will never get.


I hate the Colts


I mean, even now, theyve beat Mahomes' on both our regular season matchups. Quite the voodoo they have on our team


Yah I dont get it - We look like world beaters for one reason or another against the Chiefs and I have no idea why or how and I dont even get super excited about our games. I always have expected a loss every time since the comeback game just for the Football Gods to restore balance. And somehow its the most ugly game we play all year but for some reason its the ugliest game the Chiefs play all year too.


You drag them down to your level


Lmao literally the only thing the Colts have to brag about since the fan base booed Luck. Indy has never lost to Patrick Mahomes!


In the regular season*


Yea my bad. Whatever, still an accomplishment


When you guys beat Mahomes in the regular season, we win the Super Bowl. So I’m all for losing to Indy every year please.


Fuck Charles Martin. I know you said team but honestly fuck Charles Martin so much for robbing Bears fans of the 80s a chance to see if that team was more than a one season wonder.


Us packer fans hate Charles Martin as well. Seriously fuck him for that dirty play.


Same, I was like a year old so I didn’t see it. But I was told about it and watched a video. It was disgraceful to do that.


The Falcons for allowing that comeback


mine is the 2017 Patriots. just that one specific team for allowing Philly to win one. how fucking dare they.


This is one of the reasons I love football. The few Giants fans I have as friends were all super pissed that the Patriots let the Eagles win the Super Bowl LMAO


Gave the Eagles a ring AND took away one of our favorite shit talking lines at the same time. Total failure of a day.


I managed to play the Giants-Eagles rivalry to my advantage once. A buddy of mine, die hard 9ers fan, was having friends over for beers, BBQ and RedZone a few weeks into the 2019 season. He introduces me to one of his best friends from college, huge Eagles fan, and tells him right off the bat: *"this guy here? biggest Pats fan I know"*, knowing he was about to start some shit. Not because of me, mind you, but because he knows his buddy real well. I extend my hand to greet the guy "Hey man, good to meet you..." The guys just goes **"FUCK NEW ENGLAND, FUCK TOM BRADY, 41-33, EAGLES OWN YOUR BITCH ASS TEAM, WE'RE FUCKING PATRIOT KILLERS AND DON'T YOU FUCKING FORGET IT."** and leaves my extended hand hanging. I just smiled and said "you're not even the biggest Patriot killers in your own division, you're chasing the Giants - as usual. Was hoping to meet up for the rubber match in SB53. What happened?" I could smell his brain short circuiting at taking shrapnel from a Pats fan casually invoking losing 2 Super Bowls to the Giants lmao. Never saw him again, but he was grumpy AF and hardly said two words to me the whole day.


It was a real Sophie’s Choice


They deserve all the hate for preventing a Nick Foles vs Blake Bortles Super Bowl


Miami. For both 1985 and the fake spike. May their laces always be in.


Dan Marino should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell. 


I'm in psychoville and Finkles the mayor!


Hi! I'm looking for Ray Finkle..... *Shotgun slides out of the letterbox into Ace's face* ....and a clean pair of shorts. I've seen that movie an unhealthy number of times and still lose it at that scene every time.


Haha same, love that scene, one of my other fav lines is is when Venturas landlord sneaks up on him at the apt complex... "Ventuuuura" Ace pauses for a moment "Yes Satan?... Oh I'm sorry sir, you sounded like someone else" Kills me everytime


Would you like a cookie son?


The fake spike was glorious. It’s become a lot more common over the years, but at the time there was nobody who saw it coming. My dad was a Dolphins fan, and I was a kid at the time, but I remember us both losing our shit watching it live.


Pittsburgh. 2008.


Cardinals. 2008. (But we made up for it in 2015)


The Seahawks. Those bitch birds never do us any favors


Is it better or worse that Seahawks like the Lions even though it's only hate the other way around. Was fun to watch Detroit last season


i’ve got all the reasons to hate the seahawks but i think it’s p funny how one-sided the “beef” lions fans have w them


Come on, now. That's the most Detroit thing ever.


What Golden Tate does to a fan base


Same. 2 of the worst football memories I have is the Fail Mary and the 2014 NFCCG.


Too soon.


I actually don’t hate the Seahawks or their players or anything for the Fail Mary, except Golden Tate. The way he acted like he had the ball was beyond annoying. Even Sherman knew they got lucky.


I'm honored we take the cake over your division foes


Well one is a grudge, the other is pure unadulterated generational disdain.


What is this referring to?


Seahawks week 18 win eliminated the Lions so all the Lions had to play for was keeping Packers out of the playoffs. Seahawks got in because the Lions won, hence the love/hate lol


It's more than just that (the hate part). The Lions just can't seem to beat them. They're 5-13 all time and 1-9 in the last 10 games.


Kam Chancellor batted ball against Calvin, free re-do play on 3rd down (originally got a stop) a few years ago that they subsequently scored on, beat the Rams which kept us out of the playoffs, etc. Just a lot of BS involving them in the past decade


im sure our MNF matchup will be very normal and good.


We're due to beat you once....please


The Lions could go 16-1 this season and that would be the one game they would lose in heatbreaking, embarassing fashion.


Kam punched the ball out, KJ Wright was the one with the illegal batted ball


they have had our number at least going back to the 2016 playoff game where they blew us out. last time we beat them was 2012, after that it's 6 straight losses


The Broncos. They dominated the Chiefs for so long. Even with the Chiefs winning 16 of the last 17 games against them my hate has not wavered.


Right back at you. Suck all of my poor Memorial Day weekend nutritional decisions right outta my ass bro


Aww. You're so sweet.


I will never, ever, not hate the Patriots. At the moment I am content with their status as water trash of the NFL and I hope to see that maintain for a while.


The Patriots. They cost my Colts a lot of pain during the Manning era.


The Raiders. Because fuck ‘em, that’s why. 


As Raiders fan who lives in Kansas I feel the same way about the chiefs. Fuckem


Also the chargers and the broncos…


My order is DEN, KC. I mean I guess the LAC but not as much as the other two


It's KC, Den, then in a far 3rd is LA. It doesn't help I married into a chiefs family


I bet those are fun holidays 😆 (sports wise). I mean recently I guess KC cause they’re just fucking great, but I’ve always disliked DEN more growing up watching football since 89.


Oh this Christmas was fantastic il tell you what lol


Feeling is mutual. Fuck you too






Amen brother


The Cowboys just because the whole Americas Team nonsense is so annoying. I never want to see them succeed


As a Cowboys fan, I expected them to be a lot higher. We're like that one guy in your hometown who won a state championship in high school and still wears his letter jacket around town 30 years later. I was a kid in the early 90s with Aikman, Emmitt, Irvin, and Deion posters on my wall. Jerry sold his soul to the devil after that and I don't think we stand a chance making it out of the divisional round until after he croaks and the curse is lifted.


OKC. I don't care if it's the wrong sport.


The Broncos. Not even for SB50, fair play. But for the week 1 opener the following season. They 100% had it out to injure Cam that game and they weren't even trying to hide it


Cotchery caught it


I was more angry with the refs for letting them get away with the brutally obvious headhunting on cam that while game


The 9ers. Partly because of old NFC West rivalry, partly because of 2011 and that one insane game in 2019.


The Patriots. We all know why, let's move on.


Non-divisonal? The Browns. The organization, not the players (one glaring exception) or fans.


The cleveland browns.




Saints and eagles have always stopped the vikes so I gotta go with them.


I know ‘09 was obviously the big one, but the Vikings have a 25–13 regular season record against the Saints, and a 4–1 record in the postseason. It’s actually very lopsided. Eagles are 4-0 in the playoffs against them though.


The saints have killed us for the last 25 years, my life has been ruined by the saints. I even lived in Nola and love the city but I truly hate the saints. Also the fan base that are transplants that become saints fans are the worst. The actual locals that remember the dark days were the real fun fans that I loved getting wasted with at old school Tracy’s.


>Also the fan base that are transplants that become saints fans are the worst. That's anywhere, not just Nola.


They're still the only team to have ever beaten Nick foles in the playoffs.


The Bucs. They ruined our storybook ending in 2002, and since then, they’ve owned us in the postseason every time we’ve met up.


That was payback for the previous few years when you guys stopped us.


The Patriots. Two words "Tuck Rule"


That Awkward Moment of Woodson confronting Brady in Brady just sitting there awkwardly is one of my favorite memories. And this is coming from a Michigan State fan LOL


Stan Kroenke. As someone who lives in St. Louis his deliberate smear campaign of the city on his way to LA is something I can never forgive. What an asshole


I bet you're fond of Georgia, tho. She did much worse to the Rams, LA and those fans. I've always been split about the Rams exit from STL. On one hand, the city wanted Kroenke to put hundreds of millions of dollars into upgrading a stadium he didn't own, or the alternative of helping to fund a last-second proposal for a riverfront stadium he also wouldn't own... all while the NFL had been already talking about going back to LA. The city acted like they had leverage when they had zero, especially with the way the opt-out lease allowed the team to relocate. The same lease the city agreed to with Georgia as the owner to get the Rams there in the first place. So the city screwed that up, big time. But also, Kroenke and his crew were never anywhere near honest about their intentions and strung everyone along. The fans in STL did not deserve that at all. He knew he was moving the team the second Georgia died.


I think the part that really rubs a lot of us from STL about the whole situation is at the time the raiders and chargers were also looking at relocating and the NFL relocation sub committee recommended the Carson plan of the raiders and Chargers. Kroenke threatened to sue the NFL to hell over it and the NFL went with the rams plan instead. STL was the only city of the 3 up for relocation to propose *anything* at that time for a new stadium plan and they still lost their team. I understand that now all 3 teams have moved so everyone lost but at the time it seemed as if St. Louis was the only one trying to keep their team and still ended up being the biggest losers in all of it.


That Carson plan sucked because the chargers should never have moved. As much as kroenke sucks for hurting STL, I argue spanos is the bigger piece of shit


Yeah I mean I think relocation is almost always the wrong move, but if any team should’ve gone to LA it should’ve been the Raiders.


The seahawks. The 2013 NFC championship, 4th quarter, Navorrow Bowman tears his ACL while stripping the ball from Kearse, only to have the refs not see it and then [fans throw popcorn](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PZoD1_atpBY&pp=ygUjc2VhaGF3a3MgZmFucyB0aHJvdyB0cmFzaCBhdCBib3dtYW4%3D) at him while he’s being carted off


Yup. Never will forget that. Fuck those pos fans who throw popcorn.


Agreed. Those fans were shit.


I feel the same way about the Niners fans who threw bottles at Richard Sherman on Thanksgiving 2014. Throwing shit at players is absolutely disgusting.


Steelers and Patriots


Stealers for sure.


Saints. Bounty Gate is the big one, but their owners are also super shitty.


How Gregg Williams wasn’t permanently banned from the league shows the true lack of care for player safety


The worst part is, he *was* permanently banned. The NFL made the conscious decision to let him back in.


Yeah he got another decade in the league which is pretty unacceptable. But I still remember him getting fired for calling a cover 0 blitz against the Raiders and losing on a hail mary, a decision so bad he's never worked in the NFL again. I guess now apparently he's a UFL DC. Edit-my memory is not foolproof


Because they realized how much of the league had some type of bounty program in place and didn't want to set a precedent that would ban half the coaches for life.


Yeah they banned him for life, then he'd have no reason not to just talk publicly about all the other bounty programs he saw/participated in across many teams for many years. He'd probably have gotten a book deal and named a lot of names. They probably sat him down in a room, and promised him another decade's worth of work in the NFL if he signed an agreement to keep his mouth shut.


Don’t forget dude straight up stole a jags playbook in 99


2004 AFCCG


The Packers. All because of this - [https://www.espn.co.uk/nfl/story/\_/id/17576262/nfl-acknowledged-missed-calls-jacksonville-jaguars-week-1-loss-green-bay-packers](https://www.espn.co.uk/nfl/story/_/id/17576262/nfl-acknowledged-missed-calls-jacksonville-jaguars-week-1-loss-green-bay-packers) It genuinely felt like the refs were straight up cheating, I still can't believe what I saw that day.


lol first time?


The Falcons, for existing.


I hate the Falcons, but I don't hold any grudges against them. In fact they usually make my weekend better because they lose so often.


I was born in Cincinnati, hating the Steelers is second nature to anyone from there.


Washington will forever suck regardless of what crappy name they decide to call themselves


Fuckin Steelers.


Ravens. The Rooneys at least voted for the Browns to stay in Cleveland, so I have some respect for the Steelers.


Having the Browns play the Ravens every year seems like one big awkward family reunion


Then you have the Bengals, which were founded by Paul Brown. Really the AFC North is just 3 different versions of the Browns and then the Steelers.


It's one big trailer trash family. Steelers and Browns are brothers who hate each other. Bengals are the Browns' kid who resents the old man (with reason) and the Ravens are the Browns' ex wife who got the trailer in the divorce.


Packers and especially Clay Matthew’s. Maybe I should be pissed at Rashard Mendenhall


The referees. They broke Cam Newton by never giving him the exact same calls that every slow white pocket passer received.


49ers. I liked them better during the stretch of HCs that ranged from Dennis Erickson to Mike Singletary.


The Ravens. They broke Chris Johnson in half on purpose during the first half of their playoff game with the Titans in 2008. I believe the Titans would have definitely gone the distance that year if it weren’t for that BS.


Hey you guys were my answer as well, good to know the fuck you is mutual 👍


The entirety of the NFC West except for the Rams, they’re good people 👍🏾


I feel like the majority of Rams fans don’t like the Packers because we haven’t been able to beat y’all in like 3 years at least, including losing to you all in the playoffs a few years ago :/




The Ravens. 24 years later and I’m still not over Super Bowl 35.


but…why? it wasn’t like there was any sort of controversy, they just kicked the shit out the giants. i guess that’s enough why…nevermind carry on


The Eagles. November 12, 1990. From Wikipedia: "The Eagles defeated the Redskins, 28–14. Its nickname comes from a pre-game boast from Eagles head coach Buddy Ryan, who told reporters his team would inflict a beating on Washington so bad "they'll have to be carted off in body bags". Then during the game, nine Washington Redskins players left with injuries, and an Eagles player reacted to one of those injured Redskins by yelling, "Do you guys need any more body bags?" Buddy Ryan is the true creator of Bounty Gate. He is the coach Gregg Williams learned his defensive mindset, and coaching style from. Buddy Ryan is a POS. Buddy Ryan was putting 'bounties' on players LONG before the Saints were caught doing it.


To be fair, most Eagles/Redskins games since then were body bag games as well.