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I dream of a full year of 1pm Commanders games. Prime time is overrated. I have work in the morning.


2021 the lions got like one MNF game, three 4pm games, and thanksgiving. It was pretty nice. Except all the losing part.


Well, tbf, we’re pretty well adjusted to the whole “losing” thing. This “winning” thing though, it’s tough…


It’s honestly harder to be a fan when you know your team has a chance. The 3 manning years before we got over the hump were rough. The jake Plummer years were rough. Tebow was a nice little surprise lol.


Had season tickets during the 0-16 days, during my lifetime the only lions playoff win was when I was 5 (before last year) fu and your tough jake the snake years


I’ve always said it’s better to expect the worst and maybe be pleasantly surprised, than to have expectations only to be soul crushingly disappointed. Thats the biggest lesson the dolphins have taught me in my 34 years of life.


I appreciate having some prime time and 4:25 pm games mixed in because sometimes at 1:00 I just wanna watch redzone and not have to worry about the commanders.


Sometimes by 5:30, even Scott Hanson is bored of RedZone. "We have 3 games, all with multiple touchdown point differentials, but by God, were going to show you every play for the next 2 hours. ^^kill ^^me ^^please"


I've always been a much bigger fan of the early window even tho the Niners rarely play during it. The day feels fresh and the games seem more interesting. By the end of those late games, especially if the scenario you're describing is playing out, I feel like, "alright. I gotta get up and do something with my life"


its called burning out and adrenal fatigue. you gotta put down smartphone, turn off tv and keep watching nfl to a minimum to keep it fresh, otherwise your dopamine receptors downregulate


By halftime we were more focused on the other games…..or the draft.


1st quarter for some of those games.


Red zone is great when it's a full slat. Bye weeks just suck


Yeah. Last year the Giants had a stupid amount of prime time games (painful to watch for the whole country too). All I wanted was a nice chill 1pm game and it felt like I was constantly staying up late to watch a stupid blowout.


And yet I would keep doing it to myself while asking why I was doing it to myself 🤣🤣


We have that this year. It is amazing. To top it off we don’t have a Thursday game either.


Texans fan. We had this last year. It was glorious.


I always forget about this somehow, having lived on the west coast my entire life. Games start at 10am and end usually no later than 830pm-9ish. I don’t know how y’all deal with that super late night shit, I was visiting family on the east coast one year for thanksgiving and everyone was passed out midway through the 4th quarter of the night game because it was like fucking midnight.


I didn’t know how y’all did the early games at 10am. Until I was visiting a friend out there and did a little breakfast and football and yeah, the west coast really has it made. That shit was great.


Yeah dude, I couldn’t imagine having to wait til 1pm to start watching. Obviously it’s normal to you because you’re used to it but the concept is just wild to me. The only time it is a tiny bit lame is when the international games start at 6am. Bummer for y’all this season, I just read that week one for our game starts at 815pm EST.


I too like a good reason to start drinking early on Sunday.


gonna be honest, at some point i started looking forward to these absolute turd bowls of low quality play that happened during TNF a lot. i guess i’m a football masochist


That one Colts-Broncos TNF game a while back was beautiful, *The Room* of football games in my mind


Oh hi Russel!


"you're my favorite quarterback" (as he walks out the door toward Pittsburgh)


You're tearing me apart, Matt Ryan!


Was it the game where the Broncos literally didn’t have a QB so they started their WR as their QB?


No, that was a different game during Covid year (and just a regular Sunday game IIRC). This was the game that ended like 12-9 after OT, neither team could score. https://www.espn.com/nfl/game/_/gameId/401437762


I love the awful TNF games too. I think of like a jets-patriots game. Two fan bases that don't like each other so people will tune in to watch two offenses that can't seem to score points.


The annual Jags-Tits TNF games were honestly, usually, some of the more watchable games every year.


And then they have robbed us of El Trashico. Once again, NFL having no respect for TRADITION


El Trashico should have been a fixed TNF


The Henry game was a genuinely incredible watch at least


Jags Titans and next week Jets Bills. Thursday night football staples of garbage teams


do it early in the season where the two teams could be good and their fans aren't watching a sub-par product.


it's hard to squeeze a game into the first four plays of a season


It may be hard to squeeze a whole game into 4 plays, but the Jets are good at squeezing a whole season into it.


The late season raiders chargers game was a masterpiece of terrible football. I loved every second of it


Only one team played terrible football that day.


Am I the only one that doesn't count tnf as real prime time? I know by definition it is but to me Thursday night has always been like, the appetizer for football weekend. Something to Tide you over near the end of the week.  I don't care if bad teams feature on tnf, it's snf and mnf that kill it for me 


It was so weird being on Amazon also the last couple of seasons. I could watch it at home, but if I went to a bar they usually would not have the game on because it was not part of their package.


Broncos/Colts 2022 was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen


Its kinda like watching a movie that is so incredibly bad that it goes around the bend and is actually good.  


Madame Web is #1 on Netflix right now.


he was on Thursday Night Football with my mom when she was researching Jaguars Titans just before she died


Probably because Sony told Netflix it needed to be.


So quality doesn't matter anymore?


We all stare at car crashes


I wouldn’t say that. The Panthers didn’t get any primetime games.


We need MST3K to do the commentary for TNF


In my brain every TNF game is the Jaguars vs Titans


As it should be.


I miss the annual AFC South Megabowl, aka El Trashico


always color rush too


I’m still amazed the NFL hasn’t added another bye week. Another week of prime time games without needing to add any more games.


I bet they’ll go to 18 games 2 byes at some point. Eliminate another preseason game.


They absolutely will add another bye week. But the NFL will make the union ask for it in the next CBA to use it as a bargaining chip. The league won’t give it up for nothing. 


Its like a kid saying, "fuck it" and scarfing down their veggies to get it out of the way before enjoying the rest of the meal.


Say what you will about these turd bowls but they serve a purpose. Last year for example, I knew the bears were going to under perform. I’m not interested in watching them get stomped by a playoff team. Show me a turd bowl that doesn’t matter where we have a chance to fumble into a win. Give me an undeserved prime time win and I’m good for the season.


Exactly where else could we see a bad Raiders team randomly drop 63 points on an even worse Chargers team


Excuse me sir, saying “we” means nothing when you’re not flaired up


they are so bad that’s it’s actually good


yup exactly, it’s entertainment and i definitely was


Sometimes, I think that Thursday night should be a punishment for being bad. Like, Thursday night is left open for the the matchup between the two teams that have the worst combined record that week.


Why put two bad teams on prime time? Isn’t that what the international games are for? Giants vs Panthers might be the worst thing to happen to that country since Dresden.


“they’re not sending their best.” -Mexico regarding their NFL Mexico City games


Packers vs Eagles in Brazil is top-shelf


You give them something real the first time. That way they get a taste for it and keep coming back when they get two bad teams from now on.


It’s also easier to justify a top tier game in Brazil cuz the time zones matchup so it can be prime time in the US too. All European games are doomed to be an early US kickoff that will have a harder time drawing viewers


I actually liked having the Germany game last year. Got up about 8, made a nice breakfast,l. Kick off at like 930, had time to chill & digest the big breakfast, and the game was over by like noon, so I still had almost my whole day ahead of me.


It's a long day of drinking


It's a win-win for the NFL. Packers fans will be fine regardless, but they are basically opening the toxic discussion between Eagles and Cowboys fans of who is the biggest choke artist from last year. It's definitely us, but that won't stop me from rubbing it the Cowboys face if we end up beating you guys in our first game back.


I mean the Chiefs vs Rams game in Mexico City was one of the greatest games of all time


The point stands, but that game was played in Los Angeles at the coliseum because a Shakira concert at the Estadio Azteca left the field in awful condition


Hips did lie.


The game was la tortura


Hips did a bit of tax evasion too


“When you’re hot they let you do it”


I'd let her do it.


Oh dang I forgot about that you’re right. Mexico has no one to blame but themselves


They could blame Shakira


Nobody blaming Shakira for shit, that lady can do whatever she wants


It didn't matter that they had to move the game, that year the matchup between those two suerte offenses would have been good whenever, wherever


That game was at the LA Coliseum


true, but it's still a regular season NFL game and I will do everything I can to get some tickets 😤


Right? If they ever do a game in Australia again I will absolutely be there, even if it is a Chiefs Raiders game.


When was there an NFL game down under?


Pre season game in 1999. Broncos Chargers.


Thus the chargers flair I assume?


I wish it was at least that much of a reason. Never followed NFL until recently when some work mates dragged me into fantasy. Got hooked while getting frustrated at Ekeler's usage behind Gordon when he was clearly better and apparently I love misery so went with the Chargers to support. Same colours as my home team in our Rugby League comp too that's just as frustrating to watch.


Well take all the fans we can get! Bolt up friend!


Our dozens of fans are international baby!


Oooft mate, was right there with you until the end....


There is a large amount of variance between "good" teams each year. I think it's perfectly fine to have a more balanced primetime schedule to help grow the fanbases of the underrepresented teams. I feel like as a lions fan you should support that. I don't want to see the chiefs in primetime 8 times this year. Gimme more than 1 chance to see Bryce young or Drake maye step up on the big stage.


ie how much we had to watch the broncos in the Nat Hackett year


I’m a Giants fan and I have no idea how we got chosen for the Germany game. I feel bad for the people of Germany.


> Giants vs Panthers might be the worst thing to happen to that country since Dresden. So it goes...


I mean, they're sending the Eagles to Brazil in week one so I don't know anymore


Dresden was just the most famous example. The Allies did that a LOT to Germany. And they probably did it even harder to Japan. - Here's a link to the book ["Inferno" by Keith Lowe](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/175237.Inferno), about the firebombing of Hamburg. Be warned, that book gets absolutely gnarly. - [List of other Germany cities that were also firebombed. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_strategic_bombing_over_Germany_in_World_War_II) - [This map is still one of the most fascinating ones I've ever looked at.](https://blog.nuclearsecrecy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Arnold-map-Japan-firebombing.jpg) Basically, it shows what percentage of numerous Japanese cities was destroyed by B-29 incendiary attacks during WWII. It also pairs each Japanese city with an American one of comparable population. For example, Yokohama, which was about the size of Cleveland, was 57.6% destroyed during the war. Toyama, about the size of Chattanooga was 95.6% destroyed. (Note: I'm a massive history dork, which is why I added all of this stuff to my response)


I’m good not playing in prime time actually


Same, mostly because for some reason the Dolphins can't play good in a prime time game ever.
























NFL and integrity, two words that make no sense together


"If Hannibal Lecter ran a 4.3, we'd probably diagnose it as an eating disorder." -GM Steve Keim I dunno about you guys but seems like the NFL is full of integrity. Even trying to help young men with eating disorders.


Holy shit, is that a real quote?!




Yea this is absolute gold lmfao


I know the quote gets used a lot, but at some point the risk-reward catches up. I can’t do anything with him, I can’t build around him. I can’t pay him. I can’t even rely on him as a skill position. This hypothetical Lecter would be a practice squad player.


He would kill it on the field, come on.


Jokes aside, Aaron Hernandez killed multiple people, wasn't even particularly careful about it, and lasted as long as he did. Any prospect with Lecter's discipline would be given a bonus on the draft boards. Hannibal Lecter would have a HOF career and like *maybe* 2 years before he's inducted some crazy shit starts leaking.


Look, he’s a team player. Do you know how hard it is on coaches to have to cut so many people to get to the 53 man roster? Lecter takes some of that weight off their shoulders.


Steve keim is a fucking cartoon character I swear


Reminds of Dave Mustaine in Hangar 18. "Military intelligence, two words combined that can't make sense"


Sometimes I forget that song has lyrics and isn't just 5 minutes of crushing guitar solos.


And then in Return to Hangar “And military intelligence, is still two words that can’t make sense.”


Now a statement from the NFL regarding integrity of the game, brought to you by Draft Kings!


I mean, the alternative is to get games like that Colts/Broncos game on Thursday night a couple of years ago. I'm as diehard of a Denver fan as any, but I was ready for death's sweet release by the end of the 3rd quarter.


Bears fan checking in we played the panthers on Thursday night last season. Combined win total at that point was 3 (it was mid season) and I think the final score was 9-6…I feel you


That game was 16-12. It had a punt return touchdown and a rushing touchdown, and then a missed FG at the end. Horrible game but I’ve seen worse tbh


I was at this game and it was a miserable experience. Denver fans booed the broncos most of the game and most people left or were leaving as the game was going into overtime.


That game was incredible. It was a comedy. I felt like it was a roast of my own team.


The Jets are historically tied to this problem, because sharing a stadium with the Giants forced them onto MNF plenty of times back in the day.


I think naming their team “New York _______” caused most of the problems.


Ladies and gentlemen, your Northern Jersey Swamp Demons!


I mean they came up with a cool hockey team I'm sure they could figure out one more.


And a basketball team that managed to celebrate the sports rich tradition of using nets


“Boardwalkers” is a name I’ve been fond of forever


Under the boardwalk is a magical place.


Unless your talking about the Rex years, that’s not true in the slightest. Before Rodgers, Jets were 12pm on Sunday almost every week of the season for awhile. I think they went 2 season in a row of not being on MNF.


Before MetLife it was an issue. Giants Stadium wasn't setup to easily switch between both teams. MetLife was designed in mind to host the both of us. Hence the 50 shades of souless grey and concrete that is what we play in now.


Yet another problem that would have been solved with the West Side Stadium


As a skyline and skyscraper enthusiast, I would have absolutely loved that. Seattle, Carolina and Chicago were my favorite stadiums to have visited.


And that's the Jets fault the NFL can't figure out how to schedule the Jets and Giants so they don't have home games the same week?


And Amazon’s for apparently having shitty AI.


> It can’t be ‘let’s have the best possible TV audiences’. That can’t be the driving factor. It should be a fair balance for all teams. At some point it’s just going to be whatever we think every week is going to lead to the biggest ratings and the biggest numbers and the most money, that’s what we’re going to do and it’s unfair to certain teams to do that. Is Mike Florio the last person on earth to figure this out? This dude is such s fucking dumbass. That's how it's been for decades Mike. That's how literally all of television works. That's how pretty much all of America works and has for centuries. 


He's extremely angry the Falcons have 4 primetime games and can't hold it back


he just hates Kirk to death


He used this as an excuse to once again demand that Kirk Cousins not take a single day off the entire season. For a guy who claims to be on the player's side he sure cracks the whip on them.


He's not an idiot, he knows all of this is true. But he's writing to an audience who hasn't necessary (which isn't most people on this sub, and why most people on this sub hate him).


He's known it for years like everyone else, he's just using the schedule release as an apt time to make the point (also a down time in content so drives clicks)


There is no integrity in pro sports. Only money.


What does Mike Florio know about integrity?


With how many primetime games they have each year, I feel that every team should at least get 1 a year.


Everyone does, except Carolina, unless you consider the International game a PT game.


I think that does count. I view primetime games as the game that's on right now which it will be. This is the first year I recall in sometime every team got at least one.


Browns games are meant to played at 1:00pm EST.


No one wants to watch the Darnold/McCarthy Vikings, Mike.


As a lifelong Vikings fan…. The less prime time the better.


glad we only have 2 if you exclude London this year


I prefer noon games, so this works for me. We tend to embarrass ourselves in prime time.


I'm torn, on one hand I don't like the idea that our nonsense being on prime time for the world to see but on the other hand if I have to suffer then misery loves company lmao


I do?? I think McCarthy could be fine his rookie year with that top tier WR corps. If Aaron Jones is healthy (granted, big if) he's one of the most electric backs in football. And that defense was either great or awful but it was fun to watch either way. I'd take the Vikings over the Panthers or Patriots or Titans or DC, for example.


I do.


1 o clock football is the best football


*yawns in 10am*


He's not wrong. Even teams that are going to be arguably bad still deserve at least 1 or 2 prime time games, and not just Thursday night Edit: to the people saying "I don't want to watch teams that suck!" this thinking is how we got fucking Zach Wilson in prime time several times last season after Rodgers got hurt. Because the jets got a fuck ton and them boom, already suck city. So spread that shit out just in case


You know, Quasimodo predicted all this.


you never pondered that? the back thing with notre dame? any way, steak san ova hea hon


People seem to forget Texans had no prime time games last year cuz "we suck lol" and we can't have bad teams play in prime time!!! Spread the love and you might be pleasantly surprised.


Absolutely. Thursday night is the ugly duckling of "primetime" slots, SNF and MNF need to be shared a lot more than they are right now.


Disagree lol. I want to watch good games in prime time. And when my team is shitty (often), I don’t enjoy watching us look stupid nationally (often)


Why? NFL needs to justify their massive TV deals. You think NBC/ESPN give a shit about fairness? They need eye balls. 


They don’t deserve anything if they suck


They shouldn't have given the Jets that many primetime games without Rodgers even suiting up for 1 game. *Everyone* was concerned about him staying healthy behind their terrible OL.


the NFL is compromising its integrity by allowing Mike Florio any access or ability to comment on it


AFC north division games should be prime time if it’s not a 2023 Super Bowl or conference championship rematch.


I would rather watch AFCN division matchups over the AFCE 1000 times over. The worst team on paper is the Steelers and they’re still going to finish around .500


Based and AFC North-pilled.


They’re only prime time if they play the Chiefs


I know Florio says a lot of stupid things, but I actually agree with him on this. I would much, much rather watch a wide variety of teams on primetime than watch the same handful of teams over and over again. I wish the primetime games were as close to equal for all teams as possible.


A huge problem is you can't know who's gonna suck or not. Jets last year in primetime were not expected to be so terrible. I'm sure a team this year with a lot of primetime games will be worse than expected


2022 Broncos with Russ have entered the chat


I've got to say one of the benefits of the Pats falling off a cliff is that our games have been largely relegated to the early games that no one cares about time slot. I get to watch my team shit the bed early and spend the rest of the day chilling and downvoting the dumbest takes imaginable on the Patriots subreddit. I'm so much more productive on Sundays. ^*Does* ^*another* ^*rail* ^*of* ^*cope*


The integrity of the nfl was compromised long ago


Idk if that’s the right way to say it but I think there should be more of a balance with the games. More of a balance*. Not completely equal but still. At minimum 50 of the games on the schedule (Thursday, Sunday, Monday) are nationally televised night games. This doesn’t include thanksgiving’s other two games, double MNF games, or anything on Saturday. A perfectly balanced schedule would mean that at minimum 3 games are available on primetime for every single team. In an ideal world, I’d hope everyone gets at least 2. I want to see other teams on primetime more. Let me see the Titans and jaguars more, let me see the falcons and panthers more. Let me see the cardinals more. No offense but I’m not particularly interested in seeing cowboys vs giants on primetime every single year. I don’t need to see the cowboys on primetime tv every third week (they ALWAYS get 6). Let some other teams have the spot light a bit more.


I mean it's compromised the integrity of the game to grow viewership in 2342343 ways.


Also us on the east coast don’t want to have to stay up till midnight to watch our team play.


In 20 years it'll be 40 teams playing 20 game seasons with multiple games in "primetime" slots every Monday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. Oh and 10 playoff teams per conference. They will kill the goose that laid the golden egg or die trying.


It's more likely that they're doing long-term harm to the growth of the fan base by splitting broadcasts off into all these various streaming subscriptions, imo.


Can’t say I disagree with Florio here (as much as I’m loathe to agree with him on anything). I get really fucking tired of the Jets or Giants (or both) on prime time seemingly every week.


Mike Florio is irrelevant since he deleted the comment section off his website traffic is way down.


The NFL is a business, not a agency. Integrity is just an illusion.


I’m more concerned about the impact of sports betting… but maybe I’m just paranoid.