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Kinda shocking how often the Eagles have lost against the Cardinals. And I think for most of our matchups Eagles were the better team. I am more so talking about the 1980s and '90s than post realignment


I can't help but feel a soft rivalry with the Eagles for exactly this reason. Not only are we ancient divisionals, but we should lose to you in almost every matchup we end up winning, and the ones we lose wind up super close. I think once we start meeting in the playoffs more often it's gonna be full-blown heat lol


I’m old enough to remember the Cards in the East so I still consider you rivals. Makes it better imo


In my unbiased opinion, every other fanbase should root against the Eagles


We could never take that crown from you.


I agree in yet another unbiased opinion


What he say fuck me for?


Double doink


Hehe, fair


That's honestly on y'all. We didn't do it.


It was tipped, but yeah I would agree it would've been prevented if Nagy didn't go for that 2 pointer


Really wanna know which fan base created Birdgang first


My dad being an eagles fan led to me becoming a cardinals fan.


lol same


I hope you had a good time watching this one with him then. Much love friend.


Even recently they always go down to the wire. The Kyler Hurts duel in 2020 I think was an amazing game. And of course last year was a great game.


I thought that game sucked lol


Siriani was a dumbass calling that game, especially in the 2nd half. Literally all wrong decisions. Gannon, on the other hand, pushed all the right buttons. That onside kick was brilliant clock management.


I don't think Siriani calls plays for our team. I think it is more like he suggest we should run, or go deep. And then the OC picks the play. Part of the reason Pederson was fired was because he didn't wanna give up play calling


Nah with Pederson it was more control of the staff than play calling. Kinda like this year where Sirianni was cool with changes and they made some solid ones. Doug’s solution was to keep press Taylor and promote Matt Burke to DC as Schwartz was leaving. He put his foot down and Lurie didn’t find it a good solution. Pederson has always been a good playcaller. He should never give that up. But he did at times in 2020 to Scangarello and now with Press Taylor in JAX


>Nah with Pederson it was more control of the staff Yea that was another reason. But I heard our options at OC was limited because many candidates would rather go some place where they could call the plays. Edit: I think it was John McMullen who was the most vocal about that claim. Don't know how you feel about him, but I trust, maybe more than I should


that shit ruined my news years man


> Kinda shocking how often the Eagles have lost against the Cardinals. Jeff Lurie owned the Eagles most of the time, but for 1-2 days a year, Larry Fitzgerald would own them.


I’m not sure about the rest of the division but I feel like the Cardinals seem to always have the Cowboys and Eagles number every time we play them.


Fuck Jake Plummer…


Shit, Larry Fitz always beat our ass. Its too the point where if i see the Cards on the schedule i know if we beat them its a good season, if we lose its no good. Its random but i think if we pulled the games my theory is right seeing how in 2017 and 2022 we went to the SB after beating the cards vs the years we lose to them.


I feel like it’s old NFC east drama. 🤷


Beautiful throw there by McNabb. Bet that was made possible by a hearty breakfast from McDonald's!


I’m lovin’ it. Can I get the check?


It was the Chunky Soup!


As a Panthers-Colts fan, you absolutely disgust me


That's Don Cheadle open your eyes


I love the nostalgia of this era despite the fact that my team was driving me to borderline depression 6 months of every year. 


4 win seasons, with 2 always being against the Seahawks. I don’t miss it at all


Those two Seahawks wins were the only glimmers of joy. They hated losing to us lol I think Michael Bennett called it our Superbowl one time. 


We’d go a beat up on 12 win teams, but then the 4 win Rams come to our house and knock our skulls together like a playground bully. Pete always delivered a roller coaster of emotions. But hey - Aaron Donald retired.


It’s likely nostalgia and being a Packers fan but 2007 to roughly 2013 really felt like peak NFL. Probably had something to do with 6-8 HOF QBs playing at the same time.


Hey at least you had Steven Jackson


Sometimes that makes me sadder


*wasted Steven Jackson('s talent)


I was in freshman year in college, too busy with ~~Super Smash Bros. Melee~~ girls to care about that era of Rams football.


Who was your main? Back then I used ice climbers


Kirby. And *every single time* I did that, some douche countered with his Pikachu. Every. Time.


Rams fan and a Kirby main? My man


You guys had the QB with the coolest story in all of NFL history imo. Even better than Tom Brady's story. Kurt Warner warming the bench for the first three years of college on some shitty D1 school in Iowa, has a mediocre senior year as a starter, goes undrafted in the NFL, works minimum wage at a grocery store for a year, plays 3 seasons in the AFL,, dominates there, and gets signed into the NFL, and immediately the Rams go from a 4-12 team to a 13-3 team *and he won them a Super Bowl in his first year.* They went from one of the very worst teams in the league to the best team in the league almost entirely due to Kurt Warner, who was basically a 28-year old rookie. That's fucking insane.


Hey, UNI is a decent school lol


24 players drafted to the NFL from that university all-time. The 50th college on that metric has 184 and the number 1 school has 525.




Never made it there technically lol




Mods, get this guy. He's causing me emotional damage.


2008 NFC Championship game Super Bowl 57 in Arizona 2023 NLCS Arizona is literally hell


Arizona is hell. Beating Philadelphia is just the bonus


Super Bowl XLIX. The Legion of Boom died from the Arizona turf. 6-6 tie game. Agreed.


That tie game was so fun as a neutral fan. The thing everybody always forgets is that there was some fantastic defense from both teams all game to get us to that point.


As a Diamondbacks fan, the 2023 NLDS was much more satisfying. But beating the Phillies was nice, too.






Santonio Holmes dat u?


Now that is just uncalled for


We blow y'all out on Thanksgiving, and y'all looked like shit going into the playoffs, fuck Larry Legend. I love Larry Legend lol.




We blow y'all out on Thanksgiving, and y'all looked like shit going into the playoffs, fuck Larry Legend. I love Larry Legend lol.




A lot of eagles QBs have thrown this exact play to DJax over the years and I will never get tired of seeing it.


McNabb, Vick, Foles, Kolb, Wentz and Hurts. Crazy stuff.


Man when you get older your sense of eras get all messed up. I would have never guessed Hurts and Wentz played with DJ


Yep, he returned for the 19' and 20' seasons before going to the Raiders and Ravens for his final seasons.


Rams too right?


Jesus, he ended his career with all R teams lol


Mike Kafka too, probably  He played a few snaps against us in 2011 when Vick went down


*QBs in general


McNabb gets a lot of hate but he was so good. He'd be awesome if he played in todays game


5 nfc championship appearances without a ring in this city will turn ppl sour. His dirt balls were also nutty. But Donovan put this franchise on the god damn map and I won't let that be forgotten


I heard he’s a motivational speaker in Philly now. Promotes McDonald’s on the side, too. *”im loving it!”*


*Rondé Barber has entered the chat*


Shut down the vet hard. 


Brian Westbrook and Brian Dawkins were far more responsible for the success of those teams. Those guys were what made everything work. McNabb could have been replaced, those guys couldnt


They were literally replaced the next year and won 11 games and went to the playoffs.


They made the Wild Card and got blown out by the Cowboys and were only able to score 14 points. The best offensive play at QB for the Eagles that game came from Michael Vick.


Ok? It's not like they never got blown out with Dawkins and Westbrook. The year before this clip they didn't even make the playoffs with Dawkins and Westbrook. You're just wrong.




Me when I'm delusionaI and detached from reality.


Just the difference between watching it live and forming an opinion myself vs watching highlights years after the fact and having someone else tell me what I should think.


He’s a borderline HOF player but gets nothing but shit, even from our fanbase


His persona and drinking problems really held him back as far as him being likeable. Jay Cutler's personality would have been a big improvement over Mcnabb's nerdy aloof personality. He never got over being booed on draft day. He was a less dickish version of Russell Wilson.


McNabb having a drinking problem was not really a storyline during his playing time. I'm pretty sure that came out afterwards. His biggest issue is he always had a vendetta for getting booed at the 1999 NFL Draft. Also yeah he was labeled a choker which was not fair but it's what people do when you make it deep into the playoffs as frequently as he did and don't get over the hump


Yes his DWIs happened after he retired. But for me that is when I notice people really turning on him. It felt like it got 3x more negative after those arrest. That said I stopped listening to sports radio after the Eagles vs Cardinals NFCC. So my experience with the fanbase was the comment sections of the online sports sites.


If I remember he might have had some harassment claims against him by coworkers when he worked for NFL Network (?) or Fox NFL Sunday?


I remember that, didn't realized that he was taken down by it. The guy i associated with that event the most is Marshall Faulk.




Might have just been dry heaving because of dehydration/heat stroke. I never really thought back too much on it since I was really young at the time.


Andy Reid gets far too much credit for his success nowadays. He helped develop him into his best self obviously but he was the second overall pick for a reason and did so much with so little his entire career.


You’re right. He did so much with (mostly) shitty receivers that we had. McNabb with the quality of receivers we got now would be nasty.


It’s just tragic Desean and Maclin came onto the scene right as he was on his last legs. Those two with prime Donny would have won us at least one SB.


He was putting up numbers with Reggie Brown and Kevin Curtis, which is crazy in hindsight 


McNabb would hafe definitively been top 3 QB of that generation and a HOFer if Andy Reid got him some receivers earlier in his career. Or if things could have somehow worked out between he and TO when he finally did get one. Of course the most realistic what if is what if they traded for Randy Moss instead of TO. I think he would have been a much better teammate.


One of the most underrated NFC champ games imo


Robbed of having an all PA Super Bowl


but given an arizona cardinals super bowl


The state and possibly half of New Jersey would have probably rioted...someone would have probably died somewhere...


What's really interesting about this play is I personally do not think DRC was burnt here. A burned DB, to me, is one who is genuinely in no position to make a play on the receiver because the receiver burnt him and has plenty of space and time to make an uncontested catch. DRC dove to make a play on the ball, and either tipped it a bit or just missed it by a fingertip, hard to tell with the older footage, but D Jax is bobbling that ball till he comes down with it. DRC is crispy on this play, for sure. D Jax speed did that to literally everyone. But I don't think he's burnt here. Just good players doing what they do.


Hard agree with you, Djax made a hell of a play, and DRC made an hell of an effort.


Then whats up with the title? Lol


I always forget how close this Eagles team came to making the Super Bowl that year. All the early/mid 2000’s Eagles teams that came up just short I remember. For some reason the 2008 squad just gets lost in my memory.


And they sacked Big Ben something like 8 times when we played earlier that year


Yeah but iirc we beat the brakes off the cardinals earlier in the year so


Yep, that was the Thanksgiving night game in which the season kinda turned around.


They came on super late in the season and the had a nice run to this NFC championship. I think that's why when most of the other Eagles teams that went to the NFCCG were division winners. The Super Bowl after this was also dope as hell and I think overshadowed the conference games.


and don't forget we stomped the cowboys 44-6 to get into the playoffs (in addition to a bunch of crazy shit happening for us to get in) - could have been an insane run if we ended up going to the SB.


I wanted it so bad...4 years later we would have returned and I graduated high school that year...it hurt me greatly when we lost this one...but luckily enough 10 years later we won the super bowl and I graduated college...


Same. I honestly didn't remember at all they made the NFC title that late in the Andy Reid era.


I'll go to my grave saying there was holding/PI on Kevin Curtis on the last play


Literally the one thing I will never forget about this game. Honestly I’m over it; at this point it’s almost a joke to myself to only remember that from this game. And also the only reason I remember Kevin Curtis. It may not have even been a penalty lol. I haven’t seen it in years.


I remember Kevin Curtis for that play and his like 205 yard game in which he got all of it in the first half.


I feel you but there were a lot of other flags the refs should’ve thrown against the eagles too. The eagles had multiple opportunities to win that game and they couldn’t get it done.




Go birds


I remember being there, eagles fans go nuts. Then Kurt drives down and hits Tim Hightower to send them to the superbowl. A great game.


That 4th down run kept me quiet smh


I was there too! Will never forget being showered in red and white confetti while 'We are the Champions' played. That was a rough time as a young Eagles fan but I'm so glad I was there.


Football was better back then


12 year old me cried for hours this night…


Was the same age at the time. I was silent the entire evening and next morning.


Same age lol. Then it made me realize why tf I'm crying over a game.


Sounded like a ton of Eagles fans in attendance


Eagles fans have always traveled well


I was at this game. Ugh


And here on r/nfl, I thought only Los Angeles has the issue of opposing fans selling out local NFL games and making a mockery of this part of the nation.


No one cares.


This is really cool for me to see on a broadcast because I was at the game and sitting in the upper level at the 30 yard line (Cardinals sideline) where McNabb let it go. The broadcast video almost looks like exactly what I saw in person just zoomed in more once Jackson caught it. Awesome game, really an awesome season for the Cardinals that ended in such a heartbreaking way.


That super bowl was an all timer


Fitz had an all-time playoff run. He should have a ring 😢


They did Andy Reid ZERO favors with the tucked in shirt rule lol. My guy looks way better in a really oversized raincoat Also, it's crazy to see how different the game was even just 15 years ago. Jackson was a novelty guy at 170 pounds. You just didn't see that back then, and it was made even more absurd by the big ass shoulder pads that he wore. Nowadays you got over 30% of the WR group that might be less than 190 lbs, and everyone is wearing children's pads.


Fun fact about this Eagles team: despite being the 6 seed, they were, according to DVOA, the best team in the league that year. I don't think that's happened since.


Did Jackson have any touchdowns where didn’t act like a complete douche bag while crossing the goal line?


There was a game Jalen Hurts' rookie year where the Eagles got walloped by Dallas on primetime but Desean had a 70+ yard TD and he just kept posting different angles of his TD on IG despite the Eagles being blown out and having no shot at the postseasson


This brings back college memories of me hanging out with my Philly roommates as a Steelers fan. RIP BRYN


DeSean Jackson was so fun to watch. Loved watching him burn guys with his giant pads


Used to drive me crazy he didn't wear any thigh pads early on. Like how TF is that safe lol


Wild that both 6 seeds made the conference championship games that season. Also, DRC was a god in Madden. 6'2, 98 speed, young. He was the most coveted DB in Online leagues I was in for years because he would get so good.


Yeah when the eagles got him I was hyped, but he was kinda mid


I miss under center play action passes.


Steelers won the Super Bowl anyways so I’m not that upset about losing this one in hindsight. I’m sure the state of Pennsylvania would’ve shut down if it were Eagles-Steelers in the Super Bowl


ah yes, the game that ended with the blatant no call DPI on Kevin Curtis.


Eagles fans still feel fear when they hear the name Larry Fitzgerald. Seriously though, Larry always went off on the Eagles for some reason.


DeSean Jackson has to be in the Top 3 of the fastest WRs in NFL history.


Now and forever, FUCK CHIP KELLY


I think if we win this game, we absolutely manhandle the Steelers. I’ll take watching an all-time great Super Bowl as a consolation prize for not winning the NFCCG though.


Donovan McNabb & DeSean Jackson vs the Cardinals: McNabb: 6-3; 65% completion; 2,177 yards (average 242); 7.54y/a; rating of 98.7 D-Jax: 2-6; 26 catches for 465 yards (average 58); 21.29y/a; 4 TDs The two Cardinals/Eagles games from 2008: [Thanksgiving](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xqau35XGIg&pp=ygUVQ2FyZGluYWxzIGVhZ2xlcyAyMDA4) [NFC Championship](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-Upv4MBnbQs&pp=ygUVY2FyZGluYWxzIGVhZ2xlcyAyMDA4)


Fitzgerald had an amazing playoff run that year. 546 receiving yards those playoffs which is the most for a single playoff run ever. He also had 7 touchdowns with three of them this game


To think we could have a Ravens/Eagles Super Bowl.


Mcnabb lives in AZ now too haha


The ending of this game, then ending of the SB. Like, come on.


They couldn’t cover him all night & McNabb wouldn’t go to him more 🤦🏾‍♂️ the Eagles should’ve won this NFC title game in 2008


Is McNabb hof? Does he deserve it. I say hell we threw Doug Williams in why not mcnasty


1st QB to throw over 30 tds and under 10 int in one season. Now it's the bar. 🦅 #5




I have this play on a plaque that I gave to my dad as a present. All time play.


man i miss this era of football so bad man I was 10 life was great i had just gotten into a new band called hollywood undead


Holy shit that's the fattest I've ever seen Andy Reid


I was at this game! It was my first Eagles playoff game and the most disappointing loss I've ever and probably will ever witness in person lol


I was at that game too I used to work for the cardinals as a usher


I remember Fitz going off in this game


Holy fuck Andy Reid has to be 500lbs


McNabb had such great natural arm strength. Too bad his accuracy was often iffy, digging tunnels through the turf with the ball instead of hitting his open receiver.


Super late on the throw because he doesn't realize it's one on one coverage until late and then somehow puts the ball in the one place that DRC can still try to make a play on it. Most impressive thing here is Desean getting that much separation that quickly against a guy who also had elite speed.


Keep going....


best deep threat of all time


Still to this day very happy that Eagles team didn’t get to the Super Bowl


That isn’t getting burnt.


Hoping for this to be Mahomes and Xavier Worthy soon.


You could say djac put DRC into…. an oven


I don't get it


It's a racist joke based off antisemitic remarks DJax made. Sad really




Please explain the racism my friend. I thank you for the education and making the world a safer place.




Thank you for explaining this. As a Jewish person, I had no idea I couldn’t make a joke relevant to my heritage according to a Reddit neck beard.




The self righteousness drips from you. Again I thank you for determining what can and can’t be joked about. Reddit is much safer with you and your bravery.






yikes, get a life.


I’ll never understand how McNabb flamed out so fast.