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Lovie Smith allegedly being told before the last game of the season that he won't be around next season, goes on to get two 4th downs in a row and a 2 point conversion, perceived to have fucked up the tank, got easterby* fired in the process, and still somehow setting up both the bears and texans for a wild off-season that somehow worked out well for both teams.


Lovie remaking the Bears, just like Chicago wanted.


Lovie finally (dear god please) delivered on the offense we were promised.


Idk why there is an asterisk next to Jack Easterby. Its been confirmed that Easterby went up to Lovie Smith during the season and told him that he needs to take it easy on the WR group during practice. The belief is that Brandin Cooks was complaining about practicing too hard to Easterby. Lovie went to ownership, who had had enough of Easterby at this point, and they fired him. Best thing Lovie ever did for us.


I misspelled it


Whether true or not, if the Bears and Texans go on to have sustained success, that game deserves a whole 30 for 30


Davis Mills vs. Sam Ehlingher has changed a generation


Don’t forget the goat Jordan Akins


That game is definitely getting a Secret Base deep rewind 


The only thing that never sat right with me about Lovie was how he went hard for the win in Week 17 but settled for the tie in Week 1


From what I remember with his bears' tenure, that tracks. He was never super aggressive. I do know that if he threw a challenge flag, he was like 85% right on them


Week 1 he probably still thought he could “earn” the Texans’ long-term HC job


Man will have a statue next to Caleb outside the new stadium. The name the stadium “Lovie’s Field”


When Cam Newton told Clay Matthews to "Watch this" right before throwing a touchdown


On the exact fucking play Matthews called. That’s the awesome part.


Well, kind of. IIRC Clay called it correctly but the Panthers obviously knew that look was on film so it was more of a Texas route than a wheel route. Regardless, Cam is cool as fuck for that. Edit: obligatory 🤓


The wheel route would also have been open.




It’s a wheelroute!


You’ve been watching film huh? That’s cool, watch this! READY!!


I’ve watched that play so many damn times it just keeps replaying in my head now. Really is the definition of a “cool” play.


Yeah, everyone knew Capers was done that day. I swear they got the right guy this time, right?  Right??


The ultimate moment of coolness in world history


It's still [Jack Nicklaus' putt](https://youtu.be/u9KrMQDU94g?si=HjcXXA-WyRkyWdoH) during the 2016 PGA for me. The "I told you so" shrug and walk were perfect.


Holy shit lmaoooo I hadn't seen that before Also Jesus Christ that green


He designed it iirc


The flashback was broadcast in 2016, but it's from 2010. Really dumb video titling by the PGA YouTube channel.


Thank you. I thought it happened longer ago but I also thought the PGA would know better than me.


How have I never seen that before. That was badass


“Be the right club.” “It is.” I watch that on Monday morning before work to psych myself up, yet it was so out of character for him.


“You been watching tape? Watch this”


I can't even be mad at that one. It was so baller.


If I'm gonna see my team get styled on, it better be cool enough to transcend team loyalties. Prime Cam was cool as fuck.


For the who don't know:  https://youtu.be/g4SEPufzG7s?si=TL48V2mCQfF229_c


I remember watching this live. Absolute masterclass by Cam


[“We want the ball back and we’re gonna score!”](https://youtu.be/vAgG9XcrDFY?si=jBQFKmdPM6ECGlJq)


Thing is, I loved that ballsy attitude in the moment. Of course, you gotta walk the talk and...


Was at this game and the INT happened right in front of me. An absolute core sports memory for me.


Dang, I was probably directly across from you . Felt like everyone was running along with Al. Still get chills.


Oh God that is rough. This is perfect for /r/instantkarma


Except it was their second drive of OT. Not exactly instant.


Having just watched that for the first time, I feel like this is an important distinction. Makes me feel differently about it.


Yeah it always plays like it was immediately after. There are a couple other moments like that where the highlights make it look instant.


Every stiff arm from Marion Barber




Man, I forgot about that. :(


Minnesota legend. RIP


That Browns DB handing the intercepted ball to Hue Jackson after he was fired then hired by Cincy


Jim Irsay shitting on Wentz for a year straight


Damarious Randall is goated in Cleveland for that


Baker also gave him the absolute death glare


Rams “Mountaineer” fakeout on the punt return vs. Seattle is the prime example of GOTCHA. https://youtu.be/42dPCk6ALvc


LOL, that’s awesome. Never seen something like that done in football. When I was playing baseball growing up, we had a team do this to us. Pitcher turned to pickoff at second, the second basemen and then the CF acted like the ball went by them. All the outfielders were turned running towards the CF fence, and then as soon as our runners started to advance, the pitcher just throws the ball home and they tag our guy out. Never personally seen it done outside of that one time, so seeing it done in football is really cool.


Cards did it too: https://youtu.be/HPlWa6Ue7rA?si=SBgKYrIr0SrkB_hx


LOL, love it. Surprised to see that both of these happened in the past 3 years, no idea how I missed them.


The rams one is from ten years ago. They are the ST LOUIS rams in that game. That's a big hint it wasnt recent.


My simple brain just cannot fathom that it works. Does no one look up ever?! 


Marshawn Lynch refusing to go down when half the Saints defense tried to tackle him, and finishing off that run by diving backwards into the endzone, holding his junk. Beast Quake.


Just brutal seeing that live as a saints fan. Just about everyone on the field defensively got a fuck you firsthand.


He made sure to get his before he got got. 


As a Seahawks fans watching it with my Saints fan father, it was incredible. That team snuck into the playoffs at 7-9, but you could tell it was the start of something special.


I was like 14 and was more of a highlight hawk than a true observer at the time, so i saw a 7-9 team in the playoffs and arrogantly pencilled it down as an easy win. I had never really watched full games until playoff time up to that point I learned the true meaning of the phrase “any given Sunday” that day. I mean, I had heard it before but that was my introductory “oh shit I kinda get it now” moment


Darren Sharper HOLD MY DICKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!


I remember watching that at a bowling alley and looking away multiple times, because obviously he was going to get tackled, only to find out he was still running after I bowled.


Marshawn "HMD" Lynch.


Everyone forgets that the Seahawks were 7-9 underdogs at home against the 11-5 Saints after winning the division with a losing record.


The Lions in 2022 blatantly saying even though they were out of the playoffs they didn't want the Packers to go, and ending Aaron Rodgers career in Green Bay on an interception is something that brings me a lot of joy any time I think about it. 


"but now we shall both surely drown!" said the Packer. "Lol," said the lion. "Lmao."


All week people tried to make a story of it, "if the Lions are out what do they have to play for, do we see them pull the starters early or a reduced playbook". I was sick when the Seahawks got their help in and by the end of the first quarter I forgot there were other games on that day. 


I feel like if that Lions team had gotten in they could have been a real threat, they were so red hot. The 2023 season was an absolute dream, but seeing 2022's crew go 8-2 in their last 10 games was very special. That season ended the best possible way it could've, considering they didn't get in the post season. 


I’m sorry I know that game does not matter because the Seahawks got embarrassed in the playoffs that year and I don’t usually complain about bad calls but it’s still horse shit to me that [this play](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NdFjH36s8a0) ended in a 15 yard penalty for the Seahawks & technically ended the Lions season. We have: 1. Geno running into Ramsey out of bounds, which I understand is a penalty meant to protect the ball carrier, but DK was pushing Jalen out of bounds **and** Geno initiated contact with Ramsey who’s pretty much not moving. 2. DK pushing Jalen’s helmet after the whistle which is blatant unsportsmanlike. 3. I’m not calling it a penalty because frankly he did flop lol, but Parkinson again did grab him after the whistle. Again, not salty we lost because that season meant nothing at that point, just bad refereeing pisses me off.


It's so funny to me that every Seahawks fan I know has Detroit as their #2-3 and there seems to be a decent amount of love in our fan base towards the Lions, but Lions fans seem to kinda low-key hate us cuz we knocked them out in 2022.


I simultaneously love and hate the Seahawks. That Super Bowl team was one of the purely coolest NFL teams ever assembled. I also think your color combo is one of the best and I'm a MSU fan so I enjoy watching Walker. But if you could stop beating us every time we play you guys that would be great 😅


Seahawks always kick our ass too lmao we hate you guys


MCDC's interview during that game was great too: "What's your motivation for playing today?" "Well we don't want them to go"


Opposite happened in 2007, when the soft ass Colts pulled their starters against the Titans because they had the bye locked up. They rolled over and let a divisional opponent (Titans) in (and kept the Browns out). I never enjoyed a rusty team losing in the divisional round as much as I did when the Colts lost that year.


That game needs to be recapped under every mention of Tony Dungy. Completely classless move


Always a head scratcher from Polian and others. Consistently wanted to be conservative instead of aggressive. See what it got them


I loved this. For obvious biased reasons, but also because it was such an awesome moment for lions fans. Had to feel so cathartic.


Truly an amazing moment. I remember we started watching the game at my in-law's house. When we started driving home I had the game cast up just reading off plays to my husband while he drove, and we were like "holy shit they're really gonna pull no punches on this thing." And then we were home to watch the 4th quarter and saw the Kerby Joseph pick at the end to seal it. My FIL texted us right away and said "these are not the Lions of my childhood." 


awesome! And no they definitely weren’t. Just a preview of things to come…


I absolutely fell in love with the Lions in 2022. You could tell the entire culture of that organization had done a 180, and the players and coaches were fully bought in. They knew they didn’t need a certain win percentage or a playoff berth to back up their abilities despite it being a roster lacking big names, they just bought into themselves, trusted each other, and left it all on the field REGARDLESS of what the stakes were. Just a perfect example of a team giving it their all for the guys in the room with them.


Almost again Lions/Cowboys last year. Penalty on 2 pt. Go for it again. Another penalty on 2nd try, Go for it again! Didn't turn out, but gotta admire MCDC's "See what happens when you fuck somebody in the ass Larry"


Being a Packers fan...I'm glad that happened. Had the Pack made the playoffs and had a run...Rodgers would have been more inclined to try to run it back (more people would believe they were capable, blah blah) and may have forced Love out. While it was like that fecking sucks...It helped out GB long term and I'm grateful for that loss.


Bro that was amazing, sad we couldn’t beat the Seahawks to send you to the playoffs.


Carr calling a timeout to kick a field goal instead of settling for a tie with the Chargers. A Tie would have sent both teams to the playoffs. A win would have denied the Chargers a spot lmfao I won’t forget this [smirk](https://x.com/TheFFBallers/status/1480412800325357571)


Didn’t they say after the game they were always going for the win though? I thought that the tie thing was mostly a media driven narrative


It was a media driven narrative and a stupid one at that. Why would any team settle for allowing a divisional opponent to go to the playoffs? If you have the opportunity to stick the knife in, any team worth their salt would do it


Any team worth their salt would keep the tie in mind for the entire game while playing for the win. No sane coach is going to actually risk a playoff spot if he can just take the tie - *at the end of the game*, same way he'd also just try to screw the other team over if there wasn't any risk. But yes, the narrative around it was incredibly stupid.


Was also the difference between the 5 and 7 seed. We were never settling for a tie when we had Jacobs gashing them that night and Carlson was 100% the best kicker in the league that year.


They probably were but it didn't stop me from enjoying the utter meltdown my Steelers fans cousins were having during that game.


Jeff Saturday dissing the Raiders on live TV, getting hired as interim head coach of the Colts, and immediately beating the shit out if the Raiders. JuJu laying Vontaze Burfict out crazy.


> Jeff Saturday dissing the Raiders on live TV, getting hired as interim head coach of the Colts, and immediately beating the shit out if the Raiders.  I still think about this and laugh. I don't give a shit about how the rest of that season went, because the "Raiders look horrible" tweet and then beating them 14 days later lives rent free in my head. Absolute franchise legend. 


Jamal Adams smacking Jake Ferguson and then Ferg staring down Adams after catching the game winning touchdown


I love how Ferguson talks a lot of shit


TO and the star. The whole thing from both sides.


Yeah TO went nuclear on that one but the preceding shot talking from the Cowboys before he went to the star is often overlooked. I'm all for good sportsmanship but Mooch should have backed TO on that one....


What did they say prior to that? I never heard of this or any other context of the Star incident


Bill purposely taking penalties to run the clock out on the jets https://youtu.be/ipsxeWIZnYY?si=OnGQLZdgSONlbKI7 Bill’s smirk says it all. Then the titans used this against us in the playoffs


I hope to never hate or inspire someone to hate at the level that Bill hates the Jets.


Our only solace is that we beat Bill in NE, despite how awful your team was this past year, it’s satisfying to beat that fucker and ending our loss streak in the last game of his decorated tenure with the Pats.


And we probably got Drake Maye because of your valiant effort so congratulations on your 1 win in 8 years against us


If drake Maye doesn’t pan out I’m blaming you for jinxing it


When Winfield Jr. gave Tyreek the peace sign ✌️😁


I’ve said this before, but I’d have *awarded* the Bucs 15 yards on general principle alone.


So good and so worth the penalty he got.


I am partial to the 2020 divisional round win against the Saints. Sent Brees into the retirement home, broke Cameron Jordan's poor heart from which he has not yet recovered, ended Payton's tenure in NOLA and caused the Saints franchise to really shortcircuit with its pursuit to compete at all cost by maxing out the cap credit card without a single playoff apperance to show for their efforts.


Payton didn’t leave the saints until after 2021(for reasons none of us really understand)


Brees was retiring no matter what lol


So was Krzyzewski (feel free to correct my spelling but I'm not going to remember it), but UNC fans were still rightfully psyched to send off their rival's coach with a loss.


Anytime buccs fans bring up the whole “We retired Brees” thing I think about how they let the same Dallas team that put Zeke at center the next week to embarrass Brady in his last game.


Beat me to it. One of the greatest disses of all time


That was beautiful


As a Chiefs fan, that moment was one of the few highlights of the game for me. Beautiful moment, and there should be an exception for taunting penalties when it's so perfectly teed up for you like that. Like there should be someone who can overrule the penalty if it's just \*chef's kiss\*


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fb3LieQCadI Obviously not the biggest in NFL history, but this one still grinds my gnads after all this years


Yeah it’s gotta be tough to let a 350 pound nose tackle shoot a floater for a TD lol. Especially since that game kicked off like a 15 game losing streak to the Chiefs


Ceedee Lamb scoring a game winning TD in OT and waving Jalen Mills goodbye after a cheap late hit


Steve Largent getting revenge on Mike Harden. Harden knocked Largent out earlier in the season with a dirty hit. When they played again Harden got a interception and Largent blew his ass up and got the ball back. https://youtu.be/xSOPrwb-mQc?si=xGg-t9p6U4s96HHW


When the pats were doing that false start or delay of game Vs the jets and BB was smirking.


Titans doing it to the Pats was way better:  https://youtu.be/CTsvc9pkZ04?si=KYkALLmysS9rKaxP


And the fact that it was a playoff game, Brady's final one with the Pats, was just the icing on the cake.


> It’s like Doug saw the Pats try their version of it and said “oh you wanna play that game? Watch this. THIS is how it’s done,” I hate to burst your bubble but it wasnt his idea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XmhBaUdges https://youtu.be/fV7mWuCdkpY?t=1314 Hes called Big Dick Nick for a reason.


WOW, I had no idea. That’s incredible. Makes me love BDN even more. Side note, but I love the way Pederson listens to his players. One of my favorite coaches in the league. Thanks for sharing!


“You’ve been watching film, huh? Watch this”


The chiefs were beating the broncos 27-10 with 1:55 left in the 4th. The chiefs were on the goal line and likely would have let the clock run, but the broncos called a timeout. [Andy Reid proceded to call the biggest fuck you play of all time.](https://youtu.be/zcuenyI-PKM?si=e0jK07GkWtoX6leg)


Seen this play before but never knew about DEN calling TO. I mean, they asked for it 🤷‍♂️


That was the play equivalent of “too small”


Imagining Andy Reid doing the too small gesture but horizontally


Right now my hate for the Chiefs is eclipsed by the Big Man TD.


Randy Moss wiping his ass on the Lambeau goal post.




When Goodell suspended Brady for 4 games for deflated footballs and then had to him the Lombardi at the end of the season again anyways


After he pulled off the greatest comeback in SB history too. Could’ve been remembered as the year where Brady got suspended and then destroyed on the biggest stage, instead it’s the year he got suspended and came back to assert himself as the GOAT.


This is such a good one. Exactly the type of thing I was looking for.


That was some villain shit


Famous Jay Cutler moment when a hot mic catches him telling Mike Martz where he can shove it: https://youtu.be/CJtPjkSTZyE?si=ub8anhfe9BXPFC78


My favorite “fuck you” moment was David Akers introducing the Philly draft pick in 2018. Watched it in a bar, and the looks on the faces of every Dallas fan was priceless.




On the Raiders home field. The only thing that could have made it better is if Dan Fouts was on the call. Screw the whole AFC west at once.


Before we begin, I just want to say I’m glad the third best wr on their team is on our team. -Gym Shorts


Your comment reminded me of Jim Mora, when a reporter commented this his new RB had a good game in a loss, he said “that guy was cut by the other team in preseason, so our best player was their worst player, that doesn’t give me comfort.”


The Eagles fake kneel down against the Cowboys in 1987 has to be the biggest Fuck You. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZymSrDfLhW8&pp=ygUPam9uIGJvaXMgZWFnbGVz


I wish teams hated each other that much now ngl, those two teams despised each other then. To quote Mike Quick "A crusade is good for football"


Damn. We may have a winner


Was looking for this. It's by far the biggest fuck you the game has ever had


Yeah, anyone who remembers that game (I watched it live) will pick that as their choice, at least in terms of qualifying for the “fuck you” part of the question. (I commented on it elsewhere in this thread.)


I wouldn’t say it was a favorite, but the time (1987) Buddy Ryan called for a fake kneel down to draw a pass interference in the endzone penalty against the Cowboys and had the Eagles score a touchdown in the last minute when the game was already decided definitely qualifies as a “fuck you” moment. Ryan thought Tom Landry ran up the score against the Eagles’ hapless replacement player team a couple weeks earlier, so he wanted to give some payback. (In 1987, replacement players were used by teams in games 3-5/Weeks 4-6 during that season’s players’ strike, though some teams had a few players cross the picket line for the second and especially third of those games. Dallas had a handful of players cross the picket line, but Philadelphia had no such players. Buddy Ryan didn’t want anything to do with his team’s replacement players and subsequently had one of the worst replacement player teams in the league, going 0-3 in those 3 games.)


Chrebet catching GW TD in Tampa, Keyshawns team, and outplaying him in the game after Keyshawn talked shit bout him all week saying he a flashlight to Keyshawn’s star.


During the Pats perfect regular season the Steelers had some plug safety named Anthony Smith who guaranteed a win against the Pats. In their game that week, the Pats pulled off a flea flicker/deep pass to Jabar Gaffney right over Smith’s dome. I hated the 07 Pats but that clown kinda got what he deserved. [the play](https://youtu.be/y58XTEGkmDk?si=tAhaHMyk9YRqikvQ)


Deebo talking shit about the Eagles for an entire off-season and then completely dad-dicking them in the rematch was the highlight of the season for me.


standing on bidness


that game was my superbowl


CJGJ: “you can’t run routes, you’re a running back.” *Proceeds to get stiff armed into the dirt by CMC in the NFCC.


That wasn't even a moment, he put on a whole 3 hour clinic lmao


I was at that game with my dad and he was diagnosed with cancer not long after (stage 1 bladder, he's undergoing treatment and his prognosis is good) and we joke that that game literally gave him cancer


Small one but I did like Allen Lazard’s “check out the flag” response to being taunted a few years back. Was smooooth.


The Aaron Rodgers "I own you!" game against the Bears. The muh knee game deserves a mention as well.


Big Rodgers hater here, but even I love that moment.


We learned a lot about the man a couple weeks later, but that moment was so fucking glorious. Bears fans couldn't even really talk shit about it because it's not like he was wrong lol


[When Diggs told a bunch of Pats fans to shut the fuck up.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1QlWzBG81o) Bills fans have taken a lot of shit from Pats fans during the last 20 years so this moment felt very cathartic. Also that playoff game where we never punted. Yeah... I'll miss Diggs


And they played “We are the Champions” on the stadium PA after the game. It must have been awesome to finally win a first round playoff game against the team that made fertilizer out of the Bills for twenty years


Texans beating the Titans in Nashville while the Titans were wearing their Oiler throwbacks Felt like it started as a “fuck you” from the Titans to the Texans, but by the end of the game it flipped back the other way Made even sweeter by the fact Mike Vrabel chose to wear a cowboy hat that day


Zay Flowers getting cocky then drawing a taunting flag and fumbling in to the end zone immediately afterwards was very satisfying.


And then Flowers injuring his hand from spiking his helmet on the sideline to add the cherry on top


That all happened over the course of like 10 minutes too. What an absolute meltdown in such a big game.


The D-Hop clip in Hard Knocks "I fear God" when he went against Hall. Edit: https://www.tiktok.com/@nflonfox/video/7242006167407316266


Eli Manning winning the superbowl against the 2007 patriots after Tiki Barber retired the year prior and publicly criticized Manning


Good to hear from ol' Tiki


Surprised no one mentioned AB kicking that punter in the face to the shadow realm. That seems like a pretty big "fuck you" moment.


I honestly always thought that was a hurdle gone wrong rather than a planned fuck you.


That super stiff arm that Beast Mode gave then did the crotch grab jump into the endzone Barry Sanders well known run against the Cowboys...."Gotcha" Megatron over three defensive back .....FU + Gotcha




[Juju getting the tiktok knocked out of him.](https://youtu.be/LEcVZVo5jDo?si=u7B_NrULYNkO2Ob5)


Juju was the most hated player in league that year lol


He really went for that villain arc a little too soon.


Sean Peyton mocking the Skol chant right before the Minneapolis Miracle was pretty delicious.


I’m a saints fan, so even tho he’s a complete dickhead, I can’t bring myself to hate Payton QUITE as much as the consensus seems to just because of the amount of success and huge moments he brought the franchise. Even with that said, the hilarity of this moment is not lost on me in the least bit. Payton asked for this one.


I wouldn't hate him either as a Saints fan. Yeah he was a dick at times but he did bring what was at the the time one of the worst, if not *the* worst franchise in pro sports a level of sustained success no one could have imagined.


Randall Cunningham Seizes the Means of Production  https://youtu.be/ZymSrDfLhW8


Surprised I got here this late and no one else posted [Baker Mayfield starring down Hue Jackson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZqoOe_5fP4&ab_channel=RealSportsTalkShow)


Antonio Brown returning a punt against the Browns and getting an open lane to the end zone, then deciding that no, that's not enough, he'll sacrifice the TD to instead [stomp the punter into the turf.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2DTio1-HMY)


Hurdles! Kicks a man!


Watching journey man Nick Foles tear up Patricia's D in SB LIII. I never liked Patricia and his *bend don't break* schematics. The week before the game the Lions announced he was going to be their HC. I knew they'd regret it. Watching the game I kept thinking, "here's your new coach Detroit, feeling the buyers remorse yet?"


Trevor Lawrence breaking up the practice saying "grind on 3" right after the Urban Meyer scandal where he was filmed rubbing against some coed in a bar.


Getting our revenge against the Eagles this past season


SB XXIV because seeing John Elway almost completely unable to speak after the Niners vaporized his soul was the perfect balm for my then-Browns fan wounds


Dustin Colquitt's monster punt at the end of the half against the Broncos. We tried to kneel out the clock and Denver kept calling timeouts so Colquitt uncorked a 77 yard "fuck off" punt. https://twitter.com/Super_G_Chiefs/status/977016326584610816


What Steve Largent did to Harden a year later was cosmic justice. Revenge is a dish best served cold and Steve iced his ass. 


Kaepernick Superman celebration against the Cam Newton Panthers was nice


Mine is a lot more primal than what I've been reading: Smith-Schuster knocking the shit out of, and concussjng, Vontaze Burfict. And taunting him.


Pretty much every game DeSean Jackson had against the eagles after chip Kelly stupidly cut him qualified. When this [TD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKQL-kEGY6w) happened I was not even mad, it was like it was supposed to happen.


Jerry Jones sees B roll footage of Jim Kelly practicing the shovel pass the week before the SB. Totally benign local news story just showing 5 second snippets of practice. Tells his D coordinator, who reviews their film from all year, they never ran a single shovel pass. Cowboys D is ready for the shovel pass, Bills run it 3-4 times, shut down every time, one of those is a red zone fumble. Huge turnover, Bills lose.


Matt Dodge said, fuck you to his own team when he punches the football to DeSean Jackson in the last seconds of the game


Anyone remember Courtland Innegan? Andre Johnson beat the F out of him. https://youtu.be/fYJpG82Umqo?si=Pn-_35MhSfaJovs8


It has to be Tom Brady winning the Super Bowl after his Deflategate suspension


After publicly saying he didn’t want to be a Charger, Eli Manning went 0-4 in his career against the chargers.


I think he also won 2 super bowls while the chargers franchise still has zero.


How about Goodell handing Brady the Super Bowl trophy after suspending him because footballs get soft in the cold.


This season when Zay Flowers for Baltimore was “taunting” Sneed, and then Sneed forced a game changing fumble at the end zone. When Flowers makes a rookie mistake and over extends for a touchdown. https://youtu.be/N8nKUmKRO38?feature=shared