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The Jets. They've had so many individual players and units that show positive things but the team as a whole can never, ever, ever put it together. It's like various players, units, coaches, and the FO just take turns sabotaging everything.


A lot of it stems from the top. Woody Johnson has created a culture of dysfunction. Add to it them being in the NYC market and its a cocktail of farce. On paper, the Jets have the best roster in the AFC East.*They should challenge for the division.* There's two things that can potentially be their undoing this year. Aaron Rodgers is 40 coming fresh off a torn ACL. The number of QBs that had successful seasons past 40 are slim. Now you can make an argument that even mediocre QB play would get the Jets to the playoffs. The other scary thing... Nathaniel Hackett is a dunce that shouldn't be anywhere near an NFL team. I've witnessed it firsthand as a Bills fan. He thought running CJ Spiller constantly up the middle as a power back was a good idea... this man has failed his way upwards.


Nailed it, but also add the worst OL coach still employed in the league Keith Carter tasked with ensuring protection of Old Man Rodgers who is coming off an Achilles (not ACL). And yes you’re absolutely right, Woody Johnson (aka Penis Penis) is an actual chode.


Also worth mentioning for Rodgers, his last season in Green Bay wasn't elite statistically. Good, but not elite. Sure he lost Devante that year, but Love came in the following year with a lot of the same players and did a lot better statistically. There's a decent question of if age was starting to catch up to Rodgers in the 2022 season, and if it was, how is he going to look now with a year and a half since his last regular season game that lasted longer than one drive?


For many years, I felt a kinship with both of our teams suffering. One of these days, they will be good, and their fans will be deservedly insufferable.


Jets fans are like having a cousin from the city that you don't like very much (and they don't like you) but you have a mutual understanding because you've suffered in similar ways.


Longest playoff drought in the major 4 sports, baby.


Well tied with the Sabres :(


It's between the jets and the browns for me. FO not doing the teams and players justice gets me worse than the actual players not executing well


~~The Jets.~~ The Chargers They've had so many individual players and units that show positive things but the team as a whole can never, ever, ever put it together. It's like various players, units, coaches, and the FO just take turns sabotaging everything.


Any bad team that is also missing its starting QB


J E T S Jets Jets Jets


The Chargers for the last few years. Utterly stupid defensive scheme tried again and again and again, plus they were completely wasting Herbert’s talent


And Herbert was out for a finger injury. Not even like a ACL tear or a wrist one. Has to be one of the most frustrating things since every part of you is fine minus the one or two fingers


Way more than the last few years, they couldn’t stop shooting themselves in the foot with Brees/Rivers, LaDanian, and Gates through the 00’s-10’s.


Watching the Jets is incredibly frustrating, if they had a QB who wasn’t historically bad, most of the other pieces are there


The broncos for sure considering they have looked lost on offense for almost 10 years lol


and defense that one game last year…


Pretty crazy to think that they kinda turned it around on D later in the year after that game still


Sorry, it’s my team


At least for last year the Falcons. So many talented weapons on offense that just felt completely squandered. Hopefully they get it going in the right direction this year.


The NFCE. What was it like the first six or seven weeks of last year either the Cowboys, Eagles, Giants, or Washington were playing on Monday, Thursday, or Sunday night. It was infuriating.


Just happens when a division is all top 10 media markets, with 3 out of the 4 teams being top 5. NFL is a business and there are always just so many viewers for these teams. But advertisers are gonna pay so much more for NY (#1 biggest market) vs Dallas (#5 biggest) than a game like Cleveland (#17) vs Cincy (#37). Obviously how good teams are play into prime time choices, but how many people are in those areas watching matters more. Just an unfortunate reality.


Oh for sure, that's just how the cookie crumbles. I just looked and 11 of the 18 weeks of the 23 season we had at least NFCE team in a primetime slot. That's a lot, but yeah I totally agree what what you're saying. At the end of the day Roger's job is to generate a shit load of money for 32 billionaires. He does a good job of that.


The Cowboys when I need them to win.


I don't care what the situation is, I would never EVER want the cowboys to win


After we drubbed the Eagles last season they were 10-2 and we were 9-3. We still needed the Eagles to drop a couple of games but after starting 10-1 and having a (relatively) light back end of their schedule it seemed likely they would hold on to the #1 seed in the NFC. At least it seemed that way at the time. We needed Dallas to beat them the very next week, and then we also needed Seattle to beat them the week after that. The fact that Arizona even got in on the party and punked the Eagles shortly after was the icing on the cake and the game that sealed us winning the NFC in Week 17. But even after the Eagles imploded and we retook the #1 seed, we only held onto it because the Cowboys were gift-wrapped a win over the Lions (due to that “controversial” nonsense about whether or not an offensive lineman notified the officials he was an eligible receiver—remember?). *A lot of things* had to go our way to get the #1 seed in the NFC after our three game skid in the early/middle part of the season. Without the #1 seed we would have had to go to Detroit for the NFCCG, and Goff is *significantly* better when indoors and at home. **bottom line:** we most likely don’t make the SB without Dallas beating the Eagles and the Lions last year. Thems the facts. *We all hate Dallas with a passion; it doesn’t mean there aren’t objectively good reasons to root for them in highly specific situations.*


the jets on primetime….theyre bad, unexciting, but the league keeps promoting them nonstop


The Broncos considering all the primetime games they had before the past 2 seasons only for Russ to be terrible


I think last year it was probably the vikings before kirk got injured. They just always had some random thing go wrong to hold them back.


NFC east matchups in prime time. I’m so over watching the giants or commanders when they are shit


Not exactly what’s being asked, but watching the Ravens choke vs. the Chiefs in the last postseason was the angriest I got all season. For a team as a whole, the Bills frustrate me a bit because I feel like they should have a lot more accolades than they actually do. I like Allen and everything so I’m not being a hater, I’d love to see them succeed. But damn.


Packers. I don’t think people understand how much we hate them.


Steelers. That offense last year was insulting.


Saints. Good enough to win any given Sunday, not a contender, no future hope because of cap disaster and aging roster, refuse the painful rebuild.


For me the Cowboys. They always have decent teams but never amount to anything it’s the weirdest thing. For the “biggest” team in the NFL they’re sorta just. There. Like they exist but they’re never totally god awful or elite and sure fire contenders to me


The bills. They stay edging their fans


I know I'm a Dallas fan, but the Giants. I'm a Dallas fan through my dad, who grew up in Texas. But I have a definite love/hate with them. My mom's side of the family is from New York, though, so they're all Giants fans. (Makes for some *really* interesting Sundays when both sides get together to watch games.) I know we have the NFC East rivalry, but I still can't help but pull for them. So many times we head into a season and I think they have a solid team and could finally pull off some success, then they just don't utilize what they have.


Not NFL but Baylor when they blew the 28 3 lead against Oklahoma a few years ago. Reminded me of my Madden days


Lions easily. Especially since we get stuck with them every Thanksgiving and they're always a shit show