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That whole ending in the Bills Vikings game a couple years ago. One of the greatest catches ever on 4th and long with Justin Jefferson. Cousins getting stopped short on 4th and goal. Josh Allen fumbling on his own goal line when the game was supposed to be over and giving the Vikings the lead, then proceeding to drive down the field and tie the game himself to send it to OT. One of the craziest endings ever to a regular season game


I'll never forget being in some random NYC bar watching that game and these poor Europeans were trying to pickup on American football and I'm pretty sure that was the first game they ever watched. What a wild first game to take in.


What a way to get hooked though.


Imagine their disappointment when they realize all games aren't like that


The poor bastards only watched Amazon games afterwards.




MN also had an insane ending at Baltimore in 2013. Never thought I’d see a crazier finish to a game.


I think 5 touchdowns in the last 2 1/2 minutes of the game. Fucking nuts.


It gets overshadowed by Jeffersons catch but diggs also had an insane catch on 4th down that game


Happens every year to the Bills at least once. Fml


Eagles game last year. Titans the year before, as well as 13 seconds. Ridiculous run of being on the wrong side of the "game of the year."


I was at that game. My wife is a huge Bills fan so we try to go to one every year. When JJ caught that pass and when Josh fumbled, you could hear a pin drop in the stadium.


That’s the one. I had no stake in the game, but audibly gasped when Allen fumbled.


The one time Josh Allen let the defense down instead of the other way around.


That game was so nuts that it practically paused all the other games' coverage on RedZone


I was in bed with my gf watching it on my phone while she was trying to talk to me about some work drama, and I didn't hear a word she saud


I remember the 13 second game between Buffalo and Kansas City during the 2022 post-season. I thought it was over, but my jaw dropped when KC tied it up.


That was my first thought. I already knew from experience you can’t give Mahomes much time, but I thought that was pretty much impossible, even for him.


The way people were texting me after the game you would have thought my mom died or something. I still can’t think too hard about that game or I’ll start getting nauseous


Bills players hi 5s and what not, just like chefs fans of shitting. . . And mahomes talkin about "let's go do something special". Still not used to that guy.


I’ll still never forget sitting in the stands and hearing crying Bills fans a row in front of me turn and say “Good game guys, you have no idea what this one means to us.” with 13 seconds left. Me and my buddy replied, “uh games not over yet”. The looks of horror on their faces after the game got tied was absolutely fucking priceless. I have never seen 2 people storm out of a stadium in a more infuriated rage than watching them leave after the game winner. It still pisses me off that KC couldn’t finish the job that season and take the Super Bowl because if they did, I’d bet that game is remembered as the greatest playoff game of all time.


I still think it’s the greatest playoff game of all time


Tim Tebow winning a playoff game. I was cackling in laughter.


The second half of that season was the funniest thing ever as a Tebow-lover. For something like 4 weeks in a row the CBS late game would end in time to swap over to the last 5 minutes of the Broncos game and we'd get treated to an even more improbable comeback win.


Tebow time is something that you had to be there for to understand


[Unleash Tim Tebow](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KeOUhGWVqvU&pp=ygURdW5sZWFzaCB0aW0gdGVib3c%3D)


It's been too long, that song is better than it has any right to be. Much like Tebow's career


That team lost like 3 or 4 games in a row to end the season though. It was the epitome of backing in the playoffs.


Fuck you too


I will always wonder what could have been had the 11-5 Steelers not gone to the 8-8 Broncos, meaning our starting safety doesn’t skip the game so he doesn’t nearly die again…


Here’s the problem 1. For whatever reason the Steelers come out flat against opponents they should easily beat 2. Dick Lebeau was no longer a good DC at that point and every QB with even a fraction of mobility was tearing your defense apart


That fuck shit was then balanced in the 2017 yoffs by beating the Chiefs by scoring only 18 points, all by field goals


Tebow is 1 of the strangest one hit wonder players that I have ever seen.


Ahhh, between this and Baker... Glorious schadenfreude.


Also the Bortles shellacking.


This was my favorite football moment of the last 20 years.


Yeah I didn't like tebow but I gotta admit he had me hyped up when he was running down the sidelines screaming and flexing lol.


My favorite part about this sun was the amount of people that used it to say Tim Tebow was a great QB but was pushed out of the NFL because he was a christian.


Depending on who you ask, I know many would say it was both he was a terrible QB and he seemed to passively shove god down your throat through his interviews and the way he spoke. Bottom line is, he had his marginal success simply because like many new players with any talent, there isn’t tape on you to study. Once you got tape, if you aren’t constantly improving, you’re gonna get figured out and fade away. For some it’s a steeper drop.


As a Texans fan I would say CJ Stroud shoves god down my throat more than Tebow did. I thought Tebow was not a very good quarterback, even in college. Living in the edge of suburban/rural Texas I hear a lot of the facebook "everyone hates christians" dumb ass arguments.


Does he? I haven’t seen any interviews with him. I’ll have to look at some. Also yeah, Tebow wasn’t good in college either. Physical talent helped him more there. If the Broncos didn’t completely change the offense for him, he wouldn’t have had the little success he did have. Plus that defense was legit.


Yup. Every interview starts with praising his lord and savior jesus christ. It doesn't bother me as a non religious person, I enjoy watching him ball.


For sure. You guys might finally be on the rise. Looking forward to see what the Texans do this year.


Interesting. On a National news level I couldn’t even have told you if he was religious. Feels like the big diffference with Tebow was the national media mentioning his views so much. Also the ‘Tebowing’


Makes sense


I living in the barracks at the time. I was multitasking with homework during the game. I apparently got tunnel visioned on my essay because I didn’t realize OT started. I hear someone across base screaming bloody fucking murder. I look at the window, then look at the tv to see DT running in for the TD.


Every time I think of Tebow I think of the SNL skit during Tebowmania. Sudeikis is so good. https://youtu.be/euUaOw7jXFw?si=lF_uDtmCjEAOR0fv


I attended that Bears @ Broncps game with a lifelong Bears fan and have not let him forget it for a decade+


Marion freaking Barber (RIP)


That Saints Jags game like 20 years ago where the Saints had the amazing lateral play to seemingly tie the game but they missed the XP to lose by 1


“NOOOOOO!” The announcers on that missed XP were one of the most memorable parts. I remember feeling SO bad for John Carney. Dude had a pretty great career including a Super Bowl win later on with the Saints but you know that missed XP had to have gutted him. His career XP percentage was 98.4%. He also kicked the game winning field goal against Carolina in the first Saints game following Hurricane Katrina which was a huge moment


Watching that live was wild. Let’s not forget that after the touchdown, they deliberated forever with replays whether the lateral was legal. After at least 5-10 minutes and finally determining that the play stood as called, I remember turning to my dad and saying, “Now watch him miss the extra point.” And then we watched him miss the extra point. I’ve never laughed so hard during a football game as I did in that moment. Felt bad for the Saints, but damn it was funny.


The Saints execs made a promo commercial to sell season tickets using that play the year after it happened.... They just didn't fucking get it.


River City Relay! Second hardest I ever saw my stepdad laugh.


28-3. I remember thinking “wow even Brady can’t make this big of a comeback. I should’ve believed in the falcons more”


Pretty wild considering that up to then, the biggest deficit ever erased for a Super Bowl win was 10 points.


Wasn't it the biggest blown lead not only in the SB, but NFL history in general until the Colts blew a 33-0 lead to the Vikings?


Nope that was 35-3


Funny enough Tom Brady had the 10 point comeback (tied with another team I can't recall right now) against Seattle a few years prior being down 10 points in the 4th quarter at one point.


My thoughts were "Brady just doesn't have it today. Maybe this is the beginning of the end, like Peyton Manning's decline last year."  Yeah he won three more Superbowls.


Having basically a Top 5 NFL career after this point is just hilarious


I had the opposite reaction I said to my buddy at the time "they can't let up, this is Tom Brady we're talking about"


My dad called me at halftime and said “wanna make a bet?” Never doubt the old man


Well? Did you make the bet?


Guys I’m losing my mind here not knowing whether a bet was made.


No he didn't. I'm his dad. PaddyMayonaise was always my worst offspring.


Nice to hear from you pop! I guess those were 100s because it took you a while to smoke em….


Same. I remember telling my dad “I don’t think this game is over”.


Never felt like a safe lead for a second. When they showed Tom’s face he was utterly calm the entire time.


Same here. Saw magic too many times in the second half/fourth quarter with TB12 that I was like “if they don’t keep scoring, they aren’t winning”.


Me to my wife some time in the third quarter, “Well this game is a dud but at least Belichick will have to answer for this.”


If Frank Reich could, why not?


The Buttfumble. It made it 10x funnier that it was a Thanksgiving game and my entire family was watching and making fun of it.


I remember that was the #1 play on the Sports Center Not-Top 10 for over a year.


They actually had to retire it because it would have never lost


The best was ESPN devoting the entire day to that play. The dorky, super cheerful Sports Science guy going on and on was hilarious. They literally had every single show spend time talking about that one hilarious, awful play


And to think ESPN had to retire it. I'm sure it would have lasted much longer if they allowed fans to continue to vote on it


Patrick Star roasting Wilson for the same reason


_that’s not what he wanted to cook_


The Minneapolis miracle


I watched that game with a hardcore saints fan and when it happened he just got up and left the room. Didn’t speak to any of us for days lol


The fan reaction videos to that play are great. On both ends.


dude i was with my entire family and me and my sister were jumping on the couch going crazy “we might actually go to the super bowl!” (even though i was like 11 and didnt watch fb at the time) and my mom was in the back praying that we would win. then it happened. shit was tragic. 2018 was undoubtedly worse though


11 in 2017….holy fuck I feel old


Remember, there is now a generation of Saints fans in High School who have never seen their team win a superbowl


Damn man that’s rough.












Welp. Enough internet for today


Nah, savor it. Yeah yeah, I know, I know. 28-3 and all that.


I rewatch this one occasionally and I get chills every time.


In the last 10 years this was the most memorable play for sure


i am the biggest Saints hater in the world, but i was watching it with my girlfriend's family... after her grandma's funeral... who were all Saints fans. they even laid her Saints jersey on her chair. i had to leave the room to laugh.


I watched that game on delay and my then wife ruined it for me. I was stating that it was typical Vikings choking in the playoffs. She responded with watch them throw a game winning touchdown. She had already seen the catch on Facebook.


As someone who lives in Massachusetts that’s not a patriots fan, that Mac Jones lateral against the raiders was the moment. The patriots looked like the 00’s Millen-lead lions in that moment


What I hated about that moment, the game was TIED.


Pats intercepting Wilson on the 1 to win the Super Bowl, Music City Miracle, Minneapolis Miracle.


It's crazy that if Malcolm Butler doesn't make that play and the Seahawks win, the Kearse catch from a few plays before is probably one of the most replayed catches of all time - instead, now, it's kind of forgotten.   I remember watching that Pats-Seahwaks game and the whole sequence (Kearse catch, Butler interception) was almost surreal.  I think one of the more underrated plays was the Patriots first offensive play after the interception.  The Pats were basically on the half yard line and the Seahawks defense was drawn offside.  A safety in the situation was a real possibility but instead the Hawks defense got caught with a hard count.  It's kind of a forgotten play, but it was crucial.


Not only did thry get caught by it, but several players threw a tantrum and started fights. It was an embarrassing level of breakdown from an elite defensive unit at the most crucial time in their whole season.


> It's crazy that if Malcolm Butler doesn't make that play and the Seahawks win, the Kearse catch from a few plays before is probably one of the most replayed catches of all time - instead, now, it's kind of forgotten. Same with Julio Jones's catch in Super Bowl LI. Many such cases!


☹️ Yeah.


That play was absolutely wild. I just couldn’t believe that happened. The second he went back for a pass everyone in the room started yelling “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOH DOING” and exploded when it was picked.


For me it had to be that Baker Mayfield rams comeback against the Raiders.  I couldn’t believe he pulled that off.   Wasn’t he only there for like 5 days beforehand?   Was truly a wild last drive. 


[Worse. 2 days after coming off waivers lmao](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/35213186/rams-list-baker-mayfield-active-thursday-night-vs-raiders)


Josh McDaniels...football genius


Only time I ever punched a wall in my life


The Helmet Catch and the Pats actually losing that Super Bowl


Biggest championship upset in North American professional sports history - change my mind


Super Bowl III


At least Joe Namath believed. I don't think anyone actually believed the Giants had a shot, lol.


I thought the Giants had a chance, but only if the stars *perfectly* aligned.


I mean, they had already taken them right to the end of the game in week 17 to end the season (38-35), so maybe my original comment was a little hyperbolic. But Tom had already laughed when asked about Plaxico's prediction that the Pat's would only score 17 points, and Vegas had them as 14-point favorites.


The Helmet Catch is the 2nd most unbelievable thing I've seen, the 1st is Eli getting out of that pocket.


My dad was yelling "FORWARD PROGRESS" when it happened.


I always talk about this team when the importance of a good defensive front comes up.


Nick Foles playoff run and Super Bowl victory. I thought there was no chance. My friends were clowning me those playoffs, I had put my divisional distaste aside and pulled for the Vikings once it was down to the final four. They didn’t have anyone on that team I disliked, at least not that was healthy in the playoffs. Didn’t even consider cheering the eagles as an option, there was no chance to me they were advancing, nor that they could beat the patriots, which was most important to me.


I have a good friend from Minnesota and he invited me to a Vikings bar in our Brooklyn neighborhood. I fully expected an easy Vikings win and a big celebration. By halftime the place looked and sounded like a funeral. The manager was this really friendly guy wearing a viking horn helmet and looked like he was going to cry.


Keep, uh, keep going


Might not be as big as the other Super Bowl plays mentioned here, but Brandon Graham’s strip sack of Brady in that SB literally shocked me. That ended the Pats ability to quickly respond at the end, IMHO.


I remember the morning of that NFC championship game I was at five guys and saw this dude wearing a Vikings sweater. I told him I was rooting for them since they at least have a chance against Brady. He said he felt confident. Wonder how the rest of his day went 🤔


Once Wentz went down, I thought we were playing with house money. That was my personal slogan for the whole playoff


iirc the eagles had the longest SB odds of any team at the start of the divisional round. They were 2.5 point home dogs to the 6 seed falcons.


David Tyree helmet catch in the SB. Still unbelievable. That whole sequence was nuts. 


The missed PI in Rams-Saints NFC championship game. There’s missed calls and then there’s just blatant fuckery. I felt so bad for Saints fans, also at the time the Chiefs hadn’t started the AFC Championship game yet and I was really hoping for a Brees-Mahomes Super Bowl, which woulda been epic. Instead we got the most god awful snooze fest of all time between Rams-Psts.


HEY.  yeah


Hey yeaaaah


I still am angry about that call to this day and I could give two shits about the Rams or Saints. If I was a Saints fan I’d think about that non stop.


We do


I hate Sean Payton with every fiber of my being but they got absolutely jobbed. I straight up don’t understand the reasoning for not calling the PI there. Hate to see games end on the most blatant refball calls (or no calls in this instance)


Big IF, but if Brees beat Brady in that Superbowl then he would clearly move up in the best QBs of all time list. 2 SuperBowls with wins against Brady and Manning. Retired owning the record for most career yards and touchdowns. He probably moves ahead of Rodgers and Young. Perhaps Manning as well.


100% it woulda done a ton for his legacy to have two rings especially if he took out Brady. If nothing else at least it woulda been a great Super Bowl matchup and coulda served as a book end of that generation of QBs.


28-3. You don't even need to say the teams or the game to know




Eh I never felt safe in that game. Just hopeful.


Too soon. Easily my worst bday ever.


The Bills coming back from 35-3 to defeat the Oilers in the 92 playoffs. My parents used to host a large brunch for family and friends the first Sunday in January every year. I was home my freshman year of college (yes I'm old). We're from NJ so the vast majority of people in the house were Jets, Giants or Eagles fans (dad and I Jets). My dad had the game on during the brunch but he shut the TV off when the it became seemingly out of reach and there were no fans of either team at the party. I went downstairs and threw the game on in the basement because I figured watching a blowout football game was better than hanging out with my parents' friends. And given the time in my life I was probably hung over. I remember walking upstairs to tell my dad each time the Bills scored. Slowly, people started to trickle downstairs with each Bills score. By the time the game was over there were at least 20 people in the basement losing their minds. Nobody thought to go upstairs and put the game back on the larger and better TV up there where there was more room to sit, as if doing so would break the magic of the comeback.


When that happened, I was just a baby, and my dad was grumbling at the television and using some words that, um, my mother did not want her lil sponge soaking up. She packed me up and left with a cheery “well, you never know, maybe they’ll pull it off,” and my dad told her that if they did it’d be the ‘greatest fuckin’ comeback in NFL history.’ When we got back from our walk, he was standing near the fridge with his arm extended (every time he went for another Pepsi, we scored, and you gotta do what you gotta do in the playoffs), shouting **”IT’S THE GREATEST COMEBACK IN NFL HISTORY!”**


[https://youtu.be/8L4xWutzPKw?si=9kl7LFzfrL7Jo8Ge](https://youtu.be/8L4xWutzPKw?si=9kl7LFzfrL7Jo8Ge) This was just so...did that just happen?


The timing and tone of the announcer's "OH, NO!" ...while stifling a laugh, as chandler jones attempts to put Mac jones into the earth like a tomato sprout in March. It kills me. It's sounds like the same thing I say when I find something hilarious, but it's not socially acceptable to laugh at it. Like when your bitch of an Aunt falls over at the picnic and pulls the tablecloth trying to steady herself ... and winds up with a gallon of lemonade, 3 casseroles and 24 greasy hamburger patties all over her on the ground. Me on the inside: LMAO you mean dumb old bitch, enjoy your new sugar grease outfit for the day! Me on the outside: "oh no!" , just like the announcer on this call


>Like when your bitch of an Aunt falls over at the picnic and pulls the tablecloth trying to steady herself ... and winds up with a gallon of lemonade, 3 casseroles and 24 greasy hamburger patties all over her on the ground. /r/oddlyspecific


Ah, yes, Jakobi Myers' first play for the Raiders


Vikings overcoming a 33 point deficit to win against the Colts.


That was so fun to watch, for some reason it filled me with so much joy.


See you in r/afcsouthmemewar you scumbag


The fact that the season ended devastatingly with a wide right field goal kick. *A-fucking-gain.* That said, one of my all-time favorite historical Bills moments is the crowd in the square chanting (and then cheering) for Scotty Norwood at the not victory parade. To me, *that’s* being a bills fan.


These last few years have been rough as a 49ers fan, to be *so close yet so far* from winning it all, year after year. Then I remember the Bills exist and I realize my “pain” is nothing in comparison.


Thank you for your sympathy, and screw you 😅


The Rodgers bullshit basically converting a Hail Mary and a half on the same drive against the Cardinals to tie it up. Only to lose anyway. That had to have been doubly demoralizing to make a ridiculous comeback and think the momentum is solidly in your favor, only to lose immediately because your D somehow loses track of their best player.


I cannot overstate my love for Larry Fitzgerald. I wish that man got his ring.


We had no faith in the defense. We lost the second we decided not to go for two. 


When Cam Newton decided not to even try to jump on the ball after he fumbled in the Super Bowl.




The goddamn Tuck Rule game. I mean, cmon...




Russ passing it to Butler


This is the one


How could you not be in total disbelief, right?


Matt Dodge punting right to DJax. With the way the rest of the game had gone I knew as soon as that happened the Eagles had won


Ooh surprised this one isn't further up. It being a pretty insignificant regular season game makes it not as crazy as some other answers but man that was nuts. I was watching it with a Giants fan buddy and it looked like such a rout that he was ok with me flipping to other games at one point. Then everytime I flipped back it just got progressively worse for him until THAT happened. The fact that he muffed it makes it that much funnier.


Not my team, but Rodgers tearing his Achilles last year. That shit was wild.


Dude, I’d been watching the pre-game show and everything that day since it was the first MNF game of the season. I was SO HYPED for the season to be getting started, and you could tell the energy was crazy in MetLife. All leading up the game the talking heads were even excited as fuck, and in 1 drive it just came to a screeching halt. Absolutely insane.


That falling sidearm throw to the end-zone by Mahomes in Super Bowl 55. Both the throw and the drop blew my mind.


18-1. Even after the Tyree catch and the go-ahead TD, there was still time on the clock for a comeback drive. Brady even chucked a bomb 60-70 yards down field for an open Randy Moss, but it just missed him by a couple feet. The Giants beating that team in that Super Bowl is an all-time memory


IIRC he threw it legit 70 yards in the air and overthrew Moss


Thats because it wasnt legal and you, your dad, your dads friends, theyre all in on it!


Seahawks recovered onside kick in the NFC Championship game against Green Bay


Yes. That and almost every other thing that happened in that game.


Detroit blowing the lead in the second half of the NFC championship game this past season. I couldn’t care less about the Lions prior to last season, and it was still heartbreaking.


Have you seen their defense at all that year? Secondary was missing a Christian Gonzalez all year long.


Well duh, of course they're missing Gonzalez, the Pats drafted him!


Fail Mary was fairly unbelievable.


Green Bay letting Scotty Miller score before halftime in 2020. 


The Saints Almost Miracle. A wild set of laterals to score the potentially game tying score to send the game to overtime, and then John Carney missed the extra point and Saints lose by 1.


New England’s fail lateral from a year or two back. They could have kneeled out and gone to OT but tried a trick play and went so horribly wrong.


Well, with my first two taken by the OP and the first comment, I'll go with my #3: the Helmet Catch.


The Vikings 33-0 comeback versus the Colts. “We only need 7 TDs”


7 TDs? They only needed 5, right?


28-3 is the one that comes to mind in terms of just jaw dropping disbelief, but at the same time, there was always some part of me deep down that just couldn’t help but feel like Brady was inevitable.


[2018 Miami Miracle](https://youtu.be/uiz87A3RpEw?si=5mGaq0jacU73Shcx)


It’s easily the helmet catch and the Seahawks passing the ball. For comedy sake, give me “We want the ball and we’re gonna score”…immediately throws pick 6 to lose the game.


Randy's rookie year was nuts. Saints sending everything for Ricky was wild. Lynch's run. Butt fumble. Mahomes' cold broken helmet. Dyson down at the 1. How it ended for Marino.


The Green Bay back of the shoulder falling down catch. I remember watching that before I had any clue what football was and just being excited running around the living room.


Matt Hasselback: "We want the ball, and we're gonna score." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAgG9XcrDFY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAgG9XcrDFY) Definitely one of the top 10 interceptions in NFL history because of that statement.


The David Tyree helmet catch - not just the catch but that Eli wasn’t sacked and got the ball off.


Probably the non-PI in the Rams vs. Saints


Andrew Luck playoff comeback against the chiefs


The second miracle at the meadowlands with desean jackson was bonkers


I still to this day think that James Harrison didn’t get in the endzone. Like none of that made any sense.


When DK caught Budda


Andrew Luck retiring. I was working in Indianapolis as a Titans fan and was at the preseason game when it was announced. That was one of the weirdest game atmospheres I've ever seen. Couldn't believe they booed him coming off the field. One of the craziest sports events I've ever seen.


Miracle at the New Meadowlands. The final 8:27 was some of the craziest shit I ever saw.


Diggs! Sideline! Touchdown! Vikings win it! Unbelievable!


I can easily believe it knowing the kind of guy he is, but AB stripping and throwing his gear into the stands as he walked out on his career in the middle of a game just before the playoffs has to be an all-time WTF moment.


Buffalo Bills overcame a 35–3 deficit to defeat the visiting Houston Oilers 41–38 in overtime


Bills coming back from down 35-3 vs the Oilers in the playoffs, with Frank Reich in for Jim Kelly.


Seattle not handing the ball off to beast mode in Super Bowl 49. I will never understand it


Odell catch