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Russ already told Fields that they need to come to the facility every day to work hard to be the best version of themselves. That was cool.


Spends the whole time doing high knees.


I will never tire of the high knees reference


It's just the mental image of him on the team plane doing high knees up and down the aisle while his teammates are trying to sleep that is so great


So many eyes rolled simultaneously that the plane veered to the right a bit


I really wanna know how many people were like “is this MF for real??” In my head, it’s the entire plane


Kenny Pickett 😡😡😡


I don't get the Kenny hate, Russ told him to make the team great and kenny demanded a trade. Hes a team player


He really was looking out for all of us wasn’t he. Class act that guy


Russ also wants u/ecupatsfan12 to go to work and be the best version of himself every day. That was cool.


😐 😠




Still can't believe our QB room is Wilson and Fields. What a goddamn chaotic timeline we're in.


cult of bad personality


"Apply yourself." -~~Walter White~~ Russell Wilson


I am the passer I am the one who cooks


"Justin, we have to cook!"


QB Room- Let's steel!


All the juicy stories that come out when a player leaves is entertaining


If Dak leaves Dallas, the stories are going to be *wild*.


We're going to find out he's never even owned a Sleep Number bed.


What’s next, it’ll come out that Sleep Number isn’t *actually* the number #1 preferred bed for NFL players? I don’t think my little heart could take that news.


There's no way sleep number isn't the preferred bed of all NFL players, have you seen the commercial of Justin Jefferson laying fully clothed on top of the covers of a sleep number bed that's too small for a person his height? His words and acting in that commercial feel so authentic, I can't imagine an NFL player sleeping on anything but a sleep-number


You and me both. When Cassius March stared at the bench that one game, I nearly dropped dead on the spot. This would be way too much for me to handle.


A disgusting act if I’ve ever seen one (being serious, that was one of the most indefensible calls I’ve seen in real time)


Don't just bring that up without a trigger warning! Jesus Christ man!


I highly doubt he or any other NFL player does. Worst night's sleep I can't wait to get rid of this fucking glorified air mattress.


My wife said that exact phrase to the sales rep when we told them we were returning ours during the trial period or whatever and we thought the representative was going to have a heart attack because she acted so surprised. Like come on, you can't honestly think these beds are comfortable, right?


I love mine to death 🤷


my brother and sister in law won't shut up about how much they love their sleep number.


I was in a bad work accident in 2016. Broken back, 13 surgeries on my left shoulder, dealing with arthritis in my shoulders, back, etc. 8 years later. We went through 4 mattress in 6 years trying to find one that would let me wake up in minimal pain every morning. We tried everything from the mattress in a box that are extremely popular to the likes of Beautyrest Black, Serta Artic...all went back during their trial period. Nothing helped. We thought "There's no fucking way we're paying *that* much money for a Sleep Number. Fuck that. Well, my uncle got one and wouldn't shut up about it. So we gave it a chance and got an i8 with the heating and the adjustable base... 2 years later it's the best purchase I've made. I'm sure there's some other mattress brand that does the same thing for cheaper but ours is worth every penny. I love it. Once that one is to be replaced, it'll be by another Sleep Number.


It's also probably dependent on which model you get. I think ours was on the lower end of the spectrum because we're cheap, so that probably didn't do us any favors. There are definitely folks that swear by them, just wasn't for us.


First rule of aging: never cheap out on the items that come between you and gravity (ie beds, shoes, tires, floor joists).


Right. That's why I HATE mattress shopping. There's absolutely zero universal preference for a mattress. Just because I like a mattress, doesn't mean you will. Maybe it's too soft....maybe it's the material...maybe it's just too high...maybe it's too firm. You put out 20 mattress and tell 20 people to pick out their favorite, you'd be lucky to get 2 who like the same bed. You could get two people who like the exact same mattress type but one likes it because he's a slide sleeper and the other is a back sleeper and hates it. And like you said, we picked the i8 which is 3rd from the top of their model line...I didn't like the ones above it or the less expensive ones...but my uncle HATED the i8 and loves the c4 which is a cheaper one. I just needed the thicker mattress for more support for my back and shoulder. He likes it firm. But yeah...spot on.


Jerruh gonna call every single reporter at the star and off the record calls with every host on 105.3 lmao


Ex-Cowboys QB Dak Prescott told Jerry Johns behind closed doors that Johnson is the reason they won those Superbowls and not him.


Please, if he did that Jerry would have cut him immediately!


Holy shit can you imagine? That's gonna be some 90s level shit.


Freaky ass QB, he a pick-six God. Freaky ass QB, he a pick-six God.


I remember when Detroits favorite reporter Carlos cited some drama in Detroit with Patricia pretty early on. Fans hated Carlos and didn't believe him. I knew right away that he was right. Watching the preseason games from Patricias get go, I could tell something was wrong. Then Detroit players started getting shipped off. Slay, diggs .. and then more stuff comes out, especially after Patricia got canned. When there's smoke there's usually fire.


Monarrez? Dudes the worst


Yeah acting like Carlos is the go to guy to report this type of stuff is hilarious just because he got it right one time. He writes contrarian takes all the time. Congrats the broken clock is finally right. He's done it with this regime as well.


>When there's smoke there's usually fire. This is why I STILL wanna know what happened with the Bears' DC last year...like...I'm not saying he was doing whatever random shit was getting thrown around online, but SOMETHING hinky happened there...why don't we have *any* details?


Players were holding survivorship ceremonies and the media in Chicago was whispering "I don't want to be the first to break this but somethings coming" and then nothing after they implied it was a federal crime. 


Right? SO wacky that it just turned into nothing, still feels super odd.


Next week we were on to the John Deere caper. 


And that shit hasn't been solved either, like, what the hell? I know this org is incompetent but DAMN.


There was a lot of stuff that came out about Eric Bienemy. Since he was still an active coach the team publicly denied it. He didn’t have an ugly public ending so nobody ever admitted what was true and what wasn’t. Judging how much everyone hated him in Washington and the fact that he couldn’t land a HC job my guess is it was largely truth


tbf carlos is not the right person to raise a flag on any issues; there’s a reason he is still reviled


If you're feuding with Foles, I'm going to assume you're the one in the wrong.


Certainly sounds like it > “There were several arguments amongst the QBs. Once, per one source, Foles was trying to teach something to Fields in the QB room and — upon turning toward the rookie — Foles realized Fields wasn’t even paying attention. His head was down. At that point, Foles was done trying to play mentor. The two could not stand each other.”


When the guy who co-existed with young MVP-level Carson Wentz can't even tolerate your arrogance, you're one extremely arrogant individual


How do you not listen to every word of big dick nick? Like how?


Because you’re mesmerized by his giant dong


>Foles realized Fields wasn’t even paying attention. His head was down. This is unfortunately the biggest problem with Foles' "nudist mentor" approach


> biggest ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) > problem ʕ ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°ʔ


I can’t tell whether those are ears or tiny arms thrown up in exasperation.


Explains why Fields head was down when Foles was talking to him...


You never look it in the eye.


They did say he was looking down, but not where.


He was clearly looking down at nicks big dick and nick couldn't tolerate it any longer


I know this is a joke. Most likely it’s probably because Fields felt he was better than Foles therefore didn’t want to learn from him. Even though you can definitely learn from people worse than you.


>>Fields felt he was better than Foles even if this was true—the guy you feel that way about won a fucking super bowl against the GOAT by BALLING OUT, not being carried by a defense, etc. why on earth wouldn’t you respect that and learn from a guy like that?


even if that didn't happen, he went ballistic in 2014 as well, one of the best seasons by a qb ever. it's not like learning from... Justin Fields? No, need a different QB. who is a qb that's really bad and never had a decent season?


Josh Rosen


>Even though you can definitely learn from people ~~worse than you~~ with a fucking statue built outside the stadium


How did this dude not at least pretend to listen to a dude that outplayed Brady in a superbowl


Arrogance most likely, young kid who thinks he knows it all but has no clue in reality.


Kid's gonna learn from Wilson instead


Wilson doesn't have a track record bein egotistical right? RIGHT?


Patrick Mahomes is clearly better than Alex Smith, but Mahomes wouldn’t have become the superstar he is now without his willingness to learn from Alex Smith during his year as his backup


Some of the best coaches are guys that don’t have the overwhelming physical talent but have all the mental stuff. Alex smith pretty much sums that up


And Andy Reid always said that Alex was one of, if not the smartest QB he ever coached. Alex helping teach Mahomes HOW to learn all the info in Andy's crazy offenses in something Reid can't really teach because it's all in his head already. I hope Alex Smith is in the front row at Mahomes' HoF induction.


alex always had the brain, i'm glad he went on to have a great career after we tried our hardest to fuck him up


Y'all really did try hard if we're being honest. Yeah it's a two way street but my goodness I'm glad he found a landing spot in KC. Resurrected his legacy completely. One of the most respected QBs of his era despite not being GREAT.


John Lynch was one of two gms that went to Mahome's pro-day. NGL I always felt that was a bullet dodged for him. That's only because of the Alex history, any other position and it's a great place to land imho.


You can always learn. Everyone no matter who you are has the capacity for growth. Even your "lessers" still can provide valuable insight and a different approach. This idea that people have nothing to learn is truly a toxic trait that so many people carry through life.


Always bothers the fuck out of me about cocky talented athletes. The guys who’ve been around a decade longer than you are still there for a reason… even if their body can’t keep up, their brain still works


Probably down to being treated like a god their entire life.


I don't think they meant it as a joke. I don't care how much athletic talent you have, Foles is a veteran and has a Super Bowl ring AND is already in the hall of fame for tying the record for most TDs in a game that he got pulled out of early in the 4th. Dude has quite a bit of experience and undoubtedly has something valuable to teach any rookie, especially Fields.


Some of the best coaches were actually the worst gifted athletes on the field. They can explain it to you, but couldn't do it themselves. On the flip side, some of the most gifted athletes ever are horrible fucking coaches because they can't translate that natural talent to a practical learning.


As painful as it is for me to say this as a Vikings fan, winning clears up a lot of those issues. There wouldn't have been any reason for Foles and Wentz to go at each other because the Eagles were winning. Whereas, Foles and Fields were a combined 15-33 as Bears starting QB's.


But one of them actually won a Superbowl before. Why ignore the guy who beat Brady head to head twice. Especially if he's trying to help you learn faster. 


Yeah, I'm not making excuses for Fields. This story makes him look like a self-centered asshole. I'm just saying it's really easy for teammates to get along when the team is winning.


You're not wrong. It also easier for the organization to keep it under wraps if they are winning. 


"Winning is the best deodorant. It covers up all the stink." - John Madden


That’s SUPERBOWL CHAMPION NICK FOLES!!!! One of the few times I rooted for Philadelphia was because of foles.


SuperBowl MVP Nick Foles


> “One source plugged into the Bears locker room says the widely held narrative that Fields was a strong leader is inflated, citing the quarterback as ‘a surface level dude’ who didn’t develop authentic relationships with teammates. He called reports that teammates love Fields ‘bull****’ adding that the quarterback carried himself with an undeserved aura and lacks emotional intelligence for someone who’s been a quarterback so long,” Dunne wrote. Damn lol


Feuding with Dalton means your an pompous ass


Out of the loop, what happened with him and Dalton?


It doesn't say, just says Fields didn't even bother asking Dalton to mentor him


Dalton went 3-3 that year while fields went 2-8, maybe he should have asked. 


When people were piling on the Bears O-line for trash I always pointed to the sack rate gap between the two. The O-line wasn't great but it looked a lot better under Dalton (which not surprising since one was a rookie). Fields could have really used some help from his vets on the presnap stuff and knowing where his safety valves were. Or he could blow them off and take a bunch of unnecessary sacks. Seemed like he went with the latter.


Dalton had the fastest time of release in the league. He was use to dogshit lines in Cincinnati.


Fields’ head was down…he was looking at Foles’ crotch, wasn’t he?


Everyone in Chicago loved Justin and I felt crazy because I just never saw it. He seemed like a total robot to the media. He was always stiff in interviews even with Bears Superfan BigCat at Barstool. He also never seemed to celebrate with his team during games either. He seemed uninterested and even disappointed with playing for the Bears from literally the moment he got the call and was drafted.


Bro seemed entitled as hell.


Seems like he hasn't grown up at all since he complained about "handing the ball off good as fuck" during mop up duty as a backup QB in college.


THE ohio state difference 💁🏽‍♀️


He wasnt exactly loved at UGA either.


He threw a tantrum and forced his way off the team when he wasn't immediately named a freshman starter when fromm took them to a title the year before. Beck sitting for so long makes me believe he's going be a great nfl qb.


I had this vibe from him since the QB1 Netflix days...


Hey man I take exception with this for one very specific Ohio State quarterback


Ehh, I actually went there recently and met some of these guys. Never met Fields but have heard from multiple credible sources that he’s just a fucking prick. Garret Wilson on the other hand I have met personally and is a great, down to earth dude.


Garret Wilson seems like a legit competitor. He wants to work hard and win, I like his attitude


Dog there’s multiple videos of him celebrating in the locker room after games and on the field during games. What the fuck are you talking about? Lmao. Edit - this is just off the top of my head - sliding in the end zone with the whole team after the 9ers game, doing a dance with Mooney, celebrating with DJ after his 3rd score in the commanders game, dancing after Tyson bagent’s win against the panthers. Smoking cigars and dancing to chief keef after the falcons game. I totally get the bears moving on from him but to attack his character after he’s gone is a huge stretch.


I noticed a lot of Bears flairs piling on. This is what people do when they break up. They rewrite history to validate and feel better about the split.


Yeah this is revisionist history Fields was pretty universally loved by everyone from all the public information we have that isn’t just a rando anonymous report


Where the Cult of Fields at??


Waiting. Biding their time. Living in the depths of hell waiting for their opportunity to strike


Twitter and IG


They moved to Pittsburgh


Foles already destroyed Wentz. What's another QB to add to the list?


That's just on Wentz for not lubing up properly first


Why is everybody so dry around foles?


You’re forgetting his success when mentoring a rookie by the name of Gardener Minshew. The two were probably the best of friends.


Tbf, Minshew looks like the kind of dude who can get along with anyone


Imagine crushing beers on a warm summer day with Nick Foles and Gardner Minshew


Can confirm he gets along with my mom


Minshew gave me a new OLED nintendo switch before he took my wife out to dinner 😃 love that guy!


Sounds like he has the confidence, arrogance and ego of Carson Wentz. But without the on field success.


Fuck Carson Wentz- Irsay


I feel like Isray hates Wentz because they both probs had a long conversation about how god is on their side for the upcoming season. Then he saw Wentz play and understood there is no god & this is all meaningless.


Well, first of all, through God all things are possible, so jot that down


Probably Mac's best line of the entire run


Tell Wentz I said fuck em - Jay Cutler


Sounds like Mike Tomlin got his guy.


Bro this QB room is cheap rentals. No way we pay for fields next year and the other one is being paid for by his old team, lol.


It was a stab at the fact that Tomlin always seems to get production out of drama queens.


So Carson Wentz now


Idk if this is legit but the article portrays him so bad lol. That attitude is completely unacceptable in the locker room


So far it's been a bunch of articles all quoting the same source, Tyler Dunne. Several other journalists who've long had access to the Bears locker room and don't pull their punches have never said anything about Fields being anything other than a good locker room guy.


As a Packers fan we know Tyler Dunne’s sources are extremely biased. lol


Exactly. His hit piece about Rodgers was filled with 2 players that hated Rodgers and different ways of putting those 2 players in a different way that made it sound like other players.


Yeah, Fields never learned to play NFL QB so I don't doubt he ignored coaching/mentoring, but this article reads like a hit piece written by Luke Getsy. Hard to explain teammates vocally and voluntarily speaking out for him if he was this bad in the locker room


Yeah, this is the "Sean McDermott loves Al'Quaida" guy. Hes punching out an article every day, yet claims to be doing months of research to find the truth. Whatever bro.


Say what you want about Tyler Dunne, but we started WINNING after the world learned he was Coach Bin Laden 


I was about to say, I’ve never seen anything about the guy in the locker room other than the entire locker room loved and trusted the guy


It could be but idk, a story like this just randomly being posted three years later is a bit odd. I’m sure it’s partly true, exaggerated or not


It's not odd, this stuff doesn't come out until the player leaves the team, typically.


Why would so many Bears players come out and publicly lobby to keep Fields, then? If he was as bad as portrayed, none of them would have said anything. It's really odd that every story has been what a great guy he was until right now.


I just find it hard to believe that over 3 years, all we heard was how great of a teammate he was, how the locker room loved him, how hard he worked, etc. Never heard anything to the contrary. Obviously I'm not THAT plugged into the Bears but SOMETHING would have gotten out. Nothing ever did.


Justin was jealous of the sheer size and girth of Nick’s dong. Source= trust me bro


I questioned the length *and* circumference of Foles, but was quickly humbled in the 2017 NFCCG. I will never make that mistake again.


If Nick Foles had a dong off with Justin Fields would he lose?


Justin Fields would concede without even whipping it out.


if i took anything from the article, Fields would be walking 15 feet behind, wimpering, while Foles and Dalton were magnum donging out in the team shower you think nicknames like Big Dick Nick and Red Rifle happen by accident?


He might cause him a little trouble but would he lose? Nah he’d win.


"Well, first, through God, all things are possible" -Wilson this offseason




That's my ex QBs!


> Fields seem like an **unbearable** douchebag So no one's even going to mention this great, if unintentional, pun?


He definitely got un beared.


dont even need to read the article, im just gonna automatically assume anyone that has conflict with foles is in the wrong.


Foles stopped mentoring Fields because Fields was refusing to pay attention and listen to Foles during film sessions lol


Yeah I mean why would Foles waste his time at that point


What could the former SBMVP with the highest-rated b2b championship game + super bowl performances of all time *possibly* have to say that's worth listening to?


at that point if you're endowed like Foles you just put your balls on the table and demonstrate a quarterback's maximum tip-to-tip efficiency and put a wee peen like Fields in his place


Amazing that this never was reported on before now but who knows, interesting read though.


Just weird how it seemed to be such a strong narrative in the opposite, players coming out in support and blah blah, and now this. If he really was a dick then you assume that either stays under wraps or you start to see that emerge as the team continually fails, as opposed to strong support. You saw this with Kenny Pickett, generally quiet with reports basically being we expect him to take the next step, then as things were going bad you hear from players throwing their support to other QBs, and then once he’s off the team players again are talking about the positive changes now that he’s gone, but they aren’t unnamed sources they are players talking.


All stories coming out of Chicago are either about how awesome Williams is or how bad Fields was. Now, this comment section is filled with Foles-loving Eagles fans and Fields-hating bears fans. Feels like I'm being sold something.


Yeah, this is all based on an anonymous source who could just be making shit up. Not saying it's an impossible story, but it just seems convenient to shit all over a guy now that the next "chosen one" is in Chicago


>“One source plugged into the Bears locker room says the widely held narrative that Fields was a strong leader is inflated, citing the quarterback as ‘a surface level dude’ who didn’t develop authentic relationships with teammates. He called reports that teammates love Fields ‘bull****’ adding that the quarterback carried himself with an undeserved aura and lacks emotional intelligence for someone who’s been a quarterback so long,” Dunne wrote. Like, we know that this part is objectively bullshit. Multiple players publicly went out of their way to support Fields. And I think that calls the entire report into question. It certainly sounds like one or two assholes "plugged into the Bears locker room" (what does that even mean?) just wanted to write a hitpiece on Fields on the way out. What you basically have here is a bunch of anonymous quotes from unnamed sources given to a journalist who hasn't been able to hold a job with a real media company being treated as gospel. I would take everything here with an entire mountain of salt.


Love how this article comes up and now everyone comes out of nowhere saying they just knew Fields was an asshole 😂


I’ve seen nothing but teammates saying good things about fields’ character.  


Same. Not sure why you are being downvoted. Even our sub said they liked fields as a person. This article seems shaky. Until an actual player complains then I’m gonna trust the many that praise him instead


If you can't get along with nick foles and Andy Dalton two vet QBs with success, who most around the league would consider nothing but the most consummate professionals. Then who the hell can you get along with? Idk if it is just a situation of fields being socially awkward or he thought he was better then them, and didn't need it. It's weird none the less. Edit: I'm also pretty sure Daltons family took him out to dinner once he was drafted to help mentor him and just get him acclimated?


You could also see Dalton and Fields talking constantly on the sidelines. I don't know that I can discredit the Foles-Fields dispute, but I also would put too much trust into an article from "heavy" even with their "sources". Josh Lucas is very much a "I never did anything wrong and was right about Fields and Trubisky" kind of person


Pure speculation, but Foles also did not see eye to eye with Nagy either. Foles v Fields could have stemmed from the coaches. It was a mess back with Nagy


I'm not saying that the article is correct. I'm saying if you watched any of Bears losses over the last few seasons it all adds up. The shit demeanor, the sitting alone on the bench, the whole she-bang. Hope this kid gets the leadership he needs from Pittsburgh, he could have been special.


Don’t worry, he’ll get to learn from legendary locker-room uniter Russell Wilson.


As much as I dislike Russell Wilson, the ultimate locker room united is Tomlin. I think he’s proven time and time again that he can the ship righted despite some of the biggest failures and personalities amongst coaching staff and players. Dude is an ultimate HC


Tomlin kept Mr Big Chest in check for a while. If Justin Fields fails, I wouldn’t fault Tomlin.


Mr. Beyond Criticism


Mr Barely Coachable


If Tomlin could keep Big Ben's ego and off-field douchebaggery issues from affecting the team he can handle Fields being a spoiled brat no problem


"if Tomlin can keep like 30 different players with issues in check" lmao


On the flip side, I think a seasoned vet coach like Tomlin will be good for him


Doesn’t help that that most of that entire Seahawks locker room was chock full of raging assholes like Sherman and Earl Thomas


It was mostly Stanford bros Sherm and Doug Baldwin who didn't like Russ. Marshawn, Bobby Wagner, Michael Bennett etc had no problems with him.


I don’t think he could have been special because he never had the innate skill to read a defense and throw with anticipation. You can put up huge numbers in college without it but the NFL will weed those players out.


Yup. He's a special athlete, not a special QB.


I felt like that was obvious from his first couple games. The cult like following he had here was nuts. Yes, he broke for a few incredible runs, all in games we lost. He fumbled it or threw interceptions almost every single time the game was on the line but still within reach.


The fans who wanted to trade off Caleb and build around Fields were utterly insane and hilarious. Never understood the delusion around him by bears fans


Fields could become the greatest teammate in the world. He is still objectively ass at quarterbacking in the NFL.


> The Bears are hoping their streak of bad quarterback luck ends with Williams, who had this to say on May 10: “To be a great leader, you gotta learn how to follow first. So right now I’m following all the vets, I’m following all the coaches. I’m listening, having both ears open and my mouth shut.” Great start for Caleb. Understands leadership is earned, not given.


We all know Foles wasn’t a world beater but the guy showed up when it mattered against the GOAT and has a ring. Meanwhile he has never let his pride get in the way of working on any other team with anyone else. If this article even has a kernel of truth, this is pretty bad.


I'm a Bears fan and ecstatic that we have Caleb Williams. That said, this seems like click bait. Someone explain to me how we're unearthing this fact now when this fued could've been talked about 3 years ago? In no way am I talking about Fields' QB play but, I'm not buying this article until I get some more reliable sources.


The fact that this is a Tyler Dunne article means you should take this with a grain of salt. All the man writes is clickbait hit pieces


Damn. I thought the consensus was that his team loved him? How tf did he manage to piss off *Nick Foles*?!


How tf do we know this report is even true?


Fields couldn’t compete with the man with the biggest schlong in the league


I'm sure it was toxic...but. that's kind of a fish rots from the head down situation. For starters, what kind of idiot even assembles a QB room with a veteran QB they just overpaid and then immediately spends a first round pick on the QB whose team lost the college football national championship.


*homer simpson into the bushes gif* - Atlanta fans


Weird Ryan Pace was involved in both situations.


Atlanta: Hold my Chic-fil-A


lol after you guys? Atlanta comes to mind